• Published 16th Nov 2015
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Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

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Chapter 13: Friendship Prevail Part 1 - YO JOE!

"Once you entered the battlefield, there will be no turning back. Good luck for your mission. And beware of the danger, the enemies will be expecting us. God luck, my friends..."

Mane Six and their allies took different detours in reaching to Phoenix Fortress. Autobots disguised themselves as Decepticons Vehicular Mode while their close and trusted Human Allies acted as the Cobra Troopers as they were all on Cobra Battleship Convoy, which shipped both troops and their supplies back to Phoenix Fortress. G.I. Joe used the stolen Cobra Gunships as they were following the rest of their enemies' planes to the fortress. Dragon Strike Force and Mane Six used the small stealth freighter in sneaking behind the enemies' back, though they have some stowaways to follow them. Mystic Knight had another way to enter the base.

But nevertheless, the heroes were almost there. Autobots have arrived at the garage area as they transformed into their robotic modes while heading off to different location while taking down the Decepticons one-by-one. Cade and his team headed off to find Sam and Mikaela. Arriving at the aircraft platform, G.I. Joe climbed down the stairs to garage while taking down some troops down as they were searching for hostages. Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force landed and hidden beneath the bushes before they emerged and headed straight to the Fortress's Communication Center together while defeating the enemies.

Azure Phoenix, his remaining officers and some small units remained behind for the signal. Their final battle has come...

Within his personal office of Phoenix Fortress's top floor, Strikespell and his guests (Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Dean Cadance, Shining Armor and Cobra Commander in disguise of Cunning Fury) welcomed the world leaders for Project: Avenging Ships. It is time...

Everyone held their own glasses of champagne as they drank it slowly while chatted happily. Strikespell and his allies remained silent as they have no way to inform the leaders about the enemies as well as their plans. Cunning Fury cleared his throat, signaling Strikespell to do it. He sighed in defeat before cleared his throat in getting everyone turned to him.

"Ladies and Gentleman," Strikespell said calmly yet firmly, "I would like to thank you all for coming here, as well as witnessing the New Age for our world. Today, our project will rise to the sky for protection on land, sea and sky. By tomorrow, we shall have safe and secured society. Peace will come at last."

World Leaders gave the applause for Secretary of United States. Some were pleased and willingly supportive while others weren't please and annoyed since he had invaded and forced their countries to unite under his banner.

Strikespell sighed, "I know it's not an easy cooperation between all of us to be united. But it is necessary sacrifice for our home to against our greatest threat. And I promise you, everything will be fine. The world will be in safe hand..."

Strikespell gave a toast while everyone did the same. They all then drank their champagnes.

"Attention, all Imperial Phoenix Soldiers! This is Shadow Dragon." The familiar voice called.

Everyone stopped as they were surprised and shock of it, including the Alliance of Darkness, soldiers, civilians, workers and others across the building and even Phoenix Cruisers garage area. They recognized the voice very well. They wondered of what's going on.

"Some of you have heard about the incident from Canterlot High School few days ago. You were all ordered to hunt me and my friends down. But it's time you know the truth.

Imperial Phoenix Army is not what we thought it was. It's taken and controlled by Cobra. Cunning Fury or his true identity - Cobra Commander is their leader. But they weren't alone of this. Both Decepticons and Dark Terrorists were here as well. We don't know how many of them. They could be standing next to you. They almost had what they want - absolute control. They killed Azure Phoenix. It won't end there.

If you launch their Phoenix Cruisers, Alliance of Darkness will kill anyone that stands in their way and even destroy the Earth for their New Order. That is their Project End. We must stop them. I know I'm asking you all a lot. The price of freedom is high, it always has been. It's the price I'm willing to pay. If alone, then so be it. But I know you won't let this happen. Do what is right..."

The speaker turned off. Strikespell and World Leaders turned and glared at Cunning Fury, who is growling and snarling in anger and disappointment. He removed his disguise and revealed himself before them.

"You planned this..." Cobra Commander snarled at Strikespell, "I should have known..."

Strikespell smirked, "Yes, you should. Cunning Fury taught me too well. He told me to know your enemy, you must understand them. You set the trap for me, I sprung them back at you. The world turned against you."

World Leaders exclaimed in anger and rage while glaring at Cobra Commander. Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, Dean Cadance and Shining Armor smirked in please. Dark Curse's plan has failed.

"So, you'd think?" Cobra Commander asked darkly before chuckled in amusement. Firefly and Shadow Strike entered the room, along with their Cobra Troopers. They surrounded and aimed their guns at World Leaders for hostages. He continued, "It doesn't matter. Because Project End has already begun as soon as Dark Rainbow Energon created. The End is near..."

"Where are Dark Curse and Galvatron?!" Principal Celestia demanded in anger.

Cobra Commander smirked, "They're on board of Phoenix Cruisers now. Witness the end of this world, and the rebirth of New Order!"

