• Published 9th May 2016
  • 1,255 Views, 100 Comments

Broken Diamond - The Bricklayer

Diamond Tiara: Bully and Written Script: History Teacher. Probably two ponies who would probably never meet if they could. But that's about to change in this story of redemption...

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Part 10: Three Types of Letters (Rariscript or Bust Part 2)

Ponyville High School: History Classroom

After the lesson was over, Potion walked up to Script's desk like he was going to a execution and held out the letter trying to look at anywhere but his father.

"Dare I ask?" Script wondered, if he didn't know better he would have said this was a letter from one of the other teachers saying how Potion got in trouble for doing something. But Script DID know better, Potion was about as far from rebellious as you could get. Other possibilities went through Script's head. None of them seemed logical.

"R-Rarity gave this to m-me, a-and she then said for me to give it to you. That's the truth, I swear!" Potion squeaked, in a not-at-all convincing tone.

"And why couldn't Rarity give this to me herself?" Script asked dryly.

"S-She didn't say?" Potion replied nervously.

Script raised a eyebrow. He had a sneaking suspicion his son wasn't telling him everything, but he shrugged it off even as Potion went to his next class. Script tore open the letter and read it.

Dear my love:

"Now, before you probably try and torch this letter hear me out okay? We both said things that we didn't mean and I'm sorry for what I said. I... I want to try and rekindle things, I miss your arms around me as we slept together at night. Meet me in Ponyville's park at Eight-O-clock exactly."

Love, Rarity. XOXO

Script growled as he crumped up the letter and threw it in the nearby trashcan, he knew exactly who sent this letter and why. Good Eats, he did this just to get under Script's skin. That was the true tragedy I'm afraid. Script genuinely thought he didn't deserve any happiness with Rarity and looked for other explanations no matter how ridiculous they were.

"Well, we'll see who has the last laugh. I won't show up for this quite fake date and stand up Eats. I'm smarter then he thinks I am. Bugger him." Script grumbled before a thought struck him.

The thought was, was it possible that Rarity actually wanted to try and rekindle their relationship? Script shook his head and pushed the thought away, it simply wasn't possible in the slightest. But then the thought came back and it nagged away in Script's brain. Finally he'd had enough.

"Aw, sod it." Script finally said. "I know I'm probably going to regret this... But I'll go."

Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse: Sweet Apple Acres

"Wait, so y'all actually gave both Rarity and Written Script love letters so they could finally meet and discuss their issues like Sigmane Freud would have 'em do?" Apple Bloom asked in disbelief as she looked at her two friends.

"Hey, how'd you even learn to write a convincing love letter anyways Scoots?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo blushed slightly at the nickname Sweetie gave her before replying.

"I looked in those mucky romance novels I know Rainbow keeps in her closet where she thinks nopony can see them." Scootaloo replied, with a smirk.

"Rainbow Dash reads romance novels?" Apple Bloom asked with a eyebrow raised in suspicion not believing her friend at all. If it was Sweetie getting those kinds of books from Rarity's closet she might have believed her, but Scootaloo getting romance novels from Rainbow's closet? No way.

"Ya are aware this is the same Rainbow Dash, queen of tomboys everywhere who wants to be one of those fancy-smancy Wonderbolts right?" Apple Bloom asked slowly as if speaking to a child. ...Which she was mind you, but you get the point.

"I'm quite aware of that, I'm not stupid." Scootaloo said. "Like I said, she's hidden them. You don't have to believe me if you want but I'm telling the-"

Suddenly Scootaloo's sentence was interrupted by several knocks on the door of the clubhouse. Sweetie Belle rushed over to the door and opened it only to be in for a huge shock. Standing outside the door was Diamond Tiara. Sweetie blinked, but when she opened her eyes again... Nope, still there.

"Uh Diamond, forgive me if I ask this but what are you doing here?" Sweetie asked, with a eyebrow raised. She was used to Diamond trying to stay as far away from them as she could, if only to keep from getting infected by their "Blank Flankness". This was another sign things were changing. If any more evidence of this was needed, Sweetie thought back to a sleepover at her sister's house with Silver, Potion and Diamond...

Taken from "Of Dig Sites and Sleepovers"

"Listen, I totally hadn't had a chance to do this yet, at least when you're not with those blank fl-Sorry, friends of yours so I want to say I'm sorry. Know I've said it to you as a group, but like you're the first I have said it to you personally. Friends?" She asked, sticking out her hoof with Silver doing the same. Sweetie took them both and shook.

"I... I need your help. Blank Flank help! Like, I want to prove that I'm changing, both me and Silver. We've already written letters to our classmates and Ms. Cheerilee, but we just can't get them distributed!" Diamond exclaimed, sounding as if she was about to break down and sob.

"Can't y'all just ask Derpy? She's the local mailmare after all." Apple Bloom said, and knew at once she'd made a mistake by Diamond's expression. Diamond laughed bitterly.

"After how badly me and Silver have bullied her daughter Dinky over the years? Like, Derpy actually got a restraining order against me, and moved Dinky to another school!" Diamond yelled, angry at herself.

