• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 2,099 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Imperial Phoenix Army

In the afternoon, Sunset and all of her friends including Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Seymour Simmons followed Scar Brilliance and his generals out of the school.

Scar Brilliance and his generals took up the limo. The Autobots transformed into their transport modes at once. Sunset, Flash Sentry and the Minicons took Sideswipe. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Aquastroke, Blazefist and Terrorcreep took Bumblebee. Rarity, Applejack, Shorty Thinking and Saber Dragoon rook Drift. Pinkie, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Laxtinct, Tailtech and Icy took Crosshairs. Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna and Seymour Simmons took Smokescreen. All of them followed the limo as they headed straight to the airport for nearly an hour due to some traffic jam.

But lucky for them Scar Brilliance had alerted the police to make way for them. They were now heading straight to the airport.

Upon arriving at the airport, Sunset and all of her friends emerged from the transports. The Autobots transformed into their robotic modes. They followed Scar Brilliance and his generals all the way to private platform. They then found some familiar group standing in front of some private jets. They seemed to be familiar they had not seen since last year.

"Cade? Tessa? Shane?" Sunset asked in surprise, "Is that you?"

Yeager Family turned to their back and found Sunset and all of her friends coming towards them at once. They smiled happily yet relief to see their friends here.

"Well, what do you know," Cade smiled.

Shane waved to his friends, "Long time no see, guys!"

Tessa smiled and nodded, "Great to see you all again!"

Sunset and all of her friends and Dragon Strike Force approached to Yeagar Family as they all chatted happily with each other. Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Seymour Simmons smiled happily to see that, and even Autobots were too.

"Just like old times," Hound commented happily. He sighed, "I kinda miss that so much."

Sideswipe nodded in agreement, "Yeah... We've always do that after the mission. If Optimus Prime had stayed here, he would be proud and happy that he was right. Like he said, 'there's more to them than meets the eye'."

Drift smiled, "Yes... We maybe friends, but we are more like family. Do we not agreed of this theme, my friends?"

Bumblebee whistled happily as he radioed, "You said it, Mac!"

"Great... More smooching stuffs again. Disgusting..." Crosshairs remarked in annoyance. Hound gave him a hard slap. Crosshairs yelped, "Ouch! Hey! What was that for?!"

"That's for being dumb and selfish-ass!" Hound growled in annoyance, "That was rude..."

Crosshairs groaned in annoyance. Three recruits - Rookie Smokescreen, Tactician Officer Prowl and Aerialbot Breakaway were having their own discussion.

Confused and curious Smokescreen asked, "Am I missing something? I mean like who the heck are these three humans?"

"Don't you read the profile, recruit?" Prowl asked in annoyance. Smokescreen shrugged. He sighed in annoyance, "Of course, you don't. Then, let me explain. That man is the inventor and hero - Cade Yeager. He is the responsible of protecting and defending our leader Optimus Prime from hard and even his own kind. And if not for him, Optimus Prime would have given up his hope for humanity by now. As for other two, Tessa is Cade's daughter and college girl while Shane Dyson is her boyfriend, stunt driver and car racer."

Smokescreen whistled, "I'd say that was close. I do not want to know Optimus Prime's bad sides."

Breakaway nodded, "Yeah. I wouldn't. But these Humans got guts. I really do like that rainbow haired girl. She really is something."

Prowl nodded, "Just make sure that they don't get squashed."

Sunset and all of her friends continued chatting with Yeager Family while their staff teachers approached them.

"What are you doing here?" Sunset asked curiously, "Not that we don't want. Just curious."

Cade nodded in understanding, "We could ask the same thing, kid. Because Mr. Secretary invited us coming here for his special projects."

"Really? Funny coincidence," Seymour Simmons remarked, "So are we. He himself invited us to come too."

"Indeed. Do you know what your son is up to?" Vice Principal Luna asked Principal Celestia.

Principal Celestia shook her head, "I'm afraid not. He and I haven't spoke lately since Iris Crystal's passing. I wonder what is he up to. Is there anyone else we expected?"

"Us," The firm and tough voice answered. Everyone turned and found a group of Military Soldiers approached them. Roadblock and his G.I. Joe saluted to them at once. Roadblock continued, "My name is Marvin Hinton. I was made as Master Sergeant of the Strike Team - G.I. Joe. But you all may call me Roadblock. It is an honor to meet you all, Mane Six."

Everyone but Dragon Strike Force and Autobots remained silent for the moment while staring and glancing at the Military Group.

"Say what now?" Applejack asked in surprise.

Fluttershy was confused as she asked, "I don't think we've heard about you before. And how did you know about us?"

Rarity nodded, "We didn't tell anyone else because Azure Phoenix ordered us to keep it a secret."

Roadblock chuckled a bit, "I don't expect you to know us that quickly because this team is classified. And of course, military and politicians now about you all because you're all classified as Azure Phoenix identified."

"We're classified?" Sunset asked in surprise.

Rainbow whistled, "Are you saying we're important like VIPs?"

Flint smirked, "You could say something like that. And it's quite an honor to meet you all. I hope one day, we would like to see what 'pony up' like."

G.I. Joe Team nodded their heads in agreement with what Flint had said. They would like to see how the ponified form looks like.

"I'm glad that you all get acquainted," Scar Brilliance said calmly yet annoyingly as he approached to the plane, "But I believe we should get going. Mr. Secretary is waiting for us now. We must depart to the secret and classified base now."

Everyone turned and looked at Scar Brilliance as they all wondered of what he had said.Secret and classified base? Where was it?

