• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 2,209 Views, 45 Comments

Johnny Dash - Prismfire Productions

A 10 year old boy and his talking dog...best friends right? But what will happen when he makes fun of the fact his genius sisters and his best friend are bronies? Things are about to get interesting for him...

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Chapter 2

"Ok...we are not going to change ourselves unless we have to." Dukey said a little shaken as he, Susan, and Mary stared at the passed out pegasus in front of them. "that was almost too much to handle."

"Same here..." Both Susan and Mary said in unison as they started cleaning up the vomit off the floor and out of Johnny's coat, which was just as hard to do as it sounds. After a few hours, everything was clean and Johnny's coat was shining. They found themselves feeling guilty for what they had done, but then they heard the words they did not want to hear.

"GIRLS! JOHNNY! DINNER IS READY!" They heard their dad call from downstairs, making them turn pale and their blood run ice cold.

"We lost track of time, I had no idea it was this late..." Susan slowly said as fear seeped into her tone.

"Yeah," Mary said a little panicked. "now we got to not only make up a lie about why Johnny will not join us for dinner, we got to keep him..well..her..from coming downstairs."

"Dash is a sound sleeper on the show remember? She will not wake up for awhile." Dukey said reassuring the girls as he dropped onto all fours and they walked into the dining room.

"Where is Johnny?" Their dad asked as the girls took their seats and Dukey laid down under the table acting completely innocent.

"Oh..um..." Mary started to say, but looked to Susan for a save.

"He is not feeling well, so he is sound asleep." Susan said calmly with a slight chuckle, hoping that their dad would believe the lie. At first it worked, his features relaxed and resumed eating. Unfortunately for the girls, Fate was in an especially pissod off mood after losing a fight to Destiny, so she promptly decided to blow their whole cover story apart.

"That is the understatement of the century..." A voice from the doorway said making Susan and Mary fall out of their chairs and Dukey run out the backdoor in fear. The girls and their parents looked at the doorway and there stood Johnny. "I just woke up, you have a lot of explaining to do sisters...and I hope that is a meatless meatloaf dad because I’m famished." The cyan mare finished as she entered the room and stood with a crossed look on her face, the glare she was giving her sisters made the older siblings shiver.

"Johnny, is that really you? Why do you...why do you look like...Rain...Rainbow Dash?" Her mom asked shakily, still trying to grasp that fact what she was seeing was real.

"That's now my name, don't wear it it out." Johnny said in a slow sad tone. “"As far as the reason why I look like her is because gee, I don't know, maybe it is because of the fact I just experienced a very painful and forced transformation so now I NOW AM HER!" She then slumped to the floor and used her forehooves to cover her face as she started crying uncontrollably, the whole scene being uncomfortable to watch and no one knew exactly how to tackle this problem.

"Why did you do this girls?" Their dad asked in a tone that was a mix of seriousness and anger. Susan and Mary then spent the next 25 minutes explaining the events that took place that morning, leaving Dukey out of the explanation of course.

"You both are not allowed to leave the house for any reason besides school for the next two weeks.” Mr. Test said when the girls finished explaining. “In addition, me and your mom will take the next two weeks off to keep round-the-clock supervision on you and no Gil or lab privileges either during that time...at all..."

"Oh really?" Johnny said as she jumped up off the floor and landed on all four hooves as her wings flared in anger, startling all in the room. "What about me then huh? If you do that I am going to be stuck as a mare for at least that long before they can even get to work on a solution. I know you are mad dad but don't give me the short end of the shaft in this deal...”

"Actually...we have a bigger problem..” Mary sadly said, hesitation and nervousness in her voice. “we ran a sample of her DNA when she was knocked out. There is no guarantee that when, or if, we are able to find a way to reverse it that she will be 100% normal. The chances of that are 1 in 1,732,908 due to the species change in addition to the fact her swapped gender. I know we have done similar things in the past, but for some reason this is the outlier, and we ran the numbers 10 times just to be sure."

"So you mean..." Johnny asked as her eyes went wide and her ears went flat, her mood instantly hitting rock bottom.

Mary nodded. "Yeah...there is that chance...Dash...I am so sorry..."

"Same here..." Susan added feeling guilt ridden.


"It is gonna to be awkward but then again you are dating an alien." Jillian said as she entered the room, Dukey right behind her. "Sorry if I am early but if I didn't come now daddy was gonna make me stay home. Let me guess Johnny, your sisters did this since you mocked them for liking MLP? In my opinion they were actually nice, if they really wanted to be cruel they could have made you Gilda or somepony that everyone hates like Lightning Dust. How about the four of us and Dukey go watch a few clips so you can see my point?"

"What about the fact I am a mare?" Johnny asked as Jillian leaned in close.

"Truth be told I am bi...know what that means?" Jillian replied in a low tone to where only Johnny could hear, a comforting smile on her face. Before Johnny could say anything else, Jillian planted a kiss on the forehead, making Johnny blush a deep red as her wings suddenly unfolded and stretched stiff.

"Huh, so wingboners are legit..." Jillian, Dukey, Susan, and Mary thought to themselves with a straight face as they went went to the lab. After a few clips, Johnny understood why Jillian made that remark about Gilda and Lightning Dust, actually building a hatred towards the two. This went on for a little while, with each taking turns as to what to pick, but the next thing Jillian chose made the Test girls and Dukey scared.

"Ok Jillian, it is your turn again," Johnny stated a little depressed, "what shall we do now?"

"Calm down Dash,” Jillian said scratching behind Johnny’s ear, making the pegasus purr. “how about we watch a full episode this time?"

"Ok, what shall it be? Applebuck Season, Party of One, A Royal Problem, Lesson Zero, Nightmare Moon, or Return of the Elements of Harmony?" Susan asked pulling up the episode database.

"None of them...I choose Sonic Rainboom" Jillian smirked as the Test sisters paled, getting the reaction she intended to get.

Johnny's ears perked up a little. "Now that title sounds 20% cooler, what is it about?"

Silence filled the room and the other's mouths dropped. "What did you just say?" Mary asked in shock.

"You are really gonna make me repeat myself?” Johnny said with an eyeroll. “ I said that title sounds 20% cooler, why, something wrong?"

"That is Dash's catchphrase on the show Johnny...it seems the longer that you are in that form the more like her you become." Dukey said in a flat tone, but Johnny started freaking out.

"Say wwwwwhhhhAAATTT?! Ok, this is bad, my sisters said there is a slim chance I will be turned back 100% normal, and now on top of that I am now starting to sound like Dash in my phrasing. Wait, in one of those clips Dash was asleep on a cloud...I wonder..." Johnny glanced up at the skylight, Jillian figured what was about to happen and ran to the wall and hit the button to open it. As soon as it opened, Johnny took off into the sky. It was dusk, the sun was setting on the horizon and a slight breeze was blowing and a few clouds were scattered across the sky, Johnny went to the nearest one and laid down. She was cautious at first, but when it stayed solid under her hooves she landed and laid down.

"You know, this might not actually be that bad. I still got Jillian, I can now fly, and now this? I am gonna miss having fingers but I will adjust since I'm gonna be like this for awhile. Man this cloud is comfy..." With that throught, Johnny drifted off into a deep sleep resting in the moonlight’s embrace.

Author's Note:

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