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Castok the Shadow

Humans... Humans everywhere


Magic gave us the ability to use magic and having a wonderful life.

Chaos gave us the ability to uphold order and to change forever.

Man.... Gave us something else.

This story got reviewed by Red Does Reviewing. Said so right in the name Here's the awesome review

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

In a way Man plays the role of the Demon Emperor in order for there to be peace. Committing evil to destroy the greater evil.

Magic gave us magic is redundant.
You should probably find something to replace it like Harmony gave us magic or something similar. All the same I'll it's worth a read.

Best story I've read in AGES. I hope you do more like this one. You have my support.

*Smashes the favorite button*

is this the prelude of another story? or its just that, because is just this, then a lost my time, though it was a good reading, I'm going to like it anyway.

wlam #6 · Feb 22nd, 2016 · · 11 ·

For without evil, there cannot be good

This story isn't good to begin with, but this is the most moronic sentiment. Yes, there bloody well can be.

6962515 im sorry? I cannot think of a single case of goodness that was not conncted to evil, however little it may be.

6962515 Matter of perspective.

How can you possibly know what's good if you don't even know what evil is? Although I'm hesitant to use it as an example, look at the creation story in Genesis. The fledgling Adam and Eve had absolutely no concept whatsoever of what good or evil was. They were more animal then human.

Only after eating the fruit did their eyes truly open.

Huh. Funny. In a twisted way, this basically says we have Satan to thank for making us all self aware and giving us independent thought...

only differences is, in this story the god magic and chaos were good. however the christian god is a tyrant, whom is more like Satan then Satan himself.

Let's have a thought experiment, then. Let us pick one act that everyone can agree is undubitably evil, like rape. Not raping people is good. Raping people is evil. Now, instead of the wishy-washy "good" and "evil," we have this:

"You cannot have not-rapists without having rapists."

Sounds idiotic? That's because it is.

I like you.

I would have gone the whole good and evil is subjective route myself, and that they don't exist in science or nature. Using your rape example..... rape is bad m'kay (sorry) but only in our culture. There have been numerous societies and cultures in our past that don't think anything less of rape, hell, some still do today. If we were raised by a culture that taught that rape was perfectly acceptable, or even expected, it wouldn't be considered evil at all.

But y'know I came here because the premise of the story seemed interesting. Then I saw the author..... I've encountered him before, good ideas I suppose, but he's cliche, can't properly get his thoughts on paper, and his grammar and spelling are G-d awful, and that's just all wrapped up in a burrito of failure, and I just can't deal with that.

And I'm expecting people are going to down-vote this comment, but hey, if I can't be honest:ajsmug: with myself (with the help of the anonymity of the internet so I don't have to worry about any repercussions:ajbemused:) then what sort of life is that?

I was waffling between going with that and murder, but I've met a lot more people in my life who think that killing someone can be justified than I've met people who think that raping someone can be justified, soooo... well, relativism is a bitch like that sometimes. I just like illustrating stuff with examples, so whatevs.

At any rate, I can really agree with the rest of what you said there and you clearly got my point.

6965211 The point isn't that there cannot be good without evil, it's that people can't be good without there being evil. In the story, it mentioned that before the Legion emerged, the alicorns and draconequuses didn't communicate or really want to have anything to do with each other at all. Evil united them together, forming stronger bonds of brotherhood and love than had ever occurred before they worked together.
And before saying that the conflict between the two races wasn't bringing them together (I know your type), that wasn't the point. Try reading farther down.
As an example such as yours,

Not raping people is good. Raping people is evil. Now, instead of the wishy-washy "good" and "evil," we have this:

"You cannot have not-rapists without having rapists."

Sounds idiotic? That's because it is.

Here's a better example. "A terrorist attacks a school and kills 5, before being stopped by a bypasser with a gun who heard gunshots."
The terrorist is Evil. The bypasser is Good. You cannot have Good without Evil.
Someone cannot do something good without there being a bad alternative. Without evil there is no good.
That's not the point of his example. The point is that before Eve ate the apple, there was no moral choices.

This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard, bar non. Congrats on making me doubt the capabilities of human intellect just that little bit more.

7316444 That's very immature. No arguments against it, no points, just calling it stupid. That's what a 5 year old child would do. Are you five, wlam?

Do you actually think that "being good" requires someone evil to fight against? What does that anyone make else then? The happy family that lives responsibly and treats and raises its childrn well is good, just for existing. They do good things and that's all it takes. It needs no theoretical rape monster to destroy so that it can be "properly" good. That entire analogy you gave was idiotic.

7316468 I don't want to get in the middle of your discussion but whatever.
Its not that if there is no evil there is no good its that you don't know what good is, you need something to compare it with

7316468 Yeah. With your example of a family happily raising their children, what I'm saying is that's normal in our society. That's a certain type of good that can exist without there being evil. That's ordinary goodness, i.e. what's expected. The type of good I'm referring to is triumph over evil. Extraordinary goodness is something that's not expected, but commended, like taking down a terrorist. It cannot exist without evil, for without evil everything is ordinary goodness, and it all goes stale. Without the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, the United States would have never become a world superpower and a shining beacon of freedom and liberty.


The type of good I'm referring to is triumph over evil. Extraordinary goodness is something that's not expected, but commended, like taking down a terrorist.