Rather continued asking and questioning Scar Brilliance, everyone followed him in boarding the private plane. While small humans used the small passage airplane, Autobots in their vehicles used the Boeing C-17A Globemaster III and Breakaway was flying with them both. They both departed from United States. They both flying throughout the Atlantic Ocean in search of the area.

Within the Boeing C-17A Globemaster III, the Autobots, still in their vehicle modes, were chatting with each other about the latest development and situation on earth. Everything has worsened lately when the U.S. Secretary begin the expedition in conquering and unifying the world as one nation. And it makes them hard to find, hunt and defeat Galvatron and his latest Decepticons.

"Wonder what that crazy son of Azure Phoenix up to?" Hound asked curiously, "It's bad thing I tell ya. Definitely bad thing..."

Crosshair snorted, "Since when things getting good part? We've been on worse and the worst situation we ever faced in our lives."

Sideswipe sighed, "Yeah... I thought fighting with Megatron was bad enough but fighting with two Primes and even some psychotic, crazy and vengeance-driving Humans. Man, what has happen to our home? What happen to this world? Pain of my ass..."

Bumblebee radioed and sang calmly, "Mad World... Mad World... Mad World..."

"Bumblebee-San is right. This planet is almost reaching brink of destruction. The Humans... And I meant some corrupted and selfish ones," Drift said in concern, "They do not have concern for their own kind and home. All they desire is power than the welfare and safety of citizens."

"Just like Megatron..." Prowl concluded in concern.

Smokescreen hissed in concern, "Ouch... That's gotta hurt. How did you all manage to handle this problem? The hate? The critics? And not to mention, not being appreciated. I would like to give them piece of my mind."

Breakaway's voice called through com-link, "Wow, easy there, hotshot. This is Human Property. We don't wanna mess things up. I'm pretty sure some appreciate us. Why do you think the girls befriend with us?"

Smokescreen sighed, "I couldn't argue of that. But yeah. They ain't bad. I'm just wondering how?"

"Simple tip, kid," Bumblebee radioed calmly, "Keep it cool... ZAP! Just do your job. ZAP! Save the world and lives. ZAP! Nothing more."

Hound chuckled happily, "That's the way, kid. I like it. Ironhide, Ratchet and Jazz would be proud of you."

Crosshairs snorted, "Don't know why you keep acting like a kid in the first place when Humans backstabbed at us..."

Drift sighed, "No doubt that he missed that child. Bumblebee, do you feel responsible of his death? Is this why you behave more like a child than a warrior? You're such a disappointed rival I ever face with. What would Sam said if he sees you like this? A Guardian became an amateur again?"

Bumblebee groaned in anger as he started engine like want to ramp. But instead of going rampage or nuts, he shut down the engine. He sighed in upset while looked away from Drift. Sideswipe turned and glared at Drift.

"Hey, Samurai Car! Give the kid a break! The boy risked everything for us. He defended us from danger and even against the government." Sideswipe said in annoyance, "Bumblebee did everything he can to save that kid. He would never abandon Sam. Never. So show some little respect to that kid."

Drift sighed, "Forgive me, Bee. I did not mean to put guilty on you."

"Drift's right. I was like a child than warrior. If I hadn't run," Bumblebee said weakly, "He would still be alive. Because of me, Sam and Mikaela died of saving me. And I did nothing for them. I was their guardian. Now... I'm a joke..."

Sideswipe sighed, "No you're not, Bee! Besides, Sam would have wanted you to live and fight for his home. And above all, he wanted you to have a good life like his."

Drift nodded, "Sideswipe's right. While you're still a child on outside, within you are a warrior." He chuckled a bit, "Perhaps, I'm too prideful that I'm most senior of all."

Bumblebee chuckled in amusement, "Yeah, right... You couldn't even handle the truth that you worked with the wrong group."

"Is that so?" Drift asked in amusement, "For the next fight, don't go easy on me."

"I WON'T!" Bumblebee radioed like a kid.

The Autobots were silent for the moment before they laughed happily yet joyfully. They felt great to have each other back together. It feels like old times...

Sideswipe sighed, "Glad we can work this out..."

Within the private airplane, Scar Brilliance and his troops piloting the plane while Mane Six, their friends and G.I. Joe have their own business and chatting with each other.

Shorty Thinking and Snake Eyes continued playing the chess for nearly an hour. Snake Eyes used his Black Bishop in knocking the White Queen. The Black Ninja's Black Chess had blocked Shorty's White King from escaping - Black Bishop in 5th diagonal position, Black Rock on 8th's horizontal position, 3 Black Pawns on 7th's position, another Black Rock on 4th position in vertical and finally Black Queen on middle position. Shorty, Rarity and Sweetie Belle gasped in surprise and shock to see it. He lost.

"Wow... What do you know? I'm checkmate..." Shorty said in surprise as he looked at Snake Eyes. He smiled, "It was usually Tailtech win the chess. But you're the first. Well done, Snake Eyes."

Snake Eyes nodded as he shook Shorty's handshake. Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked confuse and concern of what they just saw. Snake Eyes didn't seem to react, talk or showing emotion but shake hand?!

"That's kinda a weird for a ninja. He doesn't talk or smile." Sweetie Bell commented.

Rarity nodded, "Yes... It is quite strange too. I wonder why he doesn't talk or show his face? Was he shy or scared?"

