• Published 17th Jul 2012
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The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria - Angel Equestria

Equestria prepares on an War which rules over the fate of both Worlds, Old and New Equestria

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Chapter 7: Party-time is Pinkie Time, Self Made Cutie Mark, The Antheme of Equestria, telling stories from the Past.

“Noo, seriously, Derpy is leaving us!” I shouted as my friends told me this unbelievable story, that can´t be true, even if it´s the best occasion for an Farewell Party, but its very sad too, normaly I only throw welcome partys, or partys at all, never had I made a party by wich I don´t know if the special guest will ever come back, I heard it all from Twillight, about Derpy being an Guardian, something completely other than us, and the best, she was once an Alincorn like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and even stands Higher in the rank than both princesses, they are practically gods oh my gosh I never did an Party for an God, gosh I didn´t even did a welcome party for the others of Derpy´s friends , what should I do, to make an welcome party its way too late, but to mix it with the Farwell party would be like a hoof in the face, free after the motto, Hello and Goodbye again, even thought it was exactly that, shush now, I need to think, I hate to think about hard stuff I only want to party.
All this thoughts came rather slow, so it lasted almost five minutes, of being stared on by my friends.
“That screams after an Party, oh my gosh , oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH, I need to plan the whole thing, neatless, it must be perfect, I do it for the royality and for the gods and for the entire town after all. Oh my gosh I need hundred, no thousand of balloons, no better 6.968 Balloons, for each year of this Millenium on which Derpy already walks around, gosh I need to plan that sure, and I need your help so much , it must be perfect, who knows when we ever will get the chance to partying with the Entire town, with The Royality and with Four Gods all at once, guys this has to bee the greates, biggest and absolute neatlesst Party ever , alright, lets plan it, Twillight you and Rarity are responsible for the decoration , i´can count on you not?!” I asked with so much eager but both nodded.
“Sure mam, yes mam, we are so on board!” Twilight said and I saw Rarity nodding.
“Alright, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, you are responsible for the invitations, we need enough of them and enough to spread them over whole Ponyville, can I be sure you will do that?” I asked Rainbow dash.
“Sure Pinkie, this has to gonna be the best awesomest and greatest Party you ever had held of, I suggest the Market place or the townshall as location!” Rainbow dash said and I loved that idea, I think when we will make rainprotections over the place we will be able to held it outside under the starsky.
“Thankie Dashie, my sweety,so now to you Appeljack, you and I we gonna build up the stage , maybe we will get some help from friends?” I said already daydreaming from the perfect Party.
“And what do you have instore for us Pinkie!? A voice behind me asked, I turned to be greated by the half Town, I beamed and my eyes shined at the sight in front of me.
“Spike told us that you will probably plan an giant party for Ditzy and I think we all will love to help to make an matching party for an awesome and unreplaceable mare like Ditzy once was, she will always be the best Mailmare this town ever had , let us honour her with a last time of dancing , speaking and singing with her. Let the music overtake us and let her brighten up with her friends as the most special guest this Town ever had and im sure we all want to thank her for the great honour of knowing her, for having her as Friend!” Carrot top , the best friend of Derpy said and I could see Derpys Daughter Dinky next to her side.
“Not to forget the worlds best Mother!” She shouted out, getting nodds and whistels.
“Yes she is, so then it is decided, lets make this the best party we can get her!” I said and so we began the work, I asked my best friend, Vinyl Scratch if she could DJ-ing again and she was fully on board, she knows Derpy well and also likes her.
In the Evening:
Ditzy´s Part:
“So lemme see, I guess I have everything so far, after all, Jacky´s said that our first stop will be in Canterlot, where we first Discuss the actuell situation with Princess Celestia, before we make our way down the Canterlot falls, through the portal , to old Equestria.” I said to myself, quietly, I really felt rather uncomfortable to let Dinky staying here so alone, but what can I do, it is my duty to fight for our land, for the freedom.
