• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,673 Views, 134 Comments

Just a Phase - HorseStories

Living as an outcast is hard. Living in fear of becoming an outcast is harder. A story based in an Equestria that upholds more traditional values in regards to social issues.

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Epilogue - The Memories of Sweetie Belle

~ Ten Years Later ~

Sweetie Belle stared out of the window, listening to the chilling sound of the wind whistling by, rattling the panes of glass. Behind her, she heard the radio playing, loud and clear.

'Another momentuous victory for the pro-homosexual advocates today, as Filllydelphia struck the last of it's remaining lobomtomy-based sodomy laws off the books! Former fashionista turned social justice campaigner Rarity has hailed the victory as, quote-on-quote, "Yet another crucial blow to the twisted system we seek to destroy."'

Her sister had always had a knack for drama. Sweetie Belle knew the future youth of Equestria would be in good hooves. Slowly, but surely, bit by bit, Equestria would become safe for ponies like her. Like a fish, entangled in a mass of barbed hooks, being gently and carefully freed from each one.

Sweetie Belle sighed, and rose to her hooves. Trotting over to the stove, she mulled over what to cook for dinner. Beans on toast? She was feeling lazy today. Grabbing a can and a can opener, she placed a pan on top of the oven and began to heat it up.

Some scars, of course, were permanent. Some hooks, too deeply embedded to dig out. Sweetie Belle alone knew this better than anyone. The ponies of the old ways had inflicted immesurable damage on her generation, and the generations that preceded her. One day, she hoped, they would get a taste of their own medicine.

The toast popped, and the hob began to whistle. Sweetie Belle arranged two plates of toast neatly, crusts removed, and generously poured over each a serving of baked beans. Just how she used to like them.

'Honey? Dinner's ready!'

Silence. Sweetie Belle glanced out the door into the hallway. Sometimes, it took a few shouts.


Sweetie Belle distinctly heard a shuffling in the adjacent room. Shuffling gave way to hoofsteps, and soon enough, Amethyst's head poked through the door.

'There you are! Sit down, it's time to eat.'

Amethyst said nothing, just shuffled over to the table. Clumsily crashing into her seat, she grabbed a nearby fork with her magic, and began to wolf the meal down.

'Hey, slow down! A thank you would be appreciated.'

But she wasn't going to say thank you. She wasn't going to say please, or hello, or ask her how her day had been. Because Amethyst didn't do that. In fact, she didn't do anything any more.

Because along the base of Amethyt's skull, running across her now-shaven head, and ending between her eyes, was a gruesome, ugly, deformed scar, showing where the doctors had come and taken away what made Amethyst unique. What made her special. What made her the mare Sweetie Belle had fallen in love with. Gone, forever.

Silently, Sweetie Belle paced to the other side of the table, and sat opposite to Amethyst, who didn't even look up from her meal. Sweetie Belle felt her eyes swell with tears.

'Amethyst... please, say something.'


Author's Note:

You can hate me all you like, but I just *couldn't* have a true happy ending. It wouldn't be a tragedy if it did. There had to be something, and unfortunately, this was it.

This is the end of Just a Phase. It's been an incredible (and highly disjointed) journey. I've always enjoyed writing stories about strange ideas applied seriously. I have an idea for another story, which is currently in the works.

I'm probably going to discontinue Paradox Gardens. As much as I felt something upbeat would be a nice change of pace from the heavier themes explored in this story, it ultimately was just a side project, and not one I'm overly fond of. Any aspiring writers out there are free to take up the story, just message me and I'll be happy to transfer the ownership to you, provided you don't write anything overly distasteful.

Comments ( 30 )

Still doesn't answer the big question. Where was Cadance during all this?

So, Amethyst's sort of brain dead/brain damaged?

Damn I'm sad about amethyst

She got a labotamy

I know, I just can't understand her condition

It went south is my guess

For all we know the surgeon in charge deliberately took more then required just to get another fillyfooler off the streets

What do you think happened?

If I had a clue, I wouldn't wonder about her condition

I should probably clarify; a lobotomy involves severing connections in the brain's prefrontal cortex, which can result in severe brain damage and a loss of ability to display to display emotions. The purpose was to make the victim easier to control by reverting their mental capacity to those similar of a child's.

Lobotomies were actually carried out on gay men in the US in the 1940's and 50's, which is the setting upon which this world is based.

Thanks, so technically sort of brain damaged/brain dead to a degree

This AU strikes me as one where the definition of 'love' is twisted in an 'only normal love is real love' kind of direction. She's been in the Crystal Empire this whole time, but if she's anything like how I imagine in this world, she wouldn't be much help anyway.

Pretty much. I touched on the political and social situation in the Crystal Empire in part 1, but I never really expanded on it much. Suffice to say, Cadence wouldn't have stuck her neck out for Sweetie Belle.

The "only normal love is real love" idea pretty much hits the nail on the head - Equestria has fixed, rigid ideas about society and love, but not immoveable ones. Society at large remains open to new ideas, and therefore a radical cultural shift such as that which took place in 1960's-1970's America is achieveable in a way that would not be possible in more repressive states, such as North Korea or Saudi Arabia.

I just wonder what was thinking Celestia after what Rarity did, and what the friends think, mainly about the treatment and what she did. Too bad what happened in the end, but well... It's not like they could do much, unlike Hoity Toty and Sweetie Belle, Rarity was part of a group of heroes and the only that could use the element of Generosity so they could do not much because if she was turned a vegetal and another being from a thousand years ago come, it could be bad.

P.S: In tragedy like that, I'm happy to think alternate endings...

It was then that Sweetie Belle decided to visit someone, her debt was going to payed after all the years, so that the mare of her life could recover.

As she calmed her nerves, she knocked a door.

"Miss Fluttershy, is Discord here? I want to talk about when he got free the first time"

It was a good story, I have to say it.

This gives me a therapy by all time low vibe.

P.s: This is a great story

Will there be a sequel or a story related to this?

THEORY:Luna was banished for not renouncing being a fillyfooler.

I was a bit surprised to see Celestia being cold and homophobic to Rarity, but then again I guess if she really cared to change it, she's had a thousand years, so...

This story is absolutely great. It covers topics that can be actually seen as taboo, and it's not only focused on anti gay socialism, it focuses on Sweetie's life during the interim.
The end is actually poignant and honest and even though I didn't like it, I loved it.

Comment posted by fechlin deleted Sep 5th, 2020

Fantastically dreadful story!
The ending truly was bittersweet, but I guess reality is never as happy as we would like it to be.

....pick up the phone, cause I fucking called it.

Bloody brilliant fic

Is it wrong I kinda want an extended Epilogue?... or a sequel?

After being away from this site for years; the first part wouldn't have even been posted the last time I was here, I had a sudden urge to revisit things I once wrote. I quite liked my ideas as ideas but my actually story craft not the best but that's drifting off point. Anyway reading what I wrote was fun and had me decide I wanted to read something new and quite the opposite of what I did which meant something tragic and sad. So I stumbled upon this story and must say I absolutely loved it. I would have preferred a bit more bitter sweetness to the ending or something . I think I would have preferred if Amethyst hadn't been a mindless husk but I do see the need for her to be broken and left for Sweetie to care for. I think the perfect medium would be for her to be more left with a toddler mentality. It could even have the same sting as she could be left able to show signs of affection but only in the most basic of sense in that she is just vaguely aware Sweetie is the one who takes care of her. But that small thought aside really glad i chose this as my first story to read being back.

Comment posted by MisterBastian deleted May 8th, 2023

I think about this at least once a week. Can't believe this fic has Gus Fring in it. Goofy ahh silly goober.

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