Shorty chuckled a bit, "No... Snake Eyes wasn't shy. He claimed wearing a mask as the sign of dignity and obligation to both of his clan and team. And also, he has scars during his search on murderer to his master and battle against some civil wars and terrorists. And of course, he was silent not because of honor but his throat was injured."

"Oh my god..." Sweetie Belle said in concern, "Just like Bumblebee..."

"Indeed..." Rarity nodded in understanding as she turned and looked at Snake Eyes, "I'm sorry for being misunderstanding. I'm not used to silent-type. But for your case, I tried to understand your gesture or signs."

Snake Eyes nodded while clenched his fist on chest. Rarity and Sweetie Belle was confused and concerned.

Shorty smiled, "Snake Eyes said 'He understands it'. As long you had someone known Snake Eyes, they'll communicate his language for us to understand."

Rarity smiled, "Interesting..."

Flint and Blazefist had the arm wrestling while Aquastroke, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Lady Jaye cheered for their own guys. Both Flint and Blazefist glared at each other determinedly and fiercely as they determined win the game. Blazefist relaxed his arm for the moment, thus giving Flint a chance to push the former's hand down. But instead, Blazefist pushed Flint's down hard. Blazefist's cheerleaders cheered for him wildly while Lady Jaye patted Flint in comfort.

Flint turned and looked at Blazefist. They both glared at each other for the moment. They then smiled impressively and calmly.

Flint smiled, "I almost had you there, pal! I almost had you! Not bad for hotheaded mutant..."

Blazefist smirked, "You too, hotheaded Joe..."

Both Flint and Blazefist shook each other's hands firmly and calmly. The girls smiled impressively to see their boys becoming friends.

"I've gotta say..." Aqaustroke said impressively and cool as she looked at Lady Jaye, "Your boyfriend sure got some skills."

Rainbow Dash smirked and nodded, "Aqua's right. That was awesome. Nobody could beat Blazefist. Well, almost beating him. But Flint almost win."

Lady Jaye blushed, "Flint - my boyfriend?" She frantically denied it, "No! Nonononono! No way! Flint and I are just partners. He and I are just friends and a team."

Scootaloo giggled in amusement, "Come on, Jaye. It's clearly you liked him. You cheered and support for him. No denying it..."

Lady Jaye hissed in annoyance, "I'm telling you, Scoot. He and I are just partners. Nothing more. Okay?" Three girls looked at her amusement. She sighed, "Okay... I do had a little crush on him. But he and I are just friends."

Rainbow scoffed in amusement, "Yeah, right... Just tell him. I'm pretty sure he had a thing for you, just like Aqua and Blaze."

Aquastroke giggled, "Yeah, sure..."

Pinkie talk randomly about her life, story and adventures with Pony Twilight to Ripcord who struggled in following her randomly and quickly talk. He never met someone who talked very fast. Laxtinct hummed happily in singing happily. Ripcord turned and looked at Laxtinct.

"Why are you so happy?" Ripcord asked in amusement.

Laxtinct smirked, "I can't wait to see! I can't wait to see her again! She and I are together again! She and I are together again."

"Say what now?" Ripcord asked in confusion.

Pinkie popped up before Ripcord, "It's easy! There's a girl named Sonata Dusk. She's with the Dazzlings. They came to the school as the new students. And surprisingly, she found and fell in love with him. He reminded her of her boyfriend. That was a mistake. So they tried to talk but we're like bad and good guys, say no way we're friends or couples. Fight, fight, fight and fight till one wins. And the worst thing is that she helped the bad guys. After realizing the mistakes, she helped us and win the war with the bad guys. But at the end, she and her friends are prisoners. And so both never each other again. That was very sad ending..."

Ripcord paused as he was stunned and shocked of what he just heard. He shook his head, "Never mind. Never understand what you've just said."

Applejack, Saber Dragoon and Apple Bloom had some chats with Tunnel Rat about their family's culture and customs.

Apple Bloom whistled, "Hoo whee... I didn't know you actually like digging the ground. Is it like your hobby or something?"

Tunnel Rat smirked as he patted Apple Bloom's head, "More or less, kid. And trust me, digging the ground is no joke or hobby. It's professional and hard work too. Not only digging a hole, you've gotta work on knowing the way in and out, recognizing some tunnel network, traveling some sewers, going into enemy's hideout, and hardest path is don't get spotted or found by the bad guy."

"So, do you work as the farmer before? I mean you didn't dig the ground for nothing," Applejack asked in amusement.

Tunnel Rat scoffed, "I was. I kinda lost the job because some crazy boss of mine wouldn't let me handle the digging. Saying I'm nuts. And so I ended up in military. Well, this worth my time."

Saber Dragoon smirked, "Wow... You actually enjoy military than farming, now don't you? Our family enjoyed it because it's our live."

Fluttershy, Tessa and Terrorcreep were chatting with Spirit about the animals and spiritual.

"So, let me get this straight," Tessa asked in surprise, "You communicate with them? You understand them? And you also communicate with 'spirits'?"

Spirit nodded in agreement. Fluttershy awed in amazement, "That is so amazing. I wish I could have one. I want to talk with the animals. Well... If they can talk."

"I assure you, my yellow friend," Spirit said calmly, "You can. You must not rely on material, you must use mental. Let them speak through your mind, and they will answer you back. But remember, respect them with love and kindness."

"Wow... That's wow..." Tessa said in surprise.

Fluttershy hummed as she nodded in understanding, "I see... I'll try that."

Terrorcreep sighed in annoyance, "Is that so? Can the spirit tell who I really am?"

