• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,670 Views, 134 Comments

Just a Phase - HorseStories

Living as an outcast is hard. Living in fear of becoming an outcast is harder. A story based in an Equestria that upholds more traditional values in regards to social issues.

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Part 2, Chapter 4 - Phantoms I

When Sweetie Belle was just a young filly, she had accidentally stood on a frog and killed it. She remembered running home in tears, convinced she was the greatest monster Equestria had ever seen. It had taken nearly an hour of coaxing by her parents before she had calmed down enough to tell them what she was so upset about.

This was not a particularly notable memory of Sweetie Belle's, but recently she had marveled at how different she was today. When she had read that letter, she had felt genuine joy. Not just because she would be free, but because Azure would die, and she would get to be one to do it.

The realization that she might one day get revenge on Azure and also taste freedom gave Sweetie Belle a new outlook on life. Now that she no longer had to resign herself to life in an asylum, she had to start thinking about her own future. The truth was that she had little idea what she would do once she had won her freedom. She would likely end up back where she started, homeless and alone.

Of course, that wasn't true. She was older than she had been then, and more used to life in the city, despite the sheltered life she lived under Azure. And she had her special talent - singing. Surely it couldn't be hard to pick up work in a city like Fillydelphia. After all, she had spent most of her life singing. She was sure to stand out. She was used to performing for large audiences, and she knew she was good-looking, which would be a plus.

If she played her cards right, she could have it all. Freedom, a job, maybe even her own roof over her head...

But in order to do this, she had to leave her past behind. In particular, her connection to Ponyville. A significant part of her wanted to take the first train back there the moment she won her freedom, to reconcile with her parents and Rarity, even though she knew it was stupidly dangerous.

They would never recognize her. Who would? Sweetie Belle had been dead for years now. Her life had been usurped by Sugar Note, a bitter, unfriendly mare who obsessed over killing somepony, who Sweetie Belle, the filly who had nearly had a mental breakdown over a squashed frog, would never recognize in a million years.

Hearth's Warming Eve couldn't come sooner, even though it was months away. It had turned out there were bugs hidden in her room, which had captured her plea for help. Sweetie Belle had learned this when Azure had burst down her door and bellowed at her. Sweetie Belle had been convinced she was about to die, but Azure had simply screamed himself hoarse and then slammed her door.

The following day, Azure's treatment of her reached it's nadir. She was marched out of her room early in the morning and watched closely by two of Azure's thugs, while security cameras and further bugs were installed in her room. Her protestations had fallen upon deaf ears, and when she was returned to her room, the cameras seemed to follow her every move. At first, she had made a great show of refusing to change in her room, and making loud, derogatory remarks about Azure at given intervals, but she soon tired of the exaggerated immaturity of her behavior, and stopped. If Azure got a buzz from watching his prisoners shower, all the more power to him.

In addition, Azure had cracked down on her freedom at the Flawless Rainbow. She was no longer to talk to the patrons. She was not to receive visitors, even under supervision - they had to write letters instead. Sweetie Belle was certain they would interpret this behavior as snobbishness, but she had no choice other than to comply.

Despite this treatment, Sweetie Belle was certain Azure did not suspect her. If he did, he would almost certainly have killed her. This was not to say Azure was not suspicious of others - he was still paranoid as ever, trusting virtually nopony. But he did not suspect Sweetie Belle was plotting with others, which would make her job easier.

Sweetie Belle had expected to be contacted soon after the first meeting, to be asked if she would cooperate, but a month passed before she heard more from the conspirators. One night, as she was returning backstage, she found a letter waiting on her dressing table. The seal of the letter was torn - unsurprisingly, Azure closely monitored all of her communication with other ponies - but the letter had been left inside.

Dear Sugar Note

I apologize for not writing sooner. I always wanted to, but I found it difficult to come up with the right words. I am a huge fan of yours, although I've only ever actually seen you perform once. I am always inspired by you music, and what you stand for. It's horrible that everypony hates us, but I like to think things will change eventually. It's always important to have hope, after all. I have written to you before - this is actually my second letter to you. I gave you the first one in person, a long time ago.

I actually wrote this letter to request a song - Crystal Romance, by Neon Lights. I understand if you don't want to - I don't want to interfere with your style, or anything. But it would mean a lot if you did, preferably within a week, as I won't have time to see it otherwise.

Thanks for listening to me!

