• Published 17th Jul 2012
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The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria - Angel Equestria

Equestria prepares on an War which rules over the fate of both Worlds, Old and New Equestria

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Chapter 5, Sonic Crasher, And another one , Nature´s revenge, I will see blood for every fallen tree, the legend of the holy Elements.

Jacky´s pov:
“I´m just saying, she will probably Kill me for this!” I said not only sarcasticly but I mean it, when it comes to Nature Floraya don´t know any pardon and what we just have in mind just will get her angrier and angrier and my I have stretched my luck to the very end with her anyway, I would be lucky if I even survive the next meeting with her, im sure she will not only stare daggers at me but she rather will use me as a training material for her wood technique training.
“Bro , I think you are already as good as death!” Midnight said and it just got me more depressed when I think about these words, no words or gift or anything can ever replace all those craters I have made on time, now and in the past, and im sure she will let me feel everyone of them.
“Thanks for the non-existent upcheering” I mumbled toneless,I know I gonna pay for this but right now I have to do my duty anyways.
“Okay Midnight, catch them!” I shouted, he nodded and with help of the wind, he catched all of the Diamond wovles by the wind and we began to fly through the sky with that struggling, biting and clawing mass strait to where we had land earlier, on a wink of my Love I raised up in the air, as I thought I was high enough, I stopped to flap with my wings , I turned right in the air and began to gain speed by falling again from the sky like before in the race, the end goal could be seen, as soon as I was on earth, and the grass and trees and even the diamond Wolves began to bend to me, Midnight created an wind trap around the Wovles and set myself in an middel point where around me ripps a tornado Diamond bodies in pieces, it didtn´last long before the shockwave relseased and before the Diamond wolves know that happens to them, they already where thrown against the outter tornado, ripping the last remaining in pieces too, logically the Shockwave didn’t stay only by destroying our enemies, but also to knock over the next bunch of trees and nature, the Crater was now much bigger and the shockwave has leaved some very unignorable evidences, oh your bitter sweet taste of glory, how far up we are with you and how far you can throw us down.
“We did it, they are gone now” lumena cried out happily, changing back to her usual, she hugged me and planted a big kiss on my lips, I smiled rather dumbfounded and still love strucked, I stiffed as I heard the voice I wanted to avoid at any cost.
“SOUND; WAVE; JACKY; YOU TREE MURDERER; NATURE-DESTROYER; YOU FLOWER TERRORIST!” I shivered at this voices, suddenly the ground began to shacke violently, I looked to the forest but I could not see her, suddenly the ground before me crack, I looked down only to be greeted by an wooden fist.
“Bam” right in my face it hit me , and I saw stars.
“Ow, what the Hell!” I screamed out as suddenly I felt something curling around my legs, I looked down again and what I saw didn’t pleased me at all, I saw how thick roots began to wrapp them self around my back hooves, suddenly I felt a pull and I fell face forward in the mud and I ate an handfull of grass, but with that it wasn´t already finished, the roots pulled and ripped on me, until they managed to drag me down in the forest.
“Jacky!” I heard it coming from Ditzy.
“Ditzy, Midnight, help me !” I screamed out as I was dragged with highspeed down the forest, I truly was terrified , with Floraya in such a mood is definitely not good to eat cherrys.
They tried to pull me back but the roots have some good grip on me, sudenly I hear a scream and I see Ditzy getting wrapped up like a Sushiroll in a giant leave and also dragged in the forest , while with Midnight happens the same as me.
“What´s going on here Jacky !” I heard him stammering as he tried to escaped, without any succes, we still get dragged and pulled in the wood.
“As , ow, you, ow, don´t; ow, know, ouch, it, OW!” I said as I hit my chin on some lose rocks in the grass, the whole ride was rather hurtfull.
Suddenly I got knocked out cold by hitting my head on a tree.