“Sigh I just wish it were already over!” I said, expecting no answer to that comment at all, but getting one still.
“I know I wished too, I also hate it to leave my friends and my home for so long, especially Zecora, who will help her with the Timberwolves, I do have told Lillith, Colith and Zerith , what is about to happen, and I know they arent that happy about my missing, I said they should hear at Zecora for the dure of my absence!” Flora told me, she walked in after standing in the door frame, lazily leaned on on her rear hoofs, it was a bit unusual to always walk more on two then on four legs, but The other said it where good training for when we are down in Old Equestria, he said something from Anthromorphic transformation but what he means I still don´t know.
“What do you think, will at least one expect of Miss Cherilee, Carrot top and Dinky miss me, even then I am not there for months!?” I asked sadly, I was though friendly to everypony but if I ever were able to real make friendship with someone else than the friends I already had I don’t really know it.
“Im sure of that Lumena, I am sure there will be a bunch who would miss you dearly, just try to relax the few last hours, maybe walk a bit through the streets , for a last time until you will come back again, this can dure its time, so go, out, enjoy yourself, okay!” She said , trying to cheer me, up, and I smiled to her even I know sooner or later I will lay in her arms crying.
5. Flora spread her arms with an comforting smile.
4. she smiled and begans to walk to me.
3. I began to feel it, my lips quivered and I felt how the pressure rised up in my eyes.
2. the first tears began to fall, I sniffed.
1. I runned to her, throwing myself in her arms and breaked down completely, sobbing in her shoulder while she hugged me and carressed my back.
“Why do I have to leave her, I don´t want to go, why couldn´t have be someone else chosen, someone who hasn´t children and who remembers everything from his past history, why do I need to fight a war for equestria when I can´t even the war between my longing to help, and my longing to stay here at Dinkys side, watching her growing up!” I screamed and I felt my back carressed.
“We all have no choice Ditzy, we all are born for the fight and to defend this land we have created in order for peace and harmony, We are the Elements of Equestria, but regardless to wich titel ever, we as well as every other pony will fight for its freedom and the same of their family, no one will live in a world where chaos rules, that’s why it gives too much ripped familys. I know its especially hard for you, for one of me who has no children, I will never feel the same pain as you have but we are all in the same boat, we have no chance but to defend this world to the best we can!” Flora said and I sniffed, she was right, we all need to leave something behind us, I must leave Dinky and Carott top behind me, Floraya need to leave Zecora and the Timberwolves behind, while Venturios need to leave the Circus and his friends there too, he has told them after we were back from the Everfree forest, they said that they understand and that they will cancel the shows until we gonna have the situation under control, and Jacky, well he needs to give up just the same and even the hospital, wait the Hospital, uhh no.
“Uhm, Flora, do you know where Jacky is?!” I asked her.
“I think he said something from, he needs to take care of something but he would come back soon, I guess he need to do something in town, must be something big!” she said releasing me from the hug, giving me an comforting smile.
“So is that, and Ventu?”I asked her and she smiled.
“Ventu is in the garden taking in the last sunrays and relaxing before the time has come to make our way to Canterlot!” she said, “hey do you have time, I always wanted to someday go shopping for some other clothes or so , when we go down in Old equestria but I never really had much clothes., and I want to be chick for him!” She said with a light blush on her cheeks.
“Him, so you have an love interest!?” I asked with a cocky smile, my tears already gone, I had forgotten how good it was to laugh with them.
“uhmm, I don´t know what you mean!” She said tilting her head, but I could say that there created an laughter in her throat.
“C`mon, c´mon who is it, someone of this town?” I aske and she nodded the head.
“Uhm yes, well he is very , very cute , he is a backer, and he has come earlier that day, from Canterlot, I met him at the train station as i walked around, he accidently bumped in me and spilled some berrysyrup over me, he apologized and said he was so terribly sorry, he would pay for my clothes, I shushed him and told him that I will simply wash these clothes,…!” She cames nearer to my ear, due to the fact that we made our way down the street to Carusel boutique.
