• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 2,090 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Regrets

At the Phoenix Hospital, Azure Phoenix was resting and sleeping on his patient bed. Azure Phoenix's hair had turned into white while his face is becoming old and has more winkles. Black Jack the young man with black and white spiky hair and the gray skin with black strips on his left side of face dressed in his doctor suit was checking on him.

"So far, I've managed to treat all the wounds he had since yesterday. His life is stable for now. His power is coming back now," Black Jack sighed, "And for some strange reason, he grew old after the surgery. Could this be the effects of mutant power from being blocked? Then again, he survived almost everything ever since he obtained the mutant Phoenix Powers. He should get more rest for now..."

Black Jack turned and left the patient room now. As Black Jack walked as far away from the patient's room, someone have entered the room. He approached Azure Phoenix's patient bed. He looked at the latter. He took the medical injector with blackish liquid.

"Do not worry, Azure Phoenix," The stranger said darkly, "I will ease your suffering, just as I did for Cobra Commander. Dr. Mindbender will take care of you now..."

Dr. Mindbender smirked calmly as he approached to Azure Phoenix's Medical Saline. He was about to do something terrible to the former Secretary of United States...

At Canterlot High School...

Strikespell, Lance Justicestrike, Nyx and Spike were waiting outside of girls' locker room. They were all wondered if she was alright or not, after the nasty fight and argument she had with Shadow Dragon from Tricross Relay.

Inside the locker room, Twilight was taking a long shower within bathroom. Just as she finished her showering, she dried herself up. She covered her body with a towel before leave the bathroom. She got herself dressed. As she approached to the sink, she looked at the mirror while brushing her hair gently and nicely in making hers straight.

As she was brushing and tying her hair in ponytail, she glanced at the mirror as she had some thoughts. As soon as she done with her hair, she looked at the mirror while showing sad and heartbroken looks. She sighed in shame as she looked down. Maybe she went too far for insulting Iris Crystal and hurt Shadow Dragon.

Twilight huffed in anger as she muttered, "What am I thinking about him or even about her? I'm just Iris Crystal's replacement for Shadow Dragon. He doesn't even love me..."

Twilight emerged the girls' locker room where she found Strikespell and her siblings waiting for her. Spike whined in concern. She approached and picked her dog up as she patted him gently and calmly like what owner do with his or her pet.

"You okay, Twilight?" Spike asked in concern.

Twilight sighed, "Yes, Spike. I'm okay. Sorry for about that. I... I just can't stand it anymore... I just can't."

Lance sighed as he looked down in concern, "We know, Twi. We're sorry too for everything didn't go so well especially Shadow Dragon."

"Yeah... If only we have been focused and kept that stupid amulet from escaping, none of this could have happen," Nyx said in shame.

Twilight sighed as she shook her head in denial. She approached and gave both of her younger siblings a hug.

"It's not your fault. It's mine alone," Twilight insisted as she patted her siblings' heads gently, "Don't take the blame for me. I make the mess. I should deal and fix with it."

Both Nyx and Lance departed from hugging as they both looked at her.

"How?" Nyx asked in concern.

"Are you sure?" Spike asked as well.

Lance nodded, "Yeah... Everyone is mad at you about the magic you didn't mean to steal. They're not easy to forgive us."

"I know... But I have to," Twilight said in shame and upset. She sighed, "As for Shadow Dragon, I won't say sorry after what happened."

"Twilight..." Lance, Nyx and Spike asked in concern.

Lance, Nyx and Spike remained silent as they knew mentioning Shadow Dragon or Iris Crystal will only make her angry and upset. After all, it was Shadow Dragon who make her upset and angry in the first place for mentioning his former girlfriend a lot. But why do they feel sorry for him so much as Twilight?

Strikespell sighed as he approached Twilight Sparkle and her siblings. They all looked at him as they wondered of what happen next.

"Come with me," Strikespell said firmly, "You and I have some discussion to make about you and Shadow Dragon..."

Twilight Sparkle and her siblings gulped in concern. They're now worried and scared. They wondered of what he's going to do next with them. They prayed Strikespell won't be upset and angry with them about the Friendship Games' Tricross Relay event...

Optimus Prime and his team were standing outside of Canterlot High School's Soccer Field as they all were chatting and discussing of what is their next move. After what happened to the second round, they have to be alert and prepared for the game's finale and strange events. They even have to keep their optics sharp on Decepticons as they feared their enemies may up to something.

Cade sighed, "Things has gotten worse lately."

"Tell me about it," Shane said in concern, "Things are out of control, man. I don't like it."

Tessa nodded, "Yeah. We need to bring those two back together. Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle loved each other. And there is no way they stand mad at each other. They needed some time off."

