• Published 17th Jul 2012
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The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria - Angel Equestria

Equestria prepares on an War which rules over the fate of both Worlds, Old and New Equestria

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Chapter 3: the Circus, do I know you, revealing the truth, Hourglass-soundwave.

Ditzy´s Pov:
It was a bright day and afternoon and it was now at least almost a week after my collapse, I was allowed to go back home, but I was still not allowed by the doctor to go back to work, so I should spend the rest of the week with keeping things easy, I did as told and I was just on my way to the train station, ask me but I don´t know why, I just had so a feeling that I shall go there today, maybe it was because of the melody I heard yesterday again, and some gentel words, I still remember every word: `near the long ride your faith will take his turn and all you will see will be worth to rescue´. And the feeling they got me, a Chill like a light kiss on the lips, making me flushing everytime I thought about it.
“What is wrong with me, I keep blushing of a breeze which reminds me of a Kiss!” I said more to my self, but not quiet enough for being ignored by Dinky.
“What do you mean Momy ?!”, she asked me looking worried at me, I sighed because it was no use to hide this from my daughter anyways.
“It happens at night, while I was in hospital, I keep hearing this song, played on a woodflute, and to that I often hear gentle words, like if the wind whispers to me, it is indeed nothing more than a whisper but the words are that makes it special to me, and from time to time the wind blew in my face and giving me a chill which felt as if I just got kissed on the lips, I know I actually might be accused of getting insane by the doctor, that’s why I havent told him about it, even though it is a bit scary, its always extremly pleasant, as if someone I love, whispers me sweet lips-to-ear rhymes, and love strucken nonsense in my ear!” I told Dinky who smiled brightly with a cocky grin.
“Mommy, can it be that you are in love with the wind, or maybe with the sound of the wind?” Dinky asked me and I chuckled, in love with the sound of wind, well that was something new, even for someone like me. Well I just better don’t tell her that I lately dream about this voice, being inpersonate by an white colt with black framed eyes and three turned triangels under the right eye, his mane was a dark black with a bright red in, I still could see its cutie Mark, a Music-Note framed by Soundwaves. And out of all the unordinary things on my dreamcolt he also has a pierced ear, pierced by three black ring-piercings.
“And then his electric blue eyes, looking so intensly at me, so full of love and passion !” I said a bit too loud out of my world I currently was in, trapped in a daydream of the perfect colt.
“Mommy, Mommy, look look there is a circus!” Dinky said, waving a pawn in front of my face , I blinked and adjusted myself back to reality, there was a large tent in on which has been written the Letters, IMAGINARIA ; THE FIRST PONY CIRCUS EVER.
“Wow a Circus, a real Circus, I have read in history that the last real Circus has being vanished over ceveral centurys ago, there had been a forest magician, an illusionist, a fire-eater, a scientifist with an Tesslar-transformator, to build up electric plasma, for an awesome show, they had an acrobat, an merpony, an a golem, that is what miss Cherilee told us, those Circuses were popular, but the Circus Imaginaria was that time indeed the first real Circus, this now seems to be the Grandchildren of those mens from that time!” Dinky said and I was impressed, by all those things she knows.
Suddenly I felt a tap on my Shoulder, I looked back and saw a Pony with a black tux on, he had bright red lips and his eyes has a bit of eyeshadow, he gestured to the Circus and mades an welcoming gesture, so as if he welcome us in the circus, he gave something to Dinky, a baloon and a few tickets, maybe entrance tickets, then he looked at me, and I saw something like recognizing in his eyes, he bowed before me in a very royal gesture, I hold out my hoof to shake his one, but instead he take it and kiss it.
By now, I know I were a big ass tomato, from all the blushing, the strange colt let go of my hoof and looked in my ears, even thought I was surprised, this light kiss was so wonderfull it was like the feeling I just had described whenever I felt kissed by the wind.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked him, he made a laughing face but no laugh or any other sound came out of his mouth, he smiled , shrugged, bended again and trotted of with a little jump in his feet, I tried to look at him again but I lost him in the crowd behind me.
“Must be a Phantomim!” I shrugged, mumbling to myself.
