• Published 16th Apr 2017
  • 10,499 Views, 64 Comments

Stocking Stuffer 4: Eggcellent - Journeyman

Drunk off her ass after a night of hard partying, Chrysalis thinks she is the Easter Bunny, and she has plenty of eggs to deliver. At the expense of Ponyvile's female population, of course.

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Comments ( 31 )

8104415 Screw forgiveness, write more! This SOOOOOO needs a continuation :pinkiehappy:
Yeah, sure, we pretty much know where this is going, but still, MOAR!!!! :flutterrage:

I kinda imagine Carrot Cake being feminized by Chryssy's load, during the pregnancy. Considering he's a bitch in training, it would fit like a glove.
Or at least some more junk in that trunk :ajsmug:

So, is Dinky Chryssy's child? It would explain the gentleness :rainbowhuh:

Holy crap pinkie can be fucked to exhaustion :rainbowderp:

And it's prehensile!! :rainbowlaugh:
Gotta say that's practical :rainbowwild:

This is my most depraved story yet. I honestly did not expect any mPreg to occur. It was supposed to end once Chryssy impregnated Cup Cake, but once Chryssy threatened him, I knew what I had to do. My choice of additions was either Dinky and/or Gilda, and I wanted to include Gilda, but I couldn't rationalize giving her a dick too; too many futa dicks so far. Sorry Billy the Bard still love u kthx.

But I've got no idea what the hell to do for the next once. I will consult Pizor of course, as he's been the impetus for pretty much all of Stocking Stuffer.

Well, next holiday is Mother's Day. We'll see what happens.

I'm glad you enjoyed my tale of hedonism.

8104858 You've got plenty of new mothers to deal with, I'm sure you can come up with something :rainbowlaugh:

That was hot. And awesome. Nice to see Chryssie fitting in, though I'd rather she works on her alcohol problem. It can't be healthy... On the other hand, changeling biology is so alien it may very well be harmless in the long run.

Best Easter bunny bug horse ever.

When Derpy says that she'll support Dinky no matter her orientation, you referred to her as Dinky.

8105373 My best friend and I were netplaying a custom SSBB modbuild we'll never release to the public, and my friend said "Ten pounds, ten stocks, moneymatch, right now, Fox only". So we did. Then I lost. It was a long and epic battle. And losing was crushing. I don't really have a lot of money, so I said "What if, instead, I read a clopfic in my Nappa voice?" and it worked. This fic was chosen, and I read it out loud. It was hilarious. Because it was kinda bad. You couldn't pay me enough to upload it.

That's because I didn't record it. But for the low low price of fourty pounds, I will happily perform a take 2 on this, reading it aloud in my Nappa voice and posting it on youtube for the world to see!

Yes. When this was first conceptualized, a thousand locusts poured from my mouth and started screeching prophesies. They now promote bug fetishes to propagate their species.

Stocking Stuffer is a series where i leave all sense of propriety, good writing, and morals at the door. Don't worry; easter bug bunny horse only mated with consenting mares. And stallions.

Even in the Drugs and Sodomy room where I write these, there are standards that even I adhere to. You are safe here.

Embrace the Love Bug.


I'm highly uncomfortable with the pregnancy fetish thing. (and pregnancy in general which is whole extra can of worms but w/e). Despite this, I significantly enjoyed the writing. Not so much clop, although it was nice, but character interaction and Chrysalis specifically. Even here you managed a more sane and positive version of Chrysalis than canon. A welcome change of pace to the whole 'conquering parasite' thing.

"Consent is sexy" is my new favorite tag.

I am glad to have positively contributed to the world of porn.


Good. Now keep contributing!

Here comes Chryssi Cottontail~

Damn it I wish I thought of that.

Ah. So I was right about the pagan sex festival. Neat. I also like how this is also a bit of a redemption story for Chrysalis. Although, after what Twilight and her family had gotten up to, I'm kind of surprise she still has any sexual hangups.
On that note, can the next installment feature Spike, maybe in collecting a hoard of mares and stallions?

Monogamy and bisexuality weren’t nearly so common when my sister and I first met Discord. He changed the very biology of ponies themselves long ago, all in the name of fun. He regrets it now, but see how society has changed since then. Love is so very different now. It is acceptable to love the same gender, or multiple ponies,

While I've been ignoring most of the typos, this caught me as making no sense. If monogamy wasn't common in the beginning, wouldn't that polygamy was the old default? If so, wouldn't that tradition persist, eliminating any problem the sex disparity would bring? This whole section just seems inconsistent.

why do you feel like you you are not worthy when you truly do belong?”

you you

Polygamy is a fact of Equestrian culture

Yeah. Right there. So... did Discord start some sort of monogamous revolution that's persisted to this day or something?

Stocking Stuffers are always unedited, and made last minute when me and Pizor just kind of throw things at the wall and see what sticks. We really don't plan this. I don't even script the story, i just make things up as I go. I didn't intend to include Rarity and her weird shit, the coming of age sex party for the young ones wasn't there at first, Carrot Cake's pregnancy, the strange focus on anal sex in the second chapter, Chryssy's extreme drinking habit, you get the idea. Everything is made up on the fly, and it is so fun to write a story where I don't actually have to worry about quality. It's turned out to be surprisingly popular.

As for Twilight, there is a fair bit going on if you read between the lines. Her hangup with the orgy isn't a hangup, it's just not her preference. Ponyville is a pagan town and she grew up in Canterlot; it's just not her interest. It is implied that Twilight broke up her relationship with her brother, and a fragment from this story and the first Stocking Stuffer says why.

Just as long as no one got hurt, and no one got pregnant, they were fine.

“He... he’s married with a kid now. I...” Twilight swallowed and ran a hand across her suddenly sweaty brow. “He wanted to continue, but I didn’t think it would be right, so I called it off. He looked so happy with a family...”

To Twilight, it's different because it's no longer playful sexuality or hidden romance. Shining has a family to take care of now and that changes the dynamic. Cadance may not care, and Twilight certainly didn't during the months/years/whatever before she got pregnant, but it matters to Twilight

Curse you FimFiction, why can I only favourite this once?!

(Seriously though, very happy I finally got around to reading your stuff, and I'm all the happier you asked me about the vore thing. You know what you're doing.)

I'm glad you enjoy it! This is my "Let's see how far i can get away with this" series.

I suppose I could do a Stocking Stuffer 5 for Mother's Day. I first have to wake Pizor's ass up.

And now to wait for the Sparklecest spin-off...

It will need the appropriate holiday and perfect synergy between two jackasses.


It will need the appropriate holiday and perfect synergy between two jackasses.


Oh. Wait.
I already have a 20 story to-do list...
Perhaps in...
*looks at calendar*
2019? ...ish?

Too optimistic. How's 2024?

The cuck is strong with this one he IS the chosen one.

I don’t celebrate pagan holidays myself, but rural towns like Ponyville relish them.

Wait, so Twilight practices exclusively Christian holidays? What?

Or some nameless mono/polytheistic set of values that i haven't bothered to create yet.

Holy shit this was hot as fuck. Now I'm off to read the rest of the series!

Comment posted by Marcthelightspark2004 deleted Jun 27th, 2018

Oh, I don't comission, but, what if I asked really, REALLY nicely for you to right stories and have an unofficial compitition?

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