• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,673 Views, 134 Comments

Just a Phase - HorseStories

Living as an outcast is hard. Living in fear of becoming an outcast is harder. A story based in an Equestria that upholds more traditional values in regards to social issues.

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Part 2, Chapter 3 - Prisoner

Sweetie Belle was surprised to find Azure wasn't waiting for her when she arrived back at her hotel. She had expected him to be there, to spin her some sham explanation as to account for Autumn's conversation, but it seemed Azure had something else on his mind. Like cleaning the blood out of the Flawless Rainbow's floorboards.

When inside the hotel, Sweetie Belle went straight to her room and locked the door behind her. Grabbing her saddlebags, she went straight to her cupboard and began to pack. She needed a backup plan, an escape route. For all she knew, Azure might be planning to finish her off tomorrow. As she packed, she was struck with a strong sense of Déjà vu - she had gone through these exact motions before, packing her bags so as to escape from the clutches of a bloodthirsty monster. Back then it had been Comet Spark, now it was Azure Meadows. Both of them bullying, both of them controlling, both of them manipulative. Sweetie Belle was almost impressed at her ability to attract murderous psychopaths.

Of course, this situation was different. Back then she had friends to help her. Fluttershy, and Scootaloo to an extent. Now she had nopony.

Halfway through her packing, a loud knock at the door caused her to freeze. Her fears were confirmed when she heard Azure from behind the door.

'Sweetie Belle, are you in there? Open the door!'

Sweetie Belle heard a further knocking, and then the sound of a key turning in the lock. As quickly as she could, she shoved the half-packed saddlebags under the bed, jumping up just as Azure walked in through the door.

'Sweetie Belle? Why didn't you answer me?' Azure shut the door behind him, turning the key to lock it.

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, Azure dismissed the question with a wave of his hoof. 'Never mind. Listen, Sweetie Belle, I think you and me need to have a talk. Is that okay with you?'

Sweetie Belle nodded cautiously, wondering what on earth Azure was going to say to explain away what Autumn had told her. In all honesty, she didn't even care. She just wanted things to return to normal. Well, as normal as life got these days. Azure gave her a wide smile and motioned for her to sit.

'Sweetie Belle, I think you'll be glad to know that Autumn has been barred from the Flawless Rainbow. I understand he was causing a lot of trouble there, mouthing off about everypony and just generally causing conflict, so he's been told to leave and not come back'.

Azure waited, and when Sweetie Belle gave no response, continued:

'Now, Autumn is a very... confused pony. He seems to have convinced himself of some wild fantasy where I'm involved in all sorts of disreputable activities. Drugs, gambling, things like that. And I'd just like to reassure you that I absolutely am not involved in any behavior of the sort'.

Once again, Sweetie Belle said nothing.

'And as for what happened at Thunder... Sweetie Belle, it's just awful to think Bronco could hurt a pony like that, and it's even worse to think about all those ponies at Thunder who got caught, but no matter what, I can promise you I didn't tell the police. I would never do something to hurt our community, for any reason. You know that... right?'

Sweetie Belle felt a hard lump rise in her throat, sickened by the callous way Azure lied to her. Despite this, she nodded in agreement with Azure.

'Good. Now, about the situation with the Flawless Rainbow...'

As Azure launched into a spiel about her new job conditions, Sweetie Belle fought to keep her gaze away from the half-packed saddlebag that was just protruding from under the bed. If Azure spotted it, he would realize what she was doing, so it was critical Sweetie Belle didn't do anything that might tip him off. On the other hoof, was the bag too noticeable?

Azure's eyes bore into hers, as if daring her to look away even for a second. He clearly didn't believe he. Just one slip would do it. Just one...

In the end, Sweetie Belle didn't falter, but it made no difference. Azure noticed the saddlebag of his own accord, stopping mid sentence and abruptly springing to his hooves to grab it. As he pulled the bag from under the bed, all of the clothes in it spilled out onto the floor, causing Sweetie Belle to cringe with humiliation.

Azure held the bag upside down and slowly shook it, allowing the last of Sweetie Belle's belongings to fall onto the floor. The room was silent, until Azure spoke.

'Travelling anywhere, Sweetie?'

Sweetie Belle stared at her hooves, not daring to look up. Azure's voice had lost it's compassion and warmth, and had been replaced by a cold, quiet, accusatory tone. Azure's breathing had deepened, so that she could hear each individual breath. Every part of his radiated barely suppressed fury.

