• Published 21st Dec 2016
  • 947 Views, 80 Comments

The Tank Hunter - Lone Maus

When the 2nd world War broke out Jack joined the army to protect his loved one however late in the war he finds that one miss step can change everything.

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Lay of the Land

Jack walked into his barracks and headed to his bed, he was hoping this book would give him some insight on this world. He lied on his bed and began looking through the table of contents hoping to find out where he was.

"Chapter one, The City of Stalliongrad." Jack couldn't help but to roll his eyes, but continued to skim over the first chapter. He found a page on Fort Ember and read it. "Fort Ember is one of the newest forts in Equestria and among the biggest. The fort was named Ember after fire broke out during its construction destroying four city blocks and claiming thirty ponies, the fort was the only thing that was left standing and was named fort Ember from then on after." Jack looked at the picture that was next to the paragraph, it was of a half built fort with burn marks reaching halfway up the walls. He continued reading "The fort had proven itself. In the past large forts were built in cites to protect them from dragon attacks." Jack thought, dragons really? "Meaning the forts had to withstand fire. Although most of the fort that are scattered throughout Equestria were built to protect against dragons only a few ever were put to the test. Fort Ember's story didn't end there, it played an important role through three large wars and a hoof full of border disputes including the Griffin-Pony border dispute." Jack finished reading the page, then turned to the next to see if there was any more and there wasn't.

Jack skimmed some more tell he got to, "Chapter two Fortress Mountain." This tipped Jack's interest and he started reading. "Fortress Mountain's name comes from the massive fortress that was carved out of the mountain one hundred years after Nightmare Moon was banished. The fortress is the biggest in Equestria and is only out ranked in the world by the super fortress in the Griffin Kingdom. The fortress and the area around it has a long and bloody history as it was involved in three wars, The War of The Snow, The Griffin-Zebra War, and The Mountain War, for more information on this wars and more go to chapter four. The fortress was the center of The Mountain War where millions of ponies and zebras alike fought for the the mountain and it's fortress, this war saw most of its combat in the fields surrounding the mountain however a hoof full of battles were fought in the the fortress. These battles left the fortress bloodstained and damaged however nine hundred years after Nightmare Moon's banishment the fortress was restored and reinstated as the main defence headquarters for the Stalliongrad area." Jack finished and was about to turn the page when the barracks door opened and Fang walked in.

"What you reading about?" Fang asked.

"Oh I'm reading about the area around Stalliongrad, if I may ask you know what happened at Fortress Mountain when the war started?" Jack said.

"Ya, when the war broke out the first place the zebras went for was the fortress." Fang said grimly, "It fell within a week and is now the home of the zebra generals." She stopped and sighed then said, "We are going to have to take it back some day. But let's worry about the here and now and now it's time to eat." She said walking over to the table and setting down two bags and pushed one towards the empty seat.

Jack got up, walked to the chair and sat down and asked "What is it?"

Fang smiled and said, "Samething they always give us, oat paddys well at least these have buns." Then she pulled her's out and took a bite.

As Jack also started eating he said, "So mind if I ask you something that might be a little personal?"

Fang answered with, "Shoot."

Jack looked at his food then at her and asked, "Do you eat meat?"

Fang laughed and answered with, "Ya I do I'm what you Equestrian ponies call a carnivore pony as you can tell by my fangs." She smiled showing her fangs. "Like on bat ponies but we don't have bat ears or wings. Our eyes are similar but only to the point that we both can see well in the dark."

Jack nodded and finished his food and asked her, "Can I trust you to fight to the death by my side?"

Fang looked at him for a second then said, "Only if you will do the same. Deal?"

Jack nodded with, "deal."

A few minutes later Clip walked in and smiled saying, "Well looks like you two like each other." Fang just rolled her eyes, "Well either way we have an assignment tomorrow, so you may want some sleep." He then walked over to his bed and sat on it.

Jack looked at Fang and said, "Maybe he's right it's 9 o'clock, I think I'll hit the hay." As he got up and walked to his bed got in and lied there before falling asleep.

Five days earlier in a small town in Germany, Gustav looked through his commander's vision sights in his PzVI Ausf B. The attack on the bridge was going to start any time now. After ten minutes the order was given.

"Claus get the tank moving!" Gustav yelled.

"Yes sir!" Claus responded and the massive tank roared to life.

The first four hundred meters they moved at a crawl tell the bridge was in sight. "Olaf firefly five degrees." Gustav said.

"I see it and I'm on target just give the vord." Olaf responded.

"Sent her down range." Gustav said after they got to the edge of the smoke cover the infantry set. The large 88mm gun shuck the tank as it fired. The round hit the firefly in the front of the hull leaving a large smoking hole. "Good hit she is knocked out! Frederick load HE and Olaf aim for the MGs or our men vill get ripped up!" He yelled all this without looking down from the vision ports. The battle had kicked off and right away they had suffered losses. Gustav watched as a young soldier moved up with one that had a flamethrower when the one with the flamethrower was hit and his tank exploded. The 88 fired, the round hit the last firing MG on their side of the bridge. They had taken this side but Gustav already counted 20 soldiers dead. "Claus ve need to get the tank over the bridge NOW!" He yelled.

"Yes sir." Claus responded as the tank sped up. "There is a vounded soldier on the bridge sir." Claus add as they pulled onto the bridge.

"Drive over him but don't run him over." Gustav said as he was cut off by the sound of a plane, followed by a loud whoosh then an explosion rocked the tank. The bridge had given way right after and the tank started sliding towards the ice cold water. Gustav's men all stayed in the tank except his hull gunner who bailed as the tank plunged into the water and the whole world went black.

Author's Note:

Well it may not be what I thought it would be but here it is and the next chapter will follow Gustav and his special Tiger II however one thing I must say is I had just found out that I had missed the fact that I spelled half wrong so yep that's a derp. Enjoy