Spirit chuckled, "No... I can tell by the smell. And spirit said you're considered to make a great sacrifice for your beloved one."

Terrorcreep scoffed, "Very funny... I doubt you actually can read the future. No one can. I doubt that I will make a sacrifice. I forced them to make one."

Spirit shook his head, "I'm afraid. This is true..."

Fluttershy and Tessa remained silent as they wondered of what Spirit had meant. They both looked at the silent vampire for the moment. Will he died?

Tailtech, Icy, Scarlett, Jinx and even Shane discussed about the weapons and gears might be helpful to defeat their enemies.

Shane showed his Cybertronian Gun to his new friends, "What do you think of these, guys? Pretty awesome? A sword and a gun. Bad ass!"

"We'll see," Scarlett said as she held a crossbow up, "This maybe a crossbow like European but it's a modern shotgun. And trust me, my baby is best in shooting some targets down."

Tailtech shook his head in denial as he took his Typhoon Blaster up, "That is so untrue. By combining both ours and Cybertronian's technology, I make more advanced and powerful weapon enough for us to handle both small and big enemies like tanks and bots."

"As if!" Shane and Scarlett exclaimed in annoyance.

"So, you're a ninja?" Icy asked in surprise, "Do you used guns? I mean your sensei did once. The enemies won't be fair to fight back with swords."

Jinx smiled, "I can assure you. I'm a quick learner and fast for the enemies take a shot on me. Yes, I do used guns. But only for emergency."

"Wow... That's impressive..." Icy said in surprise.

Roadblock had a chat with Cade, Sunset, Flash and two Minicons while drinking their drinks - beer and some sodas. Roadblock explained about his journey and adventure against the hidden organization - Cobra of how he and his team stopped the nanotechnology attacks and stopping the Cobra from destroying the world. They were both amazed.

Roadblock nodded, "This is one badass situation if you were in my shoes. I followed Duke and Ripcord to get the weapon to military in safety, and the next we've got attacked by some strange troops and saved by the Joes. An industry M.A.R.S. turned out to be a terrorist organization in wanting to control the world. And the next, we're almost got framed by the impostor. I'm telling you I'm so pissed off by that. I'll do anything to give them piece of my mind for hurting my brother."

Flash hissed, "That's harsh, man. People immediately accuse on someone else who didn't do anything wrong or even trying to help. I have someone like that before..."

Wheelie sighed unhappily, "Know what you mean, pal... We've been there. And it ain't happy ending either."

"Yeah... I'm with you, Wheels." Brains agreed.

Roadblock turned to Sunset, Flash and Cade Yeager, "So, what's your story?

Sunset and Cade Yeager explained about their story to Roadblock. Sunset's journey about how bad she is before she redeemed and make up for her mistakes and sins in harming everyone while making friends. Cade's journey is to clear his name while helping Optimus Prime and his Autobots away from corrupted and paranoid government and deal with Decepticons.

Roadblock whistled, "And I thought mine was the worse. Damn..."

Sunset sighed, "You have no idea. At least, I didn't get my blood dried out for the Dark Terrorist's experiment. And I can't stand the most is having all of my friends get hurt."

Cade nodded, "You and me both, Sunset. But at the end, we're safe from danger."

Roadblock smiled as he looked at them both, "You know something? Autobots, you both and me - we're not so different." Both Cade and Sunset looked at him. He continued, "We both didn't want someone and especially our best friends and family get hurt. If they do, we'll do what we can to keep them safe. It's what we all want, don't we?"

Wheelie whistled, "Roadblock did has some point about you both, and even Witwicky."

Cade and Sunset thought for the moment before they nodded in agreement, "Yeah... I guess..."

Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Agent Simmons had their chats about their military careers. Agent Simmons was impressed with two ladies.

"Wow... That's some wow..." Agent Simmons said in surprise while scratching his head, "And I thought have some double life before. So, what stops you from going back to your old career? You both make a great commander. I wish I could have mine back."

Principal Celestia shook her head, "It was terrible. And I'd never want to go back to that career again. So many injuries, so many destruction, and so many losses. And worst, a very hard decision to do for the world from turning into apocalypse."

"I agreed." Vice Principal Luna nodded, "We've seen enough of war. This is too much. When is the world stopped from waging war with each other?"

Agent Simmons hissed, "Yeah... I know what you mean. Not everyone can agreed. Heard the news? Your son conquered the Malaysia the most corrupted and disunited land of all country. The world is one. I bet they'll be pissed by now."

Principal Celestia nodded, "Which I agreed. And the leaders and people will not be happy about this."

"A year to conquer the whole world?" Princess Luna said in surprise. She scoffed, "I doubting it but now, I'm shock."

Principal Celestia sighed, "Like father, like son."

It was an interesting conversation for Mane Six and Yeager Family chats with Military Strike Team - G.I. Joe.

"Shocked to find out that Human bonded with machines?" Agent Simmons asked in amusement. He scoffed, "Yeah... That would be good to hear..."

"Attention, passengers," Scar Brilliance announced through P.A. box, "I hope you all get acquainted and chatted well. We'll be arriving at the Phoenix Fortress soon! Thank you for flying the Phoenix Jet. If you look on right, we're almost there."

Everyone moved and turned to the plane's right window at once. They saw a large island-like with some modernized and advanced military tall and large buildings, along with some platforms and garages. They but Blazefist and Laxtinct were all shocked and surprised of the place.

