• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,673 Views, 134 Comments

Just a Phase - HorseStories

Living as an outcast is hard. Living in fear of becoming an outcast is harder. A story based in an Equestria that upholds more traditional values in regards to social issues.

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Part 2, Chapter 6 - Phantoms III

Azure was relieved this was the last time he would have to go to a party like this. The youth of the ponies around him made him realise he was a fossil, a relic of a time long gone. Even most of the politicians in attendance seemed younger than him. He easily beat his all his colleagues by at least ten years. No wonder they wanted him dead.

He didn't feel unusually on edge tonight, even though he knew he was mingling with his prospective murderers. Partly, this was because of how public the event was, but it was mostly because he already knew who they were, why they wanted to do it, and how they planned to do it. Being one step ahead made their efforts seem almost amusing.

And he had Sweetie Belle to thank for it. If somepony had told him six years ago that the little filly he had discovered singing on Fillydelphia's streets would save his life, he would have laughed right in their face. Sweetie Belle hated him, of course. But they all had. None of them ever saw how lucky they really were - to be rescued from their pathetic situation and given money, clothes and food, all in exchange for menial work.

When Azure had found Sweetie Belle, he thought he had struck gold. Her predecessors had inevitably come bundled with issues - many were uncomfortable working in the Flawless Rainbow, many more had psychological problems, and all of them attempted to leave when they found out more about Azure's line of work. And all of them had lost their musical talent as they entered their teens, forcing Azure to discard of them.

But Sweetie Belle was going to be perfect. She would have relished working in the Flawless Rainbow. She was already in hiding, which would make it easy to control her. And she didn't lose her voice as she grew older, as he had feared. Of course, she had certainly changed - that was obvious to see - but she had changed for the better. Her decision to help him, to put aside her emotions for her own self-preservation, reminded Azure of himself.


A nervous-looking bodyguard brought Azure back to reality. Excusing himself from the circle of ponies, he allowed himself to be lead into a deserted hallway. There, the stallion immediately launched into an explanation.

'You've got a visitor'.

It was another stallion, much younger than Azure. His eyes constantly darted left and right, scanning the shadows as if he expected figures to emerge from them and drag him in. Azure recognized him as a new member of his circle - a small time crook from Canterlot who had struck it big committing insurance fraud, whose name he forgot. Out of his depth, in all regards. Azure was fairly sure he knew what this was about before the stallion even began to speak, in a voice so low and so fast, he might as well be admitting his own guilt.

'I don't really wanna be here, so I'll make it quick for ya. If ya value your life, you'll leave this place now and ya won't look back'.

Azure cocked his head to one side, amused. 'Really. And why might that be?'

The other stallion had clearly not been expecting this answer. 'Why? What are ya, deaf or something? I said scram. It's the others, they want ya dead. Think you're old news. I didn't agree with it, so I said, hey, I quit, but I wanted t'warn you before ya left'.

'You quit?'


That wouldn't do. Tonight was meant to be a clean-up operation, no witnesses left. If one of them left early, he would be exceptionally difficult to track down later. Of course, nothing precluded him taking action now.

Azure laid one hoof on the stallion's shoulder. He slipped the other underneath his jacket. As he began to recite a long, heartfelt thanks to the informant, he started ripping holes in the sachet of poison he had taken from Sweetie Belle.

The stallion seemed disturbed by this display of emotion from Azure, and began to push him off, pacing backwards from Azure. 'Uh, thanks for hearing me out, I guess. I'm actually gonna leave now, so-'

Azure struck mid-sentence, tackling the stallion and sending him to his knees. Simultaneously, he brought his hoof crashing down on the stallion's muzzle. Instinctively, the stallion's mouth sprung open to scream in pain, and Azure took this opportunity to pull the poisoned sachet from his jacket and force it down the stallion's throat.

The effect was instantaneous. Foam began to pour from the stallion's mouth, and his eyes rolled back up inside his head. Within seconds, he had stopped moving, save for the occasional spasm. Pulling himself to his hooves, Azure shuddered to think how close he had come to the same fate. Collapsing by the side of the corpse, his gaze landed on the bodyguard who had brought him out here. The bodyguard looked pale, and broke gaze with Azure the moment it was established.