After hearing latest news and updates from Shadow Dragon, loyal and brave Imperial Phoenix Army including attacked the impostors or known as Dark Terrorist Troopers and Cobra Troopers, with everything they have while preventing their enemies from launching Phoenix Cruisers. Decepticons transformed into their robotic modes to help assist their allies against them.

Most used guns and fists in battling against the enemies. Other used machine guns and blasters at each other. Some used military ground and flight vehicles, and even Transformer Drones to attack. The battle was fought ferocity.

G.I. Joe have arrived at the 30th Floor's Security Section where they witnessed the battlefield between Imperial Phoenix Army and Alliance of Darkness. They also witnessed their allies are losing the fight.

"We're gonna need lots of help," Roadblock said in concern. He turned to his teammates, "We split up to cover the tracks. Ripcord, Flint and Lady Jaye, find and free the prisoners and get them safety. If there're some fighters, get them to join the fight. Tunnel Rat and Spirit, go to garage and destroy their Phoenix Cruisers. Blow the bridge or engines should halt them for good. The rest of you, with me. We've got some World Leaders to save."

"Yes, sir!" G.I. Joe exclaimed and saluted.

Roadblock screamed, "YO JOE!"

G.I. Joe cheered as well. They then split up and headed to different areas at once. Ripcord, Flint and Lady Jaye headed to prison blocks. Tunnel Rat and Spirit headed to garage to destroy Phoenix Cruisers. Roadblock, Scarlet, Snake Eyes, Jinx and Storm Shadow headed to top floor to defeat Cobra Commander and saved World Leaders.

Ripcord, Flint and Lady Jaye have arrived at prison block where they found group of military soldiers, civilians, students and staffs from Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy, even Principal Cinch was there as she was screaming and panicking frantically.

"There you are?! Where have you been?! Do you have any idea of how long I have stuck in this filthy prison place?!" Principal Cinch demanded angrily and annoyingly. Three G.I. Joe approached her first cell at once while looking at her. She continued, "Honestly! Does anyone know who I am?! I am the most important person among Imperial Phoenix Army! I am the Principal for Crystal Prep Academy! Without me and the reputation I build, the school would be nothing but laughingstock! When I'm out, I will-!"

Lady Jaye groaned in annoyance as she grabbed Principal Cinch's collar. She pulled the principal as the latter got knocked out by the bars. Everyone hissed in concern and worry of what they just watch.

Lady Jaye huffed, "Scarlet's right. She's annoying."

"Yeah. I get it," Ripcord nodded in understanding. He turned and looked at the prisoners, "Come on. Let's get them out!"

"Not so fast!" The female voice exclaimed fiercely.

G.I. Joe quickly moved and hid behind the cornered walls at once while the bullets fast and shot on the ground and walls hard. Civilians screamed and ducked down at once for cover. They took a peek and found Baroness, Destro and Scrap-Iron armed with their guns. They're ready to fight.

Baroness smirked while armed with her twin guns, "You will need to go through us before you could do anything else."

"Or better; surrender to us, then civilians will not be harm." Destro said in amusement while holding his Heavy Machine Gun readied, "If not, we will have to force one out."

Scrap Iron nodded, "He's right. Surrender now! We don't need to go through with these."

"Go through this!" Flint exclaimed as he threw the smoke bomb out at three Cobra Troopers. They got blinded by the smoke. He cried, "Yo JOE! Take them down now!"

Flint, Lady Jaye and Ripcord charged in at once while firing their guns at Baroness, Destro and Scarp-Iron. Forcing them to hid and run for cover, Cobra also shoot back at G.I. Joe as well.

As soon as Cobra were away from the area, G.I. Joe quickly destroyed the locks by firing the guns. The hostages are freed now!

Flint turned to Blade Dragoon and Bladestrike, "Listen up! You've gotta get these people to safety! Me and my team will hold the Cobra off! If you have some soldiers to fight, go and help the rest to fight those jerks off."

Blade Dragoon and Bladestrike bowed, "Will do. Thank you!"

Blade Dragoon and Bladestrike quickly led the hostages out from prison block at once including taking Fluteheart and her son Reed and the unconscious Principal Cinch. Three G.I. Joe headed off to deal with Cobra at once. As the heroes came to the end of road, the villains emerged from the office as they fired their guns at the former. G.I. Joe dodged and hid behind the walls while firing back. They done the routine for five times.

Ripcord came out as he threw a grenade at Cobra's area. Three of the Cobra emerged at once before it exploded, causing them to knock on the walls hard. G.I. Joe charged in and attacked Cobra at once. Baroness battled with Lady Jaye, Flint fought against Destro, and Ripcord attacked Scrap Iron.

Baroness and Lady Jaye punched at each other, but blocked each other's fists and deflected them for ten times. Baroness gave the nudged kick on Lady Jaye's stomach for three times before rammed the latter on both walls hard. The Cobra Spy slammed G.I. Joe Sergeant to the ground hard. As Baroness grabbed Lady Jaye's head, the latter gave the former a nudge. She got up and gave triple punch on Baroness before kicked her off. Baroness stopped at once as she took her guns and fired at Lady Jaye, who charged while rolling for duck and cover from the attacks. Lady Jaye fired her pistol at Baroness's leg. Lady Jaye charged before jumped and kicked Baroness's chest off. Baroness grabbed Lady Jaye's leg before knocked and whammed her on the wall hard. Baroness grabbed and chocked Lady Jaye's throat hard, making the latter struggled and hit the former's off.

"It's over now, Joe." Baroness said in amusement, "Any last word?"

Struggled in finding something to hit her, Lady Jaye choked heavily, "Yeah! Eat this!"

Lady Jaye quickly swung her machine gun's holder in knocking Baroness's head off before kicked the latter off. Lady Jaye gave Baroness a hard punch on her face. Baroness knocked out while Lady Jaye breathed heavily.

Flint screamed wildly and angrily as he punched on Destro's face but instead screamed in pain. Cobra Muscle Tactician grabbed G.I. Joe Coproal's neck up before giving him some punches for few times. Flint groaned painfully as he struggled to withstand the attacks. He then gave the clasps on Destro's head hard. Destro screamed in pain upon receiving the attack. Flint quickly kicked Destro off. The G.I. Joe grabbed and fired his gun at Destro's body, which only deflected the bullets and also made him angry. Destro approached slowly as he tried to land some punches on Flint. The soldier moved away from the attacks swiftly while firing his gun at the titanium warrior, who got annoyed by the shooting. With his right foot, Destro then stomped Flint to the ground as he was slowly crushed the hero to the ground. Destro armed with his fist in ready to crush him.

"This is going to hurt a lot, little man," Destro remarked.

Flint grunted painfully before took a pistol and aimed on Destro's foot, "Yeah! For both of us!"

BANG! Destro screamed in pain as he got his foot shot. Flint then kicked on the Cobra Muscle Tactician's bottom, which make the latter screamed in pain. Flint quickly took a sledgehammer near to tool box as he swung it right at Destro's head hard. Destro moaned before fell to the ground hard. Flint sighed in relief.

Scrap Iron and Ripcord battled with each other. As G.I. Joe Private tried to hit, punch and kick at Cobra Scientist, but the latter dodged while insulting the former a lot. They have been through for few times. It tired and exhausting Ripcord a lot. The scientist took advantage as he punched on the soldier for few times while avoided the attack from the latter. Just before Ripcord could do anything, Scrap Iron kicked the former off.

Scrap Iron held his pistol in aiming at Ripcord, "Pathetic! You call yourself 'a soldier'? You can't even gave a hit on scientist. It's no wonder you're weakest link. And not to mention, why you failed Roadblock and Duke miserably. It's thanks to you. He's under our control. And there's nothing you or your friends can-!"

"You talk too much!" Ripcord exclaimed as he gave the kick on Scrap Iron's face hard. He then gave the scientist's face a hard punch. He snorted while rubbed his nose gently, "I'm not the weakest link. I just hate talk too much."

Baroness, Destro and Scrap Iron were defeated. Flint, Lady Jaye and Ripcord regrouped at once as they have defeated their enemies for good.

Upon reaching to the ground level; Scar Brilliance, Arthur Warfate, Bladestrike, Strict Stalker, Snaptrap, Swordstruck, Drillmap Blade Dragoon, Warpath Temper, Dragonspear, Justice Tackle, Veteran Shot, Skysoar and Old Pang also engaged the enemies.

Scar Brilliance charged in as he swung his rapier in defeating his enemies while summoning his Earth Power attacks. Arthur Warfate unleashed his Sphere of Lion on them while swing his Scimitar at them as well. Bladestrike swung his Tiger Axes with power of ferocity while Strict Stalker swung his Dragon Trident at them as they both unleashed their Fiery Flamethrower at them. Drillmap punched at his enemies, and even thugs themselves with his might while Swordstruck summoned his five Flying Swords in blockade of blasts while attacking the enemies as well.

Blade Dragoon and Warpath Temper swung their Blue Dragon Blade and Serpent Forked Spear at the enemies fiercely and determinedly. Dragonspear charged in with powerful speed while swinging his spear in knocking and killing them off. Justice Tackle rode his horse as he rammed and charged them through with speed while ferociously swinging his spear at them off. Veteran Shot fired his arrows in killing them one-by-one while dodging and avoiding the attacks.

Snaptrap led all of civilians to safety while punching and kicking the enemies off, and even used his Scythe Chain to fight them. Skysoar and Old Pang joined the battlefield as well. Skysoar magically summoned his Wind Storm Blow at them while Old Pang gave them a terrible whack and punches as well.

At Military Garage...