“Mommy, look, I have become entrance tickets, c´mon lets go watch the show!” Dinky urged me, making me crashing back on earth and back to reality, I don’t know but there was something strangely familiar at this colt, so as if in I once had saw him, but im sure I never had, well maybe in this live, which I had lost my memories of.
“Sure honey, lets get in!” I said a bit absent minded, we just wanted to enter as I heard a voice, who has been familiar to me.
“So what is with her doctor!” I turned to the voice to see the man from earlier, the phantomim, coming out of an Tent, with Doctor Whooves, while the doctor wears a worried expression.
“Well I guess she has lost her voice, it must come from the whole rouge-powder she has breathed in when putting on the make up for the show, with the time the powder had set down in her throat and began to block her voice more and more until she lost it, the only thing I can now give her would be these pills, they will neutralise the powder but she needs to rest her voice for the next time, im sorry to say but it seems that you need to do the show without Miss Arcandia , im sorry really!” Dr. Whooves said and he trotted away after the man thanked him, as the phantomim turned he bumped in me.
“Oh sorry, im so sorry, did i hurt you somehow?” He asked me but I shacked my head in no.
“No thanks, umm I know I shouldn´t have but I accidently heard what Dr Whooves has told you, im sorry that the Miss is sick, no one should be ill on such a beautiful day!” I said still having Dinky on my Hoove, who looked curious between me and the man.
“Yes I guess so, well we simply had bad luck. Oh where my manners are, my name is Midnight Shadow, I am the Singer and the Moderator, of the Circus Imaginaria, until my brother, Song Key, has recovered from his broken leg, but now without miss Arcandia, I think I can forget the singing for this week!” He said sadly, shooking my hoof and I felt sorry for him, the reason why I had speaked to him was because I wanted to find a familiarity on him, or something to remind me on where I once have saw him.
“I hope she will be better soon, well my name is….!”
“I know, you must be miss Ditzy Doo, right, the fastest mailmare of ponyville, I have heard about you in the postoffice after I send a letter to my brother, I can tell you, they are pretty sad that you arent there for the moment, I think they almost are going under in work!” Mr Shadow said to me and I was sad , just because of me they have too much work, just because I musted collapsing a few days ago.
“No, don´t you think like this, Miss Doo!” He said and I recognized that I had spoken loud, I blushed but let my head falling.
“Its because I am clumsy and I always getting those nighmares lately, and then one day I collapsed because of lack of sleep, I am just useless, and a bother for everyone, even my Daughter ,I do always embarasse her because of my Clumsiness!” I felt tears streaming down my face, and suddenly I feel myself falling forward and I have being catched by strong hoofs, they embrace me tighly, I could feel his head resting next to mine comforting me, being watched by a Curious Dinky, but I don´t care for the moment, this feeling, it was as if I hug an old friend from the past after seeing him after years again, suddenly I feel his cold breath, even though he was near on my ear.
“Never, ever think this again, you are not embarassing, you are not, clumsy or anything bad, when I look at your daughter I must say she is really beautiful and has good manners, she is sweet caring and she loves you more than everything, this cant come out if the mother were as bad as you describe yourself, you arent clumsy, I mean if yes why would they in the postoffice be so helpless without you, if you were a bother for everyone, why would you be a mailmare who is highly praised by the civillian here, when I first came here I heard from a few mares that it where really sad that you werent there to deliver the mail or to make party, I think the last one came from a pink mare and the first from a cyan blue with a rainbow mane, the same I had also seen when I was about to send the letter to my brother, they say she was good but not as nice and cool than you, she has been a good mailmare but a kind of worse teamplayer, always pushing time so she could fly through the clouds as long as she can without doing her duty, and I heard the post master saying something like, `I will be glad when Derpy is back, she at least know how to do her work in the correct way´, but that’s not all, when we were about to build up the tent we hadn´t enough magic rest, due to the exhaustion of moving, training show and back to moving, so we went to get help, I went to the library after I had asked the postmaster for help, he said that a mare called Twillight sparkel has big magical power and may be able to help us, he also asked me if it were possible to just take a letter with me to give her since that cyan pegasus were too much occupied with dashing through the clouds, I then went to the library and met this mare, Twillight sparkle, she was glad as I gave her the letter and she said `it’s a shame that Derpy isn´t there for the moment, with Rainbow Dash as mailmare, the letters sure are fast but she hates to work hard, so she may do only the work she sees, means, the few hours doing her duty and then she is definitely dashing at least half of the day throught the clouds, before remembering around the evening that there still wait some letters, then she flies to the P.O. and then she boast at least a 15 minutes with her sonic rainboom, being faster then someone else, before remembering to deliver the rest letters, and we poor customers need to wait almost a day for our letters, by derpy hooves the letters always come on the right time around noon, always in time and never a day later, shes great and also a good listener, she always like it when I told her what´s going on in Canterlot, when I get the newest gossip from my Brother Shining Armor, I really miss her and I want her to be good quickly!” After he told me this I had tears of joy in my eyes, so I weren´t already forgotten totally, I recognized that he still hold me in an embrace, suddenly I heard a whisper I think I shouldn´t hear it, it was realy almost inaudible.
