• Published 17th Jul 2012
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The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria - Angel Equestria

Equestria prepares on an War which rules over the fate of both Worlds, Old and New Equestria

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Chapter 14: Finding a light in a sea of darkness, Miasmaria, Shamans x Angels vs witches

Chapter 14,The (saphire) Obsidian Ocean, Angel Beats, Finding a Light in a Sea of darkness, may the Quest begin, The dungeons of Light, Familiar feelings of hatred, Shamans vs Witch.

Jacky´s pov:

“Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, shshshhshshshshshshs!”

-.- “………….., And you are realy sure you want to go over this ocean?” Ghost asked us, looking straight ahead with a deadpanned unbeliveing expression , and to be honest I have second thoughts about it too, but can´t we all now back down, that for sure.

“I know exactly what you mean, if I had anything other to propose I would say, forget it we would do this in an other way, but, like you see there is no other way but over the ocean, better said, over this Ocean!” I said as I pointed forward, where normally an bright saphire blue ocean calmly with a few waves lay, but now there is only an thick dark mass swimming on the Ocean, and the water was totally wild, and a storm blewed us almost away, a storm from a force, which not even Venturios become under his control.

“Its too strong Jacky, I can try what I want but until I haven´t my storm core I will not be able to do a thing to that storm!” Venturios said with an annoyed face, I put an hoof on his shoulder , gently squeez it as to say, you did what you can , don´t beat yourself for it.

“Thanks anyway, Venturios!”

“I know, well after all, what I can say is that this storm is highly filled with Miasma!” Venturios said , to my concern, Miasma is never really good, but together with the spell in Twillight, I have no idea how much it will affect, after all her condition began to get worser as further we came to the beach.

“Ahm, Jacky, I think you should watch this here!” AppelJack, cried out, I rushed to her and I saw how she and Pinkie, holding wood staffs which she holded in the water.

“This happens as soon as air comes on wood who was in contact with this water!” She said as my mouth fall agape before what I saw, before my eyes the wood staffs began to erase themselves , turning to dust, like they were on fire, not only until the spot which was in the water, but within seconds the whole staff was gone.

“That means, that wood who is in the water, needs to stay in the water, but if we try to go over this Ocean with an boat , it will not last long until, the wood ground under us litterally erase itself, by this strange acid!” Pinkie said and I knew she was right, and when wood cant hold it out, I have like absolutly no intention of knowing what will happen to a pony.

“Okay, everyone stay away from the Ocean until we know more,got it, Venturios , Rainbow dash, on a word you two!” I said as RD and Venturios came over.

“What is it brother?” Venturios asked concerned.

“I need you guys, to look together out of how far this dark mass reaches, but due to the storm I need two real good fliers, I would do it for my self, but I´m better in crashing down from high above, while flying in such a storm is really hard for me, since I haven´t a real fly in the last 6 years, im sorry but I hope I can count on you!” I asked and they nodded, RD put an hoove on my shoulder.

“No problem, leave it to me and Mr. storm here!” RD joked and I wish I was so confident like she, but four of us cant fly in the slightest and to use Venturios force to let them float, in such a storm , is like, just no, but how shall we travel over this Ocean, whitout getting erased by the acid or blown away by this storm.

“I hope you can make out some things!” I said to them as they flew off.

I turned to the others, they already where on saying farewell to their relatives.

“Well I think it´s time to say goodbye, Ghost, I hope you and your wife will have some beautifull years with eachother, and promise me to be carefull and to still help my brother okay!” Floraya said to her old Friend, while Hugging him tighter than ever before.

She then moved to Joe.

“Joe I don´t know how long this will last, but remember always on this words, I will come back to you, no matter what, and im sorry to leave you like this, I really am, but I hope you can forgive me when I am back home, please promise me to wait for me, I beg you!” Floraya said as she cried in Joes arms , who nuzzled her head and held her tight.

“I will always wait for you, I don’t need to promise , but if you wish I will give you my Pinkie promise on it, Cross my heart, hope to fly, stuck a donut in my eye, I promise and swear to wait for you and I promise you that I am not mad at you no matter how long it will take you to securing our world!” Joe said as he kissed Floraya long and passionately, it was so cute.

I looked over to Applejack who, nuzzled her little sister farewell.

“Promise me to reduce your crazy acts with the CMC to an approval amount okay, and please take care of Big Bro and Granny okay!” AJ said to her and she nodded.

“Here I have something for you guys, made by me and by Zecora last night!” Applebloom said as she took out an little bag, Aj opened and took out a few little Glassbottles, with some liquid in them, some different colored pills and spheres to munch.