Tunnel Rat and Spirit have arrived at the area. They witnessed both Imperial Phoenix-Western Dragon Army engaging the Alliance of Darkness at the area. Autobots were there battling and attacking Decepticons. And at the same time, they also saw the eight gateways above them slowly opened in two, eight Phoenix Cruisers began firing up their engines.

"Phoenix Cruisers are firing their engines! We've gotta stop them!" Tunnel Rat exclaimed in concern.

Spirit nodded, "Yes, we must! Let's go! I hope your martial arts are ready."

"As if. I'm always ready!"

"Then, let us taste our greatest battle of all time, my friend! To battle!"

Spirit took his sword out as he roared wildly. He charged straight to the bridge across to the first Phoenix Cruiser Hanger Bay. Tunnel Rat followed him at once. Cobra Troopers got distracted of battling with their enemies, they spotted Spirit and Tunnel Rat coming towards them. Cobra Troopers were about to fire but instead got beaten hard. Spirit swung his sword in defeating and killing them off while Tunnel Rat punched and kicked them one-by-one.

Spirit and Tunnel Rat have arrived at the first Phoenix Cruiser. They quickly entered the ship at once as they headed straight to the command bridge, where they killed and defeated the crew one-by-one. And just before they could do anything, a man came out from the ground as he swung his sword at them both but missed at once. They both encountered Major Bludd.

"Didn't think that easy, did ya, mate?" Major Bludd asked in amusement.

Tunnel Rat groaned, "Just what we need - a psychopath."

"On my mark. Do what you have to!" Spirit exclaimed while holding his sword, "I'll stall him."

"You will stall no one! Fools! Major Bludd cried.

Major Bludd charged in at once as he swung his sword at both Tunnel Rat and Spirit. Spirit blocked and deflected the sword out. Tunnel Rat kicked and jumped off him before landed on the ground. Underground soldier quickly set the charges on the command bridge but at the same time, he kicked and punched some of Cobra Troopers off.

Major Bludd was about to attack but Spirit grabbed and thrown him back. Both of them swung their swords at each other ferociously and determinedly while dodging and avoiding the attacks for five times. Major Bludd thrust his sword at Spirit who deflected it before gave the uppercut strike. Cobra Major blocked it before kicked G.I. Joe Hunter off but got punched and kicked off by the latter. Both Major Bludd and Spirit continued swinging their blades at each other while blocking and deflecting the attacks. They then clashed their swords at each other hard for the moment.

Tunnel Rat set his last charge on the last pilot's seat.

"All set!" Tunnel Rat exclaimed as he punched Cobra Trooper. He turned as he charged and kicked Major Bludd's back off. He glanced at Spirit, "30 sec! Time to run!"

Both Tunnel Rat and Spirit turned and escaped at once by breaking through the glass window. Major Bludd slowly get up as he saw the charges have been set around the command bridge. It gave Major Bludd a shock.

"Bloody Hell!"

BOOM! The first Phoenix Cruiser blown to pieces while Major Bludd screamed in fear as he was thrown out from command bridge's window. He fell straight to the ground hard. Cobra Major moaned and groaned painfully. Tunnel Rat and Spirit continued running to main hanger as fast as they can. They then turned to the rest. Seven more were slowly ascending to the sky.

"Damn it! We won't able to set the charges!" Tunnel Rat exclaimed in concern.

Spirit hissed, "We have to stop them somehow!"

"Let's worry about these guys first!" Tunnel Rat exclaimed as he and Spirit armed with their guns as they were surrounded by Cobra Troopers who armed and aimed the guns at them. Even the security turrets from ceilings aimed at them. He gulped, "Do you have the plan, buddy?"

Before any of them could do anything, Cobra Troopers got shot and killed by turrets. Both Tunnel Rat and Spirit were surprise and shocked by it. They then spotted two familiar characters climbing up the stairs.

"Glad to see you alive," Breaker commented as he turned and looked up, "Now we have to help others. With turrets under my control, taking these morons will be easy."

"Are those-?!" Tunnel Rat asked in surprise.

Spirit nodded, "It is. Lieutenant Heavy Duty! Private Breaker! It's an honored to see you here!"

"We have to cut the chat short now!" Heavy Duty exclaimed as he passed other two cases to Tunnel Rat and Spirit. He continued as he took his rocket launcher, "Mr. Sec told us what happens. We've got some cruiser to deal with! Lock and Loaded, Joes!"

Tunnel Rat and Spirit smirked as they both armed with their rocket launchers as well. They and Heavy Duty turned and aimed their rocket launchers at second Phoenix Cruiser. They fired the rockets at the engine. The ship's blown to pieces as it descended and fell to the ground. It blown to pieces.

Heavy Duty, Tunnel Rat and Spirit prepared the next rockets. They then fired theirs at the Third Phoenix Cruisers. Its engine blown to pieces. It descended to the ground before exploded to pieces.

"Guys, we have five more! We need to destroy them!" Breaker exclaimed in concern as he pointed at five more Phoenix Cruisers ascending to the sky. He hissed, "They're getting away!"

