• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 2,209 Views, 45 Comments

Johnny Dash - Prismfire Productions

A 10 year old boy and his talking dog...best friends right? But what will happen when he makes fun of the fact his genius sisters and his best friend are bronies? Things are about to get interesting for him...

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Chapter 4

After a few hours sleep, Jillian woke up at sunrise slightly confused. "It is only sunrise...why am I up this early..." She thought still half asleep as she stretched before making her way over to the window. There were a few clouds, but one off in the distance looked like it was coming her way with a faint blue spot on it.

"Johnny? That is unlike him to be up at this hour, well then again, he is now a she...and Rainbow Dash at that." The former princess muttered to herself as the cloud got closer. She knew good and well that when Dash wasn't the laziest pony on all of Eques, she took great pride in her work. A few minutes later, Dash reached the bedroom window and parked the cloud just outside it.

"Goodmorning Jules," The cyan mare said with a smile on her face. "you are up awfully early."

"Same goes for you Dash." The girl smuggly replied with a slight grin, knowing that would get under the prismatic pegasus' coat.

"Yeah well," Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, an action she was getting more accustomed to doing. "I wanted to sleep in but for some reason I just felt the urge to get up and clear away the clouds"

"How fast did you clear them in Dash?" Jillian knew she was playing with ego, a skill she was the master of. "Considering this was your first time attempting it, it must have taken you at least an hour."

"Are you kidding me?" Rainbow slightly snarled, a slight unfurling of her wings showing she was offended. "I cleared it in 10 seconds flat, I have just been on cruise control watching the sunrise."

Jillian chuckled. "10 seconds flat huh? Sounds to me like you really are becoming more like her Johnny."

At that all the shine seemed to disappear from the pegasus' eyes as a darker look, defeat, took hold. "I know Jules, I can tell...and to be honest I have quit trying to fight it, this is who I now am."

Jillian was shocked to the point she nearly fell to the floor, managing to catch herself on the windowsill as she recovered. "What are you saying Johnny? If your sisters come up with a way to reverse this you might not do it? If you choose to stay like this I wont love you any less...my Dashie."

"Thanks Jules, and yeah, I might not. Being able to fly is pretty cool afterall, and clouds are so soft." Rainbow chuckled, a slight blush forming at the tone Jillian used when she had been called Dashie.

"Ok, if you say so but you seem to be forgetting something..." Jillian felt it awkward to discuss the next topic, but felt she better get it over with sooner rather than later. "what gender are you?"

Rainbow deadpanned. "I am a mare pegasus silly, you know that."

"Exactly, a MARE pegasus, which is female. What happens to mares every year? I know that you know the answer since we had that EQUESTRIAN class together." Jillian smuggly said, had it been any other situation she would have laughed at the irony, but she knew better.

Rainbow's eyes went wide in a mixed of realization and fear. "Oh bucking dammit...I guess I got to get used to having an estrus week huh?"

Jillian rubbed her fingers through Dash's mane, a gesture she knew would calm her marefriend. "Yea, but anyways, it is almost 9am now... we have been chatting for 2 hours. Daddy will be up soon, I think you should go home for a bit and rest. Once I eat breakfast I will come over and talk more."

Rainbow gave a small nod in understanding. "Good idea, I will see you at somepoint, love you Jules."

"Love ya too Dash." Jillian said as they kissed. When the kiss broke, the pegasus flew towards her house and left Jillian feeling good.

"You could have invited her for breakfast you know..." Dark Vegan said as he opened the door and walked in the room, making his daughter spin around in place and freeze like a deer in headlights. "Don't worry, I wasn't evesdropping, I just caught that last little bit since I was coming to let you know breakfast was ready and did not want to ruin the moment like last night. She is welcome here anytime, now go wash up, I made veggie bacon and toast with blueberry jam."

"Ok dad, I will tell her in a bit when I go see her." Jillian said as she washed up then went ate breakfast. Even with her having toast-related meals since her father discovered the treat, for inc edge was not complaining. She ate with a content hum as she imagined her and Dash later on in their relationship, particularly one day with both of them in dresses going down the aisle. Her race was against same-sex relationships, but she didn't care. For all she was concerned, she was a citizen of Porkbelly and had the results to prove it.

