• Published 29th Nov 2017
  • 3,375 Views, 261 Comments

A Mirrored Reunion - currentlemon

The Apple siblings are put in an awkward situation when their supposedly dead mother shows up in Ponyville.

  • ...


Pear found herself in a familiar spot. She was surrounded illuminating colors that shined so brightly that she had to shield her eyes just to avoid any strain. But she’d gotten used to this. This isn’t the first time she experienced this phenomenon and it won’t be the last.

If she wanted to continue visiting her Equestrian family, then she must get used to this burden.

In a split second, the bright lights enveloped all around her. Pear braced for impact, expecting this trip to end soon. Soon, the lights spasmed around her, and in a flash, she found herself falling down head first. She yelped in pain as her forehead smacked onto the ground.

“Ow!” Pear yelped in pain as her forehead smacked onto the ground. “Darn it, not again! Why is it that I keep hittin’ myself on the head?”

She immediately sat straight up and rubbed her forehead to ease the pain. “I really need ta find a way ta stop this. The last thing I want is ta hurt myself every time I—”

Pear froze. Something felt off. She moved her arms around, trying to get a feel for them before finally looking down at her hooves. Expect she didn’t have hooves anymore.

My hands. They’re back.

Pear further examined her body. Sure enough, her legs and feet laying on concrete floor, and she no longer had her plumped belly. What’s more is that she was wearing clothes, the same clothes that she wore when she left the farm earlier this morning.

I have my normal body again. That must mean I’ve made it back. She turned around her and noticed the ruined monument of Canterlot High. Eeyup, I’m back at Canterlot High. I recognize that statue anywhere.

Pear looked to her side and saw her bag dangling around her neck. She took hold of it, unzipped the top, and immediately pulled her phone out. Once she did, the device rumbled on her hand as dozens of text messages and voicemails popped open on her display.

Wow, looks like someone was real desperate to contact while I was gone. Pear skimmed through them all to check to see who it they’re all from. And it looks all of these were from Bright Mac. Poor thing. He must be worried sick about me.

Putting her phone away, Pear zipped her bag and stood up. Much to her surprise, she had some difficulties standing upright and stumbled down to her knees.

Wow. Never thought that I’d have trouble standing. Guess being in Equestria for a long while made me get used to standing like a pony.

“Need a little help?”

Pear turned to see Sunset Shimmer, who was offering a hand.

“Looks like you’re having some trouble huh?” chuckled Sunset. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Going back and forth between here and Equestria isn’t something anyone can get used to so quickly.”

“Oh, thank you, dear.” Wow, I completely forgot about her. Pear grabbed hold of Sunset’s arm and stood upright. With the girl’s help, she was able to finally balance herself again.

“I can’t believe I’m havin’ so much trouble standin’. I only stayed in Equestria for who knows how long ‘an look what happens!”

“Again, you’ll get used to it,” Sunset replied. “I can’t tell you how much trouble I had standing up when I first got here. Princess Twilight and Starlight had the same problem too.”

“I see. So, Sunset, jus’ how long was I in Equestria? Judgin’ from my husband’s messages, I think I was gone fer a pretty long time.”

“You’ve been gone since this morning, Mrs. Apple,” Sunset answered. “It’s lunch now, so I say it’s been about four hours.”

“Does Applejack know what happened?”

Sunset nodded. “Yes, she and I nearly panicked when we heard you disappeared to Equestria. Though she was already panicking before then. Her dad wouldn’t stop calling her during class. And those calls only made it worse.”

“Is she here?”

Again, Sunset nodded and pointed to the direction of the school building. Pear looked at that direction and saw six girls standing on the school’s front porch. She recognized Applejack almost immediately. She was sitting on the staircase, twiddling with her thumbs.

“AJ’s been waitin’ there ever since Twilight came,” explained Sunset. “She wanted to come with me and the Princess to Equestria, but we convinced her to stay.”

Pear sighed in relief. “Thank ya kindly fer that, dear. The last thing I want is more confusion. Jus’ image the trouble I’d be in if ponies saw two Applejacks!”

Sunset chuckled. “Yeah, I’d figured it’ll be really awkward explaining that to everypony in Ponyville. Princess Twilight would’ve had her hooves full.”

“Well, I hate ta burst yer bubble, dear, it already happened with me ‘an several others. Some panicked ‘an accused me of bein’ something called, a changeling.” Pear rubbed her head. “Ya know, I don’t think they ever explained ta me what those things were.”