“These are vital poisons, and stamina strenghen poisons, some aerodynamic pills for better and faster reactions, and mind pills, these pills are able to make your brain running in overdrive for an short period of time, good in situations where you are trapped, to release yourself!” She said as she showed us the different colored or sized pills, she shared the bags under each one of us, and I must say they have helped us good with them.

“Thank you Sister!” AJ and Floraya said both to Zecora and Applebloom, nuzzling their sides.

“No problem, big Sis!” Both Zecora and Applebloom said nuzzling to their sister.

“Hey Zecora , can you give me the recipts of these ones, if we need more of them while traveling?” Floraya asked her sister who nodded and gave her an piece of paper, before hugging her tight.

“Appelbloom can you promise me something!” Suddenly My honey asked AJ´s little sister.

“What can I promise to you Miss Hooves!” Appelbloom said happily.

“Please, can you look out a bit for Dinky while you guys are in school, I know she´s friends with Pipsqueak, and Peppermint twist but I would like to know that there are another few who care about her, can you do that for me, please!” I heard her asking, and I smiled as I heard Appleblooms answer.

“Sure no problem, I had thought about making her an CMC anyways since she always got made fun off by Diamond Tiara, but what will I do now with the name of our club, since we now all have an Cutiemark!” Appelbloom said as she looked on her flank, where two of these glassbottles has appeared, one with an blue , the other with an red liquid.

“How does the Questseekers sound to you, always on a search for a new quest to master, we are ready for everything what may come!” I said as I aproached them, miming an royal guard as I put an hoof to my chest, I saw little Appleblooms eyes shining as I wrapped my arm around my honey, who looked with a kind of warm smile at me, all the hard words from earlier this morning forgotten but I can tell that this were not the only time, I don´t know, shall I tell her yet , that I know that now two hearts slay in her.

“That is awesome, I will directly tell the other about it, as soon as I am back home!” Applebloom said.

“Hey Ghost we have found something, better said somepony, he said he were friends with Twilight sparkle and that he wanted to give her something for her travel!” Suddenly one of our guardians said, out of the corner of my eyes I could see Grandma Healleaf standing around by Fluttershy and Floraya, seems that Floraya, already has taking Fluttershy as her personal protegée, I would say, I think that Venturios will like to take RD in , I ask myself, where in all world, both of them are , why do they need so long.

“Hey guys!” I heard a voice saying, I turned to be greaten by an Violet dragon with Green scales, must be Spike, Twilights assistant, and directly connection to Tia,…, well that will be usefull.

“Hey Spike, can you come over here for an moment!” I shouted, before he sees Twillight I better prepare him.
“What is it Mr. Shockwave?” Spike asked as he came further.

“Well I have to tell you something, before you see Twillight, you better should know that she´s in bad condition!” I said , to see his reaction, which was unchanged, an deadpanned expression.

“I had a feeling that this would happen, what does she have and how bad is it!” He asked me and I needed to get out of my own arkwardness, well everypony cares on other ways for each other.

“Well she has become kind of an black magic spell off, but don´t I know what will happen to her, nor to what the use of that spell was at all, all I know until now is that her condition gets worser the further she comes to an area where an grand concentration of Dark Miasma lies, like here!” I siad to him , pointing to the Ocean.

“We wanted to travel over it, but it seems that its far full of this dark acid, I sended RD and Venturios out, so they could check of how far the Dark acid reaches but they arent back yet and I begin to get worried a bit!” I answered truthfully.
“Understood but I think you make yourself too much worries about RD and your Brother, im sure they will be back soon!” Spike said.
“WHAT IS THAT!” Suddenly it came from the others, I looked up to where they pointed and I saw two dots of light, they moved fast away from a dark mass which chased them, the dots became clearer and I could see it were two Pegasi, maybe it were RD and Venturios.

“Floraya, Lumena, we need to help them!” I cried out as I began to raise in the air, shit, like i said the storm was strong and I was a bit out of practise, for flying in storms, but I need to do it, or else they will not stay a chance.

“Already on it” Floraya said as she raised in the air, while out of the jungle behind us raised roots with fists at the end.
“Im coming!” Lumena shouted as she broke through the Storm, having a kind of light engulfing her, looks like she had remembered a bit on her light magic, anyway she drifted like without much struggling through the storm, like she did it all her life, well the years as a mailmare has helped her much I guess.

