• Published 17th Jul 2012
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The Chronicles of Equestria, Book 1 Derpy Hooves and The Elements of Equestria - Angel Equestria

Equestria prepares on an War which rules over the fate of both Worlds, Old and New Equestria

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Chapter 20, The War of Light and Darkness, Young Kids Heroes, The Three swords of Divine Punishment, Back together as one, My Name is Derpy Hooves

Derpy Hooves


The Elements of Equestria

A/N: hello and welcome to the end, to now, today we will see the phenomenal end of the first part of this Book, we will see who wins, Ice or Steel, we will see the last probe before the final end boss, and we see what daughters can do when they love their mother/father. No more words, but, you need to totally Gusta these.

Chapter 20: Burning Steel VS Freezing Ice, Fire on the Bridges of light, Back together as one, Suprises in the morning, missing something, the lost Land reappaers, Dark Lumena, Starswirl the bearded and His sister, on the wings of Wisdom we fly, the three Sisters, forgiven, the Wings of Light, the Light we gained, Lasers, Chains of light and the bright Love, Legion of the Light , at the end of the dark a new Dawn rise, A ritual tonight, The best kids ever.

Scootaloo´s Pov:

If you would ask me if I were happy about my dad being in Ponyville, I would instantly climbing up the highest mountain in Dragon´s Mountain Valley, and shout out how happy I were, I can´t imagine a better birthday present, but was I also sad because of how many years it has cost us, until we were finally back together in each others arms.

“Hello daddy, welcome Home!” I siad to him as I nuzzled his coat, he took me in his arms and hugged me tight , never wanting to let go, and finally , after 4.000 years, he ruffled my hair, exactly the way I always had imagined it to be, with the most warmest smile I ever saw in my life, he stood next to me and ruffled my hair, and grinned, it was like the breath which release both of us to the freedom, like you were drowning for hours in the ocean, and suddenly you go the possibility to go up on the surface, as soon as you break through it, you take breath in with all the force you can managing to bring up that moment, as he hugged me again , I could feel all the love, all the words unsaid and all the letters unwritten , sink into me, telling me how much he loves me, and my tiny arms didn’t reached around his waist but I tried to get as much as I could of him in one hug, I cried , tears of joy.

“This is the Best Birthday present ever!” I said to him as he smiled back.

“I don´t hate at all to interupt your happy reunion, but we have a fight to clearing up, not?” The Leader of the ice creatures said.

“If you want so bad to have your sorry asses kicked, you simply could have ask me, you know!” Dad said as he turned with an annoyed expression over to the one who had spoken.

“Haha, really funny, not, just quit this bullshit, and fight!” He screamed as he launched at us, only to got meet by an mighty Metalic Hoof-boot, throwing him back several meters, revenge for earlier.

“Uhm, Dad how does it come that you are actually still in the Anthromorphic state?” I asked as I recogniced, that he still hadn´t changed to an pony at all.

“I dunno, but I guess its because I lived now for so long in Old Equestria, that this form has now simply become my standard form!” Dad shrugged, not really caring at all about it, I know he loves to be anthromorphic, but as a real pony no one would look at him as if he were an abnormaty, the same way as they had looked at me , earlier.

“Anyways, shall we show them to not mess with us ponies of Ponyville!” Dad shouted out and got cheers from everypony.

“But make sure your children don´t see a thing about it, its mostly even for an adult pony too heavy , I will make it nice and short, but do I need your help, Stallions of Ponyville, to defend Mare and Childs, do you think you can do that?” Dad asked, as he took his Giant sword, “Scoot-A-Loo #1”, or from me also called, “Machine-sword”, it was a strong thing, I mean, hey, the thing has an entire Chainsaw inside off it, the blade itself is thick until the edge, which is able to part in two pieces and opens towards the sides, so that the chainsaw can get outside, and its even possible, in combination with dads magic, to shoot out the blade, and instantly dublicate it, five times, making ten blades out of it, its for his special Attack number 1, the Steel Storm.

“No problem, leave it to us, Mister, umm , eh, sorry, but I think I don´t get to know your name!” The Stallion, apparently the blacksmith, said.

“No problem, my name is, Esteel V. Metalclaw, Fallen Angel and Element of Steel, one of the Elements of Symphony, like my brothers Shockwave and Venturios, as well as, my sisters, Floraya and Lumena, which already had visited this town, my wife had been dying, during the war, but she gave me the most precious treasure ever, her name is a name I always hold inside of my heart , even when she had been defeated, and died, she died with a smile on her face, because she had been able to defeating her own daughter, her name was Victorious Victoria, further I am the Biological Father of Scootaloo, but after the war In old Equestria, I needed to decide, the world wasn´t clean anymore, everywhere I looked where darkness and areas being pested by dark miasma, it was gruesome, so I decided to send my Daughter into the exil in the new created Equuis, means here on this world, together with the princesses and four of my siblings, to her own security but I sweared to her on her crib to one day come back upwards to her, in order to save her we have asked over the years always some childless ponies to keep an close eye on her, to show her the right path, Four years ago then, was the first time we saw each other again, for the first time after 3.996 years, and today , after 4.000 years we finally met, firsthand again, and I want to save her and all of you guys, because I know that ponyville means much to her and I want to see her happy again!” Daddy said, I could see much of them having shocked faces , as the news of an Alincorn‘s child lives here for years, others just closed their eyes silently nodding, seeing the point in saving their home, and the chance of meeting another Fallen Angel, brighted a few of them up again, even thought there was a bit of mistrust whenever they speak about them, they do need them, I am sure that whatever they say they will always have a need in them.

“Dad?” I asked he looked at me, with a smile.

“What is it girly?” He asked.

“I thank you for being my dad, and I love you and mother forever!” I said to him.

“No problem sweety!”



“When we are done here, tell me all about mom okay?” I asked him, looking at him, tears in my eyes.

He kneeled down before me, and looked at me, with tearfull eyes, full of sorrow, pain, love, and trust but there was also something I couldn´t name.

“Yes I promised it, it had been too long and I know , you are ready to be told the truth!” Dad, said as he hugged me again, he then turned towards the wolfs, who had been regained by their leader.

“Finally done and now we can fight for real!” The wolf said, and he stepped infront but hadn´t counted with dad´s incredible speed , in a second he was over to the wolf, and slayed him down cold, well that the wolf couldn´t survive this, was clear, but what father made than was something no one of us all expected, enemies included.

“Melt in hell asshole!” He shouted, and stabed his sword right in the wolfs stomach, before it pould manage to turn to snow and dublicate itself, as soon as it was in, he grabbed the staff of the sword, and turned it, that’s when I finally recognized that the whole staff looked like the acceleration grips on my scooters steerstaff, as soon as he turned , the sword began to glow in an white and bright orange, like when metal began to get hot in fire.

In the end , the only thing that left was a puddle of water.

“Guys, you need to cut them with burning Steel, I will take care of the big ones, you will fight the little ones!” Daddy said as he aimed a metalic chain at the circle of wolfs, catching them and throw them back over the market place on the opposite side, so that the stallions of the town had time to grab sword and fireproof hoof-protections, making the sword burning orange with heat, and then running against the attackers, while dad launched towards the two new Golems.

Even thought I knew they were strong, the fight against the wolfs was fast over, since they directly begin to melt as soon as they got hit with burning hot steel, only the two golems still stood tall, fighting all together against Dad.

I saw him struggling to bring the sword fully down, at the end of it, Dad jumped away from the one he had attack, not being able to cut it anyfurther without breaking the chainsaw, before the other one could manage to get a grip on him, their corpse must be extremly hard to cut, even with the Machine Sword, kicked in high gear, and the chainsaw modus.

Don´t give up Dad, I beg you.

“Damn, they are hard to cut!” I heard him screaming, loosing patience, so he simply began to create a giant stream out of blades, to cut the ice giants all at once in pieces.

“Suck this!” He screamed, as the Golems indeed got destroyed, I was happy for daddy, but I little I knew that was no reason to celebrate.

Faster thann I knew , I saw what made me having a bad feeling about the fast defeat of the ice golems.

“Dad watch out!” I screamed as something giant came up behind him.

“What, the Heee,…..,!” I saw how the new build giant Ice golem, slayed Daddy away, thought dad wasn´t k.o. i´m sure it was an hard punch.

“Huff, damn , nice trick, I need to remember this!” he said as he stood up again, a bit lightheaded, I see.

“Note to myself, Huff, learning how to transform into melted steel, to come back as a giantique version of myself!”

“Damn, I guess I need the meteor-blood-steel armor!” Dad said, as he took out a knife, and, to my great shock, cut himself over the arm.

“Dad, what are you doing!” I screamed at the sight of this.

“Relax Scooty, its only an blood ritual for my meteor-steel armor, watch and learn!” Dad said, as I saw how the blood began to float, and to land on my fathers Arm, where it expanded and began to grow even more out, as soon as the iron in the blood began to combine together, making it harder than Titanium I could see the structure through my eyes, I never saw a structure so hard pressed together and still so flexible than this one, combined with the magical force in the blood itself, it was in an unknown categorie, harder as a diamond and too hard to form kind of an armor out of it, but it worked,the blood formed some clothes, over dads normal t-shirt and trouser, semmed to be made by magic, a black coat with bloodred lines, as soon as the blood fell on dad´s trousers, they began change the colour as well.

“Wow!” Was all I could say, as soon as the transfomation was done, and finally there they were, former I hadn´t time to see them, but now I could see them fully, these awesome wings, made with steel attachments and the same colour as his and mine coat.

“Hey Scootaloo, would you like to help me defending your hometown!”

“But sure!” I said as dad jumped right beside me.

“This here was one of the many Birthday presents I have for you today, to make up for all those long years of physical absence, I hope you can use it good, its made out of my blood too, and it also contains a strain of your mothers hair and the first little amount of blood you loose, from when I cut your umbilical cord, the one thing that made me faint in an long life, to hurt my own children, I didn’t expect it nor could I hold it out without fainting, anyway the blood that time, I had token , unnoticed by anyone of course, and held it in a vacuum pot until a few days ago, the Strain which I had hold back, this strain gave it its colours, the coat armor is as robust as mine, and remember my words, this armor , only take your commands, since your blood was the last added, no one else can use it, even if it gets stolen, for everyone else it is just an ultimate heavy piece of cloth,…, ah and another thing, the coat will grow together with you, so when you go older the coat will match to your body shape, and size!” Dad said as he offered me a bundle, it felt like textile, but there got a warmth off, which was nice, not too warm but also not too cold, just right to be honest, I unfoalded the bundle, and scanned the thing infront of me , using my chains as kind of a mannequin, , it was beautiful though and yes I loved it.

“Thank you dad!” I said as I tried it on, it was surprisingly, really light, even though it was harder than a diamond right now, but flexible like textil.

“Fit like a second skin, I love it daddy!” I said to Dad.

“I hoped so, anyways I think now we are able to defeat this sucker and to save this town!”

“Alright, lets do it!” I said, as I fist bumped my Dad.

And so both of us launched for the now, double so tall icegolem, who now had four arms to slay, oh great, I saw how dad turned towards me, and even when he was a goo hundred ,meters away from the point I stay, I could hear him clear , as if he stood right next to me.

“Scootaloo, I´m talking with you through the armor, I will take his right side, you take his left, but look out for the both arms, if you don’t see two arms , back away immediately okay?” Dad asked me, and I nodded in understanding.

“Alright, here we go!” Dad screamed as he throw my sword over to me, I picked it out of the air, and swung it one time around, cracking the golems, left leg, its screamed in pain but wasn’t he nor the leg really bad injured, but I will remember the pain in my arms after the sword got thrown back by the impact.

“Damn why is the thing so hard!” I yelled as several other attacks leaded to the same resulte, with a normal sword is it practicaly impossible to destroy them, and it seemed that they were able to repair themselves, the cracks where almost completely healed.

“I guess that’s because of the eternal Winter in Iceland, its so freezing cold down there, and the few people who actually live there are living in so called iglus, by temperature wide under 0° Celsius, last time I was there they had a cold period from at least -30° celsisus, but buck it I tell you, these peoples seemed to go through snow like they walk over asphalt, and some of them even walk around halfnaked, I did froze me my fricken butt off, but it was worth it after all, I could see the beautifull everchanging scenerie of the icenature down there, I shooted many photos, together with your mother!” Dad said and I felt it fuzzy in my Tummy, my Mother, this was a word I will never forget, it was the word of being free, the word for freedom and peace, Mommy, My, Mommy, Miss Victorious Victoria.

As soon as I thought about her name , I felt it warm on my skin, warm, strong and full of power, I felt like I was in a hug, and I almost could see her before me, she was so marvelous, so beautifull, amazingly awesome.

“Scootaloo, Scootaloo, my beautifull Girl!” I heard her saying, her Voice, soft, flowing, but also strong, coming from a strong , loving, and honest heart.

“Mommy is that you?” I asked , as the faint silhouette before me, nodded.

“Indeed I am , my dear Scootaloo, I had been waiting in this clothes for quite some years, and I waited for this one moment to tell you finally, maybe not in person, but still, I wanted to tell you of how much I love you and how proud I am, of you, you are just like me, so good chances that you are strong, kindhearted, loving, nice, and all in all someone I wish I could have met in my mortal life, not as simple memory within a piece of cloth, I wanted to hold you in my arms, once again and feel how soft your coat is, how your mane smell, and I wanted to see these cute eyes looking up towards me!” I heard her saying as I saw tears rolling down her face, I wanted to touch her, but my hands just pushed through her, that’s when the tears arrived by me, I finnaly saw my Mother but I wasn´t even able to touch her anymore.

“I love you too Mommy, and there is still so much I want to tell you, I wish you could be here for real, Daddy, you and me, we could be a familly again!” I said as I cried loudly, I don´t know if this was only in my head or not, but I knew I can´t take anything more.

“I guess I need to go now mom, I need to help dad defending the town, as much as I want to still speak with you, he do need my help, i´m so sorry, now you finnaly see your daughter and I my mother and then I have not much time to speak, this is so ironic, im so sorry!” I said but she nodded.

“No need to apologize Scooty, I fully understand, what´s going on, we need to help your father, and the people of this town, I don´t know If I can but I will try it, I will send you the rest of my Life Power, may the queen and your Father always be with you!” Mother said as she lit up in bright light, it got warmer like on a sunny spring day.

“What is this?”I asked myself, as I felt it, such a strong force running through my veins, I felt how my own power increased, and how silent words had been spoken.

“Defend what you should defend, love what is worth to be loved, heal the ones who need help the most, learn from your mistakes, and live your life in the fullest, these are the single last words I can give you on your long way to grow up, Scootaloo, I may not be here anymore, but remember I always watch over you, and I love you forever, Scootaloo V. Metalclaw!”

“I promise it and I love you too, Victorious Victoria Metalclaw, Mother!” I said and for the first time in my live, I said my mother´s full name to herself.

“I thank you , beloved Daughter!” it whispered.

“I thank you too , beloved and honored Mother!” I whispered as I began to wake up off my trance I was in, it lasted as much as I see not even 3 seconds in reality, but it was enough to construct a whole plan in my head, I began to form my mettalic force around my arm, creating kind of an rocketlaunchers on both arms, but the munition is what counts, bullets filled with Mole-bots, who are able to destroy the molecular-structure of ice and snow.

“Dad when I say now you jump up hig okay?” I asked dad.

“What are you gonna do?” He asked worried.

“I make them all an end, I know on how to destroy this Golem!” I said with determinition.

“lead him over here, and make sure that no one comes in my way!” I said sternly as he nodded.

“Balance state by 50/50, weaponmagazines filled, high radius attack minimalized , target locked, countdown in!” the voice of the weapon said, don’t ask me, why it was there.


“Father, lead it over to me!” I screamed, as I stood there with the weapons ready to fire.


“Alright got it, cutie, yoh, Blob, over here”


“Thank Celestia these golems are always so brainless!” I stated with disgust.


“Okay here we go, Dad , Jump!” I screamed as I aimed forward towards the golem.


“Finish him off, Scooty!”


“FIRE!” I screamed as I shoot of the Bullets, out of the canon-like weapon, the bullets hit the golem and as soon as the munition exploded, the Mole-bots began their stampede over the Golem, who screamed, beginning to eat him , destroying the molecules of his whole body, eating them all up, until there was restless no things to see, the Golem has completly gone, vanished without a trace, the Mole-bots then began to eat away the snow, and not long after and whole ponyville had became snowfree again, the molebots had done their task, and so I commanded them to come back to me, they added themselves onto the Blood-metal coat, and then they deactivated themselves, until I need them again, someday, for sure, then they will awake again, the legion.

“We did it, we have won!” I shouted out happilly.

“Yes we, did, sigh, damn it, and the time is almost over!” I heard dad saying.

“What´s going on, what´s happen, Dad?” I asked worried.

“I hadn´t time to tell it to you, I may have fixed the Portal , but still only to an certain state, since now I am only able to hold the portal open for exactly two days, after the time limit is over, everything organical and living that had gone through the gate, gets forcefully dragged back to the gate, it last us now only 1 day and a few hours together, then it last one month , for the portal to recreate the needed force for the next dimension-travel, means we have now only 1 day and a few hours and then we need to wait for one Month, until we can meet again, but at least it works so far, I will sit myself behind my desk to find an solution to the problem!” Dad said as his eyes filled with tears once more, I walked up to him and put an hoof on his face.
“its alright, at least you are able to visit me, even with the timelimit, I am glad you came and , well spend these last day and hours with me, tell me about mom and how live is , where you are coming from, lets make these last hours, the wonderfull beginn of something way bigger!” I said and he nodded, picking me up and sitting myself onto his head, we shared a laugh, as we began to walk back in the town together with the other town ponies , for eating dinner with cherilee, who seemed happy to see me with him, the town had token the attack pretty well, every now and then there was somepony who asked Dad if he were able to repair different things out of metal, I joked that when he decided to live up here forever one day, that he should do this as a job.

The next day, cherilee gave me a free day , and me and dad had quite fun, every now and then some ponies came to get a good look on Dad, or to speak with him about random things, even the blacksmith of the town, Ironfire, came visiting us to speak a bit with dad, they were about to go over in the detail now, but something stopped Dad.
“Damn, I guess its time, the gate´s calling me!” Dad said, as I saw how he got almost dragged away from us, literally, he tried to hold on the door, but like he was dragged away by a magnet, we all runned after him, up towards my not-so-secret-anymore, secret hideout.

The whole town has gathered inside and around of the grotto , to say goodbye to the fifth Fallen Angels they met, I cried like a softy, but I knew I had a good reason for it.

“I promise I will come back to you, in one month, at the same time!” He said, as he took me in his arms, this strong, caring arms.

“I will wait for sure dad, we all will wait!”I said and I heard them all cheer, I saw how Major Mare, walked up to us.

“Umm, Lord Esteel, as a thank you for saving our town, the towncouncil decided to give you this!” She held up an, giant photo, on which all the Ponies of ponyville could been seen, over it in the sky were their every signature on it, under it stood in thick letters:

“Thank you for saving our town, you are forever welcome, no matter what!”

“I don’t know what to say, seriously, all I can say is big Time, thank you all, you made Scootaloo being happy even when I wasn´t at her side, for this i will be always thankfull to you, my Little Ponies!” dad said and bowed infront of them.

“I guess my time has come, my time here is over, but before I go I will give you these presents , Scooty, here I have, present number one, I would like you to open it, before I need to go!” Dad said, and I saw his big eyes full of hope, I smiled and took the present .

“Well here I go!” I said as I unwrapped the present, the first thing I saw, was some strange kind of glasses.
“Uhh dad what, exactly is this?” I asked him.

“These are Nightvision glasses, along with the bulletproof sweatshirt and a few other spy gadgets, enough technology for long nights!”

“Cool!” I said and I mean it, that will help me much by our next adventures as Ponyville Quest Seekers, short PQS.

“So, urgh, the , n-next one!” Dad said and i took the next one, it was longer but also a bit thinner, than the first one.

“Uhh dad, this is , well,…, cute I guess!” I said, I must be honest, I never ever in my life wore a dress, a real dress with ruffles, but it was wonderfull I must say, it was rubin red, with a black belt and even when it was from fine fabric, I coult feel its weight was different of the look.

“……, wait don’t tell me,…?” I looked at him shocked, but he only smiled.

“Yep hidden weapons in it, its an production of me, it’s the prototype of the newest collection and I would love to see you wearing it for once!” Dad said and I nodded in defeat, I put the dress on which fit amazingly, Dad created a mettalic mirror, huge enough for me to see myself, it was amazing, seriously, I thought it wouldn’t but I must say, I looked awesomely cute in it.

“Wow, I , I love this so much!” I siad as I hugged Daddy so hard .

“Pheew, hey cute lady you look awesome!” I heard pipsqueak shouting and whisteling, as I jumped back on the ground next to him and I blushed as red as Dads eyes were.

“ And the next present, your own weapon!” Daddy said and I took the last package, from him, it was smaller and thinner, with it was a smaller chest , i opened it and saw some balls, glowing, ….., okay,…, anyways, I unwrapped the bigger package and looked inside, what I saw directly remembered me on the cutie mark crusaders time as acolytes, in the church of ponyville, by miss Cherilee and priest Long Sermon.

“I´m sure this isnt what I think it is, not dad ?” I asked suspicious.

“If you think it is an element based morningstar, you are right, I have build this little baby extra for you, with the blood of each Element of symphony, it gives you the ability to rule in a little amount, over the elements, with the help of the added set of nine Elementspheres, called Makora-sphere, these spheres are like battery accus, they are rechargeable but only in the miniature makora shrines , which are located over whole Equuis and in Ponyville, you just need to find them, ah and another thing, its even possible to combine the elements together, but you need to be carefull okay, not every element is fit together , you must look out which one to combine and which one can be dangerous for yourself, further more is it possible to transform this baby in different weapons, element based, so like when you use the earth sphere you can transform it into a giant hammer, by fire a sword, by water a trident, by nature an Bow and Arrows, by wind a magical staff, by light a laser-lantern, by darkness a dimension-pot, and sound a speaker-gun!” Dad said and I was in awe, so with that thing I am able to use a bit of the power of the other elements, wow.

“So anyways, I have no much time, left so here we come, straight to the last present, its here!” Dad said, doing all secretivly.

He uncovered, a hell of a machine.

“here it is, your newest scooter, well not really scooter anymore but better said , a machine-cycle, able to take at least 2 ponies with you, works with solar, and wind force ,so the wind comes through these openings, inside of the turbine in the box here, then separate the oxigen and the nitrogen, and burns both of it, turning the explosion into power, which drives the wheels on, the max speed lies by 160 MPH!”, if you ever would say that my eyes cant get any huger then my head, let me tell you that you are dead wrong, alone as Dad told me about the speed, I could hear many of the citizens groaning in annoyance, facehoofing themselves.

“Really?” I asked with huge eyes.

“Really really, But,…!” he said and my mood dropped instantly.

“what, but,..,?” I asked with eyes narrowed.

“There is a limit spell on the machine, which works until I say its okay, so that the ride will only go half as fast as max. speed, until I think you can handel the machine, okay!” He said with a stern glare, awaiting nothing but that I back down and let him having his way , but I wouldn´t be his daughter if I give up that fast.
“Wait, why a limit?” I shouted, deadly dissapointed.

“Cherilee told me about your little accidents with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and the endless list of things you already wrecked, though I have no fear for the machine I rather have fear about you getting yourself in too much danger, and for this time, 80 MPH is way fast enough, for you!” Dad said and I knew my argument was invalid, as soon as he took a giant scroll out , with all the things which had been wrecked by us in the last year, let me tell you it was a big one.

“Sigh , okay!” I said defeated.

“I hope we have understood each other, as much as I love you, I surely don’t want to always hear from Cherilee about how much you again wrecked in a week, okay!” Dad said and I was more than defeated, I wanted to make him proud, not disappointed in me.

“I understand Daddy, I want to make you proud off me , not disappointed!” I siad , with sudden tears in my eyes.

“No, not that, you never did dissapointed me, I only want you to be save!” Daddy said calmly, then picked me up and kissed my tears away before kissing me on my cheek, he lifted me on his arm and I felt safer than anywhere right now, I nuzzled in his chest, on his hard muscles, he was my dad and the best I could ever have asking for.

“I love you Scootaloo!” Daddy said and kissed my forhead, I heard sorrow in his voice, I guess the time has come to say goodbye.

“I love you too Daddy Cool!” I smirked and laughed, trying to cover up the hurt in my voice with a joke, and I actually managed it pretty well.

“Young colt there!” Dad suddenly adressed to some pony next to me, I turned my head, and my heart made a little jump.

“Sir yes sir?” The adressed colt asked.

“, You seem to be quite, the protective type, how are you called, my dear friend!” Dad asked.
“I am Pipsqueak El Ponzoleone, the pirate!” Pipsqueak said, I could hear some snickers from behind and even a few who laughed, but it was all nothing, I knew him long enough to know that he has the heart of a real noble pirate captain, he loves the adventure as much as me, and he takes risks too for the ultimate fun.

“Well , well Mr. Ponzoleone, if you are as strong as I think, I guess you are fit to take care of my beloved daughter, making sure there will nothing happening to her, you think you can do that for me?” Dad asked, and I saw how Pipsqueak nodded violently.

“Of course sir, she will be protected and as save at my side as Fort Ponx is secured!” Pipsqueak said and my heart made a joyfull jump, thanks dad.

“I think I am right when I say, I know I can count on you, well anyway I am glad, that Scootaloo has found so much friends. Thought my time has been over now, I will surely come back to you, so live you live as best you can , my people of ponyville, and may the Queen be forever on your sides, for all good you will bring to this town!” Father said, and suddenly the Mirror behind him expanded itself into an bright shining silver mass, wrapped around dad and in one second he was still there smiling, in the next he was gone.

“Wow, well that was something, gosh this is so awesome, now I have two friends as fillys of Alincorns in the town, and the two of them are in my class, yes man!” Pipsqueak said, one of my best friends and now actually kind of my bodyguard , even though I havent always time to hang out with him in the past, due to crusading on therm to find my cutie mark, he is one of the few who never judged me when I was still a blank flank.

Thought he wasn’t a player, he do had success by the women, especially with Princess Luna, which he had become her number one fan, but I must admit, out of my deepest, of course, I always honored him for his courage to live the way he wanted , regardless of what other said and , yes I actually did like him more than my two best friends, though I have no idea how he thinks about me. but his courage and his thirst for adventures has caught me years ago.

“Well I think we should now all go back home, it was a long awefull and hard day, even whit this lightshine earlier!” Mayor mare said and we did as she said, we walked back in town in each houses, the injured royal guards became a lift towards Canterlot, to get back to their posts there, while instead new guards came, in the night they change the shift with the Lunar guards.

Cherilee was happy to see me and dad, she only once met him, when she had become one of the candidates for the post of my new big sister, though she was bandaged and now remembered more of an mummy than a pony, she hummed while cooking, things just began to roll right again, but how dead wrong I was there, because just a few day after Dads visit, the next horror happened in the town, something no one of us had thought about.

Meanwhile earlier in old Equestria, the moment Esteel got sucked in by the Mirror:

Esteel´s Pov:

There I was again, back home , in my lonely home where no one else but me and a few of the strongest guards lived.

“I guess it was smooth, I mean I saw her I talked abit about her mother, and well I gave her my presents and we had a good time, but I know , she will never be able to come down to me!” I murmured to myself, as I walked down in the cave of my house, well better said, the building in which my current house was, to check on her.

“I guess I have to try harder, I need to find a spell which can heal her!” I still murmured as I walked along the cells while ignoring the cries of the prisoners, with the years, living in this high security jail out of pure Steel, to make sure they never get out if they ever may Escape , I have learned to block out the cries of mercy, hatred or of simple insanity, here in the Steeltown HS jail, the baddest, worst and absolutly dangeroust criminals waited here for the death, though it was a jail, there where also a few isane and headsick people in here, whit no chance to ever become rehabilitable again, and one of them was very special, not because she was simply insane or because she killed many, no it was because she was cursed, cursed by a dark spell, her own father cursed her with it, makeing her his murderous doll.

Programmed for only one matter, to kill me and all of the one I loved, she killed many of my friends and tried to kill my own and only Child, as well as any others, it was the most saddest thing I ever saw in my life and I can´t get it out of my head, I will always have these eyes infront me, those bloodred lips and those cold dark sinister smile, and her voice completly distorted, the only reason why the royal sisters havent killed her was because I defended her, costing me my right arm, I promised to them that I will be able to break the spell, and make her a normal pony again, instead of a dangerous killing machine, since that time I experimented with thousands of curse breaking spells but none had work til now, and I slowly but sure lose hope to ever be able to rehabillitating her, good thing the speel made her kind of immortal until she has succeded her mission.

I stopped in front of her cell, I heard her sniffing in the air, I took my breath deep in, and cooled my feelings, I prepared myself before I entered the cell through the bars, melting and instantly replacing them , like a ghost who goes through a massive beton wall.

“I can smell you , I can taste your Aura and your presence, isn´t it so Esteel, I cant taste your very existence in this room, in this endless high and dark room and you know that I want you , to rip your sorry throat open!” The sorry creature said, the one and only creature I really cared about in here and it pained my heart to no end.

“Good evening, …………., Victoria!”

I will heal her, and if it be the last thing I do, beware master Steel Tank, you may call yourself now Battallion, but I know who you really are, I will never forget you , like I also can never forgive you, make sure that Mistress Equestria has mercy with your soul on the long way down to the deepest of hell, for what you did to your own people and your own familly, I will take you down and present your fucking head to both , Mistress Equestria and The royal sisters on a silver plate.

“Sigh” I sighed in defeat, I really hate to do this , but what else shall I do, it’s the only way to be sure that I tried everything.

“Spell Test, # 9.583, Patient, 4093, Victorious Metalclaw Victoria!”

Meanwhile on the bridges of light , on the way to the Island Lumen:

Ditzy´s Pov:

“So according to my memories, we should get to the Cathedrale in a few minutes, not long anymore, and we will be there and we will meet Mistress Brightlight again!” Aurora said.

“I cant await it!” I siad to her equally exitecd, I mean I havent seen mom in the last 23 years.

“Do you think she will still love me!” I asked her, but she only looked me in disgust.

“How can you doubting your own adoptive mother , she loves you more than everything!” she stated a bit sadly, but not enough for me to worry.

“Im sure she loves you equal, when I really think hard I still can hear her last words towards me!”

“In front of the Light, we are all similar!” We said in unison, and looked to each other.

“These were the words which Mistress Brightlight told my sister and me, when we made our way to our planned journey.” Aurora said and she smiled.

“To me she telled me, these words when she vanished to help the Priest, and before she never came back to me!” I said with flat ears.

“No worry soon you will be able to see her!”

“Lady Lumena, Mrs. Aurora , watch out!” we heard it fast enough to still react to the thing that came, jumping back in a rush.

“Bammm!” a giant sword crashed millimeters infront of us in the bridge.

“What the heck is going on now!” I screamed as suddenly a giantique lyzard with an steel armor and a giant sword stood infront of us.

“Oh hell!” I screamed as the lyzard took out for another strike, this time he had Aurora as target.

“Bang!” My Spear of Purity collided with the lyzards sword, blocking it , before it could injure Aurora.

“You are not allowed to surpass this bridge, we are the eight guardians of the bridge!”
I think I don’t hear right.

“I am Lumena, the Element of Light, I think I don’t have ordered to anyone to guard the bridges of light!” I heard my voice saying but it were Lumena´s words.

“No you hadn´t and we have the mission to defeat everyone who wants to surpass the bridges of light!” The lyzard said.

“Who gave you this orders!” I heard Lumena asking .

“Mistress Dark Lumena!” The Lyzard said and I instantly felt how Lumena frozed.

“So its how I thought, even her had become a autonom being!” I heard her thinking sinking back into my corpse.

“Wait who is Dark Lumena!” I asked confused.

“she is our dark side, the darkness which remained, after we gave more darkness to Tenebra than we actually wanted, Tenebra contains , 60% Darkness and 40% Light from us, making here to 100 % our twinsister, while we still had 40% of remaining Darkness in us, with the separating of my soul and your powers, the darkness too must have been separated and like you must began to create an own organism, and mind, making it our direct soulsister, which calls itself now Dark Lumena, the darkness we had in us , must have been overpowered by the darkness which took controll of this land, making her the current queen of this land, until we bring back the light!” Lumena said, so now it was out, we had been once a full one person, an one man show to say and now we separated into 3 different minds, making us Three different sisters, the one only like a ghost anymore, the other one very compact and evil , overtoken by the darkness which creep into our world, separated from every feeling of love, and the third was me , an 28 old mare which just discovered again a giantique secret about myself.

“Oh great, this is just going more and more insane, I really began to get second thoughts about this whole trip!” I said as I looked up to the lyzard who came back to his senses and attacked, getting me upset again.

“Will you finally stay down!” I screamed as I jumped and slayed my spear right on its head, knocking it out cold, but with this not enough , it stood up again but something was different on him.

“You have become quite strong Sisters, its an honor to see you again, I truly want to know where you have been all this time, I was soooo lonely and bored, so I tried to play a bit with the ponies in these land, but it seemed that no one wanted to play with me, so I guess , I needed to force them!” a Sinister, dark child like voice said, it was familiar and yet foreing again, and it seemed to come from the lyzard, which raised its head letting us seeing in his bloodred eyes, completely red , no Iris or anything else.

“What have you done to the ponies of this land?” Lumena screamed in rage.

“Oh nothing bad already, I only played a bit with them, letting them fighting against each other, some disharmony here , some heartbreak there, but nothing much to let it escalating too much, otherwise it would kill the fun way too fast, though the other two mare who came here, took over the controll and so often tried to get rid of me, they fighted hard and defeated me, so I backed away, after all I was alone and they to two, again I was alone, everyone always wanted to get rid of me, even you my dear sisters, the only remaining tiny bit of darkness in you, told me about everything you did, and I must say , while I was now for 12 years enclosed in the deepest of the ocean below, you had a marvelous fun up there, Sister Ditzy, while you, sister Lumena had a good long sleep, I only became more and more bored , as those two bitches took over my throne, I thank you for making it free and dusting it off for me again, we sooo must meet again, I will wait for you, ciaaaaoooo, sweetieees!” she said in her kind of voice and I instanly wanted to vormit, if I thought Miastralia had an annoying voice, there was nothing against this here.

“Okay what was that!” I heard Aurora asking.

“Our sister!” Lumena and I stated in unison, our voices completely synchron.

“Wait who has spoken there, I saw you Lady Lumena, but no other one?” Aurora asked, I turned to her, my right side my own, and my left side covered by the soul energy of Lumena, making it look kinda funny.

“Uhmm okay, I guess I am tired so I will go take a short nap!” Aurora said before she fainted.

I rolled my eyes, and turned just fast enough to see the Lyzard aiming for me.

“Bitch Please!” I said , shooting it off with one of my light lasers, out of my mouth, destroying the thing, thought I didn’t really got killed , but only torn back to what it actually really was, a normal lizard , while the armor bursted to dust.

“Our way is free again, Shield shine , would you be a sweetheart and take care of Aurora, I guess she´s not going to wake up soon!?” I asked one of my three followers, who nodded and whit help of his brother lifted Aurora on its back.

And so we made our way back to surpass the bridge of life, to an unknow future.

Venturios´s Pov:

“Okay, so let me get this straight, you want me to become your student because of what exactly?” Rainbow dash asked me for the fifth time in one hour.

I begin to get second thoughts about my decision.

“Well you said earlier, you had seen the wind, didn’t you!?” I asked her.

“yes indeed, I saw how the wind wrapped itself around the blade of your helebarde, before you destroyed the one Knight, and then I saw how the wind picked up the helebarde and killed the last ones, when you where stabbed, I still don´t get over the fact that you healed so fast!” Dash said, resting her hoof against my chest, I admit I blushed, for her it was maybe normal to do so, but for me this was something entirely different than for her, before there was always only one mare who touched me like this, and that was Compass rose, my sister.

“ And what have you really seen, which form had the wind!” I asked here, wanting to know again if my theory was right.

“A rabbit, it looked like a giant dark blue rabbit, but it was completely blue, even its clothes!” Rainbow dash said.

“But what has that exactly to do with your offer?” She asked me suspiciously.

“Well it´s impossible for an Pegasus , at least a normal, to actually see the wind with its own eyes, sure you can see it when leaves are flying, or when you launch a kite, but air , and wind itself are normaly totally transparent, there is nothing more transparent then air!” I said, and she nodded.

“But I had seen it, I swear!” RD said, looking stern at me.

“Well congratulation, RD, you are the winner of the biggest price ever, you are becoming my student from now on!” I said happily.

“But why, what makes me so special that you want me as a student!” RD asked, quietly , totally other to her cocky confidient usual manner.

“You are an Eagle-eye!” I said still happily, getting a strange look from her.

“A wath?” She asked completely confused.

“An eagle eye, don’t tell me you never heard about, its something that is very rare under Pegasi, I thought that Twillight Sparkle already told you about them!” I stated a bit dissapointed.

“No, not already at least!” She said, and I could only sigh.

“Eagle-eyes are Pegasi, with the abillity to fly faster than the sound and still being able to see the wind, who are able to make out the strongest airstreams, using them as highways, for more speed, eagle-eyes are really rare, in hundred years, it can be that only two will be born, you are the second of this century I know who has them, and they are a big gift I can tell, your father would have been proud of you Dash!” I said and I caughed her of guard.

