• Published 9th May 2016
  • 1,253 Views, 100 Comments

Broken Diamond - The Bricklayer

Diamond Tiara: Bully and Written Script: History Teacher. Probably two ponies who would probably never meet if they could. But that's about to change in this story of redemption...

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Part 8: Brother and Sister

The skies above Ponyville...

Potion flapped his wings as he let the floor of tears loose. They obscured his vision, but it wasn't like he cared right now. Honestly, he didn't care what the Tartarus anybody thought of him right now as he just wanted to be alone with himself and his thoughts were nothing could hurt him. At one point, he flew past Rainbow who was lounging on a cloud taking a nap till Potion's flyby woke her from her slumber.

"Hey, what the...?" Rainbow blinked until she saw Potion sobbing quietly on a cloud.

"Huh, looks like something's bothering the kid..." Rainbow said to herself. She was conflicted, as she knew it wasn't her business to press but at the same time she was concerned about Potion. Finally Rainbow made up her mind.

"Aw man, why do I have to be so nice?" Rainbow muttered to herself as she flew over to Potion's cloud.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rainbow asked and Potion's eyes widened when he saw her and shrank into himself his natural shyness taking over.

"N-Nothing you need to worry about you understand?" Potion replied nervously intimidated by the rainbow maned pegasus while wiping tears from his face. "I... I failed at something and now I just want to be left alone!"

With that Potion took off in the direction of the Everfree Forest and Rainbow watched him fly away as she frowned. It was a fairly safe bet Potion's father would want to know about this. Rainbow turned her sights toward the direction of the Script household and rocketed towards it purpose guiding her path.

"Don't worry kid, I'm not going to let you be like this." Rainbow whispered...

Script Residence

Unknown of the state his son was in, Script was going over next week's assignments for his class. As he did so, he frowned. He'd taken Diamond out of school so she could grieve but sooner or later she'd have to go back to class. Problem was, he had no one to keep a eye on her there and make sure she would be alright as Script would be teaching his own classes at the High School and Potion would be attending them.

As his thoughts turned to his son, Script frowned once more. Potion and Diamond should have been back a while ago, and yet they hadn't returned. Something must have gone wrong, and Script knew it. He didn't know how, but every parent could sense when one of their children was having some sort of trouble. Script chuckled to himself and he smiled sadly. Already he considered Diamond his daughter and yet as far as he knew Diamond didn't consider him her father and probably never would if he was to be honest with himself.

"With my luck, she'll go to Caesar. Oh Bonnie above, what the bloody Tartarus did I do to deserve this? Probably how I messed up my damn wonderful life with Rarity and now I'm getting my just desserts. Celestia knows I deserve it." Script muttered as he finished his work. Suddenly Good Eats burst in. Now normally Script would snap at him or something along those lines, but he saw the look on Eat's face. It seemed far too worried to be fake.

"What is it?" Script asked in a tone of worry, as he guessed this might have something to do with Diamond or Potion.

"It's... It's your son." Eats panted, as he'd ran right from the Hay Burger to here without stopping to take a breath. Script's eyes widened, his worries were proven.

"Tell me what happened. All of it." Script said at once and so Eats explained. Once his story was over, Script was in a fury. He knew exactly who Eats had described as he himself had found him tormenting Potion once or twice.

"Thank goodness I know a lawyer. That little rich bastard's going to pay dearly for what he did... Oh yes." Script muttered in rage barely able to contain his fury. It was then Rainbow crashed in through the window looking as worried as Eats did.

"Your son, he's... Well, I think he's about to do something drastic!" Rainbow said fearfully, and Script's eyes widened even further...

Elsewhere, Script wasn't the only one concerned for Potion's welfare. Diamond and Silver ran all around Ponyville looking for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As much as they hated to admit it, they needed the trio's help to find Potion and see if he was alright. Diamond never thought she'd actually care about anyone who wasn't Silver or a member of her family but Potion had been nothing but kind to her. They'd searched all over Ponyville but couldn't find their target, so now drastic measures had to be taken.

"Where... Where are they?" Diamond asked nervously almost out of breath.

"Amazing, when we don't want to see them we run into them but now that we're actually looking for them..." Silver muttered in agreement.

Just as they were about to give up hope however, out of pure chance Silver's eyes drifted towards the windows of the carousel like building that Rarity called home. On the other side of the glass, Rarity could be seen along with the CMC helping them sew a dress, presumably in another attempt to earn their Marks.

"Never thought I'd be so happy to see those three Blank Flanks." Diamond grumbled under her breath as she walked inside Rarity's home slash place of work. The CMC's eyes widened when they saw her.

