• Published 9th May 2016
  • 1,255 Views, 100 Comments

Broken Diamond - The Bricklayer

Diamond Tiara: Bully and Written Script: History Teacher. Probably two ponies who would probably never meet if they could. But that's about to change in this story of redemption...

  • ...

Part 12: Babs Seed and the Science Fair

Last time:

"I was bleeding horrible to you, and I always will be so it's no small surprise that you sent me some divorce papers!" Script roared while he blasted a tree into splinters to relieve some frustration.

"Well, it's not your fault, not entirely anyways so don't go blaming me!" Rarity yelled back at him, and then she ended up getting in Script's face.

"Oh Tartarus, I don't even know what is wrong with me... Blast it, I don't even know who to be angry at, me or you!" Script roared before be broke down into loud and hard sobbing. Script ended up using his forelegs and hooves to cover his face so he could try and hide the tears that were rapidly coming now. Rarity looked at the pitiful sight in front of her before she brought her ex-husband into a hug and let him sob into her fur. Finally he stopped and Rarity used her hoof to tilt his head up to face her.

"It wasn't your fault, not entirely. It was mine as well. Our conflicting jobs, you with your teaching position at the High School and me concerned about making ponies wear the latest fashions... We just couldn't find time to be together." Rarity said kindly.

"O-Oh, is that all?" Script asked, still with tears dripping down his face. Rarity nodded and brought him into another warm hug. They looked at each other and soon their faces drew ever closer until their muzzles met in a warm kiss. Once they pulled away, Script whispered "Y-You have no idea how much I missed that..."

Rarity smiled seductively at him.

"Want to get another... Darling?"

Script Residence, Potion's Lab/Basement

Meanwhile, while Script and Rarity were... Ahem, reaffirming their relationship so to speak Potion was hard at work on something. Earlier that day he'd become aware that the yearly science fair had come around and he was determined to win it. Of course, at on point Diamond came down and saw what he was doing. On Potion's desk was what looked to be a volcano of some sort. Diamond couldn't tell what it was made out of but the fact Potion himself wore a special facemask was somewhat telling.

"Really brother dear, a baking soda volcano? Bit old fashioned, don't you think?" Diamond deadpanned. She too had picked up some of Script signature traits.

Potion quickly shooed her out of the room and shut the door which had multiple danger and caution signs on it. He removed the mask from his face.

"I-If I was you, I'd stay far away from this. P-Probably best you stay away from it in case you accidently ruin it. Also, best not to b-breathe near it either. ...I-I'm not e-entirely sure how safe this is." Potion admitted with a blush. Diamond got the message, swallowed nervously and trotted off to let her brother continue his work.

(End Lonesome Loser here)

Script Residence, early that next morning:

Diamond awoke with a smile, as the sun shown through her window. Today was going to be a great day, she could just sense it. The morning went by like a blur as she washed up, ate breakfast and soon was at school listening to Ms Cheerilee's latest lesson. But as she listened, she saw Apple Bloom and the rest of the CMC grinning in a very happy way.

"What's got you smiling today? I don't see your Cutie Marks on you, so it can't be that..." Diamond trailed off, as all the possibilities ran through her brain.

"Well, in my case it's just because my sister and your dad finally got together! Our plan worked!" Sweetie squeaked, and Diamond smiled. She had heard about that and was pleased D-No, Script, (She still wasn't ready to call him that yet) finally got some happiness in his life. But that still didn't explain Scootaloo's and Apple Bloom's grins.

"But what about you two?" Diamond asked of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom was only too happy to answer.

"Mah cuz Babs is coming all the way from Manehatten to visit! Ah've never met her before, so Ah have no idea what she's like but Ah'm sure she'll be..." Apple Bloom began before Scootaloo finished for her. "...100% percent awesome!"

Diamond smiled at Apple Bloom before saying "If she's related to you, I'm sure she'll be everything you're hoping for."

Apple Bloom blushed as red as her hair before smiling at Diamond. Then there was a coughing sound, and all four fillies looked to see Ms. Cheerilee looking at them with a exasperated expression.

