• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 1,928 Views, 31 Comments

A Night of Love for Equestria - shadowwolf789

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How the hell did this get here???

Pinkie Pie
Wolf thoughts

"OW! What the hell was that!" I look over to see a duffel bag from earth "holy crap how the hell did this get here?" "what is it?" "its a duffel bag from earth, its used to carry things like the saddle bags you have here in Equestria." I start opening it to see whats inside. "so whats inside it?" "well, theirs a few packs of Monster energy drinks, a 24 pack of soda, GUMMY WORMS!" I grab a bag and start eating one. "an ipod, and...." i stop because i see a bottle of captn Morgan and the last thing i need is a drunk princess. "so what are these things and why are you eating colored worms?" she asked with a disgusted look on her face. "Well the 'monster' and the soda are drinks from my world, the 'colored worms' are a gummy candy thats really good, and the ipod is a device that holds a lot of music, here try i gummy worm." She takes one an eats it "mmmmm, ish good." she takes the bag from me and proceeds to devourer it, while she's doing that i look into the ipod and find out it belonged to a brony because some of the music is from the show but there is a lot of other music as well. "Whats that?" "it an ipod, like i said it holds a lot of music from my world, would you like to hear a song from it?" "Sure." i go through the ipod and find a song i think she would like and put one of the ear buds to her ear and the other in mine and play Into The Night The song ends and Luna has a peaceful and amazed look on here face as well as a small blush. "that was wonderful, but how does this device work?" "well its powered by electricity from a small battery inside it, speaking of which its almost dead so im going to turn it off and ill try to find a new power source for it later, anyways at least ill be able to stay up all night now." "how so?" i hold up a 4 pack of monster energy drink. "this is an drink from my world that gives you a lot of energy, so a few cans of this and ill be up all night, but the crash in the morning is going to be harsh." "crash!?" "its kind of a trade of, it will keep me up and give me energy but the tiredness will catch up to me after building up when the energy wears off, the result is going from a lot of energy to no energy and u end up just sleeping a lot." "i think i get but i don't think i want one." "that's fine, but at least ill be able to stay up all night." Luna points her hoof to something as i open a monster "Whats that?" I look over and i almost spit out the monster i was drinking, laying there is a katana "Is that a Katana!?" i run over to it and pull the sword out of its sheath a small bit to check the sharpness, i pull one of my hair and sure enough its razor sharp. "whats a Katana, it looks like a weird sword." "a Katana is a sword from a country in my world, its the strongest sword type that's made and the top of the line, that's if this one is a real one and not a fake." "it looks like a real sword to me." "it is a real sword but there are katana's that are made a cheep way and are weak, is there anypony we can talk to, to see how strong this sword is?" "yes there is fallow me."

Luna raised the moon and then we walked into the castle grounds and to a building with smoke coming from a chimney, when we walk in it must have been just as hot as the day i left earth, i stop momentarily no stop you cant think of that now. i look up and see a unicorn with a red coat and charcoal gray mane with a cutimark of what looks like a piece of iron over a fire. He looks up and see's Luna and bows,"good evening princess Luna, what can a do for you?" "good evening Red Iron actually my friend Wolf here has a question for you." he looks up at me and smiles "so what do you need help with?" I grab my sword show him "i was wondering if you could find out the strength of this sword?" He takes with his magic and examines it, all of a sudden his eyes look like there going to bug out of his head. "i have never seen a sword this strong in my entire life, were did you get it?" "its a sword from my home land which is very far away im afraid, but i can tell you a bit of how its made, its made by folding steel about 32 times i believe and then dipped in water while its still red to give it the curve." "thats amazing, thank you for letting me see such a wonderful sword." I take back the katana "its no problem, but do you think you could make a strap or something i can you to carry it on my back like this." "yes i can, that would be no problem" "Thank you i appreciate it." "again no need, it was nice to meet you Wolf." he holds out his hoof, i take it and shake it "its nice to meet you too." i say with a smile. Me and Luna head out toward the thrown room so she can hold court, we conversed on the way and after Luna set the moon we ran into Celestia on the way back to Luna's room. "Good morning sister, sleep well?" "yes Luna i did,what is that Wolf?" After telling Celestia what happened the night before and explaining all of the things in the bag again i asked her a question that's been bugging me. "Celestia do you know anyway to power the ipod without electricity?" i give her the ipod "i do not know, but i can see what i can do." "thank you Celestia, i suppose we should get some sleep." i say as i look at Luna, we say our goodbyes and crash on Luna's bed.

Authors Note: Hey guys i hope you are enjoying my first fan fic and i know i haven't mentioned the mane 6 yet but they will be coming soon and if you have a Character of your own you want to put into this story sent me a pm with the info on your character and ill see what i can do thanks, later