“Yeah, Twilight told me about it. Though I’m glad it was only a few ponies and not the entire town.”

“Really? She told you all that?” Pear looked at Sunset curiously. “What else did the Princess tell you.”

“She, um, told me about your counterpart,” admitted Sunset. “She told me that she passed away a long time ago.”

Pear sighed. Did she really have ta tell her that? Whatever happened ta family privacy? “Yes, Sunset, my counterpart died years ago. And so did my husband’s counterpart. They died when Apple Bloom was jus’ a baby.”

Sunset flinched. “Yikes. To think something like that happened. Guess AJ and her siblings are lucky to have you. Did they ever explain how your counterpart died?”

“No, I didn’t ask. I figured that it wasn’t exactly my best interest ta know what happened. Only my kids mattered.”

“Wait, your kids?” Sunset raised a brow. “Those ponies weren’t your real kids, and yet you treated them as such?”

Pear nodded. “‘Course I would. Jus’ because their magical ponies from another dimension don’t mean I can’t treat them that way. They’re my kin regardless.”

Sunset’s eyes went wide. She stared at Pear Butter for a few seconds before finally giving a response.

“Wow, Applejack is one heck of a lucky girl to have you as a mom.”

“You know it,” replied Pear Butter with a smile. “Now if ya don’t mind, I’d really like fer us ta move on. I can’t keep my family waitin’ any longer.”

“You’re right. Let’s not keep them waiting.”

The two of them walked over to school entrance. Sunset called to her friends, and they immediately caught sight of them. Applejack, though, was the most rambunctious of the group. As soon as she saw her mom, the young teen made a beeline for her.

“Mama, yer okay!” Applejack immediately hugged her mom tight. “Thank goodness. Ah was so worried. Pa called me earlier ‘an said he hasn’t heard from ya in hours! Ah panicked ‘an asked AB where ya were, but she was clueless as me.”

“Sorry ‘bout that, sugarcube. I didn’t mean ta make ya worry. Jus’ made a little detour after my meetin’ with Celestia,” Pear replied as she hugged her daughter back.

“So ya really went ta Equestria?” asked one of Applejack’s friends. She had pale yellowish skin and her hair was bright pink. “H-how was it? Did you like being a pony?”

A girl with rainbowed colored hair laughed at her friend. “Wow, Fluttershy, that’s the first thing you ask? You’re that desperate to know about ponies in Equestria?”

“Rainbow, don’t be rude,” said another one of Applejack’s friends. She was well dressed and had a very stylish “Fluttershy’s just curious, that’s all.”

“We’re all curious, Rarity,” said a familiar looking girl who wore glasses. “Being in Equestria is a very big opportunity and I’d like to ask questions myself. Like, how many ponies she met over there, or did she ever meet our counterparts?”

“Ponies eat sweets, right?! Oh, what kind of sweets do they make? Do they eat sweets all day?!” asked a hyperactive girl with pink hair.

“Girls, please, calm yourselves. I’m sure you have a lot of questions to ask, but Mrs. Apple needs to head back home!” said Sunset as she tried to calm her friends down. “She can answer your questions later, so can you all give her some space?”

“But, Sunset, I have so many questions!” cried the girl with glasses.

“It can be answered later, Twilight!” Sunset responded, to which Pear’s eyes widened in shock. “I know you’re all anxious to know what happened, but her family’s more important. They need to know that she’s alright.”

“Thank you, Sunset,” said Pear Butter before she turned to Applejack. “Sugarcube, can you please call Apple Bloom ‘an let her know I’m alright. If she wants ta talk right away, tell her that I’ll call her as soon as I’m done speakin’ with her Pa.”

“Okay, Ma,” said Applejack as she pulled out her phone. Before she made the call though, she gave her mom one more look. “Uh, what’re ya gonna do now?”

“I’m headin’ back home. Bright Mac’s probably worried ‘bout me ‘an talkin’ ta him on the phone won’t calm him down. Besides, we need ta talk ‘bout the money we owe ta the school.”

Applejack frowned “We owe the school money? Why? Is this all cause of Apple Bloom’s fight?”

Pear nodded. “Yes, as well as that little incident with yer school locker.”

“M-my locker?!” Applejack flinched. “What does that have ta do with anything?”

“Sugarcube, don’t hide anything from me. Principal Celestia explained everything. Ya caused some damage ta school property ‘an I have ta pay fer it along with the damage caused by yer sister.”

