• Published 29th Nov 2017
  • 3,375 Views, 261 Comments

A Mirrored Reunion - currentlemon

The Apple siblings are put in an awkward situation when their supposedly dead mother shows up in Ponyville.

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Chapter 9

Pear trotted along the dirt roads of Ponyville alone. It was quiet. She had left the marketplace some time ago. The large crowd of ponies were gone, aside from a few who stayed away from the busy marketplace.

Pear Butter sighed, eyes drifting to a nearby pebble on the ground. She kicked it with the tip of her hoof, following the pebble wherever it went, paying no attention to her surroundings. Her thoughts were clouded. Ever since she left the marketplace, she could not stop thinking about the two ponies she met earlier, particularly the mare with the light blue coat.

Pear rolled the pebble with the tip of her hoof. Was that mare really Chiffon? She shook. Every time she thought back to that encounter made her feel uncomfortable. The possibility of a pony who looked exactly like her longtime friend seemed outrageous.

She also thought about the second pony look alike she encountered, the stallion with the light brown coat. Chiffon called that stallion Burnt Oak. Burnt Oak is Bright Mac’s childhood friend. If Chiffon has a pony counterpart, then does that mean that stallion is one too?

Pear sat on the dirt road, brushing her mane with both hoofs to calm herself down. That stallion seemed upset with me too. What was it that he called me, a changeling? What are those? Are they dangerous? Is that why Chiffon ran away from me?

She stopped brushing herself and took a look at her hooves. I don’t think I should stay here any longer. It’d be best if I leave. I don’t think I’m up for any more surprises today. Besides, I need to get back to Bright Mac. He’ll get worried if he won’t hear from me.

She sighed. I need to leave and return home. That would mean I’d have to return to that crystal castle again and deal with that unicorn again. But what I do when I see her again? Should I tell her the truth?

Pear’s thoughts went back to the unicorn she encountered at the castle; how that bossy mare almost arrested on the spot. It would be awkward if she went back now. There’s no doubt that unicorn would be suspicious and Pear knew that convincing the pony to let her go home would be difficult.

“Guess I have no other choice,” Pear said to herself. “Better get back to the castle and explain everything. Who knows, maybe I’ll run into that Princess Twilight pony on the way home.”

She looked up and saw the crystal castle from before far away from where she stood. The magnificent structure stood out from the rest of the town. Although beautiful to look at, Pear believed it felt strangely out of place. It wasn’t something that would fit in a country town.

She shook her head. Stop it, Pear Butter. There’s no point in criticizing this town’s infrastructure. You know what to do. Just focus on getting home.

She turned and trotted back toward Ponyville’s Marketplace, hoping to find her way back by retracing her steps. She soon saw the large crowd from afar. Ponies still buying various goods offered by each stall. Pear was about to enter and crowd and blend it, but stopped.

I don’t think I should go through here. What if I run into pony Chiffon again, or pony Burnt Oak? If they see me again, it will most likely cause a scene. Be best if I find another route.

Pear turned and left the busy marketplace behind. She wandered around town, following wherever the dirt road took her. She trotted past several ponies, all whom have waved and greeted her with a smile.

“Wow, ponies in this town sure are friendly,” said Pear Butter as she greeted another pony who trotted past her.

After trotting along the dirt roads for several minutes, Pear noticed something was off. She stopped for a second and looked at her surroundings. The rolling green hills she had saw earlier were now clear of any structure. There were a few houses sure, but they did not get in the way of the scenery for the most part. Pear had also noticed the crystal castle was further away. It didn’t take her long to realize she’d been going the wrong direction.

Looks like the path I’m following leads out of town. No big deal, I’ll just head back the way I came. May have to ask some ponies around for directions though.

She turned tail and was about to head back the way she came, but something had caught her eye.

What’s that? Is that another house? Pear examined the building and the area around it. The structure itself was rather small. Its size was comparable to that of the local houses in Ponyville.

A few things did stand out though. The first was a large the bell that sat on top of the building. Next was a flag pole that sat near the entrance of the building, along with a neatly trimmed bush that looked like a pony. Lastly, there was a playground just to the side of the building.

Wait a minute, is this a school? Pear Butter took another good look at the structure. It is! Looks like I managed to find the town’s local schoolhouse.

She tilted her head. But what’s with that design though? It’s simple yes, and it fits the country theme well, but I wonder, what’s with the odd choice of color? Bright red and pink strange for a central them, but to be fair it does stand out.

