The Tank Hunter

by Lone Maus

First published

When the 2nd world War broke out Jack joined the army to protect his loved one however late in the war he finds that one miss step can change everything.

After an attack on Jack's camp he is given an offer to go to a new world. He accepts and is transported to Equestria were he will find new friends and new love as he fights through the Equestria-Zebra war.
Disclaimer this is not the same zebra war as in Fallout Equestria.

A New World A New War

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Jack walked away from the quartermaster with all his gear. The front had been very quiet for some time as he looked to the sky with a smile it was clear as could be.

"The fly boys are going to have fun today hunting down tanks," the voice came from his friend Dan who was the commander of a Sherman firefly.

Jack turned around with a laugh responding with "as long as they save some for us."

"Careful what you wish for mister tank hunter," Dan said with a smug smile then continued as he got in his tank "there is a force headed for us so be ready to-" his sentence was cut off by an ear piercing shot as sparks showered Jack then an explosion knocked him down.

He slowly got up shaking his head as he saw the firefly, the turret was laying on the ground next to the tank as the fire came out of the now turretless hull.

His hearing slowly came back just in time to hear the word every US and British soldier feared "TIGER! A bloody Tiger! Run!" He froze on the spot as the beast reviled its self from the trees at the end of the camp. Soldiers were doing one of three things praying, running, or shooting at it, at first he raised his .55 Boys AT rifle and fired, the shot did nothing as the hull MG on the Tiger opened up sending a hail of bullets his way he eminently dropped himself to the ground luckily only catching one round in his left shoulder. He shrieked in pain, grabbing his shoulder and breathing heavy. He lied there for a few moments as the Tiger switched targets and as soon as he seen the Tiger turn away he got up and ran for it.

He didn't know how long or how far he had run but he got away alive that's all that mattered. He was in a forest with tall trees and no ground cover so he couldn't hide and with his shoulder injury he couldn't fight so he decided to keep walking, 5 minutes passed and he got nowhere when *click* he froze his heart started racing as he looked down under his foot was a land mine, it was one of the mines that blow up after you step off of it.

Jack pulled a plier and a knife out of a bag that was hanging from his side. He slowly pulled moved his foot so he could see more and he jabbed his knife at a metal plate on the mine, it made a tiny dent. “You stupid, bloody machine!” Jack yelled in anger, standing back up and putting his tools back into the bag.

What was Jack supposed to do now as he stood he saw something move through the trees, he reached for his Colt.M1911 as whatever it was made it's way closer. The thing was about 100ft away when he realized it was glowing, it continued to get closer till it was standing right in front of him, it looked like a white and brownish red horse but with big eyes and a horn and wings?

Before he could do anything it spoke: "You are the one named Jack am I right?" Jack nodded his head and it continued "I have a choice for you and it is you can be sent to the world where ponies like myself-live you, of course, will be turned into one and all your stuff on you will come with."

“Y-your a bloody horse! You could be a filthy german for all I know.” Jack said to the horse, slightly backing up, keeping his foot on the mine as he sighed.

He looked at the pony as he now knew what it was called then he responded with "If I don't go then what?"

It answered with "Then you will be left to your fate so if you will go then just raise your foot of that and you will be transported there."

"Ok, I will go then. Im trusting you on this. I hope this aint a trap." He said as he was about to take his foot off he thought what does it matter if it worked well if not he would die either way he would no longer matter in this world.

It stopped him and said "There is one more thing I have to tell you about this world, there is a war going on between Equestria and the Allied Zebra Nations you will have to fight for Equestria as you will be a pony and you will be in one of the many large cities that are being contested," and with that he nodded and lifted his foot off the mine.

His vision was black but that changed to a stormy sky, he was on his back. He couldn't feel his fingers then he remembered he should have been turned into a pony. He stared at his hoofs for a moment, thinking to himself. “Holy crap. Ive been turned into a colorful horse. Great.” He quickly rolled onto his belly and stood up on all fours and looked himself over. His Boys AT rifle was on his back, his M1911 in its holster on his left side and he still had his camouflage on, his coat was light gray and his mane was dark brown, as he started taking it all in he realized he was in a building. He walked around the top looking into the city and it seemed to go on forever. His site seeing was cut short as the sound of gun and cannon fire filled the air.

"Stop right there pony scum!" Came an unknown voice causing him to turn and face who said it, it was a young looking zebra who had a semi-auto rifle on his side and a trigger device in his mouth ready to fire and kill Jack. "Anything to say scum?" The zebra said and without responding Jack reached for his M1911 with his right forehoof, pulled it out and shot the zebra 4 times. It happened so fast the zebra didn't get a shot off, he put the gun back and saw his backpack with ammo and aid, he picked it up and walked over to the dead zebra and looked him over, there was a map and nothing else of interest.

He found the way the zebra got up and made his way to it, by now the fighting had gotten closer and now it was right below him. He ran to the edge of the roof and looked down, there were about 20 ponies behind cover on both sides of the street with a tank in the middle. The tank had a tall turret with a short but big gun sticking out of it and it was pointed at the building as it had MGs in it. Before he could do anything the tank fired, the round hit the building and exploded causing the side to collapse around him, he covered his head as the world went black.

He heard voices, one of them yelling "There's somepony in the rubble!" Then he felt some of the rubble started to move and reviled and pony's face. "It's a pony we need to get him out, Derpy cover us!" The pony called out as he waved two other ponies over to help.

Jack couldn't make out the details on the pony's face but he could see the pony who was sticking out of the top of the tank, the pony looked like a mare and her mane was blonde and her coat was light gray like his. The fighting was still going on as the tank fired again causing a large amount of damage to another building. It wasn't long before they got him out of the rubble along with his equipment.

He was laid down behind some cover as a pony with a red cross look him over then asked him some questions "Can you feel your legs?"

Jack answered "yes"

The pony asked the next question "Can you move any of them?"

Jack answered "no"

The pony then said "Ok we are going to get you out of here. Belt get over here." A large pony ran over with what looked like a machine gun on his side, that's when Jack realized all the ponies except the one in the tank had very dark blue coats and fangs, this made him a little uncomfortable. The medic pony lifted Jack onto the back of the large pony and yelled: "He's ready to go!" Before anyone responded both ponies started going the other way. It started getting hard to stay awake and Jack let himself fall asleep.

Recovery of Health

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Jack woke to a dark room, as he looked around taking in his surroundings. There was a table and a chair along with the bed he was on where the only things in the room.

He went to get up when a pony rushed into the room saying "Sorry, sorry I didn't know you were awake."

"Ah no problem?" Jack answered a little confused "How long have I been asleep, it feels like I haven't eaten anything for weeks." He continued as he sat up.

"Heh funny you should ask, you have been in a coma for two weeks oh and my name is Stretch but every pony calls me Stre." The mare responded with a sweet smile.

"What?" Jack asked alarmed "Did you say 2 weeks."

"Yep, you were brought in two weeks ago." Stretch said as she checked Jack's vital signs. Then she walked over the table and chairs and lit a lamp which lit up the left side of the room. With the extra light Jack could see Stretch's coat and mane clearly, her coat was pure white and her mane was light orange with silver tips. "But you should be healed, so do you hurt anywhere?" She asked.

"No" Jack answered then continued with "I do feel stiff, if it's ok with you if I get up and walked around."

"Yes by all means." Stretch said and Jack started getting up when she continued, "Two things, first your ID tags say Jack C Reeds that is your name right?"

"Ya that's my name." Jack said with a nod.

"Ok good and if you want I can help you walk to the eating area." Stretch responded.

"Sure" Jack answered with a nod then he pulled his hind legs out from under the covers and sat at the edge of the bed for a moment then, got off it and nearly fell over. He quickly regained his balance and made a sheepish smile at Stretch to which she smiled back. "Could you please lead the way?" Jack asked. Stretch nodded and walked out the room with Jack in tow. The hall was long with many rooms branching off on both sides alternating left and right, the walls had nothing but lights and wire on them which he figured was for power.

It was a short walk, when they got to the eating area it was empty but Stretch asked him to sit and wait so he did and she rushed out into a door with Kitchen wrote on it. All he thought about was if he should say anything about how he got on the building or where he came from but after thinking it over he figured it was best to hide it less it needed to come out.

The door swung open and Stretch came out "Sorry for the wait, there was no warm oat paddys so I had to warm some up." She said as she set a tray down in front of him then say down across the table from him.

"Oh no worries." Jack said with a smile. When he saw what a oat paddy was he realized it didn't look as bad as it sounded and he happily ate it.

"So you’re luckily Derpy's unit was in the area." Stretch said looking at him.

He stopped and looked up from the tray and responded with "Derpy? Who is that and why?"

She looked a little confused then said "Oh you must be a freelance soldier, that would be why you don’t know who Derpy is. She is one of if not the most feared pony in this city and, she and her unit take pony rescue very serious."

"Well I'm grateful then." He responded right when a pair of double doors swung open and two ponies rushed through carrying a stretcher with a pony on it who was screaming, as they passed a third pony came by and Stretch stopped him. The pony was a unicorn who was covered in sweat, dirt and blood and he was levitating something wrapped in bloody rags.

Stretch sighed and turned to Jack as the other pony rushed after the other two and she looked at Jack grimly "He loss his front left leg to a artillery shell just a few minutes ago and the rest of his squad was killed on impact."

"But I didn't feel a thing and is he going to make it?" Jack responded.

Stretch looked up at the ceiling, "He should." then she looked at Jack with a serious face and continued "The fort is built so one could not feel attacks, so watch squads are needed." She sighed again and went on, "You have a day to work your muscles after that you are being sent to the fort on the edge of the Great Garden. Your things should be in your room, I'm sorry I have to go." and with that she rushed down the hall leaving Jack in the eating area.

Jack finished eating then made his way to his room all the way he could hear the injured pony screaming. When he got to the room all his stuff was there, after a quick check he started his workouts. After 3 hours of doing various workouts his muscles felt better and he sat at the table with his log book. It was quiet it had been for a hour and he was ok with it as he opened his log book and looked at the pictures of his family, a feeling of emptiness filled him and he wondered if he would ever see them outside a picture. He stared at it for 15 minutes then closed the book, then got up walked to the bed and got in saying quietly "I will fight so no other families need to be torn." and went to sleep.

"Hey wake up!" A voice said which startled Jack, and as he got up the pony laughed and continued, "So your the new one coming to join us? Well get your stuff and follow me." Jack did as the pony said and they were walking out in two minutes. They neared a door when the pony spoke, "It started snowing last night so careful were you step so the any ice is covered up." Then he opened the door.

First Combat

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Jack stepped outside the door and looked at the city that surrounded him it was full of five to six story buildings, then followed the pony up to a group of ponies standing next to a truck.

"Well who do we have joining us this time." A pony with a jet black mane and red coat said turning to them as they walked up.

The pony Jack was following smiled and said "I don't know was is your name?"

Jack responded with "Jack or Reed whatever you want."

"Whatever we want?" A pony with a gold coat and light blue mane asked with a smile, Jack already didn't like where this was going. "Well we will have to see what comes up." The pony finished.

"Well what about all you, I don't know your names." Jack responded.

A mare with a steel gray coat and a faded blue mane stepped forward and said, "We have call signs or nicknames if you want to call it that. Me I'm called Fang." The mare gave Jack a toothy smile showing clearly her long fangs then she continued, "This is Camouflage." She said as she pointed at a huge stallion with a earth green coat and dirt brown mane and the stallion smiled. The mare pointed then at the gold and light blue stallion and said, "This here is Glint and the red and black one next to him is Raz." Fang smiled and her fangs showed just a bit then she asked, "Why you dressed up like a sniper?"

Jack answered with, "I'm a anti-tank marksman or heavy sniper."

"Well a heavy sniper?" Jack turned and seen the pony he followed was gone and a pony dressed in a full ghillie suit was standing in his place. The pony laughed then continued, "Your big gun doesn't have a scope so, aren't you limited aren't you."

"I don't need a scope to be effective." Jack responded.

"We will see but my name is Clip and I lead this squad and I'm pleased to have a new member." The pony said.

Just then another pony walked and said, "I'm your guy's driver so if you would get in we can be on our way to fort Vine." Then they all got into the truck with Glint in the cab with the driver. The truck was covered in the back.