“Oh, Applejack’s in trouble!” giggled the girl with pink hair, to which Applejack lowered her hat in embarrassment.

“Me ‘an you are gonna have a long talk ‘bout this, AJ. But that can wait fer now. I’m tired ‘an there’s still a lot more work that needs ta be done back at the farm.”

Applejack gave a defeated sigh. “Okay, Ma. I’ll see ya at home.”

“See ya at home, sugarcube,” said Pear Butter as she gave her daughter a hug. After saying her goodbyes to her daughter’s friends, she made her way toward the parking lot.

As she spotted her car from a distance, Pear unzipped her bag to take out her keys. However, there was a pause when she saw her phone sitting on one of the bag’s pockets and took it instead.

Hmm, I should probably call Bright Mac before I leave. Wouldn’t want to be talking on the phone while driving now would I.

She turned on the device and was about to make the call but paused as she saw the photo application sitting on top of the screen. Immediately, she pressed it. And when the app opened, Pear saw the picture that was taken over at Equestria.

She stared at the photo for some time, completely oblivious to her surroundings. So much so that she did not notice Applejack approaching behind her.


Pear flinched. Her daughter’s voice had taken her by surprise. As she turned around, she noticed that Applejack was looking at her with concern.

“AJ? What’re ya doin’ over here? Aren’t ya supposed head on back ta class?”

Applejack frowned. “Sorry, Ma. Ah was goin’ to, but Apple Bloom messaged me. Jus’ wanna let ya know that she knows that yer okay now.”

“Wait, that’s it? Sugarcube, couldn’t ya jus’ texted me or call my on my phone? Ya didn’t have ta come all the way here.”

“Well…. Ah figured it’d be best if Ah tell ya in person. Since yer still here, Ah didn’t really see a point in makin’ a phone call,” replied Applejack.

Pear raised a brow and looked at her daughter suspiciously. “AJ, I don’t mean any offense, but I don’t buy that. I get the feelin’ that there’s another reason why yer here. Don’t hide it from me, jus’ spill it out right now.”

Applejack winced. Her eyes drifted away as she nervously twiddled with her fingers. She kept quiet for a moment, unable to gather the courage to tell her mother the truth. Despite this, Pear remained patient and waited for Applejack to reply.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, the young teen finally spoke up.

“Alright, ya got me. There’s something Ah want ta ask ‘an Ah gotta know.” Applejack bit her lip. “When you were in Equestria, did ya ever meet, um, the pony me?”

Pear blinked. That’s it? That’s her question? If that’s the case, why is she so nervous?

“And what about Big Mac ‘an Apple Bloom?” Applejack continued. “Did ya ever meet their pony selves too?”

“Y-yes, Applejack. I did,” Pear answered back. “I meet the pony versions of you ‘an yer siblings back in Equestria. But, sugarcube, why are ya askin’ these questions now? Can this wait till ya get home later?”

“W-wait a second! Don’t go yet!” shouted Applejack. “Ah know yer in a hurry, but Ah want ta get this out of the way now. Jus’ one more question ‘an that’ll be it. Please, Ah have ta know this.”

Pear sighed. Well, if you insist. “Alright, AJ, spit it out. What is it that ya want ta know?”

Applejack bit her lip. She hesitated to ask the question at first, but the stern look from her mother caused her to blurt it out.

“Did…. did ya ever meet yerself over there too? Ya know, yer pony counterpart?”

Pear’s eyes widened again as she looked at her daughter in disbelief. “You…. you want ta know ‘bout my counterpart? Goodness, why are ya askin’ me this, sugarcube?”

“We’ll, ya see…. Ah jus’ wanted ta ask,” replied Applejack. “Ah figured that since Ah have a pony lookalike in Equestria, that means there’s gotta be a pony lookalike of you. Am I right?”

Pear paused. She wasn’t she how to respond. Yes, she figured that Applejack was interested in Equestria and her pony self. That was a given, but she never thought she’d bring this up.

“Sugarcube, I don’t get it. Why are ya askin’ me ‘bout my pony self?”

“Ah…. Ah jus’ wanted ta know, that’s all,” Applejack answered.

“AJ, don’t lie to me. There’s more to it that jus’ that.” Pear looked directly at Applejack in the eye. “Tell me the truth. Why are ya so interested in learning ‘bout my counterpart?”

Applejack bit her lip. “It’s…. it’s because Sunset told me something happened ta her. Pa too. And it was something bad. Ah didn’t wanna believe it at first, but since yer here, Ah gotta know.”