The Phoenix Jet and Boeing C-17A Globemaster III descended slowly and landed on the platforms. Everyone came down and out of the planes including the Autobots who transformed into their robot modes. Scar Brilliance and his military generals led the rest of their guests straight into the Main Headquarter of Phoenix Fortress Military Base while Swordstruck and Drillmap led both G.I. Joe and Autobots to the lower hanger for important mission. But also the Autobots were too big to fit in the building.

They came across the cleared and cleaned lobby area with blazing bluish Phoenix Symbol Statue standing on the middle, a counter on the front with phoenix symbol on the wall and some Military Soldiers walking around and rushing in a hurry for their duty and responsible.

Scar Brilliance and his troopers stopped at the lobby hall. He turned and looked at his guests, "This is where we will stop. Mr. Strikespell will be here shortly. And for now, do as you please. You all will have the tour around the base and learn about it. Blazefist, Laxtinct and Terrorcreep will be your guide. But please be warned, do not touch anything. These weapons are highly dangerous. Understand?!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone exclaimed firmly.

Scar Brilliance nodded, "Good. You all will be called. For now, enjoy the tour."

Scar Brilliance and his troopers turned and headed off at once. Blazefist, Laxtinct and Terrorcreep turned to their guests as they decided to lead them around the base and see how strong and mighty Imperial Phoenix Army is.

Blazefist, Laxtinct and Terrorcreep led their guests for a tour across the Phoenix Fortress Military Base. They looked around the base's chambers and area.

Sunset and her friends came to the shooting training chamber where they saw soldiers learned in aiming and firing different kinds of guns at the rounded targets or figures while some learned how to put the guns together or separated them into pieces. They then entered the dojo training where thousands soldiers trained in martial arts, boxing and fighting style. They saw some soldiers exercising and racing through some obstacle courses. They also studied books and plans about history, strategies and even medics as well.

Sunset and her friends came across the hanger, garage and platforms where they saw different models yet more new and advanced military transports such as tanks, convoys, jeeps, buggies, jets, boats and battleships. The soldiers and engineers were testing and training with the transports in making sure that theirs are functional and armed for battle and war.

They even came across with some chambers that involved some scientists in making yet testing and experimenting the chemistry, detonators, radioactive weapons, tear gas bombs, gas bombs, medication, supplies and even fuel tanks for their transports. Engineers were working on military weapons, gears, transports, mecha suits and even giant Transformer Troopers for the soldiers.

Everyone were shocked, surprised and amazed by the Imperial Phoenix Army's protocol and discipline. This is one military force they do not want to mess with.

"Oh my god..." Tessa remarked in concern, "And I thought Cemetery Wind are the worse enemy to deal with..."

Cade nodded, "Yeah... We don't want to mess with these guys..."

Agent Simmons whistled happily, "You guys are bad ass..."

Vice Principal Luna hummed in concern, "Everything change... They have become more advanced and powerful military soldiers."

"True... Strikespell wants to make sure that none can challenge him," Principal Celestia said in concern, "Just like his father."

Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement, "Tell me about it... I can see where and how Crystal Prep Academy get so super smart and super athlete from. These guys are very serious about training and studying."

"Really?" Sunset asked in surprise, "You mean Crystal Prep is also-?!"

Applejack nodded, "Eeyup. Crystal Prep Academy is founded by Azure Phoenix's Great Grandfather, Grandfather and even his own father since they're very fancy smart, fancy strong, fancy powerful, fancy mighty, fancy serious, fancy talented and skillful and of course, fancy no-nonsense jokes. All but discipline and education to be the best for Imperial Military Force."

Fluttershy nodded, "It's true. I was surprise that Earth Intelligence also worked for Imperial Phoenix Army..."

Terrorcreep shrugged, "That's because it's a subgroup of science and black-ops reinforcement, should our forces or team have pinned down or attacked."

"Yeah... Imperial Phoenix Army are always prepared for everything, no matter what happens," "Aquastroke remarked. She turned and looked at her husband, "Isn't that right, honey?"

Blazefist nodded, "Yeah, that's right."

"Don't mess with these guys," Laxtinct warned them, "They don't joke around especially Bladestrike and Strict Stalker. Those guys are very serious pain of our neck."

"Huh? You mean you work for Imperial Phoenix Army?" Pinkie asked in surprise. Both Blazefist and Laxtinct nodded. Everyone was shock and surprise of it. She continued in surprise, "Let me guess? You both were adopted by Bladestrike as his sons and lieutenants. Rather than studying at Crystal Prep, he moved you both to Canterlot High for studies and training by him for 10 years. And then, you both became the youngest members of Imperial Phoenix Army but at the same time, you joined Dragon Strike Force to fight against some terrorists and evil organization like Dark Terrorists and Cobra. Am I right?"

Everyone was in shock and surprise of what they just heard. She actually knew about it?

Blazefist nodded, "That sums of it..."

"Awesome..." Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo said in surprise and shock.

Shane nodded, "I did not expect that."

Laxtinct hummed in concern, "Where are they? I don't see them including Sonata. I hope Strikespell didn't transfer them back to prison. They just got out and start working for these guys."

Saber Dragoon patted Laxtinct gently, "Don't worry. We'll see them... Somehow... After all, they won't cause some problems to anyone or even themselves without their gems. I know my Aria won't cause the problem. She's a good girl than a bad girl now."

"Oh... That makes me feel better now..." Laxtinct remarked sarcastically, "I just hope Sonata is okay. She's too sweet and innocent."