'I quit'. Azure snorted. 'What have we come to...'

Azure rose and grabbed hold of his bodyguard. 'Get the rest of them and clean this mess up. I don't care how, just do it. If you're caught, you're just as screwed as me, so try to do a decent job'.

Azure removed his jacket, wiping his hoof clean on it, and threw it over the corpse as the bodyguard sprinted back into the adjacent room, screaming for the others.

Sweetie Belle had expected herself to collapse. If it had not been for the crowd around her hemming her in, she felt certain she would have. For a moment, she was almost certain she had misheard. Coincidences like this didn't happen, surely. There had to be a misunderstanding.

But despite all common sense, onto the stage strode her sister. She had aged, and aged well. The Rarity Sweetie Belle remembered had always conducted herself with unusual grace, of course, but it had always seemed so forced. But there was nothing fraudulent about the aura projected by the Rarity onstage. Sweetie Belle was reminded of the way the Princesses had conducted themselves - effortless grace and extravagance.

Sweetie Belle expected to be recognized immediately. Even though she was older, and her mane was different, and her cutie mark had appeared, she could not imagine Rarity would miss her.

But she did. Rarity's eyes swept the crowd, some gazing back in rapt awe, some scribbling frantically in notebooks, and her gaze passed right by Sweetie Belle. As the last of the models returned backstage, Rarity began to make an announcement.

'Why, thank you, darlings! I must say, I was delighted to get an invitation to the annual Hearth's Warming Eve Reception at the Princesses' Eye, and even more so when I was invited to showcase my latest line here. These designs will be going out next summer, but it's never too early to book!'

Sweetie Belle began to back out of the crowd, who eagerly parted to let her through, squabbling over who would take her place.

'Of course, this line will require personalized fitting, so make sure to include any measurements with your order. I think-'

As Sweetie Belle pushed her way free of the crowd and headed for the nearest exit, Rarity suddenly stopped dead. Sweetie Belle also stopped dead in her tracks. Summoning all her nerve, she turned her head to the stage to see - to her horror - Rarity staring directly at her.

Time seemed to slow to a trickle as Rarity blinked, blinked again, and suddenly - inexplicably - broke into a wide smile and waved to her.

'Darling, where are you going? The show's barely begun, you can't run off now!'

Sweetie Belle felt as if she would collapse with relief. 'Uh... Thanks, but I'm not really into... fashion... and all that...' her voice trailed away miserably as she began to slowly resume her escape.

Rarity shook her head, undeterred. 'Nonsense, nonsense! Every mare needs a good sense of fashion. What's your name? Can we bring her up on stage?'

The crowd around the catwalk was beginning to grow restless at this unorthodox turn of events, but some were smiling and calling out reassuringly to Sweetie Belle. Some were even calling for her to get on stage.

Sweetie Belle couldn't possibly imagine a more horrific prospect. If she went up, Rarity would recognize her. She would have to. On the other hoof, if she bolted, she would draw unwanted attention to herself. Before she had time to think further, she felt something from behind push her towards the stage. Turning around, she saw the three of the mares from the group she had met earlier, grinning and shoving her onstage.

Before Sweetie Belle knew what was happening, she had been forced onstage with the three mares, who wasted no time in introducing themselves and Sweetie Belle - who had suddenly become their 'bestie'. Rarity seemed momentarily overwhelmed by the sudden stage invasion, but quickly recovered herself and swooped down upon Sweetie Belle.

Rarity was so close now that Sweetie Belle could make out her individual eyelashes. Rarity still, however, did not seem to have recognized her.

'Sugar Note, is it? Well, I've got a good eye for measurements - let me see...'

As Rarity began to measure Sweetie Belle up with her eyes, Sweetie thought she was going to burst out laughing, despite her terror of being recognized. The whole scenario was so absurd - her own sister was looking at her long-lost sibling right in the eyes, and yet the years of absence had done their work. Sweetie Belle was completely unrecognizable to her.