“I´m so glad to see you being okay after so many time has passed, after all what had happened to you, it´s a wonderfull feeling to hold you back in my arms, it has been century´s since I last hold you……. Lumena, my Sister!” and I jerked away, blushing.
“Uhmm sorry well I think we will go in now, for watching the show, hey by the way if you need an replacement singer, just go ask for a mare called lyra Heartstrings, she´s a wonderfull singer!” I said to him and I trotted away, he looked at me, I could feel his stare in my back, that was scary, how does he know my secret name , which I for my self just found out a few days ago by Equestria, could he be the one Equestria has meant, my mentor.
“Maybe he was too an Element!” I said to myself, well I will think about this another time, right now, I will enjoy the show.
“Where do we sit Dinky?” I asked my daughter.
“In this row right here,… next to the Doctor!” She said and stared at doctor whooves, who looked at us too.
“Oh my, well hello Miss Hooves, going out with your daughter I see, so you came to watch a real Circus Show for once in a lifetime!” He said and I nodded, he sweated even though it was not hot in here.
“Are you okay Doctor, you sweating water like the Canterlot Falls?!” I asked, worried about his health , he looked at me and what I saw scared me, his whole right side had turned white and his hair was a mess, one side brown the other black red, and then his eyes he…., wait White coat, Black red hairs, piercing electric blue eyes, and a…, I looked at his right flank and I saw it, his Cutie mark has changed, there where that time has been an Hourglass has now been an Hourglass with soundwaves, it seemed that he was Half doctor and half someone else, he alsmost looked like the colt of my dreams, I blinked and when I opened my eyes again he was smilling at me , with the hole doctor corps, seriously am I beginning to get sick or to lose my mind or what.
“Yes I am, miss Hooves, how about you, everything alright so far?” He asked smiling but with an stern expression , like in his best `I am pleased to see you but do not exhaust yourself too much´ expression.
“Y-ye-yes I am, so far, I guess!?” I stuttered as suddenly, only for a blink, his eye color changed from azur to electric blue.
“I…!” I got destracted as suddenly the lights became shut down, the whole circus was bathed in darkness, suddenly a light cone falled on a person, I might think it’s the director of the Circus, in the ring, suddenly a soft voice began to speak.
“Ladies and Gentelcolts, dear Foals and Fillys, the Imaginaria welcomes, to Circus of Imgagination, and what a show we have for you tonight….!” Suddenly a rhythm of sweet drums and keyboard music ringed around in the whole tent, while the director of the Circus begans to sing.
“Restless artists put on their dancing shoes, mindless we will get you while we are loose, Illusionists, wind magicans, everything you see in here is for you!” A choir began to sing and the arena became illuminated fully, we could see some ponys doing acrobatic tricks, others acting like clowns and there was even one who works as a clown, an in all it has been a wonderfull show until suddenly.
“ STOP THE SHOW AND RUN; WE GONNA GET ATTACKED!” someone screamed, and as soon as the music stooped we heard the screams of some ponies, suddenly the crowd comes in motion, there were a pushing and pulling to get out of the tent, I grabbed Dinky and together we got out, I runned a bit away from the crowd to avoid standing in the way, I looked around and I saw, that there where a whole squadron of Diamon-dogs attacking Ponyville, not looking actually like the ones who once had ponnapped Rarity, instead of dogs who simply love diamonds, these here had the skin shaped like it were made of a big, dark crystal, it looked more like crystalic timberwolfs.