“Due to the fact that these clothes apparently are like the only ones I have!” She whsipered blushing.
“I so need something to wear , when we are in Canterlot, I want to visit and spent some time with him, he after all was so nice to me, saying we should give my clothes to the cleaning shop and wait there, he has closed the eyes the whole time, when I asked why he had closed hem, he said that it were completely wrong from him to look when a lady is not covered, I chuckled and told him that most of the mares are kinda naked here anyways, he risked a slow glance , and I smiled at him, he then put away his hooves, and looked at me, he , at least I think that’s what he did, checked me out, and scanned me off!” She said her voice coming out like when she hyperventilated.
“And than he said, that I looked very beautiful without all my clothes and I was like hahha, I have Chlorophyl in my Wings , I look like a grassy surface and I have living flowers in my hair, I could be more consindered as an three than a pony, at least that was what I wanted to say but I got halfway silenced by a kiss, this was the sweetest tasting lips I ever met in my life and it was this feeling which I would so like to met again, I looked in his eyes and he in mine and I felt love, he told me that nothing of this was true, that I were beautifuller than everything he ever had seen and that it were an honour for him to dance with me at the party Pinkie is preparing, and I said yes , then when I went home, I saw it, I checked my whole house of but couldn´t find anything but my poncho and my veil, and I was in horror, I didn´t know where to find anything for the dance, that why I came here to ask you for helping me, I saw all the looks with which the other ponies in this town looked at me, with fear, and like I were something interesting in a Circus, but he, this one colt told me I looked beautiful enough to share a dance, and he stole me my first Kiss in ages, I think the last real kiss I had three Milleniums ago!” She said wondering, I really felt happy for her to find somone to love, I hope it all goes cool in her new build relationship. faster than we know, we were at our goal.
“So this here is the Carousel boutique, were Miss Rarity lives and works, she is the Element of generosity, one of the Elemenets of Harmony!” I said with a little frown.
“I really ask myself why we have Elements ofHarmony, when we also have the Elements of Symphony?!” I asked myself.
“Its because of Nestrell, we Elements of Symphony, are ordered from Equestria to watch other Old equestria and the door to Nestrells Prison, that are the Guardians down in Old Equestria, Jetfire, Aquania, Esteel, and Gaya together with Tenebra, we upper guardians on the otherside, should take care that nothing comes from other dimensions in our or at least not on this world, and the Elements of Harmony are more for the bad worse and cruel things to handel, which are already down here, so we defend the under and the outside while they defend the inside, got it!” She explained and I understood.
“So that is it!” we entered the Boutique and we got greeted by emptiness.
“Hello, Miss Rarity, hello someone in here!” I shouted out until a small filly came towards us.
“Must be Sweety Belle one of those cutie mark Crusaders, from which Dinky always talks” I thought.
“Hello uhmm my sister isnt there for the moment, im sorry!” She said, and I looked to Flora, which has an quivering lip, I sighed.
“Do you know where we can find her, my mare- friend really needs a few new clothes, for a Party!” I said and I saw the filly brighten up.
“So you too will go to the festival, I heard Princess Luna comes down from Canterlot to take a role in the festival!” She said and I was shocked, Princes Luna, no Luna , no Lulu comes down here, wait where comes that Lulu from. I asked myself, as I felt how I formed words in my mouth which were but at the same time were not my own.
“Wait, what, Lulu is coming down, wow I havent seen her in ages, to be honest I havent saw her since one and a half Millenia ago, and it was only a few months before she got banished from Tia again, I really thought that she had been get rid off Nightmare the first time, well it was good five millenias since then , it was in the first Millenium when this world has been created that we needed to send her , by her own wish to the moon so she couldn´t cause any damage to the world. Four Mileniums later she was back on the Land, we thought she was healed but I think we were wrong, Tia said to us when we once met that she needed to Send her Sister back because Nightmare managed to take her over again, and now she is back, I really hope we can help her this time, we need to make her getting rid of Nightmare, so we can defeat the Spirit of Fear, Nightmare, one of Nestrells Elements of Chaos!” I said but I more told a story, making the young filly wearing a deadpanned expression, while Flora snickered.
