• Published 17th Jul 2012
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The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria - Angel Equestria

Equestria prepares on an War which rules over the fate of both Worlds, Old and New Equestria

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Chapter 6: Sick of it all,The story of my mistake, the Legend of the Creation.

Dinky´s Pov:
Tears, tears, and more tears are escaping my eyes as I saw her packing her things, I didn´t wanted her to go, why is she going anyway, just because those dumb royal guard and this dumb princesses aren´t able to go against this dumb Diamond wolves, aren´t able to handel a singel, mashup monster or an strange insect pony mix creature, so they send that strange but rather cool stallion Jacky to take Mommy away from me, to fight in a war she probably can´t survive, I bet all those lies about the Elements of Symphony and the Fallen angels being her siblings is just crap, a simple way to make her fighting for nothing just that I am in the end Motherless, I haven´t a Dad, I never had, and suddenly I get to know that doctor Whooves, our ah so awesome Doctor Whooves, isn´t himself at all but just some pony with magic force in disguise and then I must know that the actual real Doctor WHooves was my father and that he never had the guts to tell Mommy and me, I could love him, I really like the old Doc but to hear that his carrier and his pride was him more important than his own new made familly , he should stand up for what he has created, I never had a dad in my life, and now I am just about to lose my Mother, no way, she takes me with or she´s not going.
“No Dinky, you can´t come with me!” Mommy said as I cried again begging her to take me with her.
“B-b-b-b-b-but, but why not Mommy!” I hung on her, literally, as she stomped through the house to get her things together, I hanged myself on her hoof.
“No I don´t want you to go, why do you leave me alone like this, I have lost my dad as he went on a journey to search the medicaments for you, even when we didn´t know he was it, and now you go on a Journey to save the land and you are leaving me here as well, what if you never come back like daddy!” I sobbed in her hoof, she stopped and sighed, I feel how her hooves picked me up and she stepped with me on her arm to the couch, she sat herself down and then looked at me, withtears in her eyes.
“I don´t want to go either Dinky, but I have to, its my duty as an Guardian of Equestria, and what shall we do when I stay here and the world begins to sink into chaos, I don´t want you to grow up in such a chaotic time, and to provide that, I have to fight!” she said, and I got angry, much angrier than ever before and I didn´t like it a bit but it had to be out, I jumped off of her lap and turned with both fire and water, tears and anger in my eyes.
“And what is with my feelings, do somepony ever asked about how I feel by that, I don´t care if Equestria goes downhill, I don’t care if chaos will rule, I at least have then you, you may not want me to grow up in such a chaos, but I don´t want to grow up without a mother, I have no dad, or better said I never really had one, don´t you make me now motherless too, I need you but it seems that your duty for the land is much more important than your own daughter, you and dad you are just alike, you really should have married him when you had the time, I always knew you had a thing for him before Jacky took his Place!” I spat it, with all the venom I could manage to bring up, tears starting to melt my anger, to make place for sorrow, I see sorrow as well as shock in Mommy´s eyes.
“But Dinky , that’s not true, I …!” She stammered but I cut her off.
“It is, or else you wouldn´t leave me, I am not important to you anymore, only those brothers and sisters of you and this strange angel called Equestria, they have infected you with something and it begins to bear fruits, just because you are not content with your job and your life doesen´t mean you can suddenly throw your old life overboard and buy another one,it doesent mean that you can left me that easy, and began to make a journey full of dangerous adventures , fights and what do I know more, you want to leave for something unknown, all the things and people behind which once had mean something to you, don’t I mean anything to you anymore, am im just somebody that you used to call daughter, c-c-c-c-c-C-C-CAN I EVEN CALL MYSELF YOUR DAUGHTER ANYMORE!” I was at my limit, I bursted out of the house don’t caring for anything but myself and my hatred, hatred against Celestia, who takes me away my Mommy, hatred against Jacky, who finally appeared on the screen to seduce my mother and to make her coming with him, to destination unknown, hatred against Equestria for its weak guardians, who arent able to handel a handfull Diamond wolves, hatred against the CMC´s and Big Mac, who just happens to cross the road and me bumbing in them, screaming at them and chasing them away, hatred against the sun , who shines luckily on a day on wich it should rain like a monsun, to keep Mommy by me, and finally hatred to myself for being so entirely and unreplaceable mean and angry towards her. I runned, I runned so far, still not caring where my hooves dragged me, I don’t even know how I made it through the Everfree forest, without meeting the dangerous carnivores and Timberwolves, I runned until I was at my favourite beloved restplace, up the hill from where I could see all Equestria.