As we approached the dots I could see that it where not RD and Venturios, and it were not normal Pegasuses, but they looked more like , well angels, they had halo´s over their heads and wings made of light, the one of them had Short, until the shoulders-long, spiky, Blonde hair, she wore golden hoofrings , as much as I could see, her cutimark must be something pink with wings on it, while the other had long black hair, with pink on the inside, like us she had three little black triangles under each eyes, she wore a blu bow in her hair and wore black blue stripped sock on her hindlegs, while the one with the blonde hair was more cream white, the other one was completely white, it where two mares, and the way they flew I could say that they havent much experience in or maybe they struggling as much as me.

“We need to help them, we need to get the black mass of their tracks, and then we need to either destroy or throw that thing, what ever it is, back, okay?” I told Flora and Lumena, they nodded.

“Lets hurry!” I said as I flew as best as I could , I began to create sound shield, an blockspell made of sound, I just hope its strong enough.

I began to come nearer and nearer towards them, I saw the fear in their eyes as I approached them, I quick sended them a message through telekinese, that I come to help them, as I rushed past them, I raised my hoof and just in the right moment, the dark mass just wanted to grip after them both, my soundshield was strong but alone the feeling of this thing , it make me wanna vormit, and I mean like real pukeing.

“Urgghh!” I shrieked back , but managed to hold the shield stable.

“I can´t hold it for long, you need to get out of here!” I shouted over the wind to the both angels, who understood, they descented down to the beach, I looked until they were on the ground before I released this black mass, it instantly began to grab me, I managed , thanks to a few Neckbreak loops, to escape but now this black mass was behind me, holy shit.

“Watch out!” It screamed from my side, and just a moment later I was dragged by the side, I heard a scream and I instantly knew, who it was.

“Ditzy!!!!!” I screamed as I needed to see how the love of my life became overwashed by the Dark mass, trapping her inside of an giant ball of black Acid.

“Noooo, Ditzy, noo!” I screamed as I watched in horror of what happened, as I suddenly heard another scream, I looked up to see Twilight getting trapped by the dark mass, which engulfed her. Before I could do anything she got dragged away together with Ditzy to an black spot in the ocean, which seemed to be an island, but why was such a dark force in the once so bright ocean, whitout our knowledge and what are they gonna do with Twillight and Ditzy.

That´s what I wanted to think, but I havent really anytime for it, as suddenly a huge wave run over me and the rest of us, I don’t know how it happened to me, or how I survieved the acid trip, but all I can remember as I woke up, fairly uninjured, was that I was stranded on a beach, a foreing beach im must say.
“What the hell is going on here!” I muttered to myself.

“oww, what a shit is happening here?” I heard it coming from my right, I looked next to me to see Appeljack lying next to me , face forward in the sand.

“You are alright?” I asked , with a sudden urge to know.

“Yeah, and you?” AJ asked back.

“Im fine, but you better stand now up, but slow!” I whispered to her in an warning tone.

“Jacky, what´s going on?” AJ asked me with sudden fear, I could see how the sweat flowed from her forehead
“We are watched, by somepony, of something else!” I said quietly, I heard it coming, its heart is racing and his adrenalin is pumping high, it come´s and,……

“Hey, guys are you alright?” A stranger pony stepped out of the forest behind us, I blinked a few times, I thought I felt something evil coming, maybe it´s the Darkness of this Ocean playing with my mind, I looked again, scanning the pony of, it wans anything I ever saw, hiw hair as well as his coat was completely white, his eyes weren eyes but a deep black like if you could get trapped inside, lieka deep hole or something.

“Yes so far we are alright, and still not attacked by something evil!” AJ looked at me with an amused look, but her inner laughing suddenly stopped as to what the stallion before us said.

“Oh, good, good, I don´t like to eat from fresh meat who is already in worse shape!” He said and the blood froze in my veins as I heard his thoughts.

“Fresh meat, fresh meat, fresh meat, meat!!!” he thought and I broke my paralysis.

“AJ stay behind me!” I said as I stepped infront of her, my magic already in action and, ….., wait, my magic, no this is impossible, I tried and tried but my magic just didn´t reacted, as if it were asleep.

“Shit, this will gonna be ugly!” I said as I prepared to fight without my magic, after all im an sound manipulator.
“Prepare yourself to fight with your Hooves AJ, I cant use my magic!” I whispered to her.

“What do you mean you can´t use your magic?” AJ asked me as if I am crazy.

“I cant use any speel nor soundmagic , which come from my inner self, all I may can do is to manipulate the sound I created myself, but like I said, I may, im not sure!” I said to her, and I heard it coming.

