• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 2,211 Views, 45 Comments

Johnny Dash - Prismfire Productions

A 10 year old boy and his talking dog...best friends right? But what will happen when he makes fun of the fact his genius sisters and his best friend are bronies? Things are about to get interesting for him...

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Chapter 5

"Oh...my...God..." The world crashed down on Rainbow as she finished reading the story on the screen. That is what she had seen in her mind's eye during her battle with Mr. Mittens. The Rainbow Factory...The Pegasus Device....

The story was done in chilling detail, the Device being described just as how she had seen it, and Mittens being suspended in the same way poor Scootaloo had been at the end of the story. Part of her was horrified such a thing was even real, but another part of her was proud she held such a status. All her life she had been seen as "the third Test kid", or "a complete screw up", but worse of all was the fact she was her sister's lab rat..."Subject Zero". Now she knew she held a high status, one very few ponies had held or ever will. She was adored by fillies, colts, and adults for her great achievements as a protector while hiding the cold hard truth behind a mask of innocence. Her sister's had held the spotlight for being geniuses, now it was her turn to take what was her's.

"Something wrong?" Susan said while scratching one of Rainbow's ears, trying to calm the shaking mare. "You do realize that none of that is canon right? It was all made up by someone."

"No...it is real..." Rainbow said as she curled up on the floor. She was still shaking, but it was not from fear, it was from the ongoing internal conflict that was raging in her brain. She was still wearing the lab coat from the fight, but she did not feel like taking it off because it was like a security blanket wrapped around her. Between that and Susan's scratching, the shaking stopped and the mental storm deminshed, but she was still curled up when Jillian arrived an hour later.

"What happened to Dash?" Jillian asked as she ran over and started hugging her marefriend, a thousand different possibilities running though her mind.

"They...they did nothing, please don't be mad at them." Rainbow said in a low tone, barely above a whisper as she nuzzled underneath Jillian's chin. "They just had me read Rainbow Factory and-"

Jillian got furious, and got even moreso when she saw it was still on the screen. "You let her read WHAT!? No wonder she is so skittish, she is probably terrified that fic even exists!" She jumped up into a fighting stance, ready to brawl, but Rainbow got between Jillian and her sisters.

"Jillian calm down...please, and it is not a creepypasta..." Johnny said lowering her head, a part of her brain reveled and wanted to keep her mouth shut but it lost.

"What do you mean Dash?" Jillian asked a little confused. "The writers on that site, for the most part, post the stories as a hobby and to give others joy."

"The Rainbow Factory and Pegasus Device are both real..." Rainbow's tone was dry, a shiver coursed through her. "It happened during my fight with Mittens earlier, after he pointed his blaster at your window I snapped. Pure fury entered me and I imagined dropping him into the Pegasus Device with me stading there laughing. Next thing I know the fight is over, everything is returned to normal, the streets are deserted and Mittens is slowly limping away."

There was silence in the lab for what seemed like forever until Dukey finally spoke. "I think that fight with Mittens pushed Johnny over the line so to speak. As I said earlier, Johnny has now fully become Rainbow Dash with his memories in addition to her own. You said it yourself Johnny, you might not remember due to mentally blacking out in anger but when Mittens called you Johnathan you said "it is me, but I no longer go by that name, my name is Rainbow...Rainbow Dash and I can be your worse nightmare." The fact you remember the Rainbow Factory and Pegasus Device BEFORE we showed you the creepypasta confirms my theory...Rainbow."

Johnny deadpanned. "Did I really say that?"

Susan and Mary nodded their heads to confirm what Dukey said. "Not to mention what you told me this morning about how if your sisters found a way to reverse this you might not take it. You even told me you have quit fighting it." Jillian added, making the sisters' jaws drop.

"I guess I have then..." Johnny said as a knock was heard and the automatic door opened. A short slightly-overweight boy wearing all white clothes that were blinded out came in with a few gifts. The fact the gifts were a stallion, a large box of chocolates, and a bouquet of roses showed he was trying to be a cliché romantic but failed badly at the attempt.