"Ah... Ah... Ah'm sorry. Ya know what though, if I were a different mare I would have said you made your bed and now ya got to lie in it." Apple Bloom began and Diamond hung her head in shame before the youngest Apple continued. "But Ah'm not. Ah truly believe ya is trying to change and so Ah'll help ya along."

Diamond's response was to hug her, and Apple Bloom broke out in a red color that would have made her older brother proud. Diamond broke the hug, blushing as well. Scootaloo coughed to break up the awkward silence that filled the Clubhouse.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to it! Cutie Mark Crusaders Mailmares... YAY!"

Diamond groaned as a headache set in and wondered if this was the brightest idea.

It wasn't long before all over Ponyville that mailboxes everywhere were soon filled with letters from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. And they were soon opened and read. Even Ms Cheerilee read hers, and her eyes widened at what she saw on the page before her.

Dear Ms Cheerilee:

"It's me Diamond Tiara, AKA your worse student. Yeah, I freely admit I deserve that title with all of the complete and utter crap (You're free to put me in detention when I get back for my language if Scipt doesn't punish me first.) I've put you and my fellow students of yours through. And yet, through it all you've been nothing but kind even when you punished me which I freely admit I deserved each and everytime. I was a bullying brat just like my mother wanted me to be and for you and anypony knew I'd never change. But no more, things are going to change with me and I'll be the pony you and everypony else wanted me to be. I'll be the pony I wanted to be for so long, but I never could."

From Diamond Tiara.

Cheerilee then opened Silver's letter and it was pretty much along the exact same lines. Cheerilee let a few tears slip from her eyes as she clutched the letters to her chest and whispered "Thank you..."

Script Residence:

When Diamond got back home she was almost at once pulled into a hug by Written Script who whispered "I'm so proud of you..." and Diamond smiled as she let a few tears drip from her eyes. But not of sadness, of happiness. A few hours later, she found Script near the front door wearing a nice black suit and tie, along with a matching fedora hat.

"Where are you going?" Diamond asked.

Script simply said "Out." before he walked out the door into the nighttime streets of Ponyville...

Ponyville Police Station:

Meanwhile, a certain detective was burning the midnight oil as they said as she went over a letter that the Crime Lab ponies had picked up while searching the arsonist's house. At first glance, it seemed to just gibberish but Bon-Bon knew better. It had to be some sort of code.

"GAH!" Bon-Bon screamed in fury as she tossed another failed translation into a trash can near her desk. "Nothing I try works!"

Suddenly Bon-Bon felt a pair of warm cyan arms pull around her. She smiled, and leaned into her partner's embrace. Bon Bon felt a brief moment of calm, nothing did that to her as well as Lyra.

"You've been working too hard Bonnie. Why don't we go somewhere private and relieve some stress, hmm?" Lyra asked in a flirtatious tone. Bon-Bon managed to sputter out a response.

"W-We can't! I'm on duty, y-you know that right?" Bon-Bon stammered, although her resolve was weakening as Lyra pulled her into a kiss.

"Duty smutey." Lyra said, as she waved a hoof dismissively after Bon-Bon pulled away making her marefriend frown. "You really need to lighten up."

"But the code-"

"I can break the code." Somepony said, and both Lyra and Bon-Bon looked up blushingly only to see Twilight Sparkle, who was blushing as red as they were after seeing their little scene.

"W-What are you doing here?" Lyra stammered in shock.

"Heard about the letter you guys found." Twilight said matter-of-factly. "Luckily for you, I've studied plenty of books on codes." She said proudly before she answered Bon-Bon's encoming question.

"I've already cleared it with your boss."

Bon-Bon sighed. Of course she had.

Ponyville Park:

About thirty minutes later, at 8:00 on the dot Written was wandering through Ponyville Park. He'd seen nopony so far, and was beginning to go back to his suspicions that this was one of Good Eat's pranks. Then he received a big shock that made him stop in his tracks. Standing over a small wooden bridge that crossed over a stream, illuminated by the moonlight was Rarity.

"...Well, isn't this a surprise isn't it Darling?" Rarity asked...

Author's Note:

"We've hit double digits baby!":yay:

Oh boy. So, things have finally come to a head in the Written/Rarity romance arc. Now, it's time to see if the CMC's plans have worked and if the twosome will finally pull their heads out of their flanks and get their heads out into the open. Also, as you can see this is a hugely important chapter for Diamond as well, as it finally finishes off her reformation story arc. Also, Twilight is brought in to solve the ever growing mystery behind who killed Diamond's parents.

On another note, here's a song that I think perfectly fits this story in some way:

If you guys have another option instead for a song that fits this story, please tell me. Anyways, now all that's left to do here storywise is solve the mystery and finish Potion's arc!:pinkiehappy:

Also, one last thing. It seems one of my downvotes changed into a upvote if I'm not mistaken. You don't have to answer, but what made you change your mind on this story? Just curious here.

Edit: Edited Diamond's letter to Ms Cheerilee as I don't want her calling Written Dad just yet, I want to wait till the end of the story.