Ditzy´s Pov:
What´s going on here, what the hell is happening, and why the heck am im rolled up like a fricken Sushiroll, in a giant leave, and still getting dragged while my friends are knocked out cold.
I don´t know why I wasn´t even afraid of being so deep in the Everfree Forest, but I was rather afraid of what lies at the end of this strange ride.
“Oh why has to happen such strange things always to me, gosh I wish I had something to eat right now, im starving, a Muffin would be nice!” I said out loud.
“Well I think you should have thinking about your hunger before you destroyed my beloved Home-forest!” I heard a strange voice sounding in front of me, it seemed that the voice was everywhere and it for sure scared the holy shit out of me.
“Who are you, show yourself, and for hells sake stop this insanity right now!” I screamed, I was angry, here I get dragged by someone I don´t even know.
“Oh, do we have forgotten your good old Sister, Lumena, or do you are simply too dumb to remember me, its me, Floraya!” And suddenly she appeared right before me, a pony like I probably never will see ever in my life twice, this was the true manifest of Nature, she was a pony indeed but instead of normal Pegasus-wings she had big brown wings like the one of a butterfly, and in it there was green streeks, and, do I get insane or what but it seemed that there was something in these green streeks, which flows, to me it looked more like the tunnels for Chlorophyl in a leaf, and her hooves looked more actually to be covered by grass, her hair was leaf green though her eyes where a beautiful violet, they were filled with anger and rage, the black flowers in her hair were firmly closed as if they don’t even allow themself to look at us, her coat was earth brown and with the green she looked more like a tree or like ground with grass, she wear an yellow veil and an yellow poncho with openings for her wings.
“Are you done with staring at me like a bus, don´t you remember your own sister, Lumena, its me Floraya, Element of Nature, one of the Fallen Angels and a Guardian in the name of Queen Equestria!” she said looking at me in annoyance, she sure was familiar and also the voice but I think until I have my full force and memories back, it will rather hard for remembering her.
“To be honest I only remember very unclear, you must see, a week ago I hadn´t any clue who I really was and what had happened in the past, after what Jacky said I had amnesia from foalystatus until a week ago, he said, after all he had hear about from Queen Equestria and from Princess Celestia, my ` old Parents´ haven´t been as nice as they thought by the start, at the end they ripped my horn of and I blacked out, since then I had lived the live as a complete stranger to myself, until a week ago Queen Equestria talked to me, and she gave me back a few memories of my past live, telling me in short about all what had happened since we were born, I lost all my magic as well as my memories and I lived for the last 20 years as Ditzy Doo, the Ponyville Mailmare and mother of Dinky Doo the sweetes little unicorn ever!” I answered truthfully, and I saw that she nodded.
“So Zecora was right, you do have lost all your memories, when she told me about you for the first time, I thought she only told me bullshit but now im seeing, im sorry I thougth you simply had forgotten that I lived here, or forgotten about all of us on purpose, but now I know it wasn´t your own choice, I always asked me why exactly you never came down to drink some tea with me or so, only to talk about old times!” She said sadly, as she unfolded the leaf and hugged me tighly, in an loving hug, suddenly she began softly to cry.