“Wait a second. Sugarcube, did Sunset tell ya that the pony me had passed away?” Pear asked.

Applejack flinched but nodded nonetheless. “Y-yeah, she did. She told me ‘an my friends as soon as she heard from the Princess.”

The young teen then bit her lip. “It surprised us. All of us. Ah never thought something like that would ever happen. You dying? It’s unthinkable. Ah…. Ah can’t image myself livin’ without ya, Ma. Neither would Big Mac or Apple Bloom.”

Pear sighed. “I know how you feel, Applejack. It was hard, knowin’ that the pony me left her kids behind at such a young age. I’d image how heartbreakin’ that must feel for them. But, they’ll be fine. They’re all grown up now, ‘an they don’t need me lookin’ out fer them. They got each other’s back and their grandparents are helpin’ them out too.”

Applejack raised a brow. “Grandparents. So does that mean Granny’s there too?”

“Yup, she’s there alright. And believe me, she ain’t big compared to our Granny. That pony is skinny. And I mean really skinny.”

“Granny’s skinny?” Applejack chuckled. “Wow, Ah can never picture her like that at all. Granny bein’ skinny? There’s jus’ no way.”

“Oh, you better believe it, dear,” Pear replied as she chuckled herself.

“Oh, I do!” Applejack said, still laughing. “Jus’ one more thing. You said my pony self has grandparents. Well, that’s gotta mean she has another grandparent, right?”

Dang. Looks like my girl has gotten smart. Pear thought. “Yes, dear. Yer pony self has two grandparents. One bein’ from Bright Mac ‘an…. ‘an one bein’ from mine.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped. “So, Ah have a grandpa?! No way! Then…. if the pony me has a grandpa, that means Ah got one too, right? How come Ah’ve never met him?”

“It’s…. complicated, AJ. We didn’t exactly have a stable relationship. He left me when I married yer Pa. Haven’t seen him in years, and seein’ him as a pony caught me off guard.”

“Did ya ever talk ta him?”

“Yes, I did,” Pear answered. “And we made peace, sort of. He’s not the same Pa I grew up with, but it felt good talkin’ ta him after such a long time.”

“C-can ya tell me more ‘bout him? Like when Ah get home from school?”

Pear nodded. “Yes, I will. I think it’s high time I told you ‘an yer siblings ‘bout yer grandfather.”

Applejack smiled and hugged her mother one last time before walking back toward the school. With her daughter gone, Pear stepped inside her car and placed her bag on the passenger seat. Taking her phone out again, she quickly dialed her husband’s number and waited for a response.

Immediately, the line picked up.

Buttercup? Buttercup is that you?! said a frantic Bright Mac on the other line. Oh, thank goodness. Ah haven’t heard from ya in hours! Ah thought something bad might’ve happened to ya.

“Don’t worry, dear. I’m fine. Sorry fer makin’ ya worry,” replied Pear Butter with a smile. “I spoke with AJ. She ‘an Apple Bloom know I’m okay. I’m headin’ on home right now.”

A sigh of relief came from Bright Mac on the other line. Thank goodness. Jus’ where on earth did ya go, Buttercup? It’s not like ya ta disappear so suddenly ‘an not say a word.

“It’s complicated to describe, Bright Mac. Let’s jus’ say AJ has been keepin’ a secret from us fer a long time now ‘an I had ta investigate.”

There was a pause on the other line. AJ’s been keepin’ a secret? What kind of secret?

“I’ll explain everything when I get home. Believe me, there’s so much ta tell and yer probably not gonna believe me at first; but once I get home, we’ll go over it. And we’ll deal with our daughters too once school’s over.”

Well, if ya say so, Buttercup. Jus’ promise me you’ll explain bits of it when ya get home.

“I promise, dear. See ya at home.”

As the phone line disconnected, Pear adjusted her seat and ran the car’s engine. As the vehicle roared to life, she put her phone away and backed up her car. With her rear end safe, she drove toward the parking lot exit, stopping just shy of a stop sign.

Before she made her turn, Pear caught glance of the school’s ruined monument. She smiled as images of her pony children flashed in her head.

Stay strong, kids. I love you all.

Putting her foot on the gas, Pear made her turn and drove away from Canterlot High.

Evening had arrived in Ponyville. Celestia’s sun began to set and its bright orange rays filled the once blue skies. On the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres, one pony stood alone at top of a hill. She had a bouquet of flowers placed inside her saddle.

