• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 1,928 Views, 31 Comments

A Night of Love for Equestria - shadowwolf789

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An Unsusspected Job

Pinkie Pie
Wolf thoughts

I wake up mid morning feeling something soft over my body, i open my eyes to see Luna's wing over my stomach, i look over to see her face right next to mine and needless to say my face went beet red. I hear giggling toward the door, i look to see non other than Celestia trying to keep from busting a gut laughing. I mouth "help me i don't know what to do." with a panicked look on my face. She makes a face that looks as though she's thinking about it and i give here an annoyed look. She rolls her eyes and i see her horn glow and Luna's wing lifts off me enough for me to get out of bed without waking the cute princess of the night. We then proceed to head to the dinning hall, after we were done eating "So Wolf did you have any questions?" "yes actually i did, is there anyway i could get a job like at the castle or something i don't like being a free loader." "You don't need to worry about it, but did you have something in mind?" "Well back home i was trained to use swords and shields so maybe being a personal guard to you or princess Luna, after all anypony that see's me will probably get scared so me just being around may stop anything from happening." "hmmm, well that could be arranged but i would like the captn of the guard to assess your skills first and i think you would be of better use as Luna's personal guard then my own." she said with a evil grin. As she said that i blushed a little, "and out of curiosity why would i be better suited to be her guard then yours, not that i mind again im just curious." i asked as we were walking toward the training fields. "That my friend is something you'll have to find out for your self, and from now on just call me Celestia, no need for formalities among friends and im sure the same goes for my sister." "sure Celestia." i have a feeling trollestia is up to something.

As we get to the training grounds the guards noticeably tense up when they see a strange creature with the princess but to my shock they don't attack me like i expected them to. "Sharp wing i would like you to asses my friend Wolf's skills in sword and shield combat as well as hoof to hoof combat." "princess are you sure this is wise, iv never seen a creature like him." Well that was expected, and Celestia's reply is.. "Sharp Wing i have complete trust in Wolf he has become a dear friend to me an my sister now do not question my orders." wow i'v only been here one day and they trust me that much, wow just wow. "yes princess forgive." "You are forgiven." she looks my way "Well Wolf shall you get started im curious to what skill you possess." "wait your going to watch?" she nods "ok." well i out did the guards in combat with blades and shields how ever that was only because of my agility, they out did me in strength that's for sure. However in "hoof to hand" combat i needed a lot of training with them, me and a few of the guards including Sharp wing got to know each other enough to at least be on good terms. After we were done we headed back into the castle so i could take a shower, "we have some cloths for you when you are finished bathing." "wait, what how is that possible cloths are different measurements for me then they are for you ponies." i look at Celestia suspiciously. "well wail you were asleep we had your measurements taken and sent to a seamstress named Rarity from ponyville and i was told they arrived while you were training." "...that's kind of messed up, but i do need new cloths so i guess ill deal with it, did you do anything else to me while i was sleeping?" Celestia slinks back a bit, hesitating to answer. "well i used a spell on you called the mind delve spell..." My jaw dropped as she said that, i knew exactly what that spell is, "That explains your behavior today but your not mad?" "why would i be mad?" "*sigh* Because i hid things from you and Luna." "yes but we could see why you would hide that you knew everything about us and a lot about Equestria, if we had known you know all that before we got to know you we may not have been so kind." "i see so that at least explains why you two trust me so much after one day." she nods in agreement.

After my shower i dry off and wrap the towel around my waist and crack the door open and see a pile of neatly folded cloths and a pare of boots in front of it i grab them and retreat back into the bathroom. I grab the first thing on there and its a black trench coat with Luna's and Celestia's cutimarks on the back 'nice' i set that aside and pick up a black shirt with Luna's cutimark on the front 'ok i see a pattern here lol' next is a few boxers and socks 'oookay' i put the boxers on and then pick up the pants, they look like trip pants from earth 'they must of went way deeper into my mind then i thought, creepy' i put the pants and socks on then the shirt, then i happen to see a pair of gloves next to the boots 'huh they look like they were made for fighting, something tells me Celestia has been planing this since she went into my mind' i put the boots on strap them up, then i put the coat and gloves on, all in all i look bad ass. Now dressed in my new cloths i head to the dinning hall to get something to eat as i am starving, i walk in and i see the princesses at a table, i assume they were talking about me becoming Luna's personal guard. "Evening Wolf i assume you like your new cloths?" "yes i absolutely love them, ill have to thank Rarity for them later, so i guess you were talking about me becoming Luna's guard?" Luna turns her head in a blush, it kind of makes me wonder just how far they went in my head, it kind of scared me. "yes we were and she doesn't have a problem with it." After supper Celestia went to lower the sun and i went with Luna to raise the moon. "so what do you plan on doing for the rest of the day?" "Well i was thinking that if im going to be your guard i should stay up all night and sleep during the day." "that is a wise action but with all you've done today can you do it, i dont have a spell to keep you awake either." "Ya that's a problem." At that point in time a bright flash filled the room we were in and i felt something hit my head "OW! What in the..."

This is a few pics of the cloths i was talking about

I know its not her exact cutimark but its close enough