An Admirer

To Azure, this letter wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary. There had been others like it before, all carefully checked by Azure to ensure Sweetie Belle wasn't communicating with the outside world. In truth, it wasn't until she read the letter through a second time that she realized what was odd.

Nopony had ever given her a fan letter directly. In fact, only one pony had directly handed her a letter since she had come to Fillydelphia - the stallion that had come across her at Azure's home. Clearly, he wanted to know if she would help them, and she was supposed to reply by singing the requested song.

Sweetie Belle had believed her mind was made up, but making the final decision was tougher than she expected it would be. She was not worried about Azure's life - he was a monster, and deserved to die - but for her own. If she messed up, or in some way gave the game away, she would almost certainly be killed - either by Azure, or his enemies. Perhaps she should play it safe, and let this whole event pass her by.

But then she remembered the way Azure had treated her, the beatings, the threats, the invasions of privacy. How much longer could she go on like this? Her fixation on killing Azure had given her something to dwell on, keeping her sane, preventing her from surrendering to Azure. If she lost that, she had nothing.

'Uhh, Sir? Can I ask for something?'

'What is it, Sweetie Belle?'

'See, I wanted to sing a new song, so I need to buy a copy of the lyrics and the backing track to practice... It's called Crystal Romance'.

'Wasn't that the song requested in that fan letter? Sweet Celestia, you're too sentimental sometimes. If it's something small like that, we'll pick it up on the way home. Happy?'

'Yes, sir. Thank you, sir'.

'Crystal Romance' was a song about forbidden love between an earth stallion and a crystal mare, a theme Sweetie Belle was used to singing about. It was part of a larger underground musical subculture, which dealt with taboo themes such as interspecies and homosexual relationships, and while the songs were not banned, unless they were considered obscene, they were hard to come by - though a pony with Azure's connections would be unlikely to have had any issues acquiring a copy.

Sweetie Belle used to love songs like these, because of her ability to connect with the emotions of the singer. Today, they were nothing more than a reminder of her imprisonment. But they were incredibly popular with her audience, so Sweetie Belle had to perform them time and time again.

While she practiced, she focused on burning the image of Azure purchasing the record and sheet music into her mind, relieving every second of Azure signing his own death warrant. Twice, she broke down in hysterical laughter, causing Azure to loudly pound on her door and demand to know what was so funny. Azure really was an idiot, and arrogant to. She was doing the world a favor by disposing of him.

It was fortunate they had chosen a simple song for her, because Sweetie Belle wanted to get her response out as soon as possible. Although she had to practice into the early morning, she spent her night perfecting the performance. The faster she replied, the more they would trust her. She could not afford to show hesitation - once she started on this path, there could be no going back.

Finally, Sweetie Belle felt her performance was perfect. Collapsing in a heap on her bed, she expected to fall asleep almost immediately, but she still felt wide awake. Was she forgetting something? Not that she could think of. She fumbled with her thoughts for a few more moments, until she realized what it was.

Once she signaled her cooperation, she would only have two months left in Azure's grasp, assuming everything went smoothly. But what would happen after that? It was embarrassing to admit, but Sweetie Belle had always assumed she would be set free. Looking back, that was a completely ludicrous suggestion. She would be a witness to murder, even if she was complicit in it. Her co-conspirators would almost certainly have her killed, so she could never pose a threat to them. Performing tomorrow would be the equivalent of suicide. No matter who killed who, she would end up dead. There was no question of that.

The real question was: did she care? She lived a pitiful existence as it was; her own personal hell. As morbid as it was, death might be preferable to slavery. And she was getting older. Azure kept her around for her singing talents, but how long would those talents last? Would she still be able to sing like this in five years? Azure wouldn't keep her if she couldn't, but he certainly wouldn't let her go free.

Live two months as a slave and die free, or live five years as a slave, and die a slave. On paper, it would be an easy question to answer - live quick and die free. But such bravado quailed in the face of reality. Sweetie Belle feared death. She didn't know what would happen to her, but she knew murderers went to Tartarus. Everypony said so. But what about killing evil ponies? Surely she wouldn't be punished for killing Azure, when he had done so much worse to her. Of course, Tartarus could be a myth. But what else was there? Nothing. An endless void, meaningless.

Sweetie Belle couldn't save herself from death. But she could do everything she could to ensure she mattered. And right now, the one thing she could do, to ensure she made her mark, was to take Azure down with her.

