• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 1,928 Views, 31 Comments

A Night of Love for Equestria - shadowwolf789

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A New Pony

Wolf’s POV:

“Hey Celestia that’s not what I meant and you know it, anyways what’s up?” Just as I say that Kalos just disappears…well more like teleports somewhere and all that’s left is a note. I pick it up and it reads, "I don't give a fuck if you’re mad I need fresh air, if you need me I will be in the everfree forest but not too far so you won't bitch.” I look at the note then turn to Celestia and say, “well I guess he’ll be her for a while, I think he likes you.” She blushes a bit and I start laughing at the fact that I actually got her to blush. “I am going to ignore that comment Wolf; anyways here is that device of yours.” She levitates the iPod to me. “Awesome, and don’t be mad just because I got you back. Besides, what trouble could he get into in the Everfree?”

Protrokalos’s POV:

I really do not what to have a conversation with them right now; I need to clear my head. All of a sudden a pony with a dark light emerald green coat walks out in front of me her mane has red and blue streaks in it and her cutimark is kind of weird. It looks like a blue sapphire with a fist on the right side of it, and eagle on the left and look like they’re going to collide but in the middle of them it looks like a crimson lace insignia. She looks like she’s ready for a battle. She approaches me in a friendly manner but I’m not going to let my guard down, there is just something off about this pony.

She stares at me for a second and says, “Excuse me but why are you here?” Ok, why is she not freaking out that a human is standing in front of her, what’s with this pony? “I needed some air.” She looks a bit annoyed at my answer, good. “I mean, what are you doing in Equestria, last I knew there weren’t any humans here.” Ok, WHAT THE FUCK! “How exactly do you know I’m a human if there aren’t any in Equestria?” I get a huge grin knowing that I’ve just won this little gam- “Because I have seen some in the places I have been.” FUCK! “Ok fare enough, but what’s your name?” She simply replies, “it’s Luposhy, you?” “Protrokalos”

Third Person:

Luposhy and Protrokalos start talking and telling each other about how their lives suck (this is Luposhy’s back story: she is fluttershy's separated sister. Her name is Luposhy, their parents were very caring, the mom was a nurse, while the dad was a scientist. The parents divorced, and the dad took Luposhy. Luposhy is the more assertive and tougher one then Fluttershy. One day the depressed father wanted to be the first Pegasus to use magic ever! He decided to create a portal to Trottingham and have Luposhy test it, but it leads to Pandora (yes from borderlands) instead. Stuck in the deadly waste land she was founded by the four vault hunters. Lilith took her in as they have seen crazier shit on the quest and continued on from there. Lilith got Marcus to design weapons only for Luposhy with the money they have from her combat shotgun. She received training from all of them in different ways. Roland: leadership and tactical combat, Mordecai: Scavenger skills and precision aiming, Brick: tough exterior and body strength. Lilith: elemental control and casting and phasewalking. But all good things must come to end sometime, Lilith went alone to kill Crawmerax the invincible, Lilith died protecting Luposhy from the giant behemoth. Using all her training Luposhy defeated Crawmerax and his minions and avenged Lilith, but was teleported back to Equestria when she uses the fast travel station.)

Meanwhile, Luna was teaching Wolf how to use his new magic. He was getting the hang of it but Luna just used it as an excuse to get closer to him and it was working, while Celestia couldn’t get the thought that Protrokalos may have feeling for her out of her head.

Luposhy’s POV:

Wow this guy’s life really is worse than mine. “So what now?” He thinks for sec before snapping his fingers. “I got, why don’t you come back to the castle and talk to Celestia, I’m sure she would like to hear your story.” That might not be a bad Idea, “ok, so how are we getting there?” He just smiles and it kind of scares me, when all of a sudden he jumps up and puts his hand on my back. “Simple my friend, we teleport.” “WAIT WE WHA…”

Next thing I know were in some garden in the castle grounds I glare at him. “Next time some warning would be nice.” He just shrugs it off. “You know if you wanted to attack the castle you might have wanted to be quitter about it.” I jump 10 hooves into the air and spin around “Ahhh!” what the, another human, how is this possible? I look over to Protrokalos and he's just looking at the human. “Nice one Wolf, but you’ll have to do better if you want to scare me.” “I guess I will.” They start talking and I get a better look at this other human, he doesn’t look like that much of a threat, I bet I could take him. “So who’s the mare?” That annoyed me for some reason. “My name is Luposhy, thank you very much.” I don’t know why I snapped at him it just happened. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I swear I heard him mumble something like “touché” or something like that, “nice to meet you my names Wolf, I’m Luna’s personal guard.” I shake his hand, wait did he just say what I think he said, “I’m going to have to hear that story, but first…” I hear a strange sound coming from Wolf’s cloths. “What’s that sound coming from your clothes?” He looks at me confused for a second and then facepalm’s “I forgot I had that on.” He pulls a strange looking device from his pocket and the sound got louder. “Dude, where did you get an IPod and how is it working at the moment.” Protrokalos asked Wolf looking a bit annoyed. “It was in a bag that hit me in the head, and Celestia found a way to power it without electricity.” I look at the IPod and ask, “What were you listening to?” He looks at me and smiles, Want to hear?” I nod out of curiosity on what it was. I restart the song and this plays

Protrokalos POV:

I simply stare at Luposhy and Wolf while they listen to some song on his iPod. I shrug and began to walk off until wolf puts his hand on my shoulder. "What Wolf." I respond with an impatient tone. He points to Luposhy; I already know I have to stay with her. I reply with a nod to him and he just walks off. I look toward Luposhy, "so what do you want to do?" I ask her. She puts a hoof on her chin and begins to think until she responds, "whatever I don't care." Lupo said with a shrug. I smiled since wolf gets an iPod, I get a wireless lithium powered floating flat screen and Xbox 720 with my games. I grabbed Luposhy and teleported to my guest room; I shifted into my second form and opened a small portal. All the stuff popped through the hole in a perfect manner. I grinned and set everything up in 10 seconds flat! I looked toward Luposhy and she had a stunned look on her face from all the tech. I turned on the Xbox and logged in, I look through my games and found my favorite one, "Resident evil: equinox protocol." (The tech Protrokalos has is not even invented yet.) He inserted the disc and stood still, the Xbox scanned him and beamed him into the game. I look up to the floating screen and waved at Luposhy. After my little session of zombie killing I exited and turned off the Xbox. Luposhy still stood there with her jaw on the floor. I chuckled at her expression; I hear a sound of walking and look toward the door. Wolf, Celestia and Rainbow dash walk in, "yo what's up." I said to Wolf and Celestia. Celestia walks toward me with a gentle smile, her beauty was amazing, she was like an angel. "Protrokalos, I have scheduled you to have some time outside the castle. I want you to spend time with one of these pony's I trust very much. I believe Rainbow dash is best suited to you and you shall spend some time with her to know ponyville better." she says to me with a light smile. I nod my head in response. I look toward Rainbow dash and shrug, "so you ready to do whatever?" I ask her with little suspicion. She glares at me and nods, "sure lets go." she replied. We both walked out the door and down the hallway.

Wolf’s POV:

After Lupo and I finish the song Kalos started to walk away I stop him and he gives me an annoyed look. “What?” I simply nod toward Lupo and he nods in return, I walk off leaving the two alone. I need to tell Celestia about this pony, there is just something off about her. I get to the throne room just as her day court brakes for lunch. “Hello Wolf, is there something wrong?” I look her straight in the eyes, “Celestia, Kalos appeared with another pony in the gardens, there is something off about her. She seems to have knowledge on humans, but I don’t think she is going to cause trouble.” “I appreciate you telling me about this new pony, but I doubt you came here just to tell me that.” Sometimes I wonder if she know more then she lets on, “I wanted to know what you were going to do with Kalos.” She gives me a reassuring smile, “I actually was just thinking of that, I believe it would be a good idea for him to go out and relax for a while after what I have seen from his memories.” My jaw drops, “you can’t be serious, what if he loses his temper or something, I may be fast but I don’t think I could make it in time if that happened.” “Then what do you suggest?” I start thinking, I can’t watch him because I have to guard Luna…GOT IT! “Well, since I can’t keep an eye on him, why don’t we have Rainbow Dash watch him and act as a guide, that way if he goes off she can fly here fast enough to let us know so we can keep him from hurting somepony. Then we could get Luposhy’s story from her, that may be the reason why she’s here in the first place.” “That’s possible, and not a bad idea having Rainbow Dash act as his guide.”

After bribing RD into watching him we start looking for Kalos and Lupo, we find them in Kalos’s room with some futuristic looking TV and Xbox and Lupo’s jaw on the floor. I raise an eyebrow, wow ill have to ask about that later. Kalos looks at us as we walk in, “Yo, what up?” So after explaining to him that he and Rainbow will be going to ponyville so he can get used to it here, they head for the train station leaving Celestia, Lupo, and myself in the room. “so Lupo, I think it be best if you were to fill in the princesses and myself in on why you’re here, what your cutimark means, and why your armed to the teeth.” She looks at me annoyed, you know, she looks pretty cute if I wasn’t trying to get with Luna I might have gone for her. “That is the reason why I’m here in the first place.” She walks up to me, “and this, is for scaring me when I got here!” She swings her hoof at me and to be honest I thought it would hurt more than it did, I just stood there unmoving and she looks at me in disbelief. “How are you not hurt?” “Ha it’ll take more than that, now if you’ll excuse me I need to go get Luna so we can begin our little conversation.” I head to Luna’s room and walk in to see her peacefully sleeping and I can’t help but smile.

I walk up to her and sit on the side of the bed and gently shake her, “Luna, you need to get up there is something that needs your attention.” I hear her grown and she grabs me in a hug out of nowhere and I see she is still asleep, and then I hear something that makes my heart skip a beat. “Wolf, stay by our side …never…..leave.” I was shocked I caught enough of it to figure it out. She has the same feeling for me, wait I don’t have time for this. “Forgive me Luna……LUNA WAKE UP!” She jumps straight out of her bed and all the way to the other side of the room, she looks at me and she is not happy that I just did that. “WOLF, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” “Sorry Luna but you wouldn’t wake up and you need to be present something is going on.” That caught her attention, but before she can say anything I walk up to her and pull her into a hug surprising her, “Wolf...w-what are y-you d-…” “Don’t worry Luna; I’ll always be by your side.” After the explanation on what I just did as well as the shock of it wore off I told Luna what needed our attention and we headed to Celestia and Lupo to let her tell us her story.


A/N Luposhy is brought to you by Corosive dash