“WHY!!!!!” I screamed up in the Air, how could she leave me so easy alone, me, her own daughter.
“Why what?” i froze as I heard it, I spun around only to be greeted by green and brown.
There stand a Pony, but only a one of a kind, I never had saw somepony like this, her whole coat was brown, her Hair and her Tail, were leaf green, her cuty mark was an leave circled by green roots,in her hair were two blooms of Nightliliths, a beautyful Flower which only opens in the night, she wear a poncho and a Sand-yellow veil, and an gemstone on her forhead.
“Hey, why are you crying, young foaly!” She asked, in an voice wich was young and clear but also old and wise at the same moment.
“My mom wants to leave me, me and her friends, I shall stay with an familly friend but what if she never comes back!” I said, why do I even tell her that.
“By the way you told me it, I assume that you must be Dinky, not, the Daughter of Lumena!” She said to my surprise, and I got angry, again someone who calls mommy with that Stupid name.
“Who are you , I bet you are one of them, who wants to take away mommy, admit it, you are, aren´t you?” I narrowed my eyes and anger filled me , again, I saw her nodding and I was ready for an outburst, I was inches away, as I saw her tears, tears streaming down her face, it confused me, why was she crying , this must be a trick.
“Why are you now crying, you should be glad, you have become what you have wanted, not, when someone has the right to cry it is me got it!” I shouted at her but suddenly I felt myself in a hug, I blushed and tried to get free but I stoped right on track when I heard her talking, cracking voice while crying in my coat.
“It´s terrible, not, I know how you feel, very well even, I know the feelings to suddenly loose the own mother, by me it was the same, I losed my parents, when a internal war has ripped the village I lived in , in two halfs, two halfs were for me, to stay, the others wanted me out for every price, my parents and my best friends parents , has been standing for me, on the side which has decided for me, the other side was much less comfortable with the fact to have a monster in their rows, somepony, who is able to let flowers and plants growning by clapping in my hooves or simply to sing to them, It was nothing that not every magician could do, but alone the fact that I was an Allincorn of the element Nature, abel to do anything with trees and plants, was for the most of them already too much to handel due to the fact that they were all Earth ponies, only my closest friends stand for me, well in the end no one but my mare- friend and me had survived, the last things I heard from my Parents was that I should live the way I want, and to not let somepony controlling me and my every action, my Mothers last words were: `someday you will grow your own forest´and she was right, I had managed to grow my own forest, but it was in an act of magic neither her nor I had ever meant, do you know when the Timberwolves has appeared in the Everfree Forest?” She asked me and I shaked my head, even though I should have been angry , her story banned me, keeping me in a spell somehow, even though I don’t feel any bit of foreign magic on me.
“It happened the day I lost my horn, I went through the Forest admiring the Nature, as I saw him, a Stallion, Stone rich , was his name, he walked through the nature like he were the king, stomped on flowers, on young plants and my favourite flowers, the Nightbloomers, I hated the sight of how he treated the nature, he simply had no care of how old this forest was but he knew how rich he could get with the wood of it, so he began to get helpers to seriously strip the forest off his trees, tree after tree has been fallen, and all I could see was horror, literally the horror for me, one day he began to build machines to get the work done faster, I was just back from defending the Everfree forest from the Forest burn, made by dragons who thought they don´t need to behave around Jetfire which has that time enough to do with keeping the Dragons and the Phoenixes in Dragon´s Hill in check!” She said and I was confused, only a bit.
“Who is Jetfire!” I asked but she shaked the head.
“I will tell you later, now if I may continue?” she asked politely.
“Uhmm, sure, I guess!” the story actually calm me and I was more than glad to do so.