This simplification of her situation gave her peace. Rolling over, she finally fell asleep

Sweetie Belle performed Crystal Romance the next day, to rapturous applause. At the back of the club, separated from the other ponies, stood a mare Sweetie Belle had never seen at the club before. At the end of the song, the mare gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod.

A month later, Azure first mentioned the Hearth's Warming Eve party. He did not invite her - he told her she was going.

'Sweetie Belle! Listen, I've got a party coming up this Hearth's Warming Eve, and I want you to attend. So make sure you learn some festive songs, because I want you to perform there after dinner. Understood?'

'Yes, Sir'.

If her performance was scheduled to be after dinner, Sweetie Belle saw no reason to learn a single song.

'Hmpf. You're getting a little sloppy with your makeup, by the way. Sort that out'.

Fuck you, Azure. 'Of course, Sir'.

'A lot of... colleagues will be there, so I expect you to be polite to all of them. Don't drink, don't act up, don't show me up in any way. If you do, then there'll be consequences. None of them will care about anything you tell them, so don't try to pull some kind of pity act either'.

'Yes, Sir'.

Seemingly disappointed he hadn't gotten a rise out of Sweetie, Azure wandered off. Sweetie Belle returned to practicing the songs she had selected for tonight's lineup. She still had three hours to make any tweaks she wanted to tonight's script. Given that she only had a month left to live, it seemed pointless to live cautiously...

'Good evening, everypony!'

Sweetie Belle strutted onstage, running her script through her head one last time. She had spent the rest of her evening producing today's performance, and it was certain to be a memorable one.

'Okay, first up, I wanna ask for a big round of applause for our host, Azure. I'd also like to thank him for inviting me to a Hearth's Warming Eve party. Nothing say 'gentlecolt' like locking a girl up and then making her go on a date with you, after all'.

Silence. Almost every single pony in attendance was gazing at Sweetie Belle with awe. Others were already moving towards the exit, sensing trouble. One or two, however, were grinning and stifling laughter. At the back of the room, Azure clenched in jaw.

'Are you gonna make me ask twice?'

Ponies began to applaud, some cautiously, others enthusiastically. After the pitiful display was over, Sweetie Belle launched into her first song, closely watching the reaction of the audience. Most ponies relaxed during the song, and began to laugh and talk among themselves. Some ponies left immediately, but very few. Azure was sitting at the back, probably wondering if he should interrupt the show or not.

Sweetie Belle knew Azure loathed being joked about, especially in front of other ponies. But she wasn't just anypony. She was the star attraction at the Flawless Rainbow. If she suddenly 'disappeared' after a performance where she made fun of Azure, everypony would quickly figure out what had happened. Azure might get away with a lot, but Sweetie Belle didn't think his business would survive if he openly murdered one of his performers for making fun of him.

As she concluded her first song, she prepared for her follow up. Next was 'Illusions', a erotic song about two stallions perpetually beset by misfortune. It belonged to the same subculture as 'Crystal Romance', expect this one was banned. It had taken Azure a week to get hold of an original copy, and he resented the fact she had not yet sung it. Now it was time to recognize his hard work.

'Okay, this next song is for you, Azure. Honestly, I never thought you'd be able to get hold of this single, since it's so rare. Who knew you'd have it in your personal collection?'

As she launched into 'Illusions', the ponies who recognized it burst into real, genuine laughter, and the room was filled with cat-calls and laughter, much of it directed at Azure, who had gone red with embarrassment and fury. One of Azure's 'berserk buttons' was ponies assuming or accusing him of being a coltcuddler. Azure might run a gay bar, but he was no more tolerant of coltcuddlers and fillyfoolers than the rest of Equestrian society.

Azure lurched from his chair, as if to charge the stage, but halted before taking the first step forward. Instead, he stormed upstairs, slamming the door behind him.

Sweetie Belle made a few other jokes in the nights performance, but since Azure wasn't there to see them, she saw little point. She also decided to ignore Azure's instructions and go talk to the ponies in the club. Most of them expressed delight that she was talking to them again, but they all had the same thing on their mind - warning her not to provoke Azure. All of them were so... boring. But then, they all had things to live for.

Sweetie Belle wasn't sure when Azure was going to return, or if he would return at all. If he wasn't around to watch her, she could attempt to slip away into Fillydelphia, and never return. But Azure wasn't stupid. He wouldn't have left her alone if she wasn't being watched by somepony else.

