• Published 9th May 2016
  • 1,252 Views, 100 Comments

Broken Diamond - The Bricklayer

Diamond Tiara: Bully and Written Script: History Teacher. Probably two ponies who would probably never meet if they could. But that's about to change in this story of redemption...

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Part 13: The Private Little War of Written Script

In a unknown location later that night...

"So, we're all in agreement then?" Script's voice asked from his side of a table in a darkened room. Overhead, a single swinging light illuminated the two other ponies that were with him.

"Yeah, that little gang of teenage colts have gone around pranking ponies and I think it's high time somepony gives 'em a taste of their own medicine." Good Eats growled.

Earlier that week, the whole front of his diner had been spraypainted in some rather rude words where everypony could see them. It took hours to clean them off. Needless to say, Eat's first thought was it being Script's work but then he realized his rival never did anything that affected his business, he only did things that humiliated Eats personally.

In Script's mind, he was being told off by a voice that sounded strangely like his new-yet-not new marefriend. "Despite them being brutes and pranking you by TPing your home, no need to go and prank them back. Let kids be kids, they don't know any better. They're just teenage colts after all."

Another voice that sounded like Raindrops put her mental two cents in. "C'mon, have a sense of humor. You gotta admit it was pretty funny, lighten up cuz."

Script ignored them both, this called for a official declaration of war on his part.

Good Eats waved a hoof in front of Script's face and when that didn't work he tapped him on the head, snapping Script out of his thoughts as Good Eats mocked. "Hello, you in there Mr. Stuffy Old History Teacher, you?"

Script gave him his finest dirty look, but Good Eats just rolled his eyes. Rainbow watched the two like a tennis match, both Script and Eats probably could be friends if they tried, but they were just far too stubborn and foul tempered.

"Well, I gotta admit they got guts pranking you two, considering you two are both... well, yourselves." Rainbow, the third member of the group commented. She'd been dragged into this by the promise of pranking ponies. Both Good Eats and Written Script glared at her before Rainbow suddenly smirked in a flirty manner at Script.

"By the way, heard you and Rarity are back together and had a very "Nice" night." Rainbow commented with a laugh as Good Eats stared at Script in shock as this was news to him before Rainbow glared at Script, her gaze pouring into his soul before she continued. "I just want to say, if you do anything that hurts her... I will make you regret it by ripping off that horn of yours and stuffing where the sun sure as Tartarus don't shine."

Script swallowed long and hard before he held up the instrument of the humiliation/Karma he intended to use against the colt gang, a can of silly string. He felt this was a new personal low for him.

"Are we ready to do thi-OWW!" Script suddenly yelped as he was hit by a paintball from behind by none other then Good Eats who held a paintball gun. Rainbow held one also.

"What was that for? Ya hit me in the bloody arse, you jerk!" Script snapped. Good Eats grinned without a ounce of shame.

"Just wanted to make sure these things work, that's all." Good Eats grinned and Script gave him a Class-A type death glare. Rainbow meanwhile facehoofed, this was so not going to go well at all was it?

The streets of Ponyville...

About a half hour later, the threesome were outside in the streets of Ponyville dressed head to hoof in ninja style gear. Rainbow personally loved it, as it made her feel like Solid Snake from Metal Gear Pony.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring Pinkie along on this. She loves paintball and's a good shot." Good Eats commented to Rainbow, who shook her head and laughed.

"Could you honestly see Pinkie being stealthy?" Rainbow replied dryly.

"...I see your point." Good Eats admitted. "We need to be silent but deadly."

Script sighed and rubbed his temples as Rainbow snickered. Those two were so immature.

"When you two are done making fart jokes..." Script deadpanned. "We actually have some pranking some teenage colts to do."

Eventually the group found themselves in front of a manor in Ponyville's higher end district, near where the Rich Manor used to stand before it had burnt down. At that memory coming up of when his daughter in all but blood was orphaned, Script growled. He still wanted whoever did that found so he could show them his personal knowledge of historical battle weapons.

Script held his ear close to the fence. Behind it, he could hear some laughter and so he moved over to a hedge and peeked his head in and smirked. There were three ponies, two brown ones which must have been twins and Golden Coin, which Script snarled at the sight off. This was now a chance for payback for things then just being pranked.

"Yep, they are definitely in there. Drinking and partying, does make one wonder where their parents are." Script said lightly.