Jack was sleeping when the truck hit a landmine and tipped over. Jack slowly got up and ran to a pile of rubble were the rest of the squad was as a machine gun opened.

As Jack got behind the pile Clip said, "The gun is armored so I can't do much to it."

Jack smiled and said, "I can get this one." And he lied down, pulled his .55 Boys off his back and crawled out from behind the cover and got ready to shoot. Jack lined his sights up for the machine gun. The gun let out another burst then Jack pulled the trigger, the Boys barked with a loud report. The round hit its mark as a large red mist came up from behind the shield and the gun fell silent, Jack found a new target, one of the zebras who was still shooting and pulled the trigger leaving a red mist in the air.

After the second shot Clip yelled, "Everypony fight!" And they grabbed their guns and started shooting back at the zebras.

Jack had killed four zebras within six minutes when a tank pulled out of a side alley, it was the size of a PzII but it was sloped on all sides of the hull and the turret was a dome, Jack changed targets to the tank and looked for a weak spot and found a spot to shoot it on its side, as he got ready the tank fired at his squad mates with a auto cannon. He fired the round hit right between the start of the sloping and the tracks going through and killing the gunner, he quickly lined up another shot and took it, killing the driver. Just after the tank was knocked out it fell silent as the ambush had failed and the zebras ran.

They looked around taking in what just happened and Clip walked over to Jack and put his hoof on Jack's shoulder and said, "Maybe we should call you Tank Hunter."

Jack turned and looked at Clip and the rest of the squad and said, "Sure I don't see why not." And they continued to check the area when the sound of tanks tracks drew their attention to the street just in front of the building the MG was in, they got to the corner, the noise was coming from the left.

They waited a moment then Camouflage looked around the corner then turned around with a smile and said, "It's Derpy we can go out." They nodded and followed him without weapons out. Sure enough Jack seen the gray mare sticking out of the tank turret as they walked up. They were led to a halftrack as Derpy and her ponies move to the where the battle happened.

"So how many did you lose?" A pony with a green coat and a two tone gray and white mane asked.

"Just one the transport driver." Clip responded with.

"Well I find that hard to believe but we will see any how this halftrack will take you the rest of the way." The pony said and then walked towards Derpy's tank. They loaded up and the halftrack got moving.

"Hey Tank Hunter if you want you can take a nap I'll wake you just before we get there." Fang said.

"Ok." Was Jack's answer and he fell into a shallow sleep.

New Home

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Jack woke when Fang punched him on the shoulder. "What the hell was that for." He said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You wanted me to wake you up when we got there but you never said how." Fang said with a smug smile and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Well now that everypony is awake it's time to go over how things are going to go." Clip started but stopped and grunted as the halftrack hit a crater then he continued, "When we get to the fort we will unload and be shown our new home likely tell the war ends ok." When he finished they all nodded. The haft track stopped and then the sound of metal grinding, then the halftrack started moving then stopped and the driver opened a small hatch.

"Here we are." The driver called back and they started filing out.

Jack looked around only seeing four warehouses and no barracks. He followed the rest of the squad towards the west wall, they got half way when he saw two ponies walk their way, one of the two had a rainbow mane and a cyan coat and wearing a heavy trench coat and the other pony had pink coat and a purple mane with a light blue stripe through it wearing a black uniform and a black and red officer's hat. The squad stopped as the two ponies drew closer.

"General I'm pleased to meet you." Clip said and when Jack realized a general was walking towards them he saluted and Clip laughed and said "General Starlight said we didn't need to salute her all the time." Jack stopped saluting.

"Good to see reinforcements have gotten here albeit not as many as I would like." The pink and purple pony said as she looked them over.

Clip smiled and said, "Sadly we are all that was sent, but here we are and we'll prove ourselves."

The rainbow maned pony rolled her eyes as the pink one responded, "Well I will see what you ponies are best for but for now let me introduce myself, I am General Starlight Glimmer and this" She pointed at the mare standing next to her, "is General Rainbow Dash and you will be under my command." She nodded at Clip.

"Well you know me but this is my squad." He said as he turned and pointed at them as he named them off. "This is Camouflage, Glint, Raz, Fang, and our newest member Tank Hunter." They all smiled when he pointed at them.

General Starlight waved over a pony dressed in dirty overalls and shirt and said, "Would you please show these ponies to the open barracks, oh and Clip please follow me."

Jack and the rest of the squad followed the pony towards the west wall as Clip followed the two generals towards the east wall. They stopped about thirty feet from the wall at the top of some stairs and the pony they had been following turned and said, "This leads into the trench system that goes all the way around the fort and your barracks are connected to the trench oh and the number is A8." And with that he turned and walked towards one of the warehouses.

They walked down in and right in front of them was the barracks A8. They went in and all found a bad and offloaded their gear and undressed which if Jack had just woken up he would have been confused but he had expected that being naked meant nothing to them.

Jack had just gotten undressed when Raz said, "Hey what does that mean." Jack turned to see what Raz was pointing at and he seen Raz was pointing at his flank. Jack must have looked confused because Raz said, "Your cutie mark, you know what you're good at or talent."

Jack looked at his flank there was a shield with what looked like a bullet going half way into it. He quickly came up with something, "Oh it means I'm good at shooting though armor." Raz seemed to accept that.

"Hey Tank Hunter mind if I see your gun?" Glint said and walked other to Jack's bed. The barracks was one room that was twenty feet long and ten feet wide with six beds and lockers and some tables.

"She is beautiful isn't she." Jack said as he set the Boys rifle on a table.

Glint nodded and levitated the gun up to his shoulder and looked down the sights. Jack didn't know Glint was unicorn tell now. "She is a nice piece of weaponry I'll say that." Glint said before he put it down.

Jack put the gun under his bed so it was out of the way and lied down and thought to himself. That was close, he thought, I need to come up with a story for if I get asked where I came from. After five minutes he was asleep.

Jack awoke to Raz shaking him. "Ah good you're up, let's go eat something."

Jack nodded and got up and followed Raz out. They had to walk down the trench to get to the mess hall. They went through the line and Jack got a potato and a fried hay paddy then went and sat at a table with Camouflage and, Raz.

Raz had the same as Jack but Camouflage had twice as much food. Jack finished before the other two and made his way to the barracks. When he got there and walked in he saw Derpy sitting at the middle table.

"I was wondering when you would be back but anyhow I would like to say I'm sorry about dropping the building on you." She said.

Jack was shocked but simply smiled and said, "I'm all healed up so no problem."

She stood up and walked towards the door and when she got to the door she stopped and said with a smile, "Then I can't wait to fight alongside you." And walked out.

Clip walked in and said "We have orientation tomorrow early so you might want to call it a night."

Jack responded as he got into bed with, "That sounds good." And he lied there for a few minutes before finally falling asleep.

Day Off

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When Jack awoke he was the only one in the barracks so he got up and looked at the clock on the wall, it read 6:24 and he thought do they not do drills or anything in this army? He decided to get something to eat in case they do have a mission or patrol. It had snowed again the night before and as he walked he was happy the trench was concrete and not dirt. He walked in got some food and sat down. As he ate he looked around there was around ten ponies in the mess hall all of them eating talking or reading letters. Letters He thought, he wished he could still send and receive letters from his girlfriend in England. He sighed as he finished then got up and gave the food tray to the cook and walked out.

He got only a few steps away from the mess hall when he heard a familiar voice go, "Hey!" He turned and saw Clip walking towards him.

"Yes?" Jack responded.

Clip didn't look like he was going to stop but as he walked by he said, "The general is looking for you, you can find her in barracks A1C." And without another word he walked away.

Jack watched him walk down the trench tell he turned a corner then Jack headed away from his barracks looking at the numbers, A1, A4, A2 there was no order to them. After walking around the trench for five minutes he found it. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." Came from the other side and he opened the door, walked in and sat down in front of General Starlight. The room looked bare but there were some maps laying on a big table in the back. She looked at him with a smile then went on with, "So glad to see you and properly introduce myself. I am General Starlight Glimmer commander of fort Vine which means all orders you receive go through me do you understand?" Jack nodded and she continued, "Well good now that that is out of the way, the recovery unit got you somethings." She opened a small box behind her desk and pulled out a bundle of cloth, then set it on the table in front of Jack.

Jack looked at the bundle then opened it inside where four medals he looked up at Starlight and said, "What are these for?"

Starlight smiled and said, "You killed the crew of that tank that attacked you well the gunner was a high scoring tank ace and being you killed him you get his medals."

Jack looked grimly at the medals and thought, The Americans liked to do this. Then he said, "Really a ace?"

Starlight nodded and said, "He had ten tank kills and countless infantry kills, I'm glad you have those medals now." She stopped as the door swung open and a white pony with a blue and white mane raced in.

The pony set down a file and said, "General Rainbow Dash wanted you to see this as soon as possible." Jack seen the pony had wings.

Starlight responded with, "Yes thank you, if you don't mind Tank Hunter I have business I need to tend to."

Jack nodded then got up and walked out into the trench. It had started to lightly snow which Jack had liked, he always enjoyed it when it snowed which made it easy to sneak around the battlefield.

Jack was drawn up to the courtyard by the sound of tanks treads and when he got out of the trench he seen a tank pulling into the fort with what looked like battle damage. He walked up to a yellow pony with a green mane and asked, "Who is that?"

The pony turned and said, "That is Trixie she is a close friend of the general and she only goes out on night patrols." Jack nodded as he looked at the tank it was the size of a Cromwell tank with a rounded front, flat sides and back and a dome turret with a long skinny gun and the whole thing was painted black with The great and powerful on the side of the turret.

Jack watched the tank pull into one of the warehouses which he decided to find out if there was any assignments. After walking around for half an hour he found Raz talking with a pony with was dressed in a coat with a hood so one couldn't see the pony inside. As Jack walked up to Raz he smiled and said, "Hey Raz mind if I ask you something."

Raz turned and when he seen Jack he smiled, "Tank Hunter good to see you what is it you wanted to ask?"

Jack answered, "Do you know if we have any assignments?"

Raz laughed and when he did the pony in the hood recoiled then Raz said, "We seen combat the other day so we have the day off."

"Oh ok." Jack responded, Raz turned and continued to talk to the other pony at which Jack walked to the warehouse, he decided to spend his day looking around the base.

The first thing Jack saw as he walked into the warehouse was a tank that looked like a Hellcat but the turret was a triangle and the gun pointed out the tip. Jack looked the tank over it had what looked like hundreds if not thousands of scratches from what Jack had guessed was small arms fire, as he looked at it a pony walked up to him.

"She can take a beating." The pony said and Jack turned and looked at the pony, "Name is Gearbox and I'm the chief mechanic here at Fort vine." He then held out a hoof.

Jack started shaking Gearbox's hoof and said, "I'm Tank Hunter, and it's nice to meet you."

"Really? Well it's nice to finally meet you and let me say thank you for killing that ace we finally got a chance to look through one of those Raider tanks." Gearbox said.

"No problem. Wait look through?" Jack asked.

"You're new here right then follow me and I'll show you around." Gearbox said as he waved for Jack to follow. Jack walked with Gearbox to the back of the warehouse, Jack noted well it wasn't very loud it wasn't quite ether, as they stopped in front of the hull of the tank he had knocked out. "You remember this girl don't you?" Gearbox asked and added, "Well maybe not all taken apart but anyways this is where we bring in Zebra tanks that we have never seen before or don't have information on and pull them apart, it is a fun job." Gearbox smiled as he finished, Jack wondered where the turret was tell he looked up. It was hanging from a large crane. "Well right this way is the tank holding and repair area." Gearbox said as they walked through a door into a large well lit room that was quite clean for a holding area. The tank in front of them was Derpy's, it was clean and freshly painted.

"Wait you paint the tanks too?" Jack asked.

"Well ya got to keep them from rusting somehow." Gearbox said with a chuckle.

"Again again!" Came from the other side of Derpy's tank and it sounded like a kid.

"Anything else to see?" Jack asked Gearbox.

"No this is about it, now I'm going to go back to work on the Raider tank get me if you need anything." Gearbox said then nodded and walked back through the door they came.