"What's she doing here?" Sweetie gaped.

"We... We need your help." Silver admitted, somewhat embarrassed by who she was asking.

"I'm sorry, I just thought I had something crazy fly in my ear." Scootaloo said in disbelief. "I could have sworn you're asking for our help."

"I did ask." Silver snapped in frustration.

"Now girls, let them state their case." Rarity said kindly in Diamond and her friend's defense. "Now what's the problem dear?"

"It's... It's Potion. He's run away and I don't know where he's gone!" Diamond exclaimed, quite close to tears herself. She wasn't ashamed of it, she didn't care what the CMC thought of her as she just wanted to know if Potion was okay. "Now I don't care what you think and if you won't help me fine! I'll find somepony else!"

The CMC watched Diamond in her panicked state, they could hardly believe it. For as long as they'd known Diamond, it seemed she thought of nothing but herself and now she was almost terrified and close to tears simply out of concern for Potion's wellbeing. Sweetie grumbled something to herself, sometimes she swore she was far too nice for her own good.

"Alright, we'll help." Sweetie said at last. "What do you want us to do?"

"I... I don't know and I don't care!" Diamond sobbed as Rarity pulled her into a comforting hug. "I... I just want to find Potion and see if he's alright!"

"Don't worry y'all worry none." Apple Bloom reassured to Diamond and Silver. "We'll go and look for him. He couldn't have gotten far, it's not like Potion's Rainbow Dash or something." The Earth Pony joked to lighten the mood. In spite of the situation, Diamond allowed herself a small smile. It was then Rainbow Dash, Raindrops and Written Script burst in, with frantic looks on their faces.

"Let me guess, you already know?" Rarity asked, and Script nodded. "Well then, that settles it. We'll just have to look for Potion together."

Despite their less then stellar relationship, Script smiled at Rarity and whispered "Thank you."

The Everfree Forest

With Raindrops and Rainbow searching the sky, and Rarity, Good Eats and the CMC searching the ground anywhere and everywhere it wasn't long before they found Potion on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest gazing into the treeline as if it called to him. Suddenly he heard Script shouting for him and turned to see the whole group. Potion looked exceedingly nervous about being around so many ponies and barely gathered the courage to speak.

"What... What do you want? J-Just leave me alone!" Potion cried as tears rolled down his face. "I'm too dangerous to be around, I'll only bring down Golden's wraith to you guys!"

"Now you know that's just not true!" Raindrops yelled. "You're not dangerous, you wouldn't hurt a fly. I know it!"

"Yeah, but Golden would and if somepony hadn't stepped in he... He might have gone after me or Diamond! I-I should have s-stood up to him!" Potion replied, his voice quavering. "So just let me go, and I won't bother anyone ever again!"

Potion began to trot into the forest, but Scrip reached out with his magic and pulled him back towards him.

"Now, I can't let you do that. Think about it, if you're gone how would the rest of us feel? You're family, and I can't lose you." Script stated before Potion finally collapsed and sobbed into his father's fur who pulled him into a hug.

"H-How... How did you find me?" Potion sniffed only to follow his father's gaze towards Diamond who hugged Potion tightly while the Bat-Pony whispered "T-Thank you..."

Script Residence

Later that night, after Potion had been tucked into bed by his father Diamond went to find Script. Something had been bothering her since she'd first met Script and now she wanted some answers.

"Why do you care so much?" Diamond asked, and Script stood stunned for a moment unable to speak. Finally he did so, and he gave the answer Luna had told him to do the day of the Rich Family funeral. Script had finally figured out what she meant.

"Because... Because I was in the same situation you once were." Script said, giving away his biggest secret. Only Raindrops knew it, and she'd swore never to tell anyone else.

"I lost my parents in a fire, and I may have lived with a foster family but I never felt... loved. I adopted you because I wanted to try and give you a better life then I got. Well, I think it's safe to say I thoroughly failed at that didn't I?" Script muttered only for Diamond to shake her head and hug him. Unknown to them both, Raindrops watched from the doorway silently and wiped a tear from her eye.

Author's Note:

First off, I want to apologize for the long wait on this part but I think it's worth it don't you? So, anyways a lot of important stuff happens here. For one, Diamond, Silver and the CMC start to become friends, or at least tolerate each other. Also, Written finally reveals a deep secret of his to Diamond, who's also fully accepted Potion as a possible brother. Guess that means Script might just become Diamond's new father after all huh?

On another note, if Potion seems a bit more nervous then he was in previous chapters, I'm trying to make his shyness less of a informed flaw. On a related note, I plan to have Diamond at least try and help Potion gain a bit more confidence in himself.