'Darling, I must meet your manestylist, such skill! Oh, and such a beautiful coat... I know stylists in Canterlot who'd just murder for you... Why, I've seen mares in haute couture houses who could barely hold a candle to your raw talent! Such a shame about the horn, but then, it happens...'

Mercifully, the three mares onstage with her seemed anxious to get their dresses measured, as well. Eventually, they dragged Rarity's attention away from her, and exploiting the distraction, Sweetie Belle slipped off the stage, through the crowd, and out the door.

The moment she entered the hallway, she broke into a trot, then a gallop, not stopping until she reached the nearest exit. She calmly made her way outside, closed the door so nopony could hear her, and broke down.

Screaming and sobbing, pounding at the floor. Retching, choking to breathe. She didn't care if other ponies heard, she didn't care if she died right here. What a sick joke. Azure must have known. He must have known, but he didn't care. Because he didn't care about anypony but himself. Fuck him.

She was going to kill him. She would poison his food, then stab him to death with his steak knife. He had taken everything from her. Except, before he had even met her, her whole life had been stolen away, just because of who she was.

And it was going to happen to other fillies, just like her. Again and again and again. An endless cycle of misery, and the only ponies it benefited were bastards like Azure.

She was going to go back. She was going to charge the stage and be reunited with her sister, no matter what it took. She would beg, cry and plead until Rarity recognized her. They would hug, cry, laugh, and to Tartarus with the consequences! She would see them all again - Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, her Parents!

But, of course, she wasn't going to do any of those things. She was going to cry herself hoarse and go back inside. If she killed Azure, she would be next. If she reunited with her sister, she would be lobotomized. And nopony would want anything to do with her anyway.

Composing herself, she checked her reflection in a nearby window. She looked tired, haggard, but presentable. How long did she have until dinner? Not long, that's for sure. She should get ready.

Azure was waiting for her when she arrived at the main staircase. Normally, lateness would earn her a clip around the ear, but Azure didn't seem to care.

'Ah, Sugar Note! Good to see you. We'll be eating upstairs. Come with me.'

'My sister is here.'

Azure's eyes bulged. 'Quiet.' Looking around frantically, he hustled her into a stairwell and rounded on her. 'If I were you, I wouldn't risk blowing it so close to freedom.'

'You should have told me.'

'I didn't know until a few days ago. I was quite hoping you two wouldn't meet. She didn't recognize you?'


Azure breathed a sigh of relief. 'Good. I was worried for a moment.'

Sweetie Belle felt tears begin to sting in her eyes but forced them back. She was done trying to wring sympathy out of Azure. 'Let's just go. I never want to see this place again.'

Azure nodded, then gestured for her to follow him. He proceeded to lead her up three flights of stairs, then finally through a narrow corridor. Pausing outside a door, he took one last look at her. 'This is it. Try to look a little more... demure. And don't forget - all over the plate.'

The dining hall was more luscious than Sweetie Belle could ever have imagined. Dripping with gold and jewels, it was like a glimpse of heaven.

Azure introduced her, hoof draped over her like a trophy. She was quickly escorted to a seat and seated next to Azure. There were no bodyguards in the room - in fact, other than the mobsters, the only other pony was a waiter, a thin, wiry looking pony with a moustache.

Idle chatter commenced. Sweetie Belle sat there and looked pretty. Eventually, time came to order. Azure ordered smoked mixed vegetables. Sweetie Belle ordered a salad.

The waiter left. Sweetie Belle counted to sixty. Then again. Then again. Then again.

'Could I be excused?'

Every head whipped in her direction. Several knowing looks were cast at her. Azure spoke up. 'Of course, Sugar. Don't be too long!'

Giggling, she nodded graciously and swept from the room, allowing the door to close behind her.

Wasting no time, she began the journey downstairs. One, two, three... through the staff corridor... and there it was. The kitchen. There was only one present, the chef. How to get rid of him.

She wasn't too worried about being caught. She was pretty and cute. Who would suspect she was about to murder nine ponies?

