• Published 21st Dec 2016
  • 944 Views, 80 Comments

The Tank Hunter - Lone Maus

When the 2nd world War broke out Jack joined the army to protect his loved one however late in the war he finds that one miss step can change everything.

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Jack followed Fang and Camouflage out of the tent. Once out Camouflage said, “I'll take you two to the supply tent for some shovels.”

“Shovels? What for?” Fang asked.

“Oh no.” Jack said realizing what he was in for.

Camouflage smiled and said, “You will be digging out the areas of trenches that collapsed.”

They each grabbed a shovel then walked towards the trenches. On there way Jack spoke up and asked, “Any idea if there will be a counter attack?”

Camouflage shuck his head and said, “Not sure maybe if the mysterious tank commander can talk Luna into allowing it. I know I would join in.”

Once they got to the trenches Jack and Fang went to the left and Camouflage went right. They walked till they got to a collapse and then started digging. “So what is your name?” Jack asked breaking the silence.

“Fang.” Fang responded plainly.

“Oh come on I thought those were just call signs or code names or you don't want to tell me.” Jack said as he dug the shovel into the pile and then lifted it up and over the trench wall.

Fang responded with, “Not now.”

Jack thought as he dug then asked, “What do you think happened to Glint?”

“Well if he was lucky maybe he's drunk in some caller but most likely he is lying in some street with some holes in him.” Fang said almost happy about it.

Jack said, “Well if he died let's hope it was quick and painless.” That was wishful thinking but he knew if he came across a dying enemy who couldn't be saved that he would put them down and he hopped someone would do the same for him. A distant crack of thunder could faintly be heard causing Jack to ask, “Does it rain in the winter here?”

“If the temp is high enough it will.” Fang responded.

Jack asked, “If it's ok I'd like to know more about your kind of pony.”

Fang sighed and said, “I suppose to pass the time. What do you want to know?”

Jack responded with, “You said you eat meat but do you hunt for it?”

Fang responded with, “Well of course we do but the big thing is how. You see the carnivore ponies are split up into clans and well some clans hunt with rifles most still hunt with their teeth.”

“How so?” Jack asked noting the silt change in Fang’s attitude.

Fang thought then started to explain, “They would go out in packs of five two flankers, two killers and a sub alpha. The flankers would flank the pray then scare it towards the killers who would jump on the prey and bite, our teeth are serrated so the bites will bleed then they wait for the prey to bleed out or the sub alpha goes in when the prey is weak and rips it's throat out but they rarely do that anymore.”

Jack could not imagine watching a pony do that it was almost scary to think about. Jack threw the last bit of rubble over the wall of the trench and said, “On to the next.” and they walked down the trench to a collapse that was from a building. By the time they got to it the sky had started to turn dark and stormy. “I start on the this side and you can start on the other side.” Jack said and Fang nodded and climbed over the rubble. The sound of their shovels connecting with the rubble mixed with the ever increasing amount of thunder. “So I don't think you ever answered me when I asked if you knew anypony else in the military.”

Fang responded with, “The only other that I knew from before the war started was my sister but I lost contact with her.”

Rain had started to fall and it was cold but nothing too bad but after sometime Fang yelled over, “There's blood coming out of the rubble I think somepony is in it.” then she started to dig faster.

There was a gasp and Jack asked, “You find something?”

“No no no it can't be. She shouldn't be here. She CAN'T be here.” came from Fang and Jack climbed over the rubble as fast as he could only to see Fang backing away from the pile said, “Oh Celestia, Oh Celestia, please no.” Jack jumped down and rushed over to Fang and pulled her into a hug. They both sat and she leaned into him weeping.

Jack held Fang’s head against his chest and whispered, “Shhh it's all fine, just listen to the rhythm.” He looked back and seen what she saw a bloodied and mangled pony with a silver coat and yellow mane only the front half of the pony was sticking out but Jack wasn't sure if he wanted to see the other half if it was still there.

They were both soaked but they stayed there for awhile. Fang had settled enough to speak, “Jack is the pony’s hair changing silver?”

Jack although surprised that she used his real name looked at the lifeless pony, it's mane remained yellow and he turned back to Fang and looked her in the eyes and said, “No still yellow.”

Fang smiled as tears welled up in her eyes and she buried her face in Jack's chest before saying, “Good there is a chance she is still out there.”

Jack ran his hoof down Fang’s back causing her to relax. “Victoria.” Fang said.

“What?” Jack responded.

Fang laughed and said, “My name it's Victoria.”

Jack responded with, “Oh. It's beautiful just like the pony in my hoofs right now.”

Silver had been wandering around her room for what felt like ages when a door opened and she walked over to investigate. On the other side there were some damaged pillars and nothing else of note. She was looked the doorway over carefully before walking through. Once in the room the door behind her shut causing her to jump. As she scanned the room a smell peeked her interest. It was similar to the smell of chicken blood but yet was somehow different in a way. She carefully followed the smell to the other side of the room. She stopped when she seen what looked like her but smaller. He was a pony with a horn, his coat was gold and his mane light blue. He was startled at Silver’s appearance. She just stopped and watched him.

The pony was slowly getting more and more nervous. Silver lowered herself close to the ground and crawled towards the pony causing him yell, “Stay back or I will hurt you.” but Silver saw no reason to listen the only thing he really had that could do damage was his horn if he caught her with it.

She lunged at him only to start flying back as a faint glow came from him horn. She slammed into something and pain shot through her back and she landed with a thump. She scrambled to get up and when she did she followed the smell of the blood to the pony and charged at him only to receive a long piece of metal in the spot in between her neck and left shoulder causing her to fall as the pony ran away. She got up bit found it hard to walk and lied back down. If she couldn't go to the pony then she would get him to come to her.

She grunted a bit before making the same sounds she heard from the striped pony she nearly killed before. After sometime of lying on the ground whimpering and moaning the sounds of hoof steps came close. She raised her head and the pony stopped, them she dropped her head.

The pony walked up to her and looked over her head, her eye locked with his. At that moment she launched herself onto him, knocking him on his back as he yelled, “PLEASE DON'T KIL…” his yells turned to gargles as she jumped on him and grabbed him by the throat with her mouth and bit down. The pony kicked uselessly against her as he try in vain to escape. As blood started to come out of his mouth and from around where she was bitting. He still managed to say, “Oh Celestia please.” right before Silver clamped down and with one swift movement ripped his throat out. His raspy breaths turned to gurgles as dark red blood pooled in the hole in his neck and bubbled a few times.

Silver still with the pony’s throat in her mouth stood there looking at the now lifeless body, the blood had started to pool on the ground. She spit the throat out as the taste was less than desirable, she then grabbed the the piece of metal in her mouth and pulled it out dropping it next to the dead pony. The door to her room opened letting out the smell of chicken which drew her to her room. Before walking through the door she looked back at the body remembering the thrill of the kill.

Author's Note:

So Silver is coming more into play in the upcoming chapters and tell me what do you think of her character so far as I plan on fleshing her out more to explain what she is and why she is the way she is. One other question, what are your thoughts on the chapter lengths so far? As always enjoy.