Jack thought for a moment this gives me the chance to see why a kid is in here. He walked around to the other side of the tank and right as he got around Derpy shot up into the air with a filly in her hoofs who was giggling.

As Derpy floated down she seen Jack and called out, "Hey Tank Hunter what brings you in here?"

Before Jack could respond the filly said, "Who is that mom?" The question startled Jack.

As Derpy set the filly down she said, "He fights the bad guys just like me. Now you should run along." The filly nodded then ran off. Then Derpy turned to Jack and said, "She isn't my real filly, we rescued her a week ago and she called me mom ever since and I just can't tell her to not." She looked at the filly running away and smiled and Jack could tell that filly brought her joy.

"I thought you had a filly that and why is she still here?" Jack asked.

"I do her name is Dinky she is a unicorn, she is safely back in Ponyville and as for Blue Blaze the filly who just left well there are around ten ponies living on this base who are waiting for a opening in the fighting to get out." Derpy responded.

"Well that is good to know, oh I would like to know is there any maps I can read or something to get the lay of the land?" Jack asked.

"Ya here follow me." Derpy responded and started walking and Jack followed. They walked out the warehouse down into the trench the to a barracks not far from Jack's. They walked in and Derpy called out "Hey Blue Sky you have a books of info on the land around here."

A pony from behind a counter tossed a large book to Derpy and said, "Here this will tell you anything you want to know." Then went back to move things around.

Derpy handed Jack the book and said, "Here you go now is there anything else can you with?"

"No I think I'll go back to my barracks and read some of this." Jack said and Derpy nodded and they both walked out, then just before parting ways Derpy hugged Jack then walked back towards the exit of the trench. Confused Jack walked back to his barracks.

Lay of the Land

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Jack walked into his barracks and headed to his bed, he was hoping this book would give him some insight on this world. He lied on his bed and began looking through the table of contents hoping to find out where he was.

"Chapter one, The City of Stalliongrad." Jack couldn't help but to roll his eyes, but continued to skim over the first chapter. He found a page on Fort Ember and read it. "Fort Ember is one of the newest forts in Equestria and among the biggest. The fort was named Ember after fire broke out during its construction destroying four city blocks and claiming thirty ponies, the fort was the only thing that was left standing and was named fort Ember from then on after." Jack looked at the picture that was next to the paragraph, it was of a half built fort with burn marks reaching halfway up the walls. He continued reading "The fort had proven itself. In the past large forts were built in cites to protect them from dragon attacks." Jack thought, dragons really? "Meaning the forts had to withstand fire. Although most of the fort that are scattered throughout Equestria were built to protect against dragons only a few ever were put to the test. Fort Ember's story didn't end there, it played an important role through three large wars and a hoof full of border disputes including the Griffin-Pony border dispute." Jack finished reading the page, then turned to the next to see if there was any more and there wasn't.

Jack skimmed some more tell he got to, "Chapter two Fortress Mountain." This tipped Jack's interest and he started reading. "Fortress Mountain's name comes from the massive fortress that was carved out of the mountain one hundred years after Nightmare Moon was banished. The fortress is the biggest in Equestria and is only out ranked in the world by the super fortress in the Griffin Kingdom. The fortress and the area around it has a long and bloody history as it was involved in three wars, The War of The Snow, The Griffin-Zebra War, and The Mountain War, for more information on this wars and more go to chapter four. The fortress was the center of The Mountain War where millions of ponies and zebras alike fought for the the mountain and it's fortress, this war saw most of its combat in the fields surrounding the mountain however a hoof full of battles were fought in the the fortress. These battles left the fortress bloodstained and damaged however nine hundred years after Nightmare Moon's banishment the fortress was restored and reinstated as the main defence headquarters for the Stalliongrad area." Jack finished and was about to turn the page when the barracks door opened and Fang walked in.

"What you reading about?" Fang asked.

"Oh I'm reading about the area around Stalliongrad, if I may ask you know what happened at Fortress Mountain when the war started?" Jack said.

"Ya, when the war broke out the first place the zebras went for was the fortress." Fang said grimly, "It fell within a week and is now the home of the zebra generals." She stopped and sighed then said, "We are going to have to take it back some day. But let's worry about the here and now and now it's time to eat." She said walking over to the table and setting down two bags and pushed one towards the empty seat.

Jack got up, walked to the chair and sat down and asked "What is it?"

Fang smiled and said, "Samething they always give us, oat paddys well at least these have buns." Then she pulled her's out and took a bite.

As Jack also started eating he said, "So mind if I ask you something that might be a little personal?"

Fang answered with, "Shoot."

Jack looked at his food then at her and asked, "Do you eat meat?"

Fang laughed and answered with, "Ya I do I'm what you Equestrian ponies call a carnivore pony as you can tell by my fangs." She smiled showing her fangs. "Like on bat ponies but we don't have bat ears or wings. Our eyes are similar but only to the point that we both can see well in the dark."

Jack nodded and finished his food and asked her, "Can I trust you to fight to the death by my side?"

Fang looked at him for a second then said, "Only if you will do the same. Deal?"

Jack nodded with, "deal."

A few minutes later Clip walked in and smiled saying, "Well looks like you two like each other." Fang just rolled her eyes, "Well either way we have an assignment tomorrow, so you may want some sleep." He then walked over to his bed and sat on it.

Jack looked at Fang and said, "Maybe he's right it's 9 o'clock, I think I'll hit the hay." As he got up and walked to his bed got in and lied there before falling asleep.

Five days earlier in a small town in Germany, Gustav looked through his commander's vision sights in his PzVI Ausf B. The attack on the bridge was going to start any time now. After ten minutes the order was given.

"Claus get the tank moving!" Gustav yelled.

"Yes sir!" Claus responded and the massive tank roared to life.

The first four hundred meters they moved at a crawl tell the bridge was in sight. "Olaf firefly five degrees." Gustav said.

"I see it and I'm on target just give the vord." Olaf responded.

"Sent her down range." Gustav said after they got to the edge of the smoke cover the infantry set. The large 88mm gun shuck the tank as it fired. The round hit the firefly in the front of the hull leaving a large smoking hole. "Good hit she is knocked out! Frederick load HE and Olaf aim for the MGs or our men vill get ripped up!" He yelled all this without looking down from the vision ports. The battle had kicked off and right away they had suffered losses. Gustav watched as a young soldier moved up with one that had a flamethrower when the one with the flamethrower was hit and his tank exploded. The 88 fired, the round hit the last firing MG on their side of the bridge. They had taken this side but Gustav already counted 20 soldiers dead. "Claus ve need to get the tank over the bridge NOW!" He yelled.

"Yes sir." Claus responded as the tank sped up. "There is a vounded soldier on the bridge sir." Claus add as they pulled onto the bridge.

"Drive over him but don't run him over." Gustav said as he was cut off by the sound of a plane, followed by a loud whoosh then an explosion rocked the tank. The bridge had given way right after and the tank started sliding towards the ice cold water. Gustav's men all stayed in the tank except his hull gunner who bailed as the tank plunged into the water and the whole world went black.

Armor and Blood

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Gustav shuck his head and looked around. He looked himself over quickly noticing he was a pony. His crew woke up soon after, and they all took the change differently but they soon settled and got to planning their next move and that was to find out where they were.

"Sir any idea vere ve are?" Olaf asked.

"No but ve are in a large city." Gustav said as he looked through his vision ports. He then slowly opened the commander's hatch and looked out.

"See anything." Frederick said.

"No." Gustav stopped, it sounded like something or someone was under the tank. He pulled his head in the turret of the Tiger and whispered, "I think someone is under the tank."

"Really? Vell vhat do ve do then?" Claus asked quietly.

"Hand me my Stg, I vill go out and see who is under the tank." Gustav said as Frederick handed him the Stg 44 and he crawled out the turret. How he could still hold the gun with his hoofs was be on him, as he stepped down onto the hull in front of the turret, then slid down the front upper slope of the hull. When he landed with a thud that seemed to startle who ever was under the tank. He bent down and looked under only to see the face of a young pony in what looked to be a british uniform.

"Get out from under there!" Gustav commanded and the pony followed his orders and crawled out from under the tank and stood up.

“Please don't hurt me.” The pony said showing how scared he was.

"Listen I vill not hurt you as I do not know who you are and I don't know vere ve are so right now you are vith us you hear me?" Gustav said standing on his hind legs, holding the Stg with his front legs.

The pony didn't speak but he did nod without making eye contact, his coat was brown and his mane was a lighter brown almost matching his uniform, Gustav checked the pony for any weapons and found nothing. "Vell get in the tank's hull gunner's seat." Gustav said and the pony listened climbing up the tank and crawling into the radio man's hatch. The hatch closed and Gustav put his Stg on his back and started climbing up the tank, he got to the top of the hull when an explosion threw him off the tank. He quickly got up and ran to the rear of the tank and climbed up to the engine deck and crawled to the rear of the turret. He knocked on the back turret hatch and it opened revealing Olaf and Frederick both of which had a dark grey coat and reptilian looking amber eyes, the only difference was their manes, Olaf's mane was a very dark purple and Frederick's was more of a dark blue. Both ponies smiled showing fangs and that slightly unnerved Gustav.

Olaf asked, "Do you know vhere ve vere shot from?"

Gustav shuck his head up, "No I don't." He peeked his up over the top of the turret. They were on a street that went straight ahead for what had to be three to five kilometers and had three to six story buildings on both sides. As he was looking a two tanks raced out onto the street about a kilometer down the street and raced towards them. "Two panzers one kilometer out. Fire vhen ready." Gustav said to Olaf and Olaf turned around and looked through the gun sight well Frederick grabbed a shell. The tanks closed, 800m, 700m, 600m, then a boom as the 88 fired rocking the tank. The tank on the left side of the street was hit and immediately flames engulfed the whole tank as it stopped dead in its tracks, the shot must have surprised the tanks as the other one fire almost immediately, missing and hitting the ground next to the Tiger. The tiger's turret turned and started tracking the second tank as Frederick loaded the second shell. The second tank was 450m away by the time Olaf shot. The round hit the tank on the front which was flat and had caused the tank to drive into the pillar of a building and flip onto its roof as the tracks kept going.

"Any more." Olaf asked without taking his head away from the gun sight.

"I don't." Gustav was cut off by a round hitting the turret and he quickly looked for were it came from and saw smoke coming up from a small shed around 200m down the road. "Olaf see that shed, put a round into it." Gustav said.

"Ok." Olaf said right before firing. The round hit the shed and a second later dark smoke came from the shed.

"She is hit." Gustav said with a smile. He crawled onto the turret then into the commander's hatch. He looked around, trying to see if there were anymore when a large tank rolled out of a side street. The tank had a pike front of the hull and turret. The tank fired and the round bounced off the hull of the Tiger. "Olaf shoot the fucker!" Gustav commanded.

Olaf listened and the tiger's turret turned and then fired. The 88mm round had amazing penetration but it harmlessly bounced of the tank. Gustav by now had his headset on. "Claus get the damn tank moving!" He yelled.

"I am, just if she turned over." Claus responded with as another round hit the Tiger but this time it bounced of the turret cheek. "Come on come on girl, ve need to go." Claus said as the engine turned over and started earning a cheer from the crew. "Vhat should I do commander?" Claus asked as a loud twain came from a third shell bouncing off the Tiger.

"Charge right at them and go around. Then Olaf I vant you to shoot them in the ass." Gustav said.

Olaf and Claus both said, "Yes Sir."

The Tiger lurched forwards, the tank was 400m away when they started towards it. The tank fired once more at 200m but missed, the whole time Gustav had his head out the turret. They closed in and Gustav yelled, "READY!"

They passed the tank and Claus locked up the left track. Causing the tank to slide to a stop and once stopped Olaf fired, knocking the large tank out. Gustav looked at the smoking hole in the rear of the tank's turret as a snowflake landed on the end of the 88 and sighed. "Vell ve should get out of here before more come. Claus take that side road by the flipped tank."


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Jack was awoken when Camouflage shuck him. He sat up rubbing his eyes mumbling.

“Tank Hunter get your stuff ready and meet us outside.” Came Camouflage’s voice then the sound of hoofs then a door shutting.

Jack got out of his bed and got dressed. He grabbed his gun and pack and walked out. It was still dark and cloudless. He walked up to the main yard and found his squad.

“I'm here and ready.” Jack said as he walked up to them.

“Good. Let's go over the mission.” Clip said and they all nodded and he continued, “One of General Rainbow Dash’s recon flyers photographed what looked like a small battlefield.”

Raz laughed and said, “WOW a battlefield I would have never guessed. “

“You know if you live through this I will have you washing tank tracks for mouths. Understood?” Clip responded and Raz nodded. “Good as I was saying this battlefield is four miles behind the Zebra lines and we have been tasked with going in and finding any info we can got it?” Clip finished. There was silence for a minute, which Clip broke by saying, “ Good we will load up into a halftrack for half the ride.” He waved and a halftrack drove over and they all piled in.

Once settled Jack could look around. The halftrack was fully in closed and had little ports that a pony could open and shoot out of. He observed everyone's gear and clothing. Camouflage had a large belt fed machine gun that was attached to a harness that had a mouth trigger and what looked like armor plating on his chest. Raz had what Jack guessed was the standard uniform which was light black in color, he also had a harness but instead of a machine gun, had two semi-auto rifle and didn't have the armor Camouflage did. After looking he realized only Camouflage had any armor. Glint had two different guns, one looked like a BAR but with a drum magazine. The other gun was a shotgun judging by its large barrel diameter. Both Glint’s guns were on his back, likely being a unicorn he didn't need the harness Raz and Camouflage had on. Fang had a rigging harness that had a knife and several grenades or that's what Jack guessed they were and on her back was a rifle that looked semi automatic. Clip had a long rifle with a scope on his back and he was in a full ghillie suit.

The ride was short and after a hour the halftrack stopped and they off loaded and as they did they each got a radio. Without a word they all started walking into zebra territory. Besides the distant thunder of cannons this part of the city was quiet.

“So what do you think it was like to live here?” Raz asked.

“I don't really know. This place was a huge individual hub.” Clip responded.

“I had a mare here before the war started. I visited her many times. This place was a sight to say the least. There were trains running nonstop, ponies pulling carts of metal, coal, and other industrial things. Truly a place of productivity. Camouflage said looking at the buildings on both sides of them.

They walked in silence for sometime before they stopped. “Well we are going to split up to search for the battlefield ok. Camouflage your with me, Raz and Glint you two are together, and Jack and Fang you two. Now find what you can and if you find what destroyed the tanks radio it and you will get new instructions.” Clip said, everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

Fang and Jack checked every square and courtyard they found. Two hours of searching yielded nothing so they took a break in a house to rest.

As Jack set his stuff down Fang said, “So we have found nothing not even tracks it's like they just abandoned this part of the city. It kinda creeps me out.”

Jack sat on one of the few still intact chairs in the houses dining room and said, “I feel you. Well then again who knows if they really abandoned this place.”

Fang also sat down and they both sat in silence for a while. It had started to lightly snow yet again. Fang finally broke the silence by asking, “Do you smell that?”

Jack responded with, “Smell what? I can't smell anything out of the ordinary.”

“It smells like rotting flesh. Here follow me.” Fang said getting up and walking out the back door of the house. Jack wasn't sure if he should follow but he then remembered the deal they made, so he grabbed his things and followed her.

Jack followed Fang through back streets and alleys tell they walked out into a main street with five destroyed tanks on it. “Looks like we found the battlefield. I guess we get to search the wrecks.” Fang said walking towards the closest tank. Now Jack could smell the rotting flesh and as they moved to search the second tank which was upside-down they found the source of the smell. They couldn't get within 20 feet of the tank without throwing up so they moved on to a big tank in the middle of the street. After searching it they found some cracks in the road then found they made a trail. They followed the trail in hopes to find what destroyed the tanks.

The trail lead them to a courtyard with what looked like a sandbag bunker on the other end.

“I think we should check it out, I mean who knows maybe there are ponies in there that will be willing to help us and we could use all the-” Fang was cut off by a thud and when Jack turned he was tackled.

As Jack was dragged across the ground he overheard one of the assaulters say, “Now that we have a pony we can find out what this nightmarish tank is and how to stop it.”

The other one who a was dragging Fang said, “Don’t talk about that thing, it can’t be crewed by normal ponies at least not how good it is.” Jack had a bad feeling. A few moments later the sound of a machine gun could be heard and being blindfolded and tied up he was and Fang were at the mercy of the gunner. Jack heard two tinks followed by a thud then fear shot through his heart. It sounded like a tiger (because a tiger's interweaving road wheels and all steel tracks it had a distinct sound to it.).

After hearing some grunting he felt the ropes on his back start to get cut and worked on by Fang. “Ok when I get you cut free we need to make a run for the huge tank that is at the edge of the courtyard ok.” Fang said.

Before Jack could respond the tank fired. The loud boom carried across the city confirming Jack's fears. The blindfold fell away and Fang yelled, “Let's go!” and took off run towards it. Jack looked at it, swallowed his fear and ran. He looked over his back to see three tanks smoke coming from two of them and the third one fired the round bounced off of what he now knew wasn't just a tiger it was a royal Tiger. As Fang ran around the back of the tank he just got to the front. He stopped for a moment right when the main gun went off a third time. The blast threw Jack to the ground knocking him out cold.

Royal Action

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Luna looked at the dilapidated buildings around her tank, remembering what achievement the city of Stalliongrad was. Life was now hard for her as being a leader of a army you must understand that losses will happen but that doesn't make it easier to deal with, in fact it make you feel worse about every decision. She had now made either the best or worse decision and that being to deploy her and her personal guards along with one of Equestria’s most advanced tanks to Stalliongrad to turn the tide of the battle and maybe even the war. They were a good couple hours drive from the city's main square, which was a one square mile open space for city gatherings and events. This square was the most viable place to attack as most of the front lines developed along a river, meaning every bridge was a choke point making them a slaughterhouse for a attack. A defensive line was set up on the edge of the city square.
The radio crackled before a voice came through, “Point defence to Nightmare over.”

Luna dropped into the tank turret, “What should I say?” A young bat pony asked.

“Give me the radio mic.” Luna responded as the pony gave her the mic, she grabbed it with her magic and brought it up to her mouth the pressed the talk button and spoke, “This is Nightmare, what do you need?”

There was a crackle then the voice said, “We are seeing a large increase in Zebra activity and we believe an attack is likely.”

Luna let what she heard sink in as she looked around the tank, from one face to another then she pressed the talk button and said, “We are on our way should an attack happen before we arrive radio us. Nightmare out.” she then gave the mic back to the bat pony who was Moonstone, the newest member of her personal guard. Luna turned to a bat pony sitting in the gunner's seat and asked, “Moonlight what is your thoughts?”

“I don't know my Princess of the night but maybe they got Intel of our attack plan.” Moonlight said then looked at Moonstone which was her younger sister. “But I hope there will be not many casualties.” Moonlight finished.

“Casualties are unavoidable but hopefully we can avoid unnecessary losses.” Luna said before standing back up out of the turret. She hopped that her presence would help save pony's lives simply by drawing fire away from other tanks. Her tank was the most advanced that Equestria could field, armed with a high velocity 90mm gun and up to 200mm of armor in places well it was responsibly mobile it wasn't the fastest they had. The real thing that made this tank special was its gun. The 90mm was big enough that magic crystals could be put in the shells allowing them to be magically charged with spells, however they only held their charge for a minute then they died.

Besides some gunfire in the distance all that could be heard was the sound of their convoy. As they drew closer to the FOB that was just behind the main defensive line, she could hear soft music echoing through the empty streets. The closer they got to the FOB the louder the music got. Once they got to the FOB the convoy broke up with most of the tanks and equipment going to the defensive line. Luna's tank stopped at the FOB and she dismounted then call to her crew, “You're on rest tell I get back. Do any of you want some mint leaves?” Mint leaves were given to soldiers to help them handle long periods of time without a good tasting meal.

“yes princess Luna thank you.” Moonlight said smiling happily at Luna who was taller than her as she popped out of the gunner's hatch.

Moonstone’s voice came from the tank, “I would like some too.”

“Ok.” Luna responded before turning and walking to the building that was being used as the mainframe for the FOB.

Moonlight got out of the tank, and then looked down at Moonstone. “Hey sis want to prank Luna.” Moonlight said smirking at Moonstone.

“We aren't in Canterlot, it wouldn't be safe.” Moonstone said right as a siren blared and Luna came running back to the tank and dove in pulling Moonlight in with her.

Luna's heart was racing as she grabbed each hatch with her magic and pulled them shut. Then the booms, artillery was falling on them one after another for ten minutes. The last few landed right on the tank blowing all the hatches off. She waited a minute before peering out the hatch. There were dead ponies missing legs, heads, or even their body, trucks and lighter tanks were reduced to smoldering wrecks and the building Luna was about to go in was half collapsed. She wanted to help but before she could, the radio crackled and a voice said, “ANYPONY WHO CAN FIGHT WE NEED YOU AT THE DEFENSIVE LINE NOW!” Luna knew the time for sorrow was later.

Luna yelled, “Leatherwing get us to the defensive line now.” Without response the tank roared to life and made it's way to the line.

Moonlight winced a little at some shrapnel stuck in her, but she didn't say anything to worry Luna.

The tank pulled up to the trenches just in time as several tanks appeared on the other side of the square and started making their way across it. Luna had no time to report that she had joined the defensive line it it's commander as AT gun started firing but at this range they were ineffective. The zebra tanks were 20 strong and Luna only had 8 AT guns that weren't effective be on half a mile and 3 other tanks besides her’s. The zebra tanks were led by a large tank with it's turret in the back and a pike front hull. They stopped after 400 ft and fired a salvo, no rounds hit Luna's tank but the those in the trenches didn't get as lucky as Luna counted 6 mangled and lifeless bodies. She pulled her head into the turret and levitated up a crystal tipped round and enchanted it to be harder than a diamond and loaded it into the gun and shut the breach. “Target the tank to the left of the lead tank. Let's show them that they aren't untouchable.” Luna said to Moonlight. Leatherwing drove the tank into a crater so the hull was hidden.

Moonlight rotated the turret so the cannon is facing the zebra tank Luna said. Moonlight then elevated the gun a little to compensate for bullet drop, for the round to hit the turret ring of the enemy tank. “eat this zebra’s.” Moonlight said and pulled the trigger, the breach then flies back almost hitting the back of the turret and then expels the empty shell and slides back into place. The muzzle brake on the end of the cannon releases the Crystal tipped shell at the enemy tank and smoke to each side of the muzzle. The round tore through the tank leaving a large hole as the tank stops and the crew tries to bale as they climb out machine guns open fire. Rounds ping off the tank harmlessly, but the one that find their mark quickly kill the zebra crew.

Luna was about to load another round when a thunder boom echoed across the square and buildings around it. Luna stuck head out just in time for a second one this time she watched as the turret of a zebra tank was lifted off its hull by a huge explosion. Who shot the two other tanks, both of which had their turrets blown off. By now the only tank within the range of the AT guns was the lead, the rest had stopped. Another loud boom echoed as a round came from the zebra’s left entered the side of one of the tank's turret, not even a second later the whole turret exploded. The AT guns desperately tried to damage the lead tank but to no avail, round after round would simply bounce off. The 16 remaining tanks continued to fight but after another one was picked off, they started to respond by turning their turrets. Luna was hoping that whatever came out of one of the side streets was on her side. The tank farthest to her left exploded and a huge tank that was twice the size of most the zebra tanks, even bigger than the lead tank. It was tall gray and had a long gun. “Hold fire.” Luna yelled as the tank fired again, the thundering echo had to be heard miles away. The tank it targeted was no match as the round hit and knocked it out. Luna watched in disbelief as the crews of two of the zebra tanks abandoned their tanks and several other tanks started backing up.

Moonlight watches in disbelief through a periscope. As Moonlight watches she starts coughing up some blood and passes out, hitting her head on the side of the turret.