Sunset and her friends rolled their eyes in annoyance while shaking their heads in denial. They have no idea of how Laxtinct and Saber Dragoon fall for two Sirens...

As Sunset and her friends followed their three friends for a tour around the area, they then exited to the outside where they found the paddock near the training grounds. They approached to it. They then found a familiar ally who was training a giant yet mutated black Anaconda.

Shadow Dragon smiled as he approached his anaconda pet. He petted it gently, "Okay, Dragoking. One more time. And I hope you listen good."

Dragoking hissed calmly while smiling happily. Shadow Dragon smiled as he gestured in pointing at the grasses and manikins. Dragoking slithered straight at the tall grasses while manikins looked around of the area. As they moved to different direction, Shadow Dragon whistled wildly making Dragoking jumped and stroke one to three manikins to the ground, wrapping and coiling them up in crushing them, swiping his tail in knocking them, launched his poison at them and bitten and eaten his enemies off.

Shadow Dragon whistled happily. Dragoking turned and slithered towards him. He make a gesture in rotating around him, making the anaconda slithered around him. He launched and stretched his hand in front o him, allowing Dragoking slithered and launched straight at some targets. Shadow Dragon charged ahead before jumped. Dragoking used his tail in holding his master before launching him up to the sky. Shadow Dragon hovered and whirled around for few times. He then dived and landed on Dragoking's head hard. Dragoking lowered his head down in letting Shadow Dragon to climb down.

"Good job, boy. That's a perfect score," Shadow Dragon said proudly. Dragoking hissed happily as he licked his master's face. He laughed happily while holding his pet's head, "Okay, okay, okay! You can stop, boy! Stop! That's enough!"

"Well done, my student," The firm voice said calmly. Shadow Dragon turned and looked at his master who looked 45-years-old bluish older man with blackish and gentle hair dressed in his black coat and military samurai's armor. He continued while entering the cage, "You've trained your pet well. It seems that you both are bonded."

Shadow Dragon smiled while shaking his head, "It's friends. Dragoking is my friend than a pet, Sensei Lightningblade."

"Of course, I know that. I just loved to tease you. But nevertheless, you've done well. And speaking of 'well', we have some familiar guests here."

"Really?" Shadow Dragon asked in surprise as he turned and looked at the cage. He found some familiar group. He gasped, "Everyone? You're all here?"

"Lightningblade Sensei? Shadow Dragon?" Everyone asked in surprise and shock, "You're all here?!"

Mane Six had known Lightningblade since two years ago when he tried to investigate some crimes at Canterlot High and promised to keep the secret about magic and incident. That didn't happen due to Azure Phoenix found out about it. Shadow Dragon came to the school to find and deal with the problems while struggled in overcoming his past. But thanks to his friends pony Twilight, he overcome the past and win the battle before he left and returned to Crystal Prep Academy.

Everyone had the chats for the moment about missing each other and wondering of what and why they were doing here at Phoenix Fortress Military Base. They really missed the conversation and friendship moments so much.

"So, what's with training Dragoking?" Applejack asked curiously.

Rarity nodded, "I thought that you both were closed together."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, "It's true. So, why did you trained your pet?"

"Dragoking is more than a pet, Fluttershy. He's my friend," Shadow Dragon corrected Fluttershy as he patted Dragoking's head. He continued, "And just because he's tamed and always obey to me doesn't mean that he won't hurt everyone else. I kept training with him to strengthening our bonds and relationship. Because with that, Dragoking will follow and obey me alone."

Sunset smiled, "Gotta say. It does make sense. Kinda like how I've bonded my friendship with Wheelie and Brains, even though those two don't know when to stop peeking on me and even the special moments between me and Flash."

"Aw... That is so sweet of you, Goddess of Sun," Wheelie commented happily. He stopped and groaned in annoyance, "Hey!"

Flash smirked while chuckled, "She got you there, alright."

Everyone then laughed happily and joyfully about the joke while Wheelie groaned in annoyance. Rainbow Dash turned to Shadow Dragon as she asked something about importance.

"By the way, we know about your Twilight Sparkle at Crystal Prep," Rainbow Dash said calmly, "Think she's coming for the competition?"

Pinkie giggled happily, "We sure love to meet her! We're so nervicited!"

"Me too!" Cutie Mark Crusaders, "I can't wait to meet Nyx too!"

Before Shadow Dragon could answer, a noise static sounded. They looked up and found a speaker box on top as it was about to announce.

"Attention, guests! Strikespell has returned! Please come to the underground hanger level at once. It is time for the special project..."

Everyone looked at each other. They all wondered of what is going to happen next? They knew that they were about to find out...

Blazefist, Laxtinct and Terrorcreep led their friends all the way down of underground hanger where Strikespell, Cunning Fury, Scar Brilliance, Drillmap, Swordstruck and even some of their allies -Autobots and G.I. Joe were waiting at the bridge.

Strikespell turned to his guests. He smirked a bit, "It's nice to see everyone is here, and especially my family..."

Principal Celestia remained unamused while glaring at Strikespell, "It is nice to see you here as well, son..."

"Good... Now that everyone has been gathered," Strikespell said calmly as he pushed some buttons on the control panel for the moment. He continued, "We can finally begin the presentation. Bring forth Project: Avenging Ship."

As if it was cued, some lights were turned on. Sunset and all of her friends saw something that shocked and surprised them a lot. They saw eight giant flying Cybertronian Armored Battleships-like with four jet boosters, some several heavy artilleries and turrets on its decks and its below. The loading crew were bringing and loading some of military air and ground transports such as jets, black hawk gunships, tanks, motorcycles, mecha suits, Transformer Drones and more into the ship. The engineers were checking on the ship's system one more time in making sure that it is functional and ready.