“You knew my dad!” She asked and I nooded.

“Yes he was a great man, and he helped me once as I was still too weak after my horn loss!” I said.

“He never mentioned it!” she said thought, narrowing her eyes.

“Because I told him to not tell anyone off me, he only found me by luck, but it was mine too, I was nearly on the end, my body had several deep and long cuts and bruises, I had inner bloodloss, and if I were a normal pegasi, I would had died for sure, your father was it who patched me up again, years later I again meeted him, and even your brother, Rainbow Beam!” I said to him.

“You also knew my brother?” Rainbowdash said.

And I was confused a bit.

“Wait why, Knew, I do still know him!” I siad, taking her off guard.

“Wait you mean , he is still alive!” RD´s eyes bulged out of here head.

“Eh yes, wait, why are you asking, ……., wait don’t tell me you didn’t know it!?” I asked extremly sursprised.

“No I didn’t, he is since 20 years missed!” she said , and I saw how tears welled up in here eyes, and I cursed her brother, I got angry alone by seeing her crying, that sick,….
“Bastard!” I muttered, but she heard it.


“That sick little bastard, and since years he tells me that his familly knews exactly where he were, that he finally had brought up the courage to go to them and to speak about all what had happened, I always asked myself why he didn’t get visited then from them, but I wasn’t also not always there, I always thought that they visited him when I wasn´t there, I swear when I get him in my hooves,.....!” I shouted.

“Then you gonna let me piece to beat out the crap of him, where is he, I want to see him right now, and telling me why he hadn´t returned after Dads dead!” She said and again I got angry.

“Wait you don’t know, you don’t know why and how your dad died and why Rainbow beam didn’t wanted to return to Cloudsdale!” I asked dumbstrucked.

“No do you know it, do you know how my Dad died!” she asked me with big puffy red puppy eyes.

“y-y-yes, i do know it, it has to do with me, Compass rose , your brother and Rose´s dad!” I said and I sat myself down on the edge of the bridge of light, I patted the place next to me, she understood and sat herself too.

“It was 20 years ago, I was just recovered from my hornloss but I wasn’t fully over the dam, my power didn’t appeared back, I was for two years in Fabula now, in the storm fields, my folk is a nomad-folk, you´re dad and your brother, visited us from Cloudsdale to share some gossip, it was always a fine gesture of them, anyway, your brother was always a little adventurer and so was Compass rose, the granddaughter of the eldest of the folk, both of them loved to fly, though your brother was an unicorn, he had the ability, to fly through his magic, this is really rare by unicorns, all I know only Starswirl and his Sister ever had the ability, anyways he and Compass rose, they were good friends, but that day something terrible happened, a storm came, up, stronger than ever before, it howled like a wolfs howl, and your brother and Compass rose where still out, in the canyon, their favourite flying place, well we didn’t needed to be told twice we made our way towards the canyon, and that’s when I saw it, a wolf, a kind of a wolf who seemed to controll the wind, I wanted to fight but my force wasn’t back yet, I didn´t stood a chance, we walked further in , seeing them standing near a cliff, on the opposite of the abbys, the only place which kinda was save of the storm, so we tried the only logical, your dad and rose´s dad tried to get to help them, they flew over towards them, and managed to get them, in that instant the wolf noticed them, he let the wind picking up towards an heavy storm, throwing me backwards and your father and Rose´s father at the wall of the canyon. They stood tall, against the storm, they managed to get the kids out of danger, in my arms, but we needed to see how they got caught by an hurricane, it throwed us back and them inside, since that day I havent heard of Rose´s father, but days after this awefull event, we got a message from one of the few pegasi guards that your fathers corpse had been found, and that they bring them up to Canterlot!” I told her and she wimphered.

“Your brother , wasn’t a stallion anymore, he was a wreck, he blamed himself for the dead of your fathers and Rose´s dad loss, he couldn´t look into anyponies eyes for nearly two weeks, I though could advice him to go to the cemetery for the funeral, so we did, we were there that time, but your brother said he couldn´t come any close towards you and your mother, he couldn´t look into your face, you loved your father so much, he said and it would had ripped his heart out to look into these eyes, knowing that it were his debt why all of that had happened, he ran away before the funeral ended, he couldn´t take it anymore and I could understand him. Since this day he makes a giant bow around the area, which we called the Hurricane Canyon, after the awefull things which had happened there, but Rose begged me to build a house there , in hope that some day her Grandfather would be able to return, so he could see the light in the house, since that day, 20 years ago, Compass rose hadn´t fly one millimeter anymore, I was afraid of her not being able to handel it alone, so I moved inside with her in order to comfort her and to help her as much as I could, I for myself also blame me for your loss , Rainbow dash, if only I would had been able to use my magic, I could have prevent all of that to even happen, but I know nothing can make it up again, I will never be able to come over the fact that again my own magic has destroyed a familly!” I stated, my head down and I knew now she would be extremly curious.

“Wait what do you mean, your own magic!?” I heard her screaming, and to her good right.

“Sigh well its so, the loss of my horn got me a chronical amnesia, there where moments and things of my life I couldn´t remember at all, even that time, so also the wolf, I knew I should knew him because he was familiar to me, but I couldn´t remember myself from why he was so, but then 5 years after that day, I rembered, it strucked me like a lightning bolt, suddenly I knew from where I knew the wolf, I knew him so well because I was the one who had created him!” I said, and I almost saw the fire boiling inside of her, ready to shout out for the loudest.

“Wait before you say anything, let me speak to an end, after my Memories returned, I also remembered its original use, it was Gardiago, the stormwolf, normaly guardian of the Hurricane Temple, in wich I still hide my Elementcore, the Storm-core, I don’t know what gave him the ability, to act against his own programmation, but whatever it was, it helped him to become an autonomical organism, with own mind, not just a mighty spell anymore, it must have begun to think, live and breath for itself, much like Florayas guardian, who had losed it , instead of instantly stopping when hearing her voice he went on and did awefull things towards your friends,I don’t know,what exactly is going on but, all I can say is that I bet that the other Guardians also are beginning to run havoc, the only guardians who don’t run havoc, would be Jacky´s, Lumena´s and Tenebra´s!” I said and I prepared to get slapped, and it did, RD slapped me right across the face, but instantly hugged me.

“I thank you, I thank you for telling me how and why my Dad died, thought I can´t forgive your own magic, to take him away ,I know that it was never in your mind to kill him!” She said as she put her head on my chest, crying in.

“Your father died as a hero, still today his name is very famous and stands for courage and responsibility, in our folk he is a hero, and even I as his ancestor are very proud of both of you, your father and his daughter!” I said.

“What do you mean with ancestor?” Dash asked me.

“Well who you think has brought the idea of creating the pegasi, did you know that your familly line is a very acient, and it came from my own, my first son, Air stream, grounded a giantique clan of pegasi, a big family, and since all this time, the members of this clan had spreaded everywhere in this world and also a few of them are still in old Equestria, and you are one of this clan-members, and one of the newest Eagle-eyes for this century, I am proud of you Dashie!” I said and she hit me playfull on the shoulders.

“Only Pinkie my dear, only Pinkie!” She said laughing.

“I bend over of your great slaying force , I wouldn’t do it again, I,………!”

“Bammm!” suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side and I felt that I flew several meters towards the side.

“Arrrgh!” I screamed as I felt a few ribs breaking as I slamed on the shiny surface of the bridge.

“Venturios!” I heard Dash screaming as she came dashed over to me.

“Oh hell what in Celestias name was that!” I heard her saying.

“I have such an idea what it was!” I said as I picked myself up again.

“And i´m right, I see!” I looked in the direction which the beat came from.

“You!” I growled.

“Well hello there, Venturios!” A voice exclaimed as I finally stood again, in the light of the shine stood my archenemy.

“Pandagor!” I shouted, towards the Panda which stood just a few meters away from us.

“its nice to see you again, Venturios, it has been too long, when was the last time, a yeah , when you lost your horn, Hiahahahhaaha!” The panda laughed, about a joke I don’t find funny in the slightest.

“Who is this Venturios!” Rainbow dash asked.

“ Somepony you don´t need to know!” I said, I walked forward, but not before securing RD.

“Wait where are going, I, uggh, heh!” Rainbow dash rubbed her sore forehead.

“Sorry Dash, this is my fight!” I said as I stepped away from the ice cage, which I had build around her.

“Venturios, don´t do it, Venturios, wait for me, let me out Venturios, Venturios!” I heard her screaming and hammering against the wall of thick ice, which I had created by using the water around the bridge of light.
“I am sorry Dash!” I mumbled before I trotted forward.

“Still trying to save everyone, I see but It will not help you anyway, I will first crushing you than I will have my litlle fun with her!” Pandagor said, sick than ever.

“Who had called for you, you sick bastard, you are only doing things as long at it brings you benefit!” I shouted, highly disgusted by all of this.

“Well it was a mare, a beautiful I must say, but man she has a marvelous body, she promised me an harem of mares for my own fun, when I help her to take back the throne, making sure that no one will be able to cross this bridge!” He said.

“You disgust me , you know, I don´t really know why I always have to meet you, and why I don’t simply kill you, you are a piece of shit, unwhorthy to live anymore, old friend!” I shouted as I slammed my fist in his, after transforming myself into my anthro form, the effect thought holds up for only five hours, but it reached far for defeating him.

“I am not your friend anymore, already since over hundred years!”He said, as he began to twist, to slam his foot in my face, I reacted, grabbed his leg and slamed him several times from side to side, over my head on the ground before letting him flying on the opposite side of the bridge, the wind blew away his big, hat, revealing his face and the ugliest scar, I ever saw.

“I see , you havent forgotten to bring my souvenir with you, ugly as always, I don’t know why you always wear it near you, oh wait I think I know, it, the ugly thing is your face!” I said, as I launched a special wind technique, the dragon-roar-storm-blast, which got blocked by , Pandagor´s, Panda-roar-storm-blast, letting them coliding.

“You are still too soft, that’s why you can never win against me!” Pandagor said.

“I like to be more softhearted, because when getting strong means to lose my brain as much as you did by yourself, I can happy live without it!” I contered getting him angry again.

“You will pay for your big mouth!” He shouted as he attacked me yet with another wind technique.

“Storm Claws!” he yelled, as he used his palms to attack with his storm technique, I contered at the same time with my own.

“Stormblade-dance!” I screamed , but it was too late as soon as I launched my attack, I saw him teleportating, the Queen knows how he was possible to do so, but I bet it was an unicorn giving him the ability to do so, maybe said Mare, he spoke off earlier.

“hurgh!” I got a giantique Panda fist right in my stomach, but with that not enough, he tried the same old trick he had by our last clash.

“No!” I shouted but it was too late, he had trapped me , in the same trap as 28 years ago.

“I hope you remember your old friend, the vacuum-sphere, if it may escaped your memories, these sphere is a dead-trap, it suck out all the air and the oxigen, together with the magic of the prisoner, it kills you in less than five minutes, so yes, lol sorry but you are fucked, well anyways now I have time for your little marefriend over there.

“Let her go, she has nothing to do with it!” I screamed, but there was no sound coming our of the sphere, gosh I have to find a way out or else he will do Celestia knows what with her, I can tell it will not please her in any way.

Rainbow Dash´s pov:

I saw how this giant panda, walked up to my cage, I backed away as far as I could, but it had no use, the panda simply broke the ice and grabbbed after me.

“Well hello, Dolly!” He said, and I needed almost to vormit, just because of these words, it was as if I could see in his mind, I saw all the sick and ugly things he wanted to try, and I knew against him I had no chance, Venturios had already show me of how weak my friends and we are, even Celestia looked weak and old in looking at the incredible Force of the Fallen angels we had already seen, and here was now someone who had the force to trap an Fallen Angel, fighting were useless but giving up to let myself getting raped was in non of my intentions either.

“Let go of me!” I said as I slammed my fist desperatly on his head, I think for him it was as if a fly lands on his shoulder, he don’t even felt it, but I felt what he did with me, he looked at me, scanned me off, and I knew what he saw in me, Fuckmeat, something he could rapeing for his own fun, and I knew when no wonder happens, I will soon be no more.

“Oh you are so tasty , my little mare, you are a real trophy of a fuckmeat!” He said as he pushed me down faceforward, and my flank in the air, I flapped my wings in an attempt to get away, but it was useless and I felt so pathetic and dirty, I didn´t manage to protect my virginity for the one who comes to really loves me.

“Ade, my family, ade mother, ade brother which I havent met for 20 years, ade all my friends, ade all my sorry lovers, ade Wonderbolts, Soarin, Spitfire,Fleetfoot, ade my best friends, ade Fallen angels, and ade Venturios!” I thought the moment I felt it poking my butt hole.

“Prepare your Anus, Here I come!”

“Over my dead Body” I heard it coming from behind, and I heard some bones cracking and a giant rush behind me , as if something giant just flew past me.

I heard a scream of pain and instantly I knew he came, my hero had arrived , the wonder I prayed for had arrived, and it was here and it helped me.

“Venturios, thank Celestia!” I said as he helped me up, I hugged him tight, tears streaming down my cheeks, and he kissed my head, I know maybe I acted seriously totally out of my normal character, but seriously he is awesome, and I like him very much, very, very much, it can even be that I do had a little crush on him.

“No one will ever hurt you as long as I am here!” He whispered on my head, and I felt these fuzzy stupid little butterflies in my stomach, at the way he said that.

“How have you manage to get free?” I asked, thought confused.

“Dragan helped me!” He said, and I scratched my head.

“Wait, who in the world is Dragan!?” I asked.

“I am Dragan!” A snake like voice said, and I looked around him.

“Down here!” it said, I looked down but I didn’t saw a think.

“Sigh, a bit higher I do am!” the voice said, I looked and scanned Venturios off, until I arrived at his neck, and there I almost got a shock,there sat a tiny Dragon, wrapped around Venturios neck, like a scarf, a tiny dragon which I didn’t recognized since right now.

“Were you there for all the time?” I asked suspicious, as she nodded, I felt dumb.

“I am sorry, I didn´t saw you until now!” I said honestly.

“no need to be sorry, because of my standby state, I am so tiny that no one really recognize me, but it has a few good thing though, I can sleep without someone disturbing me!” She siad in her snake-like voice, she unwrapped herself from Venturios neck, and trippled down his arm, over towards me.

“Its nice to meet you!” She said as I shook her tiny claw, she jumped from us and walked a bit forward, as she walked she changed her form completely, from the tiny, snake-like dragon she transformed herself into an dragon, a bit bigger than Spike but with the same shape, maybe a bit different but definitely different from before.

I stood ther like the last idiot.

“but- but- but- but!” I pointed helplessly at her while turning my head towards Venturios, who laughed at my facial expression.
“She has the abillity to shape shifting her natural form, into two different forms, the one you now see, and her old form just in the giant version.

“She´s nice Venturios, don´t you dare to make her cry!” She said as she walked towards the Panda who just stood up again.

“Its not like you think Dragan, Dash and I arent together, or not Dash!” He asked me, and I blushed, I never blushed by a stallion before thought.

“No, how does she came on such crazy ideas , I mean we have like nothing together, and I,…..,!” I said but got silenced by a kiss, a strong unforced kiss, it was light as a butterfly but stronger than thousand bolts of lightning, against one´s head.

“Stop talking bullshit, Dash and kiss me back!” Venturios whispered and I did as told, with real gusto.
“Sigh, lovebirds!” I heard Dragan snickering.

“Are you finally done, come here and fight Venturios!” Pandagor screamed as he launched for us, but got stopped by dragans suddenly outstretched arm, making him crashing in it and crashing with the back of his head and the hard gold-shining surface of the bridge.

“Your opponent am I!” Dragan said with a dark look on her face, packing the panda and throwing him over to the other side of the bridge.

“Go you two, I handel this here alone, you still have a mission to do!”She said, adressing herself towards us.

“You´re sure about that!” Venturios asked concerned.

“Sweety, of course I am, he is no opponent for me, im a guardian-dragon, remember!” She said and pecked Venturios on the nose.

“You seem to know each other for long!” I said, a tiny bit jealous.

“No need to get jelly, Dash, she is my mother!” Venturios said and I looked at him crazy.

“She is your what?!” I asked him confused and unbeliving.

“My mother, or better said adoptive mother for the last 2 Millenia, she is a Guardian-dragon, mighty warriors under the dragons, with the power of combining different elements together, she is from the same race as your friend Spike is, though he seems to not being already awoken!” he said and I was buff, not of the fact that little Spike is some kind of acient race dragon, no it was rather the fact that a dragon was the Adoptive Mother of an Alincorn.

“Wow, how did it come to that!” I asked him.

“Well it was 2 Millenias ago, I was again in my foal state, but no one wanted to keep me inside, it was still that time when I was by Storm, the first folk of wind, it was the first one, there were a few in the folk who hold towards me, all of them were succesors of my clan, and they trust the holy blood, but most of them were strong fathers and their children where afraid from me, thought they never turned the back towards me, I could feel that I wasn´t really as welcome in the village as I wanted, so I run away one day, when I was older, I run into an storm , trying to get away as far as I could to cause no one harm, I searched shelter in a hole in a mountain but was this hole already occupied by Dragan, which had been badly injured by an other dragon, she wanted me to leave but I couldn´t let her staying all alone and without any help, so I patched her up, I soon fell asleep and she watched over me, the whole night long, in the morning I walked away searching for more herbs to make medics for her, I even got searching for gemstones to feed her, she was at first still a bit cranky and didn´t really trusted me at all, but with the days gone by she began to open up more and more. Then came the day that the villagers found us, they wanted to kill Dragan, but I got between it, I told them that since no one of them really wanted to take care of me, I would decide to where to go, I asked Dragan if she would like to hold me out a bit longer, she said she had no problem with it, and so we lived together since then, from time to time she becomes bigger but ,most of the time she is as tiny and long enough to fit around my neck, so she can rest whenever she want, and she is in my surrounding whenever I need her!” Venturios said as he , looked over to where his mother fighted without much effort against the panda, I think she finds the whole find rather boring.

Venturios´s Pov:

But suddenly, the whole fight changed, I don’t know what happened, but mother got more and more tired, while Pandagor seemed to get stronger per second.

“Is he, no way, so he really managed to complete the technique!” I mumbled, while I got stared on confused by Rainbow Dash.

“what are you mean, what is happening there!”.

“Pandagor uses some kind of so called, Mana-rob, means he steal the power of mother throught the air to actually enforce himself, making himself stronger than before, and,….!” But before I managed to speak to an end, I heard a sound which I didn’t like at all.

“Umph!” I looked in moms direction, and saw her sweating like a popsicle in the summer sun, she breathed heavy and I knew she was out of breath.

“He´s too strong, I don’t know who had teached him this technique, but he is extremly powerfull, I,…, urgh!” I saw how Pandagor stomped with his rear paw in moms stomach, sending her flying several meters, I saw how Dash runned towards her.

“She´s still alive but she is badly injured!” Dash said but I already almost don’t hear her over the blood boiling in my head.

“She was , my mother, you mistreated and slayed mother, the one woman which cared about me for the last 2 Milleniums, you wanted to rape my girlfriend, you slayed her, terrifying her, you almost killed my mother, you deserve to die!”

And here I was, again in the state, which I hate the most, which I always fear to show someone, and I knew that Rainbow Dash saw everything, I knew she would be teriffied, she will be afraid of me, and again I will need to live several years alone, I am so sick of it, I don’t want anymore, I want someone who can understand me, and live with me the way I am, well the question is.

“Would you love a Monsterman, Dash, could you understand the beauty of a beast, you know I will doing all for you, but would you doing all, would you really be able to doing all for me, without asking , without arguing, without leaving me!” I shouted out into the starlit sky, knowing she could hear me.

Dash´s Pov:

“What does he mean with that, what is he doing!” I asked Dragan, who came back to her senses and , back on the floor.

“He is probably, going to break the seal!” Dragan, said standing next to me, with bruises, cuts and wounds all over her whole scaled body.

“What do you mean, with breaking the seal?” I asked more confused than before.

“What for a seal?”

“The seal of the blood bath mode, it’s a sealbreaker spell, which only activates when Venturios , reach a special level!” Dragan said sadly.

“What does that mean, which level?”

“The Bloodrush level, when Venturios uses this, he fight without taking care about anything but his opponent, until everything in his sight is dead and destroyed, this is one part of the real nature of the Fallen Angels, to this reason I created a spell to seal the force in him, and I am the only one to open, beside of the one who gave him the dark force, but can I only open this force when someone with pure heart and undemanding love towards him asked me, since now, no one ever did, all of them were too afraid, so that Venturios in the end had to force the seal open, for a few minutes, with the so called, Limit Breaker, I am always there if he cant calm himself, without getting spotted by smell, aura or anything else.

I looked at Venturios, and I saw how his eyed darkned more and more.

“I can turn the inside black if you want to!” Dragan offered but no I was afraid it could hurt him after wards.
“No thanks, to tolerate and to love him, means that I also need to tolerate the bad sides of him!” I said sternly,and I saw her smile.

“He really likes you, I could see it in his thoughts, he even loves you, I think, I mean or else he never would be able to open the seal!” She said and I looked again confused.

“Sigh, well the seal , for Dark Force, can only be oppened by somepony , who wants to protect somepony else, but only to the half, the other half must be opened by the said mare, and she must be of a trustworthy and loving kind, to fully trust him even when hes rampaging, to hold to him even when she sees of how much he can lose control, these qualities, are able to help him breaking the seal , letting out the beast, so I ask you Dash, are you ready, do you think you still can love him, will you be able to handel it, shall we open the seal together?” She asked me holding out her claw, I thought about it but I knew it had to be done.

“Yes I am, Unleash the beast, and break the seal, Dragan!” I shouted, and place my hoof in her claw and she did, I saw a light beam of magic, from the dragon in front of me, crashing inside of Venturios forehead orb, and then dragan stepped towards me, and cast the defense, camouflage spell.

The transformation, took instantly action, and I needed to step behind Dragan, I was terrified, teriffied for the second time in my live, I think if I had pants I would have shitted them twice by now, it was awefull, but I thought about what I said to myself, the very words my father teached me, over and over again, `when you love somepony, don’t let him go, regardless of how he is, as long as he honor and loves you truly without a lie in his words´.

I saw how Venturios seemed to be in pain, his whole body shook, and suddenly there was a dark aura, dark but not like the one who still floats around this island, no, this here was mixed with his own aura, I could see how his eyes turned black, his hair, from the long pony tail, opened and let his hair free, his wings expanded in their surface and form and their structure sharpened , showing every muscle inside, he became sightly taller, his Hooves changed to Hands, better said real claws, his teeths changed to snake, or better said, dragon like sharp fangs, his coat took a dark blue shade , almost black,( so there is the name, Midnight shadow coming from), and a storm of darkness swirled around him, he completely changed in to something dangerous, dark but at the same instant hurtfully familiar.

“Oh god what is this!” I shook of fear, and I thought about what I had done but it was necessary, and it had to be done or else we will never be able to move on, both in our mission and in my love to him, I must see this , or else I will never be able to truly loved him without lying to myself and from exactly that hung the succes of our mission, we must surpass this bridge so we must be able to fully trust each other, we must make it through and move on, in every way possible.

“Be strong, you have to be strong, you have to see Venturios other form, the Simuroc form!” Dragan said, she took my hooves in her claw and stroked them and I gulped, I stood there and I was ready to see whatever would come.

“I am, I can handel it!” I siad , talking courage to myself.

Well then, here we go I guess.

I saw how Venturios turned towards Pandagor, who backed away in fear and terror, pissing his pants, I could see a deathly dark and sinister grin on Venturios face.

“Why are you backing away, Pandagor, we have still so much fun together, why would you end it here, didn’t you always wanted to defeat me, now is your chance!” Venturios encouraged Pandagor, his voice ghastly and completely dissorted, Pandagor still tried to get away, but I could see he had fire in his eyes, he logically was hurt in his pride.

“Come and get me, Pandagor, come at me Bro!” Venturios Mocked him, and I knew it wouldn´t last long.

“Just because you now look like an Eagle on LSD, doesn´t mean you will be able to defeat me, here I go, I will finish you off once and for all!” Pandagor yelled, as he took his giant war hammer and launched for Venturios.

“Oh please, is that all you can do!” Venturios said as he jumped high in the air, but instead of flying he simply landed next to the Panda.

“Huhu, here I am!” He said as he slayed the back of his fist, on the Pandas head, sending him flying several meters away.

“Only luck!” The Panda said as he stood up again, wiping away the blood , which flowed out of his mouth.

“You never going to learn it, alone you never have a chance, the only time you got was when you were to twenty, and also only because you poisened me before, you always cheated, in everything you did!” Venturios said, as he and Pandagor tigered around each other.

“As if you did it better!” Pandagor yelled as he again launched for Venturios, but different from before, Venturios didn’t doged nor blocked, to be honest the blow flew right through Venturios corpse.

“As if he were made of wind”I mumbled to myself.

The fight goes on, with a parade of sword like fights, even thought the stormsword was smaller than the giant warhammer, it was way easier and faster, better for attacking on long distance, the fight though was soon coming to an end, as I could see Pandagor, panting his soul out.

“C´mon, Pandagor, don´t tell me you are already out of breath!” Venturios, turned the head to look behind him, he smirked.

“Well then, I guess its my turn then, thought it will be the last turn at all!” Venturios said, as the black storm reappeared, but this time it flowed around Venturios´s arm, which he had outstretched, it turned itself, vertical way, and seemed to press itself together, until there seemed to be a massive black rod in Venturios hand.

“Storm Sythe!” Venturios said, as much as I heard, and suddenly the normal wind formed a sythe blade on the staff.

“My Turn!” I could hear Venturios saying, as he launched towards Pandagor, being next to him in one second flat, crashing the backside of the sythe into his back, but before Pandagor , who again learned to fly, hitted the ground, Venturios caught him in his storm, and I knew that the panda was as good as dead.

“Blade Storm!” Venturios yelled, but didn’t I saw anything, but the tornado next to him, but I could hear it, I heard screams of pain, off terror, and of fear.

“Do you have enough, or want some more, shall I once and for all kill you!” he asked as he erased the tornado, letting Pandagor´s corpse hitting the golden ground.

“Huff, as if, you cant defeat me!” Pandagor said, as he weakly launched at Venturios.

“Ade, old friend, may your soul getting cleaned by the mercy of Queen Equestria!” Venturios said, as he was from one second to another, throught Pandagor, litterally , he sliced him in two halfs, before he even spoke to an end, all what left, were two bloody lumbs on the floor.

But with that not enough, the storm picked up the corpse, letting it flying up hig, into a still dark starlit sky, followed by mighty glowing claws of wind.

“ Massacre Rain!” “Venturios said as, he suddenly took out an umbrella , out of thin air, like it seemed, he hold it upon him , just in the moment as it began to rain blood, alone the sightly recognizables, pieces of dead meat, falling alongside with a blood rain down to the Ground, it made me wanna vormit, but I stood strong, I had seen, what I wanted to see, maybe it wasn´t what I had awaited, not at all, but I had been warned and to be honestly , I do still love him, and that will not change just because of him, showing me what he needs to do to save Equestria, it was what I always imagined, when dad told me about the war, I knew what would happen in the war, but to actually seeing something like this, right infront of my eyes, it was gruesome, but I cant make it unseen now anyways, and Venturios warned me that it can get sick, so the one to blame were me.

“And what now, can we go out now or is he still in Blood rush mode?” I asked Venturios´s mother, but she cut me off before I even could say anything more.

“Wait, until he gives us the sign!” She said and I looked forward, I saw Venturios sitting on one of the few clean spots , in a meditating manner, the dark Force still swiring around him, began to fade away, his shape transfomed back, leaving after 3 minutes, a normal fallen Alincorn, my normal Venturios.

“Was does he do now?” I asked as I saw a wave of water rising on one side of the bridge.

“Ah he want´s to clean the bridge!” Dragan said.

We waited another five minutes, until Venturios turned towards where we should be and winked, holding a thumb up.

“Okay we may can go now!” Dragan said as she opened the ice cage.

“Hey, uhmm, hey Dash, I-um, I ,well,I …….,!”

“mhhhhhhhmmmmmmm!” I moaned as I pressed my lips on his, it was completely insane what I just experienced, but I admit, it do was extremly worth to see it, I swear, but that don’t mean that something would change from now one.

“Don´t worry sweety I still love you, this was nothing to keep me away from you!” I said it as I mean it, I don’t gonna leave him so easly, I may be love strucken and not so cocky anymore, because I had been gotten shown of how much awesomer the Fallen Angels are , way stronger than all of us Elements of Harmony together. They showed us the strong force of the elements and the magic which not even Twilight knows, its amazing, and this just fascinated me, I was never a bookworm, nor an hardcore egghead like Twillight, but seriously, for learning power so strong than Venturios´s, I even would glady take lessons in it, and I hate school as a matter of fact.

“Well that do make me happy to hear!” Venturios said as he kissed me again.

“Yo mama, come on, lets hurry!” Venturios said as his mother walked over to us.
“I come out of my sleep and instantly become beaten up, best thing is that I will go back to sleep, nighty night my little ponies!" Dragan said as she shrinked and jumped up on Venturios arm, and over his shoulder back to her rest place, around his neck.

“Well I guess , we should now go further, or else we will never be able to reach the island!” Venturios said, and I nodded and so we made our way over to the end of the bridge, little we know that there was someone watching us.

Inside of the Ocean, Dark Lumena´s Pov:

“Pandagor, destroyed, Nesuka, destroyed, Naturi, destroyed, Ismael, destroyed, Jaikenta, destryoed, Birulia, destroyed, and even Naraga and Hutengtem, all of them destroyed, no one of my guardians are alive anymore, useless, useless as shiiiit, gosh its boring, and it sucks!”

”Everything I need to do myself!” I mumbled , as I began to climb up the stairs, towards the throne room of the old Castel under the ocean surface, and there I waited, waited for my time to come, I am sure that Lumena and Ditzy will be able to lift the rest of the island, back up towards the ocean´s surface.

“Soon we will be back together again, so like it was foretold and forseen since acient times, never again you will be able to get rid of me!” I said , and laughed, laughed of all what may come.

Ponyville library, today, nopony´s pov:

“The fight against the guardians of the bridges, was rather easy, no one of them was even fit in the slightest to be a guardian, Pandagor almost but still he was not!” Ditzy told the Class, which hung on her and her Husband/brother´s words, like on a popsicle in the summer.

“Yes my dear?” Ditzy said as Vinyls son, Mighty Bass, raised his hand.

“You said that master Venturios used Dark force mode, but are there also stronger modes or is this the strongest!” he asked with real interest.

“Gee kids today!” She could hear Twillight saying.

It lasted five minutes of waiting and pure interest sides of the class, until ditzy responded.

“Yeah, there are actually two way stronger modes, and when I say strong I mean, that they are so strong, they could,…….., destroy the whole world, we used it twice, one time alone in a training dimension, and one time with the help of the Elements of Harmony!” Ditzy said, and stopped, it was clearly to see that she didn´t want to tell more, not in the slightest.

“well lets go on with the Story okay kids?” Jacky said, and the kids cheered, Ditzy looked with love on her Husband, but she also felt sorrow, she knew exactly how it felt to shift into the strongest of their War modes, and she didn’t like to be remebered, the strongest Mode ever, created to destroy entire planets, the Dragon lords or whatever evil may come, but this force was a double edged sword, and they cut themselves deeply, that time, as they used it, the strongest mode ever created, The Divine punishment for the whole world, the ultimate weapon, destructiv and unstoppable, on the edge of non controlable, the mode with help of the Royal war core, the Divine Massacre Mode, short, DMM.

“So where were we, ah yes, so we defeated the Bridge guardians, they werent the intelligentst of their kind though, and soon we were all back together!” Jacky said as he continued the story.

Back in time, on the Island Lumen, Ditzy´s Pov.

“Its so good to see you again Spike!” Twillight shouted out as she took Spike in her arms, hugging him to death.

“Can´t breath, please- let- go-off- me!” Spike asked , out of breath, earning a giggle from Rarity, who grabbed him and took him back, “Hey guys, how are you doing, you are fine?” Rainbow Dash asked, standing oddly next to Venturios, and are they, no way, their hooves are way too near for normal, well then, I think he made his move.

“Hey Rainbow dash, wow you look pretty good, I thought that you have at least a few cuts!” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes in a competitional way.

“Well you look good for yourself, I thought you at least would have loosed a bit hair!” Rainbow Dash stated with a cocky smile.

They watched each other for a few minutes, and faster as able to see, they lied in each arms , in a giant group hug with the other four mares.

“Hey Pinkie, I have missed you so much, please never ever leave me alone again!” Fluttershy shouted, totaly unlike her shy attitude, but what caught us all of guard was that she Kissed Pinkie Pie, full on the lips.

“I Love you Pinkie, I know maybe you don’t love me back but I just wanted you to know, that there is always someone, who is willing to hold you tight when you need it and mmmmmffhfhfhfm!” She suddenly got silent as Pinkie Pie cut her off by kissing her hot and passionately, we all stood there dumbfounded and in awe for the scene before us.

“Stop pretending as if I would reject you, I cant belive that you asked me first, wooohooo, I had all things planed on how I would confess to you, but now you have surprised me and now I think I shall prepare a we are happy lovers party, or maybe a just dated party, woooohiiiif, so many ideas, I gonna loose my brain I, hhhmmf!” And again a rambling mare had been silence by a kiss.

“AAAAWWWW!” we all made and let the love birds some freedom.

“Aurora!” Astralia shouted and I saw my Protegé jumping out of joy and scooting over to her sister, which face lit up instanly and they hugged each other, I looked over to Jacky and he walked with a big smile over to me.

“Hey sexy lady!” He said as he kissed my cheek making me blushing.

“hey handsome Gentlecolt!” I replied as I kissed him on the lips.

“I missed you , you know!” Jacky whispered as he hugged me .

“I know, me too, I missed you so much I thought you were in trouble, but you look still neatly and perfectly white!”

“As white as a young foals first theet!” Jacky jocked.

“And you are still as tasty as a muffin!” I siad as I kissed his lips again, deepening the kiss passionately.

“Hey Flora, what´s new!” I heard Venturios asking Floraya.

“Oh nothing, I just saved the land from one of my miserable, ex great-granddaughter, Miasmaria, I made her flee as I used the dragoncore of Nature!” Floraya said smugly, and I saw how Venturios grumbled, he took out his wallet, and passed Floraya a hundred E$ bill.

“Gambling debts are debts of honor, Darling!” Floraya said smugly, and wanted to put the money in her own wallet, as I stepped in and took the bill out of her hand.

“As Much as I remember, we had a bet too sweet Floraya, sister, don’t you remember, we bet about who´s going to get his memory as the last of us four after growing up again, I said it were me, you said, it were probably Venturios , with his Air head ( “Ey, what did you said about me- Venturios), but as you see I have now bits of my memory back, maybe not all of them but a big piece of them I still have, while all of you have all their memories back!”

I said with a cocky grin.

“Wait, no , you had your memory back before me, before “it” happened!” Floraya said and we all cringed by the mentioning of ,”It”.

“Well technically, Lumena is right, Flora, she had gone back to foal state and growed up again and has pieces of her memory, as the last of us, back in her head, so she had won your bet!” Jacky said.

“Like you said, Gambling debts are debts of honor, sweety!”. I laughed as I packed the money in my wallet.
“Oh you, little,..!” Floraya sighed angry.

“Enough of the meeting smalltalks!” A voice errupted from out of nowhere.

The crowd opened as an elder mare walked up towards us four, I saw how Astralia and Aurora, bowed before her.

“Mother Brightlight, your students, Aurora and Astralia, present you, the Six Elements of Harmony, Twillíght Sparkle, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Rarity Graciella, Fluttershy Dryade, Appeljack Apple, and Rainbow Dash Stormwind, their friends, Spike the Dragon, Dragan the dragon,Ghost Flame, Donut Joe, Zecora Madonis , Applebloom Apple and the four Elements of Symphony, Lord Shockwave, Lady Floraya, Lord Venturios, aaaand,…., Lady Lumena!” The two of them spoke in unison.

“Welcome, Ladys , Lords, Gentlecolts, fillys, and Dragons, as a few of you may know, my Name is Brightlight Doo!” The Mare said,and I scanned her off, so there stood mother, the most beautifull mare in my live, she has almost not changed herself, from the 18 years of her absence.

“I hope you all had a good way and arent to much badly injured, today my friends, we will rest a bit, and the last probe of your mission here will awaits you tommorow evening, i´m sure all of you are pretty tired, so time to go sleep and relaxing, maybe taking a bath after this long day, and tomorrow we will see this world in another light, literally, I thank you for all you did so far!” Mother bowed before us, her eyes never really leaving me.

“Lets go to my house, I will make you something for dinner!” She said with a warm smile, as she leaded us, up towards a hill, into a large villa.

“Woaah!” I heard the others making, I looked around, it was timless design, we used here, it was rustical and still, very usefull established.

“So Nostalgic!” I heard Lumena , saying, and I let her taking control.

“Thank you!”, she said to me.

“Have some fun!” I adviced her as I layed myself Sleeping, for a bit.

“I will have!” She said.

I heard as someone walked up towards me.

“Hello, Mother!” I, or better, Lumena said.

“Hello, Lumena, it nice to see you again!”