“What is going on here, Momy I am afraid!” the Voice of Dinky brought me back to reality, right, Dinky, I need to get ourself out of danger, I picked here up and sat her on my back.
“Hold on strong Dinky, I will try to find an hideout!” I said as I began to run, I runned until I arrived at home, everywhere I see ponies running away from these new creatures.
I was almost at the porch of my house, suddenly I felt a weight going off of me literally, as suddenly I heard a scream, which made my blood freezing.
“Oww, Mommy, Mommy, help me!” I looked back terrified and I saw Dinky backing away close followed by one of those creatures, I saw her being hurt on her foot, I run in front of Dinky , arms outstretched to protect my Daughter, who hide herself behind me.
“UNTIL HERE AND NOT FURTHER, I WILL NOT LET YOU GET MY DAUGHTER, GOT IT; IF YOU WANT HER, YOU HAVE TO GO FIRST THROUGH ME !” I screamed at the thing, who prepared to jump on me, I closed my eyes, then opened my eyes, I was ready to fight, I will always protect Dinky.
“Come at me Bro!” I said, suddenly I felt a storm coming up, I heard an pained yell and I see the dog laying in the corner of the Fountain in the Market place´s middel, another tries to jump on me but I see something looking like an sharp storm hitting it, it yelled in pain and joined his brother by the fountain.
“What the heck,…!” I said but I got interupted by a touch at my shoulder.
“ Lumena, we need to get out of here!” I heard someone yell, I spun around to see Mr. Midnight Shadow, with Dinky on his back, I blinked and nodded, we began to fly away, as I recognized under all the clothes, Midnight was an Pegasus too, suddenly, I heard a yell behind us.
“Wait up, guys i´m not so fast in this corps!” I looked back only to see the Doctor running behind us, he tried to run as fast as we fly he was almost exhausted, by the while what do he mean with, in this corps .
“C´mon Doctor Whooves, we need to get out of here!” Dinky screamed, I run back and began to unfold my wings, I turned around as I was past him, and run at him I began to rise , I picked him up and together we fly behind Midnight and Dinky.
“Need a lift Doc?” I asked the doctor smiling.
“I guess so, in this form I cant use my magic!” He said and I was confused, since when can earth ponies use magic.
“What do you mean by that, Doc, you are an Earth Pony, Earth ponies cant flying, that is normal, Appeljack cant fly too only pegasis and alincorns can fly and the only alincorns I know are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and also Queen Chrisalys but she´s an Changeling queen, but you are an Earth pony, earth, do you understand, earth pony , no wings, not ability to fly, you arent a pegasus, you are an earth pony!” I screamed over the wind, I saw that Midnight suddenly began to go down, I looked around on my surroundings, I flew over the ground and letting the Doc go, before I almost stopped/crashed in a tree, I had luck I didn´t.
As soon as we all had been gathered together,I looked again at my surroundings and I shaked, we were near an to me well know forest, a forest you don’t go without no reason, an forest who has been taboo for me since I was little, I once lost myself in it´s giant labyrinth of trees , only granny smith had found me that time and brought me back to my mother, I had been hurt very badly on my forehead, I still can remember the moment on the first thing I can remember, it was doctor Canteros worried face, he was theboss of doctor whooves that time when he still was young, well this forest I honestly never want to enter ever again, but I have a slight feeling that I need to do so anyway, someday, these tree of the Everfree forest.
We paused a bit, I sat next to Doctor Whooves and on the other side of Midnight shadow who had Dinky on his lap playing with her, letting the doc explain what he had mean to me before.