“Well like I say I was just back from defending my Home, as I came back I must see that there was a huge hole of fallen trees in the forest, I was angry, angrier as angry, so angry as I was when my parents leaved this world, that time I was angry because I was too young to help, to defend myself, this time I was angry because I was too late to defend my home, I was so angry, I stomped to Stone rich and in wanted an answer on why he destroy this once so beautyful place of nature, the only thing he did was laughing, he said that I should go back home before I get burned, and so he let the place burned down, I managed to get all my friends, animals and my closest friend, from old times, out of danger, now I was more than angry I was ready to explode, I called over telekinesis to my sister Aquania, she came imeediatly to help me defending the forest against the fire once again, after the fire has been vanished all I saw was burned trees and destroyed nature, now I had my own fire in my eyes, I wanted to see blood for every fallen tree and every destructed habitat of the animals, so I began to attack the ponies who had destrucked my beloved Forest, they backed away and fleeed, only stone rich stayed, not willing to give up his goldplace, so we began to fight, the fight got much badder and harder to win, and then came that moment, one spell hit me and made me unconsious, I came back to sense fast but I saw him holding a spere he had made of an losen branch, he throw it at me, I was still a bit weak on my hooves to doged, I wanted to let it vanishing in thin air before I got hit, but my force was too weak I was too afraid to concentrate, and then the unbelivable happened, the moment the spear should pierce through my body, one of my friend jumped in the line of fire, getting hit instead of me, it pierced his body and I must watch how he died, his last words to me were, to not let him go away, with what he did, to get him for what he did to the nature, I cried, I cried much but I began to get more angry when I already was , worser I began to hate, to hate so much I wanted to see him dead, I wanted him to feel the same as he had done to nature, I wanted him to get part of the nature as well, so I began to use the spell of transforming somethin into a tree, but I totally forgot that negative feeling with the force of creation are not really good to combine, so the spell terribly backfired, instead of tranforming him in a tree, my horn and my magic force exploded in a shockwave of pure nature force, it began to resurrect my old home but it wasn’t my home anymore, all my negative feeling has filled into this new spell into the ressurection of the forest, I couldn´t belive what I did as I saw how the once so beautiful trees came back as some very fearfull trees, animals came back as dark creature, but the most strongest came from the wood spear which still was into my friends side, I must watch how suddenly the wood came alive, sucking up the blood it has been drenched with, out of it came the Timberwolves, a complete new race, born in hatred for the enemy´s of nature, and only fidel to me and my friends and nature friends, it was my magic and my old, now dead, friends will, to protect his beloved and to fight against everyone who destroy the nature, that’s why I am so hard to Jacky when he made that crater right next to the forest, I was afraid the Timberwolves might could attack them, and they don’t know any pardon, like I said, my magic wich also contains a bit of my feelings and the rage and revenge plus care feelings of my friend combined to an ultimatum-magic-spell, with only two choices, you are for, or you are against the nature, by the last they made no compromises. After the part of the forest recovered, it has become the area for the timberwolves since then!” She finished, so it was she who had created the area of the timberwolves, maybe not on purpose but still, and she has been robbed by both parents because of a war, like I do, My father for the war with his own self and the try to save my mother, and my mother probably because of the upcoming war in order to save our world .
“It was an very interesting story, really but how exactly is this helping me to understand why they need mommy?” I asked and she sighed.
“Well in my oponion it was a rather bad story as example, so I simply gonna tell you the story of the creation of Equestria.”She told me, and I nodded, suddenly she stood up.
“Let´s head to my home, its gonna get cold today and I don’t want to stay here when suddenly it becomes night, I then am rather in my house safed by the magic anti spot on which my house is, its an spot of white magic in the timberwolf area, I will just send a message to your mother I think she is already worried sick, what do you mean, a good tea and a good story before going to bed?” She asked, and I nodded, althought I don´t know her but she seemed to know me well, as well as my mother.
“Sure , uhmm by the way, what is your name, I think I missed that!” I said blushing but she began to blush too.
“Oh, I totally frogot, I am entirely sorry, where my manners are, my name is Dryade Floraya, but you also can call me simply Floraya, or simply Flora, as it please you okay!” She gives me a smile, and lead me throught the forest to her house, as we arrived it began to get dark, and the night begans, suddenly I heard an howl, and Ifreezed right on the spot.
“Quick, go inside!” I heard it from behind me.
I walked in as quick as I could, before the door behind me, slammed shut.
“Hello, is there someone!” I heard it coming from inside, I know this voice.