Lumena´s Pov:

“Its interesting, and then fearsome again, to know that I have now two souls in our body, what will happen to me, will my corpse be able to hold out more than one Soul!” I told mother, as we sat in the big armchairs infront of the fireplace, the others were already gone to bed, early, after talking a bit about this and that, about their exploring of the old caves, suprisingly a few things had changed while being separated, like Rarity was now official, well officially thanks to Pinkie, together with Spike.

He don´t can hold back anymore and kisses her every now and then, Astralia and Twillight had become the best friends, so Ghost and Joe, they began to tolerate each other, I always felt a little spark of dislike between both of them, the time I knew them, Jacky told me that he told Applejack everything, not that I actually mind it, I understand it and I am glad when he can tell somepony beside me about it, he told her everything about the war, the birth of his son and his daughter , the exil of cookiejack, the losing of the three precioust treasures of his life.

I know for him I am too a precious treasure but I can and I do understand that I never will be able to replace his first love and his childs, no matter what, I will always be the number four even when he tells me that I am his number one, I know it and I accept it, he loves me, and when he tell other about the three of them and about his love towards me then this is totaly okay for me.

Even I like it to speak about Cookiejack and his lost Daughter, Twinlight Moonshine and his lost Son, Starswirl Moonshine, yep actually really the same Starswirl of the books, like most of our children, he too wasn’t immortal, though he had a good life, he became quiet old, till now I only knew one child of an fallen angel, which became part of the phoenix curse as a heritage, the legacy of immortality, completely other than his son, however , was the case with his daughter, as much as I know, the war took him his daughter way too fast so his son in the same year, as they all were 29 years old, after they died because of the sorrow of losing their only childs, Jacky tried to comfort them did everything for them, but in the end he couldn’t save them, Cookiejack then died a few years after , also on sorrow, so he gave up his one wish, every 1000 years we become granted one wish which will come true no matter what, he sacrificed this wish and wished him, as much as I know, that they will be reborn in a better time, in a time without war.

But im drifting off, so I had my thoughts and fears to this whole splitted soul thing of myself.

“To be honest my dear, your case is the first one I ever saw like this, so according to your report, it was part of Dark lumena messing with us that time of your abscenes, but then, according to herself, she shall gotten thrown of by Florayas Ex- great Granddaughters, Miasmaria and Miastaria, and now that they had been fleed from the island, she is back to take the throne once again, that is not good, according to the legends , only a fallen angel is able to sit on this throne, and he or her will gain complete control over the land, and well, also over his inhabitants, and since Dark lumena is , part of an Fallen Angel it will give her the power to control the land!”

“So that means, in other words, she has the abillity to turn around everyone on this island, who lived here since the beginning of the dark era, means you, Shield shine and Sword Shine!” I said, as I looked over to the sleeping Angel Ponies, who somehow loved to sleep on the couch, all of them, the stallions on one side and the mares on the other, it was though a big couch.

“Yes, but since you are a Fallen Angel as well, you will not get affected, I beg you, my Daughter, please save this land, I have seen for 18 years how this land began to go more and more downhill, and I saw how friends turned to monsters, I saw how my family turned to ghosts, got killed or made to new kinds of monster, Aurora, Astralia, Shield Shine, Sword Shine, You and me, we are the last survivers of this Land all the others, have become dead earthbound souls, ghosts to be honest, not like those who are siimming in the miasma but still they belong tho the afterworld, their whole existence here is disturbing the dimension, we need to quick send them in heaven or whereever you want them, now that Ditzy and you had become one again!” She said.

It lasted a few minutes until I spoke again.

“How can I defeat Dark lumena?” I asked mom.

“Sigh, I honestly don’t know, but one thing for sure, even when evil, she is still a piece of you, three sisters, only complete together, Angels Light, Light and Darkness, Father Orionbelt, once told me a good mantra, to keep reminding me of that every one of us has a dark side in him- or herself, he said, `where light is , is also shadow, and where shadow is , is always light, because without the shadow, the light is meaningless´!” Mom said and I took this mantra in and tried to somehow decode it, I think I did it.

“So that means, in order to defeat Dark Lumena, I need to let her in, making her again a part of us, making our soul complete again?” I asked and she nodded.

“I guess that’s what this is all about, as long as you manage to make Dark Lumena your shadow again, she will be unable to act on her own again. But can I tell you, its not gonna get easy, sigh, anyway, tell me, how is Ditzy doing?” Mom asked me with eager.

“Well as much as I got out of her memories, she had become a pretty healthy mare, having a job as a mailmare, and a daughter of six years, Dinky Doo, a cute little angel, and beside of her blonde mane and her rather purple-greyish coat, she is like you when you were in filly age, courious about anything, and very talented in singing, she has earn a few forces of her mother, and me too, as to calm everyone she want to be calm, she can shine up love and friendship in every heart where love is, even in the coldest, as long as there is an even so tiny spark of love, she can ignate it into a fire of love!” I said and she nodded, ” she sure is an amazing filly, and she woke her forces even faster, than Scootaloo, who lives now for good 4.000 years, anyways, I like her very much, and I hope to someday be able to have a daughter with Jacky too, but then again I ask myself, if that wouldn´t be cheating on Ditzy, I honestly don’t know where the heck my head stands anymore!” I said, with my head between my hands, while I had shifted in the Anthromorphic state, as Ditzy let me have my way.

“Don´t break your head over that yet, the one thing to focus now is, that you need to endure the last probe, before you can fight against Dark Lumena, you need to find your last Fragment of the angelscore and combine it with the light of Purity!” She said and I sighed, yes it was indeed a huge shock for all of us, as we found out that there was still one Fragment missing, the Fragment of Love, whitout it the Angelscore cant be complete, even with the light in it, but the core itself has a beautiful form though, a Sphere with a cross framed by two downturned angelwings.

“Puaaaah, well I don’t know for you but I am very tired and I might as well go sleeping now, I am not the youngest anymore, gosh it must be awesome to be immortal, or at least forever young!” Mom said to herself, as she kissed me goodnight and made her way upstairs.

“But its also lonesome, and sometimes it just sucks!” I murmured to myself, as I suddenly began to fall asleep, in the last moment I throw a cover over me, with help of my magic, it still was a bit unusual for casting magic after so long time.

Outside of the villa, everything was silent and asleep, wait, everything, no there were something, something was still fully awake, and little I should have known that it had heard anything.

“Well this is interesting, I see , so her daughter is stilll in this ponyville town, and regarding that they have only one core so far, they cant come from very far, means it is near, and the Description I have too, purple-greyish, with horn and Blonde mane, and friendly to everyone, well this is going to get easy, which little sunshine can stand the sight of an old lady having trouble to run with all the groceries!” the voice said as she did tranformed in said Old Lady.

“Well off to ponyville then!” she said as she teleported away.

The next Morning, still Lumena´s pov:

And again I woke up too fast, instanly jumping out of my bed, into the giant bathroom.

I rushed over towards the toilett, leting out the food of yesterday.

“Seriously, what is just wrong with us, since days we eat and eat and eat, only to throw it all up in the , ….., toilett,….., can it be, did we really, are we, oh holy shit, it worked, but wait, who is now the mother!” I asked no one in paticular, logically Ditzy heard it.

“Hmmm, well that is indeed a very troublesome problem, but let us say it so, it’s the daughter of us two, it may be your soul sleeping with him, but it was with my body!” Ditzy said and I was buff, I havent even thought about that.

“Your right, we may be two souls in one corpse but were we once one person, and in looking at it, we are both in your body, so regardless wich soul it is, its always our child, so like it is too our body. We are one and so is also the foaly from the said one!”

“Damn, I like it when complicated things can be solved so easily!”

“Yeah, uhmm, well?” Ditzy said getting me confused.

“What, what is it sweety!” I asked her.

“Well our little does have a heart not, so when I now think of Jacky hearing everything,……?” she looked confused at me and I to her, seeing each other in the mirror, as suddenly we came to one thought.

“That Jerk” We cried in unison.

Throwing open the windows towards the garden of moms Villa, we shouted our anger out.


Everypony who was in the garden enjoying the few warm moments outside looked up towards me.

Soundwave Jacky´s pov:

“Ah guess she has found out!” Applejack said to me as she walked past me.

“You don´t say!” I grumbled as I walked upstairs, preparing myself, for getting beaten up.

And yes there she stood , her arms crossed, tapping her hoof merciless on the floor to somehow calm herself, before I spoke to her I walked over and jumped into my pants, magically unfolded, before changing too in the anthro- form, the whole time I had her stare in my back, sending daggers towards me.

“Yes?” I finally asked, her stare hardened, gosh Lu really knows how to make me shacking in fear, I normaly don´t can be so scared easily but she is one of the ponies which actually has this special ability to making me feeling so tiny with hat in one instant.

“Did you knew it!” Lu asked me with merciless ice in her voice, gesturing to her stomach.

“Uh, yes I guess!” I gave up.

“Care to explain to me why you didn´t told me earlier!”

“I would have destroyed the surprise!” I said bluntly and I knew she had already thought about it.

“And it hadn´t crossed your mind that I didn´t knew it , that I didn´t thought of the possibility, do you know how bad it is to fight while you are pregnant, to pull heavy things and jumping around!” She began to shout, then to yell and the more she got angry, the faster she paced around me.

“Well I hadn´t expect in a slightest that we would get separated or else I would have told you, but it wouldn´t have done any more than already has happened, we still got separated and you needed to fight, I swear I didn´t wanted to bring our child in danger, I swear, you have to belive me!” I begged her.

“Oh I do belive you but it was completely irresponsible and totally idiotic from your side to not told me about it, it could had been worse, I could fall or somehow in any possible way hurt our baby, do you want that, do you really want that?” Lumena asked me.

“No, of course not, I never wanted our child to get hurt, I never wanted it to get together with you in such a danger, but I can´t change it now anyways, if you want I can check on her okay!” Is said as I took her in my arms, she let a few tears fall, and nodded.

I placed my ear on her stomach, it had swollen but only a bit, I closed my eyes and used echo vision, using it like an ultrasound image.

“Place your Hand on my Orb Lu!” I said to her and I felt how she did, I could hear her taking in her breath sharply.

“Oh My, she is, she is,…!”

“Perfect, not, she is so beautifull!” I said and I felt her nodding.

“I thanky you Jacky, I thank you so much for this, you made a dream come true for me!” Lumena said.

“And mine too!” I could hear ditzys voice, from deep within her soul.

“No problem, it was an honor to me!” I smiled.

“But I guess I am not over the edge already?” I asked weakly smiling.

“Not so fast my love, I am still a bit sour about you not telling me, but I will take your apology of pure guilt!” She smirked and I sighed, I knew this would come.

“Oh you mighty Lumena, I am so sorry about disappointing you, I swear to my life it will never happen again!” I said kissing her hoofs.

“I guess you learned your lesson, now stand up and get your present!” She said as I stood up.

“Here it comes!” She kissed me fully on the lips, her hands to my cheek, in a passionate manner, I could hear cheers and awwws coming from the entry.

“I guess we have some public!” I whispered in her ear.

“You don´t say!” She smirked.

“I am so proud of you Lord Shockwave!” I heard it behind us, and I saw Aurora, Astralia, Shield and Sword shine and Miss Doo standing behind us.

“Please Miss Doo, just call me Jacky, all of you lets forget all the royal and formal titles, we are under friends!” Jacky said.

“Okay, guys, Champagne for everypony, where is the next bottle of it?” I shouted and I felt a light hit on my head, I looked confused next to me towards Lumena.

“You know I can´t drink while being pregnant!” She said with anger in her voice, and I facehoofed.

“First day a soon-to- be father, and I already failed twice!” I sighed as she laughed.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Scootaloo´s pov;

Today was an awesome bright day, still no cloud on the sky, with help of my new scooter, my little side job for the summer vacation bloomed, after I got my cutie mark, I knew I was born to deliver, everything, from Informations over new metal livrations for the black smith towards food, so I now work half days in the poststation as a mail mare, replacing Aunt Ditzy, and half days in the Fast Food restaurant `Friemare´s finest´ as the livration mare.

Today my last adress for the end of the day was Dinky´s current home, Miss Carrot top´s house.

“Hello, Miss Carrot top, its me, Scootaloo I bring the Hay `N´Grass pizza you yesterday had ordered for today!” I shouted up to her door.

It lasted at least five minutes until she opened the door, but what I saw made me shacking with fear, Miss Carrot top stood there but she was a wreck, her hair messy, her eyes bloodshot, and on her forehead a huge bump.

“Miss Top, what happened to you, is everything alright?” I asked concerned.

“Huh, whaaa, what do youuu, uuuuuuuuh my head, I feeel like I got slayed by an Hammer for several hours!” She hold her head and I helped her in, I sat her on a chair and I made her a strong coffee.

“Tell me, what happened?” I asked her, but she shook her head.

“I honestly don’t know, it just makes no sense at all, I mean , the last I can remember is that Ditzy stood infront of my house, but she didn´t looked like she usualy did, she had bloodred eyes, her coat was darker from normal, and she had something looking like a giant slayer in her hand, actually she had hands no hooves, like her friend Soundwave Jacky had on the Farewell party, anyway, she knocked me out but I could hear that Dinky screamed to her to leaving us alone, then I guess she dragged her away, I don’t know I was out since then, since a few minutes befoe you came knocking on my door, I woke up!”
She said, and I let almost the can in my hand falling.

“So that means, that Dinky had been gotten Kidnapped by someone who looks like aunt Ditzy?”

“Wait why Aunt Ditzy?” She asked me, and I remebered, she wasn´t there that time.

“How long was it as it happened?”

“I don’t really know but I guess it was yesterday evening, as the sun was already down, but what has that to do with my Question?”

“ Where were you yesterday, the whole day until it happened?” I asked, and she looked confused.

“After I brought Dinky in the school, I fall back asleep, it was my free day of the week!” She said, right she works in the Hospital, so it was only logical to need at least one day to totally sleep through, to tank energy for the rest of the week.

“So you mean you don’t knew about the attack!” I asked her and looked at me confused.

“Which attack, what are you talking about Scootaloo?” She asked me much more confused than she already was.

“The town had been attacked Yesterday in the afternoon, but luckily Dad and I could manage to save the Town, we managed to defeat them all, afterwards we helped by building the town up again!” I told her.

“Wait Dad, don´t get me wrong but I always though you lived with your adoptive sister, Cherilee!” She asked me.

“Well since you care for Dinky and now knows that her mother is one of the Elements of Symphony, I can tell you my secret, which isn´t one anymore, I am too the daughter of an Element of Symphony, I am Esteel Metalclaw´s daughter, he´s the Element of Steel!” I siad proudly.

“You kidding right, this is a good joke, really as if you were the kid of an Fallen Angel!” Carrot top laughed hard getting me pissed, so I took one of her spoons I threw it in the air and let it stopping in the move.

“Holy shit!” Carrot top exclaimed as soon as I began to change the form of the metalpiece, making a tiny Chess figure out of it.

“Well do you belive me now!” I asked with a smug grin, holding the figure to eye level.

“I belive you!”

“I hoped so, well anyway we need to find her, can I see her room, miss Top!?” I asked her and she nodded.

“I show you!” She said as she lead me towards Dinkys room, the first thing I could see was a giant burnt hole in her door.

“Oh no!” I heard Carrot top gasping in fear.

I entered the room and I saw that something had rampaged through this piece of the house.

“Whatever it was it was strong, I can tell that Dinky is no one who gives up fighting for her life!”

“I know, but we better inform the royal guards!” she said.

“I guess so, this is better!”

And so we made our way outside, searching for a royal guard the night already had fall across the land, and I guess Cherilee will be worried by now.

“There is one!” I said to Carrot top as I spotted a Lunar Guard, I rushed over to him in full gallop.

“Hey, Guards stallion!” I adressed him, he turned and I saw that it was Nightcore, one of my favourite Guards.

“holla, Scooty what are you doing out so late, your Sister will get worried!” He said to me as I catched my breath.

“No time for small talk, I need your help, Dinky has gotten foalnapped!” I told him.

“Whoa, wait, who has gotten foalnapped?” He asked, flipping up a noteblock, writing with help of his magic.

“Dinky Doo, the daughter of Ditzy Doo, alias Lumena , the Element of Light, you need to send word towards Princess Celestia, immediatily!” I siad, but Nightcore shook his head.

“Only when the missed Pony is been missing for two days, I can do that!” He said sternly.
“ But its urgent!” I said to him.

“Well so are the rules, tiny filly, and now hush, hush back in the bed!”

“Are fucking kidding me, are you really saying that its not IMPORTANT TO RESCUE MY FRIEND!” I screamed, metallic chains shooting out of my back.


“Whoa calm yourself!” Nightcore said, in fighting position.

“You want to fight , against me, are you really so dumb!” I yelled, he has sunk on my favourite level on the deepest bottom possible.

“Well I will try it with gusto, little chicken!” He said and I losed it.

“I AM NO CHICKEN!” I screamed and launched at him, trapping him with my chains, chocking his throat, squezzing his horn and sucking out his magical force, adding it to my own, he was unable to move.

“I will tell you to hold my friends as not important enough!” I yelled in his face, as he tried to fight the chains of with magic.

“ENOUGH OF THIS BULL SHIT!” I heard a strong voice behind us.

I looked behind me, my eyes darker than usual.

“Who are you, show yourself!” I said to the pony, obvisiously a Stallion, still hidden in the shadows.

“My Name is Shining Armor, commander of the royal guards, who are you two, tell me your name and your position!” the Stallions voice said as he walked into the light, from somehwere I have seen him, wait wasn’t he on the Canterlot wedding.

“Nightcore, Royal Lunar Guard first class, 3th Unicorn squad!” Nightcore , responded immediatily, trying to salut before his commander, but my Chainst didn’t allowed him to do so.

“And you, who are you, young filly, who manage, to take a FIRST CLASS ROYAL GUARDS-STALLION down!” The Commander asked looking merciless at the Lunar guard.

“Scootaloo V. Metalclaw, 4.007 years old, Daughter of Esteel V. Metalclaw, Element of Steel from the Elements of Symphony!” I replied.

“And at the moment I am chocking your subordinate to death, until he sends word towards one of the Princesses, that my Friend, Dinky Doo, Daughter of Ditzy Doo alias Lumena, the Element of light, had been gotten foalnapped, since yesterday evening, while her current caretaker, Carrot top here, had been knocked out since then, until a half hour ago!” I told him, and he nodded.

“See it as done little filly, but you need to wait a moment, okay?” he said as I released the lunar guard with a huff in annoyance.

“I´m Watching You!” I said towards him.

“Okay , guard Nightcore, send message towards Princess Celestia, immediatily got it!” Shining Armor said.

“Sir, yes sir!” The Guards stallion saluted, and began to suddenly write on a scroll.

A sour expression on his face he took mine and Carrot top´s report of what had happened , and rolled the scroll together as he was done.

“Alright, thank got I still have the bottle with the dragon fire , which Spike gave me as present for my wedding!”

My ears peerked up.

“Spike, as in Spike the dragon?” I asked and he nodded.

“You know Spike, wow!” I said.

“Where do you know him from!” I asked.

“Well I know him since he knows Twillight, you must know, I am Twillights Brother!”
At Night, on the Island Lumos, Cathedrale of Light, Ditzy´s Pov:

“Wooooah!” Was all too say to what we saw in front of us.

“Welcome, at the Cathedrale of light, the last Temple of Light!” Mother told us, I could see it in her eyes, she was proud of it.

“Years of hard work, helped to rebuild it up as much as you see here, even with all the monster attacks outside, luckily on this island never had appeared any kind of monster, sure all the monsters who once were Angels pegasi, have returned to normal but not the monster who came out of the mating of the monsters, they are monsters to the core!” Mother told us as we entered the Church, I honestly never saw something beautifuller, not even that time when my team won the second light-war game, “Rob the Flag”, which gets played all 100 years, last year the game had been played for the eleventh time and my team won, as a price, Princess Luna had let us visit her in the castel, it was beautifull , yes but this here was a totally different caliber.

“Here we have a few speeches of our Queen, Angel Equestria:

`Death is the winner in any war,
Nothing noble in dying for your religion,
For your country,
For ideology, for faith,
For another man.´

“This was the first speech after the Nestrell war, Equestrian World War 1, short EWW1, the War wich lasted 2000 years long!”

`Paper is dead without words,
Ink idle without a poem,
All the world dead without stories.
Without love and disarming beauty.´

“ A Wonderfull and true speech it always lets me reading a book, when ever I feel like reading, and here we have, the most precious speech of our majesty, it’s a speech which is to find in every temple, is been told that it even is carved upon the gate towards the Black Bastion and the gate towards Tarakena.

`Beyond all mortality we are, swinging in the breath of nature,
In early air of the dawn of life,
A sight to silence the heavens.´

“Wow, these speeches are so true and so wonderfull!” Rarity, Twillight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and even Rainbowdash and Applejack exclaimed.

“Wow this is amazing!” Twillight, said as she stood in front of a giant picture, of myself, it was indeed amazing.

“And this is a Picture of Lumena The Angel of light, before all of the bad things which had happened, it has been drawn, 800 years ago, from my great grandfather, Leonardo da ponci Doo, it has the title, An Angel of Light, total match!” Mommy said, and I stepped next to her.

“its amazing and incredible beautifull, this is really how we looked like, wow, you are quite beautifull Lumena!” I said, to my inner self.

“I thank you for it, I also find it even beautifuller the often I pass it, I always stopping and admire the fine brush strikes and the living colours, I love it!”

“Just admit it, you love to watch yourself!” I asked with a cocky smile.

“Maybe, a little!” Lumena huffed in response, getting me chuckling.

“Here we have a relict of old times, its called the Creation!” Mom showed us a ,picture of an Alincorn standing over a group of three ponies, and two ponies over them, the three ponies, were each one from one type, Earthpony, Unicorn and Pegasus, the two ponies over them however, were Alincorns.

“Its amazing, wonderfull, a masterpiece!” Rarity shouted her eyes ,shining.

“Okay and here we have the oldest Relict, out of Old Equestria itself!” Mom said as she stood infront of a picture carved out of a giant rock, embedded into the church-wall.

“Wow, its , wonderfull!” All the others too said in unison.

“It has the name, The Creators of our World!” Mother told us, as she streched her hoofs out as if she wanted to embrace the whole Relict, it was a beautifull piece, it showed, a Woman, a Human like creature, standing on top of the picture, I guess this shall be Queen Equestria, on the table next to the picture stands, `The Queen of creation, Queen Equestria´, under her in a triangel, I could saw, Shockwave on the top of the triangel, Myself to the right, and, I guess she is it, Tenebra to the Left, the table says, `The Triforce of Equestria, Courage, Wisdom and Power, Light, Twillight and Darkness, Heaven, Earth, and Underworld, Lady Lumena, Lord Shockwave and Lady Tenebra´, then under us where Two circles of Six ponies , in total 12 ponies, I could see a few familiar faces, the table says, `The Elements of Harmony: Princess Celestia, Prince Goron, Princess Arulia, Prince Mortis, Princess Luna and Prince Narubo and the Elements of Symphony: Lord Gaia, Lady Floraya, Lord Venturios, Lady Aquania, Lord Esteel and Lady Jetfire´ and under them were also another pair of Ponies, Two Mares as much as I saw, but do I not knew these, I looked at the table and saw what it says, `The Guardians of the hall of the Universe, Demon´s Sun and Angel´s Moon´ the last characters of the picture were , four dragons.

“And these here shall be especially interesting for you guys!” Mother said as she gestured towards the four Dragons.

The table says, `The Guardian-Dragons, Guardians of the Hall of Immortality ,in the Hall of the Universe, Prince Spikeruso, Princess Draganessa, Prince Baronalo, Princess Numakora´
We all turned towards the two dragons, Spike standing next to Twillight and Dragan, still sleeping and wrapped around Venturios´s neck.

“I guess these were you two´s ancestors!” Rainbow Dash said, speaking towards Spike, who looked in wonder on the picture.

“Wow, he looks so cool!” He said as he stepped nearer to see the purple dragon who looked just like him, but older, bigger and with wings.

“Yo mother, I guess I found your ancestor!” Venturios said towards his little dragon friend, and all of them looked crazy at him, beside , us fallen angel , and suprisingly also Rainbow Dash, who still stood oddly near him, her hoof touching his, could it be that, …., no, it can´t be, or ,….., can it ?

“Ah, Granny Draganessa, yep she´s indeed my ancestor, and my name patron!” the tiny dragon spoke, while all of them, expect the one who knows got a little shock, as Dragan climbed from Venturios neck.

Ever so often I could hear them asking, “ was she there all the time?”.

“Okay my children, the time has come, everypony towards me!” Mother said as she stood infront of an altar.

“We now begin with the ceremony of the Angel´s relict, Ditzy would you come over to me!” Mother said and I did as told.

“Okay for the ceremony, every bearer must walk up with the matching Fragment of light, and present it to Ditzy, giving real, thruthfully, honest witness, that she deserves to hold the Fragment of light, does everyone understood this?” Mom asked and they all nodded.

“Well then lets begin, I Brightlight Doo, with the force of my position as the Highpristess of Light, call up the Element of Light, Lady Lumena, to endure the Ritual of light, will you, save this world, and help to live it up again, so tell me your answer?” Mother asked me, standing behind the glowing altar, I bowed before her.
“Yes, I will!” I said out of the deepest of my heart.

“And will you, lead the fallen souls, deserving the light, towards the glory of the heaven, will you save their souls from the damnation!”

“Yes, I will!” I said with even more passion.

“And will you, Bearer of the brightest light, lead this land with a strong and fair hand, without judging before knowing, with mercy for the ones who deserve, and with the love you pray for, will you tolerate the other folks of elements and will you swear to your own blood, to watch over this World as long as your immortal life last?” she asked me with a strong voice and love but sorrow in her eyes.

I looked up to her and said the words with all my heart.

“Yes, I swear!”

“So be it, Bearer of the Element of kindness, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Kindness?” Mother asked, as Fluttershy walked forward, with the Fragement of Kindness.

“Y-yes, I, Fluttershy Dryade, think that Lumena is worth to bear the name of the Element of light, because regardless of wich soul takes over her body, she is always kind to everypony, she loves her daughter and she loves others, as long as she gets love back, she will return and give it always, yes I think, Lady Lumena is word to get the fragement of Kindness!” Fluttershy said, strong but still a bit shy, and the Fragement of Kidness flew over to Mothers outstreched arms.

“Bearer of the Element of Honesty, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Honesty?” Mother asked again, as Applejack stepped forward.

“I ,Applejack Apple think that Lumena, is worth to be called the Element of Light, have I never saw a stronger and more honest person than her, the love she held for her daughter, her friends and everypony and creature around her and the words she speak are as pure as water wich cames from a mountain, regardless of which character, she will be always worth to hold the fragment of Honesty!” Applejack said, and the Fragment of Honesty floated over to mother and circled together with the Fragment of Kindness.

“Bearer of the Element of Loyality, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Loyality?” Mother asked in the room , as Rainbow Dash, walked up towards the altar.

“I, Rainbow Dash Stormwind, think that Lumena is more than worth to be called, the Element of light, she is not only kind and honest but also strong and concerned about everypony, she helds to her friend and family and even to her unborn daughter, she will never let a man behind, I have seen it more than once, so yes I think Lumena is worth to get the Fragment of Loaylity!” Rainbow dash said, and now , the tears began to roll, as I saw how the third Fragment floated towards mother and combined itself with the Fragment of Kindness, creating one half of a sphere.

“Bearer of the Element of Generosity, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Generosity?” Mother repeated the question, as Rarity stepped forward.

“I Rarity Graciella, think that Lady Lumena and Miss Ditzy shall be named the Element of Light, because both of them are as generouse as I never saw it, instead of fighting over their body, they share each one , one and the same body, they don´t need to fight for getting the lead but they also share these, and other than to herself, do the two of them share love towards other, they love and trust everypony even when the other has problems to do so, their kindness they share, their loyality they show and their honesty they speak, are from a level I had never seen before, so if you ask me, I will say with all the truth in my heart, yes I think that Lady Lumena and Miss Ditzy shall get the Fragment of Generosity!” Rarity siad, and I began to sob, it was amazing of what they all see in me and in Lumena, things I never knew they thought about me.
And again a Fragment floated over towards Mother, and it combined with the Fragment of Kindness and the Fragment of Loyality, and now also the Fragment of Honesty combined with the Fragments, creating one half of the Core.

“Bearer of the Element of Magic, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Magic?” Mother keeped going on, as Twillight stepped infront.

“Yes, I, Twillight Moonshine Sparkle, think that Lumena as well as Ditzy are worth to bear the title, thought they now need to remember much wath was lost for several years, I know that both of them will use their magical force only for protecting other, never to willingly attack on their own, in order to make the future for our children a brighter, both of them sweared to only use their weapons and powers for defense, so yes I think that both of them, are worth to be the rightfull owner of the Fragment of Light!” Twillight said and tears still rolled down my cheeks, the Fragment flew over towards the others and added towards them, the sphere was now to ¾ full again,……, wait, did she just say, Twilight Moonshine Sparkle, Twillight, Twinlight,……, maybe, I am not entirely sure, maybe , maybe not, I need to look out for more evidences.

“Bearer of the Fragment of Tolerance, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Tolerance?” Mom asked as both, Ghost flame and Joe stepped forward.

“We, the Bearers of the Fragment of Tolerance,Ghost Flame Dryade and Donatius Nutcracker Joe , are thinking that Lumena is worth to be the Element of Light, and to bear the Fragment of Tolerance, in times when her friends need her she is there, she tolerate the dark to an known level, as long as the dark is peacefull, but when dark creatures are calling for war, she will fight, she tolerates us near her sister and we are thankfull for it, she tolerates those who love, and those who hate but even tolerance has a limit, so yes we think after all she is worth to get the Fragment of Tolerance!” Ghost Flame spoke, and Joe hold the floating Fragment until it floated and combined with the other Fragments, the Sphere was full.

“Bearer of the Fragment of Wisdom, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Wisdom?” Zecora and Applebloom stepped in front of us.

“We the Bearers of the Fragment of Wisdom, Zecora Zebrulis Madonis and Applebloom Apple, are thinking that Lady Lumena is worth to be called the Element of Light, haven´t we see a better mother than Her when she is Ditzy doo, the love she gives for her daughter, the wisdom she hold inside, wisdom from over thousands of years, begin to come back on the surface, she was there as she saved me, she was there as this land bloomed, and she was there in the wars to defeat Nestrell, only a being with much intelligence would be able to defeat a Dragonlord, maybe she hasn´t gotten her memories all back together, but do we know that even when she is wiser than everyone, she will not change from who she is, the wisdom of knowing´, you re different from the others, but being able to tolerate this fact, this is real wisdom in our eyes, so yes Lady Lumena and Ditzy doo are worth to bear the fragment of Wisdom!” They said and I wanted to hug them , all of them at once.

“Bearer of the Fragment of Courage, step forward and tell us what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Courage?” Mother said as I looked up, my protegée, Aurora, walked up ready to judge me.

“I, Aurora Midnightshine, Think that my mistress and Professor, as well as my own adoptive stepsister, and my Lands Saviour and Guarding Angel, Lady Lumena, is more than worth to be Called the Element of Light, since the light of her heart shines stronger than every Lantern or sun, her love she share is a bright fire of passion for everyone, her heart is pure and her personality could be even more splitted, there is never someone else matching her force, she is as courageous as a tiger, she protects and fight when needed to, she never gives in and never back down before a opponent when there is someone to save, if someone is worth to be called Element of light, its her, and if someone has more courage than her, then I will not be called Aurora anymore, the Fragment of courage belongs in my eyes to no one else!” I almost couldn´t bear it, I wanted to kiss and hug her right now, so badly, again a Fragment flew over to the others and combined the core to an end.

“ I, Brightlight Doo, Highpristess of Light, have heared the Witnesses, I have heard the truth out of their mouths and their hearts, and they confirm me that there is no one who is more worth to be called the Element of light, so be it, with the Power of my Position as the Highpriestess of Light, the Angelscore from now on belongs rightfully to you, Lady Lumena!”

As soon as the words were spoken, the core shined in a light , like the nothern lights, on the east sea, I felt the power running through it, and I felt how my normal power doubled, but I also felt that there was still a piece missing.

“It has been done, but do we have still one mission to do until the true power of the core awakes, The time has come, to raise the Land again, to show us your true powers, relive this land and our way will guide us straight to the last Temple, The Hall of Purity!” Mother said as the core formed itself a necklace , made of pure gold.

“The time Has come my Daughter, now place your hands on this altar and speak the holy runes!” Mother said as I walked up on her towards the altar, I, placed my hands as told in the openings.

I looked on the strange symbols and I was mesmerized.

“Are you ready , Lady Lumena?” Mother asked me.

“Yes I am!” I replied as I began to read the runes.

“One for Father, one for mother, one for my Brother , one for my Sister, one for the whole family, with light I have been born, in darkness I falled, but did I said to myself, I will wake again in Light, I the Land of Light, the land where Angels are home, will rise again, from the darkness and the dephst of the sea, to heal myself and to be myself again, without Innocent the cross is only iron, Hope is only an illusion, without the Soul of the Purest, the eight houses have spoken, so be it, from today I will be ruled again, with the heart and the hand of the one who loves, lives and never gives in, the darkness will fade and the sunlight will shine again, so like it always was and always will be, to this day again, I will rise,I will rise for the eternity, I am Lumen!” I speaked, and I looked forward to were I stood, on the top of the highest mountain of the island.

“In light I was born, In Darkness I died, reawoken I will, as always in Light!” I sang the last runes, the ultimate reawakening has begun, suddenly the whole island shook, I saw how we suddenly began to rise, the islands began to float, from off the sea into the air, sudden whirlpools and giant waves told me that something from down was about to come on the surface.

“It is done, the land rises again!” Mother said, I saw how giant masses of land rised out of the ocean , began to float up towards us, the country added itself together again.

“Shield Shine, Sword Shine, Aurora, Astralia, fly up and tell me what is happening!” Mother said and the four did as told.

“The Centrum of Elboria Has been reaapeared!” Aurora said.

“Nagoba has also reappeared!” Astralia.

“Langasura has fully reapeared, so also the West and the East coast” Shield shine said.

“Kaburasi, Nokoleru, Hammoth, Furase, Nolbenheim and Magnolienheim has reappeared, the last that missed is,…!”

“Ponsgard is back!” The four stated in unison, and I knew we did it.

“Mistress Doo, Lady Lumena, the whole land Lumen has fully reappeared!” Astralia and Aurora told us in unison.

So we are once again here.

“Welcome my friends, this time I can finally introduce to you our world, welcome, welcome on the Island in the Sky, welcome on Lumen!” I siad to the others who clapped and cheered.

“Amazing, fabulously, just astonishing, I knew you could do it sister!”A voice appeared and again it was the sugarsweet child like voice.

“Show yourself, Dark Lumena!” I yelled.

“Hahaha, sure why not?” She said as she appeared infront of us, there she stood, looking like Lumena and Me, only with a sightly fabel for bloodred, her eyes were red as well, her coat almost black, sightly a much darker shade of mine.

“Well hello there sister Lumena, sister Ditzy, how are you?” The dark mare asked, in a tone as if everything else were boring and as if she needed to force herself, to take interest.

“Still good I guess, and you, Dark Lumena?” I asked with venom.

“No need to be so beasty dear sister of my, we just met after 28 years again and the first thing you do, is to mark the bad cop, seriously, we can do this the smooth way or the hard, it´s you who can choose, but I better tell you to choose wise, its not only your live which stands on the knifes edge!” the annyoing voice , of my sister said.

“What exactly are you even trying to do here, why have you created a force of darkness around us, what is your reason?” I asked again.

“Oh but I havent, all of the darkness which surrounds the Island has been created by the sisters, who came here and took over the world, 10 years ago, the only thing I actually did was to bring out the dark side of the inhabitants of this land, do you have an idea how boring and how ordinary it is to always live in the shadows of somepony, no you never but I have, I had been beaten up,You normal ponies, you have expelled me and tried to get rid of me, everypony, always, even you Lumena, do you still know the day, the day when we first met, when you tried not to listen to me, , as you tried to defeat Nestrell and his commanders on your own, you wanted to get rid of me, so you could, like you said that time, fighting without driving insane and unmeasurable, in the end you shoved the biggest part of me off yourself and sealed it into that fillly, creating Tenebra, the rest of me, had struggling to survive but I did, I survived and waited for my chance to take revenge, this day came when we three got separated from each other, I bet you don’t even wanted me to get out of you, I bet you thought I would disappear fully, but only that you know, NEVER EVER AGAIN WILL I DISSAPEAR, got it?” Dark Lumena said , screaming at the end, she launched for me, her fist raised, hitting me on the jaw.

“Always , always I needed to hold on as strong as I could to not dissapear, while you two lived the life you wanted and having the time of your life, do you even know in the slightest what kind of feeling that is, to never being welcome to everywhere, not even in my own body, do you know the feeling of becoming insane and lone, the more you tried to get rid of me!” Dark Lumena asked, while tried to stab me with her spear, I suddenly felt something wet on my cheek, I checked it, and found some kind of liquid on my cheeck, I licked on it, salty.

“Tears.” I said to myself, as I saw Dark Lumena crying, while fighting.

The Fight lasted long time and soon we came to the end of our force.

“Only Luck, I swear I will beat you, I will make you pay for what you did, we will see each other again, tomorrow got it?” Dark Lumena, commanded, as she suddenly dissapeared into a dimension gate.

“You better be prepared tommorow I will know no limit, and I know you will come, do I still have your most precioust treasure in my hands!” The voice, suddenly completely other, way eviler, faded away with an evil laugh, but before I could hear, a sound, a sound letting my blood freezing.