“Actually I am not an Earth pony in reality, Ditzy, I aren´t the one you think I am, I have kidded you and the whole town for years, I arent or better said I am not the Doctor you all know, I am not doctor Whooves but I know him, I found the real Doctor once a day in the past in the mountains, half death, he survived an stone-avalanche, he was very weak but he stood his man, he said to me that I need to bring him to ponyville, I promised to him and together we made our way to ponyville, but on the way to the town he couldn´t walk anymore and I was exhausted from always flying him around, he was a bit better feed, if you know what I mean , we rested on a place where we were save,I asked him who he was, he said he were a doctor in Ponyville and he had been searched for new weeds to make medicine of it, he told me for what exactly he need it, he said he need it for you, Ditzy, I asked him from where he knows you, he said that you had lived all your life in Ponyville but that you had lived first in the everfree forest with some bad parents, every week he had been asked to heal you because you were sick or injured or something other always by animals or by falling down or so, it was suspicious to the doctor, but he never had an evidence of phisical abuse, until that day he made an unexpected visit, your parents has been just went away, he had see them walking away and you were lying unconsious on the floor loosing much blood, he managed to stop the blood but you were still unconsious and pretty much half death, he feared for you live, he said you had clutched on his chest with tears of pain in his eyes, you should have said something like `don´t let him see me this way´ then, so he told you passed out, so he brought you in the hospital, he said that your horn has been cut of your forehead, that you had injuries, scratches, cuts and even blue places all over your body and that he never had seen an such gruesome case, he cared about you and helped you to get better soon, healed you as good as he could , he still were yound that time a bit older than you, ha if he had knewn what I know, well anyways , you actually were his first gravel case and his first personal patient, under the leading of his professor he did everything to heal you, the moment you woke up you began to speak in secrets, to speak like you werent the singel person in your body, he has to put you on morphine so you would be able to get some sleep, after a few days he found out that you has completely loosed your memorys, he said that was the moment he saw your eyes, always when he checked on you in the past with his professor, he looked in your eyes, he said they always had shined when you saw him but that time they were just normal, but after you woke up he saw that your eyes has began to look in different directions, he thought it has been due to your injurys but with time he got to know that this has now been imbedded in your DNA, he said it must have been due to the loss of your horn, that the magic which has been released changed your whole DNA code and structure of your gens and so the magic flew out tried to escaped every part of your body but it had only injured it more. I asked what he now wants to do with the weed, and he said he had made a mistake, a big mistake, he said that it happened at an party of an so called party mare, called Pinkamena Pie, he had drunk too much and you too, well I think you will know what had happened, he said he always had feelings for you, but the moment he had done it, had been the moment in which he had the biggest shame ever done on him and on you he never wanted to do it and now he had after he got himself so drunk he haven´t, remembered anything for an whole week before you came to check on you, he had got you pregnant but he couldn´t stand up for it, because you werent old enough and he wouldn´t risk to get thrown out by the school for doctors nor would he be hated by the town, so he had leaved you alone with the child, but he said he always has looked out for Dinky, and then came the day you had become sick, extremly sick and Dinky had no one else but Carrot top , he didn´t wanted you to die, after all he had putted you throught, so he made his way, leaving the whole work to the others, in the hospital, only to get you the things he need for an medicine to help you, he asked me if I would help him to mix it so he can give it too you immediately, I agreed also because I knew you for so long and I wanted you to be alive and save, even though we cant die, we still are able to expire imense pain and I loved you for so long before that time , before you loosed your horn, before this Millenium has begun, I should have been there for rescuing you but I was not able to do , I too has been roobed of my Horn, the ponies in my old home had fear and were extremly paranoid, they thought I would do something against them, my parents always stand up for me, until they got arrested for defending a monster they had said, they catched me and chained me, the showed the whole procedure to the public, my parents has to see it in cuffs, I still couln hear the cries of my parents especially the one of my mother, my father, the last thing I heard from him was, `give never up, never back down, don´t let someone tell you how to live or who you have to be, lived your life as you want it to be and to end and if you find a good and pretty mare, save her whenever needed, hold her whenever she needs comfort, love her when you truly love her, and never want to leav her, and care for her when she gives you the greatest present a colt can ask for, a child´ he screamed this words to me as they slayed the horn off of my Forehead, I tried to make it not happen by building up magic to stop the hammer, my magic has exploded in the same moment the hamer slayed my horn off, in an giant shockwave, crashing down everyone even my parents, erasing the whole Village of Socundania, that was centurys ago, after I healed I run away, I don’t wanted to have everything to do with ponies anymore expect of the ones of my kind, my old friends and my old family , my brothers and Sisters , and my true love, you Ditzy, you and the Elements of Symphony!” and with these words he changed , like before in the tent, his Whole body and his Coat became White, his hair changed its form and its colour to an Black, framing a strong red haircolor, his eyes became framed by big black lines, like eyerings, under his right eye there began to form itself three black downside-turned Triangles, on his flank, the Hourglass Cutiemark completely vanished and has been replaced by the, by me so well known, black, soundwave framed, musical note. And then he stand there, my dream colt, the Colt of my dreams, with white wings and the yellow metalframed Orb on his forehead.