“Uhm sorry, I tell stories again, not!” I asked and both nodded.
“Anyway, it a shame that your sister is not here, we really could need some dresses, for the most and best settled Gentelcolts ever!” Floraya said stepping in the light a bit more, only to give an smile on Sweety Belle´s face.
“You must be Floraya, my sister already has made some dresses for you, after she has been told by Miss Doo has come to ask us for some dresses, I will go get them!” She said and rushed in the backroom.
“You did that for me, but how she has like no measures at all!” Floraya said looking shockingly at me.
“Oh I do remember you once saying which meausrements you have and , well Zecora helped me too!” I said laughing.
“So that was why she needed my Meausrements, as she lied about to make it for the right dose of herbs in the tea, to not accidently poison ourselfs, so that was how things rolled, not for the tea but for clothes!” She said and I looked at her strangely.
“Never mind, I am really thankfull , thank you Lu!” She said and I found myself in a sisterly loving hug.
“No prob Flora “I siad returning the hug, a cough let us looking down , while Sweety Belle stood with several boxes in the room, we walked over to her and she opened the boxes, in them was one of the most wonderfull dresses we ever saw in our lives, it was green and had a few leaves on it, and a few Emeralds in shape of an Leave on the decoltée, it was wonderfull and it also had holes to stick the wings through, it was incredible beautiful, I looked to Flora and I saw her having tears in her eyes.
“It´s, wonderfull, phenomenal, I can´t await to see his reaction, I just hope he will be surprised in an good way ,not in a bad, but this is actually the most beautiful dress I ever saw in my life.!” I said and we looked to Sweety belle which had giant golf balls as eyes.
“Really you like it, but uhmm, this must be said , I honestly couldn´t find my sisters special made for you dresses so I uhm, took a few I once has tried to made on my own, it should have been a dress for princes Celestia but it never could match her beautyness, so I keep it , behind my Sisters back, someday I will open m own Dress shop in Manehattan or in Canterlot, that is my wish!” She told us and I was in awe, this dress was really something, I looked and I noticed that there were still two other boxes.
“And what´s in this Box!?” I asked, and she opened the box to reveal an Dress, so bright, so white and so wonderfull as if it was,.. “Just made for the light itself!” I spoke out in awe, and I saw Flora´s mouth agape.
“This is so gonna be your dress today sister, this is amazing, don´t you dare to not wear this!” She said and I still looked lovestrucked to that dress.
“I haven´t anything other I ever wanted to wear!” I looked to Sweety Belle, she gestured to the tiniest box, I opened to reveal two pairs of earrings, one with an emerald earings and one pair with an white Diamond, I looked at her for more than five minutes then I rushed to her and took her in a hug, “ I thank you so much for this!” I said, suddenly I heard an magical, pling, I looked down and I saw an Cutie mark.
“Uhmm Sweety bell , can it be that you have just gotten a Cutie Mark?!” I asked her, she looked down and squealed.
“Oh, my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I just got my Cutie Mark!” She squealed and did an yes dance, means she´shopping around someone while shouting yes.
She stoped so I was able to see her Cutie mark in the Fullets, it was an Neadelball and a ribbon under it.
“I need to tell my friends!” and out she was, I tried to stop her.
“Hey whats with , the payment!” I stated this last out with an deadpanned expression, she was gone, off to her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, to boast with her new cutie mark, gosh when I am back I will make Dinky having one by herself too.
“So well I guess we better get going, to prepare ouselves ,not!” Flora said , equally confused by the filly.
“I guess so!”, and so we made our way back to my home, to prepare for the party.
