• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,508 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Thinks

Ch 14

It was a calm and beautiful morning in the semi-rebuilt town of Ponyville. The ponies went about their day fixing up what was needed and rebuilding the rest. To think that a half finished town was completely destroyed just two days prior was astonishing to me. After hearing that monster attacks were common place for the small town though, my attitude to the revelation lessened somewhat. I had asked if there was anything I could do for help but most said they were fine or simply walked away, most likely disturbed by my current form. I didn’t care though because after five years of looking like I do now, I had gotten over the stares that others would have towards me.

With nothing to do though, I was left sitting around waiting for the train to come and staring at my new gashats. Even while untransformed, I could feel the power both euded. Kamen Rider Chronicle was dark but also docile with a small hint to its ferocity just barely showing through like a rabid dog that simply stood by who ever fed it the most, This power was manageable but temperamental if mistreated but. Kamen Rider Harmony though, was completely different; It was like an eagle, showing off its power to whoever could sense it but also seemingly uncaring for anything that wasn’t its enemy, this made it strong but unfortunately temperamental as well since I had no way of determining what it considered worthy of fighting. Finally was my newest addition Mighty Action X; it didn’t exude power like the other two did but rather it barely gave any indication at all, like something was missing for its full power to shine through.

“To think I couldn’t feel things like these before yesterday. What exactly happened to cause this?”

“It could be because of the Magic of Friendship.” I jumped where I was sitting, almost dropping the two gashats in the process. Turning quickly, I saw that it was simply Twilight who had walked up on me while I had been so focused on the objects of my power.

“Magic of Friendship?” She smiled before sitting next to me.

“Yep. Friendship is a powerful force, one I didn’t even know could be so powerful before I came here.”

“I take it you didn’t have many friends then?” she shook her head.

“I had a few but I was so concerned for my studies that I have no idea if they even consider us friends any more. I wasn’t the most sociable person to begin with.” I simply nodded in understanding. I had been the same way once before, to shy or to busy to try and I just shut myself away completely when my parents left my sister and I. After that day though, I wish I hadn’t.

“So how exactly did the Magic of Friendship get in my stuff then, especially at such a high dose to change my bugvisor and gashat in such a way?”

“Bugvisor?” I looked at her confused before realizing that she wouldn’t know anything Kamen Rider related.

“Oh right, you don’t know the name for it. The thing I have on my waste is called a bugvisor, a bugvisor zwei to be exact. Actually, now that I think about it, it really isn’t a zwei either, more like a drei after this change. The three slots help with the name to.” The violet pony seemed confused by my explanation and looked to have decided to ignore it.

“To answer your question on friendship causing such a change in your, bugvisor. That could be due to me and my friends being the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. The elements are the cornerstone of ancient magic, with their power only being matched by the princesses and discord if only barely. The magic of harmony is fueled by the friendship both I and my friends share so when you became our friend as well, a bit of Harmony must have seeped in and grew into what you have now.”

“Man, that sounds like something Natsu would say.” I laughed at my own joke but I noticed Twilight looking at me weirdly.

“How do you know Natsu.” It was my turn to become confused now.

“I don’t understand the question.”

“The Princesses said that when they were young, they knew a displaced who went by the name Natsu, and you just got here a few days ago. How do you know him?”

“I don’t.” She looked confused so I pressed on. “Natsu is the name of manga- i mean- book character. One who heavily relied on the friendship of his guild members, or Nakama as he called them, which I think is another word for friend. He would use his friendship to act like a power amplifier and it would boost his magic to crazy and obscene levels that he doesn’t usually have otherwise.”

“I see, the princess did mention that displaced aren’t in their usual bodies when they come to our world. The same must apply to you as well.”

“Nope, this is my body. The only thing I brought over with me was the suit and the weapon after I bought this thing from some weird guy.” Twilight seemed to become shocked before looking away guiltily.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ve looked like this long enough that what people think don’t affect me. I just keeping doing what I do and I don’t care what other people think. Or rather, I used to be like that. After the last few days, that attitude has kind of changed.” At that, we both sat in silence, simply staring at the work going on in the small town. Eventually though, I became antsy and began to stare at my gashats again. I couldn’t take it any longer and stood up from my seat, gaining the attention of Twilight.

“Where are you going Cronus?” I kept walking but turned my head just enough to yell back an answer.

“I still don’t know everything about what’s been changed so i’m heading to forest to try and figure it out.” I only got to take a few more steps before the pony suddenly appeared in front of me as though by magic but from the windblown look of her hair it was just from her running.

“You can’t go into the forest.”


Author's Note:

I know Twilight has seen Cronus deal with tough opponents like the princesses and a Bugster already but you don't just ignore something like the Everfree with a "he'll be fine".