“I´ve missed you so much Sister, you have no clue how lonely I was, even thought I have chosed this path for myself but you know, only Zecora as friend, close to my heart, she was always so nice to me and she knows really much about plants and so you know and but I tried my hardest to become a bit more social, but always when I tried to leave the forest I just got remembered on the last time I saw a stallion, I don´t know how he was called but he made me losing my horn, he throw something highly dangerous for plants and flowers and easy to igniting by the sun, he made me so angry , I just managed together with Aquania to save the Everfree forest on the northside of the Mount Ganda, from a huge Forestburn, and here comes that idiot throwing away highly dangerous stuff in the nature, after he refused to apologize but instead attacked me with his magic, I loosed it, I wanted to turn him in a tree but our magic is to fight for the right, not for our own entertainment or our own revenge, so the whole spell backfired ,and a large amount of magic let my horn exploding, it was the insanest pain I ever had to go through and I mean I have already over 6.000 years on my back and too much of bad injuries, but none of them has ever hurt so much as the lost of my horn, the magic power which had released had created the dark Areal of the Timberwolves, my own magic mixed with all my bad emotions and my dark feelings of revenge has created the dark spot of the Everfree forest, well anyways I wasn’t alone anymore after I had found Zecora, Aquania cames too sometimes, and some time I even spyed on that one mare, called Fluttershy, she was always so sweet to the animals and to the nature at all, I had thought about to invite her one time to a tea session in my house!” She said after we indeed sat by a cup of tea, she still refused to let Jacky go so easy, she said she only makes him pay for all the craters in equestria, since the last had filled, he had created 20 new ones, and the last give it the rest , twice on the same place.
“That will take a lot of power to make this place even again” She said with an wild glare at him, he still was tied on the wall , holded by roots in the cross-position, means his arms outstretched and some leaves covered his mouth, he struggled to keep quiet but couldn´t do anything at all, but listen and mumbling for himself, I shared a sad glance with him.
“He will be fine not, I mean you not gonna hurt him or do you?” I asked worried for Jacky´s health.
“Nahww, I will only make him paying with the worst he ever experienced in his live!” She said with such an evil grien that I scared me.
“What will you do to him!” I jumped up, angry, I not gonna let her hurt him, even when she has a reason and she, being my sister.
“No worry, I only gonna Tickel him to death, you must know he is extremly ticklish!” She said sheeplishly, looking with the same evil grien at Jacky , who sweated like the Canterlot Falls, his eyes as huge as Tennisballs, he looked at me with an horrified expression.
“Well, Twenty Craters make Twenty Hours of Tickling!” She said and I saw how Jacky, if possible , paled much more white than he already was.
“Well I think you should go back in town, you can´t do anything anyways right now, I will get my revenge, that’s for sure, prepare all for our journey to the reunion of the other Elements, also to say good bye to your friends and your daughter, this will be for sure a long journey, I think she will be well cared with Carrot top, I heard she is wonderfull with Dinky, wasn´t that her name, wow you are actually the first and the only of us to have a foaly already, I am somehow jealous at you, you know!” She said and she started to day dream, a live with a daughter or a son, I think its time for me to leave, like she said , I can´t do anything anyways for Jacky right now, and if Floraya means he has to be punished for creating so much Craters in Equestria, I think its only fair to let her, I stepped to him and I put an hoof on his cheek, I looked sadly at him.
“I´m sorry but she´s right, I need to prepare anything, and to be honest it are only twenty hours of tickling, it could be worse, just think of if she let you hang on a tree head down for an entire day in the sun, that would be aweful, but I think tickling is okay.!” I said and I looked in his sad eyes, I kissed him on the lips and headed outside to ponyville, while Floraya showed me the way.
“Uhmm by the way, Floraya, what exactly are you doing with Midnight Shadow?” I asked suspicious of what she had think of to do to him.
“Uhmm I havent think about that yet, I think I simply let him wrapped up in roots until I am finish with Jacky, no fear I will not hurt, I mean after all he is rather cool and yes he is after all your stallionfriend!” She said and I blushed, but I was also a bit sad, I do love him I am sure about that, the more I have to do with them the more I remember the feelings I have for him.
“I honestly don´t know Flora, I mean what if I never can love him anymore, the way I had loved him before I lost my horn, before I lost all my memories, what if he begins to not love me anymore, what when he löongs too much for the old Lumena and tries whitout succes to him self to love the Lumena I am now!” I said and I was sad, and it only got worse, Floraya said nothing for a long time , she just keep walking next to me.
“Hope!” she suddenly said, I looked up under the fresh tears I had let fallen.
“What, sniff, what do you mean Sister?!?” I asked her confused.