Earlier with Jacky:
Pinkie Pie, okay a pink mare with fluffy light redish pink hair, an incredible energy and a voice sometimes so obnoxious that you want to strangle her, hmm seriously I can´t say I ever had her in my Hospital, well anyways, the description matches like the fist to the eye.
“OH my god, it´s you, Mr. , Mr. uhmm,…………. Sorry what was you name again?” I mentally broke down like in a fricken comic, with one feet in the air.
“My name is Soundwave Jacky, the real stallion behind Doctor Whooves, aka the best doctor of Ponyville, I got so called by the civilliants since the last six years!” I said with an annoyed , deadpanned face, seriously havent I said it loud enough for her to hear , when the Diamondwolves had attacked the town.
“Ah yeah that it was , silly me, well anyways how can I help you?” Well then off to business.
“Well I wanted to ask you if it were possible to build up an podest, I would like to held an speech during the party, just to thank you all for your help and for letting us three in this hard time go , to fight for this world, maybe I will give a bit of Basic knowledge to everyone, about who we are and what exactly we will do now, I will perform a little trick, and then I wanted to sing a song with all of you together, and after that maybe make some music at my DJ table if you would like!” I asked, and she gasped in exitement.
“Cool, a speech from you Mr, sure I will see what I can do, as for DJ I am sorry but we already have one!” she said, and here goes my joy.
“Oh?” I said somewhat dissapointed, as I got an idea.
“Is she good?” I asked and I neede to face hoof myself at the answer.
“Well according to the fact that I never did it with her , I say I don’t know!” She said and I was first moment confused.
“Did what?” I asked.
“Well, um you know, I mean, what mature stallions and mares do when they are attracted to each other!” She said uneasy ansd I facehoofed myself , hard.
“not that , I meant is she a good DJ!” I asked but as soon as I said that I felt a stare in my back.
“Hey Mr. know it all. Was this question about me!” She asked and I turned to be greeted by an beautiful mare, with cyian blue and nightsky blue hair. She wore an extremly pissed expression, making me shiver.
“ Uhmm I , eh , I hadn´t mean it that way!?” I stammered but she shushed me.
“Shush, as if an starter know what it´s called to be an DJ!” She said and suddenly I got angry, I I wasn´t not for nothing the Element of Sound, in my old Town, D- d-d- uh, d-d-Dezibel Town(Heart and soulaching) we have invented the DJing.
“You, Competition, Party, Tonight, do not run away, or I will hunt you down got it, Ps: you will so loose!” I siad I turned and walked away, seriosuly how can she say something like that.
“You have token advantage at the wrong person, boy, I am DJPon 3!” She shouted and I saw my chance to make a point, I turned and walked to her..
“I am DJ shockwave, look me up in the history of Equestria!” I pull my Hoove out so she could shook it, “May the best pony win!” She grinned.
“You will eat ground, Honey!” She said smiling evily.
“Better wear some earprotection, they can easly rip, if I put the Bass on!” I said, there where electric bolds shared between us, oh she will cry when she´s losing.
“Anyways, well I will go to the School I have something more to ask, with mis Cherilee!” I siad and I was determinated to get my things I wanted to do, before leaving this town, done.
I Walked up to the Ponyville Elementary school for young foalies, I enterd the school and I looked where her class was, I saw her suddenly teaching in one of the classes, I knocked and waited until she shouted.
“Yes!” I opened the door and stepped half in.
“Mr Soundwave, how may I help you?” Mr Cherilee asked surprised.
“I am sorry to bother you and your class Miss cherilee but I have an big favor to ask!” I said and whit that I got the Interest of her.
“Please go on, what favour you need?” She asked.
