• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,673 Views, 134 Comments

Just a Phase - HorseStories

Living as an outcast is hard. Living in fear of becoming an outcast is harder. A story based in an Equestria that upholds more traditional values in regards to social issues.

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Part 3, Chapter 1 - Geists

~ Five Years Later ~

'You're up, Sugar Note!'

'Okay, okay!'

Sweetie Belle checked herself one last time in the mirror. Mane - check. Makeup - check. Eyelashes - double check. As she made her way to the stage, she ran her eyes over the song list. If the police put in an appearance, she wasn't supposed to play any of the songs with a red cross next to them.

Unlike the Flawless Rainbow, which had been a private, members-only club, the Foundry was a public bar. Unofficially, however, it had a reputation as a gathering point for Fillydelpia's gay crowd. The owner was fully aware of this, but kept his mouth shut. After all, money was money. From time to time, the police would show up, make all sorts of accusations, and leave. But they hadn't caught them yet.

Sweetie Belle held fond memories of the Foundry. After all, it was where she had first met Amethyst. It was a night she would never forget - the bits of it she could remember, that is.

'Sugar Note!'


Sweetie Belle rushed onstage and was hit with a wave of applause.

'Thaaaaa-ank you, Fillydelphia! How are we all doing tonight!'

More cheers, applause and wolf whistles. As much as it reminded Sweetie Belle of her past, she truly loved the stage. The danger of being caught gave her a certain thrill, a rush she couldn't get anywhere else. Poor Amethyst, stuck behind the counter of a jewellery shop all day.

Sweetie Belle scanned the crowd, but she could see no police ponies in sight. Breathing a slight sigh of relief, she cleared her throat, and launched into her routine.

Five years was a long time, but things in Equestria moved slowly. The ponies, the politics... the social progress.

Sweetie and Amethyst were no freer now than they had been when they had first met, but in a way, that didn't matter to Sweetie. The danger kept them together. Kept Sweetie Belle feeling... alive.

Amethyst had forgiven her past. In fact, she hadn't mentioned it in the last five years. Both of them were happy, working, renting...

Originally, Sweetie Belle had intended Fillydelphia to be a temporary place to stay. Given her status as a missing pony, she had always assumed she would be discovered some time, and, when that happened, she would have to hit the road.

But it never happened. Sweetie Belle had faded from the public's consciousness, and even if she hadn't, her appearance had changed so radically since then that... that...

That even her own sister wouldn't recognize her.

'Thanks for all the help, Amethyst!'

Smiling, Amethyst waved away the stallion, watching him as he slowly passed from view. The moment he did, the smile slipped from her face and she rolled her eyes. The stallion had been shopping for an engagement ring for the past two months, coming into her store and fretting over increasingly trivial aspects of his purchase. Heart-warming at first, but sometimes it got to be too much.

Amethyst sighed, glancing at the clock she kept on the wall. Closing time.

As she began closing up, she heard the entrance bell ring. Standing in the doorway was an orange mare she didn't recognize. A Pegasus, short and with scruffy hair, with a hammer for a cutie mark.

'I'm sorry, we're closing-'

'Oh, I'm not here to buy!' The mare gave a huge, goofy grin and extended a hoof. 'I'm just saying hello! I'm buying a shop nearby and I just thought I'd drop by and say hello.'

Amethyst paused, then smiled and motioned for her to come in. 'Great to meet you. I'm Amethyst Charm.'

'Scootaloo. I'm opening a carpentry store across the road'

Amethyst raised her eyebrows. 'A carpenter? Strange profession for a Pegasus.'

Scootaloo smiled and scratched her head. 'Yeah. But I, uh, y'know, I wasn't really cut out for flying.'

Amethyst frowned and glanced at the mare's back. Her wings were somewhat small, and they seemed limp in comparison to other Pegasi.

Scootaloo saw her looking and gave a sad smile. 'Never even got myself off the ground.'

Amethyst whipped her head back and blushed. 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-'

Scootaloo grinned and shook her head. 'Don't worry, I've had worse.'

Amethyst returned the smile, desperately thinking of how to change the subject. 'So, uh, where are you from? Your accent is... central Equestria? Maybe... Canterlot?'

Scootaloo nodded. 'Close, but not quite. I'm from Ponyville.'

Ponyville. Same town as Sweetie Belle... No, Sugar Note! Don't call her that... That's not who she is.

Amethyst eyed up the mare in front of her. She looked about the same age of Sweetie Belle, and Ponyville was a small town...

'So, Ponyville? I suppose nothing ever happens around there. Not like Fillydelphia.'

Scootaloo tilted her head back, as if thinking. 'Well, not really, but every now and then...'