Bumblebee whined in upset as he radioed, "What hurts the most... It's being so close..."

"Probably not a good idea now..." Cade said in concern.

"But we have to help them." Tessa insisted

Cade nodded in understanding, "For now, Tessa; let them calm down. The last thing we want is pissing them off."

Tessa sighed, "Fine..."

"Sensei, we should be prepared and be on guard, should the magic ever run wild again," Drift suggested in concern, "We cannot afford to let it happen to the Humans."

Sideswipe nodded, "Drift's right. Things are getting out of control especially the magic. This could attract the Decepticons for their use."

Crosshairs scoffed, "I know what you mean. They could be after kids' magic and blood again. They're gonna used them for supercharged."

"I do not want to know what they do with their prisoners," Prowl remarked in concern.

Hound grunted, "Not on my watch. No Cons or anyone could get away in getting our friends for their stupid experiment!"

"I'm with you, Hound!" Smokescreen cheered.

"Count on me too," Breakaway supported.

"Yeah..." Other Autobots exclaimed and nodded in agreement.

Optimus Prime hummed in concern, "Alright. Autobots, recon. And be ready for anything. Our enemies could be nearby, watching and waiting to strike us down."

"Like them?!" Smokescreen exclaimed as he pointed up.

The Autobots looked up as they spotted newest Decepticons - a dark bluish muscular Cybertronian Warrior with devilish wings and worn the Roman Helmet-like who has a mustache and beard and another was the purplish armored warrior with cone twin plate and wing blade.

"Blast! They spotted us! We must retreat, Cyclonus!" The blue Decepticon exclaimed in concern.

Cyclonus nodded, "Affirmative, Scourge! We shall leave at once!"

Both Cyclonus and Scourge transformed into their alienated yet metallic Cybertronian Jets. Cyclonus's was alien spaceship jet-like while Scourage transformed into demonically jet-like. They both flew straight up to the sky at once.

"Blast them!" Crosshairs exclaimed.

Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Crosshairs, Hound, Smokescreen and Breakaway armed and fired their blasters at two Decepticons at once. Their enemies dodged and avoided the attacks.

"Damn it! They're far away for us to shoot those punks down!" Hound exclaimed in concern.

Breakaway scoffed, "I can! No way they can beat me down so easily!"

Breakaway transformed into his jet and flew up. Autobots called him to come down but he was away to the sky. Breakaway fired his blasters and missiles. Both Cyclonus and Scourge dodged and avoided the blasts while going to the sky high. As Breakaway getting close to them, Cyclonus and Scourge stopped and transformed into their robot modes. They punched him hard for few times before firing him straight to the ground.

The Autobots came and helped Breakaway up as they checked on him now. Cyclonus and Scourge smirked and chuckled darkly as they transformed into their jets and flew off at once.

Smokescreen hissed, "I don't think we've seen the last of them."

Sideswipe nodded, "They'll be back soon. And when they do, we'll beat them back!"

Bumblebee radioed, "You've said it, man!"

At the cafeteria, Roadblock and his team have tied Storm Shadow to the chair in making sure he doesn't try to escape. It's time for them to interrogate him and learned the truth of why did he try to assassinate Twilight Sparkle.

"Why... Why the hell did you do it, Storm Shadow?" Roadblock demanded angrily. Storm Shadow remained silent for the moment. He slammed his fist on the table hard as he shouted in anger, "Answer me now!"

Flint nodded, "Better do it. We're not in mood with your silence treatment especially Roadblock."

Storm Shadow remained silent for the moment again. G.I. Joe groaned in annoyance and angry as they're getting irritated and annoyed by his silence.

Tunnel Rat whistled, "He's good..."

"I'm getting annoyed with the silent night, man!" Ripcord remarked angrily, "Spit it out, man!"

Scarlet shook her head, "I don't think he will. Ninjas are trained to be silence at all cost when it comes to mission. And no matter what interrogation and struggles they faced, they will not break or talk."

"Great..." Lady Jaye muttered in annoyance, "Isn't there anyway we can make him talk?"

Snake Eyes held his hand up in showing one finger. Jinx nodded in agreement. Both Snake Eyes and Jinx approached and looked at Storm Shadow.

Storm Shadow looked up and glanced at Jinx, "Snake Eyes... Kimi..."

"Please tell us... Why? Why did you do it?" Kimi asked in concern, "Why did you become an assassin? Why hunt Twilight Sparkle? Why has ever she done to you or our clan?"

Snake Eyes clenched his fist in touching on his chest while shaking his head. He denied and refused to believe that Storm Shadow would lost his honor. He learned the truth behind Storm Shadow's reason and 'betrayal' to Arashikage Clan because of the murderer framed the white ninja. Storm Shadow disappeared after saving the leaders from Cobra.

