• Published 21st Dec 2016
  • 947 Views, 80 Comments

The Tank Hunter - Lone Maus

When the 2nd world War broke out Jack joined the army to protect his loved one however late in the war he finds that one miss step can change everything.

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After Gustav walked out Rainbow Dash turned to Luna and asked, “What happened to his face?”

Luna responded, “I don't know but it looks like it hurts.” She remembered his face, she thought he would be handsome if it wasn't for the scar that covered half his face.

“You know the tank he is in command of is a symbol of evil in the zebra military right.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

Luna shuck her head and asked, “What do you mean?”

Rainbow Dash smiled and said, “My intelligence says that a large tank similar to his has been knocking out zebra tanks for nearly a week now and the zebras even have a name for the tank, Moartea or Death's Ghost. This we could use to our advantage as a fear factor.”

Luna looked a bit sceptical, “Yes but if I'm remembering correctly, in zebra myth isn't Death accompanied by wolves?”

Rainbow Dash smiled, “I did some research when I first heard about the tank and I think we can replicate that too.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, “How?”

“Glad you asked. Well Gustav requested tanks to be put under his command, well these are our wolves and it fits because well just think about it, in the myth even if the zebras killed all the wolves Death's Ghost would still come and was unstoppable and if we caused enough fear we could end the war.” Rainbow Dash was almost yelling with excitement by the time she finished.

Luna nodded, “I see and will think about it.”

A pony walked in and stopped. Luna looked at the pony, “Yes?”

The pony seemed nervous as she responded, “Princess Luna there is a zebra in the medical tent that wants to see you.”

Both Rainbow Dash and Luna were surprised, “A zebra?” Luna asked and the mare nodded. “Anything else?”

The mare answered, “No.”

Luna said, “Ok thank you for the information, you can go.” the mare nodded then turned and walked out. Luna turned to Rainbow Dash and said, “Well I feel I shouldn't keep our friend waiting.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and said, “I have my own business concerning Gustav’s plans. Bye.”

After Rainbow Dash walked out, Luna powered down the crystal and put it away before heading over to the medical tent. She got halfway there before it started to rain causing ponies to rush things into tents to keep them dry. When she got to the tent, she opened the flap with her magic and stepped in only to get bumped into.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING… Pr Pr Princess Luna I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't know it was you.” The pony stepped back.

Luna looked at the mare, at first she didn't recognise the pony. The mare’s faded red mane was messy and her white hoofs were almost completely red. Luna smiled, “No need to worry Nurse Redheart I understand the stress you must be under going.”

Nurse Redheart sighed, “Thank you Princess. Are you here to visit Moonlight?”

Luna shuck her head, “Not specifically but I would like to. However I was told there is a zebra that wants to talk to me.”

“Oh I completely forgot. Do you want me to take you to him?” Luna nodded and Nurse Redheart turned and said, “Right this way.”

The tent was huge and it had to be as it was divided up into little rooms and it was outside one of these that they were stopped by the sound of yell coming from inside. It was soon followed by the sound of somepony thrashing around and a voice that was just barely auditable over the rucis. “WOULD SOMEPONY HELP HE'S GOING INTO SHOCK!” Luna didn’t move or say anything as Nurse Redheart rushed into the room and two stallions ran down the hall and into the room. Luna just stood there listening to the struggle happening in the room tell a small red and orange pony walked out.

“Hello Princess my name is Scarlet. I was told to take you to the zebra, please right this way.” The pony started walking and Luna followed. Luna could tell that Scarlet had been shaken but she felt now was not the time to ask about it. Some of the fabric dividers were stained with blood. The whole place seemed like a setting for a horror story.

They walked by a room with its flap open, inside there was a batpony laying on a cot with bandages wrapped around her neck. They went into the room next to it. Scarlet had and instantly welcomed her, “Princess Luna I am so happy to see you and thank you for not imprisoning me.”

Luna nodded, “You are not an enemy so I have no reason to imprison you. However you said you have information, care to tell me?”

“I will on one condition.” The zebra looked her in the eyes.

Luna asked, “And that is?”

Zebra looked hopeful ats he responded, “When this war is over I would like full citizenship in Equestria for me and my family.”

Luna was surprised by how simple the request was, “That is do able now for the information.”

The zebra perked up, “Thank you. As for the information I have, there are two bits. One I don't know who he is but there is a spy maybe more amongst your ranks and second this is heir say but they're working on some sort of super soldier.”

Luna thought for a moment then said, “Super soldier doesn't that sound far fetched?” She knew that it was possible as she had tried before.

The zebra responded, “It does but when I heard about it there was this zebra that had cuts and bite marks on him.”

Luna nodded and said, “Thank you and as for your request I will follow through with it.” The zebra smiled as Luna turned and walked out. Luna walked over to the room that Moonlight was in. She had been hit by spalling during the tank battle and had to be evaluated as soon as the battle was over. Luna walked over to the cot. The bandages over her neck were still clean. Other than the wounds on her neck Moonlight was unhurt. Luna wondered if they had been too aggressive in the fight.