Meanwhile, Rainbow had made it home and parked her cloud above the house. It was low enough to where if she sleep fell off the cloud, she would land with no harm onto the matters positioned below the skylight. Even with a safe falling distance, the cloud was still high enough not to raise suspicion,and she fell asleep soon afterwards. She was ripped out of dreamland late in the afternoon by the sound of the neighborhood residents, even the adults, screaming at the top of their lungs.

"What the buck is going on for the adults to be screaming...I need my nap to keep my rainbow mane shiny dammit" She mentally ranted as she looked over the edge of her cloud and saw things being zapped into cats. "Oh great...Mr. Mittens...not in the mood to deal with him...I will deal with this later..." She said as she turned back over and started to doze off until Mittens started taunting.

"Oh Johnathan, come out come out wherever you are! I think you will surrender once you see what I got planned." Just then Dukey and the girls ran out the house as Mittens fired a beam at them, turning them into cats like he had countless times before. Rainbow decided to have a little fun, moving the cloud above Mr. Mittens' head and started jumping on it. The cloud darkened a bit and started to drizzle, catching the cat off guard.

"What the!? Pass me my umbrella Albert!" The feline villain said as an older gentleman in a butler outfit showed up.

"Here you are sir." Albert said handing it over.

"Thank you Albert." As soon as Mittens opened the umbrella, the rain stopped as Rainbow started to silently snicker, but the crazed cat was having nothing of it.. "Ok, the jig is up, I am mad..." The cat said as he turned up his blaster aimed it at Jilllian's bedroom. The girl was sitting in front the window getting her shoes on, listening to music,and was unaware of the threat.

Like a raindrop shattering the tranquility of a calm pond, something snapped inside Dash's mind. She felt pure rage build in her as faint images entered her head, ones of a dimly lit room with a vast and menacing machine in it. In the mental image Mr. Mittens was being lowered into it with her watching and chuckling.

She quickly flew into the lab, and got a spare lab coat, her wings ripping through the fabric allowing full movement. Flying back outside, she landed in front of Mr. Mittens. "Hey furball, don't you bucking DARE do that! I am giving you 10 seconds to change everyone back or pay the price."

"Just who are you exactly? Do you know Johnathan for you to call me "furball"?" The confused cat asked. He was no idiot, he knew a pissed off female when he saw one; and right now he was directly in the damage path of one.

The mare sighed. "It is me Mittens...but I no longer go by that name, name's Rainbow...Rainbow Dash, and I can be your worst nightmare. So surrender or...well, I hope you still got all nine lives..."

"10...9...8...7..." Rainbow said with a deep growl, clearly pissed off, and lowered into a takeoff stance as Mittens bust into laugher, evident that he saw the countdown as a joke.

"That sounds like a girls name! This is sad even for you, too bad you are about to lose those wings" Mittens said when the laughter was out his system.


"Game over Johnathan...I win." Mittians said as he cranked his ray gun to the max setting and aimed it at the mare.

"1..." The moment Mittens squeezed the trigger Dash took off, barely missing the beam. Every shot that was fired didn't matter, Rainbow dodged each one as she got closer to the feline. She then increased her speed and did a full 360-degree spin in midair, delivering a roundhouse to the jaw. The force completely fractured it and dislodged several teeth. He didn't have time to recover as Rainbow tackled him, pinning him to the ground with her hooves positioned to where he could not get up.

"You gonna change everyone back or do it need to continue beating you up?" Rainbow said as she pushed her left hoof down on Mittens' right arm, slowly increasing the pressure.

Mittens nodded and started to whimper as his foe released him. Barely able to stand and knowing the angry mare could kill him in a heartbeat, he quickly changed everyone back to normal before limping down the street since Albert had bolted on him. The other residents, clearly scared and confused, ran inside their houses and locked their doors.

"Nopony messes with my family or girlfriend..." Rainbow said as her anger quelled and the others ran up to him.

"I think it is safe to say you have fully become Rainbow Dash." Dukey said a little scared but saw a look of pure horror on the mare's muzzle.

"What have I done?..." Rainbow whispered, a state of shock setting in as she reflected on her actions.

"Come to the lab Johnny, we will explain there. Yes, you are the Element of Loyalty and that was showing, but there might be more to it than meets the eye." Susan said in a nervous tone. All Dash could do was nod as they worked their way into the lab. When they got there, Mary turned on the computer, opened Google and put two words into the search engine and opened the first link, which was to a highly popular MLP story site. The name of the story displayed made Dash gulp...

"Rainbow Factory/u]"

Author's Note:

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