Tunnel Rat groaned, "They're out of range for us to shoot! And not to mention, we've got only three more rockets for us to use!"

Spirit nodded, "Then, we shall use them at the Decepticons! Let's not make them waste for nothing!"

"Like your style! Breaker, contact and alert the Autobots! They have to destroy the ships now!" Heavy Duty ordered. Breaker nodded firmly. He turned to his teammates, "Time for us to kill the rest of these morons! Don't want my baby cousin outshine me! Move out!"

Heavy Duty and his team headed off at once as they joined into the battle while helping their allied troops against their nemesis and enemy troops.

At the office level; Cobra Commander, Firefly, Shadow Strike and Cobra Troopers still holding World Leaders including Strikespell and his family hostages. Dr. Mindbender, Zartan and his Dreadnoks entered the scene. Cobra Head Scientist was carrying the case of familiar energy source.

Dr. Mindbender saluted, "The package are ready, sir! We're ready to leave, sir."

"Good. Time to go now." Cobra Commander said darkly as he turned to the World Leaders, "I'm taking all of you with me. I will need some leaders to lead their nation but orders come from Emperors only. And that would be us."

"You're not going anywhere, Lewis!" Familiar voice protested.

Cobra Commander turned and witnessed the arrival of Roadblock, Scarlet and three Ninjas. G.I. Joe have arrived.

"So, you finally come, old friend. I thought you'd have give up now," Cobra Commander mocked darkly, "But I was wrong. You're too stubborn as Duke to do it."

"You bet I am, Lewis." Roadblock remarked in anger while aimed his pistol at Cobra Commander, "Now give up, Cobra Commander, or I will shoot you this time for everything and even turned Duke against us!"

"Look around, Roadblock. You have lost, just before Project End started. I have the army. I have the hostages! And now, Phoenix Cruisers will reached its destination to finish its purpose for good! New Order is upon us!"

"And you'd think Galvatron and Dark Curse would care about letting you to rule on his side? Think again."

"I am. And I know my answer. And you will not win. It's over now."

"Over for you, Rex Lewis!" The firm voice exclaimed.

Before anyone could do anything, both Cobra Troopers and Red Ninjas got shot and killed by unknown entity. Everyone was in shock and surprise while screaming and panicking. Three figures emerged from the World Leaders while aiming their guns at Cobra Commander. Their disguise slowly re-configuring and transformed into three familiar allies.

"General Colton! General Hawk! Sergeant Stone!" Roadblock exclaimed in surprise.

Joe smirked, "Thought you actually had the leaders, didn't you? We've got words to take replacement of World Leader's place."

World Leaders transformed into G.I. Joe Troopers as they all armed and aimed their guns at Cobra Commander and his Cobra Officers. Cobra Organization were confused and surprised of the event. Strikespell smirked in please while Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, Dean Cadance and Shining Armor were surprise and shocked as well.

"How?!" Cobra Commander demanded in shock, "How could I realize of this?!"

Joe smirked as he continued, "The real ones stay at their home, waiting for their liberation and freedom."

"What do you mean?!"

"Ask the former and current Secretaries of United States. They have the special plans for you."

Cobra Commander and Cobra were surprised and shocked of what they just heard. They turned and glanced at Strikespell smirking. Everyone was surprise and confuse of what Joe had just said.

Before anyone could respond, they heard the swirling blades. They turned and found Imperial Phoenix Helicopter flying and arriving to the area. It slowly landed on platform. Some familiar figures emerged from the transport as they headed straight to the office. They entered it as they revealed themselves before anyone.

"Azure Phoenix?! Captain?" Principal Celestia asked in shock.

"Han?!" Vice-Principal Luna gasped as she charged and hugged Han.

Captain Rexstrike smiled, "It's great to see you too, Commander."

Han smiled, "Miss me?"

Vice-Principal Luna quickly leaned and kissed Han's lips for the moment,

Cobra Commander quivered and shivered in fear, "Impossible! Mindbender told me that you were dead!"

"I fake my own death to fool you and your allies," Azure Phoenix commented in amusement as he approached Cobra Commander while glaring at him. He continued, "It works very well. And you and your allies have foolishly to reveal everything to us."

Strikespell smirked and nodded, "Indeed, it is. Thank you for saving our effort and resources in finding you all. We can end the threat once and for all!"

"But what about uniting the world?! What about safe and security of this world against the threat?! What about building Phoenix Cruisers?! You agree to my plan!" Cobra Commander demanded in annoyance. He hissed in concern, "How could the leaders actually agree and cooperate with you for this?!"

"I faked it," Strikespell explained. Everyone but Imperial Phoenix Officers and Joe were surprise and shock. turned to him. He continued,

"When you told me about uniting the world, I actually disagree about it. The world would have been in chaos and destroying each other. Cunning Fury would think of it as 'imbecile's idea' And I knew you are not him. So, I secretly told the world's leaders to make the fight looked good and surrender us unwillingly. So, I can exploit your true master plan and ideas for my father and the world to see."