Speechless... Everyone was in shock and concern of what they saw. They had never seen a battleship that was so big

"Oh my god..." Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna said in shock.

"That is one big ship I ever seen..." Crosshairs commented in shock, "Not that even match with Xantium, Ark or Nemesis. They're way larger than these babies..."

Sideswipe nodded, "Yeah... But we're so extinct..."

Flint whistled in shock, "This kinda reminds me of Cobra's Zeus 2 years ago."

Lady Jaye sighed, "Don't remind me of that..."

Cade gulped in concern, "What is this?"

"The future." Strikespell answered as he continued, "Everyone, this is Project: Avenging Ships but also known as the Phoenix Cruisers - the most powerful and effective armored battleships we ever built. And they even can fly across the world. They consisted not only long ranged sniper and heavy machinery guns but also powerful antiaircraft turrets, missile launcher turrets and of course we loaded all of our transports, suits and drones for the attack."

Cunning Fury nodded in agreement, "Indeed. Once they launched in the air, they will go to a specific region for not only protection of our nation but also against any threats and invasion sighted from within and outer space. But they cannot fire at their targets without the satellite's control and coordinates on enemies' location."

"But here is some good news and bad news. Good news is that we have the records and profiles of our enemies, criminals, terrorists and invaders. The satellite will transfer all the information to Phoenix Cruisers, so it can easily target and shoot them without giving them a chance to move. But bad news - if anyone dare conspired, betrayed and attacked the world, they will have unfortunate death wish."

"Either way, it is impossible for our enemies to win or defeat us. With the combination of ours and Cybertronian Technology, we build the most powerful weapon in the universe to defend our home against the common threats. And of course, we also including powerful Rainbow Energon as the fuel and energy supplies and sources for our military might. Our world is in safe hand."

Shorty was in shock and concern, "Rainbow Energon?! You're using them for military! You can't be serious! They're unstable and dangerous! They're not properly tested!"

"That's the risk we're willing to take for the world," Cunning Fury said calmly.

"I'm guessing the K.S.I were involved of this after you forced Mr. Joyce quit from his job," Cade asked suspiciously. Cunning Fury smirked devilishly while nodded in agreement. He hissed in annoyance, "That explains why you guys asked us build so many security drones, transformanium, mecha suits and more weapons to transport here."

Sunset turned and looked at Cunning Fury and Strikespell as she wondered why would he built this kind of weapon.

"Why? Why did you build this kind of weapon?" Sunset asked in concern.

"Disorder... War... Destruction... Chaos..." Strikespell answered firmly, "They had been plague in mankind since the beginning of our history. And we all know who is controlling them. And two of them are helping him."

Everyone remained silent and quiet for the moment as they know the answer. And they know him too well since he had caused and created corruption and chaos across the world. The world went madly since the last year's incident.

Cunning Fury continued, "That's not the only reason we did it. Because of some aliens and robots coming from outer space or dimension, we have to be ready for our enemies."

Strikespell spoke firmly, "If we were to save thousands of lives and neutralize the threats, it's these."

Everyone turned and looked at Strikespell and Cunning Fury. They were all in concerned, shocked, feared and worried. Mane Six, Dragon Strike Force and even Canterlot High Staffs were worried and doubted that creating the battleships. Autobots were not pleased with what Imperial Phoenix Officers had done in making Phoenix Cruisers with Cybertronian. G.I. Joe didn't like the idea either about terrorizing the world.

They found Project: Avenging Ships disturbing and uncomfortable. They were worried for the world's welfare, safety and freedom while feared for the enemies may know and used it as their advantages in ending the war and them as well. They even felt this as threat and dangerous than protection to the world.

Spirit sighed, "It appears he has chosen his own path."

"I don't like it," Tunnel Rat said in concern.

Ripcord nodded, "Yeah. You could say that again. I'm gonna go for Hawk and Azure Phoenix to lead the United States than this guy."

Flint whispered to Lady Jaye, "I'd say they're lunatic and crazier than C.C."

Lady Jaye whispered back to Flint, "I know. When it comes to protection, some ministers are bound to make some mistakes they're gonna regret."

Scarlett nodded, "Hopefully it works. Hopefully, they changed their minds before it happen."

Jinx turned and looked at her sensei who nodded his head in agreement. Snake Eyes nudged Roadblock's shoulder while his face pointed at Strikespell and the Phoenix Cruisers. Roadblock nodded in understanding of what his best friend was referring to.

"And you think this will make the better world?" Roadblock turned and asked Strikespell. He scoffed, "Doubtful."

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Yeah... I mean who would want to live in the world with you guys ruled like crazy rulers?"

"It is scary and terrifying..." Fluttershy admitted fearfully.

"Yeah..." Cutie Mark Crusaders moaned fearfully.

"These girls got the point," Blazefist said in concern, "Having that kind of weapon could make the world feared us, sir. No disrespect."

Strikespell nodded in understanding, "None taken, Lieutenant. But this is for the world's protection and safety. We cannot let the world be fallen to either our own kin or the aliens, and especially some technologies and dimensional monsters."

Bumblebee radioed angrily in mimicking Optimus Prime's voice while slamming his karate chop on the crane very hard, "We're not your TECHNOLOGY!"

Hound nodded, "Yeah! You guys are gonna be busted for this mess if you wanna do it."