“Here we go!” I screamed as the stallion, jumped on us, his mouth wide open with an assortment of razorsharp teeths.
“Bamm!!!” I hit him full in the face, after creating an little sound sphere on my hoof, making it sailing backwards a few meters, but it was fast, it recovered while flying, turned itself backwards and bolted towards us, I runned and half way punched him from new in his face, but I ripped my hoof up with his teeths.

“oww, shit!” I shouted as I jolted back, his teeths were razorsharp and I knew when he manage to somehow get this killerjaws on my neck, that , this body will be in very bad condidtion for long, though will I not die but the scars will definitely stay for a very long time.

“Sharp not, I care about them and polish them like everyday with new blood!” The insane pony said, I don´t know what has driven it to cannibalism, but I know for sure that this here wasn’t the normal state that this pony was in.

“What the hell has happened to you!” I screamed and the stallion laughed.

“Nothing has happened to us, we only have become our eyes open and saw the real world, with all its wars and magic spells to destroy each other, so we decided to simply match to this world!” He said and I suddenly got an ice cold feeling.

“Who you mean with , we?” I asked , but my question got answered as a hundred of new ponies looking like him, appeared, surrounding us, they all set on for a jump and in perfect synchronity they jumped, but suddenly they began to slow down and I could see their flight, the whole world seemed to be in slow motion, they jumped in slowmotion, I looked around me but we had been trapped in a circle, is this our end.

“Jacky!” AJ shouted I looked over to her and I saw at what she was looking, an pony came but was this older than all the others, it looked a bit like the two angel pegasi, it had also an halo on his head and some weak looking wings, it gestured us to folllow.

“Shall we , i´m not sure!” AJ said, I looked to the newcomer, he seemed weak and old but that had nothing to say, but it was better than being attacked by some cannibalistic insane ponies, this one I at least can handle.

“I guess we haven´t much choice!” I said, as I took her hoof, looking straight at her face, making her blushing.

“Jacky ,what the hay!” She asked blushing madly.

“I promise you, I will bring you out of here, safely, or better said as safely as I can manage, I gave my promise to Celestia , that you and the others will be fine, all the way along!” I said with determination.

“I thank you and I swear I will do what is withing my force, to help you!” AJ said and I smilled, together we made our way behind the old pony.

“I assume , that you guys arent from here?” The pony said.

“Yes we arent from here , so we don´t know the, well umm, eating habits of this island!” I joked with some black humour as we made our way in the inside of the island away from these cannibal ponies.

“Well let me tell you, it wasn´t always so, former this land was bright, beautifull and peacefull, that was to the time as still the white Angel lived under us, she was the protector of this land, fair and beautiful, and bright like the sun itself, she used to live here, but one day some ponys who should take care of her in her early years, they became the biggest sinners thise islands ever had seen and the one sin they did , changed our whole land, they slayed down the angels horn, and the angel fall on the ground, only the power of us all, we from the elder council, managed to held her unleashed force together before it destroyed the land, in order to restore and to hide the force until she were old enough and as powerfull before, we would return it to her back, until that time she should have lived with one of us somewhere else, the Elder Brightlight Doo, the leader of us took her in, in order to protec her from further harm, we banished the traitors from our Island and gave them to Princess Celestia, who put them into jail for as long as they lived, we changed the angels name, she had made a completely change, her coat wasn´t white anymore, it became gray, her mind crumbled and her eyes began to drift apart, she lost all her force and her light leaving back an normal pegasus, well as normal as she still could be after this act of pure violence,, she lost all her memories of her former life, as an…!

“Element of Symphony!” I said buff, this was the exact story of ,…

“Lumena, these are the islands of Light, which are resident around Lumos the island of light!” I shouted as I recognized where we were.

“Indeed, this is Lumen, the Islands of Light, this is impossible, how do outsiders know about this?” The Pony asked us supsiciously.

“Because I know Lumena very well, my name is Soundwave Jacky, friends and siblings calling me, Shockwave, and this here is Applejack, one of the Elements of Harmony!” I said and I saw the elder nodding.

“Yes I heard about the legend, of the Elements, both groups of them, and I assume that you didn´t know what has happened here either, not?” The elder said as he walked withing an shed, we followed him unsure of what to do other.

“Yeah , all I can remember is that this Ocean was once bright and beautyfull, colored like a sea of saphire-gems, and well not this thick black mass on it, and I never saw such a strong storm , spiced with evil black miasma, it really is strange that Celestia didn’t know about this, nor that I heard something over the soundnet, atz least pained screams or thoughts of loss, something that would tell me that somewhere , things don’t roll right!” I said and the elder nodded.