'I-I hadn't had time to unpack-'


Sweetie Belle knew it would be dangerous to continue down this path, so she chose to come clean.

'Azure, please, I'm really sorry, I was just scared and I wasn't thinking and-'

'You're damn right you weren't thinking, Sweetie Belle. Have you forgotten who you are already? You're still being hunted by the police and the Royal Guard itself. Operation Dandelion Seed, not that you would know'.

Sweetie Belle wasn't sure where Azure was heading, but he hadn't exploded just yet, which was better than she was expecting.

Azure continued; 'Sweetie Belle, I want to make something crystal clear. I am not a charity. I will not be taken advantage of. If you so much as think of running off, I will have the entire police force of Fillydelphia and half the Royal Guard come down on you before you're three steps out of the door with just one phone call. Is that understood?'

Sweetie Belle felt her blood chill, but realized the time for pleading apologies was over. If she wanted to keep her freedom, she would have to come up with a threat of her own.

'I'll speak to the police too. I'll tell them about the Flawless Rainbow, and about you trying to kill Bronco. And I'll never sing for you again'.

Azure's head turned slowly to gaze at Sweetie Belle, a look of incredulity on his face. To be threatened at all was a rarity for him, to say nothing of being threatened by a teenage filly. As Sweetie Belle began to back up, Azure sprung foward and swung his hoof at Sweetie Belle, narrowly missing connecting with the side of her head, instead striking her cracked horn. As Sweetie Belle reeled in pain, Azure lunged forwards, grabbing her by the ears and dragging her face up to his.

'Listen to me, Sweetie Belle, and listen closely, because I think you might be a little slow. I am not going to be threatened by the police. I am the police in Fillydelphia. Every single officer with the power to actually do anything is on my payroll, and probably a million other ponies' payrolls as well. Why would they believe you, anyway? If anything, going to the police would save me the trouble of having to turn you in. They'll never find Bronco, either. I'm going to have him killed, and then I'm going to have his head impaled outside his bloody nightclub, and nopony is going to stop me. Especially not some uppity dyke like you'.

Sweetie Belle frantically shook herself free, and retreated away. Azure advanced on her, taunting her every step of the way.

'Don't try to defy me, Sweetie Belle. You're already at risk of losing your pay. I don't have to pay you to sing, I could just... make you. You'd crack eventually, like everypony else. And there are other types of pain, Sweetie Belle. You have family and friends. Your sister... Rarity, was it? And your parents, and that stupid orange cripple I saw defending you on the news. Could you live with yourself, knowing it was because of your stubbornness I had to carve them up on their doorstep?'

Sweetie Belle felt her blood run cold at the mention of her family and friends. What kind of monster had she got herself caught up with?

'N-no! Please, not them, I swear I'll sing for you, I'll do anything!'

The cocky, triumphant smile on Azure's face was almost too much to bear. 'Perhaps it would be better to reconsider your accommodation, Sweetie Belle. After all, I'm not sure I can trust you alone anymore. Perhaps it would be best if you stayed with me, at my home'.

Sweetie Belle couldn't think of a more repellent concept, but she said nothing, willing to accept any conditions Azure offered at this point.

'A room at my house and twenty - no, fifteen - bits a night. Well, Sweetie Belle, what will you do for that?'

Sweetie Belle swallowed. 'Anything'.

'Will you sing? Will you follow instructions and do as you're told?'


'Yes sir'.

'Yes sir'.

Azure nodded curtly. As soon as he had arrived, the violent psychopath was gone, and the shrewd businessman was back.

'Well Sweetie Belle, I'll have you accommodated by tomorrow. For tonight, I suppose you can stay in the hotel, but let me warn you; if you try to leave, or contact your friends in any way, there will be dire consequences, for both you and them. Got it?'

Without waiting for a reply, he was gone. Sweetie Belle immediately dropped the brave facade, and collapsed onto the floor, weeping. Within an hour, she had no more tears to give. Picking herself up, she began to pack her belongings once again.

The room Amethyst Charm and Sweetie Belle were in was silent, except for the ticking of the clock. Sweetie Belle wasn't sure where how to continue from here. Amethyst was crying, tears streaming down her face. Before Sweetie Belle could resume, Amethyst spoke up.

'Oh my... Sweetie Belle, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. How awful'.