“Momy, momy where are you, please , please help me, rescue me, I beg you?”

“n-n-n-nN-N-N, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” I screamed as I recognized the voice.
It was Dinky´s.

“Ahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahaaa!” Dark Lumena´s laughter echoed in the wind.

“You bastard, whore, cunt-licker,left fondeled fool, Muffin Murderer, I kill you, I kill you Dark Lumena , give me back my daughter!” Ditzy crashed out and shoved me back inside, while taking control.

“Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!” Power circled around us, and I knew we were about to explode.

Well I did exploded , though I shooted the blast up in the sky.

“Ditzy Calm yourself!” Jacky screamed but It was completely useless, I think until now we shifted in my Bloodrush mode, breaking the seal by force, one of my unwanted forces.

“Raaaaaaaw, give me back my Daughter, Raaaaaaaaaaw!” My Voices, completely ghastly.

Infront of the Hall of Purity, Jacky´s Pov:

“Fuck, run everypony get out of here!” I screamed as I blocked a blast from Ditzy, I could hear Lumena screaming of pain inside of her, the Body and the two souls weren´t made for this kind of negativ feelings, not anymore I guess, it overpowered them, and instantly the seal of the Dark force has been broken, releasing her in the bloodrush mode, I need to calm her or else she will seriously run amoc.

“Jacky!” I could hear Twilight Screaming.

“Go, I will calm her, go until she hurt you and does something to you, which she never will be able to forgive herself for!” I screamed.

“Okay, stay alive!” Twillight said as she saw that I meaned it the way I said it.
“I will!”

“Give me Back my Daughter!” Ditzy screamed, her voice was demonlike and her power increased.

“calm yourself Ditzy, we will Find her!” I screamed as the blast got stronger.

“I want my Daughter back now!” she responded.

“You will just have trust in us, we will bring her back!” I screamed, getting almost blasted away.
“Liar, you are a liar, you always were and you will always be, you lied to me, you lied about being the doctor, you lied about your feelings for cookiejack, you said you love me, then why do you always lie to me, why didn´t you said to me that I am pregnant, why did you lied to me about me, you said I am the Element of light, but i´m not, I am only a mailmare, just Ponyville´s townderp, I was never anything more, than a corpse for a soul which isnt´ even my own!” Ditzy screamed as she shooted a laser at me, which I could dodge to a hairs breed.

“Stop it, Dinky wouldn´t have you destroying everything in your sight, this isn´t you Ditzy!” I said as a blast hit me on the sides.

“Aaaargh!” I screamed in pain, her force had been,tripled with help of the Dark force.

“Die, Die, everything must Die!” Ditzy sang as she walked around firing bolts of pure lasers.

“If there is a power on this world, please help me to calm her down!” I prayed.

“Lady Ditzy, Lady Lumena, please calm yourself, we have other problems right now!” A new more femal Voice said.

“Where is my Daughter?” Ditzy asked, still in the bloodrush mode.

“Soon dead or injured if you keep doing this!” The voice said as I finnaly saw where it come from.

A Dove flew over me, but no ordinary, this here was made of light.

“Kuronema!” I shouted.

“What do you mean by that!” Ditzys voice thundered.

“Dark Lumena is your dark side, Lady Lumena, and Lady Ditzy, the more darkness you send out, be it out of anger or sorrow, it will only increase Dark Lumena´s power, you need to fight with light, or else you will not stand a chance, but remember, she is still a piece of you, killing her will only kill yourself in one way, try to beat her with her own weapons, you need to shove her into the light, until she sees all her mistakes, until she finally beg for forgiveness!” Kuronema said.

“But its too late my dears, the power you have turned on is just starting to grow inside of me, so come on, let your hatred out, scream it in the night, I will be there, strenghten to a new level, like it has always should be, lets see how long you hold out until you die, I will let your little daughter watching it, who knows , maybe I will make her to my personal Slave, Ahahahhahahahaahahaaaaa!” Dark Lumena´s voice sounded, as if she stood right next to us.

“Give me back my daughter, you miserable bitch!” Ditzy, now free from the Dark force, screaming , I could hear how it pained her heart.

“Don´t do this, don’t give her another occasion to make you suffer, I swear to you, we will find her, we will find Dinky and get her out of here, I swear to you, now look at me, look at me Ditzy, breath in and out, slowly, breath in, hssssh, and breath out, haaaaaa, okay, we will find her, we will find her and she will be unharmed okay!” I said to her, my hands on her cheeks, her forehead leaned on mine.

“I know, but its so hard, she has my daughter, the queen alone knows what Dark Lumena is doing to my daughter right now!” Lumena said tears in her eyes, killing my heart to see her so , I took her in my arms, and hugged her tight comforting her.

“We have to hope, its all we can do right now, we don’t know where she is right now, she could be everywhere in this land, we need to first go search for the last piece of the light, when we have the core´s power we will be able to defeat the darkness around Dark Lumena, maybe we can turn her to what she was before getting so dark!” I told her and she nodded.

“Maybe you are right, we need to become stronger or else we will not stand a chance!” she said and I kissed her cheek.

“Thank you for always be there for me, Jacky !” She said to me and I hugged her tight, her lips on mine, I sweared to myself, we will find Dinky and save her.

“Where ever you are and wherever you go, I will follow you as long as you want!” I said to her, and she was again like butter in my hands.

In the castel of Hammoth, on Lumen, Dark Lumena´s Pov:

“Fuck I have loosed too much force again,and it doesent help that I still havent this fucking corpse under control, first the fight with the little daughter of a bitch, and then the fight with the Bitch itself, pah I will show her to fucking kidding with me, thousands of years I lived under chains in this land, but not anymore, it was really a twist of faith that I had been able to use that body of the dark bitch, after she had been separated from her original body, a soul which knows the darkness, and which helds a grudge against her own other half, though only a small it was still and always there, enough for me to pull an little act up, I only needed to twist and turn a few things and soon after that I had her body, and I am finally able to let this land fall into eternal chaos, a work , such a marvelous work, my master would have been proud of me , when he just were back to his old dark glory, but I know I can make, it, I will store so much dark Miasma until I will be able to revieve Master Discord back to his old self, not this softie hardcore childish behaviour he had lived through when he had reawoken!” A voice sighed, thought the voice matched not to the corpse or the mouth it came out.

“Is it really so easy to become a softie, after losing Master Nestrells dark influence, conquering Equestria and making the ponies your slave, this is the most stupid idea I ever heard in my life, simply killing , creating blood baths and massacres, killing at the Death´s will, this is the real shit, serisoulsy, what must I ,Iris La Noir, endure , first I had been beaten by that bitch Lumena after master Discord had been turned to Stone, then I was chained inside this land, all these century´s, until 28 years ago, even that bitch Dark lumena had no chance, seriously her corpse is not bad, I mean , even then this is only a duplicate of the original body, it is extremly powerfull,but serisously lumena´s Daughter is sure strong fo her age!” I said to myself as I began to patch up my few wounds, trying to not look at the giant hole in my body, which slowly begins to close again, on the most painfull manner.

I walked in the kitchen of the castel, that was actually the bad on not having slaves, you need to do everything alone.

After I finished my meal, I decided sotmething, I walked downstairs in the cave cells, to see how my prisoners are.

“ Well hello my dear guests, I hope you are not too cold down here, but if yes , you know I just don’t care at all!” I said as I walked laughing infront of Dark Lumenas cell .

There in the cell , she sat, like a piece of shit so useless, the shame of all dark creature, Dark Lumena, the Queen of the Losers.

She watched me, out of narrowed eyes.

“Aww c´mon, Da-Lu its not like you stood a chance that time anyways, you were a wreck, separated from your main corpse, I took you in but you betrayed me, so I needed to punish you, you know it pained my heart to do so, but I had to, im sorry honey!” I said to her.

“As if, I bet, you jizzed your own pants in excitement as you saw me suffer that time, haven´t you!” She said, her voice so alike of the mare who had chained me for so long in this land which I rule now.

“what ever you say, it was your own fault, anyways, what is our little princess doing?” I asked with sugar sweet voice.

“Sleeping, crying her heart out and cursing you on a manner I never had seen, that little honey is really strong, is your wound already healed or do you still struggle, with the wound, you got from her blast?” That bitch snickered,but I must agree , it still hurts like hell since that time, but I will not let myself getting disturbed by a foal, a six years old foal, made by half of an shattered mind.

“I still must say, you girls are really interesting , I mean, that one soul actually splitted in three pieces, each one of them creating kind of an autonomical organism , acting and talking on their own, its astonishing, really no shit, I mean it that way, whaaa well anyways , im exhausted and tired, I will now go sleeping, nighty night cuties!” I siad as I walked upstairs, towards my bedroom in the castel, shutting the light off.

Cage-cell in the Hammoth Castel, real Dark Lumena/ Da-lu´s Pov:

Oh , she will so regret this, seriously I could explode here, but noo, not even that im allowed, insteadt of that, I am sitting here, streaking the hair of the little sleeping mess, here in my arms, our meeting was still in my bones, it ripped my heart out to know that my own niece has been foalnapped as well, an that while she looked at a miserable creature who looked like me, and now she is too here in my prison in which I am stuck since 23 years, five years I tried to hold the land as much together as I could, behind the back of Iris, trying to defeat the uprising chaos and the rampages of the already influenced ponies , five years I tried to held up what was left of this world, of my siters Heritage, but I failed, I got caught by the darkness as well and weakened and in the end I got defeated by the new awoken and released Iris.

Why do I always have to draw the shitcard, I mean I am always in the shadow of my sisters, and I cant even fight anymore with the lack of my magic,and to all the best, have I now also a cell mate in form of an little filly, which is just supposed to be my niece, oh things just run great.

“Uhm, Dalu!” I heard it coming from down under me, I looked into my arms, looking into the shivering face of my niece.

“What is it honey!” I asked her, Dalu, she gave me that name after I told her that I was been called, Dark Lumena.

“I know we are in a prison and somewhere but, uhhm, can, can you sing me a lullaby, it will maybe also help you to sleep a bit!” She asked and I thought about it, I was never a real singer but I guess she is right, though I only know one song at all, I never really was in singing, it was always more my sisters metier, but as I looked in these eyes I couldn’t turn her down, so I began to sing with my best I could.

“The nightingale is still locked in the cage
The deep breath I took still poisons my lungs
An old oak sheltering me from the blue
Sun bathing on it's dead frozen leaves

I saw how her eyes looked at me with a pleasant tired look, she looked so lovely, I cant remember how it felt to be a mother but I always wish I still could.

A catnap in the ghost town of my heart
She dreams of storytime and the river ghosts
Of mermaids, of Whitman's and the rude
Raving harlequins, gigantic toys

A song of me a song in need
Of a courageous symphony
A verse of me a verse in need
Of a pure-heart singing me to peace

I saw how she yawned and I smiled at her, while I rocking her back and forth like a mother would do, I was maybe only three days a mother but I know still how it goes.

All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing

All that great heart lying still
In silent suffering
Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end
What is left for encore
Is the same old dead boy's song
Sung in silence
All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing

A midnight flight into Covington Woods
A princess and a panther by my side
These are Territories I live for
I'd still give me everything to love you more

A song of me a song in need
Of a courageous symphony
A verse of me a verse in need
Of a pure-heart singing me to peace

“This Pure heart must be you, because when you sing, it is so beautiful, just like momy´s singing!” Dear little Dinky said nuzzling into my coat, I have covered her in my rotten, dust and dirt drenched dress which barely gives any warmth off in his cold prison cell.

All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing

All that great heart lying still
In silent suffering
Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end
What is left for encore
Is the same old dead boy's song
Sung in silence
All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing

“I thank you for this kind words, thought, the song don’t really fit for an Lullaby , since its all the songs I know by heart, but I promise you I will learn more to sing to you!” I said I looked up towards the moon, out of my cell, I whished I knew what they all now do, I smiled a bit as I heard a gentle snorring coming from under my dress, she used one of my breasts as a pillow, not that I actually mind , but I snickered the moment I saw it, well I do have hose giant things for such occasions, after all, haha.

“Sigh, I guess there is no helping, all I can hope for is that Lumena and Ditzy may be able to defeat Iris, but they will probably not trust me, looking that Iris is kind of using my body for her crimes and her massacres, making it looking as if I was it, the only one who knows the truth are Iris and Little Dinky here, well at least I was able to bring out my own Daughters out of here, before this piece of the land has gone under, unfortunalety, has Mirrorlight not managed to get out, he had being executed by Iris, before I managed to get my babies in a safe place, before I got caught by iris and thrown down here, I just hope they are alright, I wonder where you are right now, Aurora, Astralia, always remember, Mommy loves you!” I sighed as I fall alseep in, my chin resting on Dinkys head.

Lumoria, Brightlight Doo´s Villa, Aurora´s Pov:

“Achooo!” I sneezed.

“Are you getting a cold, dear sister!” Astralia asked me.

“No I guess not, but have you heard too that voice?” I asked her, and she shrugged but nodded.

“Yeah I did but, what is the meaning, I mean mom is right next door to our room, she simply can come in and tell us face to face!” I said and Astralia began to think about it.

“Aurora, Astralia, always remember, Mommy loves you , that were the words not, well it logically was for us, but don´t I think it came from mom, her voice sounds totally different!” Astralia thought about it, but I had no clue either, light, house chores, my own studys and Lady Lumena, ask me everything you can ask about these themes, I will answer perfect and neat, but ask me something else I only can give vague suggestions.

“I will go ask mother!” I siad, and Astralia followed me, strange, she didn´t objected, seems she has no clue either.


“Yes!?” The voice of mom sounded.

“Its us , Aurora and Astralia, may we enter?” I asked polite, mom teached us manners the hardcore way.
“Sure, come in!” Mom said and I opend the door.

“What can I do for you my darlings?” Momy asked us, pating the spot next to her for us to climb up on her bed, in which she, like it seems, just readed a book.

“We are sorry to intterupt, but we wanted to ask you something important and we want you to answer us truly and without any lie,okay?” We asked and she nodded, though a bit confused.

“Are we your born Daughters?” We asked bluntly and for her out of the blue, it must have shocked her to hear this, it lasted at least five minutes, we saw how sudden sorrow flashed over her face, and the pained expression on her face was enough to comfirm our suggestion.

“As much as I want to answer with yes, I promised to be honest, and I will do so, well I guess you may knew the answer by now, but, ……, no, I am not your birth mother, but do I wish for it everyday!” mom said, with tears in the eyes.

“Do you know our mother?” We asked further, also tears in our eyes.

“No, I never saw her, all I know is that I found you in a river of flowers, as I fleed from all the destruction which falled upon our land, I fleed in direction Lumen, I said to myself that when I die I will at least die where I found myself as most welcome, the Cathedrale of light, I brought you in, and well as I walked out, the whole land was destroyed and fallen, down on the bottom of the sea, I was stuck on an island with two infants, all alone, I couldn´t left you on your own so I took you with me, and began raising you, with the time I became so close to you, I thought I couldn´t ever leave you so I became your mother and you my daughters, never I would give you away but I always feared the day when you ask, or when someone comes to take you away, I can´t beat him/ or her up when they are the true parents of you!” momy said, her face in her hoofs breaking in tears, it pained my heart to see her like this.

“One last question, does this make us Ditzy and Lady Lumena´s Sisters as well, or do we are just added to the family!” Astralia asked , and her face showed sorrow.

“From all I know, I have raised Ditzy and Lady Lumena, as they returned, after an unfinished, and disturbed phoenix cyclus, back to foal status, I raised her until she was, in a normal counting, Five years old, that’s when I came back to help keeping the unleashed Lightforce under control and it was the year where all the destruction of this land had began, the year in which I left behind , unwillingly, the most precious treasure of our land, the Angel of light, in the age of five without any memory of her former life, all alone, 4 years later I found you and raised you Girls, I never counted anyone more to my familly than the three of you, so if you ask me like this, I will happily reply, yeah you are my daughter and you all are siblings, but you must ask Lady Lumena and Ditzy as well , okay, I think you should do it right now!” Mom said, we looked at each other and throwed ourselves into mom , holding on her tight with happy souls and cat smiles.

“We will , lets go Astralia!” I said dragging her out of the room.

“I will follow you!” Astralia said in her mature, and cool manner, though she is my sister we couldn´t be any different, while she is more the silent, disciplined nerd type, I am more the crazy, fun-loving nerd type, but we do like most of the things in the same manner.

“Uhmm, Ditzy, or Uhmm Lumena-sis, are you there , may we enter?” I asked through the closed door after knocking.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing lord Shockwave, we bowed before him, but he put a hoof to our chins.

“Please no worshiping okay, lets all be normal around here!” He said as he offered us an entry.

“Lumena-sis, are you here!” Astralia asked in this giant room, though our room was not tinier in the slightest, this here was very pomp and shiny.

“I am in here!” it came out of the Tv-room.

“Ah here you are, what are you watching!” I asked as I leaned over the couch, looking at the screen, it seemed to be one of the few romance movies this programm gets, since the town has been rebuild we suddenly had all electricity and programm connection on the worlds tv net again, it scared our all shit out as suddenly the tvs started itself at evening, while we were all down infront of the fireplace, listening to Kuronema, who told us all what he knew about what has going on here.

“Just some cheesy romance, this could have been an Cadence production, there is so much fluff in it , that it almost flows out of the screen!” Lumena said, her face and her manner to sit sended out boredom, an giant mess of food lied on the table infront.

“Guess she had some cravings!” I thought.

“Can we sit and watch with you!” Astralia asked shyly, she still wasn´t used to call Lumena sister, like Lumena itself told us to call her.

“Sure why not, come sit next to me, both of you!” She answered as she pated the spots nex to her.

We sat, and I instantly sat myself against her, she took me in her arms, and stroked my hair with her hands, other than the most of us she and the other Fallen angels, were in their Anthromorphic form, her hands were like really fascinating.

Well here a little fact about the anthromorphic state, Instead of having fur it changed to skin, the hair gets a bit longer and the wings becomes longer, and bigger, also their heights increased to at least ten centimeters more.

All in all you are a bigger and better fighter than before.

“Uhm Lumena Sister, just as a question, what exactly are we to you!” Astralia asked out of the blue.

“Well, you are my dear friends, and kind of my sisters I guess!” She said and I liked it, I snuggled in her embrace.

“And what are we to Ditzy?” I asked.

“Let me see!” Lumena said and she closed her eyes.

Inside of Lumena´s soul, Lumena´s pov:

“Well I think it would be nice to have two sisters, I never had, …, as much as I guess, beside You ,…., and the other one!” Ditzy said, the last with a bitter taste in her mouth.

“I guess so, they are really cute you know, I hope we somehow can someday be a real family again!”

“I hope so too, I want back all those years which had been stolen, with you, mother and with Aurora and Astralia!”

“Then it is confirmed, from Today on, Astralia and Aurora are our sisters as well as our protégees!”

“Yes that would be nice!”

Outside of Lumena´s soul:

“She said yes, it would us be an honor to be your Sisters!” I said to my new sisters, Astralia and Aurora.

“Awesome, this is so cool!” Aurora shouted out happily.

“It´s an honor to us too!” Astralia smiled in her manner.

“So that means you are my swagger now!” Aurora said to Jacky, who nodded, then suddenly got jumped on by Aurora.

“This is even more Awesome!” she shouted, and dashed to her room.

“ I will better make sure she don’t break something!” Astralia said a she began to leave too, midway in the door she stopped.

“You made my sister the happiest mare on Equestria right now, Lady Lumena, she always wanted to get to know you, and now she even can call you her big sister, its like a dream comes true, for both of us, but I guess even more for her!” Astralia said , then stepped out of the room closing the door silently.

I looked over to Jacky and we both smiled.

“That was nice I guess!” Jacky said, I still snickered as it happened.

“Help me Sister!” I suddenly had a vision, I raced through a dark corridor, and I keep hearing this voice.

“Please help me, oh my beloved sister , I beg you, stop Iris!” I heard it in my head, I finally stopped in my vision, right before a cell, I recognized that I was in a cellroom, I stared right infront, and I saw how a light floated infront of me, and I saw her, it was definitely Dark lumena, but she didn’t looked like when I saw her earlier , her coat, though dusty and dirty, was not pitchblack but dark grey, her eyes where though red but it had something in her eyes which made me wanna fall crying in her arms, it was soft, harmonic, not like the dark and merciless stare from earlier, and there in her arms lied my dearest and precioust Treasure, my little muffin and my bright star.

“Dinkie!” I could hear Ditzy saying, who obvisiously see the vision too.

“Lumena, you need to stop Iris, she is insane and free, I beg you, she uses a duplicate of my body to cause chaos and terror so that you blame me for it, she enprisoned me and Dinky, I am sorry I have lose your heritage, dear sister, please , help me, i will do anything for you, but please help Dinky and me!”

Lumena´s pov:

Bam, I was back, and to my surprise down on the floor shivering, I felt it wet on my cheeks, and I was holded by strong hooves, I looked in the direction of the person holding me.

“They have Dinkie, Jacky, they have Dinkie and Dark Lumena!” I said crying even more.

“Dark lumena, ….., wait, then who is the Dark Lumena we had fought earlier that day?” Jacky asked confused.

“Iris la Noir, a evil being and the loyalest of all subordinate and followers of Old Discord, and she is even also an Element of Chaos, I managed to capture her though wasn´t I able to kill her with my remaining power, so I simply chained her under tons of seals under the castel in Hammoth, I guess she has somehow broken the seals and freed herself, and now she swears for revenge!” I cried, I should have killed her when I still had the time.

“She could be counted as the direct succesor of Discord, her force is similar to his , maybe a bit owned but still almost the same!”

I explained to him, since he had that time all hands full with Discord.

“What is she for a kind of creature?” Jacky asked directly in his own fightermode.

“She is a Harpye shapeshifter, her normal appearance is a giant predatory bird with the head of a mare, but she has the ability to change her shape into every living organism!” I siad, and he noted it down on a notebook.

“Which size has she, I mean wing span and the measurements of her claws?” He asked.

“Let me see, in her full form she has a wingspan from at least 2,5 meters each, her corpse is 2 meter long, her claws where like stronger as a Griffon´s, something like that!”

“Well this is bad, we need to destroy her , this time once and for all, I guess I know what she wants to do!” Jacky said.

“What, what will she do!”

“I guess she will use all this dark Miasma, in order to revieve Discord from his seal and to instantly bringing him back in dark shadow mode!” Jacky said.

“That is something that we can´t let happen at all!” He said.

“We better told the others, they need to know in what for a danger they are!” I siad and he nodded, so we runned from room to room, waking up everypony and gathered them all infront of the fireplace.

“So Lumena , tell us what is you guys making think , you should wake us up in the damned, fricken morning!” Rainbow Dash asked, the fact that she slept in a room with Venturios, though not in the same bed, we simply ignored.

“I think we might have found out why things are here like they are!” Jacky said getting curious narrowed eyes.

“Ah yeah, so what is then going on here, Jacky?” A grumpy Rarity asked.

“Well it is so, according to new informations, we can now say clearly, from new research, we found out that our adversary is not dark Lumena, but someone who uses a duplicate of Dark Lumenas body, made of a piece of her skin and a bit of blood, and it all has only one reason!” Jacky replied.

“What, what is the reason!” Twillight, Astralia and Mom, asked in unison.

“To store enough Dark Miasma, in order to bring back Discord, in his Dark Shadow mode, means himself under the influence of Nestrell!”
Jacky said.

“So that means, they try to bring back Prince Mortis, in his curse form!” Mom asked as Jacky and I nodded.

“Wait , what, weren´t Prince Mortis one of the former Elements of Harmony, I saw him on the picture in the Cathedrale of light, together with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, what has that to do with Discord?” Twillight asked completely confused.

“Prince Mortis is Discord, well at least is Discord, Mortis´s curse form, means he had been cursed to become what he helds in the deepest of his soul, he loved to move forward to take control off things, to organise them to his own system, standing still was never an option for Mortis, neither a world so harmonic that it almost stood still,but regardless of what he had done in the past, I can tell that Princess Celestia still loves him, even when she had to turn him to stone for the first time, she hold to him even when he became what he became, former he was quite a very noble and adrett Alincorn prince, black coat, and red eyes, his personality was a very great one, but do he still got cursed to become the soul inside, on the day of his wedding, by an evil unicorn mare who bewitched him out of jealousy with an very strong spell, they were still in their first millenium, so that they don’t know much about curse breaking spells, after that he vanished, I don’t know if he ever would have come over it, thought Celestia found him, he was unhappy, he thought of himself being ugly, so it came as it must came , Mortis ,one day he must have met Nestrell who made a deal with him, he is kinda the devil of Equestria I guess, the might of the contract, I heard it binds one on the life with this contract, if you break it , you´ll die, but if not it can be that you are doomed anyways!” Jacky said, giving them an information, which they practically had long to work with.

“Anyways, our priority stands now by two things, one is combining the light with the Angelscore, the second is to save both, Dinkie and Dark Lumena, so we make two groups, each group will take the task of one of the missions, I will be the leader of the one squad who rescues Dinkie and Dark Lumena, Ditzy will search with her team for the light and the last piece of the Angelscore, now everyone goes to sleep, we will wake in a few hours, then it is still dark, then begins , Operation Unleashing, got it !” Jacky asked and we all nodded, and told each one good night before each one of us went to their specific room.
“Lets see what the night brings us!” I said.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Scootaloo´s pov:

Things just began to go over my head, so much to remember, so much to do and so much to say.

Anyway it has been now already a good day and a half since Dinky is missed, all I know is that I have seen her two days ago, and all Carrot top knows was that somepony who looks like Aunt Ditzy came and foalnapped her.

Maybe it was somepony who put a glamour spell on hisself, like Uncle Jacky always did, since he lived here, or he waited till he knew that Dad cant come up here until one month is over, and since all my other Uncles and Aunts do not come up in here anyways, and the rest is already gone, they had a practically easy way to foalnapp Dinky, but still not without getting hurt, they found blood in her Chamber, but then again there was a new mysterium, it had a bit of Aunt Ditzy´s DNA, but it was not Dinky, and not anyone of this town, so it was a stranger who had a familiary relation to aunt Ditzy, well Aunt Tenebra can´t be it, beside of her force she has no bloodrelation or any other kind of magical relation with Dinky´s mom.

“Argh I don´t get it!” I shouted out, before I suddenly remembered that I was in school.

“What do you not understand Scootaloo!” Miss Cherilee said, though the Miss was only for schooltimes, for any other times in Public she was simply Sis or Big sister, not more, this here was only a Farce.

“I´m sorry, it has nothing to do with the lesson, I was thinking about something, im sorry to interrupt you!” I apologized.

“Its nothing, its hard I know, to simply sitting here and to listen to me, while one of your friends is somwhere out there, and Celestia Knows what is happening to her, she is somewhere, I know that, but definitely somewhere where no one can hear her I guess, or else the royal guards wuld already have found her, they sended out the best ones!” Cherilee said, and I nodded, and than, it hit me, it hit me like if Scales fell infront of my eyes.

“Jacky!” I shouted out loud, startling everyone in the room.

“Eh what!” Cherilee asked , completely confused halfturned to the tableboard.

“Didn´t Dad said that Jacky has some kind of soundnet over whole Equestria, and that he can hear everything that’s going on here in Equestria when he concentrates him strong on it!” My Eyes glimmered with hope.

“Eh yes I guess but….!”

“And didn´t Aunt Floraya has the ability of Aura tracking, maybe they can combine the two techniques and find out where Dinky is, so we can save her!” My enthusiasm had no brakes anymore.

“Yeah I guess so but we have one Problem Scootaloo!” Cherilee said , stepping infront of me near my table, while still all the other eyes were on me.

“We have no idea where Jacky and the others are for the moment, nor on how to inform them!” Cherilee said putting a hoof on my cheek with a pained expression, I felt it wet on my cheeks and just right now I finally recognized that I cried.

“But, but, but!” I stammered trying to somehow found a argumentation to this but it wouldn´t appear, all whats left were hopes and dreams, all just sound and smoke.

“I know , I know, we need to hope!” Cherilee said as she took me in her hooves, I never had such a mental breakdown in the class, nor everyone else.

“No fear Scooty, we will find her, I swear and I will stab the foalnappers with my sword, like this, hyyyyiiiaa !” Pipsqueak said , trying to comfort me with a bit of fun , it helped a little and I was gratefull, for it, but it didn’t worked until …...

“Well maybe I can help you!” A male voice said, a voice I never heard before.

We all turned to be greeted by a giant Owl, which stand in the door to the classroom.

“Who are you if I may ask, mister!” Cherilee asked going all defensive.

“My Name is Freyenyo, the Soulowl, friend and personal pet of Lord Shockwave and the guardian of the Noisecore!” The owl said bowing infront of us.

“What do you mean you can help us!” I asked confused still tears running down my cheek.

“I know where Lord Shockwave is right now, and so also all the others, I was just on the way but I wanted to rest a bit , so I went near the edge of the Everfree forest, I heard that there were living a nice mare, who takes care of many animals and the animals in the forest, I though I might could stay a while there, until I make my way further towards my master, but the animals said that she was one of the folllowers of my master, I came then here into town to go buying something to eat, as I heard your conversation!” The Owl said while looking kind of a tiny bit dissapointed.

“Where is he, can you take me with you, I need to ask him to find my friend !” I asked.

“And your friend is who….!” The owl asked me.

“Its Aunt Ditzy´s Daughter Dinky!” I said.

“So you must be Scootaloo , Lord Esteels Daughter if I know right, and the friend you search must be Lady Lumena´s Daughter, not!” The Owl asked me, looking closly at me.

“Yes that’s right, but we need to hurry, she has been foalnapped and maybe she suffers somewhere!” I said and began to cry again , my head in my hoofs, getting patted and comforted by Pipsqueak.

“No fear, my dear, we will find her, thats for sure!” The Owl said, putting my chin up looking at me with strong and truthfull eyes.

“Can I see her room, or does anyone have something what has kind of a connection with her!” The Owl asked, and Cherilee nodded.

“This here is her regular Table where she sits!” Cherilee said.

“Alright, give me a second!” I heard the Owl saying and I saw how it stepped, with his giant claws , towards Dinkys desk.

“Mhmm I can see it , I feel her aura!” he said.

“I now can find her, wait a minute I now need absolute silence please!” Freyenyo said as he closed his eyes and , at least what I think, got himself in trance.

“Yes, yeah I come further, hmm, well that is strange!” The Owl opened her eyes.

“According to her aura she is not far from my Master!” he said, my eyes lit up and my ears pearked upside.

“Really, is that really true!” I asked with tears in my eyes, Pipsqueak still rubbed my back, a bit absentmindly.

“Yes I could feel her, she is at least one or one and a half mile away from him, on an giantique Island called Lumen, it’s the Island of light.

“Such an island don´t exist!” Cherilee said sternly.

“Oh and how it exist, maybe not on any map, because it hides itself above of a giantique cloudcarpet, and only the so called Angelpegasi, normally, can enter it beside of the Elements of Equestria, means all the Elements, both groups,Symphony and Harmony!”

“In the history, the Land just ever got seen four times by normal ponies eyes, its also called the Valhalla of Equuis, the Temple of Light in Ponsgard, the main-town of Lumen, the Land in the sky ,is the residence of the Angel of Light, Lady Lumena!” The Owl stood his ground.

“I say it is not existent, there is no book who ever said something about it!” Cherilee said, stepping forward.

“And I say it is existent, I was there when ever my master visited Lady Lumena, I was there and visited Kuronema, the lovely Lightdove!” Freyenyo answered sternly, stepping forward as well their forhead began to push trying to make one of them backing down.

“Its not existent!” Cherilee keep arguing.

“It is existent!” The Owl didn’t back down any further.

“Then why has Starswirl the bearded never said something about it in the books!” Cherilee asked with a smug grin.

“Because master Starswirl never knew about the island, Lord Shockwave never told him about it, to give them some privacy up there, he was that time together with Lady Cookiejack, Lord Shockwaves first love!” Replied with an even better grin.

“And what has Lord Shockwave to do with Starswirl the Bearded!” Cherilee asked angry.

“Well master Starswirl was Lord Shockwaves first son!” The Owl said caughing us all off guard.

“WHAT!” We shouted.

“Its true, Master Shockwave and Lady Cookiejack´s children were called, Starswirl Moonshine and Twinlight Moonshine, though both of them are long dead, may their souls rest in peace and may they are reborn in a happy life, same as his sister Master Starswirl had a son, the young master Horlogios, but , it’s a bit of a special case with the young master!” Freyenyo said , and now we hung on his words.

“What , what has happened!” We all asked in unison, frogetting for a bit of time that there was friend in danger.

“The Young master was , like his father and his aunt, very talented in magic, and he hat a fave for Time and Space spells, he liked to experiment with it, but then one day, he was just six years old, he travled too far, and never came back, since this time he is missed, and his father died after years of pain, sorrow and an high amount of successless suicide tries, not even Lord Shockwave could feel his grandson anymore here, his existence had been erased from this planet, for now since 3.000 years, we are not even sure if he is alive anymore, Lady Twinlight had a son too, and like her brother, she lost him in the age of six, the young master, Cold Ice, she lived that time in Iceland by the Ice-nomads, one day her son was out to play, and never came back, she died like her brother after a few years of being alone, Lord Shockwave and Lady Cookiejack tried anything to keep them alive all those years, but they failed, years of pain hurt sorrow and sickness munched on the conditions of the once so famous and mighty unicorn twins, Lord Shockwave then gave up his wish!” Freyenyo said.

“Which wish!” Pipsqueak asked.

“Every Millenium, the Fallen angels become granted one wish which becomes true, as long as it is possible, lord Shockwave wished for his Children to someday become reborn and to live a happier life, regardless of wich gender and in which circumstance they live, but they shall be born in a world without war, that was his wish, and half of it came already true is see!” He said, looking outside as we saw a blue unicorn, with silver mane walking past the window.

“Hey there is Trixie, the great and powerfull Trixie!” Snips and Snails, two of the , kind of dumbest ponies in my class, but even of their silly behaviour they are real friends, who don´t let anyone hang, but whenever I am around them, the more I become the feeling that all of what they do is actually only a farce, kind of a theater-play, a masquerade if you ask me, there is definitely something in the bush and I feel that somehow all of it will be clear soon.

“Yes you are right, even though this mare is female I feel the same Aura as of Master Starswirl at herself, but its funny I also feel a faint signature of the Aura of Mistress Twinlight in this town, and it gets even nearer when I runned past the Library!” Freyenyo said and I saw what he meant.

“But of course, Trixie Magistra and Twilight Sparkle, they must be the Reincarnations of Starswirl and Twinlight, they are the powerfullest unicorns in whole Equestria, I heard that Trixie had become a magician on the court of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, that she is there for coursing ritual spells and decodations!” Snips said before Snails put a hoof before his mouth
“Forget what he said, we are not even sure about this, not Snips!” Snails said to him with a stern look, totally unusual to his normal behaviour.

As I said , there is defently something in the bush.

“Anyways, two years after Lord Shockwave Granted his wish, his wife died too, on sorrow for her Children, again Shockwave did all to held her alive, Lady Lumena helped him with it, it lasted a few months before she died, until Lumena came to help, since she had former a whole land to rule, she helped then her soul up towards the heaven, Lady lumena too gave up her wish then, wishing for Lady Cookiejacks soul to become reborn together with her Childs, and I feel her but extremly faint, even more faint than the reincarnation of Lady Twinlight, I hope she is happy, her love to Lord shockwave was never forgotten and she has a place in Ponsgard too, a giant Picture, in stone carved, stands in the Temple of Light, the Valhalla, only the mightiest, best, honest and kindest Warrior and Ponies find here the shelter before their next Life!” Freyenyo told us.

“ Wow this is an awesome Story, but I think we drifted mighty off the case, you wanted to take Scootaloo with you for finding Ditzy don’t you, you think there is place for two ponies on your back?” Pipsqueak said, and we all facehoffed at our own stupidy, even I was stupid enough to forget the case, but the story helped me to stop crying.

“Yeah I think that would be possible, so its you two I guess!” Freyenyo looked at both of us, closly, his eyes so strong and fixated as if he looks into our souls.

“Yes I guess this may work!” He said.

“I will meet you two outside of the town, by this shed near the forest, okay, make sure to take some proviant with you!” Freyenyo said as he walked out.

“You don’t have to do that Pips!” I said as I turned towards him, my face flushed red.

“I must and I will, I gave your father a promise that I will keep you out of danger and that I will guard you as good as I can, and this is what I will do, when you go, I go too, don´t think you can do everything on your own, even when you are stronger than me!” Pips said, his face flushing red too, we were inches away but neither of us moved a milimeter, little we knew that everyone stared at us , to see what happens next.

“I guess you are right pips, and I will gladly take your help!” I said, still sinking inside of his eyes, his eyes where like ocean I could drown inside.

“Scootaloo, I …..!” Pips began but got cut off as I finally pressed my lips on his, he took my face in his hoofs and kissed passionately back, the fact that we were still in elementary class, that the whole class is watching us, some jealous other more surprised, I was well aware that this was my first real Kiss and I shared it with the colt I had a crush on, for now several years, sure I havent told anyone not even Cherilee or Dad, but I guees Dad and Freyenyo just simply felt the connection between Pipsqueak and me.