Death's Ghost

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Gustav looked Revenant over, most of her track skirts had been blown off and she was covered in shell marks and blast marks. Out of the hundreds of hits they received one penetrated, luckily it was a HEAT round and it hit on the right side of the turret behind the commander's hatch, unluckily for him some of the molten metal hit him on the right side of his face burning him horribly. Besides that Revenant held together and he was proud of her. She had a more powerful diesel engine and stronger transmission giving her a high top speed and a lower chance to break down.

Gustav was looking for any weaknesses in the track links as his crew ran security of the small warehouse they stopped at after saving two ponies, one of which was in British uniform and was identified by his own British soldier as Jack C Reeds anti-tank marksman. Hoof steps behind him tor his attention away from Revenant and to the young British soldier who he had taken under command, his name was Arran L Charles. “How are they doing?” Gustav asked, they had put the two ponies in the office of the warehouse as one was still out cold.

“Jack has woke up and they asked to be alone.” Arran said.

“That is good he is avake, just so that don't do anything stupid in there.” Gustav said plainly. Half his face was still in wraps and couldn't be seen. The rest of Gustav’s crew walked up.

Claus had a guitar and said, “Commander I played vhen I was young, think ve should sing a song for luck in battle?”

By now it was dark and although they could all see just fine, Arran on the other hand couldn't. Gustav said, “Get a fire made and then ve can sing Panzerlied and if you can play vith hoofs.”

A few minutes later and a small fire was burning with them all seated around it. Claus played a note and to his surprise it was still tuned, he then played a few more before he started to play Panzerlied.

Gustav started and soon everyone else besides Arran joined in and was stomping to imitate marching.

“If it storms or snows, or the sun smiles on us. The day burning hot, or the icy cold night. Dusty is our face, but happy is our minds, yes our minds. Roar our tanks, in the storm’s wind! Roar our tanks, in the storm’s wind! Vith thundering engines, fast as lightning. Against the enemy, in the tank gun.” They sang. They were all smiling, even Arran.

The song seemed so short but at the end Gustav stood up on his hind legs with his left hoof in the air and said, “May luck shine upon us and ve be victorious in all our battles!” Everyone cheered.

Smiles and laughter, for a moment it felt like Gustav was back at home with his dad and uncle in a pub. Everyone having fun but those were just old memories, memories he would never have again. The sound of of a pipe falling over caught his attention. He got up said, “Everyone guns ready.” Then walk to the other side of the warehouse and stopped in front of a open door.

A soft voice said, “It must have been the wind.”

Gustav instantly turned as a sword was swung at him cut his wraps causing them to fall off. He grabbed his knife just in time to block another swipe, the hit rattled the sword enough for the user to drop it as it hit the ground Gustav identified his attacker as a lean zebra. Without thought he threw himself at the zebra pinning him and quickly stabbed him in the guts. The zebra grunted and fought to get unpinned but it was no use. The sound of hoofs steps getting distant caused Gustav to turn and see a figure disappear into the city. He stood above the gasping zebra for a moment before picking up the sword and dragging the zebra back to the fire. The zebra seemed deviant tell he could see Revenant, when he did he started to blab in a different language. He was visibly terrified all though weak from his increasing blood loss he fought, seemingly out of fear. As the zebra was speaking Gustav asked, “Anyone know vhat he is saying?”

Claus said, “I do. He is speaking Romanian. He is saying, ‘not Death's Ghost please take me away from it’ he seems very scared.”

Gustav thought for a moment then said, “Claus follow me.” and walked to the back of the warehouse dragging the zebra with. When they got to the back wall he asked, “Claus ask him if there are any plans for an attack in the area.”

Claus nodded and asked and got a response. He relayed it to Gustav. “He said ‘there is a attack planned for tomorrow at the city square’”

“Good.” Gustav said before pulling the his knife out and walking close to the zebra who was by now in extreme pain, he put the tip of the blade to the zebra’s throat and softly said, “May your spirit find peace.” before pushing the knife into the dieing zebra’s throat. After a short gurgle he checked the zebra’s body and found a medal and a map then returned with Claus back to the fire. They all sat in silence for sometime before Gustav spoke, “Ve vill have a fight ahead of us tomorrow, I don't know whom for but our enemy is the zebras so that is who ve vill fight. Now I vant two of you to stand guard tell first light.” His crew all nodded and he smiled. After a few minutes he lied down on some heavy bed sheets they scavenged and drifted off to sleep.

Gustav was awoken by Olaf tapping his shoulder. Gustav got up and asked, “Is everyone ready?”

As Olaf climbed up onto Revenant he said, “Ve are but I think the two ponies ve rescued aren't.” Gustav nodded and walked over to the office and opened the door.

Jack and the one who said she was called Fang were both lying there cuddling with their hoofs wrapped around one another under a blanket. Gustav made a low growl before pulling his Luger out and shooting it at the ceiling. Both of the sleeping ponies practically jumped straight to their hoofs with angry faces. Gustav put his gun in its holster and said, “Both of you get your gear and be on the tank in 5 minutes or ve are leaving you.” Then he walked to Revenant, climbed up and sat in the commander's hatch waiting. He was about to tell Claus to go when the two ran out and climbed up Revenant.

“What is with the hurry?” Fang asked.

“Vell I figured ve vould help repel a attack that is going to hit your main defensive line.” Gustav responded plainly. “Claus get us moving.” He said into the mic of his headset.

Claus responded with, “Yes sir.” and Revenant lurched forwards and they were on their way.

As they got close Fang and Jack got off to regroup with Equestrian forces. It had been two hours since they left the warehouse and now they were sitting in wait looking out into a large square. Gustav started saying “Olaf make every shot count, if there is a chance of missing don't.” He was cut off by the screech of artillery shells and he eminently yelled, “ALL HATCHES OPEN!” and his crew listened and they all lied as close to the floor of the tank as possible. Each minutes that went by as shells screamed in but hit in the distance felt like a hour. When the artillery stopped without hitting anywhere near them Gustav ordered hatches close as he stuck his head out of his hatch and listened. The sound of tanks could be heard and it was growing louder and he could hear cannon fire. At first one tank appeared in front of them then more all of them side of, perfect. Just after they all fired Gustav said “Now Olaf fire at vill.” Not a second later one of the tank's was hit and it's crew bailed then machine guns add their fire. The turret turned slightly and then the 88 barked blowing up the ammo rack in one tank, the turret turned a bit more and fired again and once again blowing the turret off. Gustav then gave a command, “Olaf knock out two more then ve vill pull out into the square.” ten seconds later they had blown the turret of one tank apart and knocked out another. As they pulled out into the square the zebra tank started to react out of fear as two crews bailed and the rest started backing up. Well the defensive line had fallen quiet they had continued to engage tanks but now the guns were pointed at them and shells started to hit Revenant but she stood her ground as her turret turned to the big lead tank which still had its side to them. The 88 roared, the round hit and went into the tank, it's hatches flew open and a jet of flames shoot out. Watching Revenant easily destroy their lead tank was enough for the zebras and they retreated. Olaf was able to knock out two more tanks before they disappeared into the city.

Gustav sat there taking in the carnage turret less hulls and mangle metal, the dead burnt and mangled and bloodied when a female voice asked, “Who are you?”

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Jack wasn't sure how he should feel about the night before, he was happy but he couldn't stop thinking, what would she think of me now but what does it matter I'll never see her again. “Are you ok Tank Hunter?” Fang said bringing Jack's train of thought to a halt.

“Huh oh ya just thinking that's all.” Jack said. They had been dropped off by Gustav 15 minutes ago and they had been walking in silence sense. Jack stopped and looked around, it felt like he was in downtown London. Tall buildings that were barren and destroyed. “Are you sure we are going the right way?” He asked.

Fang smiled as she walked in front of him and brushed his face with her tail. “This is the way Gustav said, it's probably just up ahead.” Fang said looking back at him.

“I hope so it's kinda creepy.” Jack paused then continued, “I'm sorry about last night.”

Fang stopped and turned, “Why? If I didn't like you cuddling with me I would have done something.”

Jack looked at the ground and said, “It's not just that, I was actually scared for the first time in years and just lying there holding you made me feel safer knowing that there was someone I could really trust.”

Fang walked over to him and lifted his chin with her hoof and said, “I was scared specially being behind zebra lines and in reality we all are scared of what's to come” she smiled and continued, “but having a trustworthy friend like you makes it a lot easier.”

As she pulled Jack into a hug the emotions he had felt before of comfort and safety came flooding back. The last time I felt like this was when she said yes to the date. Yet Fang just gives me a hug and I get the same feelings. Jack’s thought was stopped again by Fang saying, “Let's take a break and sit.” Jack nodded and followed her to one of the many open buildings. When they got to the where the door should have been Fang stopped. “Do you hear that.”

Jack stopped and listened. “I think it's artillery.” Jack said, a second later a explosion a block away proved him right. “We should get in the basement.” Jack said walking in. They both looked around, looking for a entrance to the basement as the artillery rounds started hitting with a higher frequency. With each explosion the building shuck, causing dust to fall from the ceiling.

“Here.” Fang called from what looked like a bedroom. Jack walked in as she lifted a hatch in the floor. “Oh sweet Celestia don't let there be anything waiting down there.” Fang said as she started climbing down the ladder.

Jack noticed a oil lamp sitting on a dresser. He walked over and grabbed it. Holding it in his mouth he started climbing down when a round landed right outside the building causing him to fall. He hit the ground with a grunt and lied there for a moment before sitting up and looking around. He set the lamp down then asked, “Can you see anything?”

Fang laughed and answered, “I'm a predator pony not a bat pony but yes I can but not real well.”

Jack said, “Ok hold on a second.” As he set his bag on the ground and dug through it, feeling around for the zippo he traded with an American for. He found it and pulled it out and used it to light the oil lamp. Once lit the lamp filled the room with light. After setting the lamp down Jack looked the room over, there were shelves on all but one wall. Some of the shelves had cans on them. The wall without any shelves had a hole in it that was about the size of a pony.

Fang sat down and said, “Let's wait here for the artillery to stop.” The ground shuck every little bit and some dust fell onto Jack's noise causing him to sneeze. “So how long have you been in the military?” Fang asked.

Jack sat down and said, “I'm not from Equestria but I have two years of fighting experience.”

“Really? Well that is good to know.” Fang said with a smile. “What did you do before you joined the military?”

Jack responded with, “Well I mostly just helped around my hometown tell I joined the military. How about you?”

Fang stopped smiling and said, “I don't want to talk about it.”

Jack was a little surprised but didn't push instead he changed the subject, “So what do you like to do when you aren't fighting?”

Fang thought for a moment then said, “Well it's fun to swap stories with other soldiers, I mostly enjoy just sitting and I guess being alone you know. What about you”

“I enjoy reading books about history and being I'm not from here I get a chance to learn a lot about this place.” Jack said.

“You know I don't mind being around you it's kinda fun and well to tell the truth you're kinda cute too.” Fang said smiling again.

Jack blushed, “I find yourself to be quite cute myself.”

Fang giggled and said, “Maybe when the war is done I will have somewhere to go.” A artillery round landed close outside and the sound of part of the building collapsing could be heard through the hatch. “If we get through this.”

Jack kept himself from asking about what Fang just said. Jack was about to ask if Fang if she knew anyone else in the military when a voice came from the hole, “Hello is someone in there?”

Both Fang and Jack stood up and grabbed a gun. Fang grabbed her rifle and Jack grabbed his 1911. They both aimed at the hole when the voice said, “Is anyone there?” A head appeared in the hole and when he seen them he yelled, “NO NO PLEASE DON'T SHOOT!” As he put his hoofs over his head.

Fang kept her gun trained on him as she said, “Come in slowly.” As the he came into the light Jack noticed it was a zebra and instead of black and white stripes he had red and white stripes.

“Please I mean no harm I'm just trying to get away from the zebra army.” The weird looking zebra whimpered.

Fang looked at him suspiciously and said, “Tank Hunter go and see if there is anyone following him.” Jack nodded and walked over to the hole and looked out, it was completely dark. Fang asked, “See anything.” Jack shuck his head. “What is on the other side of that hole?” She asked the zebra.

“The sewers, listen if you need to get back behind your lines I can lead you I have a map.” The zebra said.

Fang thought for a moment then said, “Very well, but if you try anything I'll gut you like a fish.”
The zebra smiled and said, “Thank you.”