Storm Shadow looked at Snake Eyes, "I have not lost my honor, Snake Eyes. But this is something I must do. This mission is my only way to find and kill my uncle's murderer."

"Tomisaburo..." Jinx said in concern.

Ripcord hissed, "Is he serious?"

"He came to me. He told me that Twilight Sparkle..." Storm Shadow looked down quietly while everyone looked at him in concern and suspicious. He sighed, "He told me that she will free the Great Evil from its prison. She will unleash the destruction upon our world. So, I must kill her before she achieve it."

G.I. Joe were in shock and worried of what they just heard. Was Storm Shadow telling the truth or being delusional and insane since disappearance?

Flint held Storm Shadow up while glaring at the latter, "Who the hell is he?! Cobra Commander?!"

Storm Shadow glared at Flint, "No... He did not show his face. Only his warning. You have stopped me from saving the world!"

Flint scoffed as he turned to his team, "I don't trust or believe in him."

"I'm with you, man..." Ripcord nodded, "That guy tried to chomp me to pieces!"

"But who is this mysterious client Storm Shadow was working with," Lady Jaye asked in concern, "And why the hell he thinks Twilight would do such a thing?"

Tunnel Rat shook his head in confusion, "I have no idea. But Twilight did drain six girls' magic in her amulet. Do you think it's related to what Storm Shadow's client had said?"

"I don't know... Things have gotten complicated than before. No way it's Cobra Commander, Decepticons or Dark Curse behind assassination," Roadblock said in concern. He turned to Spirit, Scarlet, Snake Eyes and Jinx. He asked, "Think Storm Shadow is telling the truth?"

"His action is... unacceptable. But his truth isn't..." Spirit said firmly, "I sense it. His spiritual is still pure yet humble. Someone wants her death. I have yet to know who and why..."

Snake Eyes nodded in agreement. Jinx spoke, "Sensei's right. Tomisaburo's telling the truth. Sensei can tell by listening to both his heart and breathe."

"Something tells me this is no coincidence," Scarlet said in concern.

Tunnel Rat hissed, "Something I'm not gonna like this."

Flint glared at Storm Shadow, "And something tells me it's the trap. We should be on guard."

Lady Jaye nodded, "Flint's right. Whether Storm Shadow can be trusted or not, we should keep an eye on Twilight Sparkle and her amulet as well as him. We can't let anything bad happens to others."

"Your call, Roadblock," Ripcord said firmly, "We'll with you till the end."

Flint, Scarlet, Snake Eyes, Jinx, Tunnel Rat and Spirit nodded their heads as they stood besides with the other teammates. G.I. Joe looked at Roadblock as they waited for his answer. Roadblock sighed as he thought carefully of his decision.

"We'll deal with you later, Storm Shadow." Roadblock said firmly. He turned to the soldiers, "Keep your eyes sharp on him. Make sure he won't leave this place. Joes, move out! We've got VIP girl to look after."

G.I. Joe nodded firmly. Roadblock turned and exited the cafeteria, and his team followed him. Some soldiers approached and glared at him as they were on guard duty. Storm Shadow remained silent while looking down in anger and upset. He muttered:

"You have no idea what is coming..."

After the getting their usual clothes up; Main Six, Dragon Strike Force, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash Sentry, Wheelie and Brains were inside at the music room. They should be happy and proud that they have won the second round of Friendship Games yet they were upset and saddened about it. They not only want to win the games, they wanted to befriend with Twilight Sparkle. It went well so far since yesterday and today.

But things became complicated and upsetting due to Twilight's strange yet mysterious amulet. It not only absorbing all six magic and portal's but also created some. It torn Twilight's friendship with Canterlot High and relationship with Shadow Dragon.

Fluttershy was sitting down on the steps as she sighed, "I don't feel like playing these games anymore."

Terrorcreep approached and sat down close to her. He hugged her in comfort and gentle. Fluttershy hugged him back. Both have been friends, family and couples since their childhood.

"Well, we have to play! This is going to be the last event!" Rainbow Dash insisted as she was leaned towards the wall.

"Really?!" Terrorcreep asked angrily, "Was the game so important to you?"

"Well Yeah! This is the perfect chance to win it! We want to prove everyone that we Canterlot High is going to be champion of this game!"

"Selfish brat!"

Rainbow Dash groaned in anger, "What did you call me?!"

As Rainbow Dash and Terrorcreep were about to attack, Aquastroke came in-between both, "Rainbow Dash! Terror! Enough! Both of you! This isn't good time to pick a fight!"

