• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 2,211 Views, 45 Comments

Johnny Dash - Prismfire Productions

A 10 year old boy and his talking dog...best friends right? But what will happen when he makes fun of the fact his genius sisters and his best friend are bronies? Things are about to get interesting for him...

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Chapter 8

Meanwhile back in Porkbelly, the girls and Dukey were up in the lab and they just got done running experiments on Jillian. The alien princess was relaxed, having already slipped back into her normal clothes instead of the hospital style robe she had to wear during the experimentation.

"Ok the tests, no pun intended, are done.” Susan said while going through the paperwork that had the results on it. “It seems like your DNA has altered slightly to include a few Equestrian genes, but we can say with 99% certainty that you will not turn into a pony."

"There is still 1% I do..." Jillian coldly said glaring at her. "and how is it possible for it to happen to begin with? I never went into the machine like Johnny did."

"Our best hypothesis is that due to the amount of mare cum you ingested, somehow your body absorbed some of it." Mary answered in an attempt to ease the tension in the room. "When it got absorbed it went into your bloodstream and slightly altered your DNA so your body would not fight it and make you sick. Now we all know there are two ponies with a pink mane, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, so we are about to see which personality you got from this, f you got one at all."

"Go for it, I am curious myself." Jillian answered in a calm tone as she was handed a small white rabbit, carefully inspecting it. "Do you two feed this thing? It is about 2 lbs underweight, which is not healthy for its age."

"Yeah we do,” Susan said taking the rabbit back from Jillian. “it is just that particular rabbit got into some metabolism booster… and that was a nod towards Fluttershy.”

Mary was the next to speak up. "Ok next question, you notice a new neighbor in town, what is the first thing to cross your mind?"

Jillian paused for a few minutes while the thought about her answer, nodding to herself when she came to one. "Why I would throw them a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" party, nothing big or fancy, just us with some cake and ice cream."

"Definitely a Pinkie Pie answer," Susan and Many answered at the same time. "but what about the tie breaker?"

"Jillian, do you really think Rainbow is gonna stay with you?” Dukey said with a smug grin. “I mean come on, you are a humanoid alien and she is a mare pegasus, I do not see that working out in the long run."

Susan and Mary's mouths dropped as Jillian pounced on him, pinning him to the wall with one hand and had the other clinched in a fist ready to strike. Pure fury was in her eyes and she was practically foaming at the mouth, catching them all off guard. "SAY THAT ABOUT MY MAREFRIEND AGAIN AND NOT ONLY WILL I BASH YOUR SKULL IN, I WILL BAKE YOU INTO CUPCAKES!"

Dukey just softly chuckled, the best he could anyway with Jillian threatening to squeeze all the air out his lungs. "There is the tiebreaker, I made you go Pinkamena mode, which means you got Pinkie's personality from this."

"What the buck happened?” Rainbow said re entering the room from the skylight before trotting over to Jillian as she released Dukey from her vice grip. “Missed me Jules, what got you so upset?”

"Hey Dashie," Jillian said kissing Dash on the muzzle. "nothing much, just lost my temper for a second. Besides, it turns out my DNA got slightly altered from your cum so now I got a bit of Pinkie Pie's personality, but it is no big deal.

"Hey Johnny's sisters, have you seen Johnny bro?” Gil said as he entered the lab, making the twins swoon. “We were supposed to go skateboarding an hour ago and he hasn't shown up."

"I am right here Gil..." Rainbow said from where she was standing, "but I go by Rainbow Dash now."

Gil's jaw dropped. "No way… you are now THE Rainbow Dash!? This is a dream come true!"

"Say what..." Everyone, even Rainbow, in the room asked while looking at him for an explanation.

"Quite simple really, I am a brony and Dash is my favorite pony," Gil responded with a shrug. "is that such a crime?"

"Not really considering the others in this room are as well, but long story short I made a comment that pissed off Susan, Mary, and Dukey so they build a machine and made me like this to teach me a lesson but it has backfired.” Rainbow said trotting up and offering him a hoof to shake, which he kindly accepted. “However, since I prefer this form now, I think I need to introduce myself. I am Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria and can clear the sky in 10 seconds flat, and it is always a pleasure to met a fan."

"Now you are 20% cooler Johnny bro." Gil said with a small chuckle. "but hey, I have a question, think you could do a Sonic Rainboom?"

"I have a faint recollection of what that is since things are slowly becoming more clearer and detailed.” Rainbow said rubbing the bottom of her muzzle. “Is that where I fly way up into the atmosphere and fly straight down and break the sound barrier at MACH 5, which doubles my speed to MACH 10 and produces a rainbow contrail behind me? I believe, if I remember correctly, it is also how I earned my cutie mark."

"That is correct Johnny," Gil said as they all nodded. “or should I say Dash.”

"Sure, why not, head outside and watch the skies." Rainbow said as she took off out of the skylight and the others made a mad dash for the backyard. By the time they got there, Rainbow had started her descent, quickly picking up speed as a MACH cone started to form around her. A few seconds later, there was an ear deafening *BOOM* and the familier rainbow shockwave formed as multiple windows broke, several car alarms went off, and two weak buildings collapsed from the pressure wave as the contrail showed which direction she went to break her speed.

"Holy cow..." Gil said as his jaw went slack from the sight he just saw.

"Smart on her part going over the desert so can can come back undetected." Jillian mentioned as they walked back inside to see the t.v. was on the news, which made her facepalm when she saw the report headline. "Crap.."

"This is Hank Anchorman here standing downtown with this special update. We know Rainbow Dash as a fictional character from the girls cartoon show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" but it appears that thought was wrong and she is here on Earth. Moments ago a Sonic Rainboom, Dash's special move, was seen and heard by countless eyewitnesses.” The news reporter said before he put a finger to his ear, a messege from his boss going into his earpiece. “There are also reports of damage including two buildings on the edge of town. The government claims they were field testing a new style of B-52 bomber that was designed after Rainbow Dash and some unfortunate side effects from the blast will include some hallucinating, headaches, and the damage that was caused. This is Hank Anchorman signing off."

"I wonder what Dash did to cause the military to cover up her Rainboom like that." Dukey said in disbelief as the General also gave the same explanation.

"Nopony messes with Rainbow Dash, especially when her loved ones are involved." Rainbow said entering the room from the backdoor, startling the others a bit before they mentally snickered at her talking in third person. "Now I see why you asked if I liked speed before throwing me in the machine, that was fun but I am not gonna do another one so I will not get caught."

"Good idea, so what are we all gonna do next?" Mary asked turning off the television.

Rainbow then spoke but in a sad but serious tone. "Prepare to leave… Your original fear is about to happen, there is about to be World War III over me. I made a quick stop by Area 51.1 before coming here, I was caught by a Chinese satellite and the General's phone has been buzzing off the hook from different nations demanding I be turned over to them. Get the mobile lab ready and everything we need to head to the base at the bottom of the ocean, we leave at nightfall."

Author's Note:

Just a quick filler to stay up to date with this one before I start my next project.