Azure Phoenix nodded in agreement, "Indeed. Attempting an assassination on me was your biggest mistake all because of your mission. It alerts my son and Imperial Phoenix loyalists when you used the military vehicles. In fact, security cameras and a pin recorder on Twilight Sparkle's for recording everything. Time to exploit the truth. And now, it's over."

Cobra Commander shook his head in amusement, "You do realize that your military are too involved of this, even if it means to end your military force for good."

Everyone but Imperial Phoenix Officers, Cobra and G.I. Joe were concern and shocked of it. If they revealed the truth to the world about Alliance of Darkness's plan, they may also exploit Imperial Phoenix Army's involvement as well. Azure Phoenix and Strikespell remained calm and firm.

"Then, so be it!" Azure Phoenix and Strikespell exclaimed.

"Azure? Son? No..." Principal Celestia said in concern.

Strikespell hugged Principal Celestia, "It will be fine. I promised."

"It is time, my son," Azure Phoenix called. Strikespell departed as he turned and approached to his table. The holographic information security appeared before them. He turned to his wife, "Everything will be fine. Don't worry about us."

Returning to the holographic security screen, both Azure Phoenix and Strikespell placed their right hands on it while gave two eyes on them for scan. They then shouted 'The Phoenix Fall'. The security confirmed the scanning and password. The sign shown 'Accept' of 'Decline' about 'Declassified the Military Information'. They exclaimed for agreement. With that concluded, the security spread and sent the information across the world and its media.

Everyone but Azure Phoenix and Strikespell were in shock and concern about it as well. Two Secretaries of United States remained firm and calm. It's the price they paid for world's protection and peace.

Cobra Commander secretly pressed the black remote's buttons. Crimson siren lighted up. He then whispered to Dr. Mindbender and others about his next plan. They nodded in agreement.

"It looks like you've lost, Commander," Shining Armor remarked in amusement.

"For this battle, yes," Cobra Commander admitted, "But war must go on until one must fall, another must stand for the fate of world."

Dean Cadance hissed, "What do you mean?"

CRASH! Roadblock and Scarlet turned and found Dragoclaw crashed through the window glass as he rammed and slammed them throughout. Shadow Strike charged and rammed Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and Jinx into the stairs. Firefly sent his firefly drones on four civilians. G.I. Joe Troopers screamed in pain as Tomax and Xamot emerged from the storeroom. The Cobra Twin Generals were controlling the military soldiers. Zartan and his Dreadnoks surrounded and covered Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender for defense.

Everyone gasped in concern and shock of what they just saw. They've been sprung the trap by Cobra Commander and his troops.

"No!" Azure Phoenix and Strikespell exclaimed in anger as they took their Phoenix Lord Sword and Royal Long Sword out. They groaned, "Let them go!"

"You let me go first. They will be safe," Cobra Commander said darkly. He huffed, "If not, I hate to see another family fallen apart. Just like your daughter..."

Azure Phoenix and Strikespell groaned in anger as they twitched their eyes in wanting to kill their enemies. But they have no choice but to let their enemies go. Cobra Commander smirked in please as he headed off at once. Cobra Officers and their troopers moved out as well while bringing their hostages as well. Everyone just watched their enemies getting away. Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender are closed to Imperial Phoenix Helicopter.

And just before anyone could do anything, Principal Celestia quickly gave a nudged on Tomax's stomach before thrown straight at Xamot, freeing G.I. Joe Troopers from being controlled. Firefly fired his gun at Principal Celestia's shoulder. He was about to activated his bombs.

Firefly got kicked by Vice-Principal Luna on his chest. But he activated the bomb as they were about to explode. Vice-Principal Luna got her shoulder wounded by explosion. Shining Armor quickly took and thrown all of them at Zartan's Dreadnocks as the bombs exploded in knocking the gangster off. Zartan thrust his knife at Shining Armor's shoulder. Dean Cadance jumped as he punched on Zartan for few times before kicked him off.

Cobra Troopers were about to fire but Joe, Hawk and Stone quickly fired their guns at them back. Zartan and Firefly were about to throw their grenades. Both Azure Phoenix and Strikespell launched their Phoenix Flame Blades at the enemies, forcing them to drop the grenades. It exploded, making Zartan, Firefly, Tomax, Xamot and their troops out. The Cobra Officers moaned and groaned painfully.

"Forget them! We're leaving!" Cobra Commander ordered angrily, "This battle is lost!"

Dr. Mindbender nodded, "He's right! We have what we need! I've alert the troops already! Destro, Baroness, Scrap Iron and Major Bludd are waiting for us now! Fall back!"

Cobra Officers groaned as they quickly got up and headed to Imperial Phoenix Helicopter at once. Captain Rexstrike and Lightningblade gave the chase while leading Hawk, Stone and other G.I. Joe Troopers as they fired their machine guns at the helicopter. But it was out of range and escaped from them.