"Tell to that guy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in anger.

Fluttershy tried to pull her boyfriend away, but Terrorcreep huffed while standing, "I insulted you because you do not care of others. And you call yourself 'Wielder of Element of Loyalty'. You don't deserve it."

"I'm gonna break your fangs to pieces, you mother-!"

"Rainbow Dash! Enough! I don't care whether we win or not! We have more important things to deal with! Okay?!" Aquastroke exclaimed in annoyance. Both Rainbow Dash and Terrorcreep silenced. She continued, "Rainbow Dash, I know you want to win but you need to think about others as well. Terrorcreep, you don't have to be so cruel to her about others' feelings and opinions. It's not easy for everyone now. But this is not the time to think that way. Our friends need us now."

Rainbow Dash and Terrorcreep remained silent while looking at each other. They sighed in defeat and shame. Terrorcreep held Fluttershy on his left arms.

Blazefist sighed as he looked through the folded window, "Aqua's right. We need to help Twilight and Shadow Dragon now."

Rainbow Dash and Terrorcreep looked at each other again, "Sorry..."

Pinkie sniffed in despair and upset as she breakdown in tears, "They broke up now. It's so sad to see them apart."

Laxtinct sniffed, "I always thought they were perfect couples. But I didn't realize Twilight was jealous on Iris Crystal. I thought... I thought..."

"So did we..." Tailtech said in concern.

Icy sighed, "Things have gotten out of hand lately. The world forced to be united as one by Strikespell. Azure Phoenix almost died by the enemies. Twilight's amulet went wild in draining the magic and unleashing portals. And now... this..."

Everyone sighed in upset and despair again.

"Why is life so hard?" Sweetie Belle asked in upset.

Scootaloo nodded, "Yeah... Why things have become so big problem?"

"Do you think we can make things up?" Apple Bloom asked in concern.

Rarity sighed as she looked at her compact, "It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening."

"Yes... We can forgive them." Shorty added in concern as he looked through the computer. He sighed, "But can they forgive each other..."

"And I feel awful about what I said to Twilight." Sunset Shimmer said in shame as she sat down, "Because of me, I've make both her and Shadow Dragon broke up..."

Flash sat down closed to Sunset, "It's not your fault, Sunset. Don't blame yourself."

Wheelie nodded as he patted Sunset's legs gently, "Come on, Sunny. Don't be hard on yourself. We hated it when you do that. No way you could have know about this. None of us do."

Brains nodded in concern, "Think that girl feels sorry about it?"

Fluttershy nodded firmly, "She obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did. She's actually really nice."

Upon hearing what Fluttershy had said, Sunset Shimmer placed her both hands on her face in guilty and shame. Everyone turned and glanced at Fluttershy. The shy girl yelped as she covered her mouth that she shouldn't have said that.

Applejack approached Sunset Shimmer as she sat close to the latter, "First thing first - let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters to Crystal Prep. Then you can go over and apologize to her. I'm pretty sure Twilight understands it."

"You think so," Sunset asked in concern.

Applejack nodded, "I know so. I looked at her eyes. She was so alone. It reminds of you. I know it when I see one. And I want to help her. Don't you want to?"

Sunset nodded, "Yeah, I do..."

"We also should look for Shadow Dragon." Saber Dragoon added in concern, "I haven't seen him since the Tricross Relay. He must have taken it very hard..."

Sunset sighed as she nodded, "Yeah, we should. You guys find Shadow Dragon while I go find Twilight Sparkle."

"Are you sure?" Flash asked.

Sunset nodded, "Yes. It's my fault. I have to make it up for Twilight."

Sunset and her friends immediately got up and leave the music room in search for Shadow Dragon. Sunset went and find Twilight Sparkle for amendments. They have to help him reunite and apologize to her as they hoped her forgive him. They prayed everything will be alright.

Strikespell was taking Twilight Sparkle, Lance Justicestrike, Nyx and Spike across the school hallway. Strikespell hasn't say a word since the second event, other than at the locker room. The Sparkle Siblings were concerned and scared of him. They feared he would be angry and upset with them about the amulet absorbing the magic and caused dimensional rifts.

Strikespell stopped neat to the principal's office. He approached to it as he held his hand on the door gently. He sighed in upset yet calmly. Twilight and her friends noticed it.

"You miss your mother and your sister, don't you?" Twilight asked in concern. Strikespell turned and glared at her. She gulped as she and her siblings looked away. She apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. It was stupid of me..."

"Yes... I do miss them..." Strikespell admitted. He sighed, "But at the same time, I was jealous of my own sister. She won my mother and father so much. No matter how much effort I tried, they chose her over me. She's better than me. She's better than anything else."


