• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,503 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Finds, The Servant Hides

Ch 27

Never before, have I been so glad to see the light of day again. Hour after hour, noble after noble, I had to sit through every single petty grievance ranging from wanting more land to build a summer home and show up the others to complaining about one of the other noble’s window glaring sun in their eyes. Not to mention that Cadence seemed fit to drop by every other hour just to see if Luna was up yet, that was always fun to deal with. The only remotely interesting and important appointment I had during the whole thing was a couple of workers asking if the could have money loaned to build a new weather tower (A place where ponies, with meteorology related cutie marks, could live while they kept an eye on the weather pattern placements). I couldn’t give them the money though so I had to send them away as soon as I received them and continued my work on dealing with the nobles.

When the first rays of the sun finally entered the building, I bolted to let Luna deal with the rest of them. Now though, I’m stuck in some random part of the castle and I have no idea where I am. My steps echoed throughout the halls without any form of buffer letting them simply echo without stopping. Suddenly, the feeling from before, close to two weeks ago, finally resurfaced but now it was stronger than ever. Where as before it simply felt like standing far away from a campfire, now it felt like I was considering whether or not to stick my foot in.

Not wasting any time, I immediately chased after, to reach the ending destination. Upon doing so, after following the lead for only a short minute, the lead began to waiver. This lessening of the power could only mean I was passing it by. Stopping, I started to back track, testing how far I could go, both back and forth, until I finally it. The epicenter of the strange feeling was simply a piece of the hall with a fancy looking tapestry.

“Wait a second. Why would somebody just put up something like this in the middle of nowhere. It doesn’t make sense, unless….” I grabbed the hanging piece of cloth before yanking it away sharply to reveal a door. “You’re trying to hide a secret door.” Giving myself a mental pat on the back, I opened the door, only to become confused again. The room was empty, not a single piece of equipment of decoration in sight yet the feeling I had lead me to here. Why?

Entering, I didn’t expect much, maybe a loose brick to find, or maybe everything was just invisible. My thoughts soon changed when the floor began to light up, revealing an intricate circle on the floor, one that looked extremely familiar though I couldn’t tell why.

The light soon reached its apex and my belly flipped, as though I had just gone through a loop-de-loop on a rollercoaster. When the light finally subsided, I found myself not to be in some form of random closets in the middle of a hallway, but some form of study with burning torches and a library full of books to read from. Curious, I considered whether or not to read one of the books, but I figured that it could wait till later since I had time.

Noticing a terrace door, I made my way to the construction of glass and wood, only to become confused at what I saw.

Like at night, everything was pitch black and impossible to see but there was no moon or starlight to help see with. Not worrying though, I quickly brought forth one of my many weapons.

Gashacon Sword

My immediate surrounding light up thanks to my greater control of the gashacon weapons and I could vaguely see what looked like a roof of some sort as well as a floor to wherever I was at but that was it. No details, no distinct marks, not even any form of color, just basic shapes for the distance.

‘Well you know what they say. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’

With that though in mind, I hopped over the railing and let gravity take over as I allowed myself to fall to the floor many, many, stories below me. Closer and closer the floor became and small dots, that were continuing to become more distinct and larger as I drew closer, began to take shape for me in the limited range of the gashacon sword’s flames. When I was only about a story away from finally reaching the bottom though, the bumps had finally stopped looking like shapeless masses and instead seemed much more defined and non uniform though it was hard to tell due to my flame not being bright enough to cover everything in light for me to see clearly.

Not caring about that for the moment though, I realized that I was about to fall on top of one of the many bumps so I had to quickly reposition myself in mid air (something that is not as easy as tv like to make it out to be) and landed in the spaces between the bumps with relative ease with a crouch to help lessen the impact after falling so far (Didn’t stop it from hurting though).

Waiting for a bit, I let the slight pain from landing so far ebb away before slowly stand back up. When I did so, I went right back down whilst screaming a very manly scream (Yep, definitely manly). The reason for my unexpected terror was due to the fact that all of the shapeless lumps that I had been seeing as I fell so far below, were actually life-like statues of anime characters in depictions of pain or fear. Suffice to say, I would need a new suit if surprises like these were going to keep popping up.

It took me sometime to finally regain my bearing and by that point, the statues no longer freaked me out like before but it was only barely. Everywhere, as far as my eyes could see, and the flames of my sword would allow, there were statues of frozen people, not just any people though, humans who were like me. Displaced.

I saw what looked like few Master Chiefs, Marios, and even a team of power rangers. All of them frozen stiff, unable to change from their horrifying postures and expressions. Trying to not let it get to me, I started to make my way through the crowd of stone people, careful to avoid touching them incase the stone effect was somehow contagious. Statue after statue I passed, none of them the exact same as all of them had different types of expressions of their fear for what was to come. Some standing, some laying, and even some that looked like they should have fallen over due to how precarious they looked in their positions. Eventually though, after a while of walking, I began to become tired, most likely due to the montoneness of the situation at the moment and the lack of sleep from last night. With my eyelids becoming heavy, I decided to simply sit down and rest for a while, but as no sooner had my body touched the ground that I began falling backwards, no longer able to keep myself upright.

When my back finally touched the floor, I felt that my head had landed on something hard, most likely one of the statues, but my body didn’t care and simply considered it hard pillow. Just before I finally drifted off to sleep though and await my time to regain my mental fortitude to press on and either leave or continue exploring, I heard a sharp cracking sound that seemed to pierce the silence but unable to keep me awake.


(Ed POV)

After the explosion, that no doubt harmed Celestia in the process, I had quickly made escape of the castle whilst everyone was still distracted and made my way to the back alleys and streets undisturbed. After that, I had to keep a close eye out for guards before finally I simply left the city of Canterlot entirely.

The reason for it was due to me putting the princess in a coma but I didn’t care, I just wanted to get as far away as possible. Due to my actions, I was no longer able to use the trains either, making it almost impossible to travel unless by foot through the plains, and past cities where I couldn’t stay long. It didn’t matter though because I didn’t want to stay anywhere that was related to Celestia anyways. Neither did I want to go to the Griffins either since they were allied with the ponies as well.

It was almost impossible to decide where to go until I remembered the unconscious princess mentioning something in her crash course lessons of Equestria history.

“Dragons are the enemies of ponies.” Well not really considering that neither has out right attacked each other but neither were they allied as well. If I could get to the dragon’s country, I would be safe, so long as the dragons didn’t eat me first, “Not like they could since I have this thing.”

I removed the cloth that I had picked up from the griffin kingdom, that depicted an Alphonse Elric sealing away a dragon somehow with the transmutation circle embroidered on it. A circle that wasn’t actually Transmutation but rather some kind of hybrid of transmutation and some form of runes. The gist that I could get was enough though and I didn’t have to worry. After all, what’s to worry about when your enemy isn’t close enough to attack you?