The next ten minutes passed agonizingly slowly. Smoked mixed vegetables took a long time to prepare, so everypony else's dish was ready well before. Laid out, waiting to be fixed.

Sweetie Belle seized the first chance she got, concerned she wouldn't have another. The moment the chef ducked into the food cupboard, she seized the door with her magic and slammed it shut, then toppled a cupboard full of books in front of it. As the chef began to hammer at the door, she ran over and began to rip open sachets, sprinkling the white powder within onto every dish except her own. All in all, it took her less than two minutes. Carefully gathering up the sachets and hiding them under her dress, she bolted for the door, only to run headfirst into another pony.

'What in Tartarus is going on here?'

The stallion was wearing a thick white apron. Another chef. Quick, think of an excuse. Oh, of course.

Sweetie Belle stepped back and fluttered her eyebrows. 'Oh, thank Celestia! Sir, this heavy bookcase has fallen over and trapped some poor pony! Please, will you rescue them?'

The stallion stepped backwards and flushed. 'Uh, of course ma'am. No problem.'

As the stallion went over to lift the bookcase out of the way, Sweetie Belle bolted out the door. Three stories up... down this corridor... here!

She paused outside the door. Took a few seconds to compose herself. Then pushed the door open. Smiled graciously at a room of dead ponies paying her compliments. Took her seat. Waited.

The conversation seemed more heated than before. Azure and the others made occasional snide remarks at each other. Most of the mobsters had started drinking, some heavily.

When the food was passed around, it was a solemn ceremony. All eyes rested on Azure's plate. Azure, on the other hoof, seemed perfectly calm, going so far as to lead the toast.

'Well, we've had our differences, but tonight, let them be gone! To your very good health, my friends!'

From around the table, in union, echoed the unusually solemn response. 'And to yours.'

Glasses were settled. Before she had taken even one bite, she felt something poke her in the leg. Looking down, she saw a morsel of food. From Azure's plate.

She looked across the table at Azure. He mouthed one, unmistakable word.


Without a second of hesitation, Sweetie Belle grabbed the morsel and swallowed it whole. She stared at Azure, daring him to challenge her. He did not. Instead he smiled and began his own meal.

A minute passed. There was now an obvious discomfort around the table. The mobsters were not looking as alert. Some were swaying in their seat.

In the next minute, the first one collapsed. As he laid on the floor, he suddenly began to writhe in seeming agony. More and more fell. Plates and glasses smashed against the floor. Eventually, only one pony was left standing - the stallion who had first contacted her. His face was contorted in a visage of pure hatred, directed solely at Azure.

'You... How...'

Azure rose and strode across to him, gloating. 'My, my, Woodcrest. How sloppy of you, trying to turn a Stallion's own worker against him. Why, Sugar Note over here came running to me like an obedient puppydog the moment you spilled all your filthy secrets to her.'

Sweetie Belle felt Woodcrest's eyes burn into her. Unabashed, she stared coolly back. Woodcrest's breath caught in his throat. Suddenly, he violently coughed up a mass of blood and flesh, then collapsed. The light faded from his eyes.

Sweetie Belle surveyed the carnage she had created. It did not bother her, like she had expected it to. She had defended herself. She didn't revel in it like Azure, but she certainly wasn't going to waste any tears on them.

Azure took a few more minutes to sadistically mock his dying opponents, then returned to her side.

'Enough. Let's get out of-'

Azure was interrupted by the sound of a door opening. In stepped the waiter.

'Fillies and Gentlecolts, may I take your-'

He stopped. His eyes widened at the bloodbath in front of him. He began to back out of the door. Before he had made even two steps, Azure surged forwards and seized him.

Sweetie Belle quickly looked away. Two dull thuds. A crack.

'Fuck. I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle. I didn't think he'd be back this soon.'

Sweetie Belle stood still, shocked by the suddenness and brutality of the innocent stallion's death.

'He didn't deserve that.' She sounded like a little filly.

'I know. It sucks, but it happens. Put it out of your mind and let's just go.'

Azure wasted no time in bundling her out of the mansion. Waiting for them outside was the coach they had arrived in.