“Mr. Soundwave, Mr. Midnight?” I asked in the dark lit room.
“Dinky are you that!” I suddenly heard something rustling, and I heard someone come inside.
“Okay that would been done, I told them to not attack anyone who cames today near my house, I have asked Zecora to go get your mother, but it could dure a bit!” Flora said, coming in, she illuminated the house by hitting on some Mushrooms who began to suddenly brighten up in an bright green light.
“It´s beautiful!” I said mesmerized by the happening.
“I know right, I have explored them a week ago they are seriously cool, they began to grow by the Forest shrine!” Flora said, I trotted behind her to the others.
“Uhmm, Flora what do you meant earlier with, you told them, and where is that Forest shrine?” a million questions where in my head, and it was rather hard to sort out the important.
“I meant Lillith, Zenith, and Colith, the main bosses of the three Timberwolf famillys who live here, everynight, they come on checking at me and Zecora and the other animals, they do not speak but they communicate with telepathy!” Flora said, we sat ourselves on her table where aslo Jacky and Mr Midnight sat.
“Hello, uhmm what had been happening to you!” I asked Jacky, he was almost red , with some scratches and bruist.
“Uhmm nothing, just Flora punishing me for the Craters, I made yesterday!” He said.
“And the 18 you had done before the last two, not to forget !” Flora said with an amused glance to him, she turned to go to the kitchen.
“So, well Dinky, what do you want to drink, I have, Water, Cider or I can make you a tea, what shall it be!”
“Uhmm a tea please, if it isn´t too much to ask for!?” I asked but she shacked the head.
“Not at all, well boys I just promised the little Miss Doo, to tell her the whole story of us, the Legend of the Creation, are you on board?” She asked the two Stallions.
“Sure!” And so Flora Began to tell me everything from the start.
The Legend of the Beginning:
“Before this World, we calling Equestria, has been created, there was nothing on the spot we sitting right here, nothing at all just darkness, it was one of the few still dark dimensions in the Universe, then one day this dark Dimension, got illuminated , from nothing came an Angel to this room, she was an very beautiful Angel thought , and powerfull too, she bear the force of Eight Wings, each one stronger than the other but together as strong as her soul, she looked around, and stretched her fingers, she took out of her long white angels-coat, an Ocarina, an flute-like instrument, on which she began to play, the Anthem of Creation, as she played, she began to cry, she always loved music, and it always made her cry, but what her made cry too was sorrow, sorrow for all the other Worlds she has created and which has been destroyed by her brother, she was an Creation Angel, mean she can only create not destroy worlds, her brother however has the ability to do so, he also has the abillity of creation, but his creations where rather pathetic, and he was always extremly jealous on his sister, although both of them were from the same Age and Time, they cant get along very well, it was more like a typical Brother-Sister, siblings relationship, what the one has must the other have, what the other has less he wants to destroy by the other, and so it was too by these two siblings,,.
The Angel, created this universe, even though she knows it will not last for long, but she was determinated to defend this world to her very life, she couldn´t bear to see her brother destroying again a world, with civillization on it, the last world he had destroyed, Was the World of Pandora, in which the Angel has created three different Civvilizations, her brother however, had began to fill the world with discord and disharmony, in the end the more powerfull but almost destroyed civillization has used an magic spell to destroy this world by themselve, after she got restless attacked by the other two civillization, but the Angel was glad, a few creatures of the three races has managed to get away from this world before she caved in, they managed to travel to an other dimension in another world, one Creation of the Angel´s father, her brother never had taken advantage at one of his fathers worlds, but the damage was done because now the three races has begun to make war against each other again with two new races bending under the force oth this three extraterrestrial races.
All these thoughts has began to rush through her head, while she keep playing, the tears she let fall began to float and to get illuminated by the angels light, the more far they fly, the more hard and compact they got, and so the first stars began to form, with while she played the angel make small breaks to breath which began to get some stars to come in motion, then she began to create the world, she wanted that this world at least was worth to be remembered , so she Called this world after herself, Equestria, she began to form the whole shape of this world, out of star dust and gravitation, she wanted to make this world beautyifull, so she created out of the force of her eight Wings, eight elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Nature, Stone , Metal , Sound and Light!” Flora told me and I was mesmerized by the story.