"But when she died, I was broken and pained. I was ashamed of what I've done to her. I was her elder brother. I was supposed to look after her! I shouldn't have driven her away from me!"

"Then, why did you blame Principal Celestia and Shadow Dragon about this?"

"To vent my anger and frustration out at them. My mother left because of my father's neglecting on her and my family but I don't blame her. I was overprotective and not trusting much of Shadow Dragon about Iris Crystal. But I was too proud and shame to admit that it was my fault. You too feel me the same way, don't you?"


"I overheard what happened. You hated her, don't you?"

Twilight gasped in shock as she covered her mouth with her hand. Lance, Nyx and Spike yelped in concern. Strikespell overheard of everything after the second event. What will they do now?!

"I'd never hate her. I'm actually admire her a lot. She's smart, brave, kind, gentle, friendly and best of all a best friend I'd never had in my life." Twilight smiled a bit. She sighed as she looked down in shame, "When Shadow Dragon came, I fell in love with him. I wanted to tell him that but... She took him away. And I... I..."

"You were jealous of her?"

"Yes... I hated it a lot. I terribly wished her go away for good. But I didn't mean it..." Twilight sniffed as tears coming out from her eyes. They all flowing down her cheeks. She continued, "She's gone because of me. I just want her not to be with Shadow Dragon, that's all! I was so selfish and stupid!"

"Twilight..." Lance, Nyx and Spike said in concern.

Strikespell sighed as he approached and hugged Twilight Sparkle, "It's okay, Twilight. It's okay. So, you'd never let anyone knows about your feeling, didn't you?"

Twilight sniffed unhappily as she hugged Strikespell, "No, I didn't. I'd never tell anyone or even Iris Crystal about it. I hid it so deeply and terribly because... I want to do it for her and him. But... But... But I..."

"I know... I know, Twilight."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything... I'm so sorry..."

Twilight continued crying while Strikespell hugging her like a big brother comforting his little sister. Lance, Nyx and Spike remained silent yet felt and shown concern and pity in seeing them both. Both of them were jealous of Iris Crystal yet they were ashamed and upset about her death. They blamed themselves for the incident. They couldn't admit it.

As he departed from hugging, Strikespell held her amulet up while glancing at it, "Tell me, Twilight. Do you want to go to Everton for your independence studies?" Twilight sniffed as she wiped her tears off. She remained silent. He sighed, "I asked you because I want to give what is best for you. Your family, your new friends and Shadow Dragon... They all need you now."

Twilight sighed, "To be honest, I don't know..."

Strikespell patted her head gently, "I understand, Twilight. Take some time. I'll be outside, then we continued our chat. The final game won't start until evening."

Twilight nodded in understanding. Strikespell turned and headed straight to the lobby at once, leaving her and her siblings behind. Twilight sighed as she wondered of her decision about Everton Independence Studies. Her siblings looked at her in concern yet wondered.

"I'm guessing he doesn't know about Principal Cinch's blackmail," Lance asked in concern.

Nyx hummed as she carried Spike up, "He doesn't look like he knows it. But... Twilight, do you really want to go to that place?"

"If you do, we won't see you again," Spike said in upset.

Twilight sighed, "I really don't know. After what happened today, there's something for me to realize my mistakes but also learn and understand it. There's more to this than meets the eye..."

Twilight turned and begin walking. Lance, Nyx and Spike followed her. She looked around of her surroundings. They saw how friendly and caring Canterlot High School students to each other are from her Crystal Prep Academy. They even saw one of classroom where Cheerilee was teaching some Elementary Students, and calmly encouraged them to learn. Compare to hers, the rivalry school is much more friendlier and encouragement.

Twilight Sparkle: I've walked through all these halls before
I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh
There's nothin' in my school that I don't know

Twilight and her siblings approached to the glassed cupboard of several trophies. They came across to the photo from last four years. Despite their defeat to Crystal Prep, they still were happy and proud that they're still together and enjoy the game.

Twilight Sparkle: In every class, my grade's the best
The highest score on every test
But now I'm not sure that it's time for me to go

Twilight sighed calmly as she began singing out loud of what she wanted and how she felt. She leaned against the wall for the moment. Lance, Nyx and Spike glanced at her for the moment. She smiled a bit in realizing of what she wanted - her counterpart she wanted to meet.

Twilight Sparkle: I know there's more that's out there
And I just haven't found it yet
I know there's more that's out there
Another me I haven't met

Twilight then walked straight to the lobby. Her siblings followed her.

Shadow Dragon approached to the empty hill. It was where the Battle of the Band held. He took a deep breath while staring at the empty space.