“It was a hard and dangerous operation.” Luna turned to see Nurse Redheart standing in the doorway. “Please right this way princess, visitors must leave.” Luna nodded and walked out into the hall. Nurse Redheart started walking and Luna followed.

Luna asked, “What do you mean? What was wrong?” Luna only knew that Moonlight had taken some spalling. The sound of shuffling sheets coming from Moonlight’s room. Luna walked back into the room. As she walked in she asked Nurse Redheart, “Can I have some time.”

“Very well five minutes.” Nurse Redheart said before she walked down the hall.

Moonlight opened her eyes slowly, but then closed them since the light was blinding to her. “w-what happened to me, where am I.” Moonlight said as she tried to get up.

Luna pushed Moonlight back down with her hoof and said, “You got injured by spalling during the battle and now you are in the medical tent. I suggest resting.”

“Princess is that really you.” Moonlight said with a weak tone to her voice. “It hurts so much princess.” Moonlight then open her eyes back open, “How long was I out for.” she said as she looks through her left eye since it was the only one she could open.

Luna thought for a moment then said, “Yes it me and you've been out for maybe six hours.”
“I-I can't open my right eye Luna.” Moonlight said in a scared tone. “Please don't leave me.” She said and crys a little bit.

“Don't worry your safe.” Seeing one of her guards like this felt like a stab in the gut but this was what war had turned into, and it was difficult to adjust. Luna said “Let me look at your eye.” before standing up and looking at Moonlight’s right eye. Luna was taken aback at the fact Moonlight’s right eye was open, however it was fogged over.

“You ready.” Came Nurse Redheart’s voice and Luna looked to see her standing in the doorway.

“Just one moment please.” Luna responded and Nurse Redheart nodded. Luna turned to Moonlight and said, “I have to go I'm sorry. You're safe here so there's no need to worry and I will even try to get you on the next train to Canterlot.”

“O-Ok Luna but I am part of your tank crew, and I can't leave my sister here alone. I don't want to go home yet till this war is over.” Moonlight said, “I want to now from the nurse what happened to me please.” Moonlight added looking up at Luna with a saddened look.

“Don't worry we won't be in combat for some time. I will make sure that Nurse Redheart explains your injuries to you. Bye.” Luna walked to the doorway and waved before walking into the hall. Nurse Redheart closed the flap to the room and walked with Luna down the hall. As they neared the exit Luna stopped and asked, “Why is she blind in her right eye and what is the extent of her injuries?”

Nurse Redheart sighed and started to explain, “Well let's start with her eye. When some of the shrapnel entered her it went in through the side of her eye socket and severed nerves blinding her eye. As for the full extent of her injuries the rest of the shrapnel entered her neck, well it missed vital blood vessels it cut open her throat and the result was she started suffocating on her own blood and with the amount of adrenaline she had she didn't notice till she passed out.”
Nurse Redheart finished when they got to the door and before leaving Luna asked, “Will she be able to return to duty?”

Nurse Redheart answered, “I don't know she may not be strong enough for some time.” Luna nodded then walked out into the rain. The sun was down and now she had to raise the moon. Her horn glowed softly and the moon raised slowly over the skyline of the city.

Hours earlier.

He slowly walk through the halls of the apartment building listening through the sound of the rain for anything out of the ordinary. He was still dry luckily as it would be a disaster if he got wet. He slowly walked up each flight of stairs ready for traps but unnerving there were none. Once at the top floor he pulled a trip mine from his pack and set it up at the only doorway to the stairs. After checking the floor he crawled under a table next to a blown out wall that overlooked the pony defensive line and got his rifle ready.

He looked through the scope at his first target waiting for the right moment to fire. The target was a pony digging up a pile of rubble, there was a flash a second later the rumble of thunder and the pony’s fate was sealed. The bullet tore through the pony’s chest dropping him. He lined up another shot this time on a mare under a tent having a rest, he once more waited for the right moment to fire. He squeezed the trigger right as more thunder rumbled over the city. The bullet hit the mare in the throat as a mist of dark red blood came from the other side her neck before she dropped to the ground scratching at her neck before going limp. He took aim at a large dark green pony, he got eager as he fire on the first rumble of thunder. He missed his mark but still hit the pony in the back sending up a red mist.

He looked for good targets and noticed two ponies sitting hugging it the trench next to a collapse. They would have been hidden if he was two floors down but from the top floor he had a clear shot. He lined the sights up on the stallion’s chest knowing this shot will alert the ponies to his presence. He started to squeeze the trigger waiting for a clash of thunder. He didn't have to wait long tell a flash illuminated the city and the clash of thunder echoed through the city and he got to decide the fate of this pony.

Author's Note:

Here we are after being stuck in limbo the chapter is finished. Next chapter will follow Jack. As always enjoy.