• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,502 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Arrives, The Princess Hunts

If you’re reading this, then you probably know how it starts. If you don’t: some guy/girl is dressed up but missing a piece of their costume, they meet a guy dressed like the Merchant, and the get sent to Equestria after buying that one missing piece to their costume.

Slowly, the feeling of consciousness began to return. My head was pounding but that was all that hurt at the moment as far as I could tell until I checked the rest of my body. Carefully opening my eyes, I had to squint them as I was facing straight into the overhead sun. Sitting up, I saw that I was still wearing my Cronus Costume from Kamen Rider Ex-aid along with the Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat I had just bought, and I was in what looked to be a clearing in a forest.

“...great,” sighing, I slumped back to the ground. “Way to go Seth, you listened to the creepy guy in a hood, now your ‘who knows’ where in the middle of a forest.” laying down for a minute longer, I eventually got to my feet and looked for a tree with low enough branches to climb. Not seeing one that was lower than five feet above my head, I performed the most sacred art of pick which direction to go.

“Eenie, meenie, minie, moe.” With my course determined, I began walking, and walking, and walking, and walking, and walking. Where ever I was, the forests were big. I had made sure to check the position of the sun every now and then but after about the tenth time looking with the sun in the same position, I figured that I had been walking a lot more than just a few minutes.

“What the hell! How has the sun not moved yet, I counted that last time I checked and it was at least 30 minutes before I checked again! This is freaking bull crap, this is a load of (CRACK)...” Not one to be quiet when mad, I had always been told that hitting something that wasn’t another guys face, what I was never told though was what I was supposed to do if my stress relief (specifically one of the many large trees) broke in half or if a glowing clock was created when I roundhouse kick something, both which were very clearly seen now with my leg still hanging in the air.

Slowly putting my foot down, the glowing clock faded away until it was though it had never been there but the clearly broken tree suggested otherwise. Backing away slightly now, I was unsure how to get away from my legs without killing myself in the process. for close to 2 minutes, I just stood there, wondering if my legs would suddenly gain a life of their own and start kicking everything in sight. Not feeling my legs move in any way I wouldn’t want, I began to calm down and think somewhat rationally.

“That looked like something out of Kamen Rider Ex-aid.” Ok it was somewhat rationally, but considering I liked the show enough to remember all the different finishers shown throughout the series I was probably already straining myself as it was. Curious, I wondered if I could kick another tree in half, so after picking another one out of the many around me, I roundhouse kicked it as hard as I could. Like earlier, the clock appeared as fast as my body turned before becoming fully materialized just before my foot made contact and breaking another tree in half.

“Holy crap, I just did a Kamen Rider Finisher. But how is that possible, Riders are just kid show superheroes. Am I a Kamen Rider?” curious, I started to feel around the base of my helmet for the latch was keeping it on but it wasn't there just the smooth metallic surface. Looking to my bugvisor II, I saw that the device still had the Chronicle Gashat in place. Pulling the cartridge out, I pressed the same button Dan Masamune did to transform causing my body to become enveloped in a soft golden light and make my Kamen Rider Armor disappear as well as the only clothes I currently had. Having always loved the show, I couldn’t help but indulge my fantasies a little.

“Kamen Rider Chronicle: Henshin.” The Gashat clicked into the bugvisor II.

Buggle up! Ten wo Tsukame Rider! (Wow!) Kizame Chronicle! Ima koso Toki wa kiwamareri (wow!)”

Having not liked my nakedness in the woods, I quickly put the Gashat back after activating it which not only made signature clock appear but also the floating screen appear above me before dropping down as the clock quickly counted to twelve.