Amethyst leaned in. 'Yes?'

'Well... have you heard of a filly - well, I suppose she'd be a mare now - called Sweetie Belle?'


Sweetie Belle spat out her drink and stared at the bartender with disbelief.

'Like I said, no more. For Celestia's sake, it's nearly 4 in the morning. I'm not even allowed to serve alcohol this late! You and all your friends need to leave now.'

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth, then closed it again. 'Fine. Dust, Silver - let's go.'

Grumbling to themselves, Sweetie Belle, Dust Spark and Silver Stud made their way out. Stepping into the cool night air, Sweetie Belle turned to the two stallions and shook her head. 'We're not getting in anywhere else this late. Call it a night?'

Dust Spark nodded, struggling to keep Silver Stud up on his hooves. 'Yeah, that'd probably be for the best. Hey, do you want us to, like, walk you home, or-'

Before he could finish, Silver Stud slipped out of his grip, collapsed to his knees, and threw up. Sweetie Belle jumped aside to avoid being hit, but Dust Spark was not so fortunate.

'Ewwww.' Dust was normally very particular about his appearance, but it seemed his affection for Silver Stud won out over his desire to be kempt. Kneeling down next to Silver Stud, he began to console almost catatonic Earth Pony.

Sweetie Belle surveyed the scene, wondering if she was willing to risk walking home alone over being seen with two vomit-soaked stallions.

'Dust, brah, I'm fine, I just-'

Mid-sentence,Silver Stud stopped, shook, then promptly threw up again. Dust Spark wrapped his arms around him, and slowly but steadily lifted him to his hooves.

Sweetie Belle took a step back. 'I'll save you the trouble. But, uh, see you again soon, I guess.'

Dust Spark gave her a weak smile. 'Of course. Take care!'

Halfway down the street, Sweetie Belle heard another huge heave from Silver Stud, and shuddered. As good a friend as he was, Silver Stud could learn a thing or two about restraint. And decency. It was a miracle he had made it this far without Dust Spark to look after him.

Although Sweetie Belle had only had a few drinks, she found her vision somewhat blurred, her senses less attentive than she would have liked. By the time she arrived at Amethyst's store, she was exhausted. Dragging herself up the stairs, she pushed open the door to their flat.

Inside was Amethyst, pacing back and forth. As she walked in, Sweetie Belle saw her face light up with relief. 'There you are! Sweetie, I've been so worried, you'll never believe what happened...'

The rest of her voice became a blur to Sweetie Belle, who nodded politely, and collapsed on the floor.

Birds tweeting. The sun shone through a crack in the curtains, slowly awakening Sweetie Belle from her slumber. A pillow had been placed under her head, and a blanket draped over her. She felt something attached to her forehead and pulled it off. A note.

We need to talk. If you're not up by my lunch break, I'm pouring cold water over you.

- Amethyst

Sweetie Belle pulled herself up and allowed her eyes to focus on the clock in front of her. 11:37. Great.

Trotting downstairs, she found Amethyst polishing a set of jewelled buttons. As she approached, Amethyst set the buttons aside and looked at her.

Turning on her most charming grin, Sweetie Belle sauntered up to Amethyst. 'Thanks for the pillow-'

'Don't even try it.' Amethyst's voice cut across the room like ice, and Sweetie Belle immediately shut up. Amethyst sighed and rose to her hooves.

'We've got a problem. A big one.'

Sweetie Belle frowned and waited for her to continue.

'Remember your friend, Scootaloo?'

Sweetie Belle was taken aback. Over all these years, she had never mentioned Scootaloo's name to anypony, not even Amethyst. 'H-how did you know about her?'

'She just moved in across the street.'

Sweetie Belle felt her body go numb, and her legs start to shake. 'What?' Immediately, she crouched behind the counter and peered out the glass panes at the front of the shop. Sure enough, the shop parallel to them had been completely done up, and a new sign adorned its roof. Scoot's Joinery.

'The sign was up last night. Not that I suppose you noticed.'

Sweetie Belle rose to her hooves, her face green and eyes twitching. 'W-w-what are we going to do?'

'I have an idea. You go in there right now and say hello.'

Sweetie Belle glanced at Amethyst. Clearly, she had gone completely insane, and was possibly in need of immediate medical attention.

'I know, it sounds crazy, but think about it. Rarity didn't recognize you when she saw you, did she? So, by all logic, Scootaloo definitely wouldn't realize it's you. It's only a matter of time before you walk into her on the street. Better to get it done on your terms than hers.'

