• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 2,211 Views, 45 Comments

Johnny Dash - Prismfire Productions

A 10 year old boy and his talking dog...best friends right? But what will happen when he makes fun of the fact his genius sisters and his best friend are bronies? Things are about to get interesting for him...

  • ...


It took all day, but by nightfall the house and lab were completely cleaned out. Knowing that they didn't have much warning to pack, each of them grabbed only the bare essentials and leaving the rest behind as they loaded up the mobile lab for the last time.

"I am so sorry about this guys,” Rainbow said as she took her seat in their makeshift get away van. “if I hadn't done that Sonic Rainboom we would be safe and not have to leave."

"It is our fault really Dash, we made you into what you are." Susan said giving Rainbow a hug. “So you don't need to worry about anything.”

"Yeah, by the way, before we leave we want to give you something." Mary said then pulled out a vial of, ironically, cyan liquid. "This is the antidote that will turn you back into Johnny, you have a choice, go back to the 10 year old boy we all know, or remain like this."

Rainbow just looked at it for a few minutes ,like she was weighing her options, then in a quick movement she snatched the vial in her mouth and slung it to the ground. The move shattered the tube and dispersed the liquid all over the floor. "I have already said I am not going back… I appreciate it sisters but Johnny Test no longer exists, this is my new life and I am going to accept it."

"Well you have made your choice and we all support you Dashie, and I still love you the same." Jillian said with a small smile as Mr. and Mrs. Test joined them in the mobile lab.

"You sure we have to leave like this?" Mr. Test asked shutting the door. “Look how many times it looked like it was the end of the world, but everything turned out ok.”

"No choice since me and Mary sealed off all the secret passageways and took all the emergency equipment out of the lab." Susan said as they started making their way towards the wharf, not caring about any potential speeding tickets. "Unless you want to be up here for WWIII and/or killed."

"We have enough supplies to last the 8 of us for about 15 years or so," Susan said a few hours later when they reached the secret underground base and turned on the satellite tv. "No one knows about this place except us, so we are safe. Those on the surface is another story altogether, they better hope they find shelt-"

She was cut off as the base shook and the screen went fuzzy for a few seconds. A few minutes later the screen cleared up and their hearts sank into their stomachs at the sight...

There, on the screen, was a mushroom cloud with Porkbelly being Ground Zero of the blast.

"Daddy… no..." Jillian said as she burst into tears seeing nothing was left standing of the town, it was completely disintegrated with a large crater in its’ place.

"At least he won't suffer from radiation sickness or a slow painful death from cancer, he was one of the lucky ones Jules, but I am so sorry you had to see that..." Rainbow said as she trotted over and draped a wing around her, which calmed her down slightly until reality set in. They were now trapped and had nowhere to go without risking acute radiation exposure, causing a wave of dread to overcome all of them.

"Looks like we are now gonna die here, at least we had a good run while it lasted..." Gil said clearly depressed and the others just sadly nodded.

“Yeah,” Dukey said as he slumped down. “at least we got each other until our time comes.”

Mr. And Mrs. Test’s jaws dropped, briefly looking at each other before Mr. Test spoke up. “ D-did Dukey just talk?”

“I did,” Dukey said with a nod, heading to the kitchen area of the base to start on some coffee. “The girls made it so I could talk so Rainbow since she never was able to have close friends and you two are always busy working. After all, dogs are man’s and pony’s best friends, so me and her often went off playing sports. I always managed to keep my cover to avoid you two from freaking out, but since we are now trapped down here I'm not going to even try.”

“You know,” Rainbow said rubbing a hoof under her chin. “I find it awfully covient that Susan and Mary were able to come up with the EXACT DNA sequence to turn me into what I am now. That being said, I wonder if it is possible to try and find Equestria? It is an astronomical long shot, literally, but it beats waiting around and waiting for the reaper to come claim us.”

A renewed sense of urgency filled the girls, and they got to work on searching the cosmos, searching the Galaxy for their only hope.

Author's Note:

Marking it as complete for now

Comments ( 12 )

don't forget to warn about the sequel in the blog.

No seqeul planned at the moment

And then Equestria will have to deal with TWO Rainbow Dash?? Okay, it is probably still better than two Pinkie Pie, but still...

Well Equestria does deal with two Pinkies just fine, considering her and her EqG counterpart regularly switch back and forth so...

So, is this over? I want more! This story is one I wish I could say I wrote, I don't care if some people think this story sucks... It is AMAZING!
Please don't end the story yet...

Notice that last two words in my author note...

Notice the last word in my comment... I have seen many stories that the author says it is over for now and it never continues.

I will later, but I got to get my open story count (13 atm) down first

I hope you do, do a sequel :pinkiehappy:! i loved this!

Is there a confirmed sequel coming or no

Is there a second chapter of this like another story of this I missed or what

There was but it was a dark ending

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