“Y-y-y-y-you !?!” I said , my lips quivered , I began to shake and suddenly I laid in his arms crying my Soul out, I pressed him on me, the one I always loved for all those years, I began to reprodce memories, memories of when I was older and stronger, memories of him and me watching the sleeping sun, and the rise of the moon, I felt so great so above everything in his arms, he rested his lips on my head, and I pressed my face in his chest, I know that Dinky saw everything but I din´t care for the moment, now that he has fully transformed his voice has been so heavenly again, as I know here from the wind and the dreams.
“Ssshhh, it´s alright, everything is gonna be alright, now we gonna save your friends and then we will be able to fight those Diamond-dogs, or better said, Diamond-Wolfs, okay, Midnight , will you try to find a Miss Carrot Top, she will be caring about Dinky while we will fighting okay, but first we need to find the Elements of Harmony, so they will be able to take care about the rest in the town, with this attack, I can tell the War has only began, Nestrell is about to wake up again, he seemed to finally has taking in the whole power of creation he had stolen out of the worlds Mistress Equestria has created before this world, we need to find the other Elements of Equestria, it still miss Fire, Water, Earth, Nature and Metal or else we don’t will stand a chance, but to convice them to help us will be very hard, they have gotten the greatest damage and they has been sweared to them self to never help the ponies again, they only will do when the world is on its ultimate edge to the black abbys, but maybe with some punching arguments we can convice them to help us avoiding this whole War by the start, but for now lets go to help the others!” the White colt said.
I looked to Dinky who has listen the whole time and also saw my crying, I walked over to her and she jumped in my arms.
“Momy, who is this colt what had happened to the doctor and what and who are they now?!” She asked me fearfully.
“Our friends!” I said to her, finally I know who was her father after all those years of silent doubts on my own freaky mind, all those years alone because doc Whooves wouldn´t want to stand up for me, but then finally he made it up by helping me getting better and withhelping me when I was so littel, than I remembered a question I wanted to ask my dream colt.
“Uhhmm, by the way whats your name now and what happened to Doctor Whooves !?” I asked the white colt.
“You can call me for normal Soundwave Jacky, or simply Jacky, as for fighting situation, just call me, Shockwave!” he said and I nodded, so he was Shockwave, the guardian of Sound, an Element of Equestria, a Fallen Angel.
“And me you can call, Venturios, my real name you know I guess!” I turned to be greated by an Cyan blue Colt with dark blue Wind lines on his corps, as cutie mark he has an tornado with two Daggers on each side of it.
“I am the Wind , literally, whenever you need something just ask me okay, its really a good feeling to have you back on our side Lumena!” Midnight Shadow said, so he was Venturios, the Guardian of Wind, I looked at his forehead and I saw the transparent Orb with some metalic feather-shaped ornaments under its hair.
“So to your question where the real Doc is, well he is dead as you sure think right now, he hadn´t been able to heal all his injuries and I can only use soundmagic but no healing magic, he asked me if I wanted to see you again, I have told him all about me and you and what I am and what you are, he told me to save you and for this I should take his shape, so they will be able to let me in the laboratory, I promised that I would look out and care for you, after he died on his injuries, I formed with help of my sound magic an speel which let me sound like him, and with help of sound I created an illusion to look like him, a tone which works on everyponies mind make them see me as the doc, but the force of the spell began to weaken a few years ago, just like today, so I asked my old friend Midnight here, to help me making a new out of wind-illusion who strenghen the soundmagic, well I came back `from my excurison as the doc´ and I was instantly greaten by the nurses as I walked in the Hospital, I had gotten instructions of the doc on how to use the medicine, so I was able to help you, after the day went on, I began to explore my love for reading about real boring medical stuff, I read every night until I had it all in my head, so I managed to stay as Doc without acting suspicious to the others, from that moment on till now I had been the doc for the last 6 years!” Jacky told me and I was glad, even though I miss the real doctor, I cant say that I also never had a little crush on him after he saved my life, but now I need to know that the doc after I had been sick wasn´t the doc before I got sick, wow so much to take in and still there was one question wich really burned a whole in me.