“ The Element of Stone began to form the land and the rough shape of this world after Equestria´s wishes, the Element of Fire began to turn the world in its inner self the way it suited Equestria, the Element of Nature, began to grow plants, flowers, tree, on the rough land, the element of Water began to create the life important lakes and even an ocean she made, the Element of Light began to create the Sun and the moon around the world, the Element of Wind began to create the heaven and the storms with the life important oxygenium, then Equestria had an idea, instead of anything she wanted to let animals rule this world for once, but which animal could she let live on a world as beautyful as her last, she saw what the last race made, this where too animals, but they lived in coexistens with human-like creatures before they decided to destroy this world, so this kind of animal wasn´t suited anymore, she wanted to create some race from which she know, never will have intentions to destroy themselve, so she created a race which she called, Unicornius maximinus, a race she called, Pegasi dorotons and a race called, terra galgicus, all in all it where always the same race only with some atributs, the Unicornius maximinus, or like we call it, the unicorns, has become a horn with wich they were abled to perform magic, like Equestria´s last race once could to, the Pegasi Dorotons, the pegasi as in Pegasus, has become wings and were able to flight high up in the sky, then the Terra galgicus, or the Earth ponies, they hadn´t really any special atribute but her great force and strenght, you can say there were wings, magic and strength , courage, wisdom and force.
Equestria ordered to give the needed light in their hearts so that they will also will be able to love and to have feelings, so the Element of light, gave part of her Wisdom and her force to love, to the new born races, Equestria wanted them to be able to also interact on other ways but gestures so she ordered to the Element of Sound to give the speech and the Language to the ponies, so they had become the ability to speak, quite a lot with time ( Flora chuckled by that and we other laughed).
Well now the Ponies were created but how can they live without some tools for, so Equestria ordered the Element of Metal to help the ponies and to show them how to handel his element, soon a real civilization has build up , but soon enough Equestria´s brother had managed to break in the room, in an outburst of jealousy he decided to take this time own action on this world so he managed to disguise himself as an dragon , after Equestria has managed to also create them and other races , but the ponies , the three races, should be the dominant race on this world, so Her Brother began to create his own creatures to defeat the ponies and to bring chaos on the world, , he did some mashed up monsters, like Discord, or the Hydra, the chimeras and so on, he never had managed to get one good creation before the creationpower of His sister began to take effect on him, he always thought he somehow may get the force of creation from his siter by eating the worlds his Sister has created, when he destroyed them in chaos, but now the worlds take their tribute, they took the force of Equestrias Brother and bound him on this world, but her brother lived still a god-like existence due to his own god force, he survived the forcetaking and used his last force to create a corps to stay on this world until his force is back, logically his creation-spell backfired and he became indeed an new body, but it was the bodie of an zombiedragon, more dead than alive, mostly holden up by will power and dark magic, and so was Nestrell the zombie dragon born,as he managed to get a bit of force back he decided to attack his sister to take her force , so he could escape from this world before it destroyed itself, in order to defeat his sister, Nestrell began to kill and take the life energy of her creation, the Ponies, in order to defeat the darkness and Nestrells strongest Servants, the Elements of Chaos, she created bodies for her Elements, but neither the Pegasi nor the Unicorns nor the Earthponies, where able to destroy the Elements of Chaos by themselve, only when they layed there force together, the Pegasi distracted the monsters from above, while the earth Ponies fighted them from down, and the rest, the Unicorns handled with their magic, in this act Equestria saw that when all forces were together, it may would be able to defeat the darkness!”
“And this was the Birth of the race of us, the Alincorns!” Jacky said proudly.