"Susan Test, I hope this time you are pleased enough to finally go out with me" The boy said as he handed the flowers and chocolate to Susan, who had a disgusted look on her face. "Say who got you the Rainbow Dash animatronic? and where is Johnny, he normally keeps me from getting this close to you."

"Hi Eugene," Rainbow said starting to trot over but froze when she saw the lookin the bigger horse's eyes. "wait, is that a mare or stallion?"

"My name is Bling Bling Boy dang it...wait, Johnny?" Bling Bling Boy was about to ask how this could have happened, but considering Johnny was his sisters' test subject he was not surprised. "and it is a stall-...oh my..." He said a little scared as the stallion fully locked on Rainbow. The pegasus' pupils shrank to pinpoints as the larger horse started to slowly walk towards her. Figuring what was gonna happen, she spread her wings and took off out of the skylight and laid on a cloud until the stallion was out of the lab, then she reentered and gave BBB a glare.

"You really don't know when to quit do you?..." Rainbow felt the darkness rise in her, and she decided to put his Susan's stalker in his place. "It is always the same bucking routine over and over again, you come here with some kind of gift to impress my sister and she keeps turning you down. Get it through your oversized fatflank skull you will NEVER get her. I am the Element of Loyalty, and I can tell you right now she has none towards you so GET OVER YOUR CRUSH AND GET A LIFE! IF WE WERE IN EQUESTRIA AND YOU WERE A PEGASUS YOU WOULD FAIL YOUR FLIGHT EXAM SINCE YOU ARE A PATHETIC FAILURE! I WOULD PERSONALLY MAKE SURE YOU WOULD NOT BE PUT IN THE PEGASUS DEVICE BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE THE EASY WAY OUT FOR YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT!"

"Dang...that...that was a low blow...I really don't know what to say to that," Bling Bling Boy said as he gathered his remaining gifts up and started to walk out the door. "have a good one guys..." He walked out sulking as the door shut behind him.

Rainbow saw BBB heading down the sidewalk and went with the parting shot. "Yeah that's right now go crawl back to your volcano lair and cry yourself t-" Before she could finish, Jillian yanked her back by the fluff on the mare's neck.

"That is enough Dash..." Jillian said in a low tone while doing the best nuzzle she could muster.

"Stupid hormonal swings..." Rainbow muttered to herself. Since she was rudely awoken from her nap she had felt different, she had felt like having a fever without actually having one. Her marehood felt the hottest, as if was on fire, and deep in her she ached from feeling empty.

"Wait that means...um...Dash, I think you are about to go into heat..." Susan and Mary said at the same time.

"Oh my..." Rainbow said with her voice quivering a bit. Even with the talk she and Jillian had about this very topic, it still felt wierd to actually be experiencing it, let alone so soon after her transformation.

"Now I get to have some quality fun, even though we aren't married...every brony can burn in envy since I am going to pleasure the one and only Rainbow Dash."Jillian thought to herself, her face twisted into a smirk and the fire's of lust burned in her eyes as she looked to the suffering mare, who didn't know what to think with all the signals her body was giving her.

"I know that look Jillian," Dukey said breaking the awkward silence that had fallen on the group. "are you seriously thinking what I think you are?"

Jillian blushed crimson. "Uhh..."

"You seriously think two were gonna clop? Good luck not letting your parents know if you do decide to go through with the deed." Dukey said pointing out the obvious danger involved. Beastiality was frowned upon and illegal. but Rainbow was a unique case since she was sapient, which mean she could give or refuse consent. The fact Rainbow's wings were flared and her cheeks were a rose shade of pink showed she was thinking the same thing as Jillian.

"By the way Dash, daddy said you can come over anytime." Jillian said pulling Rainbow in for a kiss.

"I plan on it Jules..." Rainbow said breaking the kiss for a breath of air. "How about we head to the shed for some privacy?"

Jillian nodded. "Oh I like that plan, let's go Dashie."

"As I said," Dukey said with a smirk then winked. "good luck sugercubes."

"Thanks AJ." Jillian and Rainbow said as they made their way towards the secret escpe hatch that led out into the backyard. Jillian kissed Johnny as the pegasus used her right wing to hit the button and off they went as they dropped through the floor.

Author's Note:

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