• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Twilight's Adventures to Oz - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight finds herself at the land of Oz and must find her way back home to Equestria.

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Chapter 6: The Fashionable China Doll

After some talk on the yellow dirt road,the 4 friends come across a very interesting down. The houses are made of glass, even the plants, furniture and the citizens are made of special glass and paint.

"Wow this place looks very pretty," Twilight says with amazement.

"I know. Everything's is made of glass," Tin Rainbow says.

Twilight and the others are amazed to see that the entire town is made of glass. They can see the ponies walking around doing their everyday thing.

Just then a elegant voice says, "This is Chinatown."

They turn to see a china pony doll. The china doll is white with purple mane and tail. She is wearing a blue dress with white socks and mary janes. The thing is, she is made of glass as well, just like every citizen in the city.

"Chinaville?" Lionshy questionably says.

"Yes. This place has a lot of china glass, the houses the roads even some of the citizens are glass, like glass dolls and animals," The white pony says.

"What's your name?" Twilight asks.

"My name is Chinaty," the white pony answers with a smile.

Then Chinaty asks, "And do a lady might ask, what are your names?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduces herself.

"Names Apple Crow," Apple Crow replies.

"Tin Rainbow," Tin Rainow says.

"Lionshy," Lionshy says quietly and it's a little hard for Chinaty to hear.

Chinaty looks a bit confused because she isn't hearing the shy lion's name.

Chinaty asks, "What was that, darling?"

"Lionshy," Lionshy answers, but loud enough to hear.

Chinaty smile and says, "It's very nice to meet you all in our fair town."

Chinaty can see that Twilight and her friends are not from this area, so she thinks it will be a good time to ask her about their reasons of presence.

Chinaty asks, "I hope if you don't mind asking, what are you all doing here in Chinatown? It's obvious you all must have come from somewhere far."

"Well, we're going to the Crystal City to see the great wizard of Oz," Apple Crow answers.

"We're also wishing that he can help us with our wishes," Tin Rainbow adds.

"That sounds very interesting and exciting to see the powerful wizard, but I think it will be best if you rest for the night," Chinaty says sounding interesting in their journey.

Twilight and the others look at the sun to see that it is setting in the sky. They all realized that it's getting late and they need to find a place to stay for the night.

Twilight turns to Chinaty and says, "I think that sounds like a good idea, but we don't have somewhere to stay."

Chinaty looks that Twilight and the others to see they still have a long journey ahead and needs a place to stay for the night. She then has an idea.

"Well perhaps you can all be at my house for the night," Chinaty suggests.

The others are surprised yet kind of glad that Chinaty has offered a place to stay in her home home, but knows it is her choice to let who she wants into her home.

Lionshy shyly asks, "You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not, it will be unlady like to let others sleep outside in the cold and the Crystal City is still a long way," Chinaty replies with pride.

Twilight, Apple Crow, Tin Rainbow, and Lionshy knows that she is very generous and can tell she is not going to say no for an answer.

Then Twilight says, "I guess it will a good idea to get some sleep. I'm tired,"

"Me too," The others reply.

"Then I'll show you all to my house for the night," Chinaty says.

Then, Chinaty starts to lead the other back to her house. Twilight and the others follow them to.

In Chinaty's house:

Chinaty is making some hot tea and some biscuits for herself and her new friends. Twilight and the others are amazed to see that Chinaty's house is very beautiful and all the furniture is made of pure glass. They knows that the next day, they are going to continue their journey to see the wizard in the Crystal City.

Chinaty uses her horn to levitate the pot of tea with the cups and biscuits as she asks, "So darling, mind if I ask, what are you all going to ask for from the wizard?"

"I'm going to ask or brains," Apple Crow says.

"I want a heart," Tin Rainbow answers.

"I… I want to be brave," Lionshy replies.

"And I want to go back home," Twilight says.

"And we're helping her before that Changeling witch gets her hooves on her," Apple Crow acting a bit serious.

Chinaty gasps with horrors and scaredly says, "Not Queen Cocoon!"

"That's the one," Tin Rainbow bluntly says.

"But luckily the mark Celeste gave to Twilight is what caused the changeling to leave her alone," Lionshy adds.

Chinaty looks at Twilight with a surprised look on her face. She always know about the magical protection spell from the Good Sun Witch, but never hear many ponies having the mark for their protection.

Chinaty surprisingly says, "It seems that the mark was able to protect you, but it won't stop Queen Cocoon from getting her hooves on you."

"That's what worries me," Twilight sadly replies to that comet.

Chinaty can see that Twilight isn't feeling alright. She guesses that Twilight doesn't like the fact that she is being targeted by the Changeling witch who is also queen of the changelings in the east.

Chinaty decides to ask them something that she been wondering for sometime.

Chinaty turns to the others and asks, "Um girls, do you all think I'm beautiful?"

Twilight, Apple Crow, Tin Rainbow, and Lionshy look at Chinaty with confused looks in their eyes. They are very confused when Chinaty asks about her looks and appearance like that and in a nervous tone as well.

"What kind of question is that?" Tin Rainbow asks arching one of her eye brows.

"What I mean do you think my beauty is… skin deep," Chinaty nervously asks.

Now that question is getting them really curious. They are starting to wonder what is Chinaty asking them.

Chinaty takes a deep breath and hopefully be ready to tell her story.

After taking a bit breather, Chinaty says, "Well, you see even though a lot of ponies tell me I'm beautiful, I sometimes wonder… if my beauty is only skin deep. So I was wondering if I can go come with you to see the wizard so that I can ask the wizard if he can help me understand true beauty and to see if I have true beauty and wonder if I have inner beauty."

Twilight and the other are starting to understand what Chinaty wants. She wants to see the wizard so she can see if she has inner beauty and not just outer beauty. Twilight and the others look at each other and know what each other the other is thinking. They think it will be a good idea for Chinaty to come with them.

Twilight turns to Chinaty and says, "Of course you can come with us."

"The more the merrier," Appl Crow adds.

"Really?!" Chinaty asks with sparkles in her eyes.

Of course we're sure about it. We can use some more in our group," Lionshy says with a smile.

"But you need to help us bring some food supplies and other stuff we're going to need," Tin Rainbow adds.

"Of course," Chinaty says agreeing to the idea of bringing some supplies.

Throughout the rest of the evening to the night, the girls have been gathering some supplies and decide to make the food and gather the rest of the gear in the morning. After turning in, everyone other than Twilight are sleeping peacefully in the rooms and blankets.

Twilight is simply laying on her bed and looking at the window to see the moon and the stars. She is still wondering how is Equestria is doing without her, but she is mostly wondering if everypony's alright.

Twilight says in her thoughts, "I wonder how everypony's doing back in Equestria. I hope they were able to defeat the changelings or at least be able to handle them. I hope the wizard will be able to send me back home."

Twilight then close her eyes and starts to fall asleep for the night. She still can't stop thinking about her friends and family back at home. She still wishes the wizard can help her get back home in Equestria to be with her friends and family again and hopefully soon.

Author's Note:

I know the towns name and the character might seem a bit strange, but I think it will work.

Next time, the friends meet a pony and her special assistant. See you there