Pear’s ears perked up as she heard several voices not too far away. She turned her head to find a group of mares socializing with one another just outside the school grounds.

I’m guessing these mares must be waiting for their children. If they’re true, then that means school will be over soon.

Pear’s thoughts were soon interrupted when the school’s bell started to toll. The mares that gathered reacted immediately to the sound and had moved closer to the entrance.

Just then, the front doors to the building flung open. Foals soon poured out from the inside. One by one, they merrily dashed into the dirt roads. Some deviated and went their own separate ways, while others ran toward their mothers who had been waiting outside.

“Aw, now that’s adorable,” Pear said, smiling at the scenery. “Reminds me of own children when they were in elementary school.”

She sighed. This certainly brings back memories, but I can’t linger here all day. I need to find a way back to the castle.Be best if I head back the way I came now and—

“I can’t believe that didn’t work!”

Pear stopped moving and flinched. Her ears ruptured in pain as a loud voice suddenly echoed across the school grounds. Puzzled, she looked figure out what caused that noise. Other mares had done so as well, faring no better than Pear Butter. It wasn’t long until Pear and the other mares spotted an orange pegasus filly standing at the school entrance.

“We spent all that time working on that school project, only for it to blow up on our faces!” shouted the filly. “Now I got muck all over my mane! It’s going to take me hours to clean it up.

“Don’t be whining, Scootaloo. We got it cleaned up, didn’t we?” said another voice. A filly about the same size of the pegasus one stepped out of the school. It was a unicorn with a greyish white mane. “That fire extinguisher really came in handy. It’s a good thing Ms. Cheerilee had one.”

“That’s not the point, Sweetie Belle! Our miniature Rainbow Factory shouldn’t have exploded like that!” pouted the pegasus filly. “Weeks of hard work, gone! Now we have detention for two weeks just because our project nearly melted the classroom floor!”

“Well didn’t Princess Twilight say not to go overboard with those chemicals?” rebuked the unicorn filly. “She warned you several times not to do what you did today.”

“How was I supposed to know that our miniature Rainbow Factory would explode like that?” countered the orange filly. “I didn’t think adding more chemicals would’ve hurt!”

Pear watched as the two fillies argued back and forth. She chuckled for a bit as they began to butt heads with each other.

Is it wrong for me to think that I find these two fillies arguing cute? Well if it is, I must apologize to whoever their parents are. This is too adorable. Though now that I think about it, looking at these two fillies remind me of another group of kids I know.

Pear glared at the two fillies, examining their features as best as she could. These two fillies look familiar, but where have I seen them before?

She rubbed her chin. Their manes and coats are unique. They both match well together despite the odd choice of color. It’s almost as if their—

Pear’s thoughts jerked to a complete stop. Wait a minute, a filly with an orange coat with a purple mane and a filly white coat with a light pink mane. They look exactly like—

Her eyes widened in shock as she began to fit the puzzle pieces together in her head. The implication was clear as day. These two fillies didn’t just remind her of her daughter’s friends. They were her friends.

Pear shook in her place as this revelation took hold of her. If these two fillies are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, then I’ve run into another pair of counterparts. This isn’t good. I need to get out of here now!

She was about to turn tail and leave, but another thought popped up in her head. Wait a minute, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are longtime friends of my daughter. If these ponies are here, wouldn’t that mean that—

“Well maybe you should’ve thought twice before pouring that last batch of chemicals into the factory!” shouted Sweetie Belle, who interrupted Pear’s thoughts. “You agree with me, right, Apple Bloom?

Pear’s eyes widened as she flinched backward. “W-what?”

She watched as another filly stepped out of the school building. It was a regular looking pony this time. She had a pale-yellow coat and a bright red mane that paired well it. On top of the mane was a neatly placed pink bow.

Pear sat on the floor in disbelief, completely shocked at what she saw. Her struggled to maintain herself, yet managed to make a whisper.

“Oh my gosh,” stuttered Pear Butter as she nearly fainted on the spot. “Apple Bloom.”

Author's Note:

I originally had this chapter be much longer than this. But after some feedback from by editors, I decided to split the chapter to two different parts. The new chapter 9 is what you read here. The next half is split to the next chapter. You guys may not have to wait too long for the next chapter, but I won't make any promises. I'll finish it when I can.

Again, thank you for reading. Please look forward to the next chapter.