"...This is going to become a reoccurring thing with you, isn't it?" Cheerilee sighed.

Ponyville High School: Gym

Potion groaned as he lifted his finished volcano onto it's booth where it would be shown off to the Science Fair's judges. All around him, the room that was normally the High School's gym was filled with similar booths each having a different project on them. Potion swallowed nervously, each project looked excellent in their own rights, and they'd be hard to beat.

"W-Well, there's only one thing to do and that's g-go for it. P-probably doomed from the start but at least I can say I tried m-my best right? I-I'll know the results tomorrow." Potion swallowed nervously before he felt a tap on the shoulder and when he turned to face the pony that made it, Potion found himself shoved up against a project's booth by none other then Golden Coin.

"I thought I told you to stay away from this fair!" Golden growled and Potion whimpered in response.

"W-Well you know me, s-science is m-my t-thing." Potion whimpered, only to get thrown to the floor by Golden.

"You talking back to me? You MOCKING me? Hate to break it to you, ya little crybaby-Yeah that's right, I heard about your little episode-but science is my thing!" Golden growled as he got very close to Potion's face. What Potion wanted to so was sarcastically comment on how Golden didn't have the brains for science, but found he didn't have the courage to do so.

"Just one thing." Golden snarled. "If you beat me, you're getting those wings of yours ripped right off of ya understand?" Golden threatened and Potion nodded and whimpered in response.

"Good, just nice to know we understand one another." Golden Coin smirked before he punched Potion in the nose making it burst open in a waterfall of blood before smirking and trotting off...

Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse: Sweet Apple Acres

Later that day, after school had let out the CMC, Silver and Diamond gathered at the Clubhouse to discuss Babs's upcoming arrival. Both Diamond and Silver had concerns, and it was Diamond who voiced them to the CMC.

"W-What if Babs finds out? What if she finds out what I used to be like? She'll be afraid of me, and not want to be around me when all I want to do is make friends with your cousin!" Diamond sobbed while Silver sniffled as she shared the exact same fears as Diamond. Sweetie Belle put a hoof on Diamond's shoulder and gave her a tissue which Diamond gladly took and dabbed at her eyes.

"Don't worry, you can prove you're better then what you once were. Hay, in my book you already have." Sweetie said, none of her old prejudice towards Diamond and Silver there anymore.

"T-Thanks." Diamond sniffed. "C-Coming from you, that means a whole lot."

It was then Applejack peeked her head in.

"Alright y'all, train's just a mile out. Time to greet the family." Applejack said happily and the CMC all cheered. Diamond and Silver however shared none of their joy...

Ponyville Train Station:

Diamond and Silver both watched with trepidation as the olde style steam train known as the Friendship Express pulled into the station. This was it, time to see what Babs was like and if they could make friends. They watched nervously as Babs, who was orange with a reddish mane stepped off the train and hugged Apple Bloom.

"Cuz! It's so nice to finally meet ya!" Apple Bloom exclaimed and Babs nodded. Nearby, stood Potion. He too was interested in meeting his new-found friend's cousin.

"Likewise. Jeepers, I've always wanted to me youse, and now I finally am huh?" Babs said, her thick Bronx accent ringing out over the platform. It was then Babs finally noticed Diamond and Silver and walked over to them.

"So, who are youse gals huh? Friends of my cuz, I assume?" Babs inquired with a curious eyebrow raised. Silver and Diamond shared a nervous look.

"Well..." Silver began nervously.

"Okay, not friends then. Acquaintances I guess." Babs theorized but Diamond shook her head in a no manner, she had to face her fears one way or the other.

"No, we're friends of Apple Bloom and her little group, but we... We used not to be." Diamond admitted as she shuffled her hooves nervously, trying to hold off the truth for as long as possible.

"What do you mean? You only just met her and became instant friends, is that it? Actually, whose are youse gals? I never did pick up your names." Babs asked, with a eyebrow raised once more.