Shadow Dragon: Everything feels like yesterday
And it's not from a magic spell's command, whoa-oh
My friends look past the things I've struggled hard

Dragoking raised his head up in nudging his master. Shadow Dragon turned and patted him for a while. He looked at the clouds in the shape of his friends and family. He smiled happily in seeing them. He then came across shape of Twilight Sparkle. He shown sad, shame and guilty. Shadow Dragon turned and walked away.

Shadow Dragon: And I'm very grateful of
Friendship, family, and my love
All was great, but, why I make mistakes?

Twilight Sparkle came across to the lobby where she and her siblings found Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep students at the place. They were chatting with each other about the second event and wondered about who will win the finale. Both sides were glaring at each other while talking to their own groups.

Twilight Sparkle sighed: This school is full of people
But still I don't belong
They only dream of winning
Look at each other like something's wrong

Twilight and her siblings quickly passed through the students. They don't want to be involved in feud and rivalry. The Sparkle Siblings entered to the eastern hallway's staircase. They then climbed up the stairs to the top.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe I'm better off alone
Will I find what I'm lookin' for
If I just do it on my own?

Shadow Dragon entered the lobby. Dragoking was coiling and wrapping around his body. Shadow Dragon was looking down in shame and upset. While ignoring everyone else and didn't notice Twilight and her siblings. He then entered the western hallway before climbing up the stairs.

Twilight and her siblings climbed all the way to the top as they took a glance on the window for the moment.

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle: I know there's more that's out there
Something to fill this hole inside
I know there's more that's out there
And I'm gonna make it right.

Shadow Dragon continued walking the stairs to the rooftop of the school's building. Twilight and her siblings walked to the second floor. They arrived to the library as Twilight leaned against the door for the moment.

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle: There's only so much this world can offer
And I'm not saying that it's wrong
But I know there's more that's out there
'Cause I've been searching all along

Twilight Sparkle moved rotated herself while looking around of her surroundings. She sighed as she cried proudly of what and how she felt. Lance, Nyx and Spike looked concern and worry as they kept watching her expressing her emotions and struggles of what she wanted and needed.

Twilight Sparkle: Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls
So much to learn, I can't see it all

Shadow Dragon continued climbing the stairs to top while recalling his tragic past and last year's adventure. He even recalled about three days' event - witnessing the construction of Project: Avenging Ships, Azure Phoenix almost assassinated, Friendship Games and finally broke up with Twilight Sparkle. And at the same time, he shown very guilty and upset as well.

Shadow Dragon: My past is over, my present is now
But how can I be happy yet still feel guilty?

Twilight Sparkle and her siblings walked down the stairs to the ground level. They all entered the lobby. It's now empty.

Twilight Sparkle: Cause I know there's more that's out there
Another world to explore

Shadow Dragon opened the door. He has arrived at the rooftop of Canterlot High School. He then looked at the sky.

Shadow Dragon: And I know there's more that's out there
Am I wrong to be with her?

The duet continued singing proudly and determinedly while looking at the top. They all wondered of what they can do...

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle: And I'm gonna do what I have to
But what it is I cannot say
I just know there's more that's out there
And it's calling out my name

Shadow Dragon and Dragoking continued marching towards the rooftop's fenced barrier while Twilight and her siblings marched towards the entrance.

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle: And I'm searching for the answer
'Cause I feel I've lost my way
And I know there's more that's out there
And I'll find out someday!

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle sighed unhappily and upset upon looking at the front. They wondered if they can actually make the right decision for themselves and someone they cared so much...

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle: I'll find out someday...

As Twilight and her siblings exited the Canterlot High School, they spotted Strikespell talking with Sunset Shimmer near to the statue. The Sparkle Siblings approached to Strikespell and Sunset Shimmer.

"I'd take this is enough time for you to think?" Strikespell asked curiously.

Lance, Nyx and Spike remained silent as they wondered if Twilight Sparkle was willing to go to Everton for her studies or not. Sunset Shimmer was confused and concerned as well.

"Yes, I've made my decision," Twilight said firmly. She turned to Sunset Shimmer, "Sunset... I-!"

Sunset interrupted calmly, "Before you say anything, I want to say... I'm sorry for the things I've said to you. I didn't mean to make you and Shadow Dragon broke up. I'm really sorry."

Twilight was in shock and stunned, "Sunset..."

"Mr. Secretary! Ms Sparkle!" The voice called frantically. Everyone turned to the front where they spotted military soldier running towards them. He stopped as he breathed heavily, "I bring news! Azure Phoenix! He-! He-!"

As the messenger reported, everyone gasped in shock and worried. Something bad has happened to Azure Phoenix!