“ I love you Scootaloo, I love you like I love no one else, that’s what I always wanted to tell you!” Pipsqueak said , holding me tight in his arms, while I rested my head on his chest, I know maybe I would have said to such a scene , something like, eww and nooo, but now that I was in the same situation and that I was in love with a good looking colt, the only thing I said is, yes I did it.

I was butter in his arms, I melted away, by those words and I know I have to answer good.

“I always had an eye on you Pips, since the day I first met you, I never told anyone this, not even dad , and still I cant imagine a life without you at all, as if I never had seen or met you, that would be awefull, you have no idea of how much it cost me to do this , I had spend years of secretively admiring you from afar, and I finally could make my move!” I said as I pressed him on me.

“Ahem, weren´t you two about to go on a mission, I even intendet to give you a day off, to find Dinky, if someone can that it is you Scootaloo, but you need to hurry, as much as I like to see you finally confessing to him, you and pipsqueak have to go, or else Mr. Freyenyo is long gone before you arrive by Fluttershy´s shed!” Cherilee asked us, bringing us both with a mighty crash back from cloud 9 to reality, my blushing couldn´t be more red.

“Uhmm yes I guess you are right, time to leave, time to save Dinky, we better leave, but I promise you I will come Back Miss Cherilee, with Dinky and Appelbloom!” I siad, I had since days so an evil feeling that not only Dinky was in Danger but Applebloom too, no one had hear from her and Zecora, she not even has arrived back home, thought the Apple family seems to not think its dangerous to let her go alone with Zecora, its not so that I mistrust Zec , its rather that both of them Zec and Applebloom are more kinda cowards for different things, anyways this bad feeling wont go away and I just have to be clear about this.

“I know you will, take a few things from home, proviant and drinks, maybe a few weapons, oh and don’t forget your Armor, and make sure you stay save, okay!” Cherilee said as she came up to me and gave me a light kiss on my head.

“Watch out and help her as good as you can, okay!” She said to Pipsqueak, who blushed but had an determinated expression.

“I will, forever and always!” He said as he took his hooves in mine, making me red as a tomato with sunburn.

“We should now going, first we going towards you and then to me , I need to get some things as well!” He said as we walked out of the class.

So we went towards me , where I grabbed some things to eat on the way, and some drinks, weapons and my Armor, not too much thought.

A Few Moments later:

“ Wow I actually was never near here!” I said as we stood infront of Pipsqueaks house, which still was seperated from me with a large and tall wall around it, it was a bit out of town, up on a hill from where you can see over the whole town.

“Well this will then be a premier!” He said as he opened the gate inside, I walked in and I was astouned, towards what I saw in here.

“Woah!” Was all I could see, I stood there, and I mean I stood there like a real idiot, I stared at this house, no better said a villa.

“Holy crap!” it was the best description I could do, the house had an style that I never saw before ( japanese style).

“I know right, I was too like that when I first saw it, as I moved from Canterlot over here!” Pips said.

Its dreamy, seriously, the perfect harmony, the marvelous combination from nature and future progress.

“Ah master Pipsqueak, arent you supposed to be in school by now, your father will be angry with you!” an old but still strong stallion walked up towards us, he weared a fine costume.

“This is Butlerspride he is the guardian of our house, and no B. we are on a rescue mission, I think you have heard about the filly who had been gotten kidnapped?” Pips asked the old Butlerpony.

“But of course, Lady Doo´s daughter, the young lady Doo, I heard about it and I informed your father about it instantly!” The old Butler said and I was confused, why did Pips father to know instantly about this.

“What has he said?” Pips asked.

“Since yesterday evening he is trying to get the other lords of `The crimson saber´ together, to find her but since now there arent much who still can help because all of them have to guard the others of the Phoenixfeather group, but they said they will see if they can come!” he said as he leaded us inside.

“Anyways welcome home Master Pipsqueak, and welcome on Ponzeleone Manor, Lady Metalclaw!” The Butler said, to my very surprise.

“Uhm thanks but do I know you, how do you know my name?” I asked and my own major confusion showed bluntly on my face.

“Oh, so you haven´t told her already master Pipsqueak?” The butler asked confused.

“No , I wanted to pass of the right time, but I think I can tell her now anyways, where is my father Butlerspride?” Pips asked .

“In his room, and he wished to not be disturbed until he is done with praying!” The butler said and warned in unison.

“Well he will have to stop his prayer, for what I have to tell him!”
The Butler shacked his head but smirked.

“It wouldn´t be the young master if you wont try it at all, not!” He said, as he leaded us inside an corridor which had, as much as I saw, much pictures on the wall.

“From here on out we will find our destination, thank you Butlerspride, you may now go back to your work!” Pips said, and he does sounded like a little lord this way, something I never heard before on him, it was neither too downlooking nor too monoton, it was the way a kind master speaks with his subordinate.

“As you wish, good luck master Pipsqueak, Lady Metalclaw it was nice to get to know you!” The Butler said and bowed before walking away.

“Okay, what was that, from where does he know my name, Pips what is going on here?” I asked and I began to get a little scared.

“Scootaloo, I have never told you, nor do I ever told anyone outside of the family and the workers here, who know this secret since generations, ever a soul about this.

My Family is a rather old family of royal guards and knights, special knights to be honest, my family is one of the eight so called, royal families of the Crimson saber order, this order has been existent in the shadows since centuries, and only a hooffull of ponies know about the existence, it is been a national secret, it’s an order grounded to protect special persons!” Pips said, and I was amazed.

“But why are you telling me this, who are you guarding who is so important and must be hold under top secret?” I asked extremly curious.

“Who we protect you ask, well cant you think about it yourself, what precious treasure are we probably guarding?” Pips asked and I tried to find an answer, but I didn´t find one, after five minutes Pipsqueak stoped
“You really cant think of somepony who is worth to be protected?” He said , turning to me and blushed looking down on the floor.

“I am sorry, I don’t think I know s….!” I started.

“You!” He said, getting me confused.

“What do you mean by you?”

” We are guarding you and Dinky, even Twilight and Trixie, as well as every element of Harmony or the Children of the Fallen angels, mortal or Immortal!” He said, looking at the pictures.

“Since generation my family is secretly watching over you and other Children of the Fallen Angels, since, 28 Years now too over Miss Ditzy and Dinky, the Famiglia El Ponzeleone is responsible about Canterlot, Manehattan and Ponyville, while other famillies are responsible over other towns and regions in whole Equuis, but are our family probably the only ones who do their job extremly serious and neat, never had someone even managed to hurt an person which has been under our protection, and , I know you may now not like to hear this, but I was sended from Canterlot to actually care about you and Dinky, I should be your personal shadow/bodyguard, but as time went on I more and more began to actually fall in love with you, my father warned me , that it could get dangerous for us to fall in love with an P.T.S.G!” Pips said to me, and little I know that soon I will swallow a fly, my mouth was never so long agape.

“Wait, what in the world is an P.T.S.G. !” I asked with narrowed eyes, as I thought of an insult.

“Pony-to-secretly-guard, short, P.T.S.G., anyway so I fall in love with you and the more I was attracted by you, the more I forgot my duties, and now it had come as I must come, Dinky has been foalnapped and it is all my fault, that’s also one of the reasons why I wanted to go with you to find her, I have caused this misery due to my own selfish feelings, so I have to clean things up, I promise you on my live, we will find her and I will make my father proud on me again!”

“Why do you have to make him proud?” I asked but my question got answered by an unknow voice behind me.

“He don´t have to but he wants to, so I simply let him, but anyways, never , never in ages has this family ever leaved a man behind or betrayed his own duties, so Pipsqueak has to do his duty as a member of our family, he has to search his P.T.S.G. and to bring it back on a save point!”As I turned I was greated by the strong stern but still kind face of an tall stallion , with bloodred hair, his coat has the same colour as the colored dots on Pips coat.

“Oh Uhm, hello nice to meet you mister,…!”

“Fieronofear El Ponzeleone to your service, I am Pipsqueaks Father, young Lady Metalclaw, its an honor for me, to meet you again!” Pips father said as he bowed before me, other than Pisp or me, he stood on two hooves, he wore a red scarf, and was fully dressed.

“It is an honor for me to make your acquaintance, Mr. Ponzeleone!” I cursied to him, after all I still had been teached in good manners.

“So what are the two doing here, aren´t you supposed to be still in the school!” Pips father asked confused.

“I have good news for you, Father, I know where Dinky Doo is!” Pips told him.

“So, you do, may I ask from where you know it?” His Father asked , with suspicion.

“Lord Shockwave´s pet, Freyenyo the Soulowl told us, and hes going to fly us towards there, he says that she is not far from Lord Shockwaves group, only like one and a Half mile away from them, and he flies towards his master, and said he would take us with him, naturally only when I get your permission, to clear up my Mistake!” Pipsqueak said, waiting for an answer of his father, who thought about it.

“Hmmm, …., alright, its good when you learn firsthand, why we are guarding the Children of the Fallen angels and the Elements of Harmony, just make sure that Lady Metalclaw don’t get hurt, I don’t want to be the one to tell Lord Esteel about his Daughter being hurted by someone, he will rampage through our land until he finds the responsible for it, and let me tell you that this would get like totally ugly!”

“But before you go, I have to give you something, do you may come with me for a second, Butlerspride!” Pips Father shouted.

“You have called master Ponzeleone?” The butler asked, as he suddenly stood next to us, making us all jump ten feets high and away.

“Geez, I told you to stop doing that!” Pips Father said with an annoyed face.

“Anyways, would you be so good and lead Lady Metalclaw to the tea room, we soon will meet her there, make her a tea or anything she want okay!”

Mr. Ponzeleone said, while the Butler nodded.

“Would you like to follow me, Lady Metalclaw!”

Pipsqueak´s Pov:

“So Pipsqueak, now we can talk, where is you P.T.S.G. # 2 right now?” Father asked me.

“On Lumen the Island in the sky, you know, the land of Lady Lumena!” I answered politely.

“Good and Lord Shockwaves pet, the Soulowl Freyenyo, offered you and the Little Lady Metalclaw, a lift up there?” He asked.
“Yes he has” I siad my eyes still on him.

“Listen Pips, this is very important, we need to find Lady Dinky and bring her unharmed back, what do you think Lady Ditzy would do, if she find out that her Daughter has been kidnapped by someone who hides himself under her nose!” Father asked.

“She already knows it, and according to Scout , she was already in bloodrush mode and almost destroyed half of Lumoria, but they could manage to calm her again.

According to Lady Brightlight, they have decided to split in two groups, one is going to search for Dinky and Dark Lumena, means Lady Lumenas other Soulpiece, while the other group is searching for the last two pieces of the Angelscore!” I informed my father.

“Very well, you and Scout are a perfect team , anyways I looking forward that you and Lady Metalclaw will be able to find her , maybe even before lord Shockwave, so you still can say that you had everything under control, maybe Lady Doo will Forgive you your mistake!” Father said and again I felt myself so tiny with hat.

“Sigh, you know I see how much you love Lady Metalclaw, and under other circumstances I would even be glad, but something like this a few days ago, is supposed to never happen again, okay, you going to take your mission serious, that are the conditions for you, if you acccept them I will give you and Lady Metalclaw my blessings, but you are not supposed to forget your duties over your love for her, have we understood each other , son?” Father asked with a stern expression.

“Sir, Yes sir!” I saluted infront of him and he smirked.

“Someday, someday you may be an excellent soldier, who knows, maybe someday Lord Esteel will take you into his army, if ever the day would come that it is possible for him, to come, more than only two days each month, up here!” Father said, and my eyes glimmered, it was my dream, to someday become a soldier under Lord Esteels command.

“I work already hard for that day, dad!” I said as he pated his lap, it was ages since I last did that, to sit on his lap and to snuggle in his muscular chest, since I came here several years ago, after Nightmare Night, I hadn´t any real time to be all to familiar with him.

“Okay, well I have made my own research, and according to Sumbara, there is an evil creature in the disguise of Lady lumena´s Sister Dark Lumena, rampaging since years on the islands of Light, but she had been fighted by Miasmaria and Miastaria, after the both of them had been defeated by the group of lord Shockwave, she came back and will now use the whole dark miasma to revive the Draconequus, Discord, from its stone tomb, but not in his current but in his old form, you know, the Shadow mode!” Father said and I knew this was very dangerous.

“Our mans are already in position to destroy Discord before he fully can be unleashed, but only for the case that the evil creature on Lumen begins something much crazier, I want you to use this here!” Father told me as he gave me a bottle with some strange liquid in it.

“What is that, dad?” I asked.

“This, my son, is what we call, the Limit Breaker version 0.2, its a poison which allow somepony to shift in the blood rush mode, a mode in which you can multiplying your own power to the max, without driving insane, but there is a seal in it as well, that you can use it only when you want to protect someone you love, I don´t know what is going to await you on Lumen, but I can better sleep when I know that my son can fight for himself, in order to protect others, you have been trained and teached for this moment Pipsqueak, make me proud son, prouder than I already am!” Father said as he nuzzled my head.

“Ah and something other, Lord Esteel asked me too actually give you this when you were older, but I guess under the current circumstance I can make an exception, but you must promise me that you return it back home when you are done on Lumen, do you understand!” Father asked as he stood up and walked to a near shelf, my eyes went huge at the sight of what he gave me.

“This here is the Dragon Blade, the most precious treasure of our family, it once belonged to the first of our family, the mortal Son of Lord Esteel himself, Your Ancestor, Iron Shield, Brother and guardian about his immortal Sister, Lady Scootaloo V. Metalclaw, and now after Generations, again a member of our family uses the same Sword to protect Lady Scootaloo, and to bring home another Child of an Fallen Angel!” Dad said as he picked up the Sword and brought it over to me, unwrapped it and layed it in my hooves.

“Wow, this is amazing, am I really supposed to use this?” I asked dumbfounded and mesmerized.

“Yes, same as Iron shield gave this Sword over to his son to protect his own sister after his death, this manner became a tradition in this family, since ages this Sword is reached from Father to son to protect Lady Metalclaw and all the other P.T.S.G.`s, in a few years I can give it to you properly, but for the moment, take it and always remember, even when I am one day not with you anymore, the spirit of ages, the Spirit of all the Sons of Lord Esteel are always with you, in the heart and in your soul, as long as you wear this Sword, now go, and save Lady Doo, like a real Knight, Warrior, Samurai, Pirate and son of the Family Ponzeleone!” Father said and I know I was dissmised.

“I will father, im not gonna dissapoint you!” I said as I walked away, out of his room, but not without hearing his last words before his door closed.

“I know my son, you never had before!”

Meanwhile in the Tearoom of the Ponzeleone Manor , Scootaloo´s Pov:

“Its really beautiful here!” I said to the maid, who served me the tea.

“Indeed it is, Lady Metalclaw!” She said, she was a very beautiful mare, she could be a model.

“Tell me, if I am not too personal, why does such a beautiful mare like you, work as a maid, when you could be a model?” I asked and she smirked.

“That’s something everypony ask me, but I like my job here, I am actually out of old Equestria, and it happened five years ago, my familly was in a fight with a monster, we were though not strong enough and many of my family had been deadly hurt by the monster, my father protected me as the monster attacked us, I though this were our both end, but it never came to this, Your Father , Lord Esteel saved us, he fought the monster and sended it with a mighty hoofkick back to were it came from, since this day I wanted to do something for your father, and he asked if I don’t wanted to become a maid in this manor, to help everyone with guarding , His daughter, You lady Metalclaw, and Lady Doo and her daughter, I said yes and since that day I am here!”

The maid said and it was a cool story, again my father saved somepony.

“Oh My, you look good young Master!” The Maid said as she stepped forward.

I looked behind her and there he stood and I must admit he does looked nice, he had a red head towel with a skull painted on it, and a blue jacket in the pirate style, on his back he wore a Sword with the head of a dragon embedded on the shaft.

“Why, I thank you, Maidsdream!” he said, and I saw how the maid flushed red.

“Lady Metalclaw, if I may ask!” He said as he offered me a Hoof.

“You may, Sir Ponzeleone!” I giggled, I never giggled before though.

“You look nice!” I said to him, and he blushed.

“Well thank you, you too, very hot you know, I stand on armors!” he joked and I shoved him playfully.

And so we made our way over to Fluttershy´s shed, while we walked Pipsqueak answered on every question I asked about his family, more or less though.

“Ah there you are , I though you had second thoughts about this!” Freyenyo said, as we walked up to him.

“But of course not, if I ever say something like this, I actually will do it!” Pips said.

“Yes, its about a friend after all!” I siad.

“Well then, Shall we?” Freyenyo said, as we climbed on his back, to each side one of us.

“Hold on strong, and up, up in the sky!”

And so we made our way up to Lumen, Celestia knows whats going to await us there.

Meanwhile on Lumen, Lumena/Ditzy´s Pov:

“Okay , we will now split, we go strict to the plan, Aurora, Shield Shine, Mother, Kuronema, Applebloom, Venturios and Appplejack are coming with me!” I said, while my group nodded.

“The Rest of you will come with me!” Jacky said and they all nodded.

“Our main task is to find the Light of Purity, whitout it , this land is about to go under again!” I said with a stern look on my face.

“And our main task is to find and to save, both Dark Lumena and Dinky, from the emprisonement of Iris, if the case comes that we must defeat Iris, Floraya , Sword Shine, Astralia, Twillight and I will fight them, while all of you will bring them away okay!” Jacky said to his group, and they all nodded.

“Then everypony, lets go!” I shouted, and so my group galloped of towards the Hall of Purity, in Ponsgard, not far from Lumoria.

“When we arrive the hall of Purity, within the temple, then the only to enter are me and Lady lumena, outsiders are not allowed, to enter the holy hall of Purity!” Kuronema said.

“Kuronema, whats going to await me in the hall of Purity!” I asked her.

“Only the last Guardian of the Angelscore, Laserbeat!” she said.

“Well that was informative!” Applejack said.

“Well our little teahour in the hall of Honesty, was also really informative, not Applejack!” Kuronema said back with an sinister grin.

“I don’t really know what you mean, it was mainly you who has spoken!” Applejack asked confused.

“Girls stop this we have no time for this bullshit right now, we are on a mission after all, got it!” I sighed, Kids, all of them.

“Sorry (Lady) Lumena!” Both of them said in unison, while I could only roll my eyes, while still half galloping half flying over the path from Lumoria to Ponsgard, the highest place on Lumen.

“I hope they will find Sister Dalu and Dinky!” I said sadly.

“I am sure they will find her sister!” Aurora said, still I had my doubts but I will fight for her that is for sure.

Meanwhile with Jacky´s Group, Jacky´s Pov: ( Scene music: Nightwish-The Siren Instrumental)

“Alright guys, soon we enter Hammoth, everyone listen on my commando okay, if I tell you to stop, you stop got it, if I tell you let me behind and to go on, you will do so, got it!” I said , I heard them all , the monsters of Hammoth, I know its going to be an very awefull war for getting Dinky and Dalu Back.

“How far is it Jacky!” Floraya asked me.

“Only One and a half kilometer anymore, Hammoth, Lumoria and Ponsgard are building the Three Towns of light, Ponsgard the Town of the Holy Light, Lumoria the town of the Light, and Hammoth the Town of the Twillight, each one is dedicated to one of the Legendary Trio, Lumena is the owner of Ponsgard, Lumoria she dedicated towards me, and Hammoth to Tenebra, even when in Hammoth, still ponies lived, was the town more a town full of guards, here was the Justice hall of the death, in this hall, we three held a court in which we looked where the dead souls are traveling after there death, into the Heaven, or the hell, or if they have the possibility to come down as a ghost for a short time to do what they wanted to do before they die, thought the hall is under Hammoth , you also can enter from the other two towns, through the Temples, anyways we soon are there, in a few minutes we arriving Hammoth!” I said as I already could see the towers, of the castel of Hammoth, there where Iris hold Dalu and Dinky emprisioned.

“Okay Flora, prepare yourself to burst the gates opend with your wood power!” I told her, she nodded and concentrated her force on the massive Wooden Gate, infront of us.

“Chains down!” I commanded and like from ghosthand the chains which holded the bridge , set themselves in motion and descended the bridge.

“This is amazing, I wish I could magic like this!” Twillight again admired the force of soundmagic, ghosh that mare never gives up I guess, well what am I talking , of course, how could she, with the old soul she has inside of her, I must admit, I almost flipped out back then, when I saw her the first time as I visited Ponyville six years ago, I mean here she existed all this time, my wish had been fullfilled, she was been reborn, my own Daughter, Twinlight Moonshine, and even my Son, has been reborn, in form of a mare, I must say, and well she do was a noisy one, just as him when he was little, haha , yes I remember that I got more than one call from the school because of Starswirl, showing off again, but in the end when he finally grew up, he realized that his behaviour was wrong all the way, and he became guilty and used his force only to save and to care for others, and so the great and mighty, Starswirl the Bearded has been born, and now he is been reborn in the corpse of the great and mighty Trixie, and even Cookiejack has been reborn, and she is almost called the same, who would have know that I would meet them all again one day, not, Applejack.

“Okay, I can´t take your whining anymore, when we are done here I will teach you in sound magic, but only if you promise to cut the whining, Twilight!” I said loud enough for her to hear me, I could hear the cheers forming in her head, so loud it almost bursted my brain.

“Don´t you dare!” I sended over to her , as she intended to let it out all at once.

“I will not do it!” She said with an embarrased face.

“I hope so!” I said with an annoyed face, as i turned around.

“Yay!” I heard it coming from her, and I could only groan.

It lasted only fifteen more minutes for us all to arrive inside of the castelwalls.

“I have awaited you Shockwave, let me see how far you manage to come, I hope you can fight my babies!” She said as suddenly a horde of Shadow-wolves came racing at us.

“ Tell me something new, Iris!” I said as I shifted into my anthromorphic state, naturally not before speed changing into clothes.
“Bass Hammer!” I yelled , summoning my powerfullst weapon.

A giant Hammer with two speakers on each end, appeared, hard as titan and spiced with ultrasound and even stronger bass power. ( same style as Amy´s Pico pico Hammer, in Sonic Heroes)

“Big Bang Earth Shacker!” I yelled as I jumped high and in the last moment, seconds before the wolves could get us, I smashed the hammer on the ground, creating a giant shockwave, which blowed them away.

“Your turn Floraya!” I siad as I clapped her off, she too has changed her form and put on some clothes.

“Well then, lets play some Hoofball again!” Floraya said with an disturbing grin on her face, since she has her Elementcore, she was in a rush of her own power, it’s a wonder for us to held our own sanity up when we used this force, alone the dark force is enough to let the most of us, sink for a moment into insanity, but a moment is enough to destroy a town, that we have already aprooved.

“Allez hop!” She yelled, when she balanced and juggled a wooden bombshell on her foot before she shot it up in the sky.

( Scene Music: Deadmau5- professional Griefers)

She catched the ball, and dribbled it over the whole place before she shoot it again up in the sky, but this time she jumped with it, and she looked for the right angle, before she shoot the bomb with full tilt, in the struggling mass of shadowwolves.

“Multiple stricker!” She yelled, creating duplicates out of the bomb, for each wolf one bomb, with the force of ten tons dynamite, it was full pressed nature energy after all, ready to explode, like a fricken timebomb.

“Goal!” She yelled happily as the bombs hit their targets, and blowing a good quarter of the town down.

“Yoh, Astralia, can you give us some light!” I asked her, she nodded and closed her eyes in concentration, suddenly a lightball shooted up in the sky,lighten up the whole area around us.

“Whoa, bomb at twelve hour!” Rainbow dash said, and I turned but it was too late, I closed my eyes shut, waiting for the crash, who apparently never came.

“Open your eyes, damit, I cant hold it for long, Jacky!” Rainbow dash shouted

I did as told and I was buff of what I saw, there stood Rainbow Dash, between me and the bomb, actually pushing said bomb away with the wind.

“How in Equestria, did you managed to control the wind!” I asked, it needed years, acorrding to Venturios, to manage to manipulate the wind that far.

“I have no real clue, though Ventus has showed me a bit of his wind magic , and also explained a bit the raw theory last night!” She said, and I saw how much she struggled to hold up the wind, that’s when I saw it.

“Shit, a timer!” I siad, I used my force and threw my group on one side, I grabbed Dash and flew as quickly as I could upwards, so that the bomb flew under our tails over to a near house, turning it to ashes as it exploded.

“Fuck, you save us Rainbow Dash, if it would have hit me or anyone else, we would have some serious problems, thank you!” I said to her.

“Aww, that was nothing really!” She said with a cocky grin.

“So you guys like to play with Timebombs, I see, well lets see of how good you are at Baseball!” I thought as suddenly a new bomb launched for us.

“Come to daddy!” I clenched my teeths and prepared my hands, I catched the bomb in my hands and, circled a bit around, losing so a bit of its time and its speed.

“Floraya, let it running home!” I screamed and she understood, she created a giant wooden Baseball bat, I threw the bomb over to her, and she chased it towards our villains.

“Homerun, a perfect homerun Flora!” I shouted as the bomb, as I had planned, exploded right infront of the attackers.

“Alright, that was awesome I admit, it was even 50 % cooler, means 30 % cooler than me!” Rainbow dash said defeated.

“And without these 20 % of coolness, we wouldn´t even be possible to actually did that, you saved our all live, Rainbow Dash!” I said and ruffled her hair.

“Ooh that’s so boring, you are smashing my lamest monsters and still havent come any closer to me, you need to hurry, maybe I will do something unforgiveable to your Daughter, Shockwave!” This annoying voice of Iris sounded again, and it hit a weak point at me, of course I wanted to protect Dinky, of course I want to be her father, is this now the day, to prove myself ,If I am worth to call myself a father for her.

“If you hurt her i´m going to hurt you in the most sickest way you can imagine, got that !” I yelled throught the whole town, getting the attention of all the monsters in town, all of them launching at us all at once, I can tell ,…., I loosed it.

“FUCK YOU!” I screamed and my bass couldn´t be any stronger, I created a shockwave which blasted everything away, as long as it was infront of me.

“Time to clean this City guys, the real fight begins now!” I siad as I launched with my Bass hammer, straight in the crowd of monsters.

“Jacky , wait!” They all yelled and runned after me.

“Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I screamed as I raced with hyperspeed up towards the castel, leaving the streets in ashes, swirling my Hammer around, knocking monsters out of my way, the others struggled to match my speed but I only wanted to make the promise I gave to Ditzy , coming true, I wanted to find Dinky and to bring her back to her mother.

“Not so fast, Jacky!” Twillight yelled, as I wanted to crash through the gates of the castel´s court.

“WHAT!” I screamed my voice already completely changed, I had feared that it would come to this, it was only a matter of time until it comes.

Rainbow dash´s pov:

“What does he mean, why shall we vanish!” Twillight asked, but I knew exactly why, he was about to use the Dark force.

“Okay , everypony hurry we need to get out of here!” I yelled and shooed them away.

“C´mon, its now going to get ugly!” I screamed, we managed all of us, to found hide up on the roof of an Appartment.

“Grooooooah!” I heard it coming from down there.

Holy crap, shit, oh my gosh, that werent even half of the description, the others had in petto for what happened then.

“What is going on there?” Twillight still asked fascinated.

Seriously, how does she do that.

“He is about to use the Dark force, with the help of the Limit Breaker, in order to shift in the Blood rush Mode!” I siad, and suddenly all eyes were on me.

“Sigh, I saw it on the bridge of Light, Venturios used it against our villain, I admit it was awefull first but soon went into the mot sickest thing I ever saw, but I had to see it, or else I would have never been able to say that I were truly in Love with Venturios, so like now you must see this or you will always have fear over him, you will always be kinda afraid because you don’t know of what will come, here you will get a good look at the true power of an Fallen Angel!” I said to them, while Floraya huffed but watched anyways, while all the other looked with surprise at me, I guess I have to clean up things later.

“Here it goes!” I said as the first few monsters came launching for Jacky.

Jacky´s Pov:

“Groaah!”, the time has come to unleash the beast again, I could feel how my power increased, I could see of how much I changed, there growed horns out of my head, not Unicorn or Alincorn horns but dragonhorns.

“Urrgh, arrr, arrrrrgh!” I screamed while I changed, I felt the monsters jumping on me, and I was in such a rush, a rush to destroy everything, I wanted to see blood, until I managed to see her again, little Dinky.

“Arrrrgh, RRARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRW!!!!!!!”, I screamed as I blasted the monsters, away, they logically weren´t defeated, little I knew that everyone was watching me, but I just didn’t care at the moment, I was so angry, so damn angry, I wanted her , I wanted to close Dinky again in my arms to know that she is save, and this is what I have to do in order to go there, my other form, the Halfdragon Form, Claws, Fangs, a Giant reptile on LSD, my Wings dissapeared, my coat transformed into a Scaled body, dark green.

“You have searched yourself the wrong Alincorn to fuck with!” I yelled, my voice ghastly, as I launched, I was ready, it was killing time.

( Scene music: Scream aim Fire, Bullet for my Valentine)

I grabbed my Hammer, and prepared myself, to kill.

As soon as the monsters jumped after me, I crashed my hammer in their heads breaking here and there necks, I jumped up in the air and let myself falling, crashing the hammer with full force in a crowd of monsters, instantly turning them into Blood and shattered bones, maybe a bit of brainflesh.

“Bass Hunter!” I yelled, again this was a sound spell, it may look like I actually just yell random things but this was indeed magic, it allowed me to transform my Hammer in a Bass cannon, fireweapon style.

“Multiplication!” I yelled as I created out of the first one, a second Bass canon, well even when it was called like this, it was rather a Bass revolver than a canon , but , well whatever.

“Ultrasound munition, I hope it tastes you!” I laughed, as I shooted the monsters of like in a fucking game, while racing through the town, my Tail helped me to hetd the balance by jumping from housewall to housewall, and whith the help of my now overpowered Senses I even heard better, but I still also trust on my weapons, everytime the bullets hit the target blowed up like after an explosion, while I was jumping from wall to wall.

Suddenly the scenery changed, instead of normal ground monsters, suddenly also flying creatures of Darkness attacked me, time for another weapon change.

“Big Bang Mastersword!” I yelled, and throwed my Bass revolvers in the air, they melted and began to combine themselves and changing the shape until a sword came flying right into my right hand with the shaft, ready to be used.

“Bass Tornado!” I said as I started my attack, I began to circle the Sword over my head, creating a deep Bass, who began to circle around my body, creating a tornado, which sucked everything in my surroundings inside the storm, unfortunalety only in a radius of five meters each, the cone which had been created is amazing, it has changed now to a ripping razorsharp deep tone.

“Soundtiger unleashed!” I yelled and sended of a creature created out of sound, while holding up the Tornado, I told them were to go.

“Eye of the Storm!” I yelled as I unleashed my last attack, erasing the former tornado, but sending four new ones out of it in every direction.

I created a giant ground tornado made of deafening sound, kicking the molecules in motion, it create windpower, it was not as effective as a real storm from Venturios but it was not weak either, not in the air but on the ground, having the fortune that it sucks everything in, everything even flying creatures, and its radius is over 20 miles, but the trick is the eye of the storm, its an dimension gate which, allows me too eliminate somepony´s whole existence on this earth.

It lasted like a half hour before all the monsters, Iris has sended us, trapped themselves in this death trap.

“And now to you Iris!” I yelled and I could hear her laughter from afar, until she finally came in view, a giant Harpye, half mare, half hawk.

“Well, well, well, if that isn´t my good old friend Shockwave, haven´t seen you since centuries , last time was to the fall of master Discord not, anyway I heard you were looking for me, to defeat me, but how will you do that?” She said laughing, even in her totally idiotic Joker clothes she is nothing more than a cheap circus attraction.

“I simply defeat you and then I will cut off your head, save Dinky and bring the light back to Lumen, and then I will go home and nail your head on my wall!” I siad and I saw how she smirked.

“So you and which army, you don’t mean your sorry pile of useless ponies, over there, ahahaha, well then see you in the castel I guess!”

And so she floated up in the air to vanish.

“Oh no, you gonna stay here!” I yelled, as I jumped up high, packing her leg.

“Let go of me, you pervert stallion!” Iris yelled as she crashed her claw in my face, picking me up, I can tell you it hurted like hell.

“So you like to go on other woman´s legs, tse, tse, I hope Lumena don´t know about this, hahahaha, well then good fly!” She laughed as she threw me down to the ground, I tried to send her shockwaves but she simply laughed and turned to fly away, as suddenly something from the side crashed inside of her.

“Arrgh!” it must hurt because she let out an earpiercing scream of pain.

“No one picks on my Uncle” I heard an all too familiar voice.

“Scooty, You, where are you?” I yelled, as I heard wingflaps.

“Up here master Shockwave!” Another familiar voice said.

“Pipsqueak, are you that!”

“Yes it is me Master shockwave, its niece to meet you again, even under such circumstances!” Pipsqueak said, and I smiled, my former rage was completely gone.

“So you have finally decided to visit me, Freyenyo!” I said as I looked at my old animal Partner, the Soulowl Freyenyo, with the wisdom of the deepest secrets.

“Its an honor to meet again old friend, I thought you could need some help in defeating Iris and finding the young Lady Doo, that’s why I brought one of the Ponzeleone Famiglia, and a kid of an Fallen Angel, they are here to search for Dinky!” Frey said.

“Good this is okay with me, they can go but I need first the Noisecore, its hard to fight on split force against a horde of monsters and a reinforced creature like Iris, I cant get any light, only darkness is around us, and I don’t want to lose the control too much by using dark force too often!”

“As you wish master, I will gladly help you!” He said.

“Rarity, Granny Healleaf, Fluttershy , Pinkie , Astralia and Joe, you go searching for Dinky and Dalu, Scootaloo and Pipsqueak, you have currently the commando over all of them, Floraya, Twillight, Spike, and Freyenyo, you are helping me with defeating Iris okay?” I asked, they all nodded and split, both groups runned in separate directions, while the Group, Pips-Scoot, is on the way to save Dinkie and Dalu, my group is currently Chasing Iris in the opposite direction, as long as we hold her away from the castel, everything is alright.

“Okay guys, lets finish her off, she can´t go any further towards the Island or else she will create a real massacre!” I siad and I meaned it the way I said it, so I jumped up on several walls up on the roof of some houses, I used them for the support of my attack, I runned as fast as I could, while Iris tried to escape the constant attacks of Freyenyo and Floraya, Twillight tried to bind her while Astralia tried to simply shoot her off the sky.

I saw my chance and runned up the vertical way, magicaly logical, up the walls of a near clocktower, as i was on the top i jumped in perfect triple Salto, and right over Iris which I took down as I fell down from the sky , my shockwave hammer right on her back pressing and dragging her downwards with high speed .

“And have you finaly enough!” I coughed as I struggled to stood up from the ground, using the shockwave hammer so long also does tire me out, even when my magical font can´t get any smaller at all, but the condition to use the double force orb but not with my Elementcore is very tiring, sure you get the double amount of your usual power, but you also get double so fast tired and your condition takes off the longer you use it.

“Never, I am way too far to give up now, do you really think you can beat me so easly!” The Harpyie laughed as she stood up again.

“I have gathered enough Miasma to finally revive Master Discord in his old true glory, and then the real chaos will being brought again over this world!” She said while laughing insanely, not seing in the slightest that I stood up again and that I already had recovered.

“But if you keep your defense as open as this, you will never even get that far !” I said as I slammed my fist right in her head, creating a shockwave, well she at least flew pretty wide, with an eardeafening yell of pain.

“Master, shall I give you your core now!” Freyenyo asked.

“No not yet, not until I know that Dinky and Dalu are save again!” I said to him, I don´t want to use this attack before I know they are all safe.

“We going further with plan, we disturb her from reawakening Discord while Ditzy get the Light of Purity and Scootaloo´s group saves dinky and Dalu, I just hope they make both quick!” I siad, as I launched at an attacking iris colliding in the air with her,creating a mighty shockwave, this creature was sure really stubborn and strong.

Meanwhile with Scootaloo and Pipsqueak, Scoot´s Pov:

“So many monsters to fight,a nd so little time!” I sighed, as we raced down the castels corridors, this here was one fricken haunted house, really, how many monsters has this bitch of Iris created.

“You tell my thoughts, love, but I guess they shall only slowing us down, because as guards they are rather third class.” Pipssqueak said, and if it had the time and the possibility I would be as red as a tomato from blushing.

“ I think you are right!” I said as I smashed another monster down.

Little by little we made our way through the castel, we looked in every room, Fluttershy used her Auratracking abilitys to locate Dinky, luckily she was with us, Pipsqueak fighted like a pro, I gues he had been trained to fight like this to protect me and anypony other, he fighted almost like a royal guard, when not even better, other than magic or with teeths, the sword somehow must gave him the ability to shift in his Anthromorphic form, same like my Armor, luckily Rarity was with us, out of for me completly no reason, she has some jeans material with her, she quickly, under pressure of us all, produced a pant for him, after the first shock was away, and I think I have seen his, but sure I am not, he was quick behind a rock and refused to come back before the jeans-pant was done.

“We are coming further, I can feel it, behind the next door we need to go down the corridor to the left, to the cage cells, behind the door on the end of the corridor!” Fluttershy said

“Alright understood!” we all nodded, as we rushed down the corridor to the left after passing the door.

“There it is, we are right here!” I siad as I opened the door, I could feel Dinky´s calming appearance.

“Dinky, Dinky are you there!” We shouted all at ones.

“Guys, guys I am here hurry we need an healer!” I heard her voice, I rushed over to her cell.

“Oh god Dinky I am so glad!” I shrieked as I unlocked the cell gate.