Sweetie Belle mulled it over. What Amethyst was saying made sense. And she was right - she couldn't put off meeting Scootaloo forever. Besides, how could her own sister not realize who she was, but Scoots could?

'Okay.' Sweetie Belle felt a wave of reassurance flow over her. 'Want to come with me?'

'I'm reopening for the afternoon shift. But don't worry, you'll be fine.'

Sweetie Belle nodded, gave Amethyst one last hug, then exited through the front door. Pacing her way across the street, she gazed up at the shop sign.

What were the odds? Sweetie Belle pondered. Then again, maybe this wasn't some random fluke. Maybe it was destiny. Or some sick joke played on her by fate.

The door gave a small ding as she pushed it inwards. Behind the counter was a bright orange mare, mane long and shaggy, eerily reminiscent of Rainbow Dash's.

'Hey!' Sweetie Belle plastered a big, fake grin on her face. At the sound of her voice, Scootaloo looked up from her desk and fixed eyes on her. 'My names Sugar Note, I live just-'



Scootaloo had stared at Sweetie Belle, mouth agape and lip trembling, for a solid two minutes, before she finally did the last thing Sweetie Belle had expected - her eyes rolled up inside of her head, and she fainted.

When Scootaloo came to, she first thing she saw was Sweetie Belle's concerned face staring down at her. 'Scoots! Are you all right?'

Scootaloo nodded feebly, before shaking her head clear and stuttering stupidly, while a million different throughs crossed her mind at once. Finally, she managed to choke out a coherent sentence. 'I-it's really you. Sweetie Belle.'

Sweetie Belle considered denying it but saw no point. Her alibi would collapse under the slightest investigation, after all, so she simply nodded. 'Been a long time, sister.'

Slowly, Scootaloo rose to her hooves, gripping tightly onto the counter. Reaching out, she poked Sweetie Belle right in the chest, as if expecting her hoof to pass straight through the unicorn. When her hoof instead made a hard connection, she whimpered.

'Oh, my Celestia.' Seeing that Scoots was dangerously close to collapsing again, Sweetie Belle maneuvered her into a nearby chair. 'I can't believe it.'

'Me neither.' Sweetie Belle gave a reassuring smile. 'Don't worry, I'm not here to impose. I just-'

At that, Scootaloo jumped to her feet. 'No-NO! No, please, you have to stay! I-I want to hear everything! Please, let me get some tea...' Scootaloo sped into the storeroom and reappeared almost immediately with two cups of hot tea. Setting one down in front of Sweetie Belle, she motioned for her to sit, which she did, smiling graciously. 'Scootaloo, thank you so much.'

Scootaloo was still staring at her with a look of wonder, but at that, she snapped back to reality, and her face clouded over slightly. 'Don't apologize. If anypony should be sorry, it's me. I abandoned you, along with everypony else. The biggest regret I ever had was that I didn't board that train with you.'

Sweetie Belle felt tears well up in her eyes. 'Don't be stupid. I was the one they were after. I couldn't ask you to throw your life away just to look after me.'

Scootaloo sighed and shook her head. 'Even if it meant throwing you away?'

Silence fell once more. Scootaloo took a long sip from her mug and leant inwards. 'Come on. I need to hear everything.'

Scootaloo truly was the perfect audience. As Sweetie Belle wove her tale, she wept, cheered and otherwise acted as a fountain of emotion.

When she was finally finished, Sweetie Belle leant back and exhaled. Scootaloo sat curled up in her chair, looking pensive. The mugs of tea sat between them, cold and forgotten.

Sweetie Belle was the first to break the silence. 'So, I suppose I have to ask. How is Ponyville?'

Scootaloo perked up at that. 'Different. Everything changed so much after you left.'

'How so?'

'Well, your parents moved. I suppose it was only to be expected - fillyfooler daughter and all that. Rarity stayed, through. I suppose, what with the elements of harmony, she had no choice. She still does all that fashion stuff. She can be a little... hysterical. But I'd say she's doing okay.'

Sweetie Belle couldn't resist. 'Have you seen my parents since then?'

Scootaloo nodded. 'They moved up north. They've... moved on. Gotten older. It's... probably best you don't disturb them. They took you leaving very badly.'

'How so?'

'Let's just say you're not their daughter anymore.'

Sweetie Belle felt tears well up in her eyes but forced them back. 'What about... y'know... Applebloom?'

'She took over the farm from Applejack and Big Mac. I actually haven't seen her since Granny Smith's funeral, and she didn't seem to want anything to do with me then. I've been... kind of alone. That's why I decided to move to the city, you know, reinvent myself. I guess I didn't expect to dig up the past along the way.'