Azure Phoenix and Strikespell approached and checked on Principal Celestia while Han checked on Vice Principal Luna and Dean Cadance checked on Shining Armor. Joe and Rhino Armor were on the guard to protect both secretaries.

Azure, Strikespell, Han and Cadance cried and called their loved ones if they were alright or not. Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Shining Armor opened their eyes and found their love-interest holding them. They all hugged each other happily and passionately for safe and alive.

Azure Phoenix carried Principal Celestia up, "Let us go! We must escape! Our fight is almost finish!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. They all got up and quickly escaped to lift at once.

At the dojo arena, three G.I. Joe Ninjas battled against Cobra's Black Ninja.

Jinx screamed in pain as she had her left shoulder thrust by Shadow Strike's katana before slammed against the lift's window for few times. Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow grabbed and thrown Shadow Strike out. They charged and swung their katana at Shadow Strike, who blocked and deflected the attacks quickly and swiftly while

Jinx joined into the battle as she thrust her blade at Shadow Strike, who jumped and kicked her off. She threw her kunais at him. He blocked and deflected them off. Both of them charged as once as they both swung theirs at each other while deflecting and dodging the attacks for few times. As she thrust her blade at Shadow Strike's chest, he moved aside before jumped and kicked her face.

Storm Shadow swung his right katana at Shadow Strike, who deflected it while swinging his knife at the white ninja for few times. The white ninja who dodged and avoided the attacks before throwing stars at the crimson ninja. Shadow Strike jumped and threw his kunais at them. Snake Eyes charged at once before slammed his sword from Shadow Strike's back but deflected it before kicked him off.

Both Shadow Strike and Snake Eyes swung their katana at each other for few times while blocking and deflecting them off. As Snake Eyes swung his from top, Shadow Strike dodged down and kicked the former off. Snake Eyes threw his throwing star at Shadow Strike's chest hard. The crimson ninja dodged and jumped back quickly before throwing his throwing stars at black ninja, wounded his shoulders.

"Pathetic..." Shadow Strike snarled, "Just like their master. Pitiful that you have failed him miserably..."

Storm Shadow grunted as he and his two allied ninjas glared at Shadow Strike.

"What has Hard Master done to you?! We'd never heard of you before," Storm Shadow demanded, "Our master has been fair to us, even thought I was too pride to admit that Snake Eyes is my equal and brother..."

Shadow Strike clenched his fists, "A lot. Your uncle ruined me! I was his top and best student. You and me were close brothers. We were best team! Until this outsider came, your master favored him a lot more than me and you. He even bested me and you! Even though you were jealous, yet you chose to ignore it. You chose him over me!"

"And now you want revenge..." Storm Shadow said darkly and angrily, "By planting an evidence that I was responsible for killing my uncle, making me and Snake Eyes to fight among ourselves. The Arashikage Clan will execute for that crime. I was forced to exile."

"Damn you!" Jinx exclaimed in anger.

Snake Eyes clenched his sword in ready to fight. Storm Shadow and Jinx joined as well. Shadow Strike smirked in please.

"I can't wait to end your life for good. I will burn Arashikage Clan for good."

"Over... My... Dead... Body!" Snake Eyes struggled painfully.

Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Jinx and Shadow Strike unleashed their battle cries. Three G.I. Joe Ninjas and a Cobra Ninja charged at once while screaming wildly. They jumped and gave a slashes! As they all landed on the ground hard, they stood still for the moment until...

"Hard Master... Trained you well..."

Shadow Strike fell to the ground hard. Snake Eyes also fell since he received lots of injuries and even his throat and mask torn off but grabbed by Jinx and Storm Shadow.

"Rest, brother. Uncle's death has been avenged," Storm Shadow said calmly in Japanese while helping Snake Eyes up, "Thank you for trusting me, brother."

Jinx nodded as she commented in Japanese, "Indeed. Snake Eyes, you're the true warrior."

Snake Eyes sighed in relief while coughing heavily in blood. He smiled gently.

Arriving at the receptionist's ground level, Dragoclaw thrown and landed both Roadblock and Scarlet to the ground hard. Three of them moaned and groaned painfully as they slowly got up. Both of them glared at Dragoclaw, who lost his dragoon helmet-like. Two of them who were so close with Duke, forced to battle with him.

"Duke, don't make us do this," Roadblock pleaded as he armed with Mecha Fists, "I don't want to fight you, buddy."

Scarlet held her hand up before Duke, "Stop it. Please. Don't do this. You're Joe!"

"I am not..." Duke or Dragoclaw snarled in anger, "Duke. He's dead. I. AM. DRAGOCLAW!"

"He's really become Cobra's Demon," Roadblock said in heartbroken.

Scarlet sighed, "Forgive us, honey! Tried to hold him down, so I can take an aim!"