“Well, ass you all know, tonight is the Night where first off Princess Luna comes down from Canterlot, and secondly, the day when Ponyville, will say Farewell to three of his Guardians, to this both mainpoints at the Party I got an idea which I would like to make true, I have thought about of singin the acient, Antheme of Equestria again, and I would be an honor for me to let it be sung by your class, Mrs. Cherilee, if you agree, I mean!” I asked her, I looked at her while she looked to the class who were deads silent.
“I saw her brushing her hair out of her face, and then nodding.
“Sure why not, i´ve got no problems with that, and so we will have also a theme for Music Lesson, it would also be an honour for us to sing the Antheme, not Kids?” She asked and I heard cheering from the little Foalys, and so it was taken into the today shedule, in two hour I will teach the kids on how to sing the old and acient Antheme of Equestria. So it still rest enough time for the last of things to do, my heritage.
I rushed to the hospital, I hope he is here today.
“Hello, how may I help you?” The mare behind the reception-desk asked me and I breathed heavy.
“Huff, is Doctor Healthy Heart here today?” I asked.
“Wait a second, yes he is here, what can I tell him?”
“I need to talk to him in private, it is very important!” I siad with an stern expression.
“I will see what I can t´do, who shall I told him, you are?” She asked nodding.
“Soundwave Jacky, is the name!” I said and I waited, while she phoned the doc, I hadn´t to wait long, only like a 15 minutes.
“Mr Soundwave, Doctor Healthy Heart my name, how may I help you, I heard you need to speak with me in private?” The Doc, my oldest Collegue here in ponyville.
“Yo friend, I need you to see something and to answer me a question okay?!” I asked him , talking with him like I did whenever we were out of emergency.
“Uhmm okay, please show me what you mean!” he said.
“Okay, but you better dnt freak out!” I said, he only nodded, I then whistled on high frequency, creating an illusion around me, which works on the Doc´s hearing sense, suddenly I saw him gasping.
“What the, what is going on here!” He shouted tacken aback as suddenly Doctor Whooves stand infront of him.
“Hey, Heart, how is it going!”I asked him and I saw him making golfball eyes.
“T. is that you, is that really you?” He asked me dumbfounded.
“Yes it is, Doctor T. Whooves to your service, its me , the one and only!” I said.
“But how is that possible, an Earthpony can´t use magic!” He said near the edge of insanity.
“That would be if I indeed were an Earthpony, look, the name I said before is my real name, Soundwave Jacky, the Element of Sound and one of the Guardians of Equestria, I have token this form the moment he died and let me swear to help you out and to rescue Ditzy Doo, since I came in through this doors, six years ago , I was or this timespan indeed the second Doctor Whooves, the first has died after surviving by an hairs breath an Avalanche in the Mountains, to search for wild medical plants, as I found him , he asked me if I would take his place if he didn´t manage to come through with his injuries, I siad yes, and now I am on a crossroad and I need your help, would you help me?” I asked him, and I waited for the answer.
“Okay I guess, I think I rather are cool with the situation , but we better keep going, what is it you want to tell me!”
“Well as you now know , I am one of the guardians , and I think you know that we have been ordered by Celestia to take part in the fight against the Diamond wolfs, means I will leave the town tommorow morning with the others of my team and family, so I wanted to ask you, if it where possible for you to take over the Hospital from me, I wish that you will be the main Doctor and my heritage of the hospitals chief Doctor, does that suit you, Heart!?!” I asked and hoped.
“Yes of course, the Hospital needs a Chief doctor after all, I admit it will be much hard work but it was always my dream to someday be the Chief, and I am glad you asked me, thank you Whooves, for all, for all you have ever done to us, I will never forget you, you will always be welcome in here!” he said resting his forehead on mine in a friendly way.
“My soul and Heart will always be with you and this Hospital, you were my home for the last six years, I will never forget anypony of you!” I said and I meant it that way, they gave me everything, with their help I learned an complete new skill which I never knew in the past 6.ooo Years, the skill of Healing, to cure ponys and to make them feel better again.