"Heard they were out of town, guess they thought their kids are responsible enough to handle themselves." Rainbow replied dryly.

"What, are they delusional or just blind to their kids' actions?" Script asked to nopony in particular before Good Eats began to open his mouth. Before he could get a word out however, Script interrupted him.

"Wait, don't answer that. I don't care actually." Script said. "I say we just charge in there."

Rainbow shook her head.

"Woah, hold up there you cowcolt. We should discuss tactics on stealth." Rainbow replied before she looked upwards to the sky and muttered "Dear Luna above, imagine... Me having to be the sane and rational one. What is the world coming to?"

But Script's rage at seeing Golden Coin got the better of him and he kicked in the gate silly string in hand alerting the three colts to his presence and they pulled out paintball guns as well. Rainbow sighed and facehoofed while Good Eats muttered "Who is the fool, the fool or the one who follows him...?" before they both charged in...

A few moments later, all three were running down the streets with Golden Coin's gang in hot pursuit. They passed by Script's home, where Potion and Diamond looked out one of the front windows and facehoofed to themselves in unison before they went back to watching TV. Meanwhile...

"Run man, run!" Good Eats yelled in fear as he was hit by a paintball.

"I am running! In this bleeding position you couldn't expect me not to run now could I?" Script snapped, echoing his words to Twilight from the burning Rich Manor.

"So what do we do now since you botched it up?" Rainbow asked sarcastically to him. Script sighed before he had a lightbulb moment.

"I got a idea!" He yelled out and Rainbow stared at him like Script had sprouted a second head.

"What, another one? Your first one got us here in the first place you idiot!" She snapped.

"Just follow me!" Script yelled.

For the next few minutes they ran, down a dirt path lined with trees all around them and a wooden fence on one side. There were no lights to be seen, or at least none nearby. All three ponies heard the angry shouts and threats of the trio of teenage colts and the firing of paintball guns, which made pellets whizz by their heads just barely missing them.

"Where the hay are we going?" Good Eats yelled.

"You'll see." Script said with a smile like he knew something anypony else didn't. Good Eats wasn't exactly reassured, and neither was Rainbow Dash. But Rainbow's eyes widened when she saw the barn up ahead, it's red paint visible even in the dark. She finally realized where they were, and smirked. The owner of this particular place didn't like intruders, and this particular gang of colts even less after a unfortunate incident where some food was stolen.

Soon, Rainbow, Script and Eats were hiding behind some barrels of hay.

"Now you've done it, they'll find us here!" Good Eats hissed as they heard three sets of hoofsteps.

"We have you now" Golden Coin sneered while the twins chuckled in unison stupidly. "If I can't humiliate your son Script, I can make do with you... Prof."

Then there came another voice, a deep one everypony in Ponyville knew but rarely heard.

"Oh, Ah don't think so. What are you three doing on this here farm?" Big Macintosh growled as he loomed over the trio of colts, who looked ready to run but they were frozen in fear from Big Mac's glare.

"G-Going a-after a group of p-ponies who tried to prank us!" Golden Coin stammered, but Big Mac didn't believe a word out of his mouth.

"A likely story. Now get off this farm, Ah don't want any trouble and it's late. Ah have to get up early in the morning to plow and so Ah want some sleep tonight. Y'all are disturbing it. Now get!" Big Mac yelled, and the three colts gladly obeyed and scrambled off. Written Script turned to Good Eats and Rainbow and smirked before saying one simple phrase.

"Never mess with Big Mac." Script said. Nopony bothered to disagree.

Author's Note:

Okay, I was and still am nervous releasing this chapter this week considering how still fresh in our minds the Orlando incident is, and I just want to say guns are not toys, not even paintball firing ones. They must be used responsibly. But to be fair in my case, this chapter was written long before the incident ever happened down on a notepad and I do not intend to offend anyone with this chapter. But still, if you think this chapter needs to be edited to be less in poor taste or just taken down and resubmitted at another time please tell me in the comments below. Next time, back to the usual angst and drama, as Potion struggles with his newfound popularity. Also, a notice as I will probably not be back till Monday of next week, you will have to wait a bit longer then normal for the next chapter.:twilightblush:

Also, this chapter was heavily inspired by a Pokémon fic I read on Fanfiction once, but I've long since forgotten the name of the fic itself or who wrote it.:twilightsheepish: