• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 1,928 Views, 31 Comments

A Night of Love for Equestria - shadowwolf789

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Bad Chapter Name Here

Wolf’s POV:

We finally get to Twilights library and I knock on the door only for Spike to open it. He looks at us with a really confused look. I smile and say “Hi is Twilight home?” He turns and yells “Hey Twilight, there are some weird things at the door for you!” He then turns and walks away and I hear Twilight scolding him for calling us weird, but to be honest I don’t blame him for it. After all we are weird lol. Twilight comes to the door, “Oh, Wolf what are you doing here and why are there more humans with you?” “Well you remember Kalos right?” She nods. “Well turns out he was I girl named Tinara.” I point to Tina. “The guy behind her is apparently her dad which is one of the reasons we're here but first things first, can you take a look at scoots here. Apparently she went into the Everfree and seen Tina’s dad and fainted after screaming and I want to make sure she’s ok.” She ushers us inside.

After she made sure scoots was ok, she turns to me and ask, “So what’s going on here Wolf?” *sigh* “First can you send a letter to Celestia and have her and Luna come here as well as send Spike to get your friends, I only want to explain this once.” She nods and after the letter and Spike are sent off I sit on the couch mentally spent. “He Twilight I have a question.” “Yes?” “Do you have any coffee?” I ask with a pleading look on my face. She giggles a bit and Tina just rolls her eyes. “Yes I do, I’ll be right back.” “Thank you.” She just nods. At that moment Scoots wakes up and looks at Tina, “Um…can you let me go please?” She sets her down and asks, “How are you feeling?” “Confused and a bit scared, what are all of you?” I answer that one. “We’re what are known for the most part as humans and we come from a place far far away.” Tina laughs a bit at that just as Twilight walks in with my coffee (which I practically jump at) “Really, a Star Wars reference. Come on, do you know how lame that is?” After I take a sip of the amazing caffeine liquid drug I turn to her and say, “Hey, Star Wars was Awesome and you know it. Besides it’s the truth and it fit, By the way Twilight this is really good Coffee thank you.” “You’re welcome.”

After a while the other Elements of Harmony as well as the Princesses show up and here is how everyone is situated. The Elements are sitting in a somewhat half circle facing the couch I’m sitting on with my coffee, Luna is sitting on my right and Tina is sitting on the arm of the couch to my left Scoots on the floor in front of her. Snake is standing by a books shelf and Celestia is standing between everyone and the door, probably a preventive move knowing her and if I see so does Tina and Snake.

Luna is the first to speak, “So Wolf exactly what is going on?” *Sigh* (I seem to be doing that a lot lately) “Well as you can see yet another human is in Equestria and it concerns me, I think something is happening and I’m not exactly sure what it is.” Tina is the next to speak, “I see it too but I don’t know what it is either, Wolf since you brought it up I’m guessing you have a few guesses.” “Yes I do, one is that there are cracks in the void and it has become ‘moody’ for lack of a better term.” Celestia interrupts me. “What is ‘The Void’?” “Well when I live on Earth as before I came here I had a theory that there was an unlimited number of universes and dimensions and the space between them is just what I call the void, whether or not that’s what it’s actually called I don’t know.” Everyone present nods in understanding, even Snake which caught me off guard because I didn’t think he was even taking interest in this. Of Corse He was thrown here like the rest of us so I shouldn’t be too surprised.

I continue with my theory, “Well if there is a crack in the void than the only thing I could think to cause it was that machine that Fluttershy’s and Luposhy’s father made that sent Lupo to the Borderlands universe.” This time its Luna to interrupt me, “Well we went to retrieve this device and when we got there it was destroyed, apparently it collapsed on its self after Luposhy went through and he didn’t have the heart to build another one after the reality of it hit him. We arrested him and confiscated what was left of the machine.” I nod, “OK but the more likely scenario going on here is that someone or something is pulling us and other things here to Equestria. First was myself, then a bag of contently useful items along with my blood fang.” I motion to my katana. “Then Kalos, or Tina if you will, then there was Luposhy’s return.” I say this next part with a bit of venom and hate in my voice, “Then that cyborg like werewolf that attack me and Tina, which if you were wondering Snake.” I say without looking at him, “Is why Tina has wings and a tail.” “I was wondering about that but I want to kno…” I cut him off with a raise of my hand. “In time I’ll let you hunt them down but first we need to know what were up agents.” He nods. “Anyways then Snake shows up, something is definitely going on and it’s bugging the crud out of me.” Luna rubs my back with a hoof to try and calm me down a bit, I breathe out slowly look at her and give a smile to let her know I’ll be ok.