“And me too, im so glad to see you!” Dinky shouted as she stepped out and falled in my arms.

“But quick we need an Healer, Dalu is really bad injured!” She said, I looked in the cell and there shelaied, Dark Lumena, Aunt Lumena´s other Soulpiece.

“Fluttershy, Ganny Healleaf, can you help her!” Pips said, as he too hugged Dinky, then sudenly he falled on his knees right infront of her.

“I am so sorry, that this happened, Dinky, it was all my fault, if I just would have take my duty to protecting you serious enough, this here woul have never happened, can you ever forgive me my stupidty!” He asked kneeling infront of her, his head down.

“Yes I can, but I don´t blame you, what do you think, its actually good it has happened, or else Dalu would have still be here and maybe she would have died out of lonelyness, if Iris would have never kidnapped me, we would have never found Dalu, I can´t forgive you Pipsqueak because there is nothing I can probably forgive!” Dinky said raising his chin up.

“I am glad, well then let´s get out of here I guess!” Pips said.

“You don’t say!” We all shouted in unison, as we walked outside, as we arrived up on the castels balcony, a horror scenario played I front of us.

“What the heck has happened here?” We asked in unison, in front of us the whole town had been completely destroyed.

“Fuuuuh, it will take years to build this place up again!” Dalu said, the combined healing power of Fluttershy and Granny Healleaf, brought her more or less back under the living ones.

“Well at least we now have you girls, lets get out of this town, like Lord Shockwave has said!” Pipsqueak said.
“Hey, umm Pipsqueak it was not, how have you and Scootaloo even found us!” Fluttershy asked.

“With help of Lord Shockwaves pet and best friend, Freyenyo the Mighty Soulowl, he used Aura tracking and Soundvision!” Pips said as he checked a corner,he gestured us to follow him.

“Quiet now, we don’t know if there arent any monsters anymore!” I said.

“Our main Task now is to bring Dalu and Dinky, on a save place out of this town, and to send word to Lord Shockwave!” Pips explained.

“to this plan we need to protect Dalu and Dinky with all we have got it, I don’t want to disapoint anyone anymore!” He said as we walked further, always checking the corners and streets, soon we arrived the gates of the town.

“ Good its still open, we now gallop without a rest back to Lumoria, its not far from here, don´t stop and don’t slow down, we need to get there on a steady speed, okay?!” Both of us, Pips and I explained to the others, they all nodded in agreement, and so we began to run away from the Battlefield which once was a mighty town.

“I wonder what Momy is doing right now!” Dinky said.

Meanwhile in Ponsgard ,in the dungeon of Light.Lumena´s pov:

“Spiderwebs, rats and darkness , why the heck must Dungeons always be so cold , I mean aren´t we supposed to walk towards the warming power of the Angelscore´s Light!” I asked, seriously I hate to run through those dark , cold and wet corridors, not that I don’t trust Kuronema, but to leave the company of all of my friends to follow her towards the Hall of Purity is not really what I had whished for.

“Lady Lumena, as much as I am your friends and I honor and love you as one, just stop whining okay, we are soon there I can feel the force leaking out through the seal on the gate!” Kuronamea said as she floated, wings beating in a steady motion, infront of me.

“Yeah , yeah, I will stop just make sure that we get there as soon as possible!” I siad, shivering.

“Seriously since you have lost Dark Lumena, you have become much more afraid of dark surroundings!” She said.

“No I always was kinda afraid of dark and cold rooms, Dalu only has show me the good things on an dark room for myself, the comfort when you are sad, the privacy, the constant darkness is helping you to thinking or to sleep when you want to, that’s what she keep telling me, so I wasn´t that afraid of dark rooms!” I explained.

“Ah yeah, well that’s nice to hear that Dalu is still liked in your soul!” Kuronema seems to be happy about that.
“It makes things easier, anyways, we are here!” She said as we stood infront of a giant black Gate.

“If we go through this door, we will enter the last Test to completing the Angelscore, do you still want to come inside, even when you havent the slightest knowledge about what is goint to awaits you inside?” Kuronema said, and I nodded.

“Yes my decision has been made clear long ago, its my duty to get the Angelscore back to itself and to save this light from the Darkness, otherwise I would have completely failed as the Element of Light, if I am not even able to give Salavation to my own Peoples. I would never be able to look in someponys eyes knowing that I had failed, that I were too cowardly to even try it, even when I would die or somehow would get much injured, Dinky is in good hoof with all the others, so yes, lets enter, the sooner the better!” I said and Kuronema noded.

“Then its time to tell me the words of wisdom which only the real Queen of light knows, tell me the words of Tolerance!” Kuronema said, and even when I never knew these words, at least I guess so, I somehow knew exactly what to say.

“ Where Light is is also shadow, and where shadow is must always be a light, for the light without shadow would be meaningless!” I siad and I saw a giant Ying-Yang symbol, appeared on the gate.

“Perfect Balance, open the gate, Darkness and Light united in an eternal Circle!”

“Light, Twilight, Darkness, Wisdom, Courage, Power, open up to me, The Element of light, so i´ll be able to get what is rightfully my own, with Tolerance, Magic, Wisdom, Courage, Loyality, Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, and Love, I will take what I must , and I will be what this world needs, I will be the guiding light, to bring Salvation to my Folk, to rescue their souls!” I shouted and the gate opened itself, the whole room I was standing in, got flooded by golden light.

“The time has come, the Last Test begins, you have come far, Mistress Lumena, its an honor for me to fight against you!” Kuronema said, and little knew that this would come , I wasn´t even that surprised.

“Then it is how it is, I will not show any mercy, for my folk and the ones I love I will do everything, even defeating an Friend, when I so can save this world from the Destruction, then I at least can say that after all I did my duty to Queen Equestria, and I can with pure guilt crying over my friend!” I siad , prepared for everything.

“Well then, here we go, the last test has begun!” Kuronema said as she transformed into something made out of steel.

“Welcome to the fight of Purity, Lady Lumena, Angel of Light, I am Laserbeat, the Last Guardian of Light, and I will testing if you are worth to get the Light of Purity, in this test, everything is allowed, from fighting over trying to argue, down to simble talking, but I will not make it easy, my name is not for nothing, Laserbeat, well then shall we begin?” The Mettalic, blue thing asked, I prepared myself for a fight of the highest level, I guess Kuronema will definitely not make it easy , even to me.

“Sure, bring it on!” I shouted and in a piece of a second I doged for the hairbreed a Laserbeam.

“Shit, I need to bring some distance between us!” I thought as I jumped several meters away, I guess even when I talk I always need to be in motion, she will mercilessly shooting Laserbeams at me.

“Shit!” I shouted as I bend my whole body in the most neckbreaking way, making it kinda looking like in a scifi movie ( Matrix move).

“Oh c´mon Lady lumena, its getting boring when I am the only one who attacks, I though I finally can let the devil out and now I need to run on spareflame because you just don’t seem to take in your defense or anykind of offensive, show more force and passion in this fight, on his rate you can long wait for the Light of Purity okay!”

“So you want me to get serious, well that I can give you, here we go!” I siad as I summoned my Spear of Purity, matching weapon for the location.

“Oh now I am shivering, I just hope you don’t try to slice me with it, that would have so much effect, …not!” She mocked me as I indeed sliced it over her body, it not even let a scrap.

“And you want the Light of Purity, you don’t even know on how to use the Spear of Purity!” She laughed at me and I began to get pissed.

“Arrrrgh!” I yelled out of pain as one of the lasers hit me right in the side.

How in the hell shall I know what she means, I mean how am I don’t using the spear right, I guess that means this thing has some kind of hidden power, c´mon think Lu, what can this thing other than healling from the dark and to slice or stabbing.

“Lets make this battle a bit interesting, Welcome with me, King Sombra!” Laser beat said and suddenly like out of nowhere, this strange unicorn appeared , I heard from Twillight about him, seems that he is one of the few outcasts of Tarakena, the only one who ever managed to walk over the edge of the Land of darkness into the world of old Equestria, he must have found an portal up here, I knew they had one, we for sure need to close that gate.

“One of the Escapists of Tarakena, I see, how have you managed to get unharmed away from Tenebra, I thought the only one who actually ever managed it was Narubo, whaaa well anyway, I guess you are here to fight not!” I said.

“Of course, this world and those mares have token away my trone in the Crystal empire, I will not allow that, now that I am back, I will take over this world.

“Ahahahahaha!” And with this he transformed himself into mist.

“Over my dead body, sucker!” I yelled and I focused all my magical force around me, creating a shield, almost instantly as I finished to build up my shield , I got attacked.

“Baam!” the Laserattack crashed against my light shield, giving it a few cracks.


“Watch out here I come!” the Voice of King Sombra shouted , I turned just a moment to see him aiming for me, with his horn, I didn’t know what I should do other, so I simply in the last moment I raised the spear, and the spell crashed right into it, I thought my only weapon were broken, but no, as much as I saw, I think the spear simply absorbed the attack.

“What , this is impossible!” Sombra yelled and shooted another one at me, I again raised the spear and again the spell became absorbed.

“ This is for you!” I said as I tried to slice him, I missed him, but out of any of my expections I hit him, but the attack that hit him, was non attack I ever used or even have seen.

“Lumena!” Ditzy said out of my inner self.

“What is it dear sister!” I asked her.

“ I guess I now know what Laserbeat meant, that we don t use the spear right, I think this spear can not only heal or being stabbed into something, but I guess it somehow absorbs the opponents attack and is able to shoot the exact same , after a short time off, when you swing it!” Ditzy told me, and I fall like scales in front of my eyes.

But of course, what is purer than an attack which you only send back but don’t create, this test is all about to fight the opponent with its own weapon.

”I know how I can Win!” I shouted and I heard a laugh.

“Ahaaha, and you think such a worthless mare than you will ever defeat me, not even Princess Cadence or Twillight Sparkle was able to fully destroy me!” King sombra said, and well it pissed me off to the absolute extreme.


“Well show me dolly, Fogcrusher!” Sombra launched his attack, while I jumped forward.

“Absorbing!” I commanded and the spear did as told, wow such a niece spear.

“Lets see how long I must wait!” I said as I launched an own attack at Sombra.

I felt how the Spear began to vibrate, and I knew it was time.

“Eat this , you horny monkeyshit!” I yelled as I swung the spear in its direction, the blast was even huger, I guess the stronger, faster and harder I swing the spear, the stronger the attack gets powered up, anyways the attack hit Sombra right on his head.

“In your Face, Asshole!” I yelled, pissing him off.

“You gonna regrett this, mare!” He said, I wanted to say something, but I suddenly felt something racing at me, I turned and held up the spear only to absorb a laserbeam, I guess Laserbeat hides himself behind the black fog.

Anyways, I was about to kill Sombra once and for all, I decided to use a bit of my own force this time.

“My Name is Lumena, the light!” I stated sternly as I shooted of my powerfullest spell.

“Delere orbem rigidum existentiam ( erase the existence)!“ I yelled, in the old and holy rune language ` Lingua Latina´.

“AAAAAAARRRGGHHHH!” King sombra screamed out of unbearable pain, his whole existence began to get completely erased, his soul began to burn into ashes, his body already has some cracks where it began to turn to dust, his powerfull magic began to infiltrating the room, only to get absorbed by my Spear, at the end the only thing that left was a black crystal with a bit of a red shimmer, I poked the thing with the spear which also began to absorb the crystal, letting it falling into its molecules.

“This was a great job you did there Lady lumena, but I am still here!” Laserbeat said, I knew I cant destroy its existence or else I will run into the danger to destroy Kuronema with it.

“Lets make a deal, you ask me queston and for every truly answered Question, you will lay off a piece of your metalic armor, deal ?” I asked, I saw how it thought about it.

“Okay I guess I can live with I, well then Question number one, what do you think will happen when you and your sisters come all together?” Kuronema asked.

“Sure I don’t know, all I can think off is that I somehow will become one, means all the three souls will merge and become one soul again, or maybe we will all three share one body, but I am like totally not sure about this options, another option would be, that each one of us, even I gonna become an separate body, creating truly the three sisters of light!” I replied as honest as I could, anyways a right piece of its , wing, at least I guess that’s what it is, fell off.

“What are your name suggestions for your unborn foal!” Kuronema asked, she sure was a nosy one.

“I thought of, Dimlight, Marble, Starfire or Hailoshine, Jacky rather thought about, Maestica, Galaxia, Skywalker, or Nightwish, Ditzy however, likes more the combination, Starshine Nightwish, and I amidt I like the name too!” “I said and again a wing piece fell down.

“What do you like for music?” She asked, okay this is going to get arkward.

“Well I like classic abit, not much, I like Symphonic metal, not too much heavy but the beautifull compositions with the orchestra, I like rock, and Octavia´s as well as Vinyl´s or Jacky´s, and of course I love Dinky´s singing!” I replied, a new piece fell off.

“If you would go into the war, what would be the last song you hear or sing together with the other!” she asked.

“When we stand together from Coltback ( Nickelback)!” I said without thinking it was a cool song and I actually thought about to sing it with the others one day in , Nightshift´s Karaoke Bar, anyway a new piece fell off and there were only little pieces on her anymore.

“When you look at your Sister Tenebra, which song would fit her!” she asked and I blushed.

“Midnight Queen, also from Coltback!” I said blushing, deep scarlet, the laser fell off.

“What would you say, and what would probably Jacky do when you would find out that also Dalu would have children, what would you do, do you think Jacky would take the responsibility for all of them?” Kuronema asked, it were only one last piece of metal on him, and this was an question which I know I cant probably answer right.

“Sigh, I honestly don’t know, it’s a giant responsibility, and I don´t know if he would but I would trust him, that he would to it when he says so, if I would guess I would say, yes he would take the responsibility!”I said and I saw how the last piece fall, I jumped forward and sticked the spear right in the pile of mettalic armor, it erased instantly turning it to dust, just like King Sombra, Exploded but still not killed, but now he is away it will maybe only last one more hour before every memory of him , in everypony has vanished, every picture, statue or whatsoever, it will all erase as if Sombra had never existed. This was the most powerfullst spell in whole Equestria and only the Elements of Symphony are able to use it, but its extremly complicated because it also can only be learned at the end of ones life, by us we can only learn it around this time, a few decades before we die and go back to foal state, and it has a limit, it only can destroy normal things like King Sombra, but powerfull Allincorns like Gormaria or Nestrell its absolutly impossible to destroy with it, and even the elements of Chaos are secure against it.

“Well I guess I can say you have succeded, you have show me that you are able to fight with the spear of purity, you showed me that your real intentions to get the light are to protect others and to restore the light on this land, such noble intentions are a present from heaven. So I can finally full of Pride give you the light of purity, Angel of light, Element of Light, Lady Lumena!”
Kuronema said and I felt how the magic in the room began to tingle and to shacke the room, I saw how the atmosphere in the room came to an halt, to complete freeze, I not even allowed myself to breath, suddenly I felt such a pull on myself.

“Woah!” It was the angelcore which wanted to combine with the light, I quick took it of and like a magnet it got picked up by the magnetfield, while the force of light completely went in, dimming the room ever so further, until it was almost completely dark inside. The moment the last drop of light has been sucked in , I knew it was a full success.

“We did it, the Angels core is back together, the only thing to search now is the Fragment of Love!” I said happily.

“Yes, but we wouldn´t find it here inside of this room!” Kuronema said to my real confusion.

“Wait what!”

“I earlier flew the whole time around here , and in this whole time I havent even once felt anything other than mine, yours, King Sombra´s, and the Aura of the Light of Purity, but not the aura of the fragment of Love.

“Well I think we simply need to search but at least we have the Angelscore almost full together!” I siad optimistic.

“Yes but will it get even harder to controll your force, with the uncomplete Angelscore, though it is possible!” Kuronema said, not that optimistic but still.

“Anyway I think we shall get out of here, Master Shockwave is still on fighting against Iris, , and I can Sense the young Lady Dinkie and Lady Dark Lumena´s aura beneath Fluttershy and the others, I guess they are in secure now, they are on their way towards Lumoria, I guess we shall meet them there!” Kuronema said, but this was a bit unlogical to me.

“But what is with Jacky and the others, I cant let them simply fight against Iris!” I stated worried.

“yes, but who else than Lady Dark Lumena has a clue about how to defeat Iris, and even when , Lord Shockwaves group is out of the strongest beings, they have two Dragons with them, they have Twillight Sparkle, Lady Floraya with the Naturecore, and even Freyenyo has come, with the Noisecore for Lord Shockwave, so long they are okay, but what we need is now infromations from lady Dark Lumena!” Kuronema said as she flew infront of me through the dungeon, we were soon out again.

“Hey guys!” I siad as I saw the faces of all the others, while they looked in direction of Hammoth.

“Lumena, how is it, did you pass the test!” They all asked at once.

“Sure thing guys, it would be a shame for ,me to come so far and then to fail, no I have it half complete the only fragment that miss is still the Fragment of Love!” I siad, with fire in my eyes, I will get it , that’s for sure.

“Hey by the way, I met King Sombra!” I said bluntly.

“WHAAAAT!” All of them, expect of Aurora and Venturios cried out.

“Yeah he tried to get me, but I finally once and for all killed him!” I said laughing, it was an good fight after all.

“How is that possible, I thought the explosion killed him!” Rarity said.

“I don’t really know, but I guess there must have been still a piece of him on this land and in this piece he must have split a piece of his soul and his force!” ( his horn was still intact in the show, even after he exploded)

“Anyways , in …, five minutes no one of you will ever remember that he even existed once!” I siad, as I trotted over to the gate of the hall.

“Our next mission is to rejoin with Fluttershy and the others on Lumoria, I gonna ask Dalu on how to defeat Iris!” I siad , and they all nodded.

Well then off to Lumoria.

Meanwhile in Ponsgard ( destroyed), Jacky´s pov:

“Lord Shockwave, Lady Dinky and Lady Dark Lumena are secure and on the way to Lumoria, are you now willing to use the Noisecore?” Frey asked me and I nodded.

“Guys get out of here, I use my strongest attack!” I yelled towards all the others, and they nodded, Flora grabbed Twilight and Astralia took Spike and so they teleported far away from here.

“And now to us two beautys!” I stated out.

“Frey release the Noisecore and vanish from here, got it, this attack may even kill you!” I stated out sternly.

“As you wish, Master!” and so he released the Noisecore, I took it inside of my soul and I could feel how my power increased and how my own sound flew around me like the air I breath, I was again fully in my Element, finally after all this time I can use my full force again.

“We will see each other in Lumoria , Thank you Frey, for all you did!” I said to him as I stepped on the edge of the giant crater in which Iris stood, she was pretty damaged but she was not willing to give up.

“Lets finish this!” I mumbled as I jumped down.

“You can´t win Shockwave, I will and then I will release Master Discord, in his full glory, I will fight along his side again and together we will rule this world, ahahhaha, ahahhaaaaaaahahahaaaa!” She laughed even her eyes stated insanity out, I kicked her abit around until I have her were I wanted her.

“And when you are finished, are you wishing for releasing Nestrell as well or do you think he will let you take over the world he wants so badly to destroy!” I asked her.

“He would never do something like that!” she shouted angrily.

“And what makes you saying that, I have seen and fight him, more often then you can think, Iris!” I stated to her.

“And as if, he will destroy this world and build up a new one, and then we will live happily in a world of darkness!” she laughed again and I could only sigh.

“Iris, he will never do such a think, or at least will you never be able to actually see this, if he ever would succeed, the only thing Nestrell wants, is to destroy this world and everything of it, he will completely erase anything what has to do with this word, beside of his Sister, Queen Equestria!” I told her, though I wanst even sure if she could hear me, but at least I have a reason, a real reason to fight.

“Goodbye Iris!” I siad as I grabbed her and floated high, the electricity around me began to flow and to shacke, the strong magnetic field around me began to set itself in motion, lightnings and Thunders crashed through the cloud, I began my strongest attack, an attack which always destroyed everything, but this time I have used a strong shield to reduce the damage to a minimum.

“Neutron-shockwave!“ I yelled as i let the Protons crashing against the electrodes in a mighty lightning which crashed right into us, the full force of this created a giant explosion up in the sky and a giant shockwave, I guess even in the Gryphon Kingdom this spectale were able to see, not to think from Canterlot.

Anyways, after the attack was finished, all whats left in the sky, was a so called `electrica onusto septentrionali lux´ for normal, an electric-loaded northern light.

“May your soul will getting cleaned from all darkness, and may the queen have mercy with you!” I siad as I turned around to walk away.

“I-am-not-done-yet-Shockwave!” A faint voice called out, I turned so apruptly that I sprained my hoof.

“This is impposible, you cant still live, no one ever managed to survive this attack!” I stated out in my almighty disbelieve, it was true no one ever managed to survive this attack, I mostly use this for the war, because of its low radius shockwave from only fifthy miles, its good for minor wars, the only thing it always exhaust me to the extreme, I need to set so much energy free all at once, its tiring me out and I need at least tenn minutes to be fully recharged for the next attacks.

“I-will-not-die-here, i-have-come-way-too-far, hnngh I guess I have no force anymore for sending the amount of Dark miasma to master discord, but I guess he is not gonna run away from me any soon, I will just kill you all right here and than I will collect again the right amount of dark miasma and then I will revive master discord!” Iris said as she, with a few difficulties still, mananged to stand up again, I knew exactly what she wanted to do, her thought slayed it self in my brain.

“COME TO ME; YOU EVIL SOULS; UNHEARD SCREAMS; GRUESOME GHOSTS AND NEGATIV EMOTIONS; COME TO ME; MIASMA!” She yelled and I must see how the darkness around me began to infiltrating her, through the mouth, it pierced through her body, in her heart, overpowering herself and transform her into something even stronger that before, it lasted not long and all the dark feelings were right infront of me, not around us anymore , it had now the shaped of an Dark Shaddow Phoenix (Fuan-heng style, Chinese phoenix).

“Oh Shit!” I siad as she took out for an attack, I saw it coming , tried to form an shield but it was too late.

“Semita ad infernum ( Highway to Hell)!” she scream as a giant black beam of pure dark magic crashed inside of me, the beam pushed me backwards and sucked my life-energy out, I managaed to finally build up a shiled with my last force, before I got send flying, several miles, until I managed to teleport myself before I could crash right into a wall.

Well I landed not any better after all.

“Jacky, oh god no, Floraya I need your help!” I could hear the voice of my dear daughter.

“Twinlight?” I asked weakly, I havent seen her in ages.

“I am here Jacky, Twilight is here!” the voice said, wait what, Twillight, wait no your name is Twinlight, Twinligt Moonshine.

“Twillight what the, oh god quick bring him in the living!”

And I was out, what happened I don’t remember.

In the Brightlight Manor, the Living, Twillight´s pov:

Oh gosh no, this cant be, Jacky has been defeated, the only thing we know from his memories until he fainted again, he woke up a few seconds, was that Iris somhow transformed herself in a giantic Shadow Phoenix, and is treating to destroy the whole land with everything on it, the souls of the Angels Pegasi, ourselfs and so also the gate to the Astral World, the beyond,means that everyone who dies will directly vanish into nirvana without having the chance to be reborn, to become an Angels pegasus or maybe even one of Tarakenas employees. All in all the ones who are waiting or one of this three Destiny´s would never have the chance to get their Astral Court.

We all tried to find a solution but we were all too worried about Jacky and the threat of the near mass destruction of Iris.

“We can´t let this be, we need to do something against this thing!” Rainbow dash yelled as she rammed her hoof on the table.

“What was again the last what jacky said, the things has yelled out, before he crashed into the house?”
Lumena asked.

“Lorem Legio quia multi sumus!“ I responded.

“Argh, what does they all have with the Dragon language, I mean there is not everypony who understand this words!” Applejack said, pretty pissed.

“We are Legion, for we are many!” Miss Doo said.

“And what does that mean!” Rainbow dash asked annoyed.

“It’s a reference towards what´s up with her, the whole Miasma she has sucked in!” A voice from the couch said, as we all turned towards her.

“Jacky, you are awoken!” We almost all jumped towards him, and we were so glad I saw Lumena crying and even Dinky sat next to her father, scootaloo and Pipsqueak standing next to her.

“What in tarnation is Miasma!”

“Yeah it was a hard blow but I will get over it, that´s for sure, anyways, Miasma is a concentration of Lost and evil souls, who are wandering around in this dark fog, these are souls of the killed, and abadoned ponies and other creratures, all their negative emotions in the last seconds before they die, all these souls only have one goal in their dark existence, revenge, and it needs only one intteligent head in the group to command them, to direct their dark blood thirst towards the heads villains, means in this case, us, even if no one of those souls know us from before, they still want to kill us, because of the main and the strongest Soul in this corpse, the Soul of a Living being, in order to destroy this corpse we either have to fully erase all the souls which is completely against our duties as the Deus Mortium ( Gods of Death, Shinigami)!” Jacky said.

“So , as much as I have understand, we cannot destroy all those souls, without killing millions of chances of a fair court before the beyond!” Rainbow Dash asked, sitting and leaned next to Venturios, who has wrapped his arms around her.

“Exactly, if we would simply erase them all the souls who are waiting in the astral world will never trust us again, and before we see it they will try to conquer the Astral world and maybe a few of them manage to escape the death, and this is something which we cant let happen, at least not again, the only thing to do is to clean all the souls and to send them into the Astral World, but this will get like totally difficult, because these Souls are so full of hatred for the living world, and there are so many that we need a weapon which can even clean the souls of a thousand, with one strike, or which can destroy a thousand demonic souls , too with one strike, what we need are, the Gladiis divinam vindictam!“ Jacky said and I gasped in pure shock, this cant be true, I have read historys of these Three Swords and each read itself like one of the gruesomest Horrorstorys ever written.

“You can´t be serious Jacky, you cant seriously mean that you will reawaken these Demonical Swords, no one can controll them, in all their history it were only Three Persons who ever have managed to tame these swords!” I shouted getting all the attention.

“Twillight what are talking about, what the heck is with these Swords!” Rarity asked dumbfounded.

“Gosh guys, really, is it that difficult for you to once in a time open up a book!” i yelled outraged, it was instantly silent.

“Im sorry this is just too much, but seriously you cant take this decision for real Jacky, if you Reawaken these swords, they will bring chaos over this world!” I said to an completely unimpressed Jacky.

“Well if you would like to let me explain Twilight, there is nothing to fear, I know exactly what i am doing by awaking these swords, who you think has fordged them?” Jacky said pissing me of.

“No you don’t know it, how can you, you never used them,…!”

“But I did!” A voice exclaimed.

“So me!” another voice stated in agreement, I looked in disbelieve a the speakers, it were the Two holy Birds.

“You?!” We all asked in complete disbelive.

“Sure, or did you think we always were birds, not at all!” Kuronema laughed.

“I was once such a soft and lovely Princess, known under the name, Kuronaka Nemadalia, I was Princess of the Crystal Forest Kingdom, near the Crystal Empire which my sister Mi Amore Cadenza has ruled all those years ago!” Kuronema said and my eyes almost bulged out of my head, the sister of the mighty alincorn, Mia amore Cadenza, my beloved Princess Cadence, the wife of my Brother, was a Dove, though a holy Lightdove but still.

“And I was called under the name, Feyfreyo Enyanaka, I too was Prince of the Neighborhood Kingdom, Regnum de Sapientia,the Kindgom of Wisdom in the Iceland Continent, which is today only called, the Iceland Valley, once both kindgoms were connected by the Bridge of Ice, the Pontem de Glacies, which is today already since decades broken!” Freyenyo wrapped a wing over Kuronema which snuggled in his owl coat.

“An the last one, was, Themra, called, Tenakuto Mokurah, the King of the Deathland, the Terra mortuorum, he was the so called Crow King, his family had a fable for these birds, he had seven brothers and a little sister, but the war has broken all of these Kingdoms, long before the war with Nestrell was over, now only very old books are telling about them, and one of the legends are about the swords we became from the Elements of Symphony to defend our Kingdoms against the Masses of Darkness, Master Esteel has fordged them, with the blood of always three of the Fallen Angels, in the first, Gladius Remissionem, the Sword of Forgiveness, has been the Blood of Lady Lumena, Lady Floraya and Lady Aquania, in the second, Gladius vindicte, the Sword of Vegeance, has been the Blood of Lady Jetfire, Lord Venturios, and Lord Shockwave, in the last, Gladius Adeptus, the Sword of Damnation, has the blood of Lady Tenebra, Lord Gaya and Lord Esteel himself!” Freyenyo explained.

“Remissionem, Vindicte, Adeptus, the Three Swords of Divine Punishment, the Gladiis divinam vindictam, we managaed to slay the forces of the Darkness, but did we died afterwards anyways, on our injuries, but we had been reborn as the Birds we ar now, the Swords had been reached from Father to son or from Mother to daughter, but ever so further thieves and murderers stealed those swords, and the force of these swords overtook them and let them fall in an endless Bloodrush, its said that those swords have such powerfull forces that a soul who is in possesion of each sword has the ability to travel throuhg Sky , Earth and Hell, whithout vanishing or erasing its own existence, over long , everypony wanted these swords and this forces, until Master Esteel killed all of them who had been affected by the swords or who wanted these swords for their own selfish needs and took the swords again and sealed them away, there where Sky, Earth And Hell meet eachother!”

“Wait didn´t you said that the Court of the Astral World is here, where,…., you guys are meeting to held the court about the fallen souls!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Exactly, the swords are here in Lumoria, deep under the Cathedrale of Light, even further than the Hall of Purity was.

The Swords are under a seal, which can only be opened by the strongest Trio of Equestria, by Lord Shockwave, Lady Lumena and Lady Tenebra!” Kuronema explained.

“But I cant fight for now, even when not visible the Attack of Iris has sucked out a good amount of my life energy and of my Magical energy too, and the fly through several housewalls wasn´t really productive too, I guess that I need to choose one of you to fight in my place!” Jacky said and I looked at him crazily.

“Are you sick in your head, how in tarnation shall anyone of us be able to use even one of these swords without loosing its own sanity!”

“Well since you asked freely for it, I choose you Twillight to fight at my place!” Jacky said and I looked at him like if he was already insane.

“you kidding right, you are fricken kidding me don’t you!” I tried to get it out of him.

“Nope I am not kidding neither do I really think that anyother would be able to do it than you, remeber you defeated so many Dark creatures, you defeated Nightmare moon, you defeated Discord, you even defeated King Sombra, and don’t forget all those other villains you defeated but not once in history has you ever turned yourself against Equestria, never have you ever caused anarchistic chaos or whatever, you are kind, you are extremly smart, and you are very, very talented, you could be the direct succesor of myself, and that’s why I know that you are the most fitting to this job, see it as kind of ,…, a Test, if you fail, I refuse to teach you in my sound magic!” I siad and I had her on the line, muahahahahahaha, im a bad boy.

“Sigh if you really think so, I will do it!” Success, a great success.

“No fear I am sure you will be able to do this!”

“But we need to hurry Twillight, Iris can attack Lumoria every moment!” Lumena said and I saw the determination in her eyes.

“But before, Twillight would you come with me for a moment!”

“Umm, okay!” I siad as I walked after him, after he managed , with a few fails, to stand up, he lead me in the backyard and sat himself on the ground.

“Its beautiful not, I always liked it here, when the Land was still flooded by light, now this whole magical Continent is only a shadow of itself, but I can see it, a time in which I sit here, exactly here with Lumena on my side watching my Childs and my grandchildren playing with each other here in this yard, while the land is flooded by brightness, this is my dream Twilight, but to make this dream come true I need your help, the body in which my Siblings and I currently are , is logically not permanent aviable, every thousand years , the day we `die´ our Corpse cant take our force anymore and we need to change it, normaly this whole system last a few days and the cyclus is always the same, but now, with the day of our hornloss, our bodys had been under such strong tension, inner and outer, that our body has been heavy injured, you may not see it, but the expiration date of these bodys is almost over, I can feel how my powers slowly begin to leak out and to become less per second, I give us at least two or two and a half more months, until we need to change our corpse, that why I want this here to end soon so we again can go on on our journey, I want to rebuild and secure the prison of Nestrell before that date is over, or else we have some serious problems, that’s why I send you off with lumena, I can´t fight for the moment but you can and you have the strenght and the force to do so!” Jacky said and I was buff.

“So you mean that you and your siblings, will be soon not under us anymore, and then you will go back to foal state, so we need to hurry or else it is too late?” I asked and he nodded.

“Twilight I swear you, I wouldn´t have chosen you when I am not completely sure about this at all, I am not dumb I know which risk you need to go in but I am 160 % positive that you will made it!” Jacky said and I could see the honesty in his eyes.

“I have something for you, which I wanted to give you!” He said as he searched in his saddleback, he searched a bit and then he found it.

“This necklace once belonged to my first daughter, it has many protection spells on it and a little amount of my force, its able to double your force, and it will help you to regain your sanity if the force become too strong, I wanted to give it to you, I know my Daughter would have been proud for someone like you wearing it, I actually wanted to give it to her for her birthday , that was the day before she died, I held it so long but now I know you will need it more than me!” Jacky said as he gave me the necklace, it was beautifull, and it had the three legendary birds in an cirlce, their Wings froming an , a bit deformed, triangle, while in the middle , connected over eight lines, was an black gem inserted, I looked at jacky as he stood up again, I saw Lumena standing behind us in the doorframe.

“Ready?” She asked and I nodded,I walked past Jacky, not before telling him how gratefull I am.

“Yes I am!”

We walked on, I inspected the necklace Jacky gave me, it was a white diamond framed in gold, I looked on its back were a speech was carving inside.

“ Whenever I am feeling down you put a smile on my face, for my beloved and fascinating Daughter, Twinlight Moonshine Delicious- Soundwave, Happy 26th Birthday!” It I cried as I read the words, I don´t know why, I had no reason but it did it anyways, maybe because today too was my 26th Birthday.

“Lumena?” I asked my partner for this test.

“Yes what is it my dear?” Lumena asked.

“What was Twinlight for a pony?” I asked.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, a few hours ago, in the royal Audience room, Princess Celestia´s Pov:

“Princess Celestia, Princess Celestia, its urgent!” One of the Royal Guards came racing inside and kneeled infront of my and my sisters throne, where do I have seen these scene ones.

“You may speak, what has happened!” I asked with my royal voice.

“We have spotted something in the sky, it is strange and like nothing we ever have seen before, and…..!” He wanted to go on as suddenly the whole Castle shook violently, I could feel Uncle Shockwaves Aura, what´s going on here.

“Where is this thing?” I asked the royal Guard as he saluted and pointed the Telescope to the right direction and angle.

“Please , see for yourself, I honestly don’t know how to describe it, my apologies your maesty!” The guard said.

I looked through the Telescope and what I saw made my breath stopping.

“This is impossible!” I said , I looked over the Telesope , there was a new Shockwave racing at us, it was bright blue, while in the sky a giant Lightning pole stood over a piece of land.

“My sister, in the throne-room, quick, and call for Commander Shining Armor!” I yelled, and the guard saluted.

“As you wish my Princess!” he said as he walked away to go search for her.

It lasted it´s time but soon I could hear a minor noise infront of the door.

“Let go of me, ah can go for myself!” a new voice sounded, a voice I havent heard here for a very long time, but I instantly recognized it.

“My Princess, I Present you , Princess Luna,Commander Shining armor and an intruder of your Dear Sister Room!” The guard from earlier said.

“Thank you guard, I will take it from here!” I siad , he nodded, saluted and trotted off , closing the giant gates.

“To you two I will come soon, but right now we have other problems!” I said.

“ Commander Shining armor, I have just got word that something strange has appeared not far from here, a Land in the sky, what do you know about it!” I asked and he bowed before me.

“My princess, I have spotted together with a few Guards this Phenomenon yesterday morning, but until now nothing had happened, I have ordered my subordinates to watch the thing and to immediately make a report if something happens, My Princess if I may ask, what is this for a Phenomenon?” Shining armor asked me, he had a serious look on his face, I know what was going on , he didn’t wanted to let Cadence too long alone, now that little Stardust has been born.

“Sister is this, what I think it is!” Luna asked, still standing next to the Stallion, holding his hoof, while he looked like he didn´t understand a thing right now.

“You are right, Lumen has been rised again, seems like our Friends have arrived there and also regain the Angelscore, but it seems that something is happening on the Continent in the sky, I have seen Uncle Shockwaves Neutrone-Shockwave, something terrible must have happen!” I siad turned to her.

“Princess Celestia, Look!” Shining armor shouted behind me from the Balcony, we stepped outside, only to see something quite beautiful.

“`Electrica onusto septentrionali lux´!” the Stallion next to my sister said to my very confusion.

“Yes you are right, dear Big Macintosh Apple, this is indeed an electric-loaded Nothern light, may I ask from where you got to know the right name of it, as much as I know, the Lingua Latina is not being teached in the schools!” I asked for once dumbfounded.

“I may be an Earthpony with many Chores in da day, but mah too have used to read books once in a time, and last year Twillight lend mah a book with some real beautiful Nature Phenomenons, in which this here also had been described!” Big Macintosh said.

“Uhmm sister, I , I wanted to tell you I am sorry I didn´t tell you about Big Mac´s visit but, I guessed you would be angry and,…!” Luna tried to apologize.

“Luna, Dear sister of my, do you really think I didn´t already know about you two, I know it since the beginning, and I am not going to tell you to break this relationship, it is your very first since you arrived here again, all those years ago, and I am happy that you have found someone you can trust and love!” I said as I stepped in front of them.