As the zebra started out the hole Jack hooked the oil lamp on the barrel of his Boys and holstered his 1911 and asked Fang, “Is this a good idea?”

Fang only response was, “I hope so.” As they each crawled out the hole.


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Fang followed Jack closely not because he was the only one with any light but because she didn't fully trust the zebra although he had no reason to work with the zebra alliance she knew that sometimes no reason isn't a reason to trust. She looked about, the sewers were small, dank, and cold oddly. They only went half a block before running into a collapse and Jack used this time to ask the zebra something. “So why are you run from the zebra army?” was Jack's question.

“Wait you don't know about the Treaty Incident.” The zebra said.

“No why.” Jack responded.

The zebra stopped at a three way intersection then said, “This way, it should be a straight shot to a exit.” The zebra took a right turn and Jack and Gang followed. The zebra then said, “By the way name's Zion.” Fang noticed Jack seemed to be shocked by the zebra’s name.

Jack said, “I'm Ja.”

Fang quickly cut him off and said, “He is Tank Hunter and I'm Fang.”

Zion nodded without looking back and Jack turn and gave her a look that said ‘opps’. Zion started to explain the Treaty Incident. “A few years before the Zebra Alliance or United Zebra Nations or whatever you call it, attacked Equestria. The was tension between the UZN and the nation of Sandra. Most of the tension came from the fact that in most of zebra culture those born with red stripes are gifted or special.”

Seeing the zebra had stopped for a moment Jack chose to ask, “But how would simply being gifted cause tension?”

Zion laughed then continued, “That's the thing because zebras like me were gifted many looked up to us and we are a peaceful race of zebra and after the formation of the UZN, Sandra was the only zebra nation that wasn't under one banner. We refused and we payed the price. They signed a treaty then before we knew it they had moved their army into Sandra and forced our government out.” Zion sighed.

Jack looked at Fang and said, “Wow I'm sorry to hear that.”

Fang thought, would Jack feel sorry for me. I wouldn't want him to.

They must have been at the exit because Zion stopped. There was a few rays of light shining through the ponyhole cover above him. Zion climbed up the ladder and pushed the cover off and crawled out Jack and Fang followed. When Fang got out she saw Zion with his hoofs over his head lying on the ground as Jack was talking a pony who was pointing a gun at Zion down. He cares for those he trusts. He cares kept going through Fang’s head as she watched.

A hoof touched her shoulder and a voice said, “Well good to know you made it back alive.” Fang whirled around only to see a bandaged Camouflage smiling at her. “Well we should get you two to our tent.” He said as her started walking. Fang followed.

Fang asked, “Everypony else here and what happened to you?” as they walked by Jack she waved for him to follow and as he did Zion stopped him and said something before letting him go.

“No just Raz has made it back yet, and as for me, a bullet some how went through my armor and the pieces were stuck in me but I'll be back in fighting condition in no time.” Camouflage said as they walked towards a area filled with tents.

“What the heck happened?” Jack asked as he caught up to them.

“Well this was the main target for the artillery bombardment that happen earlier and well to say the least, we lost a lot of ponies.” Camouflage answered.

Fang then asked, “Did Revenant make it?” She wasn't really sure what Gustav planned but she hoped they got here.

“Revenant? Oh the mystery tank, ya they're here in fact the tank’s commander is talking with Princess Luna.” Camouflage said.

Fang stopped, “Princess Luna is here why?” she asked alarmed. Jack looked a bit confused but so was she.

“I don't really know why but her personal guards are here and a Tank I've never seen. Do you want me to take you there?” Camouflage said.

“No is there anything we can help with?” Fang asked.

“Yes there is a lot. Here I'll take you to the tent me and Raz got and you can drop off your stuff.” Camouflage answered.

They started walking again and now were in the main tent area when Jack asked, “So Camouflage you said you had a mare here before the war, what was she like.”

Camouflage looked at him with a bit of a smile, “I normally wouldn't talk about her but sometime just thinking about the mare you love can help you get through anything. Well she was tall slender, her coat was frost white and her mane a very light gray. Hehe we had fun times she wanted to write books, so we would stay up late and make up stories. Her parents named her Calk but I called her Aurora.” Camouflage smiled and said, “Sorry if I rambled.”

Both Fang and Jack smiled and Fang said, “She sounds like a fun mare.”

Camouflage stopped in front of a ten and said, “This tent right here.”

Fang and Jack followed Camouflage into the tent. The tent was about 15 feet by 15 feet and had four cots, each one had a locker at the foot of it. As Jack went over to one of the unclaimed cots and took his gear off she did the same. She lied her gun, knife, grenades and harness on her cot and did a quick check over. Her rifle looked good, her knife was sharp, the grenades weren't dented and her harness wasn't cut or ripped anywhere.

“Well ready to get to work?” Camouflage asked.

“Ya one second. Tank Hunter what did Zion say to you?” Fang asked.

Jack looked at Fang and said, “He asked that if I make it to any zebra bases to look for his wife and daughter, Zea and Zo. I told him I would do my best.”


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Gustav answered the tall dark blue mare, “Gustav and you?”

The mare responded, “Princess Luna. Now what country are you loyal to?”

“None, vhy?” was Gustav’s answer.

Luna looked sceptical but then said, “Follow me.” and started walking towards the line of tranches.

Gustav said “Claus follow the dark blue mare. Slowly.” and the tank turned and slowly followed Luna. As the passed the trench line, ponies that were working stopped and gawked at Revenant as she passed. They passed damaged or knocked out tanks. There were a large amount of tents being set up in any open space available. Luna stopped in front of a large tent with what appeared to be shock troopers around it. Gustav then said to Claus, “Stop the tank in front of the tent.” when the tank stopped he took his headset off and said, “I vill go in and talk, all of you need to stay in the tank and keep the hatches closed less I say different.”

“Yes sir.” They responded.

Gustav climbed out of the hatch and Fredrick closed it behind him. He had wings and had practiced a little, enough that he could get off of Revenant without climbing. When he land Luna asked, “And the rest of your crew?”

“They are staying in the tank. Lead the vay.” Gustav said.

“Very well.” Luna responded as she walked into the tent and Gustav followed. When Gustav walked through the flap he saw what appeared to be some sort of crystal on the ground with two ponies on each side and Luna walking around. The pony on the left was a unicorn mare, her coat was pink and her mane was a dark purple with a light blue strip. The pony on the right was also a mare but she was a pegasus, her coat was cyan and her mane was literally rainbow colored. When Luna got to the other side she turned and said, “General Starlight Glimmer and General Rainbow Dash this is Tank commander Gustav.”

Rainbow Dash just looked at him well Starlight smiled and said, “Pleased to meet you and if the rumours are true you are one heck of a commander.”

Gustav responded with, “Thank you me and my crew take fighting very seriously.”

Luna said, “That is why I brought you here. Your performance has made you a high value target and well we have no real reason to trust you, you have proven yourself to me. Do you accept being integrated into the Equestrian army?”

Gustav thought for a moment, him and his crew were soldiers without a country or reason besides to survive. He looked at Luna and said, “Yes. What is it you want done?”

Luna responded with, “I am aware you are a skilled tactician and are familiar with tank combat.” Her horn glowed and she said, “Everypony step back.” and they all did. The crystal turn completely transparent and a small city appeared on the ground. He recognized the city as the one they were in now. A blue and red line appeared on the map and he assumed those were the front lines. Luna asked, “Anypony have any ideas for a counter attack?”

Starlight looked at the map, clearly thinking as Rainbow simply looked the map over. The first thing Gustav noted was a large two lane road going straight from the main city square into the zebra lines. Gustav looked at Luna and asked, “Vhere does that large road lead?”

Luna pulled out a stick and pointed at the road and asked, “This one?” Gustav nodded. “It leads out of the city.” Luna said.

Rainbow Dash chimed in, “Intelligents says that the zebra’s main FOB is on the city outskirts and on that road.”

Luna looked at Gustav and said, “What are you planning?”

Gustav looked at the map then at Luna and said, “A fast attack vith a hand errr hoof full of tanks maybe five, supported by artillery. How much artillery is available?”

Luna responded, “And why do you think this will work?”

“Vell if ve attack with speed ve can disorient them and combine that with a huge artillery shelling, ve maybe able to go all the way to the FOB.” Gustav said.

“Well how many artillery guns were you thinking?” Luna asked.

Gustav thought for a moment then asked, “How about 200 and they need to be ready to fire in rapid succession. The plan vould involve firing on this whole area.” Gustav took out the sword he got from the zebra and circled a part of the map.

Luna sighed, “I will get the guns and put four tanks under your command. Have them ready in four days. Starlight show him to where him and his crew will stay.”

“Yes my majesty. Please this way.” Starlight said walking out the tent. Gustav followed and when they got outside he flew up to the driver's hatch of Revenant and knocked on it.

When the hatch opened and Claus’s head popped out Gustav said, “Follow me to vhere vill be staying.” He then walked with Starlight through the camp. As Revenant followed them the ground shuck a little.

Starlight stopped in front of a garage just tall and wide enough for Revenant to fit and said, “Here you are. A supply pony with come by to find out what you need and see to it that it gets to you.” Then she started to walk back the way they came.

Gustav guided Claus in, it was tight but she fit. As Claus turned the engine off Gustav said into one of the hatches, “Ve got down time everyone make yourself at home.”

Silver was awoken by a shock to her back. She grumbled and buried her face in her silver hoofs. A second shock got her to stand up. She looked around her room, there wasn't really anything besides some bones from the chicken she was given to eat the night before. Her attention turned to the large mirror that was about six feet up one of the walls. There was a smaller mirror lower down the wall she could look into. She walked over and looked at herself in the mirror, she silver mane was messy and unkept, her eyes although that of a predator they were moon silver, her teeth were also that of a predator, and her coat also silver was overgrown in areas on her legs. A chicken came out of a little hole in the wall and Silver walked over towards it passing a pony drawn on the wall, she was a full foot taller than it. It didn't take long for her to catch the chicken, she held it down as it boked like crazy tell she crushed its head with her hoof and got ready to eat


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Jack followed Fang and Camouflage out of the tent. Once out Camouflage said, “I'll take you two to the supply tent for some shovels.”

“Shovels? What for?” Fang asked.

“Oh no.” Jack said realizing what he was in for.

Camouflage smiled and said, “You will be digging out the areas of trenches that collapsed.”

They each grabbed a shovel then walked towards the trenches. On there way Jack spoke up and asked, “Any idea if there will be a counter attack?”

Camouflage shuck his head and said, “Not sure maybe if the mysterious tank commander can talk Luna into allowing it. I know I would join in.”

Once they got to the trenches Jack and Fang went to the left and Camouflage went right. They walked till they got to a collapse and then started digging. “So what is your name?” Jack asked breaking the silence.

“Fang.” Fang responded plainly.

“Oh come on I thought those were just call signs or code names or you don't want to tell me.” Jack said as he dug the shovel into the pile and then lifted it up and over the trench wall.

Fang responded with, “Not now.”

Jack thought as he dug then asked, “What do you think happened to Glint?”

“Well if he was lucky maybe he's drunk in some caller but most likely he is lying in some street with some holes in him.” Fang said almost happy about it.

Jack said, “Well if he died let's hope it was quick and painless.” That was wishful thinking but he knew if he came across a dying enemy who couldn't be saved that he would put them down and he hopped someone would do the same for him. A distant crack of thunder could faintly be heard causing Jack to ask, “Does it rain in the winter here?”

“If the temp is high enough it will.” Fang responded.

Jack asked, “If it's ok I'd like to know more about your kind of pony.”

Fang sighed and said, “I suppose to pass the time. What do you want to know?”

Jack responded with, “You said you eat meat but do you hunt for it?”

Fang responded with, “Well of course we do but the big thing is how. You see the carnivore ponies are split up into clans and well some clans hunt with rifles most still hunt with their teeth.”

“How so?” Jack asked noting the silt change in Fang’s attitude.

Fang thought then started to explain, “They would go out in packs of five two flankers, two killers and a sub alpha. The flankers would flank the pray then scare it towards the killers who would jump on the prey and bite, our teeth are serrated so the bites will bleed then they wait for the prey to bleed out or the sub alpha goes in when the prey is weak and rips it's throat out but they rarely do that anymore.”