"Well, it's...." Here Diamond took a big gulp before finally spilling the beans. "It's Diamond Ti-

She never got to finish before Babs flew into a rage and tackled Diamond to the floor anger in her eyes and a hoof drawn back ready for a punch. You see, Apple Bloom and Babs had been sending letters back and forth every month and so Babs knew perfectly well of Diamond and Silver and what they did. Apple Bloom just never got the chance to tell Babs they'd reformed yet.

"YOU! Youse little punks are just scum, youse hear me, tormenting my cuz like that!" Babs snapped and Silver sobbed as she pleaded "N-No, it's not like that anymore, we've changed!"

Applejack quickly rushed over and pulled Babs off the two.

"Now calm down, let them state their case." Applejack said, playing Tirek's advocate. Babs almost at once broke out into sobs.

"W-Why should I? They're no worse then the bullies back in Manehatten, you know that right!?!" Babs cried as she broke down only to be pulled into a hug by Diamond of all ponies.

"No, we're not. We realize what we've done is horrible, and we deserve any bit of scorn anypony gives us. That's just our lot in life I suppose." Diamond admitted sadly, and Babs looked up at her, tears still glistening in her eyes.

"Well, if you're so smart, then how do I deal with my bullies? Huh!?!" Babs demanded, and to her shock Diamond had a answer, which drew from her own experience with the Crusaders. Unknown to her, Potion was listening in, and he got this advice as well.

"Just stand up to them. Just do that, and they'll back off. That's what happened to me and Silver with Apple Bloom and her friends from time to time, and it'll work with you. Trust me." Diamond said, and Babs looked at her before she whispered "...A-alright."

Diamond extended a hoof.

"Want to try again?" She asked, and Babs took her hoof and said "Yeah. Let's do this."

The next day, Outside Ponyville High School:

Potion hung his head as he trudged down the steps that led to the streets outside the High School, he'd lost the Science Fair and it was all his fault. What happened exactly?

A few hours before...

"So, next up we have Potion Bubbles and his baking soda volcano!" A judge announced and Potion with nervousness pressed a button. With a loud rumble the volcano erupted, and the way it happened nopony, not even Potion himself expected the result.


Soon, there was a smoking hole in the gym's roof. Potion laughed nervously.

"Um... Oops?" He said.

Potion was just about to give a long sad sigh when he heard mocking laughter. Guess who it was coming from.

"See, told ya you wouldn't win! You couldn't even make your project work right!" Golden Coin mocked before he shrugged. "Oh well, guess I won't have to hurt you though."

Golden laughed once more.

"I'd say you're done at this school once I'm through ruining your rep even more then this little failure of yours has already!"

Then, Potion felt a boiling rage build up in him, he'd finally had enough of Golden and his torment. Diamond Tiara's words, words from his sister in all but blood came back to him.

"Just stand up to them. Just do that, and they'll back off. That's what happened to me and Silver with Apple Bloom and her friends from time to time, and it'll work with you. Trust me."

Then, Potion lashed out and with one single punch knocked Golden to the grass and making his nose bleed from the blow. Potion stood over him, glaring as other ponies cheered, with the local school bully finally being shown he wasn't invincible.

"No, you're done. I'm not afraid of you anymore, you're just a coward who picks on those weaker then you. I'd say the only one who's reputation is through is you Golden Coin." Potion snarled, no fear in him at all. Potion then walked off and actually smiled as his classmates patted him on the back and congratulated him on a job well done...

Author's Note:

First off, I want to take a moment of silence for those killed in the Orlando shooting, my heart goes out to their families.:fluttercry:

Next, if anyone wants to question why there is a last time segment with music, I wanted to have a bit of fun and do a Supernatural type recap of last chapter as it was the climax of the first half of the story. If you don't like it, I can remove it in a edit, but anyways I figured the lyrics could refer to Script, Potion and Diamond in some ways. Anyways, as you can see Diamond's proven to Babs she and Silver are no longer like the bullies that tormented Babs back home, and Potion may not have won the science fair but he finally stood up to his tormenter.:yay: Aren't we all proud of him?:scootangel: Next time, because of how much drama was in this chapter and what's coming shortly a more lighthearted one will be in order where Good Eats and Script team up to teach a gang of teenage colts a lesson. ...Yeah, that'll go well.