“It will be lonely without you Whooves, but I promise I will be a whorthy heritage of you!” Healthy said and I belived him, if anypony can ever beat Appeljack in Honesty, it is him.
“Well then my friend, lets go announcing the great news!” I said, even when I was sad to leave this hospital I am sure it will be in the best hands.
“Everyone listen to me, for once, silence please, thank you , today I have an announcement to make, Doctor Whooves has decided to give his post as Chief Doctor of to me, Doctor Whooves please!” Healthy said and I stepped in front.
“Hello, well as you have heard I have decided to stop my work for an until now unknow timespan, it even may that I will never practise anymore, but I hope I will be false there, anyway I have chosen this path due to several circumstances which has strengthen this decision, well anyways there is a secret I had from you and I wanted to share it with you, because the oldest employers need to know the truth, I am not , the original Doctor Whooves you know!” I siad and loud gasps were everywhere to hear.
“Nor am I just a clone or anything, I have met Doctor Whooves when I wandered in the mountains of the Everfree Forest, I found him , pretty injured and barely alive but still he has enough will power, to survive, he had been surprised by an avalenche, he told me as I tried to get him to become better, I asked what he has wanted so far out here, he told me that he serched Herbs only aviable in this area, he needs to make them for medicine, for an special somepony to him, she has been sick for weeks and it only got worser, he then in order to save her he went on an journey to collect the herbs which he hadn´t there in the hospital, or neither could find at Zecora´s , he managed to get the herbs when the tragedy took his form, well as he layed there unable to move, he asked me what the goal in my life were, I replied that I want to find a special sompony and to be there for her as much as she need, I showed him a pic of her and he said that this were his special somepony, that she looked almost the same, I looked and indeed here was an similarity,not only a similarity but it was her but then again not her true self, I asked what had happened to her, to her horn, he looked at me curious and a bit confused so I told him what I was and what she was, he said that he remembers that she had been a grown up mare but her mind was like the one of an eight years, I couldn´t belive what he told me, I siad I need to see it by myself, and then he proposed to me, that I shall take his place if he shouldn´t managed to get back home alive, he showed me how to make the medics for that special mare, I did them and so we made our way to ponyville, but like he had said, he didn´t managed to stay alive, halfway on the way he breaked down and he was about to die, he told me I should help her and care about her and his daughter, I rpomised and he died in my arms on his injuries, it was the first time I saw someone dying in my arms, I tried to forget, I build an grave for him and burried him, then I made my way to here, to this ponyville which has become my home since then, I held my promise, I guarded over her and his daughter, in the day I did all my duty like a normal guardian , but in the night I was the secret guardian of her house, at night I watched over her, and provide any big accident, while I did so I found more and more similaritys between her and my love, until I was sure that she was the searched, I sked Princess celestia in my real form and she admit it to me that Ditzy Doo indeed was my Lumena, the Element of Light, well and 2 days ago was the last day of hide, so I have no guilt to reveal my real face to you, but always remember this words, regardless of how look and who I am , it was an honour to work with you, you were the best team an doctor can probably wish for, well then , this Is how I look in reality!” And with those words I broke the spell and turned to my true self. I held my breath for the reaction , suddenly I heard hoofclapping, first one, then more ponys until at the end they all clapped.
“I think I can speek for all of us, when I say, it was an honour to work with you, Mr. Soundwave!” Healthy said and I hugged him in a brotherly hug and wipped away some tears.
“I thank you guys, I thank you that you could accept me the way I am!” I said, and I felt arms hugging me.
“Mr. Soundwave, you have helped and rescued so much ponies, that it is already regardless of who you really are, we will never forget you Mr.Whooves, thank you for everything!” A nurse said and I was deply touched.
“I thank you, and I am sorry to say that now but I need to go, creating my speech and do a few other preparations for my journey, I will stay forever here within my heart, because ponyville is where I belongs, and that will never change, thank you!” Again hoofclapping, they all went back to business, so I made my way over to the school, for the music lessons.

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