Azure eventually returned, red-faced and obviously drunk, just as Sweetie Belle was wrapping up her performance. Sweetie Belle had prepared a few final gags, but the look on Azure's face dissuaded her from reading them out. As fun as taunting Azure was, Sweetie Belle was worried she had tipped him over the edge.

Sweetie Belle returned backstage and began to remove her makeup. Normally, Azure would collect her and escort her home, and lock her up. Tonight, however, she was met by another, unfamiliar stallion.

'Sugar Note? I'm here to take you home, on behalf of Azure. Says he can't make it tonight'.

Sweetie Belle said nothing, just raised her eyebrows and continued to dab at her face.

'Uhh... Okay. Oh, and by the way, big fan. N-Not that I visit... I'm not like... I... I just came here once! Just to see you perform! I don't like-'

'Shut up'.

The stallion looked somewhat taken aback, and a little upset, but he complied.

Perhaps she was being uncharitable, but this stallion was here to lock her up and continue her enslavement to Azure. To call himself her fan was grotesque.

'Okay, I'm ready. Get moving, I'm missing out on so much back there'.

Azure was not there when she was returned to his home. The stallion took her to her room and locked the door without batting an eyelid, which mad Sweetie Belle feel better for belittling him all the way home.

Sweetie Belle's sleep that night was interrupted by an enormous bang. Sitting upright in bed, Sweetie Belle recognized the sound as the front door slamming open. Moments later, she heard Azure bellowing from upstairs.


As Sweetie Belle scrambled to her feet and shook herself awake, she heard Azure thunder downstairs, followed by a grating sound as he attempted to unlock her door.

As the lock turned and finally the door swung open, Sweetie Belle began to call out to Azure.

'Azure, wait, I know you're mad, and I would be too, but you can't just-'

Ignoring her, Azure charged forwards, swinging wildly at Sweetie Belle. Before Sweetie Belle had a chance to defend herself, Azure slammed his hoof into the side of her head. Sweetie Belle was flung sideways, but quickly recovered and staggered to her feet.

Azure was seemingly impressed. He thought he had killed her with that blow, or at least knocked her out cold. This did nothing to abate his anger, however, and he advanced on Sweetie Belle a second time, more methodical in his approach. As Sweetie Belle raised a hoof in defense, Azure knocked it to the side and struck her again on the side of the temple. Sweetie Belle's vision flickered red, and she passed out.

Sweetie Belle awoke in her room. Azure was gone, but there was a note left on her bed. A pool of blood had formed around her head and soaked into the carpet. Picking herself up, she inspected herself in the mirror for any damage. Lots of bruising, but nothing serious. No broken bones, as far as she could tell.

The note on her bed was poorly written, filled with misspellings and long winded, rambling spiels that bore no relevance to the rest of the letter, but the general message was clear.

Sweetie Bell

You are stupid. You think you know lots but I know more. What is even point in trying? I am much bigger than you. Who said you could make a comedy show? I do not think it was me. Stupid.

I dont want to go to hearts warning eve. I hate them. They hate me. Why do we do this?

You dont do that again. I will be mean. I will hurt you and friends. What is orange pegasus name. She will be hurt. hahaha. See? now your scared of me.

I am Azure (so you know). Not another pony.

I am not think so good now. I will make up punish in morning. This note is to scare you but i am not supposed to tell that.

Sweetie Belle had no idea what Azure was on, but it probably wasn't just alcohol. Azure might have spared her for now, but she only had a few more hours until he administered punishment.

The thought of being punished didn't scare Sweetie Belle. It would probably involve no more than Azure beating the crap out of her. She also found herself disturbingly unnerved by the threat of Azure harming her old friends - specifically Scootaloo. After all, they were her old friends. 'Friends' was a concept now alien to her.

Sweetie Belle tossed the letter in the trash and fell into her bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

'Quick, do it now!'

Sweetie Belle's eyes flew open, but before she could react, she felt a sharp prick in the back of her neck. Almost instantly, her limbs went numb and became unresponsive. She was still in her bed, and she was surrounded by at least five stallions. As she took in this turn of events, the stallions produced ropes and a small bag. Sweetie Belle's legs were secured to her frame, rendering her immobile, and the bag was roughly shoved over her head. She was then hoisted into the air, and carried up the stairs. As she reached the top, she heard a familiar voice call out:

'Is everything secure?'

'Yes, Sir. We can do it now, if you want?'