Azure stepped up. 'We're done. Let's go.' He turned to Sweetie Belle, and made his blunt goodbye. 'I'm off. You're free. Enjoy it.'

Sweetie Belle nodded. She didn't think there was anything to say.

'You can catch a ride with a buscoach into Fillydelphia. Or wherever. You can go and live in those bushes for all I care. But one last thing.'

Azure reached inside the coach and produced a thick pair of saddlebags, with loud clinking noises coming from within. He threw it at her feet and grinned. 'Your earnings from the Flawless Rainbow. Never let it be said I don't pay my debts.'

Sweetie Belle nodded. She shed the constrictive dress and adorned the saddlebags, surprised at how heavy they were. Azure certainly wasn't skimping on her payment.

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to say something, anything. But before she could, a blood-curdling scream rang out from the mansion grounds.

Azure snapped into position. 'That's my cue. Goodbye, Sweetie Belle.'

With that, he shut the coach door. The driver whistled, and they were off. Sweetie Belle watched her captor and saviour ride out of her life forever.

As soon as they were gone, she began to walk. She had no particular destination, but somehow, she ended up beside a bus stop. There, she waited for a while, till a buscoach pulled up. She knew there was only one place she could really go.

'Single for Fillydelphia Central.'

The room was silent. Sweetie Belle had nothing more to say. Outside, the sky had grown dark. Amethyst's head was bowed. Finally, she spoke up.

'You're a murderer.'

Sweetie Belle nodded. 'I suppose.'

'You killed people. You... killed people.'

Sweetie Belle said nothing.

'I-I don't know... I don't know what to say.'

'It was me or them. I don't regret it.'

Amethyst shook her head, unable to think straight. 'What happened after that?'

'Nothing major. Came back to Fillydelphia. Sang in bars. Met you. Fell in love.'

'Don't, just... don't. You've been lying to me for over a year. This... you're not real. You're a fake, a fraud.'

'No, Amethyst!' Sweetie Belle jerked upright. 'I swear, this is who I am! What does the name matter? I'm still Sugar Note, I haven't changed!'

'I know. And I don't blame you, of course. You couldn't tell me the truth, but... Sweet Celestia, this is a lot. I just... I never thought you'd be capable of anything like this.' Amethyst looked her dead in the eyes.

'What you've done in the past... It's history. But one thing bothers me.'

Sweetie Belle relaxed slightly. 'What?'

'Azure. What if he decides to come back for you? What if he decides you're a loose end, sends somepony back to-'

'Shhh.' Sweetie Belle smiled. 'Don't worry. Azure's long retired, and I haven't heard from him since. I promise. He'll never come back for us.'

Amethyst looked up at her, total trust in her eyes. 'Promise?'

'I promise.' Sweetie Belle embraced Amethyst. 'We're safe. Now and forever.'

It was the dead of night. Amethyst had gone to bed almost an hour ago. Sweetie Belle had stayed up, thinking about the past.

It was good to come clean. Not totally clean, of course. Sometimes, the truth had to be embellished to protect those close to you. Sweetie Belle knew that better than anyone.

Sweetie Belle was glad Amethyst still accepted her. After all, she had only been acting in self-preservation. She had wrought no pleasure from the death of the mobsters.

The money Azure had given her had seemed like a king’s ransom at the time, but Sweetie Belle wasn't stupid. She was bound to lose it sooner or later, so she had spent it all as quickly as possible. It proved very easy to track down a member of Azure's bodyguard team. That money was quickly spent, for the answer to a question.

Where is Azure Meadows?

Sweetie Belle had never experienced a greater pleasure, a greater rush of adrenaline, than when she had walked up to Azure in his mountain home and gutted him with that steak knife. Revenge for six years of lost life. Mocking him as he writhed in agony.

Of course, Amethyst could never hear about that. She wouldn't approve. She would think Sweetie Belle was evil. As if she could possibly understand or comprehend Azure's twistedness. Sweetie Belle had delivered justice, and loved every second of it. But like Amethyst had said, what Sweetie Belle had done in the past was history.

Tomorrow was another day.

End of Part Two