Like before, my body was engulfed in light before revealing my fully reformed Kamen Rider Armor but something seemed different, it was a slight weight on my right side. Feeling around, I found an almost unnoticeable pocket. Reaching inside, I pulled a large book like object, the same book like object Dan Masamune used to hold his own personal stash of energy items. Before I could so much as open it though, I heard a loud thump come from behind. Turning quickly, I was speechless at what I saw. Standing on all fours were two unicorns with wings that were staring at me contempt. The taller of the two horses was white like eggshells with a flowing mane of what could only be called sunlight for hair while the shorter violet horse had hair like a night sky. Simply staring at each other, I couldn’t find what words to say for what I was seeing, unfortunately for sanity though, the white unicorn did.

“Come along quietly or we will force you to come.” Now being a regular guy I probably would say I said no and fought them off with but a scratch on my new armor but the real truth is that I turned tail and started running. From the sound of flapping wings, the apparently talking unicorns weren’t far behind.

“Stop fiend, so that we may detain you in stone before you create chaos in the land.” knowing another meaning of detain being arrest or trap, I wasn’t keen on following demands thankfully I could live to do that as I was zipping through the woods faster than Usain Bolt while dodging what could only be called magic missiles that were being shot at me by the flying creatures of impossibility.

“Seems like you two can create chaos all on your own just fine.” That received a much larger magic missile from one of the now more irritated horse women (I think they were women because of their voices sounding feminine and I wasn’t keen on looking up at the moment). Left, right, forward, back, any direction I went the seemed to be able to find me even while under the treetops and out of sight which meant they were somehow tracking but I had no idea how Until I got a chance to think about it I was stuck just running as fast as I could.


(Celestia POV)

It happened again, after 3 centuries, another one of those blights on Equestria appeared: a displaced. To think that so many centuries ago they used to appear by the dozens living in harmony with the beings that walked the land. Sure, there was the occasional bad egg in their bunch but they were dealt with quickly enough by turning them to stone and placing them in mine and my sister’s statue garden but after that day, the day he came, and turned all displaced against us, I knew that letting them live in was my worst choice to make. So even when they still came in groups of 2 or 3 they were immediately encased in the magical stone prison of the elements of harmony and placed in the secret underground vault of Canterlot, away from anypony’s prying eyes, even my student Twilight who has no doubt seen the inconsistencies of our lands history and advancements. If I just had some sort of sign I might have spared them but their powers were just too great to risk on a chance. And for 300 hundred years, no more displaced were discovered again, until now that is.

‘Whoever this person is, they are most definitely inexperienced in the use of their powers as they have not even tried to fight back yet or somehow miraculously escape like the ones so long ago tried to do. I almost feel bad letting Luna vent her anger like this since she missed the full imprisonment of their kind after all that they had done before.’ Closing my eyes in though, I could feel the power of my crown continue to feed it power into me to help me see the hiding displaced as it ran under the trees. Without it, we might have lost him much long ago. Kind of ironic really considering one of the displaced made it for me back when everything had been good. The green displaced, seemed to be turning sharply right, so I let my sister know which, as expected, made her launch a large blast of pure magic in the general direction of the person. The person dodged from what I could tell but he seemed to be stumbling now (most likely the blast just barely missed him that time). Seeing it as a chance, I dived down into the trees below and could see that my assumptions had been right. The green displaced was scrambling like a changeling without Chrysalis’ hive mind to give it directions.

Having noticed me now, the green displaced quickly turned and threw himself forward towards something though I couldn’t see what. Not knowing what else to do, I fired a blast of magic from my horn, impacting him in the back and causing him to hunch over in what looked to be pain. No longer running, I landed and called for Luna to do so as well. We had the displaced surrounded now or rather we did as we were unable to say anything.

“Time Out.”

That was the last thing either of us heard as we were soon engulfed in explosions that knocked us backwards so fast that we had no chance to extend our wings and stop our unwanted flight before crashing into multiple nearby trees. In pain from the sudden, and honestly unexpected attack, I slowly got to my hooves to see that the displaced was nowhere to be seen. Using my crown, I found him but his signature was dozens of miles away from me and my sister now. Remembering the words that had been said just before the attack, I let out a very unroyal groan to my still unconscious sister.

“Just perfect, of course he can control time.”