“I know right, it’s a bit strange but all your force in honor Lord Shockwave but it would be very rare to hear something like this from a greater distance than the Whitetail forest, but like I said it wasn´t always so, former, once a giant Shield of light protected our Islands, it held out every evil, helping us , the former folk of light, to live without the war and the darkness in the world, we held the darkness out but didn´t we saw the darkness who began to creep here inside of us, the two Parents , which the Angel had , in her early years, were once trustfull worker, a blacksmith and his wife, but something, I don´t know what, must brought them to do it, from one day on another they completely changed, as if they suddenly were brain controlled, they began to abuse the Angel who should have been under their protection in her early years, the Angel however, that time still too young to understand what had happened to them, dealed with it, not once asking why she got abused until the day that they slayed her horn of, in this moment the Shield broke and all the dark influence from the outter world began slowly to creep in, in order to save her life , we brought her to an befriended Docto far from herer, he looked at the case and couldn´t belive his eyes of what he saw, we asked him to keep it a secret, he agreed and but did we knew that he was very exited, he was one of the many ponys in Equestria who didn´t know about the legend of the Elements of Symphony, that time only a handfull knew about the real legends and the real faces of them, for all the others they were like phantoms, so he was ecxited but also concerned, worried that he might did something wrong, to have an real living Alincorn on his OP table was somethingn he never saw, nor did he ever heard from an Alincorn to got his horn slayed off, he helped her as best he could do, cured her and said that the horn maybe would grow from new, but he was not sure about it, he wanted to held her near the hospital for watching her condition, we agreed, and so we managed everything for the Angel to move in the town and the leader of the elder circle, Brightlight Doo, said she would take care of her for so long as it was needed, she became the new mother of the now new named Angel, the town which the doctor lived was called Ponyville, and its only a two days travel from here, when we walk, due to the fact that as further we go away from the island as weaker our holy force become, driving us to hide ourself as normal earth ponies!” The Elder told us, and, the whole thing with Lumena, it matched with the story which Celestia told me back then.

“So Brightlight was Ditzy´s mother, but didn´t the story said that Brightlight has gone missing since the attack on the island , by Nestrells minion Discord?” I asked him.

“As much of what I heard , this was the official report, but the real report is something other, it has happened on the day as we tried to use the force of Lumena´s Angelcore to restore the Shield after being on an attack and to destroy all evil on this Islands, we prayed to the eight shrines of light, which are on each of the Islands, these Shrines behold the true power of the angel and together with the Cathedrale of Light they create the holy ring of gods,, the Islands are called Artos, Portos, Nortos, Chronos, Albaros, Deltros, Galos and Mortos, together with Lumos, the greatest of the island, which is located in the middle of the ring, the Shrines formed an ring shaped hollow shield to protect the Habitants, but only as long as Lumena was here, in order to save our land we used her force without having her here, but the Shield was too weak , the Darkness was already in, and the Angel core split in eight pieces, overpowered by this much amount of magic and the magic which already has been released as the Horn got slayed of, it leaved cracks into the core until it broke, each piece landed in one of the Lightshrines, waiting to be putting together from new, as the force died we decided to evacuate the habitants who werent already affected by the darkness, so we went to the Island Lumos to restore , the Bridge of Light, but as we tried to do so the cathedral had become attacked by this Draconequus, he disturbed the rite and it took our last forces to shoot him off, we knew that the island was not save anymore, so we decided to held each one of us a residence to protect the entrance of each shrine of light, the Core was save but what should we do with the light, the remaining force which had lived inside the core, now crystalized, we decided to hide it in the ruins of the Cathedral of light, that was to the time that Brightlight came back to help us with it, but she only had a way here but not back to Ditzy as we later found out, because the Bridge of Light was the only thing to go over the Ocean safely, but the ocean wasn´t safe anymore, it looked that time like it looks today, this has been now so since 18 years , and still we are waiting for the Angel to return!” The Elder said and he continued his story after a few seconds of breathing break.