By people who actually know what words mean, the kind fo thing you're talking about is called "valor in battle." While you may find that respectable, it has actually nothing to do with evil. Just with winning an important fight. You can get that out of boxing. It is not a moral good.

United States would have never become a world superpower and a shining beacon of freedom and liberty.

I've met more than a few Americans in my life who would laugh and spit in your face for a statement like that, but that's aside from the matter


I've met more than a few Americans in my life who would laugh and spit in your face for a statement like that, but that's aside from the matter

Patriotism in America sadly is at an all time low. America, in the 60s and 70s was indeed a beacon of liberty and freedom. There was still inequality, but at the time America really was the embodiment of good fighting the forces of evil. Today whatever garbage people learn about the US really comes to focus on the earlier mistakes of it, rather than how the US changed the world later. And feminism in general is an America hatefest. One of the things I hate most is how unpatriotic everyone is nowadays. "America doesn't need to be the world's police!" Especially this. If America doesn't show people what true democracy is, then who will? Russia? China? Do people really trust the world to sort itself out? It's America's duty, as a country to spread the light that is democracy to people who are being oppressed.
>inb4 George Bush invaded the middle east for oil
There were plenty of inept or bad presidents, but with the US's role in the Cold War, America has gone in balls deep in world politics and trying to retract the US from that would get messy.

wlam #21 · Jun 18th, 2016 · · 1 ·

America these days is a sad, pathetic mockery of what the real America was ever supposed to be like.


„Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!“ cries she
With silent lips. „Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.“

"Fúck all those histpanics, they takin me jerbs :fluttercry:

That's the kind of thing that's representss what America really should be. What it is, in its most essential naturel

The time when you were actually the heroes is long over. Now you're just anothe evil empire, with no Luke Skywalker in sight.

Exactly so if there was no moral choice how could eve have been punished for it? How could a God set them up for failure. Know they we're going to fail and make them fail.( if he truly is an Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and all good god. Of course I will not even delve into how that statement alone contradicts itself.) we can only conclude he is either evil, not all that or doesn't exist. Not lie there was any evidence anyways ... My point was more against the God argument than anything. This is absolutely not a good argument for ancient fairy tales. That really angered me.

Bruh, only the intellect and intelligence of a human could do this.......wow!!:moustache:

This was poetic, yet epic not in the modern way but in the old greek way. i felt the same as i did Reading the Illad for the first time.
This was fantastic.
This was balanced in all regards.

Its needs a good editor, but damn. I loved it.

7335575 Heh heh, why else do you think Lucifer was able to deceive 1/3 of the angels of Heaven, despite the fact that they had seen God?

That was the crux of Lucifer's entire basis for rebellion: that God's law permitted no choice since it was all that existed. And it's a very effective argument in a thought vacuum with no examples to look at.

And, as God is a true Creator in every sense of the word, He did not merely wish for automatons, which meant his creations would come to think and question... so at some point, conflict would naturally arise. It was unavoidable if any free will was permitted.

So, a world had to be chosen to for the devil to work his way upon as an example. Narrow the destruction to as small a region as possible. Rather like walling off North Korea. And the beings of that world would have to be given the choice to obey the law they were initially given, or follow their own impulses and desires... while at the same time still granting an avenue of eventual escape from this doom.

It's all very simple and elegant a solution from a cosmic point of view.

I too know how to play The Long Game.

For without evil, there cannot be good

Ewwww... it was just this sort of fallacy we were taught to avoid in logic class.

It's like saying light cannot exist without darkness. It's just such an ugly, illogical statement.

7316493 And then the ultimate question: is there really a need for evil to exist to compare good against?

It seems to me that conscious minds invent these needs out of curiosity. But life and existence themselves require no such concepts. Bacteria and algae know nothing of philosophy, yet they grow freely. Good and evil are both abstract constructions of the sentient consciousness, the downside of higher intelligence, one could argue.

Both the Garden of Eden and Pandora's Box are variations of the diametric effects of raw knowledge without the wisdom of self-control and forethought.

It can be said that one cannot gain wisdom without knowing both what is right and what is wrong. But to say that one cannot exist without the other is simply logically incorrect. As both are abstractions without quantifiable variables, either or both can arise from thought... neither truly dependent on the other. They simply tend to both occur as a matter of the course of conjecture and contemplation in the thinking mind. Selfishness and altruism, hatred and love... these follow the same theme.

Can one be generous having never known greed? Can one hate having never known love? Well, for the latter we have plenty of examples of this being true!

Good and evil cannot be DEFINED without having a comparison. But their characteristic can certainly exist independently of each other.

8121632 and I agree, i said you can't know what good or evil is without the other, the abstrac concepts (created by us Humans) would still exist even if you didn't know about them but to fully define and comprehend them you need the other to compare with.

But sadly it is true that is why world peace is impossible. Because the only way for wold peace to work is that we would have to be brought to are end so we could Rise together or we would have to ruled by 1body that is so powerful that nothing can stand agent it. Like a God,earth ending event or a very strick government that don't push it's people to far. This is why if you ever want something to change in are world today you need two things a lot of people that believe in you or an army

8534868 Or become a supreme energy being... I think I'm going to aim for that. :trixieshiftright:

That works to..... Lol

A truley uniqe and well written story of the creation of Equestria, well done!

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