Jack could not imagine watching a pony do that it was almost scary to think about. Jack threw the last bit of rubble over the wall of the trench and said, “On to the next.” and they walked down the trench to a collapse that was from a building. By the time they got to it the sky had started to turn dark and stormy. “I start on the this side and you can start on the other side.” Jack said and Fang nodded and climbed over the rubble. The sound of their shovels connecting with the rubble mixed with the ever increasing amount of thunder. “So I don't think you ever answered me when I asked if you knew anypony else in the military.”

Fang responded with, “The only other that I knew from before the war started was my sister but I lost contact with her.”

Rain had started to fall and it was cold but nothing too bad but after sometime Fang yelled over, “There's blood coming out of the rubble I think somepony is in it.” then she started to dig faster.

There was a gasp and Jack asked, “You find something?”

“No no no it can't be. She shouldn't be here. She CAN'T be here.” came from Fang and Jack climbed over the rubble as fast as he could only to see Fang backing away from the pile said, “Oh Celestia, Oh Celestia, please no.” Jack jumped down and rushed over to Fang and pulled her into a hug. They both sat and she leaned into him weeping.

Jack held Fang’s head against his chest and whispered, “Shhh it's all fine, just listen to the rhythm.” He looked back and seen what she saw a bloodied and mangled pony with a silver coat and yellow mane only the front half of the pony was sticking out but Jack wasn't sure if he wanted to see the other half if it was still there.

They were both soaked but they stayed there for awhile. Fang had settled enough to speak, “Jack is the pony’s hair changing silver?”

Jack although surprised that she used his real name looked at the lifeless pony, it's mane remained yellow and he turned back to Fang and looked her in the eyes and said, “No still yellow.”

Fang smiled as tears welled up in her eyes and she buried her face in Jack's chest before saying, “Good there is a chance she is still out there.”

Jack ran his hoof down Fang’s back causing her to relax. “Victoria.” Fang said.

“What?” Jack responded.

Fang laughed and said, “My name it's Victoria.”

Jack responded with, “Oh. It's beautiful just like the pony in my hoofs right now.”

Silver had been wandering around her room for what felt like ages when a door opened and she walked over to investigate. On the other side there were some damaged pillars and nothing else of note. She was looked the doorway over carefully before walking through. Once in the room the door behind her shut causing her to jump. As she scanned the room a smell peeked her interest. It was similar to the smell of chicken blood but yet was somehow different in a way. She carefully followed the smell to the other side of the room. She stopped when she seen what looked like her but smaller. He was a pony with a horn, his coat was gold and his mane light blue. He was startled at Silver’s appearance. She just stopped and watched him.

The pony was slowly getting more and more nervous. Silver lowered herself close to the ground and crawled towards the pony causing him yell, “Stay back or I will hurt you.” but Silver saw no reason to listen the only thing he really had that could do damage was his horn if he caught her with it.

She lunged at him only to start flying back as a faint glow came from him horn. She slammed into something and pain shot through her back and she landed with a thump. She scrambled to get up and when she did she followed the smell of the blood to the pony and charged at him only to receive a long piece of metal in the spot in between her neck and left shoulder causing her to fall as the pony ran away. She got up bit found it hard to walk and lied back down. If she couldn't go to the pony then she would get him to come to her.

She grunted a bit before making the same sounds she heard from the striped pony she nearly killed before. After sometime of lying on the ground whimpering and moaning the sounds of hoof steps came close. She raised her head and the pony stopped, them she dropped her head.

The pony walked up to her and looked over her head, her eye locked with his. At that moment she launched herself onto him, knocking him on his back as he yelled, “PLEASE DON'T KIL…” his yells turned to gargles as she jumped on him and grabbed him by the throat with her mouth and bit down. The pony kicked uselessly against her as he try in vain to escape. As blood started to come out of his mouth and from around where she was bitting. He still managed to say, “Oh Celestia please.” right before Silver clamped down and with one swift movement ripped his throat out. His raspy breaths turned to gurgles as dark red blood pooled in the hole in his neck and bubbled a few times.

Silver still with the pony’s throat in her mouth stood there looking at the now lifeless body, the blood had started to pool on the ground. She spit the throat out as the taste was less than desirable, she then grabbed the the piece of metal in her mouth and pulled it out dropping it next to the dead pony. The door to her room opened letting out the smell of chicken which drew her to her room. Before walking through the door she looked back at the body remembering the thrill of the kill.


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After Gustav walked out Rainbow Dash turned to Luna and asked, “What happened to his face?”

Luna responded, “I don't know but it looks like it hurts.” She remembered his face, she thought he would be handsome if it wasn't for the scar that covered half his face.

“You know the tank he is in command of is a symbol of evil in the zebra military right.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

Luna shuck her head and asked, “What do you mean?”

Rainbow Dash smiled and said, “My intelligence says that a large tank similar to his has been knocking out zebra tanks for nearly a week now and the zebras even have a name for the tank, Moartea or Death's Ghost. This we could use to our advantage as a fear factor.”

Luna looked a bit sceptical, “Yes but if I'm remembering correctly, in zebra myth isn't Death accompanied by wolves?”

Rainbow Dash smiled, “I did some research when I first heard about the tank and I think we can replicate that too.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, “How?”

“Glad you asked. Well Gustav requested tanks to be put under his command, well these are our wolves and it fits because well just think about it, in the myth even if the zebras killed all the wolves Death's Ghost would still come and was unstoppable and if we caused enough fear we could end the war.” Rainbow Dash was almost yelling with excitement by the time she finished.

Luna nodded, “I see and will think about it.”

A pony walked in and stopped. Luna looked at the pony, “Yes?”

The pony seemed nervous as she responded, “Princess Luna there is a zebra in the medical tent that wants to see you.”

Both Rainbow Dash and Luna were surprised, “A zebra?” Luna asked and the mare nodded. “Anything else?”

The mare answered, “No.”

Luna said, “Ok thank you for the information, you can go.” the mare nodded then turned and walked out. Luna turned to Rainbow Dash and said, “Well I feel I shouldn't keep our friend waiting.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and said, “I have my own business concerning Gustav’s plans. Bye.”

After Rainbow Dash walked out, Luna powered down the crystal and put it away before heading over to the medical tent. She got halfway there before it started to rain causing ponies to rush things into tents to keep them dry. When she got to the tent, she opened the flap with her magic and stepped in only to get bumped into.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING… Pr Pr Princess Luna I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't know it was you.” The pony stepped back.

Luna looked at the mare, at first she didn't recognise the pony. The mare’s faded red mane was messy and her white hoofs were almost completely red. Luna smiled, “No need to worry Nurse Redheart I understand the stress you must be under going.”

Nurse Redheart sighed, “Thank you Princess. Are you here to visit Moonlight?”

Luna shuck her head, “Not specifically but I would like to. However I was told there is a zebra that wants to talk to me.”

“Oh I completely forgot. Do you want me to take you to him?” Luna nodded and Nurse Redheart turned and said, “Right this way.”

The tent was huge and it had to be as it was divided up into little rooms and it was outside one of these that they were stopped by the sound of yell coming from inside. It was soon followed by the sound of somepony thrashing around and a voice that was just barely auditable over the rucis. “WOULD SOMEPONY HELP HE'S GOING INTO SHOCK!” Luna didn’t move or say anything as Nurse Redheart rushed into the room and two stallions ran down the hall and into the room. Luna just stood there listening to the struggle happening in the room tell a small red and orange pony walked out.

“Hello Princess my name is Scarlet. I was told to take you to the zebra, please right this way.” The pony started walking and Luna followed. Luna could tell that Scarlet had been shaken but she felt now was not the time to ask about it. Some of the fabric dividers were stained with blood. The whole place seemed like a setting for a horror story.

They walked by a room with its flap open, inside there was a batpony laying on a cot with bandages wrapped around her neck. They went into the room next to it. Scarlet had and instantly welcomed her, “Princess Luna I am so happy to see you and thank you for not imprisoning me.”

Luna nodded, “You are not an enemy so I have no reason to imprison you. However you said you have information, care to tell me?”

“I will on one condition.” The zebra looked her in the eyes.

Luna asked, “And that is?”

Zebra looked hopeful ats he responded, “When this war is over I would like full citizenship in Equestria for me and my family.”

Luna was surprised by how simple the request was, “That is do able now for the information.”

The zebra perked up, “Thank you. As for the information I have, there are two bits. One I don't know who he is but there is a spy maybe more amongst your ranks and second this is heir say but they're working on some sort of super soldier.”

Luna thought for a moment then said, “Super soldier doesn't that sound far fetched?” She knew that it was possible as she had tried before.

The zebra responded, “It does but when I heard about it there was this zebra that had cuts and bite marks on him.”

Luna nodded and said, “Thank you and as for your request I will follow through with it.” The zebra smiled as Luna turned and walked out. Luna walked over to the room that Moonlight was in. She had been hit by spalling during the tank battle and had to be evaluated as soon as the battle was over. Luna walked over to the cot. The bandages over her neck were still clean. Other than the wounds on her neck Moonlight was unhurt. Luna wondered if they had been too aggressive in the fight.

“It was a hard and dangerous operation.” Luna turned to see Nurse Redheart standing in the doorway. “Please right this way princess, visitors must leave.” Luna nodded and walked out into the hall. Nurse Redheart started walking and Luna followed.

Luna asked, “What do you mean? What was wrong?” Luna only knew that Moonlight had taken some spalling. The sound of shuffling sheets coming from Moonlight’s room. Luna walked back into the room. As she walked in she asked Nurse Redheart, “Can I have some time.”

“Very well five minutes.” Nurse Redheart said before she walked down the hall.

Moonlight opened her eyes slowly, but then closed them since the light was blinding to her. “w-what happened to me, where am I.” Moonlight said as she tried to get up.

Luna pushed Moonlight back down with her hoof and said, “You got injured by spalling during the battle and now you are in the medical tent. I suggest resting.”

“Princess is that really you.” Moonlight said with a weak tone to her voice. “It hurts so much princess.” Moonlight then open her eyes back open, “How long was I out for.” she said as she looks through her left eye since it was the only one she could open.

Luna thought for a moment then said, “Yes it me and you've been out for maybe six hours.”
“I-I can't open my right eye Luna.” Moonlight said in a scared tone. “Please don't leave me.” She said and crys a little bit.

“Don't worry your safe.” Seeing one of her guards like this felt like a stab in the gut but this was what war had turned into, and it was difficult to adjust. Luna said “Let me look at your eye.” before standing up and looking at Moonlight’s right eye. Luna was taken aback at the fact Moonlight’s right eye was open, however it was fogged over.

“You ready.” Came Nurse Redheart’s voice and Luna looked to see her standing in the doorway.

“Just one moment please.” Luna responded and Nurse Redheart nodded. Luna turned to Moonlight and said, “I have to go I'm sorry. You're safe here so there's no need to worry and I will even try to get you on the next train to Canterlot.”

“O-Ok Luna but I am part of your tank crew, and I can't leave my sister here alone. I don't want to go home yet till this war is over.” Moonlight said, “I want to now from the nurse what happened to me please.” Moonlight added looking up at Luna with a saddened look.

“Don't worry we won't be in combat for some time. I will make sure that Nurse Redheart explains your injuries to you. Bye.” Luna walked to the doorway and waved before walking into the hall. Nurse Redheart closed the flap to the room and walked with Luna down the hall. As they neared the exit Luna stopped and asked, “Why is she blind in her right eye and what is the extent of her injuries?”

Nurse Redheart sighed and started to explain, “Well let's start with her eye. When some of the shrapnel entered her it went in through the side of her eye socket and severed nerves blinding her eye. As for the full extent of her injuries the rest of the shrapnel entered her neck, well it missed vital blood vessels it cut open her throat and the result was she started suffocating on her own blood and with the amount of adrenaline she had she didn't notice till she passed out.”
Nurse Redheart finished when they got to the door and before leaving Luna asked, “Will she be able to return to duty?”

Nurse Redheart answered, “I don't know she may not be strong enough for some time.” Luna nodded then walked out into the rain. The sun was down and now she had to raise the moon. Her horn glowed softly and the moon raised slowly over the skyline of the city.