She took it and gently placed it neatly on top of a pair of gravestones. Making sure the bouquet was placed correctly, Applejack took off her Stetson and muttered a quick prayer. Once finished, she put her hat back on and looked at her parent’s gravesite.

“Evenin’, Ma. Evenin’, Pa” She said as she sat in front of the two gravesites. “Happy anniversary. Sorry that Ah couldn’t bring these flowers when I visited earlier. Today was so hectic that Ah completely forgot.”

Applejack smiled. “We had a good day today at the marketplace. Me ‘an Big Mac sold a lot of apples again today. With the money we made, we can buy all sorts of stuff fer the farm.”

No response. The only noise Applejack heard was the wind gushing past her mane.

“Apple Bloom got into a big mess at school today. Her science project blew up on her ‘an her friends. They had ta clean up their entire classroom cause of that, not ta mention they got rainbow gunk all over their manes.”

Applejack chuckled. “Glad Ah ain’t the pony cleanin’ that mess up.”

She looked over to her mother’s grave. “So, Ma. Granny ‘an Grand Pear agreed to work together tomorrow. They’re sellin’ products from both the Apples ‘an the Pears at out shop. It’s a sign of goodwill, meanin’ both our families are ready ta put the feud behind.”

Applejack smiled. “Ah bet yer real’ happy fer him huh? With Grand Pear lettin’ go of the feud. Our family’s way better off now that he’s here.”

She sighed. “A real shame you ‘an Pa couldn’t get ta see this. The two of ya would’ve been so happy ta see the feud finally endin’.”

Applejack placed her saddlebag down and unbuttoned the top. Putting her head inside, she took out a photograph, one that was recently developed. She lowered it to the ground, showing the photo to the gravesites.

“Did ya see her, Ma? The other you? She was with me earlier today. We, uh, dropped by because she wanted ta pay her respects.”

She sighed. “Ma, Ah know that pony wasn’t you. She ain’t the real pony who raised me, but by golly that mare is the exact same pony. She looks ‘an acts jus’ like ya. It felt good spendin’ time with her. Even though we got off ta a really bad start.”

Applejack winced as she recalled the unfortunate meeting between her and her other mom at the market today, as well as her begging her mother to stay in Ponyville.

“That wasn’t my best moment. Ah shouldn’t have gotten so mad or ask her ta stay; but at least everything worked out in the end. Apple Bloom even got a chance ta meet with her. She finally got ta experience what it’s like havin’ a Ma, and boy was she happy. Wouldn’t surprise me if she found today ta be her best day ever.”

She sniffled. “Ah’m happy fer her, and Grand Pear too. He was finally able to make amends. Though she was a bit hesitant ta speak with him. Apparently, her relationship with Grand Pear is much more complicated.”

Applejack bit her lip. If what Ma told me was true, then the other me had never met her grandpa and the family feud never ended. Gosh, Ah hope that she can make amends with her Pa soon. It’d be a waste if the other me never met her grandpa.


Applejack’s head snapped up as she heard her name being called. She looked behind her to see her sister standing with a lamp strapped on her neck.

“Apple Bloom. What’re you doing here?” she asked. “And why did ya have ta sneak up on me again?” Seriously, that’s the third time these past two days.

“Sorry, sis, but Ah’m here ta check up on ya,” Apple Bloom replied. “Come on, dinner’s ready ‘an it’s almost dark. Don’t ya think it’s time ta head home instead of talkin’ ta yerself?”

“Applejack blinked. “Wait, ya heard me talkin’ ta myself?”

“Yeah, ‘an you were talkin’ real loud too. Ah could hear you from the bottom of the hill by the time Ah got here.”

Applejack facehoofed. “Aw, shucks. Ah didn’t think anypony would hear me, let alone be here. Ah jus’ wanted ta some alone time with our parents.”

“Yer talkin’ ta our parent’s graves again?” asked Apple Bloom, to which Applejack nodded in reply. “Why? Ah mean, we saw Ma today didn’t we?”

“We did, but today’s our parent’s anniversary, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack. “Ah jus’ wanted ta pay my respects ta them, that’s all.”

“Oh, okay,” replied Apple Bloom. But then, her ears suddenly perked up. “Wait, so does that mean that it’s our other Ma’s anniversary too?”

“Ah don’t know. Ah told Ma happy anniversary too, but she never told me if she had the same anniversary date. But if it was, then we owe her a gift. Pa too if he comes along with her.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Okay! Then Ah’ll make sure Ah’ll get something real fancy the next time Ma’s here.”