Shadow Dragon was staring at the town as he wondered of how he can make up with Twilight Sparkle for neglecting and not loving so much for her. He really did love her but didn't mean to start the argument and fight with her, or even make her jealous about Iris Crystal. He should have been there for her, just as he did for Iris Crystal. But what can he do? The damage is done...

Dragoking raised his head before his master. The black anaconda nuzzled his master's head gently for comfort. Shadow Dragon smiled a bit as he patted his pet gently.

"Thought you might be here," The firm yet calm voice called. Shadow Dragon turned and found both Flare Tiger and Shining Armor stood on his both sides. Shining Armor asked, "Wanna talk?"

"What's there to talk? I blew it. I'm being idiot." Shadow Dragon muttered in upset. Both Shining Armor and Flare Tiger were in silent. He continued, "Well? Aren't you gonna said? I knew it! You're not fit for her! I told you so! You should have listen! None of this could have happen!"

Flare Tiger sighed, "Cousin... I haven't say anything. In fact, you shouldn't talk like that."

"What am I suppose to do?" Shadow Dragon asked in annoyance.

"Talk with her. Apologize to her. Tell her that you still love her."

"You're kidding me. The damage is done. There is no way she'll talk with me after what has happen before. She'll never forgive me."

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure she forgive you. I foreseen the future. She really needs you. She really love and care you so much."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "No, she doesn't."

Flare Tiger sighed in concern, despite being Shadow Dragon's closest cousin he ever has. Shining Armor hummed thoughtfully as he wondered if there was another way to snap him out. He gasped of the idea he has.

"So, that's it? You're gonna give up on her, just like you did with Iris Crystal?" Shining Armor asked angrily.

Dragoking hissed in anger.

Shadow Dragon turned and glared at Shining Armor, "What did you just said?!"

"You heard me. And to think that you actually love my sister. I knew that you were not the right person for her to like. I knew that you will never like her."

"Now just wait a minute!"

"Twilight has been trying to prove me wrong that you really do loved her. But she's wrong while I was right. All the last four dates you have with her... They were fake. You'd never have feelings for her. You just used her."

"How dare you?!"

"I mean... like Twilight have just said..." Shining Armor glared at Shadow Dragon, "You loved her because she's just the replacement for Iris Crystal. You'd never have true feeling for her. You're a real fraud."

"SHUT UP!" Shadow Dragon rammed Shining Armor's chest off. He glared at the alumni while holding the latter's collar, "Don't you dare talk to me like that?! I'd never ever think of Twilight being replacement for Iris Crystal! Never! I love her with all my heart! I cared for her! And I will do everything to protect her! And don't you dare say that I don't have feelings for her. Because if you do, I'm gonna punch your pretty face!"

Shining Armor grunted a bit before smirked, "That's the spirit. Now that's what I want to hear."

"Wait... What?!" Shadow Dragon asked in shock.

Flare Tiger giggled, "Oldest trick of the book. And you fell for it, commander. We've set it to snap you out."

Shadow Dragon was stunned and surprised. Shining Armor grunted as he slowly stood up, "Yeah. Took some time to snap you out from your grieve about it. I thought you'd be stuck in there."

"Whoa... But why?" Shadow Dragon asked in surprise.

"I hate to admit it... You were the right guy for her. And she needed you now. After all, you and she loved each other. And you deserve it." Shining Armor admitted. Shadow Dragon hummed and nodded in understanding. Shining Armor held Shadow Dragon's collar up, "If you ever hurt Twiley again, I'll show you how angry I really get, mister! Do you hear me?!"

Shadow Dragon gulped while nodded firmly, "Got it."

Shining Armor smiled a bit, "Good. I'll see you downstairs. The final game is gonna start soon."

"Okay..." Shadow Dragon nodded. As soon as Shining Armor left, he turned and looked at the town, "As much as I wanted to go, I need some time alone first. I also need to think of how to apologize to her. I don't want to be awkward."

Flare Tiger smiled, "I have the feeling you'd say that. Mind letting your cousin keep you company?"

Dragoking hissed happily while showing his begging eyes at his master. Shadow Dragon smiled and nodded. He, Flare Tiger and Dragoking turned and looked at the sky.

"Hey, Flare Tiger?"

"Yeah, cous?"

"Thanks for comforting me and been there for me. You're really one crazy cousin to talk with, Flare Tiger but happy to have someone to comfort me."

"Always glad to help my family especially my stubborn one like you."

Shadow Dragon and Flare Tiger smiled and laughed happily before they turned and looked at the front. Everything should be fine now...