Sweetie Belle shrugged. 'Don't be. It wasn't your fault'.

'It wasn't yours either, Sweetie Belle. You know that, right?'

Sweetie Belle shook her head. 'I was wrong to run away, Amethyst. I'm amazed I'm still here today, to be honest'.

'Sweetie Belle, please don't tell me you think you're responsible for what that... bastard did to you. You were just a filly, how were you supposed to know-'

'I wasn't "just a filly", Amethyst, I was... dammit... I was so stupid. I should have kept my temper when he found the bag, not threatened him. I don't know what I was expecting. All I did was make him angry, and a lot of bad stuff happened because I couldn't keep my temper'.

'So what happened after the fight in the hotel?'

Sweetie Belle resumed. 'Not a lot. I moved in with Azure - he kept me in a room under his house. It wasn't squalid or anything, but it was nowhere near as nice as the hotel. He was a lot more possessive too. He never stopped paying me, but he kept all the money I earned in a safe in his room. If I wanted to spend money, I had to ask for it, and I had to tell him why I was spending it...'

'... so I know you're not frittering it away. You are no longer allowed to talk to the patrons at the Flawless Rainbow. If they call over to you, or talk to you in any way, you are to smile and wave. Understand?'

'Yes sir'.

'You are not to go out on your own. If you need to go out for any reason, either me or somepony else I pick will accompany you. I will also ensure your door is locked at night and when I am away. Understood?'

Sweetie Belle gritted her teeth. 'Yes sir'.

'Sweetie Belle, I want you to know that this is all for our mutual benefit. You'll see things my way when you're older. I need to protect you from the police and the rest of the world, and I need to protect myself from you. You've got it better than most of the street rats out there, believe me. In fact, I think you should be thanking me for this opportunity'.

Sweetie Belle looked up in disbelief, unsure if Azure was being serious or not.

'Sweetie Belle?'

Sweetie Belle's head was filled with choice names she would loved to have called Azure, just to see the shock on his face, no matter the personal cost. But she didn't. Instead, she put on a sickening, simpering face. 'Thank you, Azure'.

Sweetie Belle had never seen a pony look smugger.

As Azure turned to leave, Sweetie Belle called after him. 'Azure? Can I ask a question?'

'Of course, Sweetie Belle'.

Dreading the answer, she replied: 'How - how long do I have to work for you?'

Azure gave her an almost sympathetic smile. 'Sweetie Belle, don't ask stupid questions. You know full well I can't let you leave'.

'What? What does that mean?'

'It means, Sweetie Belle, that this arrangement will have to continue indefinitely. I know you don't want to hear that, but like I said, it's for our mutual benefit-'

Sweetie Belle didn't wait to hear any more. Instead, she just collapsed on her makeshift bed. Behind her, she heard Azure sigh.

'I am going out now, Sweetie Belle, so I'll lock the door. Please don't try to damage my home. I will simply take it out of your wages'.

Sweetie Belle said nothing, sniffling into her bed. Behind her, she heard the door lock audibly, and the sound of retreating footsteps. Then, silence. Burying her face deep into the mattress, she screamed as loud as possible, venting her rage, not just at Azure, her captor, but at herself, for her naivety that had lead her here.

Looking up, she took in the surroundings of her cell. Bare walls, a cabinet, a makeshift bed, and a bathroom. Of course, she could destroy everything in this room to get back at Azure, but Sweetie Belle knew he would make good on his promise to take her wages to pay for it.

What was she to do? Was Azure serious about keeping her here? Certainly not. How could he keep her here for years with nopony finding her? It seemed impossible, but then again, Sweetie Belle saw no means of getting a message out. There were no windows, only a door. Whenever she left this room, Azure or another pony would be there to monitor her, so she couldn't slip away or attract anypony's attention. Of course, she could always try to break the door down.

As soon as Sweetie Belle began to test this idea, it fell flat. The door was unusually thick, and when Sweetie Belle knocked on it, she could hear a thick metal lining. The room was the perfect cell. Had somepony else been kept here before? Sweetie Belle shuddered at the prospect, imagining somepony else going through these exact same motions, slowly realizing they were trapped.

Could she escape while performing at the Flawless Rainbow? Just interrupt her performance with a cry for help. Surely somepony would step forwards to help her. Or were they too afraid of Azure?