“Big Macintosh, I only wanted to ask you a few question, do you love my sister!” I asked him looking at him closly, he looked up intoo my eyes and I cloud see determination and honesty within.

“Yes , as a matter of Fact I love your Sister quite a lot and I want to be ever with her, as long as she can stand me!”

He said with all the honesty I also always see in his sisters eyes.

“I understand, and do you thing you can love her the way she deserve to be loved by a stallion!” I asked as I looked closer.

“Yes ah Know I have what it takes to make her happy and I will not give up until she is Happy!” Big Mac said with the fire of passion and the light of honesty in his eyes.

“Then my Dear Big Macintosh, show me, show me that you can make her as happy as you can, make her fall in love with you all over again, and protect her whenever needed!” I said to him.

“This is a wish , as well as an order, from now on you are the bodyguard of Princess Luna, but I want you to leave the kissing and all the lovey dovey stuff for the private, beside of your Familly no pony needs to know about this, all what has been spoken in here, stays in here!”

“As you wish my Maesty, but what about the farm, ah mean now that mah Sister is away with those ponies, there is only Applebloom, Grandma and me, who will help on the farm if I am the bodyguard of Princess Luna, not that I would refuse but still, I cant simply let my family all on themselves!” Big Macintosh said and I must say I don’t thought about this, but he was right.

“That is indeed a problem!” I mumbled.

“Ah Big mac can I ask you something!” Luna said as she dragged Big Mac a bit away, I took the time to speak with Shining Armor.

“So what are you plans on doing about the island in the sky, my Princess?” Shining asked me, after he waited patiently for me to continue my conversation with him.

“I guess we should investigate this case, but I am sure that the fallen Angels have everything in their hooves, for the begin lets simply try to fly over and to report to me what is going on there, okay?” I asked.

“Your wish is me Order , your Highness!” he said as he bowed and trotted out of the room to inform his subordinates.

“Dear Sister, we came to a solution!” Luna stated as I turned towards them.

“I hear!” I said to her.

“We decided that we wanted to see each one of us two weeks in a month while the rest of the month, Big Mac will stay at the farm, we will change the location every time, once by him at the farm, and once by us here on the castel, for the time on the farm I gonna disguise myself, how does that sound to you?” Luna asked, closing eyes for more luck.

“I think it is a great idea, so Two weeks in a month I see, maybe you meet in the middle!” ( Equestrian months have six and a half weeks, while one year has eight Months)

“Then its all set, we gonna meet each other every half month for exactly two weeks, each time we change, from canterlot to your farm and from your farm to canterlot okay, if that’s okay with you?” Luna asked Big mac fearfully, seeing the possibility that he would object.

“That is perfectly fine with me!” Big Mac said, kissing Luna on her lips while she wrapped her hooves around him, I smirked and rolled my eyes.

“Kids!” I laughed as I again stepped on the balcony.

“May you all be save, Twillight Sparkle, Uncle Jacky!”

On Lumen, Lumoria, Brightlight Manor, Jacky´s Pov:

“And you are really sure you all want to do that, you know I don’t force anyone of you!” I asked but I only got looks of determination.

“Yes we are, we have long discuss over it Jacky, but ah think ah can speak fro all of us, we want to help them all as much as we can!” Applejack stated out getting nodds from them all.

“But what when you get killed, what shall I say to Princess Celestia, that I was too weak to keep all of you safe, i´m sorry but I cant let this going on any longer, I am sorry but I will stop Iris, even if it destroys me!” I siad stubbornly.

“Face it Jacky, you may be an awesome fighter, but currently you are too weak to even stand, just let us go!” Rainbow dash said sternly.

“No, I promised Tia that I will keep all of you in a safe state, if I can´t even held a promise to my own niece, I am not worthy to be called an Element of Symphony anymore!” I said, it was not only fro my own pride but also for the safety of everyone.

I tired to stand up but I hit the ground hurtfull, I again tried to stand up, and this time I managed it, with help of Fluttershy and Zecora.

“I simply cant let you go, you are not ready, you have like no experience in fighting like this, Iris is an absolute other category than everything you ever have experienced, I have heard and seen the windows in canterlot, I have seen the book of Legend and Prohecy, and im sorry to tell you but all the villains you have fighted, are like nothing compared to what has been rampaging here and what still will awaits us, you are not ready , I need to train you, we all need to train you, for the time when we arent there to help you!” I siad and I suddenly broke down from pain, as if on command as soon as I speak about it.

“What do you mean , darling!” Rarity asked me, helping me back on the coush, laying me down in a sitting position. ( Lyra Style)

“This corpse don´t make it any long, at most I still have two or even two and a half month to live in this corpse anymore, and then you are on yourself, that’s why I want to train you first in our forces before we go back to foal state!” I siad shocking them all inclusive my siblings.

“Wait what do you mean with `We´?” Flora asked dumbfounded.

“Oh don´t do as if you havent noticed it Flora, we are weak, weaker than normal in this age, these corpses are not fit for our force anymore, it felt like we are five years from dying , the force begins to leak out ever so often, and the nearer we come to the end the stronger the force leak out, until it will get unleashed all at once, destroying everything in a radius of 60.000 miles!” I siad to him.

“You can´t know this?” Venturios tried to object.

“But I do Ventus, I do, for fucks sake, why do you think I stressed us all with getting always quick back on the track to the journey, we have already lost too many time with the Timberwolfs attack and Stonerich´s shit, I still have no clue what exactly is in Twillight, but I guess it is nothing good, and now this whole bullshit here on Lumen, all this treasure hunt, the fights and all those quest to get the fragments, all of this costed us at least a half week more, and then the ride down to Dezibel town, and in the Hurricane canyion, I don’t know what more is going to awaits us, but when we not manage to rebuild the prison, Nestrell might break out , and if he finds a way towards Equuis, this and the old world are doomed and soon after not even existent anymore, I cant let this be, I just want everyone of you to be save, for the case that we have no time anymore, then at least you are able to close the gate and restore the prison on your own!” I said looking at each one of the Elements of Harmony.

“Before that time comes I will at least be sure that you can use our force, that you will be able to do what we all together should have done!”

“Thats why I let Lumena and Twilight searching for the two swords, so we can defeat Iris quick and get back on the main cause of our journey!” I said with hard and stern eyes, hiding all the pain inside of me as good as I can.

“And that´s why you let your unborn child get in danger!” Fluttershy screamed, alongside with Flora , Granny Healleaf and Miss Doo, trying to push sense in me, while the sense in myself were even bigger then they think.

“Don´t you understand or wont you understand, if we fail before you are ready , then it is totally worthless to cry over an unborn child, because our whole world will not be there anymore and hundered when not even thousands of other unborn foals will be killed too, don’t you think I know in what for a danger I let my soon-to-be-wife and my unborn child go, but it is as it always was and always will be, for the sake of this world I need to make a compromiss , regardless of if I like it or not, to save us all is our real test and to protect this worlds is our cause, so like the cause of every Fallen Angel and Element of Harmony, in order to keep this worlds a safe place, we need to take decision which we normaly never would even consider, don’t you think I fucking know this, this is what we are, the Protectors of the right, to defend is our destiny, better you make yourself clear to that point!” I screamed as I broke down in tears, I knew exactly what I was doing, that I send my wife and my Unborn daughter in the danger of seriously getting killed or affected by the darkness, even my reborn daughter I let fight because I am too weak, and that’s exactly why I need to take care or Iris for the time until they come back up here.

“We are sorry Jacky, really, we shouldn´t have saying this!” Fluttershy said tears in her eyes.

“No its alright, I know what you are thinking and you know what I am thinking, so we are quitt, all I have to do now is to go out and fight, Venturios when I don’t come back before Twillight and Lumena come back to you, tell Lu that I loved her and that she has the Commando over you all, got it, it was an honor to fight and to travel with you all, goodbye!” I siad as I stood up with some difficultys, I stepped to the door, but I stopped before it.

“Dinky, I want you to know that I love you like you were my own born daughter, though Twinlight is already since centurys dead I now know that my wish has been fullfilled, she and the rest of my First family has reborn, though all of them as mares but still, but I want you to know that I would have loved to meet you in an totally other time, in a time without war and hatred, you may hate me now but I will never forgett you, Dalu, please take care of her and yourself, you have done much to hold up this world, I thank you, and for the end I have to say something.

Starshine Nightwish Doo is the name of my Unborn daughter, may the queen always be with you, all of you, good bye!” I said looking at Dalu who holded Dinky in her arms while she sleeped , Pips and Scooty sleeping in tight embrass next to her, and Applebloom layed sleeping next to Zecora , I turned towards the door , making a few steps before I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

“You stubborn old cuntmuncher, you will never learn it, we are a fucking family we don´t let you go alone, no matter what you are saying, when you go down we are going too, this world will be doomed anyways, but so we at least can die as a family, it’s a shame that only the two of us are right now with you, but I promise you, I do everything to see our other Siblings again!”

Venturios stated out, standing next to me, grinning, really how stupid he can be, but I somehow was gratefull too.

“Don´t you fucking scaring us like this, we will fight with you, or else not even you will go, we are a family , one for all and all for one, got it, we are like the fundament of a building, without us there is nothing that is going on!” Flora said and she hugged me tight after slapping me across the face.

“And you don’t expect me to let go of my first coltfriend ever, he is the best what has happen to me in a long time, and I don’t like when others stand in the spotlight, I thought you knew that already!” Miss 20 % cooler stated out, kissing Venturios full on the lips.

“I wont let you go either, you are crazy when you think I let my mentor, my great grandmother go alone without me, you will never be able to let me behind, when she goes I go to!” Fluttershy said, hanging herself on Flora´s Arm.

“And I will follow you Fluttershy!” Pinkie said bouncing over to her giving her a stern look and a peck on the snout making Fluttershy blushing, that the two had feelings for each other couldn´t be any more obvisious, after the little accident of Fluttershy jumping on Pinkie stating out her love before thinking, right after we reunited.

“If my Friends go I cant stay here, even if I have to leave my sister but I have duties towards my friends too!” Applejack said, giving her little sister a peck on the forehead before jumping in the line, I really wished that at least she would stay here, I don´t want to see her dying, no one of them all but her especialy, the mare which remembers me so much on my first love, even when her coat and mane-/ tailcolour and her cutie mark didn’t matched , she was the exact copy of Cookiejack Delicious.

”And you expect me to stay here when all of my friends are fighting, not without me!” Rarity said as she stepped next to Applejack.

“Its getting lonely without my two favourite mares!” Spike said stepping close to Rarity.

“Letting my Girlfriend all alone, ha who you think I am!” Joe siad as he stepped behind Flora.

“My friend and my Sister are fighting, are you kidding me, the hell I stay here all alone, of course I come with you!” Ghost said.

“I guess we better stay here!” Granny Healleaf and Miss Doo as well as Zecora and Dalu spoked in unison.

“Its useless when I object, not?” I asked , seriously I know well that I cant stop them anyways.

“You are for Hell´s sake Right!” They said in perfect unison.

“ Sigh , alright, lets go, for the sake of this world , let it end quick!”

Meanwhile, under Lumoria, infront of the Hall of Justice for the Astral World, Twillight´s Pov:

“So here is were those mighty demonical swords are being sealed?” I asked as I stood infront of the Gate, it was a massive gate made of pure pitchblack Crystal, but it looked like it lives, it was totally different from King Sombra´s dark crystals.

“Yes here we have the gate to the Hall of Justice for the Astral World, anyways I gonna teach you the rules right now, and only one time so listen and listen well.

“When we are in the hall, we walking over the border line towards the Astral World, the Border itself is not that thick, but a few seconds in the world of the living, can be an eternity in the Astral world, you need to be carefull, not to lose yourself or else you will never return, the ghost and fallen souls in this Border are really strong and not everyone of them is nice, some of them would attack you instnatly, other will try to get you in a trap. No matter what is going to happen, you always need to follow me and to stay on the path, got it , always, it is like a Labyringth but I am sure you can make it through, but it is important that you don’t touch the walls, if anything happens to you, scream as loud as you can , I will find you, okay again, NEVER; EVER; LEAVE THE PATH!” Lumena told me and I nodded.

“I have understand!” I said and she nodded .

“Okay well then , here we go!” She said to me.

And so we made our way towards the gate.

“Animas vestras qui cunctatur huc, exaudi precem meam, ego Lumena Brightlight elementum lux solicitandum admissio, simul cum socius meus, Twilight Moonshine Sparkle, opinor Veni ad gladium remissione, et gladium vindicte ad me, ad quas ego et mea famillie hoc mundo, et quod orbem ultra a perditione conservare!“ (Your souls who lingers in here, hear my calling, I Lumena Brightlight Element of light, solicit admission, together with my companion Twilight Moonshine Sparkle, I came to take the sword of forgiveness, and the sword of vengeance to me, to which I and my famillie preserve this world and the world beyond from destruction)

Lumena shouted towards the gate, arms outstreched.

The Crystal began to shine in a purple pulsating aura, suddenly the gate disappeared, after tentacles came out of the Stone, first invastigating Lumena by somehow scanning her off, they did the same by me and it wasn´t even so horrible than I actually thought.

Behind the stone I could see a corridor of moving Walls, which were kind of Jelly Like.

“This is Ecto Plasma, the physical appearance of earthbound ghosts here on Equuis!” Lumena said as she walked forward, into the labyrinth of Fallen and Earthbound Souls.

Ever so often a slimy hand reached out of the walls, making me jumping in fear, I could hear their screams, theyr moans, and even a few of them tried to tell me of how nice it were in the Astral world, I simply need to step through the wall, logicaly I didn’t do it, but one time I almost did, it was the time when one of the ghost spoke in my Grandfathers Voice, My grandfather though was still alive but wasn´t he the youngest anymore and it even could have been, but I knew he wasn´t Shining would have immediately searched for me and telling me.

“Are we soon there ?” I asked after we walked, like an ¾ Hour around.

“Soon, we are coming close I can feel it!” She said and indeed , twenty minutes later we stood in an hall.

It was giant and Huge, the Hall was , as much as I saw, round and White colored, the walls to the sides were made of Ecto Plasma.

“Welcome in the Court Hall of the Death, here my Siblings and I are deciding , after reading the files, if the before standing ghost shall rot in the deepest of hell or if he shall be reborn, by some of the very kind ones, like fluttershy as example, they even have the possibility to become an angel, same goes for those who only did bad things to save others, like in the war, those who killed many to save their whole Neighborhood, they got the chance to become an inhabiant of Tarakena!” Lumena explained.

We stepped on one of the many bridges, which runned past something what looked like a giant circle, on the side there were three Giant Statues.

“Are that?” I asked and Lumena nodded.

“Yes this isn`t only the Court Hall but also the Mausoleum of Kuronema´s, Freyeanyo´s and Themra´s old Body, before they were reborn into their current State, after their Kingdom falled, we decided to split the remaining peoples of the Kingdoms onto this world, the most of Kuronema´s People are since all this time, inhabitants of the Crystal Empire, the ones of Freyenyo´s Kingdom, lived now since centurys under the normal ponies, Themra´s People live now in Tarakena, Ponies as well other dark creatures, to give them all a chance of an normal live without getting hunted by others they live in Tarakena which one only can reach when going through the labyrinth of Tatarus, passing Zerberus, Tenebras Guardian Dog, and personal Pet, it has only once happen that one of the Tarakeens, has managed to sneak out of Tarakena, to the security of themselves as well as the normal inhabitants of Old Equestria, this is a case that normaly can´t be happen, but this creature knew exactly how to get rid of Zerberus, Let me tell you that Tenebra is still angry about her, luckily Zerberus managed to get back to Tartarus, with your Help!” Lumena said and I needed to chuckle , yes I still remembered on this scene , one of the typical Fluttershy scenes, a Giant monster is again completely lost in Fluttershy´s care for him.

“But who has managed to get out, you made it sounding as if your Sister has a personal relationship with that person?” I asked her suspicious.

“Well of course, Chrysalis is after all Tenebra´s Daughter, and ….!” Lumena said and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

“Wait , you mean , Chrysalis, as in , Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings!” I asked dumbfounded.

“Ah, so that is why she don´t came back down to Tarakena, she has finally token responsibility but again she did everything wrong I guess, she never learned on how to actually bee a good princess, she always stood in the shadow of her step sister Shadowstar, thought she always dreamed from her own Kingdom, so she finally must have managed to build up her minor Kingdom, and the first idiotic thing she did was to attack Canterlot, really how dumb can she be, I can tell that Tenebra is extremly pissed of her running away, after her Husbands has all two running away from her, she created Zerberus and made him the guardian of the only entrance and exit to Tarakena, so that no one ever will be able to come out without permission anymore, well Chryssy hated it to be always compared with her sister, she don’t really like her sister, since Chrys is the younger one of them, while Shadowstar is the Daughter of Tenebra and her first Ex-husband, Prince Narubo, former one of the Elements of Harmony , to the times when the royal Princesses still were in the Elements of Harmony, and well Chrysalis is the daughter of Tenebra and King Sombra, her second , Ex-husband!” Lumena said and my mouth couldn´t even fall any further, my eyes almost layed on the ground.

“No way, you kidding, Chrysalis is King Sombra´s Daughter?” I stated unbelieving.

“Sure thing my dear, but now I guess we better gonna search for the swords, after all we have a mission!”

The bomb , wich had just exploded in my brain, wasn´t even done with blasting its destructive power of incoming questions, but I obbey anyways,I nodded and so we made our way to the first Statue, it was the statue of Kuronema.

“Okay wait , one minute!” Lumena said as she stood infront of the statue, arms outstreched.

„Gladium remiseritis peccata, gladio ceciderunt, quae ad salutem: et illi moriantur quos invenire curaret, emissio a vinculis mortis ante sero ades et exaudi me fortitudo et faciem meam gladius luce, quae ego can utor iterum ad adducere milia animarum pax et salus, ego Lumena, elementum de Lumine vobis petitum auxilium! “ Lumena said out loud towards the statue, luckily i had knowledge in the Lingua Latina, thanks to my studies in the library, it was a very old form of magic and also one of those Word and Rune magic from wich Jacky has spoken.

The speech said: Sword which you forgive all sins, sword which you bring Salvation to the fallen, which you find the dying ones and heal them, unleashing them from the chains of death, before its too late, hear me and lend me your strength, appearing before me sword of Light, which I can use again to bring thousands of souls peace and salvation, I Lumena, Element of Light solicit your help!

In the same instant as the Speech ended, a sword appeared in the mouth of Kuronema´s Statue, the Statue then began moving, it climbed from its podium, stepped a bit forward, over the throne, and then kneeled infront of us, bending over presenting Lumena the sword of Forgiveness, which she took out of his mouth, she patted his head and the Statue walked back in place.

“So the Sword of Forgiveness we have, now to the next one, the Sword of Vegeance!” Lumena said as she stepped over the other bridges.

“This time, its up to you since you become the current bearer of the sword, are you ready Twillight?” Lumena asked and I nodded.

“I am!” I siad as I wrapped the necklace of Jacky around my neck.

“Then follow my words!” Lumena said as she began the speech.

“Gladium quaeras vindictam, gladium nosti cogitationes hominum milia ceciderunt animas, quas nosti tenebris et lumen cordibus tabellarius qui dominaris saeculo viventes, Gladius crepusculo , ego Twilight, elementum magicae vobis petitum auxilium!“

(Sword which you pursue revenge, sword which you know the thoughts of thousands of fallen souls, which you know the darkness and the light in the hearts of your carriers, which you rule over the world of the living, sword of twillight, I Twillight, Element of Magic solicit your help!)

And as before the giant Owlstatue of Freyenyo, stepped over the throne , towards me and kneeled, presenting the Sword of Vegeance towards me. I took it out of its mouth and carressed its cheek, before this Statue too walked back in place.
“And now we only need to wait for a moment!” Lumena said and I was confused, I wanted to say something, but I got intterupted.

“Ah there she is, though it seems that she is not willing to stay here for long!” Lumena said as she stepped infront of the giant empty circle in the middle of the room.Suddenly the whole room seemed to get a bit colder, and an feeling of sudden discomfort rushed over me, the hairs in my neck began to raise as a chill run down my spine.

“Sister Tenebra, its long time since I saw you the last time!” Lumena said, as suddenly a Shadow appeared infront of us, and it was like the experience with King sombra all over again, only the difference here was that out of the Shadow, came actually a Mare and though her body lines were very muscular she still was , I admit, really sexy, her coat was nightblue, her hair was pitchblack with a punch of dark purple inside, framing the hair like by Jacky´s Hair, the differently his /her hair moved itself in the light from Black to red.

“Dear Sister , it was too long, I missed you so much, you have no idea, all those years I was lonely, no one to really speak with me, all our siblings are rather focused on the internal problems in their own lands and Kingdoms!” Tenbra spoke, her voice was not as I thought dark and sinister, but warmly and with a sexy vibration at the end, her look, her shape, her voice and her constant bedroom glance, made her a perfect seducer, and I admit I too was a tiny bit affected by her beauty, but I also felt her aura, though it was dark it was kind and friendly at the same time.

“Well beside of Esteel, which problems are kinda too some of my worrys, I heard that Narubo is still after him and the Chest of Dark Wonders, I really don’t like this chest near me, but to give it towards Esteel was a mistake too, both Goron and Narubo have made a total turnaround in their behaviour, and they don’t care about anyone in their attempts to get this damned Chest!” Tenebra said as she stepped next to Lumena and me.

“So you still let him run on the long chain I see, poor guy!” Lumena laughed.

“Yeah, I know right, but he wants it so, he isn´t sure about his feelings either, too long he had tried to break the course on little Scootaloo´s mother, and he still hasn´t made it, after all those centurys, the curse is still there, he tried like thousands when not even millions of different spells and not one worked so far!” She said.

“Uhhmmm, anyway, what are you up to, I felt a change in this room that’s why I am here to investigate, who was it , that little filly over there?” Tenebra asked eyeing me closly.

“No, she is actually on a mission together with me, Jacky has been badly injured, and that’s why he asked her to go in his place, he says that out bodies arent strong enough to last any more long, he gives us maximal two and a half month anymore, before the D-Day, till then we need to complete this mission, means we come in a few weeks with all the others down towards you, I hope you can take us all, we are at least, 13 persons, maybe 14?” Lumena said and Tenebra calmed down again.

“I see, yes I guess that will fit me right, just give me a forward call so I can decorate Tarakena a bit, for your arrival, okay, ah and where the heck my manners went again!” She said as she turned again to me, shaking my hoof.

“Tenebra Darknight is my name, as you may know I am the Element of Darkness, though I am more the kind darkness, not the real terror darkness, though I also can get really angry , at least that’s what the others say!” She said as she shook my hoof violently, but heartfully again.

“Anyway, so Jacky send you if I have heard right, wow, he never did ever before, so I guess you must be very talented then?” She said , more questioning it.

“Twillight Sparkle, Element of Magic from the Elements of Harmony, its an honor to meet you Lady Tenebra, Princess Celestia told me everything, It’s a real honor for me to meet the Strongest of the Fallen angel!” I said kneeling infront of her.

“Nice to meet you too, so let me see, what is so special on you?” She said as she investigated me, making me kinda blushing.

“No wonder Jacky has choosed her, her force and her magic font is incredible big!” Tenebra said to my astounment.

“Wait, you can see my Magical Font?” I asked dumbfounded, and she only nodded.

“Her character is quite good, and her Akasha tells me that she is quite succesfull in defeating minions and minor strong villains of the Dark side, she is a quite nice sword fighter but never really had any chance to prove herself into it, the magic she knows is compared and as high as no else beside one mare´s, Trixie Magistra, which too is really talented, and this is, …., oh, I see, that’s why he choose you!” Tenebra said as she looked at my necklace which I became from jacky.

“Dear Little Filly, do you have a clue what this Necklace means?” Tenbra asked me, while I was lightly confused.

“Tenebra, stop!” Lumena said.

“I honestly don’t know, I thought it was an normal necklace, what is this then?” I asked.

“Well this Necklace is…..!”

“Tenebra Darknight, one more word and I kick you back to Tarakena!” Lumena threathed, shouting outraged, looking with a merciless glare at her younger Twinsister.

“It is not our duty to tell her this story, we have no right to do so!” Lumena said as she still looked sternly at her sister, which only could roll her eyes, she sighed and walked up to the Crow´s Statue.

“Anyways, I think I will now do what i came here for, I can`t let Holy Mocha-chan all too long alone with the Throne!” She said as she stepped in front of the giant Themra-statue.

“Gladium es tenebris vultus, habes uim noctis tenebris, teque animas profundere reprehenderit nocturno, cruore omnes qui defendere delicta, et dolores sentis et persequi gladio damnationis, ego Tenebra, elementum tenebrarum, interrogans pro subsidio tuo ad omnes qui mortem illorum innocentium damnati expiata!“ She said, and I immediatily translated it in Equestrian, whispering it with her.

“Sword which you are looking for the dark ,which you find your strength in the dark of night ,which you are condemning the souls of those who pour the night with blood, that you defend all those who were wronged, their pain and anguish you feel, they avenge, sword of damnation, I Tenebra, Element of darkness, solicit your help, to that all the death of those innocent damned, be expiated!” I whispered, this was one dark speech, for most of them , better said for all of these swords.

And again the Statue walked over to Tenebra and she took the sword, she kissed the Statue on the horn, before it walked back in place.

“Well then I guess this means a farwell until we see each other again!” Tenebra said, standing arkwardly next to Lumena.

“Stop rambling and come in my Arms!” Lumena shouted as she hugged Tenebra tight.

“I have missed you so much, it´s good to know that you are back!” Tenebra said, as she stepped towards the circle.

“well see ya Big Sis!” She said as she let herself fall backwards through the gate.

“Good bye, take care of you, Little Sister!” Lumena shouted after her.

“I will!” And she was away.

“Well that was nice I admit, I honestly thought she were more scary!” I said and Lumena looked as if I were crazy.

“Why in tarnation did you think of her beeing scary, she is one of the nicest person ever and she is kind, smart and really talented in fighting!”Lumena said as she counted all the good things on her sister.

“Nevermind well I guess we should go, lets get out of here and up towards Iris!”

I said, and so we did, it was a long way up but eventually we got out after what felt like hours.

“Finally back up here, lets see what will awaits us!”

Lumoria, Brightlight Manor, Ditzy´s Pov:

“ THEY DID WHAT; WHY DIDN’T YOU STOPPED THEM?!!” I screamed as I paced inside of the room, this was terrible, extremly terrible.

“She asked where her dad was, and when we told her she simply teleportated herself away out of my grasp, and the others did it as we don’t watched for a moment, we have no clue where exactly they are and what they are gonna doing, if you want to save her, you need to hurry she has a mighty lead ahead!” Dalu said and I honestly cant really blame her, 23 Years in a cold, wet prison-cell, and then a few hours of freedom, don’t really help to regain all her old power back, but now I need her more than before.

“I need you Dalu, I need you more than ever before, I cant do it alone, the sword is sucking on my sanity, and I really must focus myself on beeing calm, or else a desaster will rise, sigh , what has Jacky said as he left?” I asked her.

“He said he wanted to go alone, because he don’t wanted anyone of us to get hurt by fighting Iris, that the real reason why he sended you and Twillight off, he knew you would object and fighting for him to stay, in the end the others simply followed him giving him reasons why, all in all they don’t wanted to let a friend go alone to his doom, and as weak as he is at the moment , he surely need every help he can get, even when his reasons are honorable he is just acting like a stupid idiot!” Dalu said and she was right.

“He kind of like to take risks but this is even for him too ridiculous!” I mumbled arms folding infront of my chest, to keep the anger inside.

“But what will he do, he has felt on his own how strong Iris is, if he would have go alone, he would die for sure, maybe by weakening his body too much or by creating such a forcefull attack that he dies with Iris!” Dalu said.

“That is him, he will trie anything to stop the evil, you know why, what would he say to The queen when we all would fail to defend the home of her Creation, Shockwave has a big respect just like all of us!” I siad.

“And that’s again why we need him so badly, he is the only one to hear what our queen says, beside of Faust, where the heck is that damned mare again, never there when we could need her!” Dalu said, and i gave her the glare.

“Okay okay, I am sorry, she is great, she collects all what happens in the history, and she is the Innoficial Queen of our world, are you now fine again?” Dalu asked rolling her eyes.

“Sometimes I just can´t belive you are actually a piece of my soul!” I siad through narrowed eyes, which Dalu responded with one of her own glares.

“But unfortunalety for you I am, so you better get used to it, it will not last long and we finally are all back together as one, One corpse, one soul, got it!” Dalu said, and I sighed.

“For the sake of peace between us, I give up, lets just kill iris and then get back together!” I said sightly annyoed.

“And you say I am the annyoing one!” Dalu mocked.

“Don´t cross the line!”

“Okay okay, everyone calm down right now we have bigger problems right now!” Twillight said as she pointed outside, I looked through the window she said and saw what she mean.

“Well then, I guess they started the Party without us, I guess its time to go, Dalu Twillight, lets teleport over there!” I siad as I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I meet the even more annyoed glance of Dalu.

“And how do you think I shall fight, I have like no magic left anymore, you know other than our siblings, our magic is still splited in yours and mine, and the Angelscore is still not totally completed, so that he also only works halfway!” She stated out, to my own astounment.

“Well that’s indeed a problem, you know what , come here!” I siad as I took her in my arms, leaning my forehead on hers.
“Fines transire inter corpus et animum ab excitante liberam intus pone vigilando de novo more Phoenix ex cineribus, quod inest virtus tua tibi!“ (Stride over the border, between body and mind, awakening from the inside and set your power free, awake from new, like a phoenix from the ashes, for thine is the power that is inherent in you.) I said to her , and I knew she understood, her force began to rise again, inside of her.

“I thank you sister!” She said, hugging me.

“Well after all you are still me, how can I let my own Soulsister fall, rather I kill myself as when this would ever happen!”

“Im not gonna dissapoint you, I am ready, ready to take back the pride, this Mutated whore stole me 23 Years ago!” Dalu said with fire in her eyes, as we stepped outside of the villa, saying goodbye towards Granny Healleaf and Mother.

“You still know how to fight?” I asked her and she nodded.

“Ever had any training , how to handel a sword, Twillight?” I asked her.

“Yes, kind off, Shining armor, my Brother , always trained with me, when we were little and also as he practiced for the test of inscription into the roayl guards!”

“Well I guess that can count as training!” I said getting intterupted by an other voice.

“Well I hope so, I have spent hours with her trying and practicing the swordmanship!” A voice over us said, I looked up to a stallion, in a carriage, a roayl guard I must say.

“Shining Armor, what are you doing here, dear brother!” Twillight squealed in delight to seeing her beloved brother again.

“I am here to investigate whats about to go on, Princess Celestia is concerned about the giant shockwave from earlier tonight, which shook whole Canterlot!” He said as he ordered to lower the carriage to the ground.

“Well hello there Brother of Twillight, my name is Lumena but you also can call me Ditzy!” I said to him, he kissed my hoof, like a real gentle colt does it.

“Well what a gentle colt he is ,not sister!” Dalu smiled as shining armor also kissed her hoof.

“Its nice to meet you, my name is Shining Armor Sparkle, I am Twilies Brother, and Commander of the Royal Guards!” He siad, and I heard Ditzy saying:

“I know him, he was too by the flag robbing game last year, I heard he has created the shield against the changelings at his own wedding with Princess Cadence, later he fighted in the fight against King sombra, I heard it from Carrot top!” She said and I smiled, seems like I have a real folkhero in front of me.

“So I see you are Twilights Brother, the one who helped to defeat King sombra and to banish Chrysalis from Canterlot!” I asked and he nodded suprsed but didn’t questioned it.

“So what is going on here, can you tell me?” Shining Armor asked.

“In short, a giant monster is trying to destroy this land and everyone who is still on it, then she wants to regain all the Miasma she had used up to create her current body and then she is going to revive Discord unless we defeat her first!” I told him and he nodded in understanding.

“I see, and what was that for a shockwave earlier, was that the monster?” He asked further.

“No actually my brother tried to kill it but failed , got badly injured and still stepped back in the game!” I replied.
“aha and where are you now heading?” He asked.

“Well towards the battlefield I guess, I cant let my siblings fight all by themselves, when I have two of the strongest weapons on this World!” I stated deadpan, really he cant be that dumb , can he.

“And you Twillight?” I take everything back, he can be.

“Following her of course, all the others are also there, I cant let them fighting alone, I am the leader of the current Elements of harmony after all, they need me!” Twillight said.

“But not without me, I don’t let you go through such a danger all by yourself!” Shining said sternly.

“As long as you don’t let yourself getting killed, I have no objection but remember you come along on your own, we take no responsibility!” Dalu said sternly.

“Who are you again?” Shining asked suspicious.

“My Name is Dark Lumena , one of the three soulpieces of the Element of light from the Elements of Symphony, just call me Dalu!” Dalu said towards him .

“C´mon, we have no time to lose!” She said as she trotted to an right place to scan the land below her, she focused and vanished in thin air.

“I guess she´s right!” Shining armor stated out, and so we walked up on the hill, where Dalu last stood.

“Well then , every one, are you ready!” they all nodded and so we teleported all together to the battlefield.

“Oh uhmm well!” Was the only thing to say as we arrived, towards what we saw, there were ponies fighting with all they have, Pinkie pie layed on the ground beaten, over her Fluttershy which defended her against a giant dark tentacle, on the otherside were Scootaloo and Pipsqueak dodgint beats and attacking another tentacle.

Joe and Ghost fighted with their Magic and their Fighting skils, while My Brothers and and Floraya hacked and slayed the giant Shadow Phoenix without any real succes.

All of them fighted with all they have but it was useless, they don’t even got close to the main body, not even Jacky who still was injured heavily, drifting ever so often from his flying curse, he practicaly only jumped around dodging the tentacles, trying to shoot of the tentacles with high frequency beams.

“Damn how in the world shall we fight such a huge thing!” Twillight asked in awe at the height of our villain and I must say I was quiet impressed too.

“Damn she´s huge!”

“Yoh, guys, need some help!” A voice asked behind us.

We turned arounde to be greeten by Astralia, Aurora , Shield shine and Sword shine, as well as the whole Army of the souls of the remaining Angelsponie´s, they were ready to sacrifice their last life force , here on this planet for saving Whole Equestria.

“Wow, Hey Sisters im glad you came, but why are you bringing such an amount of released souls of Angelsponies with you?” I asked.

“We had a long discusion with them , about how to defeat Iris, and we have found a spell, its called that when a huge amount of freely given souls is embedded into a being of the light, it awakes unseen forces inside of it, and if it loves from all his heart then its even possible to destroy the Legions of the damned, by using its strongest force without losing control!” Aurora explained, while Astralia nodded.

“so you just take all those souls and creates a weapon to destroy this thing!” she said and I looked at her crazy.

“Are you sick, do you even have the slightest knowledge about such kind of magic, offering the soul of someone for such a ritual means that all those souls will never have a chance to be reborn, do you really want that, you cant want that , want you?” I asked her and she was backed away embarrassed.

“But dear Angel of light, it will us be an honor to give our remaining lives for the Angel of light to save this land, we are sure that this land needs a new legend, and what would be better than the legend of how the people of Lumen, gave their lives and souls for defending Equestria, for our friends down there , and for you, angel in white.” Candellight explained.

“No, I cant do that, this is wrong, if I do that then I am not even better then Iris, to use other souls to use as a weapon, makes me the exact same as Iris, it´s morally and ethically wrong in any sense or way, no we will do it on the normal way!” I said sternly, the hell I let these souls getting sucked into a machine to use as a weapon.

“Twilight, Dalu, we go!” I siad as I turned the back to them, going away from the possibility of a quick but unorthodox fight.

“What are you plans Lumena, are you really sure you want to fight without them, they still could help us?” Twillight asked me, one glance of me istantly silenced her.

“We gonna go helping Jacky and the others, never will I go down on Iris´s niveau of using innocent souls to fight and play with them, creating weaons or whatsoever out of them.

“Well I guess we better help them then!” Twillight said.

“Alright, Twillight you attack from the right, I´ll come from the left, Dalu you attack from the middel, Use this!” I explained to them and they nodded, I gave Dalu my spear of purity in order to fight, while I used the sword.

“Lets go!” yelled and so we launched with the swords forward and the spear behind.

On the Battlefield, Twilights Pov:

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!” My fighting yell seems to get the attention of the Phoenix, it jerked its head in my direction and tried to beat me away with an tentacle, but she has not counted with the Sword of Vegeance, it cut not only one tentacle but also the one Fluttershy and the one Pipsqueak and Scootaloo are trying to fighting off, as soon as the Tentacles were cut off, the Phoenix screamed in pain, so loud that I almost covered my ears, but I had no time to do so, because the fallen souls where sucked inside of the sword, and only a few of the souls joined as lightballs the stars, I looked over the Battelfield and saw how Lumena chomped off four tentacles, and the Phoenix screamed again, he tried to blast her with an dark beam, but she failed as the force simply got sucked ito the sword, Dalu meanwhile shoot of a strong beam from the Spear, and sucked the attacks of the Tentacles inside, only to attack whith the same attack but stronger.

Faster than I knew, the Tentacles were all sucked up , several Souls have gone to heaven, the rest had merciless being vanished into oblivion.

But the Phoenix iris was not done yet, she shoot of a shockwave of black energy out of her body, which blasted most of our comnrades behind our line, the Fallen Angels were too blasted right next to us.

“Nice to see you guys, I thought we could use some help!” Jacky said, before he received a good Punch from Lumena.