"Here we go again," Crosshairs muttered in annoyance, "Believing they're doing the right thing for the world while we're wrong. So typical, you guys."

"Indeed. Do you not recall the last year's event? " Drift asked in concern yet anger.

Strikespell scoffed, "I'll take that chance. I'm doing this for the world. As far as others concern, they've accepted my proposal and decision."

"So, you're saying that the criminals will killed before they could have a trial or some evidence they're innocent?!" Applejack asked in shock and disbelief. She hissed, "That isn't the way!"

Rarity nodded, "I agreed! This is democracy, not tyranny!"

Pinkie, Shane and Tessa exclaimed in anger, "This is the worse! You're worse than any bad guys we faced before!"

"They do have the point," Saber Dragoon added up, "You said you want to protect them but you wanted to control them. Everyone will feared you."

"And your point?" Strikespell asked in amusement.

"Our point is, sir, that everyone deserve second chance to redeem themselves. If you take that away, everyone will be afraid to decide of what is right and wrong," Shadow Dragon explained sternly, "This isn't freedom. This is fear."

Sunset Shimmer nodded, "We're not making a better world. We're creating a war."

Lightningblade nodded, "They've spoken true, sir. People will never learn or discover of who they are and what their destiny lies in the future. As long as this kind of weapon existed, the world will never be in peace."

Everyone commented and nodded in agreement with what Shadow Dragon, Sunset Shimmer and Lightningblade had spoken. The world deserve the freedom, chance and choice to make, to be who they wanted to be and what kind of destiny they wanted in their lives.

"What could you have done in the first place?" Strikespell scoffed while asked as he slowly turned and glared at Shadow Dragon and all of his friends, "Tell me one thing. If today you are friends, then tomorrow you are enemies. What will you do?"

Everyone was in shock and concerned of what they just heard. Strikespell was actually questioning of their friendship with anyone they know of?!

"Is it me or is he asking about us?" Laxtinct asked in concern.

Aquastroke gulped while nodded slowly, "I'm afraid he is, Lax. And I hate to imagine or think he maybe right about this."

Fluttershy quivered in worry as she held her arms tight. Terrorcreep came and comforted her calmly and passionately, "What he said is not true, Fluttershy. It will not happen."

"I hope so," Tailtech and Icy said in concern.

Shadow Dragon glared at Strikespell, "What are you trying to point at, Mr. Secretary?"

Flare Tiger nodded, "G.I. Joe, Autobots and even Equestria are friends with us. They will not and never betray us. They never did because they trusted us."

"We'll see how long can the trust stand," Strikespell said calmly, "Because these days, it's very hard to find a good and true friend to talk with. And the only person you can trust is yourself. I have not forgotten of what happen to my sister. So, do you think I should trust you on leading the mission?"

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna remained silent as they have not forgotten about the incident which involved Dragon Strike Force and Iris Crystal mutated into monsters as well as

Shadow Dragon narrowed his eyes and glared at Strikespell, "Don't hold your breathe..."

"He's right. It's not his fault, son," Principal Celestia said in concern, "You should know that. He did everything he can to save her. He did loved her so much."

"I doubt of it..." Strikespell snarled, "And if you're wondering that you could meet Twilight Sparkle, Lance Justicestrike and Nyx at Friendship Games, sorry to disappoint. They will not be involved of it. They're too valuable for this kind of games."

"How did you know this?" Sunset asked in concern.

"I have my own eyes and ears on everyone including yours. I just want to make sure that you and your friends don't try to be funny with me." Strikespell said calmly. Everyone glared at him. They don't like being spied especially involving their privacy and special moments. He continued, "By the way, please be sure that you won't involved the magic in the Friendship Games. I don't want my Crystal Prep Academy feel cheated and unfair by your advantage. And of course, I don't want to force to shut down the very school who risked everything to defend their friends especially a mother of mine."

Sunset glared at Strikespell, "Trust me on this, sir. I won't let that happen."

"We shall see." Strikespell spoke darkly.

"You'd better!" Wheelie snapped angrily, "My Goddess of Sun is not a liar! She'll make sure that no magic can get loose so easily!"

Brains nodded in agreement, "Yup-Yup-Yup! You'd better believe it. Sunset Shimmer will make sure nothing bad happens to the Game!"

Everyone commented and nodded in agreement with the Minicons. They know Sunset Shimmer will make sure that everything especially magic is under control.

Rainbow Dash smirked, "This is like walking on the park!"

Rainbow Dash was about to lean on the bars but instead pushed Simmons who was still looking and admiring at the Phoenix Cruisers. He screamed in fear as he was pushed and fell off from the bar to the second one. Everyone looked down and see if he was okay or not. He moaned painfully.

"Rainbow Dash! DETENTION!" Simmons exclaimed in anger.

"Aw man!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in annoyance, "Again?! Gimme a break!"

Everyone sighed in annoyance as they wondered when and how Rainbow Dash is gonna be careful of what she was doing.

Strikespell sighed, "I wonder if they're the right girls for this job. This is ridiculous."

Cunning Fury smirked secretly while looking at the girls, "They're perfect specimen for her to collect the energy source for the special purpose. Everything goes according to our plan."

What is Cunning Fury up to? And why?

To Be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1. Twilight Sparkle, Lance Justicestrike and Nyx were supposed to be involved of the scene but found it a bit difficult since three of them were still at Crystal Prep School.

2. Rexstrike and Azure Phoenix were supposed to appear here but decide to move them to a different chapter.