“In this time, Brightlight, found two little foaly´s who still weren´t turned by the darkness, she took them in and hold them as if they were her daughters, I think she tried to get over the fact that she leaved her only rightfull daughter without a mother, she felt bad but as she saw this two tiny foals she knew what she had to do, she grew them up and teached them her magic, then today she sended them out to go looking after Lumena, to see if she was okay and ready and strong enough to save our Islands from new and to restore the light, so the two of them, Aurora and Aralia, made their way up in the sky, but the Storm got stonger, and suddenly out of the ocean began to raise an evil feeling and I saw how a black mass chased them, they managed to vanish, but not long after a giant wave hit the Islands and I saw how a few new creatures were blown on each Islands, I walked down to the beach and so I meet you, and well you meet me and the Fallen folk of Light, the darkness which has taken over this Islands began to raise in the hearts of the habitants and began to make them Hating each other until they began to fight over nonsense and over the tiniest things, each one of them turned to a monster of its own, then they began to kill each other, they tried to eat each other as the food begans to shrink, and so the dark influence from the outter world began to take them all over, only we eight light priest and the highpristess Brightlight, managed to stay sane, and so we waited for someone to help us , and I think this day has come, am im right when I asume that you are not the only Elements who had come with the wave?” The elder asked.

“You are right, expect of me are three other Elements of Symphony washed up here by the wave, Venturios, the Element of Wind, Floraya, The element of Nature and Lumena the Element of Light, with us had come The Elements of Harmony like Applejack here, and a few civillians but havent I a clue who is where at the moment!” I said.

“Ah so is that, Lumena has been returned, well then I may can show you the shrine where one piece of the Angels core shall lie, so we will be finally able to restore the light, I don´t know if its too late but if it still give hope for my folk I am ready to do what is necessary to make my wishe come true!” The Elder said as he walked in the back of the house, he entered a room and I felt a cold feeling but also a tiny bit of gentle heat, like a light in a see of darkness.

“Behind this door lies a dungeon and in this dungeon the Angels core fragment, I don’t know where you will end or how long this dungeon is, nor do I know what will awaits you down there but can I tell you that it must be very dangerous, before the folk fell, we tried to get the fragments back but each try failed, everypony who walked in these dungeons had been never seen again, I tell you to better not doing it but, in the same moment I beg for one to may be able to restore the light of this Islands , I will not force you but once you walk inside of the Dungeon, you are on your own!” The elder warned us, I turned to look at Aj but she had a determinated look in her face.

“Don´t you even start Jacky , I come with you , the hell I let you alone into this dungeon!” she said as I wanted to speak , I closed my mouth and shut it.

“Alright then, let´s do this!” AJ said .

“Wait, I have a question before we go down there !” I shouted as suddenly an question pressed in my head , wanting to get out.

“Yes , what can I do for you!” The Elder said.

“ I would like to ask you why I can´t use my magic here ?” I asked , this must be told to me or else I will be unprepared.

“Oh, well that’s because on this Island, only light based magic can be use, but here is still have those horn rings and, …., wait, where is your horn?” The Elder looked at me and his mouth fall agape.

“Don´t tell me you too,…?” He asked, I nodded sadly.

“I would rather not speak about it, I am not sure if I can handle it!” I siad sadly as I trotted down the path to the dungeon.

“Wait lord Shockwave, then at least eat this, this is a pill made with the same spell, it will give you your force back for an limited time, when the time is over you will feel it!” The Elder priest gave me a pile of pills which I put in my bag with all the other poisins and pills, I eated one of them , after five minutes I feeled an familiar feeling, I looked on my hoof where I created a sphere of sound, I erased it again and looked at the priest, I bend before him.

“I stand in your debt !” I said and i turned to AJ.

“Are you ready AJ?” I asked she nodded, and together we made our way.

“Good luck Lord Shockwave , Good Luck Element of Honesty!” The Elder shouted after us, before us was a long torchlit corridor, it seemed to be digged into the island itself.

“Well then here we go, I guess!” I said and so we made our way down.

Floraya´s Pov:

“I really ask myself where exactly we are here?” Fluttershy asked while we walked through this forest, it was sure a beautifull one but the atmosphere was the one of slowly creeping evil.

“If I would tell it by where the wave slayed on the beach and as much as I saw through the darkness, I would say that we are maybe on one of the Islands of Light, Artos, Portos, Nortos, Chronos, Albaros, Deltros, Galos and Mortos, together with Lumos, the greatest of the island, which is located in the middle of the ring, together they create the Island of Light, Lumen, on which the Folk of Light, Lumoria lives, but this is not like it once looked here, the last time I was here was 32 years ago, and it was a bright town, with a market almost the same as in Chlorophelia, the ponies who lived here were so called Angel Pegasi, they have wings made of light and are one of the Eight oldest races ever!” I told my two followers, Fluttershy and granny Healleaf.

“Yes I remember that I once was too here, but I remember too that this Islands have been encircled by an shield made of light, but as I looked out in the ocean I couldn´t see a thing of that shield, so as if it werent existent at all!”

Granny healleaf said, she shivered by the though of what may had happened here.