Either way, it was too risky. Perhaps Sweetie Belle should wait for the situation to develop. Over time, Azure was bound to get sloppy, to mess up. And Sweetie Belle would be there when he did, to snatch her freedom back.

'And what happened then?'

Amethyst was clinging on to every word coming out of Sweetie Belle's mouth.

'He kept me prisoner for the next six years'.

The effect was just as Sweetie Belle had predicted. Amethyst gave a horrified gasp and threw herself around Sweetie Belle, bursting into fresh tears.

'Sweetie Belle... Sweetie Belle...'

Despite her promise to keep her emotions under control, Amethyst's reaction was too much, and Sweetie Belle's eyes watered as Amethyst dragged her closer into her embrace. Sweetie Belle let Amethyst hold her for nearly ten minutes, before pulling free.

Amethyst's sorrow was now mixed with fury. 'Bastard. Bastard. Please, Sweetie Belle, tell me he's dead, or so help me Celestia, I'll kill him myself'.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. 'He's not dead. But I promised I wouldn't go after him, and I won't'.

Amethyst had no idea what Sweetie Belle meant by this, but there was one other question on her mind. 'Didn't you ever try to escape?'

Sweetie Belle nodded. 'Loads of times. Every time, I got caught, and Azure would do something. Not beat me up - I always had to be presentable for my performances. But he would do other things, like give me stale or rotting food, or keep me awake at night by playing loud music. Anything to make life uncomfortable for me. When I got older, I stopped trying to escape so much, and life got better'.

'What about your job? Did you ever refuse to sing?'

Sweetie Belle shook her head. 'Are you kidding? It was one of the only times I got to leave the house. And Azure did let me talk to the ponies there, as long as I didn't try to escape through them. None of them would have helped me anyway. They were all too scared of Azure'.

Amethyst nodded sympathetically. 'So what happened in those years?'

'Not a huge amount. I got a reputation for singing, and I always drew a big crowd, so Azure never let me go. When I got older, most of them were more interested in hitting on me than they were in listening to me sing, but I didn't really care. If I'm being honest, I actually found it flattering'.

Sweetie Belle had expected raised eyebrows from Amethyst, but she said nothing.

Sweetie Belle continued. 'Anyway, there's only a few things I have to mention that happened in those years. First, Azure finally killed Bronco. It was quite a famous case; especially given the drama over Thunder and the public nature of the murder. Stabbed in the street. I remember him gloating about it for weeks. Next, I was declared legally dead, and the police search stopped, which meant Azure was more relaxed and careless about having me in his home. Technically, Sweetie Belle is deceased under Equestrian records. And finally, Azure started doing business with another stallion. I never found out his name, but he and Azure didn't get on too well'.

'Any reason why?'

'Not really. Probably something petty, like money. Anyway, he played a pretty big role in my life, so I'm mentioning him now...'

'Thank you, everypony! I'm here every night, seven to twelve!'

Sweetie Belle basked in the raucous cheering of the audience. No matter her situation with Azure, she had never stopped enjoying the singing she did at the Flawless Rainbow. Slipping off stage, she was immediately surrounded by the usual throng of admirers, shouting over each other and slapping her on the back. Sweetie Belle was usually the centre of attention in the evening - indeed, she had gathered something of a cult following in the Fillydelphia gay community, becoming a minor celebrity. Sweetie Belle never thought of herself this way - she was always relaxed and casual around other ponies, seeing them as friends, not fans.

Of course, life wasn't perfect. She still wasn't independent. Azure still locked her up every night and never gave her access to the money she earned, even though she was now nineteen. Sweetie Belle loathed Azure for his continued imprisonment of her, even though she never let it show. Azure had stolen her formative years from her, and stifled any chance she had of developing a meaningful social life, leaving her shy and withdrawing, especially with ponies her own age.

Occasionally, she wondered what had become of the ponies she had known in Ponyville. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom would have grown up and moved on. Sweetie Belle could only imagine how much they had changed. Rarity? Her Parents? Sweetie Belle had no idea what had happened to them. Hopefully they had managed to move on without her.

Sweetie Belle felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she saw Azure standing behind her, looking impatient.

'Sweetie Belle, I need to be home early tonight, so you have to come with me. Get ready to leave'.