“Yes, Mistress Equestria, created an New race, bodies which held all the attributs of the three races in itself, Force, Wisdom and Courage, Muscels, Horns, and Wings, Earth pony, Unicorn and Pegasi, so the race of the Alincorns has been born, we asked Mistress Equestria before we entered the basic corps, if we may were allowed to manifesting our specific Element, she agreed and so we created our current bodies, each one bounded to the world we have created and representing the respectivly Element , and so we were born,Lumena, for the Element Light, Shockwave for the Element Sound, Jetfire for the Element Fire, Aquania for the Element Water, Gaia for the Element Stone, Esteel for the Element metal, Venturios for the Element of Wind and Me, Floraya for the Element Nature, after this birth we began to fight with help of Mistress Equestria against the Elements of Chaos and Nestrell itself, we were strong and we managed to destroy or defeat many of them, but in the end there were only Three who remained, Discord, Nightmare and Nestrell, in one last attack they managed to hit Equestria, she has been injured pretty bad and she was unable to interact anymore, she told us to defeat Nestrell with all the power and force we have, she don´t wanted this world to be destroyed too, she suddenly sleeped in to rest and to regain forces, but we thought the first moment that she has died she was like a mother to us, always, so we were angry, extremly angry, better you never make a god angry, well we were angry , everyone of us and we decided to kill Nestrell once and for all,to destroy him and to defeat him!”
“So We began to fight against him and before we saw it coming all of us layed on the ground half dead!” A new voice said, we all turned only to see my Mother, but there was something on her that wasn´t normal, or at least as I know her, her eyes were a bit darker than before and even though her expression was soft, I couldn´t see my mother in her, she came over to me and picked me up sat her self and me back on her lap, she looked and feeled indeed like my mother but she wasn´t realy herself somehow.
“Floraya, Venturios, Shockwave darling, Dinky, my Beloved !” She said greeting us all, I could hear some coughs before Floraya speaked.
“Lumena its nice to see you again!” She said and I was confused, I looked at mommy and I saw her glancing at me, her eyes wild but wih love in thee.
“Yes , you see right Dinky, I am not the Mare you know as your Mother and at the same moment I am, this is my real nature before I loosed my Memories years ago, but don´t worry, I am still the same as Ditzy Doo, and this Circumstance is only time limitated until I get my full forces back, well since I am already here I guess I can tell now what happened then, since almost all of you had been not able to remember that day after you were defeated!” She said and the other nodded, she nuzzled in my coat and I nuzzled back, it was my mother after all just a little bit less normal, or was she now more normal than normal, or is she normaler as when she is this normal, …. I am somehow confused… well I think I better simply listen to the Story.
Ditzy/Lumena´s Pov:
“Well, after we were almost defeated, I got angry, I was the only remaining, Nestrell wanted to erase the light as last for his entertainment, I got angry when I saw my friends and siblings lying on the ground, I got much more angry when I saw their injuries and I got the most angry when I saw Shockwaves injury, I always had a thing for him also as wing that’s why I always folded myself to him, never mind, well I was angry and I wanted to kill all of them , Nestrell and the Elements of Chaos, but here came the different, because the Elements of Chaos were born this way, born to destroy and to create hatred, greed, discord and disharmony, while we had been created to create, to bring love, peace and harmony as well as freedom over the worlds created by our Mistress.
Out of my anger, I created an other creature, I was the Element light so I should have show remorse, mercy and love, but right now I was so full of hatred, so much I could split, and it did, I really split, half of my soul began to get consumed from darkness the other still was in the light, my body couldn´t bear it and so I quickly decided to get away, I nedded a vessel for the darkness in me, I saw an new born parentless foaly, laying crying on the battelfield as Nightmare wated to kill her out of pure enjoiment, I wanted to save it so I took it and ran, but before, I managed to transport my Siblings in another dimension together with Mistress Equestria and a huge amount of ponies, it exhausted me and I began to loose more and more control over the darkness in me, before I could drive insane, the foaly healed me, alone my act to save it from the battelfield made it wanna help me, she said that she wanted to bear my pain, my sorrow and my hatred, to heal me from all evil and to let the light shine again, I was driven to tears from this gesture, I asked if she really wanted to do that and she said she would do it, because I saved her she wanted now to save me, so I began the rite to give of my darkness on the young foaly, with it I also began to give her an amount of love and light, I didn´t wanted the darkness to consume her so I decided to give her only an amount of darkness while I held something in too, but I got distracted when I got hit by an spell from Nightmare who somehow managed to shoot of an spell before we completely vanished from the land Equestria, I cursed and it’s the most bad thing to curse for an Angel servant, I couldn´t stop and soon my own darkness was to ¾ in the foaly, she suddenly growed much larger, the moment I collapsed due to the spell, I heard her talking, that she don’t want to bear it anymore, to see all her friends and siblings being defeated and crushed, so she decided to give us all a bit of of her darkness, because it gives us the will to fight, to fight for everything, for all we know, crying when everything we knew will dying is not what we should do but fighting for our own creation, for what we love, and so she gave us the will to fight, and I gave her, her name!”