“I once had asked Jacky what exactly held him on you, no offence I really am happy for you guys, well he told me that whenever he looks in your eyes or on the things you doing, he becomes hopeful, hopeful that someday this world will be as peacefull and without evil, so as Equestria has thought of as she created this world, and he sees in you the light and the way to make them both wishes true, because Jacky wishes nothing more but to live forever with you in a peacefull word , where no one harms the other, you are his path, his guiding light to his own pece, and he follow you whereever you will go, that’s for sure, do you know that you are actually the oldest out of us?” She asked and I was confused, how can I be the oldest, I am probably a bit younger than Jacky, only seconds maybe.
“You were the first of us , who has been created by Equestria, Lumena, the Light of Equestria, Jacky was the second, Shockwave, the Voice of Equestria, then came Midnight Shadow, the Wings of Equestria, then came Aquania, the Blood of Equestria, then Gaia, the Body of Equestria, then me, the Nature of Equestria, then Jetfire, the Soul of Equestria, and Esteel, the Armor of Equestria, together we are the children of Equestria, when you look at it we are her childs while Celestia is our Cousin as well as Luna, but we don’t like the titel of Princess or Prince, we simply want to live our live, so we gave the responsibility of ruling to the royal sisters, and mother held this world alive while sleeping, and we are there to provide this world and land to turn into complete chaos, that’s why we were created, not to rule but to guard and guide this world and its peace!” Floraya said and I was feeling better a bit.
She sighed, “Lu, I probably have never saw a stallion so much in love with a mare than you and Jacky had been, you where unseparable before this incident but even though it had taken its time , you are back together and im sure Jacky will do anything to make you comfortable with him again, he loves you more than everything, more than his life, and he never wants to lose you again, you had really no clue how much he had annoyed us with cleaning every picture and every corner in the black Bastion, to make it looking neat for your rearrivle in the Headquarter!” She said and I was a bit confused.
“Black Bastion, where or what is that?” I asked dumbfounded.
“The Black Bastion is the official Headquarter of the Fallen Angels, it´s a giant island in the sky, a giant Black Castel towers on this island and its surrounded by an Heavy tornado Cloud being hold by the Elements, it only flies when all the Elements take their Posistions on the Table of the Order of Justice, currently it residents near the Tempular of Equestria, and Tempular only known by the royal family and the Guardians, this will be our last station on our journey, together we will raise the bastion in the sky and then we are able to observe whole Equestria from above!” She said excidetly, seems that she cant await that to happen.
Suddenly there was a question in my mind I always wanted to ask.
“Uhm, hey Flora, what I wanted to ask is, that Jacky said that he meet Midnight, when Midnight´s new family came in his area, he said he fought against him until he found out who he was, how is it possible to forget the best friend and brother!” I asked, okay it was rather dumb due to the fact that I already has explored such a method.
Well when we are in foaly status, we are like normal children we begin to remmember and to forget, some of our Memories are there but the greates amount is under an DNA and Magical Spell lock until we begin to aging in to teeny status, then we begin to remember more, in the end when we are adult Mares and Stallions, we have all our Memories back!” She answered and I was relieved, so I don´t need to worry, I will get all my memories back.
A few minutes ago we arrived on the edge of the Everfree forest, in which a path leads to ponyville.
“I guess its called until tomorrow then, not make sure to prepare everything before the noon so we can make our way to the Canterlot falls, rumors says that Aquania has her residence down in the lake of Canterlot!” She hugged me for goodbye and I returned it gently.
“Its so good to be together again sis, I want us never being apart again, it has been way too long for me to hug you and I think we should do an welcome back party for you!”, she said, totally acting like Pinkie now, I said goodbye after another wave of hugs aand so I made my way over to my home.
Floraya looked at me as I leaved, with an sad expression but still happy, she then turned to go back home, a evil cocky grin escaped her emotions and she laughed a bit.
“Now to you, my friend!” She said as soon, as she was in her house.

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