“I don´t know but I have such an feeling that something evil is watching us, please let me check it Floraya!” Fluttershy aske me and I nooded.

“Go on I will save your back!” I said to her.

“I see , you already took her as your personal student!” Granny whispered to me.

“Yes and she already mastered the Aura tracking, not perfectly but nearer on it than her mother that time!” I responded, while looking with a warm smile to my dear student and great granddaughter.

“Floraya , Granny please step next to me, I feel something downright evil coming at us, prepare your magic you two!” Fluttershy said, shacking like leaf, I wrapped an wing around her and stepped nearer to her, letting her nuzzling in my coat from the affection, she was like a daughter to me, as if the spirit and the force of my beloved daughter Roselake Dryade stuck in her, being reborn into her, the same kindness and the same fast learn abillity, she was as lovely and cute as Fluttershy and had almost the same look as her.

Unfortunalety, not everypony of the Dryade Clan was so kind as Fluttershy and Roselake, when I just think on the other two, the two witches, that bitches.

“It comes!” Fluttershy squeaked, her eyes shut to avoid looking at what may come.

“Uhhuhuhuhuh, well if that’s not my beloved Floraya!” A creepy ice cold voice said, a voice familiar to me, a voice so strong creepy and so familiar that it was impossible to even mistake her with her sister.

“Miasmaria, I should have know that you were responsible for this whole shit here!” I spat with all the venom and hatred I could bring up without throwing up.

A Blonde , pale Mare appeared before us out of the forest, she wore a long black dress and a giant scar across her face and a few others on her forehead, her eyes where yellow and framed from a moving black, like mine, while the blackness around mine was compact and not moved, it was alsmost the same, but different toher, my eyes didn´t looked like the one of a lyzard and every warmth had been faded for so long out of them, leaving only deadly coldness and burning hatred, these demonic eyes scanned me of, and I knew that where she is , her sister isn´t far either.

“Oh I see you brought some friends to the party, and I see , they are shamans too,well this will get a nice party, wanna dance a bit, i´m sure it will please you!” Miasmaria said, her eyes never leaved me.

“Flora, who is this?” Fluttershy aske through clenched teeths , providing them to crash against each other as she shivered like a leave in a storm for a reason I must say, well he description matches very good, due to the fact that this here could getting cosindered as a storm, a storm of dark black Magic.

“This is Miasmaria, the Element of Dark Shadows, one of the Elements of Chaos and one of the Witch twins, the black sheeps of the Dryade Clan!” I said and I heard them holding their breath as Miasmaria smiled evily.

“I guess you havent told them the story, of us the strongest out of the Dryade clan, beside you!” she chukled.

“Strong as much as gruesome!” I spat, and she laughed evily.

“Thanks for the compliment, Great Grandma Floraya!” she smiled.

“Did she just said Great Grandma!”Fluttershy asked dumbfounded.

“Yes she did, Flora what does that mean!” Granny Healleaf asked me, I sighed.

“in the second Millenium of the war, I fall In love with a Stallion of our clan, we loved each other and it didn´t last long before I became a Daughter , she was the first born daughter I had, years gone by and also she became a Daughter , which was my granddaughter, after my Husband died and my Daughter got old, also my Granddaughter became kids, Twins, Mariana and Atralia Dryade, both of them named after a Healweed which only grow in our forest that time, well their mother died a few years after their birth and the two of them never came over the fact of it, they began to search after a spell to revieve her, they sworn to never give up trying to revive her, after I told them that none of our spells would help or raise the death into the world of living, they searched and searched but didn’t they ever found one, they digged their mother out of her grave, and tried desperatly to find a spell to revieve her, every spell failed, leaving them more and more frustrated until one day one spell worked, but it overtowered the competence of both of them on such a level that it couldn’t anythign but going wrong and the spell backfired terribly, it was an dark rite to summons someones soul back in the corps, it was one of the darkest spells I ever created, they stealed a book out of my privacy, which I hid in the backest of my house, in this books where all the dark spells I have explored or created to use against our enemys in the war, one of them was a spell to revieve the dead ones and to bring them under ones own controll, I wanted to only use this spell in a desperate situation in the war, when all our mens of our side would been dead , I wanted to use this spell so that the dead bodies would be able to still defeat the enemy and provide them so to take over Equestria, but I never needed to use the spell, to my own relief, it was an dark spell and a rite which I never would have to use at all, I was afraid of all those dark rituals and spells, so that I put a protection spell over the book and hid it in my house, with time the spell got weaker and weaker until it only was existent to an minimum, easy for an shaman to break, well Both of them use the spell together, uniteing their forces to use the spell, they managed to revive their mother but the thing they had summoned was like not at all under their controll, it began to attack the tribe, and I needed to destroy it, that was something that both Mariana and Atralia never forgot, they vanished after they saw what had happened, together with the book, swearing to one day to return to take their revenge!” I said as I clenched my teeths, Miasmaria only laughed silently scanning me with her lyzard eyes.