“Tenebra,the Dark side of Lumena and her own Twinsister, the inofficial Element of darkness, she gave us our fighting spirit back and not only to us but as well to the ponies, and even Mistress Equestria has been reached by her speech!” Shockwave said.
“Yes with the help of Tenebra we managed to Defeat discord and Nightmare, we managed to defeat Nestrell, but when we wanted to finally destroy them, Nestrell managed to teleport himself and his servants to another place, we followed him and we managed to close Nestrell into an sphere of elements we sealed this sphere in the wide universe in a spot we called the Area of darkness, Nestrells servants manged to build a bridge to their master´s prison, we couldn´t destroy it even with all our force, so we chased away the Servants and decided to guard the door from all evil, we wanted to let the strongest of us rule this Area to guard the door while we others watched over the land and to defeat the rest of Nestrells servants, Mistress Equestria decided to make Tenbra an Official Element and so also Tenebra became an Allincorn corps, and she had the duty to guard the land of Darkness, Tarakena, to her reinforcement, a few of us decided to stay with her down in the destroyed land, wich once was Equestria, it wasn´t ablked to live there anymore, for most of the Ponies, so Equestria, had the idea to created an vise versa Mirror dimension of Equestria, showing it, how it looked in the old days, since then under this world, protected by an Barrier of Dimensions, lies the old Land of Equestria, only able to reach through some portals, who have been build all over Equestria, it gives eight Portals, which are hidden in the eight different Temples Each Element watched over one Element, in the new world however, Lumena was too much occupied to watch over our world, and she hadn´t really any time to constatly raise Sun and the moon, she told so to Equestria, and in order to give guide to the world and to help Lumena raise the lights at anytime of hour, Equestria created Warm Sun and Cold Moon, the first Alincorn royal pair, they had become the love of Lumena and since then they ruled the lands over ceveral century´s with care and love, then one day they managed to become little foaly´s, Celestia and Luna, which took another several century until they were old enough to rule the land, since these days, Both, Celestia and Luna ruled the world, and what had happened then I think you have at least learned half of the truth in school, well just let say that by every greater and worser war we were there to fight with the royal guardians, but not in this Milennium!” Lumena/Mommy, said with concern and sorrow in her eyes.
“Why not Mommy!?” I asked dumbfounded.
“Well most of us had the oponion that the world don´t need us anymore, after we were robbed of our horns, and the sudden appearance of the Elements of Harmony, both, Young and Old generation!” Lumena said with an very sad expression.
“Well now , Celestia has aked us if we may comin g back to fight against this new race and also Equestria asked us to do so, and so Jacky decided to go on an Journey to reunate all the Elements back together down in old Equestria , so we can perform more spells to strenghten the seal on Nestrells Cage!” Midnight said and I was impressed, this whole story told me that of how much Equestria has gave them, and now I even could understand why they all wanted to fight for this world, to fullfill Equestrias wish, to protect our races, the ponies of equestria as well as all the other creatures and civillians.
“I understand now why you need to take mommy with you, but please , don´t let her die okay, I only have her and Carot top after all!” I said.
“And I got your back as well as Midnight and Flora!” Jacky sid and the two nodded.
“Yes so it is, well I think this was rather a tiresome story, and for young foalys its now time for young foalys to go sleep, to refresh their force for tomorrow!” Midnight said and I yawned, I was sleepy indeed.
“I guess so, well then shall we head home Mommy ?” I asked but she shook her head.
“No its better to sleep here, I don´t want you to get frighten by the Timberwolves okay, its too dark anyways for walking now throught the forest, and the leaves up to the sky are here so thick together, that its impossible, to fly out before you not walk at least a mile away from the house!” Mommy said and I agreed.
“I will bring you to Carrot, tommorow okay, until now lets rest!” Mommy told me.
“As I know Pinkie, she will make an farewell Party, I so guess that!” I said and I know I will held right about it.
Absolutely, well we better worried about that tommorow, until now we better gonna get some to sleep, okay !?” Mommy asked and we made our way over to the big sized bed, falling on it and falling asleep instantly.

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