“Nice to see you too, honey!” Lumena stated sarcasticly while Jacky stood up rubbing his head but smiled painfully.

“Nice to see you too Lu, I guess I deserved that!”

“You can bet on it!” she said merciless.

“Venturios, you and Jacky are preventing her from flying away, Floraya pin her down with your roots, Dalu, I need your help, yours too Twilight!” Lumena commanded and they all nodded.

“Alright go!” She yelled and I saw how Venturios Grabbed Jacky, and flew behind Iris, Floraya meanwhile tried to catch the Phoenix with its roots, but she didn’t quiet managed it.

“YAAAHYYYLLLL!” The Phoenix Soared as he folded his wings over his body and released them to shoot off burning black Flames, in the direction of us.

“Shit, coverage guys!” Everywhere around are falling black burning flames down to the ground like Meteors.

“Fuck!” I screamed as at least ten of them dived towards us, and we had no cover to dive under.


“Bang bang bang!” Suddenly it was all dark, I lived so much I could say, I looked upwards and what I saw made my heart stopping, over me stood a giant cover of metal, I looked behind me only to see Scootaloo with some kind of Weapon, and an migcfilled aura floated around her, how was that possible, anyways , Pipsqueak, with a giant sword, he was suprisingly too in an anthromorphic state, Applebloom stood there with an wooden hammer, and Dinky stood next to them, holding something in her hand, I squinted my eyes and whatched closer, it was a cross, a Black Cross framed with Gold which shone in a faint glimmer, where do i have see this .


“What, the Core is still not complete!” Rarity asked dumbfounded.

“Yeah, there are still two things missing, the Fragment of Love, looks like a gold-framed black cross, with an heart carved inside the black cross, the other thing which is still missing is the Light of Purity!” Kuronema said.

Flashback end:

“Dinky!” I shouted , caughing her attention, I winked them towards me, and they all came to me.

“What is it twillight!” Applebloom asked.

“First of thanks for the rescue, second, Dinky, where do you have this cross from?” I asked her.

“Uhmm , the one piece of it I have become from Mommy the day of my third Birthday, Mommy forgot to buy me a present, so she searched in her old yewel chest for something, and she found this, she said that it must be once a full cross and that someone nice must have the other piece, and so was it, Dalu had the other piece, she gave it to me, in the Prison cell!” Dinky said, and I looked at it, it was like Kuronema has said.

“The Fragment of Love, but of course, you and Dalu, you are the Bearers of this fragment, for whom else does love both, Ditzy and Lumena more then you two, Beside of Jacky and Tenebra no one knows how to truly love them, but no one can understand the true love of an born Daughter and a Blood and Soulsister, it is something special, unreachable, magically and unique!” I whispered.

“Love, is the strongest magic beside of Hatred, but it is always stronger than hatred!” I said.

“Dinky, you need to give you Mother and Dalu this fragment, of her angelscore, without it they are dead, you need to give it to her, no matter what, have you understand, I will give you backup, are you with me guys!” I asked and they all cheered.

“Alright lets go!” I yelled and so we launched for Lumena and Dalu, always having Dinky behind us, while firing and slicing or slaying the tentacles out of our way.

Meanwhile with Dalu and Lumena/Ditzy, Dalu´s Pov:

“Aaargh!” I heard a scream, I looked next to me, and saw how my sister lay on the ground.

“Lumena!” I screamed and rushed over to her, diving and jumping over and under the attacks of the tentacles.

“Are you allright?” I asked as I reached her, helping her up.

“She is so strong, she must have a giant amount of souls inside of her!” I heard her saying.

“You and your big mouth, we should have taking the offer of our folks souls to use them to destroy Iris!” I shouted at her, crying and somehow outraged.

“No, if we would have done this, we would not being any better than Iris!” She said and I slapped her hard, the slap was audible like I had done it through a microphone.

“Stop doing all the nonsense-thinking, it´s not about ethic and moral anymore, its called surviving or dying, we cant have that all the other are dying, if the Elements of harmony are dying, we can forget our mission, and it can last Celestia knows how long until the next Elements are born, but then it will be too late, Jacky gives us not long anymore, only at least two and a half month before D-Day, if we don’t manage to build the prison new then Nestrell will be able to escaped, do you want that?” I asked her, and she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

“No I don’t want that!” She said.

“Do you want little Dinky to raise in a world of hatred , and war, do you want her to someday die on a battlefield!” I asked her.

“No no, no!” She cried , her eyes burried in her hands, I hold her in my arms.

“Then stand up and fight, fight with all you have even when it is unethically and immoral, its been not for nothing called `the end justifies the means´, sometimes you do and sacrifice things to prevent greater evils, that’s what we are and what we always do, we are the Fallen Angels of Equestria and as such we have a Duty to save this world with all we have, no matter what, we are born for only that reason, to defend and to save, all our mens, Folks, towns and these worlds!”

“I guess you are right!” She said weakly.

“I am right, its time that you finally accept it, I am you, and you are me, we are one and the same not matter what, but if it calms you, then I will take this burden of sacrificing these souls, but I cant do it alone, I need your help I can use a spell to get ourselfs back together as once for a moment but I have no guarantee that it will last long, unless we don’t do the ritual, we will never be able to truly coming back together, we must come back together or else things will get even more complicated!” I shouted and helped her up.

“Alright, then let´s do it!” She said with a new glimmer and a glance of pure hope in her eyes.

“Quae fuerant ad tempus merge in totum non protinus inferre dolorem animi fusionem, sed ad hoc onus erue eos qui salvantur.

(The time has come to merge into what was once a whole, instantaneous fusion of our souls only bring pain, but we take this burden on us to rescue those who are to be saved.)!” we both spoke the holy runes.

“Animas merger (Soul Fusion)!“ We both shouted out and we began to merge, our bodies began to form one, our souls began to adjust themselves inside of us, having now three souls inside.

“Hello Ditzy!” I siad to my other soulpiece, the real mother of Little Dinky.

“Hey Dalu, how is it!” She asked me cheerfully.

“I´m fine as much as I can be in this situation, hey you have a cute and fine little daughter!” I said to her.

She smiled.

“I thank you, she is really a little sweetheart!” she said to me and I smiled, but then again I got rushede with sorrow.

“I wished I knew what has happened with my little girls!” I mumbled but they heard and felt it anyways.

“You have daughters?” Lumena asked me.

“Yes, Two, I lost them the day Iris found out I needed to get them in a safe place or else they would have killed, so I abadonend them in a safe house, their father has been killed a few hours before it all happened, after Iris got me in her claws, she threw me inside of the prison, since then I havent seen Astralia and Aurora!”

“Wait so you are saying that, Aurora and Astralia are you daughters!” They both exclaimed.

“Uhmm yes, wait, do you know them, do you know where they are!” I asked, with tears in my eyes.

“Yes, actually, you just saw them earlier!” They said and I needed to think about.

“Earlier, when earlier?” I asked dumbfounded.

“They where the two, who offered us the posibility to use the souls of light, the two Angelpegasi mares, the one with the Blonde and the one with the Black and Purple hair!” They said and I looked like I felt myself, they where there, they were there and I didn’t even recongnized them.

“Gosh I am such a bad mother I don’t even recognize my own Daughters!” I cried.

“There there, its not your fault, how could you recognize them, you have been emprisoned for 23 years in an dark Prisoncell, its only natural to forget about the aurasignature of them!” Lumena said.

“In all these years I always asked myself what would have happned if I would have brought them away from here, if I didn’t were going back to save our folk, would I have been able to live with them, raise them, but for what for a price, sacrificing thousands of live for two, or was it better they never knew me and I could at least save the souls of thousands from the damnation as far as I could, in the end it doesent matter, there have been plenty of souls damned into hell because I was too weak to stop iris!” I cried they put a hand and a wing over my back.

“No need to cry we are here, we now will help you turning things right again!” Ditzy said and she took me in her arms, she was warm, warmer then everything I ever had felt before.

“Sisters, c-can you ever forgive me!” I asked fearfully.

“Sister, there is nothing to forgive, you have done everything you could words can´t describe of what you have making through, Mirrorlight, ourselves, your daughters, our folk and our land, everything you had lost and you were thrown in a dar cell, a grave so alike, for over two decades, there is never anything we could blame you for, for what we don´t blame ourselves” Both of them said in unison and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

“I am so glad I have you back, dear sisters!” I said as I raised my head.

“Iris will pay for what she did, for our land, our Peoples, for Mirrorlights and all those innocent killed damned and used beings, IN THE NAME OF THE LIGHT!” We shouted as we rised up again, we were ready, the Spear of Purity and the Sword of Forgiveness in our hands.

“Aurora, Astralia, we are ready to take this burden on ourselves!” We shouted and in a mighty flash all of them have gathered around us.

“We are sorry for what we said earlier we are now ready to take your offer, if that is what you all want!” We asked them all , and they all nodded and cheered and we smiled.

“May i?” I asked, and the other two shifted to let me go in front.

“Aurora, Astralia, its me, Dark Lumena, the right one!” I said getting their attentions, that’s when their eyes wided.

“You, it was your voice we heard last night!” Aurora stated.

“Yes, I am so sorry I havent recognized you before, I am sos orry for so many things, I swear when all of this is finish, I will tell you anything about the day you were born and about me, okay?” I asked and they nodded, I hugged them and it was as if I hold my babies again, their coat was still similar of when they were infants.

“I have missed you so much!” I siad as I nuddged inside their embrace.

“We too, I guess, I think little we knew there was always something we missed everyday, but we didn’t could lay a finger on what!” Astralia said.

“I never give up on loving and thinking of you, while I sat in this cell!” I told them.

“We know, but we bvetter now fight or else we are soon birds food!” We all laughed heartfully but its what they said, we were ready.

“Bring it on, how does this ritual go!” We asked and they explained to us, it was a singsong made of two different languages, It was Equestrian, and the old Language of our Land, Ange-lusian, they all need to sit in a circle, connecting their hoofs and sing this song , while we stand in the middle, being held by two living beings of light, which are connected by an hoof of the last soul, from each side one.

“Well then lets go, Floraya , Venturios, we need some back up, you guys too!” I shouted over to The Elements of Harmony, Shield Shine and Sword Shine.

“Alright, lets begin the Ritual, for the ultimate light!”

“May we all fly like eagles,
Flying so high,
Circling the universe,
On wings of pure light.
We are brothers and sisters,
Children of the light,
Here to make a better world,
For everyone's delight.

I saw how the shining aura of the souls began to shine, and ever so often a soul vanished, while I felt myself getting powered up by the high amount of life force and lightsouls. It pained my heart to know that they all were going that far just because of us, but I was in the same moment gratefull for all their help.


May we all love each other,
Each other as one,
Love will heal our mother earth,
Its only just begun.

May we all grow together,
Together as one,
This is the new age now,
The time has just begun.


Where we sit is holy,
Sacred is the ground,
The forest, mountain, river,
Listen to the sound.

May we all be one family,
Open and true,
Clear with each other,
I and I and you.

More and More souls vanished, and the more of them went away, the more powerfull I felt I felt like something somewhere began to rise and to move towards me, no, towards us, something strong ,mighty and good.

“Do you feel it too , Sisters?!” I asked them and they nodded.

“We do, and we are all waiting it!”


May we all sing together,
Rejoicing in the sun,
We are children of the Rainbow,
Of the New Age begun.

And with these words the last two souls vanished and I felt how my power had been rised in the hundredfold.

“may, we sing one or two verses two, too?” We asked and Astralia and Aurora nodded.

You are my Mother, You are my Father
You are my Lover, and my Friend.
You are the Beginning, You are the Center.
And You are beyond the earth, on which we have been sent.

And i love you so, You helped me to see
To see You as Love, is to see you all as me
For i'm in you and you all are in me.

Mortal and Immortal are but one
Paths for many that lead to just one.

With these last words we hugged both of them and stood up, ready to fight, the feeling we had before became ever so stronger.

“The time has come Girls!” I siad to them and they were ready, as ready as I was, I could feel it, it comes closer, ever so closer, until it was right before me, a white core, a shining white core with wings.

“The Lasercore, the Dragoncore of Light!”, I said as I stood there in awe, all of them looked at me in awe too.
“Wow it is beautifull!” I could here Rarity and Spike saying.

“Are you ready to use this which has us been given, from the People of Lumen, are you ready to save Equestria and Lumen from the destruction, Sisters?” I asked.

“Yes we are, use it!”

“Of course , for Lumen.


The core exploded in light, the force it held in iself was incredible I never felt anything similliar, so this was the force of the Dragoncores.

“Momy!” I heard it coming from my right, I looked towards the voice, and I saw how She stood there, Ditzy´s little love.

In front of the Dragon of Light, Lumoria, Dinky´s pov:

“Wow, she is beautifull!” I said to myself, even as dragon she was, she was sparkling white, like millions of Stars together.

“The diamond starlight Dragon!” Twillight mumbled in awe, about what she saw, I saw a white dragon and an amulett of Gold on her neck, it was an sphere framed by angelwings and in the mittle, was .. a hole, where,…, where a cross should be, could it be?” I looked at my cross and now I finally understood what Twillight mumbled earlier, this belongs to mom and she need it, it was like an additional power up.

But how in the world shal I be able to go up their, she looked at me but she was out of reach, she was already in the air.

“Guys I need to get up to her!” I siad and I saw how Venturios stepped next to me.

“Neet a lift?” He asked and I nodded.

“Alright , when I say now you came runing towards me and jump when I say okay?” Venturios asked and I nodded.

“Yes, I am ready!” I siad, he walked a a few meters way from me, and took out his sphere.

“Do you Trust me?” He asked, and I nodded.

“Then come to me!” He shouted and I began running.

“come come, and now, Jump!” He said and I did as told I jumped , he caught me with my feet on the staff of his Spear, and he threw/ pushed me up in the air, towards mom.

“Momy!” I shouted out happily I was almost there as I felt something on my foot!”, I looked down only to see something black being wrapped around my hoof, which suddenly began to drag me down, further away from mom.

“Momy,momy Help me!” I screamed as even more of those dark things wrapped around me and dragged me towards this giant black bird.

“No, please no, pleas I don’t want to die, momy, momy please help me!” I screamed tears in my eyes, both from pain and sorrow, I havent managed to give momy the cross, the piece she needs to complete the Angelscore, whatever that is.
Mom tried to get towards me, but she always got thrown back by the Bird, this ugly creature, with the multiple red eyes.

“Momy, please give up, don’t push yourselves, give up!” I begged as the Bird began to shoot his black beams on Mom, I don’t wan to see that I don’t want to fell her being hur and injured because of me.

“M-mo-mo-mom-mom-momy-Momy!” I shouted, and then suddenly she got hit frontal from a black beam.

“MOMYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed my lungs out, wishing it to end, to stop the bird from hurting her, I wanted to end all of this, I wanted to blame someone but I could only blame myself. If I hadn´t jumped momy wouldn’t got hit, I saw how she hung there in the air, only held by reflex, I wanted to help her, to be there for her, to show her how much I love her.

Suddenly I felt a pull, something pulled on me, I looked down to see the cross pulling in an attempt to go to momy, and I new exactly what was to do, I strugled inside of the black things, trying to get myself free from it, the more I wiggled, the more heat I felt radiating from the cross, I was on the end of my force, the only thing I could do was grab the cross and hope for a wonder.

And it came in a mighty flash, I felt how i got consumed in white, the roots or whatever, falled off me and let me go, I suddenly floated in the air held by nothing but the light in my hoofs. I looked around and I wasn’t just in the air anymore no I was in some kind of Hall, there where the Lightdove, Miss Kuronema and Grandma Brightlight
“Do you love your mother!” Miss Kuronema asked.

“Yes I do, I love her more than everything, and I don’t want her to get hurt, I want her to be happy I don’t care what she is , or what she will become as long as she is safe and happy!”

“So be it, Bearer of the fragment of light, I looked in your heart and I saw so much love inside, so much love like I never saw before, you love your mother over everything and you also love your friends with all you have, so we shall bring this last piece to its rightfull owner not?” She asked and I nodded.
Grandma Stepped a few meters away infront of me.

“Bearer the fragment of Love, step forward and tell me what you see in the here kneeling, is she worth to bear the name, Element of Light, do you think she should get the Fragment of Love?” I saw how momy , in her dragonform and It all depended now on me.

“Yes she deserve it, for is she the best women in my life, she loves me and I love her, never we had a secret from each other, never she told me to stop playing and do homework, she always helped me when I was I need of some help, she tried everything to make my day as wonderfull as it could be. It wasn´t always easy, but it were the best of my years I ever had , and I would change it if I can, not in the slightest, I can happily say, yes she deserve it, for is she my Number one!” I said.

Suddenly the Cross floated infront of me, I saw how momy lifted her head, her eyes full of sorrow and pain but also of trust, love andhappy ness, I stepped towards her and layed my head on her muscular dragonshoulder, even when she was huge, she was gentle too, she lifted me up towards her mussle and kissed me, I embraced her , and then I took the cross off, ripped it from the chain and added it in the hole to the amulett on her neck. The Amulett shone in a bright light.

“Its time to go Dinky, we shall her now be until she is done with iris okay!” Kuronema asked and I nodded.

“See you down there momy” I said and she nodded, the core began too to activate her force, she shone brighter than ever before. And she became even bigger and much more giantic.

“Momy!” I shouted after her, she turned and looked at me, questioning.

“Mowing them down!” I yeled and did a little shadowboxing.

She made a noise, which I assume as an amused laughter, but she still nodded.

Diamond Starlight Dragon Vs Black Shadow Phoenix , Di-Dalu-Lu Vs Legion Iris, Lumoria , Di-Dalu-Lu´s pov:

We were stronger than before I could feel it, and Iris too I guess she backed away.

“Girls lets finish her off with a mighty Asskick back to oblivion!” I ( Ditzy) shouted.

“Of course!” Dalu said.

“And with Gusto!” Lu stated out.

“Well then here we go!”( Lumena)


Alright!” (Dalu)

Dragon Blaster, Lightspeed Canon, Nighty Moonshine Beam!” We yelled each attack hit the target full until it began to fall, but we were not done.

“This time you don’t get a second chance!” ( Girls)

“Ready for the final Strike!”( Ditzy)

“Ready as I am!” ( Lumena)

“And you still ask”( Dalu )

“ Atomic Dragon Lightning Shell” We yelled as our dragon body, began to spray sparks of electricity, using the tension in the air and the floating molecules.

“Dragonforce Unleashed!” We yelled in unison as we crashed right through Iris, every inch of our body covered in ripping electricity, the souls litteraly got blown away, all those dark souls are already out of their hatred, all they need now is redemption.

“Purification of Soul, White Dragon of salvation!” We yelled as we raced again through Iris but this time we absorbed all the souls on our way through her.

“Arrgggghhh, noooooooooooo!” We could hear Iris voice as we crashed right into her, throwing her out of the soul corpse, while absorbing and cleaning all those souls for an Court in the Hall of Justice of the Astral World.

“Sisters our dragonforce is soon on its limit!” (Dalu)

“We know!” ( Ditzy/Lumena)

“A Little bit further, we need to take all the souls into the Purification!” (Lumena)
The dragon, snaked around the corpse squeezing it tight, bruning all the black souls, cleaned them and send them in the court hall.

“A bit thighter, burn them to the core!” (Dalu)

We managed to burn them all, all their screams, all those screams of lonely souls full of hatred getting cleaned or burned, only the souls which had been unrightful damned are going into the Waiting room of the Hall of justice,l all the others going towards hell or are burned into Oblivion.

“Hayah!” We yelled as the last soul has been catched, the only thing to defeat now is Iris.

“The Time is over!” (Dalu)

“Yes I guess, so it was but an awesome feeling to be together again, even in a state like this!”( Ditzy /Lumena)

We sat ourselves on the ground, while the dragonforce fainted until it was all gone, and there we stood, the time we had spent together in one body has been good for us, but now we had another task to do, and for this three persons where good enough I guess. (Ditzy)

“You look good sister!” Dalu stated as we stood there infront of an struggling Iris, and indeed , Sister Lu looked quiet cute, she had an Dark blue Dress with Pink mixed in it, here coat was snowwhite, her Eyes ocean blue, an blue Hair ribbon and a cross around her neck, over her head floated a bright Gold shimering Hailo, all in all she looked like I always had imagined.

“You too Dalu!” She said , I looked at my sister and I must admit she looked good too, not really cute more punky but good too, she had a scarlet red Dress on with Black attachments, her eyes were Scarlet Red, her coat was from a darker shade of gray, darker than mine, her headband was Black and Red stripped with an white skull on it, around her neck she wore an spike neckband and a necklace with an silver tiny padlock, quite IN in the Punkscene as much as I knew, I honestly always looked out to get Dinky away from such folk but if my sister had a faible for it I cant say anything, anyway, her eyes where what made feared me thought, it looked like there were lines bruned under it into the coat, looking like smudged Mascara.

“Was this Iris!” I asked as I stepped closer to her concernly inspecting her eyes, though they were not damaged, I can tell that it must have hurt like hell.

“Yes that was her!” Dalu said in anger, the Black hailo over her head pulsated wild .
“ Well me, I look quite the same as always!” I stated out flatly.(Ditzy)

“But this makes you even more beautiful than us, because you are natural, a woman fit for the roll of a loving mother , just like we all want to be, I have now a cute little foal inside of me, and Dalu also need to know how it is to be a mother, but you ditzy, you know how it is, you have raise Dinky all by yourself and she Is one of the cutest little fillys I ever saw in my life!” Lumena said.

“Look at what you are wearing, it is fit for an loving mother as you are!” Dalu said and I looked at myself, I was still a bit wall eyed but it became even better, I felt like my vision started to get straight, I looked down at me, I wore a bright blue dress in the same kind as my sisters, with dark blue attachments, in my head I wore an bright blue headband with an saphir in shape of an diamond on it, around my neck I wore an golden necklace with an Saphire on it.

“Wow, you are right I still look beautifull!” I admitted and we shared a laugh.

A Shuffel infront of us let us being aware of the reality again, infront of us iris managed after a few struggling to stand up, she looked at us huffing, panting eagerly, blood flowed over almost every inch of her body.

“I- am, n-not d-d-done yet!” She said as she stepped forward.

“Girls are you ready to kick her ass!” I asked (Ditzy)
“You bet!” They said as Lumena took her sword out, and gave me the Spear, dalu holded something looking like a golden Bow and an Arrow.

“What in tarnation is that?”Lumena and I asked.

“It’s the Arrow of Redemption, its for the dark souls so that they still have a chance to be reborn as a being without darkness in her heart!” Dalu said.

“Like Queen Equestria said, `When Light turns to darkness, you must turn Darkness to Light, in order to hold the balance, this is the lesson of Ying and Yang´!”

“Alright then lets do this!”

We walked up to Iris, which backed away with fear in her eyes.

“Where are you think you are going!” A voice said behind her, there Stood Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Dinky and Twilight.

“You don’t think you can get out of here without getting a mighty Asskick!” Auroras voice sounded from behind us, we saw how she and Astralia as well as the Shine Twins walked up on us.

“Don’t forget all the pain and suffering you had us to let going through!” Fluttershy stated out angrily as she walked up with the Elements of Harmony.

“And the Foalnapping and emprisonement of Dinky and Dalu, don´t think we have forgot that!” Jackys Voice sounded as he stood there with his Sword of Vegeance on his side, together with the other Fallen Angels next to us.

“And we never gonna forget what you did to our folk and our land!” I heard a Voice I thought I will never hear again.

“Candlelight, but how is this possible!” We three asked in unison.

“Dunno, but I guess Queen Equestria gave us a second Chance, her Generosity is infinite!” Candlelight said while standing together with the whole Lands people next to us, over thousand of Angelpegasi standing in a circle around us.

“ Lets finish her off, with the power of light!” The most of them screamed.

“Even when you destroy me, the darkness will never end, others will come, I was just the beginning!” She yelled out laughing insanely., she spread out her wings and tried to get away by flying, but it bad no use.

“lux spiralem ( Light Spiral)!“ We all screamed and our force load up, it was the light of our soul, not magic or anything else, simply the love we held inside of our heart, and care for each other.

The Light flew in a Spiral around us, brighting up every heart with the shining force of the Holy Light.

It reached me and my Sisters as we hold us all by our hands, all of them, all our hearts have united to one Light.

„Lumen cordis infiniti puritate et veniam nobis, malum animae damnatorum orbe peccatis animos ad vindictam, animum tuum, et co accipere est, mundari et illuminet “ We Three screamed up towards the Nightsky, as we consrtucted a lightsphere in our middle a giant force to destroy all evil.

“Light of the heart of the infinite purity and forgiveness hear us, Evil souls of the Damned World, for your sins, your spirit, is to be punish , Your soul, is to get cleaned and your heart, to be enlightened!” We All, every single one of us screamed up towards where Iris tried to escape, as the Light sphere exploded.

A giant Pole of light rised from the ground uptowards the heaven, engulfing Iris, and destroyed her body, cleaned her Black soul and send her devilish spirit into the black of nothingness.

Ditzy´s Pov:

“We did it!” Applebloom shouted out happily and all around us everypony lied in the arms of another, we as Sisters hugged each other tight.

“May your misdirected soul find finally peace and to experience the mercy of Queen Equestria and may your sins been forgiven, for that we see each other in another life.” This was our last words towards her, as we saw how her soul floated up in the sky, in the embracement of Queen Equestria, after all also Iris was only an misdirected soul , which has been created and cursed by Nestrell to become what she was.

“May we ever be able to fully forgive her?” I asked.

“No, no one can fullyforgive someone not even Queen Equestria I guess, to held the Balance between Ying and Yang is to tolerated Both Sides, each souls has two sides, a White and a black side, its only our own decision to which side we go freely and which by force!”Lumena aswered me.

“Well , …., uhmm, what now?” I could hear many of them saying.

“I guess the time has come!” Lumena said.

“Yeah time to make this world back to what it was before!” Dalu nodded.

“Girls , what are you talking about!” I asked.

“Well we haven´t wished us anything from Queen Equestria in this Millenium, our one wish which we become granted every millenium is still aviable!” Dalu didn´t even needed to say anything more, I knew what she meant.

“This is a marvelous idea!” I shouted.

“And , uhm how are we going to do that!” I asked dumbfounded.

“With the help of Jacky and Faust!” They said.

“Well then , where do we do it!” I asked again.

“In the cathedrale of Light, the Highest Place in whole Equuis!” Jacky said as he walked up towards us.

“Hello girls, nice to see you three, hmm well which one wants an hug!” We litterally all flew in his arms.

“girls girls girls, calm down everyone gets a piece of me!” he stated before realizing what he just said.

“Oh umh, its not that way , I didn’t meaned that!” He tried to get him out, but I liked my lips hungrily.

“Admit it Bro, you would damn like it!” Venturios snickered while passing us to walk towards Rainbow dash.

“Venturios!” Jacky screamed as we laughed hard, together we made our way up to the cathedrale of Light.

Standing infront of the Altar we kneeled infront of the two alincorns standing infront of us, Summoning a portal for Faust, it was an childplay to bring her over.

“Hello All of you, My name is Faust Icorn, I am the Medium and Soulvessel of Queen Equestria, I am hear to granting the hear kneeling Lumena, Ditzy, and Dark Lumena alias Dalu, with the force and the will of the queen , their wish, may it be anything, will come true, but Queen Equestria takes no responsibility of the consequences, to make this clear, well then, Shall we begin?” She asked us three and all the ponies around who nodded.

“Jacky if you would be so kind!” She asked my future Husband.

“Sure well then here we go!” Jacky said as he stepped infront of us, turned around and kneeled inforn of Faust, so did we all, evry single pony kneeled infront of Faust icorn, the Medium of Queen Equestria, it was Dead-silent, as Jacky began to speak in the old Holy Language.

Salve sancta Regina,
Mater Misericordiae,
nostra vita dulcedinem,
spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamamus filiis cruciari Lumena
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia ergo, illos
tuos misericordes oculos ad nos

(Hail, Holy Queen,
Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness,
our hope, hail.
To thee do we cry, poor tormented children of Lumena
To thee we sigh, mourning and weeping
in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy to us)

I felt how a gentle warmth, spread over my body, I saw the shine of her Arrival on the floor, I wanted to see her gracefull appearance and her beauty but I remained still.

“Liberi mei nasci volui, vos vero illud videre bonos omnes (My children please arise, it's so good to see you all again, all of you!)” The Most gentle and beautifullest voice in the world ever audible, has spoken and we obbeyed withing a nano second.

“Ave Equestria , gratia plena, Dominus tecum sancti virtute;
Benedicta tu inter angelos
et benedictus fructus ventris tui viribus elementaribus.
Equestria sancta Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.

(Hail Equestria, full of grace, The holy Force is with thee;
Blessed art thou among angels
and blessed is the fruit of thy force, the elements.
Holy Equestria, Mother of Gods, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.

We all spoke our hail to her.

“Gratias tibi, quia vocasti me meorum mille redimere voluerit voluntatem, quia non est illi fides ad vos dicite quid vis tibi tres libero velit, sed ne obliviscaris tres votis oportet aequare ordinem ad completam cupiditatem gigni.“ (I thank you, my children, you called me because you want to redeem a Millennium-wish, is not it, it is my honor to fulfill you this one, say to me what you desire, you have three wishes free, but do not forget, the three wishes must match in order for a complete desire arises) The Queen spoke to us through Faust, as we looked at her.

“Lumena, velim te videre velle sed num quid vis tibi?” (Lumena, your wish i like to fulfill you, but you know what to do you wish you canst?)

“Immo o cara et veneranda mater desiderat resurrectionem cultus, haec patria tolerandum tantum damnum quod dolet animus ira ut ita ego requiram, ut impleret desiderium salutis patriae hoc volo te servus tuus desiderio!“ (Yes, O thou most precious and venerated mother, my desire is the resurrection of our culture, this country has tolerated so much damage, that it hurt and angered my heart to see it so, I'm asking you to fulfill me the desire for a cure for the country , this is my wish for you, the desire of your faithful servant). Lumena told towards Queen Equestrias spirit.

“Fiat, ferre possum velle, quod non longe est statim apparebit omne novum lumen.“ (So be it, I can tolerate your wish, it will not take long, and once everything which has been set, will appear in a new light). Queen Equestria said to her.

“ Gratias ago tibi, vestra sancta Majestatem!” (Thank you, your sacred Majesty), Lumena stepped back in the order, while the Queen picked Dalu to cast her wish.

“Dalu, velim te videre velle sed num quid vis tibi?” ( Dalu, your wish i like to fulfill you, but you know what to do you wish you canst?)
“Ita et vos o pretiosissima matrem, Desiderium animae damnatorum omnium resurrectionem male regionis damnati sunt laesus inique volo lumens est populi omnium peccatorum remissionem!” (Yes, oh you my most precious and most honored mother, my desire which has been the resurrection of all the wrongly damned souls of that country, they were wronged and they were condemned unjustly, my wish is the forgiveness of all sins of the people of Lumen.) Dalu asked with all the respect she has in her heart.

“Fiat, his innocentibus et adducam nascantur animi desiderio, quasi sit!“ (So be it, I will fulfill your desire for the souls of these innocent beings are born again, as it should be) Queen equestria Spoke, through Faust she spread her arms as a bright spehere appeared in the middle of her hands, and flames shooted out, there where the Flames meeted the Ground new Ponies rised out of th Llight, I even could see my former parents, out of the memories of Lumena.

“ Gratias ago tibi, vestra sancta Majestatem!” (Thank you, your sacred Majesty), Dalu said as she too stepped back, leaving me in front, man was I nervous, I can tell you guys.

“Ditzy, velim te videre velle sed num quid vis tibi?” ( Ditzy, your wish i like to fulfill you, but you know what to do you wish you canst?), Our mighty Queen asked me as I stepped shily forward.

“Etiam, vos dilectissimi mater ad revera desiderium tam diu cum aliis meis sororibus non solum autem mihi in populum peculiarem, sponsus amicorum, aliquid commune omnibus, omnes diligunt diligamus invicem aliis dilacerare voluisse nos videbar mihi in omnia solus ego, sed usque peccavimus, exspectatio me per duo, duo quaedam fragmenta sola anima tres homines et tria signa nobis distare, quod illud unum ad signum, quod cito nobis lucem!“ (Yes, you my beloved mother, my desire is after such a long time again to really be together with my sisters, not only for me specific but for my people, my friends and my fiance, we all have something in common, we all love each other and we love others, but we were never meant to tear apart, I thought that I had my whole life alone, by myself, but I was wrong all the way, there waiting for me two more essentially, two more fragments of a lonely soul, three beings, three signs , so different we are, make it back to being a single symbol, swift as the light from which we are.) I prayed to her.

"Sed ego occurram velle debeant, consectetur supplicium sumendum in anima, si desperet, si ploras, si ridere felices, omnes simul una per experieris discursibus ignem Officium, in quod mendacium et abscondi me in finem et non timebunt fatum manet, sed adhuc liberi arbitrii, auderesne?“ ("I'll fullfill you your wish but be warned, consequences must be taken into your souls torment ,if you despair ,if you cry, if you shall laugh and be happy, all together, you will experience together through ups and downs, in the end what lie will also remain hidden from me, but have no fear, your destiny awaits you, but you still are free to decide, would you dare?) The queen asked and I looked at my Sisters and hey nodded eagerly, they were ready , and I was too.

“Etiam, tandem animum ferre audebit!“ (Yes, we will dare, to that our souls are finally tolerate mutually) the three of us stated.

“Tunc ita fiat, lumina Iunctus, est unum de terni, sed mos adepto a novus vetus reliquias, facere totum iterum, quod fuerat quondam ut totum videtur!”

(Then so be it, the lights United, is one of threes, but will get a new old remains, make whole again what seems was once to be a whole).

And so the three of us floated up towards her, each one of us in an separate Lightsphere.

“Momy!” I heard it coming , I turned towards the voice.

“Momy, always remember, I love all of you , and I will always love you regardless of what you become!” Dinky shouted and now I finally saw it, this was what I had dreamed.

“It´s not gonna hurt honey, you will feel new born after it!” Jacky said to me, Standing next to Astralia and Aurora with dinky on his arm.

“Mistress, have no fear” Kuronema said towards us and I saw how the others two smiled, as we floated into each other making our spheres to one single.

“Momy, hold on strong!” Aurora and Astralia cheered.

“Have no fear Ditzy, Lumena, Dalu, you all!” The Fallen Angels and the Elements of Harmony shouted and I cried, now I knew what this dream has meant.

“I will wait on the other side, my Daughters, my friends, My siblings, my Folk, My Family!” I shouted as suddenly bright light Blinded me.

Then it was black.

“My Child wake Up!” I heard Fausts Voice.

“Nnng, just a few minutes more, Momy!” I said not recognizing the voice before, that’s when I heard the cheers.

“She did it, yay, yuuucheeee, yeeeeeeeeehhhaaaaaaa!” All of them made such an infernalistic noise that I groaned and pulled the pillow over the head,……., wait, I, Head, Pillow, better said, One Pillow.

I jerked my eyes up and squinted them as the bright light of an bright day pierced my eyes, slowly I opened them , and what I saw amazed me, I was back there, I was one, one soul in one Body, nothing remembered anymore of me being separated into one being, only my own memories.

“Man that screams after a party!” I said as I stood up, I regocnized that I was taller than before, maybe now as tall as Jacky and venturios.

I took a step forward but found it extremly difficult.

“How long have I slept!” I asked myself.

“Two days through!” Came the answer behind me, I looked only to see my three beloved daughters.

“Dinky, Aurora, Astralia, its so nice to see you up so early!” I said and they smiled and laughed, then pulled me outside, I was dressed in an White tunica with a blue belt , it was a bit bigger than I remembered.

“But mom, we are in the afternoon!” they said as I saw what they meant, I looked around and I think I never saw any more beautifuller landscape than this one, over mountains I could see the ocean, I stood infront of a giant villa up on a ill over which I could look over the whole island.

“Welcome back honey!” I heard Jacky´s Voice.

“Hey honeybear, how is it?” I asked.

“Wellthe land has been reawaken, all the souls and Angelpegasi have returned , and as you can see , you are back to yourself again, but now the only question is on how to call you, shall I call you now, Ditzy, Dalu or Lumena, you can choose?”

I thought about it, and I smiled as I knew which name to take, a name whci fit for all three of us.

“Call me, Derpy Hooves!”

End of Part 1 of Book 1

Ending Song: Dragonforce, Seasons (Acoustic version).

I'm searching through emptiness
And try to forget as in vain
The light of the dark setting sun
Will bring my sadness to an end

Voices cry out through the fear and the dark
As we wait for our lives to be better
The worlds are dying in the night
The winter lasts for ever
The seasons pass and sunlight will shine on my life again
So let the past... now burnt out in flames

Locked in a prison
In a world of living fear
On the edge of my destruction marching on
Still suffer in darkness
With the dreams of life, my meant to be
As I lie awake and curse the rising sun

Sadness inside from the truth that she hides
And is pain in my heart for no reason
The worlds are dying in the night
The winter lasts for ever
The seasons pass and sunlight will shine on my life again
So let the past, now burnt out in flames

Voices cry out through the fear and the dark
As we wait for our lives to be better
The worlds are dying in the night
The winter lasts for ever
The seasons pass and sunlight will shine on my life again
So leave the past behind

The dark clouds are fading from my mind
No pain will last forever
The seasons pass and sunlight will shine on my life again
So let the past now burnt out in flames
Burnt out in flames

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