Hours earlier.

He slowly walk through the halls of the apartment building listening through the sound of the rain for anything out of the ordinary. He was still dry luckily as it would be a disaster if he got wet. He slowly walked up each flight of stairs ready for traps but unnerving there were none. Once at the top floor he pulled a trip mine from his pack and set it up at the only doorway to the stairs. After checking the floor he crawled under a table next to a blown out wall that overlooked the pony defensive line and got his rifle ready.

He looked through the scope at his first target waiting for the right moment to fire. The target was a pony digging up a pile of rubble, there was a flash a second later the rumble of thunder and the pony’s fate was sealed. The bullet tore through the pony’s chest dropping him. He lined up another shot this time on a mare under a tent having a rest, he once more waited for the right moment to fire. He squeezed the trigger right as more thunder rumbled over the city. The bullet hit the mare in the throat as a mist of dark red blood came from the other side her neck before she dropped to the ground scratching at her neck before going limp. He took aim at a large dark green pony, he got eager as he fire on the first rumble of thunder. He missed his mark but still hit the pony in the back sending up a red mist.

He looked for good targets and noticed two ponies sitting hugging it the trench next to a collapse. They would have been hidden if he was two floors down but from the top floor he had a clear shot. He lined the sights up on the stallion’s chest knowing this shot will alert the ponies to his presence. He started to squeeze the trigger waiting for a clash of thunder. He didn't have to wait long tell a flash illuminated the city and the clash of thunder echoed through the city and he got to decide the fate of this pony.


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Jack asked, “Could you answer one question about your life before the war?” Fang was still in his front hoofs.

Fang sighed “Just one.”

Jack thought for a moment then asked “Is there anypony you are committed to back home?”

Fang didn't respond right away but after a minute she said, “No I don't, why?”

Jack blushed as he said, “Because I don't think I can go home and I have nowhere to live.”

Fang looked up at him and responded. “I can't go home either.”

“Oh I didn't know, sorry.” As much as Jack wanted to go back to Aleina he knew he likely couldn't.

“Hey!” A voice caught their attention. They looked to see Raz standing on the pile of rubble. “We need to get out of the open three ponies have been shot.” Yelled Raz before turning and running towards the base with both Jack and Fang in tow.

Once Raz slowed down to a walk Jack asked, “Is Camouflage ok?” Jack was only answered with silence as they walked back to their tent.

When they got to the tent Raz said, “Why don't you two get out of the rain and I'll be back.” Before walking off.

Jack and Fang went into the tent and began cleaning up as they both were soaked. Jack sat by his cot taking his clothes off and laying them over the floor locker. He looked himself over still trying to figure out why this happened when Fang said, “You think the sniper was aiming at us and just didn't get to shoot?”

Jack turned to face Fang and respond, “I don't know and well it scares me because it was usually me aiming at somepony.”

They sat there in silence for awhile tell Fang spoke, “I wasn't being 100 percent honest with you.”

Jack who was now laying on his cot lifted his head and asked, “How so?”

“Well about the question you asked earlier. Well I'm not committed to him as you meant it I do see him as a very close friend.” Fang responded.

Jack was confused, “Who is him?”

“My friend Ragk a dragon who was exiled from the dragon lands.”

Jack wasn't sure what to think, he thought dragons killed ponies. Maybe they don't anymore or only some do. “A dragon?” Jack asked.

“Well yes and no, he's a hybrid. Half pony, half dragon.” Fang responded.

Jack only could say, “What?”

Fang laughed and said, “He's the size of a pony maybe a little bigger and looks like a normal dragon aside from walking and standing like a pony.”

“Is he fighting in the war?” Jack asked.

“No, he's still working for my parents.” Fang explained.

“Working for your parents? What do they do?” Jack asked.

Fang’s mood shifted, “I don't want to talk about it ok.”

Jack just said, “Ok.” He sat there wondering why she didn't want to talk about her parents. After sometime he said, “Well night.” Fang didn't respond, instead she was sitting on her cot facing away from him. Figuring it was best he left her alone Jack laid down and went to sleep.

A knock on the door drew Amalia away from her morning tea. When she opened the door she was greeted by a soldier. At the site of the soldier her heart sank. “Is this the residents of Jack C Reeds?” The soldier asked.

Amalia nodded fighting off tears.

“I regret to inform you of his death a month ago.”

She lied the letter on the table, they both knew that they would likely never see each other again. “Mom when is dad coming back?” Annika said as she stood in the doorway.

“I don't know.” It was a lie, but she couldn't tell her daughter that her dad is dead and she'll never see him again. “Come it's time for bed.” As soon as she said that Annika ran down the hall. Quietly she said, “Oh Gustav I hope your sacrifice was worth it.”

New Assignment

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Jack woke to yelling and hoof steps as ponies hurried about outside the tent. He lied in his cot till he heard a voice he knew. He got out of the cot and trotted outside and seen Gustav dressed in his uniform making him stand out a bit and ran after him. Once Jack caught up he asked, “Well what are you doing?”

“Getting ready to do a check over on Revenant,” Gustav answered continuing to walk.

“A check over?” Jack asked keeping pace.

“A check over, there isn't much to it ve look the tank over and fix anything that needs it,” Gustav answered.

Jack thought for a moment then said, “And where are you going to get parts?”

Gustav didn’t answer as they walked up to the makeshift garage that Revenant was sitting in.

“Sir there is no problems with the gun and the sights are aligned.” a heavy built bat pony said to Gustav.

“Good and vhere is Klaus?” Gustav responded.

“Up here sir.” a voice came from the tank as the head of a bat pony poked up from the hull of the tank. He was covered in grease and oil. This Jack assumed was Klaus. “Ve gotten lucky Sir, the transmission is in great condition yet.”

“Good because tomorrow ve got a big operation ahead of us,“ Gustav told Jack.

“Oh really? What's the plan.” Jack responded.

“An armored spearhead vith my tank leading, followed by three other tanks and two APCs we will be supported by a nearby artillery force,” Gustav explained.

“And where do me and Fang fit into the plan?” Jack asked.

“I vant you and Fang to go vith the soldiers that support the push,” Gustav answered.

“Actually Princess Luna has a mission for them.” A short stout, black and grey pony said as he walked up to the garage bay. He then turned saying “Follow me.” and began walking away without a word from Gustav or Jack. Jack just shrugged at Gustav and followed the pony. They walked across the large forward operating base to a tall bank looking building that was covered in various different sizes of bullet impacts.

The pony opened the door inside was ten bat ponies with black outfits and torso rigs. Among them were Fang and a tall black pegasus with a horn and long blue hair. He walked in as Fang turned to him. “Jack the Royal Princess of the Night has a mission for us that she personally wants us to do!!” Fang said excitedly.

Jack, once he realized the tall pony was royalty he dropped to a bow. “No need to bow at least right now.” The princess said and Jack stood up and sat next to Fang. “Ok now that you're here, the mission I have for you is to infiltrate deep into zebra territory to kill six HVTs in hopes of bringing the zebras back to peace talks in our favor of course. The 5th night wing squad with paradrop you two in and provide supply drops and give you info on the targets and their whereabouts. Got it?” The princess finished and both Jack and Fang nodded. “Good” she smiles, “maybe we will finally end this war that and these are orders, meet in front of this building in two hours.” The princess finished.

Both Fang and Jack nodded and got up. Walking to the door Fang with a large smile turned to Jack and asked, “Ready?”

Jack swallowed hard and responded, “Yes.”


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Jack and Fang headed back to their tent to gear up. On the way Jack was mentally freaking out, he didn't know what this army's tactics were for all he knew this was a one way mission. A whistle tore him from his thoughts causing him to look around for a second only to find he walked right passed the tent and Fang was standing next to it with a smile. He turned and walked to the tent as Fang walked inside.

Jack walked through the flap of the tent to find Fang working in to her rigging, she had somehow got it stuck and was standing on three legs with her front left leg stuck to her chest. "A little help here." Jack cracked a smile and helped Fang get her leg unstuck. Once Fang was unstuck Jack started getting his stuff together. "So where exactly are you from?" Fang asked.

"Umm." Jack wasn't sure how to respond, after a moment of thought he figured he should just tell the truth. "Well a island by the name of Britain." Jack answered.

"Britain?" Fang asked giving him a quizzical look.

"Well it's not, umm how should I put this. I'm not from this country let alone world." Jack was now concerned that he laid it on a bit thick.

Fang looked at him dumbfounded. "Like as in Equestria is completely different from Britain?" Fang questioned.

"If by completely different you mean everyone including me is not a pony then yes almost completely different well with some similarities." Jack answered.

"Wait WHAT!?" Fang yelled, "What do you mean you're not a pony?"

Jack realized the hole he just dug himself. "Um I don't know what happened but I was turned in to one and transported here." Jack explained, "I don't know if that makes any sense."

"No it doesn't, if you weren't a pony then what are you supposed to be?" Fang asked well adjusting her gear.

"Well what's called a human. We are about," Jack stood up on his hind legs and stretched, "this tall. Oh and we can't use magic."

Fang sat down and looked at her hoofs quizzically the said, "So you were tall and couldn't use magic. Then where did you get those guns?"

"We machined them out?" Jack said quizzically, "Isn't that how you make them?" He then asked.

Fang shook her head, "We have designated metal smiths that use magic to cast them." She sighed then said, "I have something to get off my chest too. I lied about the carnivore pony tribes, they are actually united under a king and queen." She paused for a moment, "I am the…" she was cut off by a tall bat pony throwing open the tent flap.

"We don't have all day. Let's move." Jack and Fang looked at each other.

"Well talk when we get back." Fang said right before she walked out with Jack following.

Deep within Fortress Mountain

The elevator rattled to a stop and opened. A zebra dressed in a suit stepped out. "Sir!" A zebra wearing a simple light gray uniform said as he snapped to attention.

The zebra in the suit simply waved his hoof and the soldiers opened the door. Stepping through he was greeted by a zebra in a lab coat. "General Blackwood, I'm pleased you made it here."

The general smiled, "Hows our new ally coming along."

The zebra scientist gestured to a large glass window, "Here see for yourself."

The general walked up to the window and looked out it. A large pony slowly paced around a large room. "As you can see with the introduction of dragon genetics she started taking on more dragon like figure." The scientist stated.

Blackwood just kept looking. This couldn't actually work. He thought. The pony had patches of scales cropping up around her body and a small yet visible pair of horns growing out the back of her head.

The clicking of claws drew Blackwood's attention away from the dragonpony. His eyes fell on a light grey slender dragon carefully carrying a crimson urn with a dagger hand sticking out the top. "So this is the new body for Dracon?" The dragon commented. Blackwood was taken aback her voice was unbelievably high pitched.

"Yes, is it sufficient?" The scientist asked.

The dragon huffed and said, "It will have to do, please do show me in to the entrance to its cage."

Blackwood quickly asked, "What about your end of the deal? Will you hel…"

The dragon snickered and cut him off with, "Why of course, in fact Mantle should be about to begin his assault." She smiled wickedly.

Blackwood nodded and the scientist lead the dragon over to a door and explained something to her, Blackwood was out of ear shot. The dragon went through and after two minutes he seen her in by the dragonpony. He watched her closely.

The dragon set the urn down and slowly grabbed the handle, twisting it and pulling it out. The dagger was 5cm long, then she slowly walked to the dragonpony and before it could react she plunged the dagger into it chest. It roared which quickly turned in to a yell as a red glow filled the room. The dagger turned to dust as the dragon backed up with a smile. The dragonpony shuk it's head and smiled, "Thank you my loyal subject for bringing me back." It then stepped forward close to the dragon.

Blackwood's heart was racing, and a feeling in his gut began to rise.

Equestrian FOB, Stalliongrad.

Fang and Jack both stood in front of a group of batponies. Two of them took off, one hovered over Jack and the other over Fang. "Hold on a second." One of the batponies said stepping over to him. The batpony then quickly hooked up a harness around his chest then hooked it to the batpony and pulled them tight to each other. "Good to go?" The batpony then asked. One of the other batponies nodded and before Jack could object he rocketed into the air.