“At one rate then Nestrells must have found them and he must have promised to bring their mother back, fully herself back from the death, and so they became one of the strongest Warriors in his army, when the time has come to fight against them in a war, I was more than surprised to see them on the side of our enemy, it made me angry to know that two of my own Great Granddaughters where such suckups, ready to give their soul for a dream which never will come true!” I spat with hatred, I know I shouldn´t give into my hatred on an island surrounded by Dark Miasma, but I couldn´t help it.

“Oh but after years, not long earlier from today you managed to use the spell on an whole tribe, not, I can tell it, we have seen it, we saw how the Tribe vanished , 23 years ago, but oh wonder, the tribe is back, and I can tell that all of them are by the best condition, not Granny Healleaf!” Miasmaria told us, and I was confused but then I put two and two together and I knew what has happened that time.

“You, you have controlled them that time, you have controlled the one half of our tribe to bring them to destroy each other, you have brought back Stone rich and giving him the power to use Black magic!” I screamed.

“You have become quiet a slow poke don´t you, I don´t know how you have done it but now its too late at all, we gonna release Master Nestrell from his prison and then he finally will be able to revive our mother, making her immortal, that that once was your duty to do.

“I may be the Element of nature but to interfee in the cylus of life and death, is not my duty or do I ever will do that freely, to live and to die , this is an cyclus which I have no right to disturb , this is life, deal with it!” I screamed at her as she lauched at me.

“I will teach you what it means to lose a beloved one!” She said as she created an dark spell around her hoof.

“I will teach you the power of nature, bitch!” I said as I created a giant wooden fist around my hoof spiced with my own magic.

The atmosphere around us shook violently as the two fist crashed together, my magic, green and furious, fighted against her own black magic.

“we need to help her, but how!” I heard Fluttershy saying as I screeched backwards, so Miasmaria.

“No, stand in defense I don’t know where she is , but when Miasmaria is here, her sister will not be far away either!” I screamed over the rush of magic, I stood on my hindlegs, both forehooves transformed to wooden fists.

“Oho, that you don´t need to fear, my sister is not here, she´s on the next island, mashing up your Angel friends!” Miasmaria laughed as she launched from new, I created needls out of grass, trees and falling leaves , while I swinged my fist in her direction.

She doged the blow and hit me right in my face, I got sended backwards.

“When you shall be afraid of something, than on my little friends here!” Miasmaria shouted as new ponies arrived but other than the shape they had nothing to do anymore with ponies, they had razorsharp teeths and black eyes, fully black and deeper than the deepest hole.

“Well then, say hello to my Little friends!” I screamed as I created several creatures out of wood.

“Fluttershy , Granny , on my back!” I screamed as I fully transformed my self in to the giant Wood gorilla, I picked them up with one hand and sat them on my back.

Fluttershy´s pov:

This was terrible, Floraya fighted against a dark magician, this was a battle like I never saw, this was something completely other than the fights the other and me had done, against this, the fight against Discord and nightmare moon were child plays, but here I saw how a real battle looks like, here were shamans versus a dark witch, and all granny and I could do was hiding ourself and running away.

“Here take this Fluttershy!” Granny shouted and reached me bow and arrow.

“These had once belonged to your mother, use them wisely!”

“I will do so!” I said, I took them in my forrhoves , while I stand on my hindlegs, even though I had no knowledge on how to use this thing, I normaly made a large bow around weapons of every kind, but like the speech say , desperate situations calling for desperate manners.

“Here you go, you ugly pieces of crap!” Granny said as she shoot one of these cannibalistic ponies, down of Florayas back, I did it like her, and shoot and definitely killed my first pony, wait no I must remind me, razorsharp teeths and eyes blacker that nightmare moons blackest night, these things may look like ponies, but they are definitely no ponies anymore.

I never wanted to kill , but I think I can´t help myself or others by getting killed on a mission where they need everyone of us, im sorry everypony but this will make me definitely going to hell at the end of my life, but at least I can help to save a friend.

“I just hope that the others are okay!” I mumbled as I shoot down my second enmy.

Well then, Hell awaits me, I guess.

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