“Uhmm just as Question, when I am the Guardian Of light, how does it come that I haven´t an orb on my Forhead, where my Horn should be!” I asked and I got an appreciative glance by Jacky.
“Very good observation, this Orbs indeed, replace our horns and they aslo are seals to use our magic in normal quantity like once with our horns. As for the Question why you havent one, well these Orbs are created by Celestia and by Equestria, she created also one for you after Floraya, guardian of the nature, has brought her the message of the sin the Ponies, who once should have been real good parents, had made, when they have stolen your horn and breaking your mind, she told her, as much as I know, that you have no memorys of your old life anymore, like I said, to be Immortal don’t means, we cant be harmed, well Celestia decided to Build us all those orbs to replace the Horns, because we arent the original made ponies from Celestias father, we are not able to grow a new horn, she dedcided that, due to the fact, that you have no memorys of your magic or your duty nor your past Milleniums, that the Orb of Light shall being guarded and hidden deep down in the Cathedral of light until the time would come to use it again, so the Orb has been guarded by the Order of light, in wich your old and last mother has worked, before,… well I think you still know what had happened, not, the doctor had told me about the official report, that Discord has attacked and crashed down the Cathedral of light, what no one else but the Elements and Celestia as well as Equestria knows is that Discord has done this unknown by himself, while he was possessed by Nestrell, the Mistress and Princess Celestia says you have spoken with Equestria and Twillight about the thing with us ,not!” He asked me and I nodded sadly, after I heard all those things, but that also means that the Orb must still be under the ruins of the Cathedrale.
“Was, everyone of us an Alincorn!?” I asked slowly, gulping but still out of curiosity.
“Yes everyone, and all of them have lost their horn by their biggest enemy, their own neighbors!” He said looking down sadly, I put a wing over him to comfort him.
“I really have missed you Lumena!” he said and he did something I though I never would feel, he kissed me on my forhead where I once had a real Alincorn horn, I blushed under his gestured and I got closer to him while we walked over to appel acres.
“So here is where the Element of Honesty lives, well it´s, nice, here, I guess!” Venturios said trying to not sound sarcasticly, by the way, he failed badly.
“Why I find it really nice here!” Jacky said and together we walked up to Appeljacks porch, on half way we got us embarassed again.
“Uhmm by the way, why do we even walk, arent we all kind of Pegasis now, I think with flying we would be faster!” Venturios said, getting an thumb up from Dinky, she seems to like him already.
We flew over to the porch and I knocked hardly and quickly.
“Ah coming, no rush just relax!” we heard it coming from behind the door.
“So who is disturbing on such an quiet had-to-be- peacefull -until-you-disturbed-me day!” the door opened and a sleepy Big Mac stand in front of us yawning.
“Heya Big Macintosh, do you know where your sister is !” I asked him, he blinked looked closly at me , he turned.
“Oi, AJ, Derpy is asking for you!” I saw in the corner of my eyes that jacky wants to say something, I immediately raised my hand to silencing him, I heard a few stepps and an tired looking Appeljack appeared in the porch.
“Hey Derpy, what can ah do for you!” she asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Hey AJ, we need you for something, we need the Element of Honesty!”I said and AJ looked at me like im crazy.
“uuhm what, the element, why the heck do you need the element!” She said, I wanted to tell her the situation, but I got stopped as Midnight, placed his hoof on my shoulder.
“She rather got to see it!” He said and with this words he picked up AJ bridalstyle and flew her high enough to see the town still being attacked, while they fly I only coul hear AJ screams of fear and surprise, I know how much she hated to aprutly being raised in the air.
“I will come directly, just please don’t let me fall!” AJ said cuddling on him her face in his chest to avoid looking down, at least that was what Midnight shadow told me later.
“Well then next stop is Cloudsdale!” I said.

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