“That’s the spirit!” said Applejack as she hugged her little sister. When she let go, she noticed that the bright orange sky had begun to grow darker. “Boy, it is getting late. Better head back home before Granny gets mad at us.”

Turning around, Applejack paid one last respect to her parents before placing the photo back in her saddlebag and strapped it tight on her back. With the bag okay, she slowly made her way downhill with her sister.

“Applejack, can Ah ask ya something?” said Apple Bloom.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Is our Ma exactly like the same pony we met today?”

Applejack nodded. “Yes. Yes, she is. She’s the same pony Ah remember after all these years.”

“Then, can ya please tell me more ‘bout our Ma on our way home?” asked Apple Bloom with a smile.

“Course I can, Apple Bloom,” replied Applejack with a smile of her own. “Ah’ll tell ya all Ah know about her.”

Author's Note:

Here it is, the final chapter of A Mirrored Reunion. I'd like to first thank my editors for helping me with this story. Verbose Mode, Jarvy Jared, and PeerImagination, you guys are the best. To the readers for staying put for this story, thank you. Despite the numerous flaws and delays, you guys stayed put and I thank you for that. I had a lot of fun writing this, and it makes me happy that I finished a multi-chapter story. It's a feel good accomplishment.

To those that critiqued my story and gave me criticism, I want to thank you. You showed me my flaws and what to improve on for my next story. With my big project in the making, I want to learn from my mistakes with this story and improve on the next. You've showed me that there's still much that I can improve on.

With this story finished, it's time to work on my next one. It will be a while before it comes out, but I assure you guys that it will be something you'll all enjoy.

Same rules still apply. If you see any errors, please notify me. Thank you for reading A Mirrored Reunion. I hope you all enjoyed and look forward to currentlemon's next work.

Comments ( 19 )

Very well done, and well worth the read. May reread it in the future.

That was a good story. I enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to your next endeavor.

Been a lovely story!

This wasn't a bad story, but I do feel it got a tad repetitive at times with the dialogue and how the plot went. I hope you'll be able to improve with future endeavors.

I always cry in happy endings

wow that ending right in the feels

Since Pear Butter never seemed to know Sunset being friends with her daughter, am I correct in assuming the "Anon-A-Miss" incident never happened?

Never thought about Anon a Miss when writing this. Never even read that comic either.

Good for you! Honestly, its the biggest blight on the EG series.

Very good story! I've been following this story since the beginning and I like how it turned out. while kinda slow near the middle of the story, it was still really good! If you felt up for it, you could write a chapter about her second visit with their father, but again it's not necessary.

Good job and good luck to you on your future stories! :pinkiehappy:

A very sweet, funny and emotional story, great job with this!

“Course I can, Apple Bloom,” replied Applejack with a smile of her own. “Ah’ll tell her all Ah know about her.”

Shouldn't that be:

“Course I can, Apple Bloom,” replied Applejack with a smile of her own. “Ah’ll tell ya all Ah know about her.”

Truly a spectacular story, fantastic job:pinkiehappy:

wrong. teaches the wrong lesson doing that

I really, really want to like this story more. It's a fantastic premise that kinda hits me close to home, what with AJ being such a good character and her backstory being quite sad for the show she's in. Plus, I love countryisms. :ajsmug:

If I must criticize, I feel like the characters as presented make very, very poor and out-of-character choices all throughout the story. Combined with the way everyone seems to need a deep-dive narration to keep up with story-beats they themselves brought up only a few paragraphs ago, the story become a little grating. I mean, Pear comes across as actively malicious at times for dredging up her children's mirror-counterparts' dead parents, without any actual reason to do so. If she were acting logically, Pear would have simply explained things to Starlight, seen Twilight, and had some idea of what to ask her Applejack upon returning.

Again, you have a strong foundation, let down by the execution of your characters' choices and dialogue.

Oh no, is that feeling again... "I don't want this to end". But well, here we are, at the end.

I wish i could had more significant words to express in this comment, but i guess all i have to say is that i loved this story, from the very beginning to the end.

It's not usual that something give me that feeling "I don't want this to end" but when it happens, i love the media responsible for make me feel that way. And it's sad at the same time (specially when you read this story with the right songs. It can hit you). But anyway i'm speaking (writing) too much.

All i have to say is thank you for putting this out, for make this. Definitely added to my "Favorite" list.

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