Dragoclaw roared in anger as he charged straight at Scarlet and Roadblock. Roadblock charged in as well. Both of them swung their fists at each other fierce and determinedly while blocking and deflecting the attacks off for few times. Roadblock gave the uppercut on Dragoclaw's head but got swung hard by the latter before thrust his claws at the soldier for few times. As Roadblock blocked and deflected the attacks, he landed some punches on Dragoclaw for few times. Dragoclaw roared in anger as he rammed Roadblock off. Both of them continued battling with each other.

Scarlet armed with her Crossbow Modern Blaster while uploading the strange blue energy tube-like as she took the aim at Duke. But each time she tried to aim; Dragoclaw managed to move, blocked the attacks or attack Roadblock, who struggled in fighting back.

"Damn it! Roadblock, try to get him still!" Scarlet exclaimed in concern.

Roadblock groaned as he struggled in punching back, "I'm trying! Damn, he's strong and fast!"

Dragoclaw roared in anger as he tried to swing and thrust his Dragon Claws in striking and attacking Roadblock, who blocked and deflected them for few times while trying to grab or know him out. As Dragoclaw thrust his right claw, Roadblock dodged before he grabbed and thrown the former down hard. As Dragoclaw struggled, Roadblock held the former soldier down hard.


Scarlet took her aim at Dragoclaw, "Sorry, Duke!"

As Dragoclaw almost breaking free, Scarlet fired her beam blast as it hit straight at the dragon warrior's neck. It made him screamed in pain and agony as he broke himself freed from Roadblock's grip. Dragoclaw screamed in pain as he swung his dragon claws from his surroundings. Roadblock and Scarlet looked concern and worry about him.

"Is that how it supposed to be?" Roadblock asked in concern.

"Shorty said it takes some time for the antidote get to his head," Scarlet hissed, "It's now working! But we have to help him now!"

As Dragoclaw went wild and crazy, Scarlet and Roadblock charged in as they tried to hold and calm the demonic dragon warrior down. But each time they approached him, he swinging his dragon claws. It made them both to retreat and move away from him. They have been at it for ten times.

"We can't get him calm down!" Roadblock exclaimed in concern.

Scarlet thought for the moment before gasped in realization, "There is one. He reasoned me with his emotion and love after my brother's death. I will do the same for him!"

"Scarlet?" Roadblock was interrupted as Scarlet charged straight at Duke. He gasped, "Scarlet! Look out!"

Just before anything goes wrong, Scarlet grabbed Duke and gave him a long passionate kiss. Duke grunted as he struggled and resisted the kiss. But instead, he gave it in. They both kissed passionately and happily. Roadblock was in shock and surprise of it.

As Duke and Scarlet departed, he opened his eyes and revealed his greenish eyes - same one that Scarlet had missed.

"Duke?" Scarlet asked hopefully.

Duke moaned, "Scarlet... It's really you..."

Duke groaned as he fell to the ground hard. Scarlet checked on his pulse as she found them functioning well. She cried and sobbed happily as she hugged Duke. Roadblock approached and checked on them.

"Duke? Is he-?" Roadblock asked in concern.

Scarlet sniffed happily as she turned and looked at him, "He'll be fine. My husband is back."

Roadblock sighed, "Thank god. Now it's up to others to stop Dark Curse and his madness."

"Agreed. Let's get out of here now," Scarlet said.

Scarlet and Roadblock helped and carried Dragoclaw up. They all headed straight to door and exited it. G.I. Joe won the battle...

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1. Both the first and second movies are the most disappointing but some events will be connected such as Duke, Ripcord and Roadblock joined the G.I. Joe, nanotechnology invasion and attacks, using Zeus Satellites and retaliation against Cobra and the Impostor. But most will be change such as;

a) Duke, Ripcord, Roadblock and Cobra Commander (Scarlet's half-brother, instead of Ana Lewis) are best friends. Three joined G.I. Joe while Cobra Commander secretly made several plans and build organization, along with his trusted allies behind Destro's back.

b) Destro's purpose was to deliver the goods to his client as well as accomplish it to him that warheads was perfect to use. Unaware that G.I. Joe targeting Destro as the enemy. It's where the climax Cobra Commander revealed, overthrew and wounded Destro, rather than got injured by Duke. Cobra Commander than have his confrontation and revenge on Duke.

c) Duke and Scarlet have the relation rather than Baroness. Seriously, that was wrong and disgusting.

d) Rather than the confusing plot of two movies, I make my own to make sense that Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes are close brothers, even though they're rivals as well as who is the real killer of Hard Master. Zartan? Not really...

e) Zartan and Firefly were injured, instead of death from 'Retaliation'. Zartan will not have nanomites but camouflage as disguise, and still own Dreadbocks Gang.

f) Scarlet as Vypra betrayed them and helped Duke. Scarlet is Cobra Commander's half-sister but they were closed. After he turned into made Cobra Commander, he used and experimented Scarlet as his first experiment for super and obedient soldier. Thus, she was known as Vypra.