At the hospital; Twilight, Strikespell, Sunset Shimmer, Lance, Nyx and Spike were looking at the very aged and sick old Azure Phoenix. Schemetrick, One-Eyed Anger and Rhino Armor were there as well. They were all shocked, concerned and scared of what they were seeing.

Ever since they received the message from soldier, they were worried and concerned for Azure Phoenix. They make it all the way back to hospital.

Dr. Black Jack was checking on his paperclip on Azure Phoenix's health. Everyone looked at him as they wondered if Azure Phoenix was alright.

"He's stable for now. But there is no telling when he's gonna have stroke again. We have to be ready. Make it short. We'll operate on him soon." Black Jack said in concern. He turned and walked away, "Strangely, how did he get affected?"

Everyone did was watched and looked at Azure Phoenix sleeping on his patient bed. They all wondered if Azure Phoenix alright or not.

Twilight Sparkle stayed close to Azure Phoenix while looking at him, "Do you think he'll be alright?"

Strikespell sighed, "I hope so... He's a strong and heroic soldier among the world. He'll make it. Have your last word with him, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle nodded as she looked at Azure Phoenix, "Mr. Azure Phoenix, I'm sorry for everything. Not only I didn't come and save you, but Iris Crystal. I was jealous of her so much for taking Shadow Dragon because I really love him so much."

Twilight sobbed tearfully in despair, "But in truth, I really do love her because she was like a sister to me. And you were like a father to me. Strikespell was like a brother to me. All of you were great because you were there for me, teach me, help me and train me to be the best. I won't forget you for everything. And there's more, I think I like Canterlot High School."

Everyone but Strikespell looked surprise and shock of what they just heard.

"I saw everything. I learn everything from Sunset and her friends. I finally see why they're so special and magical. They're truly amazing. And I really want to learn from them." Twilight admitted. She looked down in shame and upset while glaring at amulet, "But I ruined everything because of this. I shouldn't have brought it. No one will forgive me now. What can I do?"

"Twilight..." Sunset said in shock yet pitiful.

Lance whistled, "Wow... She changed... A lot... Guess Sunset and her friends did some numbers on her alright."

Nyx nodded while patted Spike gently, "Yeah... She really want to have friends. Just like what Dean Cadance would have wanted."

Everyone remained silent as they all glanced at her. They all sighed calmly. They all feel pitiful and sympathy for her now. Azure Phoenix suddenly burst in coughing heavily.

"Do-do-do-do-do Do what is right!" Azure Phoenix coughed heavily and painfully. Everyone gasped in shock and concern of what they just saw. He was alive and he's hurt! He continued, "Do... What is right! Make it right!"

Strikespell held his father down, "Father! Calm down! You're hurting yourself!"

"Mr. Azure Phoenix! Stop! Stop talking! You're hurting yourself!" Twilight exclaimed in concern.

Azure Phoenix held Twilight's hand as his hand slowly yet weakly fell down. Twilight gasped as she took something out from his hand. She gasped in surprise - a paper she was holding. He turned and looked at his oldest son.

"My son... Let go of everything... Forgive yourself. Don't let it consume you. For Iris..." Azure Phoenix said weakly. Strikespell sighed heavily. He turned and looked at Twilight Sparkle, "Do for your friends... Make it right... At least, I get to see you... One last time..."

Before anyone could do anything, Azure Phoenix breathed out loud as he fell to his bed. His life-pulse machine beeped loudly as the beating turned into flat line. Everyone gasped in shock and concern.

"Azure?" Twilight asked in concern as she shook Azure Phoenix gently. He didn't respond and move. She gasped, "No... Noooooo! You can't leave me! Please, don't go! I beg you! Azure Phoenix!"

Twilight broke down in tears as she covered her head on Azure Phoenix's blanket. Nyx cried and sobbed tearfully in despair while hugging whining Spike tightly and passionately. Lance hugged her in comfort. Strikespell sighed as he looked down in shame and despair. Rhino whined and cried painfully and tearfully. One-Eyed Anger grunted angrily as he dropped down and slammed his fist on the floor hard for few times. Schemetrick sighed in shame as he looked away. Sunset looked in shock and despair of what she saw.

Azure Phoenix is dead...

Someone standing near to the entrance, Dr. Mindbender smirked darkly as he held the walkie-talkie up, "Cobra Commander, mission accomplish."

"Excellent, Doctor..." Cobra Commander said darkly, "I have taken care of mine. It is almost time..."

Dr. Mindbender nodded, "Yes, sir. Project END will commenced as soon as we get what we wanted. The world will befall before us..."

To be Continued...

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Author's Note:

There you have it - What More is Out There? (Canon) & (Deleted Song) but with different lyrics to blend in the story is here. Sorry to put the music on hold for long but it fit here perfectly.