Sweetie Belle knew better than to argue, so she pushed through the crowd around her and fell in line behind Azure. Not speaking a word to each other, they headed through the streets of Fillydelphia back to Azure's home. Sweetie Belle had often tried to run away during the return home, but experience had taught her that Azure was much faster than her and much quicker to react.

As they drew closer to Azure's home, Sweetie Belle could make out the figure of a stallion standing on the doorstep, wearing a thick coat. Azure seemed to have noticed him too, for he suddenly spoke up:

'Sweetie Belle, I want you to head straight inside, understood?'

'Yes sir'.

Sweetie Belle was ushered inside the house, where Azure guided her downstairs and into her room. Practically forcing her in, he hissed: 'Keep quiet in there. I don't want to be interrupted unless something catches fire'. Satisfied he had made an impression, he departed, closing the door and locking it.

Sweetie Belle was tired, but her hopes of getting a good night's sleep were quickly shattered, as what had begun upstairs as a peaceful conversation quickly escalated into a shouting match. Though much of the conversation was muffled, Sweetie Belle was still able to hear the two ponies straining to shout over each other.

Sweet Celestia, let them end soon, Sweetie Belle prayed. I have to be up tomorrow to practice.

Since she spent most of her time in her room, Sweetie Belle had plenty of time to practice her singing. Over the years, daily practice had improved her talent, a fact that had been notice up by both Sweetie Belle and the ponies she sang for.

When she wasn't practicing, she spent much of her time reading - Azure let her buy books with her wages - and listening to her portable radio, which she had also bought after much saving. In the first few years, she had featured prominently in the news, with almost daily updates on the search. She had also had the chance to occasionally hear from a pony she knew, though she had never heard Rarity or any other member of her family. Over the years, however, the stories concerning her had become few and far between, and she had not heard her name on the radio for months now. She rarely listened to other news stories - hearing about the world she was missing out on was too painful.

Upstairs, an almighty bang resonated throughout the house as a door was slammed with great force. Seconds later, Sweetie Belle heard it
wrenched open, and heard the two stallions as they came downstairs, still furiously arguing. Their conversation was much clearer now.

'I have warned you again and again Azure. I won't tolerate this behavior. It's twisted, it's sick, and it's going to get us all caught'.

'We can't stop doing it, it's saving us so much money-'

'You don't get it, do you? We don't need to save money. These actions give us a bad name, and it makes it easier for the police to find us. No more. If you want somepony to do your dirty work for you, then you don't use foals. You might be able to live with their blood on your hooves, but I can't and I won't'.

'You can't stop me. You're not my boss. We're partners. If you don't like the way I do things, you're welcome to leave'.

'Well, maybe I'll do just that'.

Sweetie Belle heard the front door slam, and Azure cursing under his breath as he rushed out after the visitor.

Over the years he had kept her incarcerated, Sweetie Belle had observed Azure grow yet more violent and unstable. From scraps of conversation she had picked up over the years, she had pieced together a picture of him.

She knew he had no family. No partner, no children, nothing. He was not a solitary pony, by any means - he frequently visited the Solaris and other nightclubs, and Sweetie Belle had been forced to endure him bringing (occasionally drunken) mares to the home more than once. He could be charismatic, suave and friendly when he wanted.

The other, 'true' side of Azure was that he was incredibly narcissistic and unpredictable. Aside from his treatment of Sweetie Belle, he would also regularly use physical violence to discipline his lieutenants and keep them in line. Whenever he had anypony killed, he would do it publicly, so as to squeeze as much fear out of the killing as possible. He bolstered his ranks by recruiting young foals, who were easy to manipulate. These tactics had made him a pariah to other crime bosses, who preferred to keep their conduct low key, but they had also made him powerful and feared, with his criminal empire expanding rapidly in multiple directions.

Azure also owned several legitimate businesses in Fillydelphia, which he funneled his illegally-gained income into. She knew the names and addresses of several of these businesses. She also knew the names of his top lieutenants, the names of several of his business partners and the locations of several bodies. She had written down and memorized all of this information.

The reason she had done this was for her revenge. When she escaped - and she only had to wait for Azure to slip up - she intended to bring him and as many accomplices as possible down with him. She would go to the police, hand herself in, and tell them as much as possible. She didn't particularly care what happened to her after that, even though she was sure it would be lobotomization. Azure had enslaved her and stripped her of her basic dignity for most of her life. Sweetie Belle didn't know anything about the real world. She was fully grown, but she had no education, no family, no friends, and no future. She had never stressed with her friends over their exams, never argued with her parents over her life choices or fashion, like everypony else did. She had never even kissed another mare. If she stood a chance of fitting in anywhere, that place would almost certainly be in a padded cell with part of her brain cut out.

