• Published 21st Dec 2016
  • 944 Views, 80 Comments

The Tank Hunter - Lone Maus

When the 2nd world War broke out Jack joined the army to protect his loved one however late in the war he finds that one miss step can change everything.

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Royal Action

Luna looked at the dilapidated buildings around her tank, remembering what achievement the city of Stalliongrad was. Life was now hard for her as being a leader of a army you must understand that losses will happen but that doesn't make it easier to deal with, in fact it make you feel worse about every decision. She had now made either the best or worse decision and that being to deploy her and her personal guards along with one of Equestria’s most advanced tanks to Stalliongrad to turn the tide of the battle and maybe even the war. They were a good couple hours drive from the city's main square, which was a one square mile open space for city gatherings and events. This square was the most viable place to attack as most of the front lines developed along a river, meaning every bridge was a choke point making them a slaughterhouse for a attack. A defensive line was set up on the edge of the city square.
The radio crackled before a voice came through, “Point defence to Nightmare over.”

Luna dropped into the tank turret, “What should I say?” A young bat pony asked.

“Give me the radio mic.” Luna responded as the pony gave her the mic, she grabbed it with her magic and brought it up to her mouth the pressed the talk button and spoke, “This is Nightmare, what do you need?”

There was a crackle then the voice said, “We are seeing a large increase in Zebra activity and we believe an attack is likely.”

Luna let what she heard sink in as she looked around the tank, from one face to another then she pressed the talk button and said, “We are on our way should an attack happen before we arrive radio us. Nightmare out.” she then gave the mic back to the bat pony who was Moonstone, the newest member of her personal guard. Luna turned to a bat pony sitting in the gunner's seat and asked, “Moonlight what is your thoughts?”

“I don't know my Princess of the night but maybe they got Intel of our attack plan.” Moonlight said then looked at Moonstone which was her younger sister. “But I hope there will be not many casualties.” Moonlight finished.

“Casualties are unavoidable but hopefully we can avoid unnecessary losses.” Luna said before standing back up out of the turret. She hopped that her presence would help save pony's lives simply by drawing fire away from other tanks. Her tank was the most advanced that Equestria could field, armed with a high velocity 90mm gun and up to 200mm of armor in places well it was responsibly mobile it wasn't the fastest they had. The real thing that made this tank special was its gun. The 90mm was big enough that magic crystals could be put in the shells allowing them to be magically charged with spells, however they only held their charge for a minute then they died.

Besides some gunfire in the distance all that could be heard was the sound of their convoy. As they drew closer to the FOB that was just behind the main defensive line, she could hear soft music echoing through the empty streets. The closer they got to the FOB the louder the music got. Once they got to the FOB the convoy broke up with most of the tanks and equipment going to the defensive line. Luna's tank stopped at the FOB and she dismounted then call to her crew, “You're on rest tell I get back. Do any of you want some mint leaves?” Mint leaves were given to soldiers to help them handle long periods of time without a good tasting meal.

“yes princess Luna thank you.” Moonlight said smiling happily at Luna who was taller than her as she popped out of the gunner's hatch.

Moonstone’s voice came from the tank, “I would like some too.”

“Ok.” Luna responded before turning and walking to the building that was being used as the mainframe for the FOB.

Moonlight got out of the tank, and then looked down at Moonstone. “Hey sis want to prank Luna.” Moonlight said smirking at Moonstone.

“We aren't in Canterlot, it wouldn't be safe.” Moonstone said right as a siren blared and Luna came running back to the tank and dove in pulling Moonlight in with her.

Luna's heart was racing as she grabbed each hatch with her magic and pulled them shut. Then the booms, artillery was falling on them one after another for ten minutes. The last few landed right on the tank blowing all the hatches off. She waited a minute before peering out the hatch. There were dead ponies missing legs, heads, or even their body, trucks and lighter tanks were reduced to smoldering wrecks and the building Luna was about to go in was half collapsed. She wanted to help but before she could, the radio crackled and a voice said, “ANYPONY WHO CAN FIGHT WE NEED YOU AT THE DEFENSIVE LINE NOW!” Luna knew the time for sorrow was later.

Luna yelled, “Leatherwing get us to the defensive line now.” Without response the tank roared to life and made it's way to the line.

Moonlight winced a little at some shrapnel stuck in her, but she didn't say anything to worry Luna.

The tank pulled up to the trenches just in time as several tanks appeared on the other side of the square and started making their way across it. Luna had no time to report that she had joined the defensive line it it's commander as AT gun started firing but at this range they were ineffective. The zebra tanks were 20 strong and Luna only had 8 AT guns that weren't effective be on half a mile and 3 other tanks besides her’s. The zebra tanks were led by a large tank with it's turret in the back and a pike front hull. They stopped after 400 ft and fired a salvo, no rounds hit Luna's tank but the those in the trenches didn't get as lucky as Luna counted 6 mangled and lifeless bodies. She pulled her head into the turret and levitated up a crystal tipped round and enchanted it to be harder than a diamond and loaded it into the gun and shut the breach. “Target the tank to the left of the lead tank. Let's show them that they aren't untouchable.” Luna said to Moonlight. Leatherwing drove the tank into a crater so the hull was hidden.

Moonlight rotated the turret so the cannon is facing the zebra tank Luna said. Moonlight then elevated the gun a little to compensate for bullet drop, for the round to hit the turret ring of the enemy tank. “eat this zebra’s.” Moonlight said and pulled the trigger, the breach then flies back almost hitting the back of the turret and then expels the empty shell and slides back into place. The muzzle brake on the end of the cannon releases the Crystal tipped shell at the enemy tank and smoke to each side of the muzzle. The round tore through the tank leaving a large hole as the tank stops and the crew tries to bale as they climb out machine guns open fire. Rounds ping off the tank harmlessly, but the one that find their mark quickly kill the zebra crew.

Luna was about to load another round when a thunder boom echoed across the square and buildings around it. Luna stuck head out just in time for a second one this time she watched as the turret of a zebra tank was lifted off its hull by a huge explosion. Who shot the two other tanks, both of which had their turrets blown off. By now the only tank within the range of the AT guns was the lead, the rest had stopped. Another loud boom echoed as a round came from the zebra’s left entered the side of one of the tank's turret, not even a second later the whole turret exploded. The AT guns desperately tried to damage the lead tank but to no avail, round after round would simply bounce off. The 16 remaining tanks continued to fight but after another one was picked off, they started to respond by turning their turrets. Luna was hoping that whatever came out of one of the side streets was on her side. The tank farthest to her left exploded and a huge tank that was twice the size of most the zebra tanks, even bigger than the lead tank. It was tall gray and had a long gun. “Hold fire.” Luna yelled as the tank fired again, the thundering echo had to be heard miles away. The tank it targeted was no match as the round hit and knocked it out. Luna watched in disbelief as the crews of two of the zebra tanks abandoned their tanks and several other tanks started backing up.

Moonlight watches in disbelief through a periscope. As Moonlight watches she starts coughing up some blood and passes out, hitting her head on the side of the turret.

Author's Note:

So it's done and this chapter is unique and that is because the character Moonlight was written by Doompony32 if you want to read some more go over to his first story which I am comparing authoring and check it out. As always enjoy.