'How's everypony else?' Sweetie Belle was hanging onto Scootaloo's every word.

'Fine. Rainbow Dash joined the Wonderbolts, got some high-up snooty rank too. Twilight's still occupying that stuffy old Library. Oh, Pinkie Pie actually owns the Cake's Bakery now!'

'What about Fluttershy?' Sweetie Belle was anxious to learn more about the fate of the mare who had helped her escape her old life.

'Still cooped up in that animal sanctuary. I heard she actually knew about you, you know, before everypony else did. Did she?'

'Yeah. Gave me a lot of help too.' Sweetie Belle supposed now was as good a time as any to broach this topic. 'Listen, I'm still... you know...'

'A fillyfooler?' Sweetie Belle was surprised to see a sly smile of Scootaloo's muzzle. 'Your secrets are safe with me, sister.'

Sweetie Belle's jaw dropped. 'You?'

Scootaloo shrieked, a genuine explosion of pure mirth. 'Celestia, No! I just mean, you know, it doesn't matter to me. But don't get too comfortable!'

Sweetie Belle grinned back. 'Sorry. It's so tiring to keep the act up all the time.'

Scootaloo nodded. 'I get you. Don't worry, you can kick back and relax here.'

'Oh yeah?' A devilish look crept over Sweetie Belle's face. 'Okay then: Cadence, Luna and Celestia. Kill, Marry, Buck?'

Scootaloo nearly fell off her seat from choking with a mix of outrage and laughter. 'Sweetie Belle!' She made a feeble attempt to struggle to her hooves, before giving in and falling to the floor in a fit of laughter.

When both of their giggles had subsided, Sweetie Belle helped Scootaloo back up, and the two exchanged a genuine, warm smile.

'It's good to see you, Scoots.'

'You too, Sweetie Belle. Listen, have you ever thought about... going home?'

The laughter evaporated as quickly as it had developed. Sweetie Belle could see Scootaloo was deadly serious.

'I'm sorry, but I can't. It's just too much of a risk. I'm sorry.'

Scootaloo nodded in understanding. 'What about the next best thing?'

'Oh?' Sweetie Belle's wasn't sure where this was going. 'What would that be? The Ponyville experience?'

'Something like that.' Scootaloo trotted over to her workbench, summoning Sweetie Belle as she did so. On top of the bench laid a glossy pamphlet. Stick-thin, haughty-looking models adorned it, trussed up in a variety of impractical, drab looking outfits. But what caught Sweetie Belle's attention was the name at the top. RARITY PRESENTS - CLOUDBREAKER.

'Oh, you'd better not be thinking what I think you're thinking.'

'Sweetie Belle, listen to me for a moment.' Scootaloo looked her right in the eye, causing Sweetie Belle to divert her gaze despite herself. 'Rarity has... changed a lot since you left. I think that, when she lost you, she lost a part of herself.'

Scootaloo turned to the pamphlet. Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out several dozen just like it. Surveying the scene, Sweetie Belle felt her eyes widen. Rarity's work had changed, dramatically. Gone was the colour, the volume, the life that had once imbued her dresses. Now, her work followed a dark, black and grey theme. The models seemed somehow sallow, unhealthy, and the dresses took a more frenzied, distraught look to them. Sweetie Belle sighed and closed her eyes.

'I get it. This is her work after I left.'

'That's right.'

'And she's not able to sell her new work. So, you want me to go see her, try and snap her out of this?'

'What?' Scootaloo looked up. 'Oh, no, the dresses are selling fine. In fact, Rarity practically invented the rompun-chic movement single hoofed.'

'So, what's the problem?'

For a second, Scootaloo was shocked. 'What's the- Sweetie Belle! This is the problem! This is a very big problem! I haven't seen Rarity smile once since you left! Not once! Don't you think you at least should let your big sister know you're okay?'

Sweetie Belle, initially taken aback, felt herself swell with shame. Of course. Rarity was her sister. Sure, sisters had their ups and downs, but when it came down to it, sisters were meant to look out for one another. A new look of conviction shining in her eyes, Sweetie Belle nodded fiercely. 'You're right. But how do I get close to her? I can't just saunter backstage like, hey, I'm that filly everyone thinks is dead and I'd like to see my sister!'

Scootaloo waved her hooves in front of her face. 'Uh, close family friend. I'm sure Rarity will see us. If she doesn't, I'll just arrange a meeting another time.'

Sweetie Belle sat back in her chair. Scootaloo chimed in one last time.

'The show is in a week, so you've got that long to decide. I don't know how Rarity will react, but you can't abandon her, Sweetie. She needs you.'

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes. And opened them. 'I don't need a week. I'll do it.'