She hadn't always felt this way. There was a time when she would do anything Azure said to protect herself and the ponies she knew. Those days were long past now. The only thing that kept her from disobeying Azure was her desire to make him complacent enough to escape from.

Sweetie Belle's fixation on revenge kept her sane. It occupied her every waking thought, every dream she had. Fueled by hatred, Sweetie Belle continued with her miserable existence, letting Azure believe he had broken her.

Yet still Azure had never once slipped, or let his guard down, or even made a simple mistake, despite his growing violent and irrational behavior. Sweetie Belle's impatience had nearly driven her insane. Her security was completely airtight, with all avenues of escape blocked. Every night, she would analyze her daily routine, looking for flaws in her security, and every night she came to the same conclusion - there were none.

The sound of the front door slamming brought Sweetie Belle back to reality. Opening the flap in her her door, she shouted upstairs at Azure: 'Hey, am I going to get any peace tonight?'

The sound of hoofsteps upstairs abruptly stopped, and Sweetie Belle soon heard Azure coming down the stairs, presumably to bellow at her. Instead, she heard an unfamiliar voice call out: 'Who's there?'

Heart pounding, Sweetie Belle pushed open the flap and stared out to see who she was speaking to. Unfortunately, it wasn't an inquisitive police officer, as Sweetie Belle had hoped, but instead the stallion Azure had been arguing with.

'Uhhh... I'm Sugar Note'.

The stallion looked absolutely bewildered and a little disgusted to find Sweetie Belle locked up under the house, but it seemed she was not unfamiliar to the stallion.

'Sugar Note? Aren't you the mare who sings for the Flawless Rainbow?'

Sweetie Belle nodded, sensing a chance at freedom. Putting on her sweetest, most innocent voice, she whimpered: 'Yeah. Azure keeps me here. Listen, I know this is a lot, but please get me out. Azure's horrible, he's kept me here since I was just a little filly, and he makes me do whatever he says, or he beats me up. There's a key somewhere. silver with a leather handle, please, please, I'm begging you...'

Sweetie Belle drew to a clumsy and somewhat anticlimactic close, desperately scanning the stallion's face for a sign of mercy. The stallion looked sickened, but there was something else - fear of retribution if he did something rash. The signature Azure Meadows left in every pony he met.

'Listen, kid... I'm really sorry. I wish I could help you, but it's not my place to... y'know... tell Azure what to do...'

'Please. Just open the door. I'll disappear, you'll never see me again, I promise.'

Sweetie Belle could see she was fighting a losing battle. Azure could be home any second, and the stallion was already beginning to back up the stairs. As he was backing away, he suddenly paused, produced a pen and notepad from his coat. Hastily scribbling a message down on the paper, the stallion slid the note under the door and bolted.


But Sweetie Belle was too late; the stallion was gone. Turning her attention to the note, she read:

Sugar Note

Sorry I can't speak to you directly. The room could be bugged, and it's crucial Azure never finds out about this information, so make sure you destroy this note.

Azure's empire isn't going to last much longer. His actions are too cocky and provocative, and he's a risk to himself and everypony else. It has therefore been decided to get rid of him. If you want your freedom, then I want your help.

Azure is very paranoid about being assassinated. He won't eat food or drink he is served at a party, only his own prepared meal, and he always brings about five bodyguards with him wherever he goes.

We believe the cleanest and quickest way to deal with Azure will be at a Hearth's Warming Eve party this year. It's going to be a public event, since he refuses to be alone with us nowadays. It is highly likely he will bring you along as some kind of trophy, as he always likes to brag about having you under his thumb. Therefore, we will make you a deal.

We will give you a sachet of poison. On the day, you will sneak some of it into Azure's food somehow. If you do this, you will be free.

I understand if the answer is no. Killing a pony must seem like a terrible thing to you, but understand it is sometimes necessary for the greater good. You can simply destroy this letter and forget all about it.

A warning, though. DO NOT SHOW AZURE THIS LETTER. We will have no choice but to target you if you do.

Sweetie Belle flushed the letter down the toilet with the greatest sense of joy she had ever had in living memory.