'Good. I want to be there'.

Sweetie Belle heard Azure lean in, and suddenly her head was snapped backwards as Azure grabbed her mane and pulled her up to his face.

'This is what happens to ponies who think they're smart, Sweetie Belle'.

Azure released her, and Sweetie Belle's head lolled in place. Azure said a few more words, but she could hear nothing over the hammering of her heart. She had never been this terrified in her life. Azure was going to kill her. He had finally snapped, driven mad by Sweetie Belle's taunting, and now he was going to take it all out on her.

Sweetie Belle felt herself being loaded into what felt like the back of a carriage. She could hear Azure's thugs whispering in amazement.

'Sweetie Belle? You don't think it's that kid from all those years ago? The one those fillyfoolers kidnapped?'

'I don't know, and I don't really wanna know. It's worth more than what he's paying us'.

'Yeah, but still... wow. I always thought she was dead'.

'Do yourself a favour and stop talking like that. She is dead now'.

At those last words, Sweetie Belle stiffened. So, this was it.

She could have cried, or screamed, or begged to be set free. But it wouldn't make any difference. None of them would care. Right now, the only thing Sweetie Belle could do for herself was refuse to die like this, with nothing but the searing pain of the ropes cutting into her skin and the endless darkness to accompany her.

I am in Ponyville. I'm just a filly again. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are here too... We're all here. The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

'Sweetie Belle? SWEETIE BELLE! Wake up, you're falling asleep!'

Sweetie Belle's eyes opened a fraction. Then, when she made out a bright orange purple blob in front of her, they shot open.'

There was Scootaloo, kneeling down to check on Sweetie Belle with a concerned look on her face. Scootaloo. Her friend.

'Scoots!' Sweetie Belle bawled, flinging herself at Scootaloo. Scootaloo had no time to react, and both of them collapsed in a heap, Scootaloo yelling in protest as Sweetie Belle began to crush her ribs in a hug. Behind her, Sweetie Belle heard a loud gasp. Sweetie Belle spun on the spot, not daring to believe it.

Sure enough, there was Apple Bloom, as radiant and beautiful as she had ever been. Sweetie Belle composed herself, quickly pulling any knots out of her hair and brushing her coat free off the mud it had picked up when she tackled Scootaloo

'Sweetie, what in tarnation has got into you? You's acting like you ain't seen us in years'.

'Oh, AB, I'm just so glad to see-'

Something's wrong.

'-you, you know?'

What was that? A voice in her head? That was the last thing she needed. Something's wrong?

'Ah'll say! Anywho, Have you two got any more ideas for crusadin'?'

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both simultaneously glanced at each other and shook their head.

'Uhh... We have some ideas!' Scootaloo hovered over too Sweetie Belle. 'Like mountain climbing, or card house building, and, uhh... shark taming?'

'Scoots, how is you plannin' on taming a shark?'

'We could get it to do tricks! Like jump through hoops!'

'You mean like those dolphins do?'

'Yeah! Don't look at me like that, it was just a suggestion. Sweetie Belle, back me up here'.

Sweetie Belle gave a resigned smile. 'I don't think-'

Something's wrong. Something's VERY wrong.

'-thats very practical, scoots. Card house building sounds good, though!'

As Scootaloo sulked, Sweetie Belle tried to figure out what the voice meant. Something's VERY wrong. But what? Was this all some kind of sick trick Azure had pulled to taunt her one last time? Impossible. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were right there, arguing in front of her. Nothing unusual about that.

And yet...

None of this made sense. Sweetie Belle had been about to die. She had been hauled away in a carriage, and then she was suddenly back in Ponyville, with her childhood friends. There was no way the last six years of her life could have been a fleeting dream. So what was going on?

Weary with confusion, Sweetie Belle flopped sideways onto the grass. It was then that she saw it.

Her Cutie Mark!

It was the same as it had been before - a single black musical note. But why did she have it? She had never had a cutie mark when she was living in Ponyville, and certainly not this one. Was it just her? She had to check, but subtly, so she didn't start anything.

'Hey, girls! Have I got some dirt on me?'

Scootaloo flicked her eyes towards Sweetie Belle. 'Yeah, you got a smudge on your... flank... SWEETIE BELLE! YOUR CUTIE MARK!'

Wasting not a second, Scootaloo bounded over to Sweetie Belle and began to intensely study the new mark. Apple Bloom followed not long after, demanding to know what the fuss was over, until she saw the same mark on Sweetie Belle's flank.

