• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 1,928 Views, 31 Comments

A Night of Love for Equestria - shadowwolf789

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Unexpected conflict

Well it’s been a few weeks; I’ve done a lot of training with both my new sword and hoof to hoof combat. Not much else has happened except for one incident. You see what happened was the princesses ask if humans used magic and i told them, "well some believe we can others don’t, i think we have the potential to use it but i think it might be different from yours I’m not sure."

Well they decided to run some test and experiments to see if i was able to, and nothing happened except for one experiment that involved a ruby with some spell for some reason (they explained it to me but i wasn't listening). That experiment had changed me as well as my sword, I’m still 5'8" but I’m slimmer not muscular just slim. My once short dark brown hair is now jet black and goes to my mid back with red strips in it, and my once brown eyes are blood red. It also made me quicker, stronger, more agile, as well as the ability to think quicker than i ever have. My sword on the other hand went from looking like a regular katana to a sleek black one with the sharp end being blood red, and the metal changed to a material i have never seen before (needless to say i brought it to Red Iron to examine it and he said its seems to be unbreakable, which is awesome). Still haven’t been able to use magic, but my body still feels funny from it which is why they stopped after that one.

Tonight will be my first night officially as Luna's personal guard and I’m a bit exited so i haven't been able to sleep so i grabbed a monster and have been just wondering the castle and training and whatever else i can think of to pass the time. That was until a guard came up to me and said that Celestia wanted to talk to me, so I headed to the throne room. After a couple minutes of walking I went through the golden doors.

“Hello Celestia, you wanted to talk to me.” She looked over to me and said, “Yes Wolf, please close the door, what I have to say must be kept secret.” This sounds serious; I wonder what it’s about? I close the door like she asked and as I walked to her I noticed a look of worry on her face so I asked, “So what’s got you so worried?” She looked at me not really saying a thing at first. Then she let out a stressful sigh, “just a bit ago I sensed a large amount of power, it was so noticeable it may have even woken up my sister.” I looked at her with both a confused and worried look, “what do you think it was?” No sooner did I get done asking that we here from the hallway, "Halt in the name of the royal guard." And the tell tail signs of a fight, so I grab my katana (which I have named “Bloody Fang”) and we walk to the door and I lead the way through them only to be shocked by the sight of another human and I can only think, WHAT THE FUCK!
Several minutes earlier:

Third person:

Protrokalos basked in the heavenly scent of pure for the first time in his life without the bashful testing. He enjoyed it, but that moment was short lived when he heard a roar behind him. On instinct Protrokalos pulled out his blade and got in a defensive position, ready for mortal combat. He was approached by a very large manticore, but this one seemed larger than in the show, but he did not feel intimidated in the slightest. He sheathed his unbeatable blade and laughed at the manticore with primal gusto.

"Are you supposed to pose a threat to me?" Protrokalos said, still chuckling to himself. The manticore licked his lips and pounced toward Protrokalos aiming for his neck with its sharp scorpion tail. "... so foolish" Protrokalos said to himself right before he cut deep into the manticore's neck with his blade, while it was still sheathed. The manticore spat out mouthfuls of blood on the grass hoping it will still live while Protrokalos smiled at his dyeing foe and decided to end his misery. He pushed the blade further into the beast's throat, which resulted in coming out the other end pouring the rest of its blood onto the now crimson grass.

Protrokalos smiled to himself as his first kill in Equestria. Now he cleaned off the sheath with some water from a neighboring lake, "how ironic.” he said to himself. Now he makes his way to Canterlot in no time, shifting to his second form and floating to the mountain castle at lightning speed. He had always loved lighting, his sword made electric currents whenever he swung the majestic blade, cutting through the hardest of diamonds like butter, hell he could kill a dragon if he wanted to. But his inner monologue was interrupted when he arrived at two golden doors. Protrokalos knew this was the throne room, for he had watched every episode. Another dream would be achieved this day... his crush, the always beautiful princess Celestia might be behind these doors of bliss. How he dreamed of her on the wonderful summer beach in the twilight crescent of the moon as it touched on their skin... well skin to coat, but he did not care about anything, for he loved her too much.
Right when his hand touches the door he is halted by a shout, "Halt in the name of the royal guard." Protrokalos turned to see seven white ponies in golden Armor, compared to his angelic forms Armor; these guys are dog garbage to him. He smiled and cracked his knuckles. In the next couple of seconds, all seven guards were blown through the door with bloodied noses, broken legs, and one guard with his horn shoved up his... well you know the rest. Protrokalos chuckled at his fallen opponents, but it was short lived as he looked up and seen the princess of the sun, along with another human!?!? One thing was going on in Protrokalos's mind "WHAT.THE.FUCK!?"