After a bit of an awkward silence due to know one knowing what to say Celestia breaks it, “Wolf there is more you’re not telling us, what is it?” *Sigh* “Well I’ve gotten used to my inhuman speed, strange, agility, and being able to think like a super computer but one thing is really bugging me. After we found Scoots and Tina and Snake came out of the Everfree I used my hidden blade ( I flick it out to show what I’m talking about) as a precaution, Tina is an excellent fighter and Snake deflected every one of here attacks like they were nothing so I wasn’t going to take any chances. If he had hurt Scoots I would have arrested him, but since he didn’t I don’t have to worry about it, but when the blade came out I know I saw what looked to be a small lightning bolt shoot around the blade for a split second and I don’t know if it was magic or what?” Luna is the one to reply with a bit of worry in her tone, “Wolf, We don’t have magic like that.” “Then what was tha…”

I was once again interrupted, this time by a disembodied voice that filled the room. “That is a type of magic though, known as elemental magic which is self-explanatory.” I jump up and draw my hidden blades as its too small an area for my katana and Tina and Snake jumped as well ready for a sneak attack. I’m the first to speak, “who are you and how do you know that?” “You may call me Dusk, as to how I know that the reason is that I am a master of elemental magic. I also bet your all wondering what I am, why I haven’t shown myself, what my intentions are Etc. ECT.” I reply with a mocking voice, I don’t know who this guy is but if he’s a threat I’m not going to let him harm any of the ponies. Before I’m able to respond he says, “Don’t worry Wolf I have no intention to harm the Equines, if I did I would have done it all ready.” My jaw along with everyone else’s in the room droops to the floor. He just read my mind and it kind of pisses me off, I feel a pressure build in my chest and I didn’t relies it but an aura of lighting started to form around me and I was to ticked to notice everyone in the room was slack jawed staring at me. “Get the hell out of my head and show yourself!”

Luna starts to speak to me and starts to approach me. “Wolf are you ok?” I’m about to reply when Dusk suddenly yells, “Stop! Don’t get close to him that lighting will fry you.” She stops dead in her tracks and I finally notice the lighting. “How do I stop the lightning?” “You need to calm down, elemental magic is tied with your emotions, once you calm down it will stop.” I look to were the voice come from and see a man standing there who looks similar to what I now look like except a pit paler and muscular with shorter hair. Cloths are also similar expect his trench coat has the sleeves ripped off and I see a hidden blade on each of his wrist and what looks like a scare from a chain raping around his left arm. I start to breath to calm myself down and true to his word the lightning went away, and as soon as it did Luna practically tackled me in a hug which I returned without hesitation. I looked at Dusk without letting go of Luna.

“So why you are here then and what are your intentions?” “I am a celestial being which is able to travel through the void using void magic, I stumbled across this situation and have been watching for quite a while and I want to help you. I can’t tell you exactly what is coming because if I were to try fate would have me bite my own tongue off. But I can tell you it will be bad and none of you are ready for it at all.” I reluctantly let go of Luna and walk up to Dusk, everyone holding their breath in anticipation as what will happen. “So if I were to trust your word then what do you suggest we do?” “Train get stronger and be ready for anything, I can teach you how to master your magic Wolf. But you have do fallow my every order during the training without question or it will be just a waste of time, and we would have to go deep into the Everfree so no one gets hurt.” I stare him in the eyes and ask, “What do you get out of this, why help us? I’ve heard of Celestial binges, there supposedly stronger than any god ever will be, so why help us?” He grins and I see fangs but I don’t flinch, so you’ve done a bit of research. As to why I’m helping you let’s just say I believe that if you have the power to help the innocent then you should.”

So after a huge discussion, and argument, and an interrogation. We decide I will go with Dusk to train with my magic while the rest train and prepare for anything that could happen in Canterlot. Luna and myself got to spend a night together but neither of us got much sleep ( I’ll leave why to your imagination ^-^) The next day Dusk and I head out at speed I didn’t know were possible for me to run. Everyone was told that it would be a years before whatever was behind all of this to show its self and that my training would take at least a couple years but I made a promise to Luna that as soon as my training was done I would come back to her first thing. I can only hope they can handle Tina without me there lol.
A/N Alright everyone first off i want to thank all of you for the support for this story and don't worry its far from over. I would also like to thank my co-author corosive dash who without him this story wouldn't be what is it and more than likely would have been canceled so its thanks to him that its still going so in thanks you should all go read his story 'Worth Fighting For' also i don't know when the next chapter will come up, it may be a while, it may not i don't know i just go chapter by chapter with a small guide line to fallow. I am still accepting art and music you all think is fitting for this story so far.

Comments ( 2 )

7404932 How long were you gone?! That comment is from almost four years ago!

1096406 if you still don't know what a Gary Stu is, I suggest looking it up on tvtropes.org

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