'It’s a-a-a-a musical note? How could you have got that, you weren't even singing!'

Scootaloo nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, you can't have just got it now, Sweetie Belle. How did you miss it?'


'Yeah'. Sweetie Belle replied to the voice, ignoring the exclamations of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. 'Something is wrong'.

'Okay, the hole's dug. Get her out'.

Sweetie Belle should have seen it from the beginning. Apple Bloom's southern accent wasn't that strong. Scootaloo could barely fly, let alone hover. And she didn't have her Cutie Mark. But try as she might, she simply couldn't imagine what her flank looked like bare. It had just been so long.

She didn't remember her friends perfectly, either. That's why the one's she was talking to now seemed strange. They were nothing more than figments of her imagination. Ponyville, too, was slightly off - some of the buildings seemed misplaced or unfamiliar, and if Sweetie Belle looked inside, she was certain most of them would be empty.

'This isn't the real Ponyville, is it?' Sweetie asked the question out loud to the two ponies in front of her. Both of them solemnly shook their head.

'So where am I really?' Sweetie Belle asked, dreading the response she knew was coming. Her throat began to constrict, and she began to cry.

'Right now, you're being buried alive'. Both the voices replied in union.

Sweetie Belle nodded, and felt more tears flow. 'So I'm going to die?'

Apple Bloom nodded, but with a kind smile. 'Yes, but don't worry. It'll be okay. We'll be with you until the end'.

'Cutie Mark Crusaders forever, right?' Scootaloo chipped in.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. 'No. We're not the Cutie Mark Crusaders. You're just... fakes'.

Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked a little upset, but not defeated. 'Thats's not true, Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo might not actually be here, but you three are still the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Nothing can change that.'

'They both probably hate me. They probably won't even care that I'm dead'.

'Scootaloo won't! She helped you run away, remember? And she defended you on the news afterwards! Think about what that must have cost her, to openly stand up for you even after everyone knew you were a fillyfooler!'

Sweetie Belle had never even thought about that. It was true Scootaloo had gone on the TV and Radio speaking in her defence, but Sweetie Belle had never even considered what the ramifications must have been for Scootaloo to defend a known fillyfooler. What was Scootaloo's life like today? Had she gotten over loosing Sweetie Belle? Had the CMC survived? Was she happy?

So many questions, so little time. She shook her head. 'Ok, so Scootaloo stuck by me. But Apple Bloom didn't. She left me, and Scootaloo too'.

'But why? Maybe she just didn't want ponies to think she was soft on fillyfoolers. Maybe, if you'd spoken to her privately, she would've listened. You've known her for years, Sweetie Belle. Think of all the experiences you've had together. Do you really see Apple Bloom as the kind of pony who'd throw away a great friendship over something like this?'

Sweetie Belle desperately turned to Apple Bloom. 'Is that true?'

Apple Bloom smiled and shrugged. 'Ah've no idea. I'm just part of yer imagination, Sweetie Belle. Nuthin more, nuthin less'.

Sweetie Belle felt her chest grow heavy and found it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. This wasn't her choking on tears - this was it.

A sudden, sharp pain in her forehead awake Sweetie Belle, dragging her into a nightmare. Harsh lighting surrounded her, and stallions were standing high above her, shovelling dirt on top of her. The source of the blow was a tall, thin pony who was shouting at her, a wide, psychopathic grin on his face. Even in her delirium, Sweetie Belle recognized Azure. This was the last thing she would ever see in this world, but Sweetie Belle felt no desire to savour it. Instead, she relaxed and let exhaustion take her.

She was back with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, but things had changed. It was now nighttime, and they were no longer in Ponyville. Instead, they were standing on a hill, just outside the Everfree forest. There was no more time for speeches, or hugs, or reminiscing. This was just a farewell.

As midnight grew near, and Sweetie Belle felt her breathing grow thinner and raspier, Apple Bloom leaned in.

'Don't worry about the way things end, Sweetie Belle. Just remember the time we were friends. This is the last time we'll ever see each other, so it'd be a terrible shame if you forgot me'.

As Apple Bloom pulled away, Sweetie Belle caught the last of her breath and tumbled into the waiting abyss.

Author's Note:

So, I'd just like to point out this is not the end of the story, even if It seems like it. This is the first part of a multi-part chapter. Other than that, apologies for the haitus, and let the ride begin anew!