Protrokalos POV:

I stare dumbfounded to find another human standing in front of me, but he looks angry why that is? I stare at the man's hand as he reaches for his katana! well... this might get interesting. He points the blade at me, "Who do you think you are thinking you can come barging in like that; tell me why I shouldn’t dismember you for what you’ve done?" He asks me with anger, good i like to get angry but i need to test this dude first. I chuckled, "because bro, i can end you and all of Equestria with the strength i possess, and you don't know what it is like to be me." i reply with a hiss. He just stares daggers at me and raises his blade... he's got balls. I pull out my katana at blinding speeds that only i could block and crash my blade against his. He slides a few feet away but... his blade is still there!? How is that possible! But that blade... its red, I seen that material. How the hell did he get a bio-mass diamond!? No matter i don't need to kill him but i need answers. "so what’s your name broham? i like to know thy enemy before i defeat him" I ask with a stupid grin plastered on my face. He narrows his eyes at me, "its wolf, and I wouldn’t be so arrogant if I were you." He said with a blank expression. I grin, "pfft how original for a dude with intermediate training within the sword basics and hand to hand combat, or should i say... hoof to hoof combat." I said to him with a trollface look on my face. His eye's narrow in annoyance, but before he answers i swipe my blade vertically down his right eye, giving him the scar like Leonidas in 300. He jumped in pain and dropped his sword holding his right eye; i sighed at his simple defeat and clashed blades with him once again. The blades start to glow a dark green and emits an explosion sending me and wolf flying. I collided with the stone wall, not hurt because I’m nearly indestructible, but i grew angry. I was starting to shift into my first form ready to release my rage, until i was lifted off the ground by Celestia. I looked into her eyes, as my anger to have wolf's blood on my blade left me; she zapped me with a sleep spell as to keep me restricted. It did not affect me in the slightest of ways but i wanted to see just exactly this "wolf" knows. I closed my eyes and faked being asleep; she seemed to buy it as she drops me on the spot. I hear the sound of hooves clopping on the surface of the marble floor towards me, i feel my weight shifted to nothingness as they carry me to god knows where, but i only have two things on my mind. "What is that wolf guy up to." and "if he fucked up my chances with Celestia... i swear i will kill him."

Wolf’s POV:

My eye, shit fuck! I think as I drop Bloody fang and reach for my eye after the unexpected attack by the other human. Then I hear and explosion and I go flying back and end up getting stop by what I assume to be the throne, I would have yelled in pain if I wasn’t knocked half loopy. I can’t see anything through my eyes because of the blood in one eye and the explosion and I hear who I assume to be Celestia quickly trot over to me. “Wolf, are you ok, you’re badly injured!” she says with a lot of concern in her voice, “Actually im in quite a lot of pain, I guess its one thing to practice in something and then another to actually experience it but what happened to the other human?” I ask, “He’s being taking care of after I put him to sleep, so just relax while I get you to the infirmary.” I feel myself weightlessly lift off the ground and as I lose consciousness.

Celestia’s POV:

I use my magic to bring Wolf into the infirmary, I’m going to have to wake Luna and tell her about this. She is going to be the one to want to heal him, after all they have gotten quite close. After I do that however I am going to have to use the mind delve spell on this other human. She thinks to herself as she walks off toward Luna’s room.


Note: again thank you to my co-author corosive dash and i have made an attempt to pay attention to the grammar and puncuation but again im only human and i make mistakes. We will see you in the next chapters.