• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 2,101 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

  • ...

Chapter 7: Heartbreaking

At the judge's booth seats, Principal Cinch was discussing and instructing eight Shadowbolts including Lance and Nyx of what games they will be dealing with.

"You will race in trio." Principal Cinch instructed firmly as she approached both Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat, "Shadow Dragon, Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat will handle the motocross."

Sugarcoat remained quiet while Indigo Zap smiled proudly and happily.

Principal Cinch approached Jason Striker, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare, "Jason - you will lead Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare for the short track."

Jason nodded firmly while Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare gave each other a high five. Principal Cinch approached Arthur Warfate, Sour Sweet and Twilight Sparkle. Lance and Nyx were there as well.

Principal Cinch spoke firmly, "Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it. Arthur Warfate, Twilight and Sour Sweet will start us off."

Principal Cinch and Shadowbolts but Jason Striker, Arthur Warfate and Indigo Zap glared at Twilight and her siblings. The latter gulped in concern as they don't like the looks of the former. Twilight and her siblings got pressured in making sure they achieved the score for the Crystal Prep and Imperial Phoenix Army.

Arthur sighed in annoyance, "Was the glaring that necessary? I think it's best that Twilight should stay out of this. I don't think she can handle with the archery."

"No... She must," Principal Cinch said firmly as she glared at Arthur Warfate, "You maybe the son of Minister Cunning Fury and brother to General Scar Brilliance but Twilight is the key in winning the Friendship Games. Ordered by Mr. Secretary himself."

Jason nodded in agreement, "She's right. Twilight has to compete in archery. That's what Mr. Secretary himself wanted."

"What a bothersome..." Arthur sighed in annoyance, "I don't like it..."

"Well, that's just marvelous!" Sour Sweet said sweetly. She groaned sourly, "If you wanna lose before we even start!"

Almost everyone nodded in agreement about Twilight Sparkle since she wasn't very good at sports other than the martial arts. Jason Striker, Arthur Warfate and Indigo Zap remained silent for the moment because she is important person to Imperial Phoenix Army.

"I really hate that girl..." Arthur remarked in annoyance.

Principal Cinch approached Twilight and her siblings, "Given that Twilight won the last event single-handedly, I have every confidence that she will be able to pull her weight here, and so does Azure Phoenix and Strikespell. Won't you?"

Twilight and her siblings gulped as they all nodded nervously yet calmly. They do not want to disappoint to Principal Cinch especially making her denying Twilight's application to Everton Independence Studies.

"Speaking of confidence," Jason said darkly, "Where is Shadow Dragon?"

Everyone turned and looked at Twilight and her siblings. They suspected the Sparkle Siblings knows what happen to Shadow Dragon.

At the front lawn, Shadow Dragon was sitting down on the school entrance's steps. And he is very upset and angry ever since he learned Twilight's true involvement in joining Friendship Games other than collecting the magic samples for research and experiments. Why didn't she tell him the truth?! Why?!

The door was opened as someone approached and sat close to Shadow Dragon.

"What do you want, Flare Tiger?" Shadow Dragon asked in annoyance.

Flare Tiger scoffed in upset, "Is that the way you say hello to your own cousin? I thought you'd be giving me a noggie." Shadow Dragon didn't reply. She sighed, "So, what's your problem, cous?"

"Twilight... And I mean ours here... Why didn't she tell me the truth? I could have help her! I could have inform Azure Phoenix and Strikespell about this! And I could have deal with that woman! But instead, she chose to keep it a secret from me! I thought she's smarter than this..."

"Maybe she's afraid..."

"Afraid of what?! The students?! Principal Cinch?! The enemies?!"

"No... She's afraid of getting you into troubles. She doesn't want to lose you. She doesn't want you to get hurt."

Shadow Dragon sighed in annoyance, "Now why would she think of that? She should know that I can handle everything. I'm a Martial Artist. I'm not afraid of anything."

"You still don't get it," Flare Tiger asked in surprise. Shadow Dragon gave an odd look at her. She continued, "She likes you. She cares for you. And above all, she loved you."

"Don't you think I know that? I also loved her ever since Iris Crystal died! Twilight is the only friend I care and love. I can't lose her."

"Then, did you know something off with Twilight Sparkle lately?"

"If you mean Twilight has been telling me a lie from the start, yes - I noticed. I am upset of it a lot. I thought she trusted me to help her."

"No... Twilight is never been fond of your relationship with Iris Crystal. She actually hates and jealous of it. The more you keep referring her, the angry and upset Twilight gets."

Shadow Dragon scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, Flare Tiger. Like Cadance, Iris Crystal was like a sister to Twilight Sparkle. She'd never be jealous of Iris Crystal."

Flare Tiger sighed, "I hope you're right, cousin. I've seen my vision again. And it's not looking good too. Both you and Twilight Sparkle will break up..."

Shadow Dragon scoffed as he stood, "Nothing will. We'd get back to our own group. Second event is about to start. Good luck, cousin.

Shadow Dragon turned and entered the school at once. Flare Tiger sighed in concern. She really hated to see her cousin being ignorant to her advice and vision.

"Good luck to you, cous," Flare Tiger said in concern, "I hope the future is wrong..."

Back to the soccer field...

Both Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy students and staffs have been gathered and taken their seats on benches. Cutie Mark Crusaders and Dragon Strike Force were sitting on Canterlot High's bench while Nyx, Lance, Dragoking and Spike were sitting on Crystal Prep's bench. Photo Finish was taking snaps of pictures on almost of the event.

The judges (Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, Minister Virtue Dragon, Secretary Strikespell, Principal Cinch, Dean Cadance and Shining Armor) have taken their seats within booth. Both West Dragon and Imperial Phoenix military officers and politicians were taken the seats in front of the judge's. Autobots stood on the outside of Canterlot High School's left neared to the booth while G.I. Joe were near to the fences as they still supporting both school.

Both West Dragon and Imperial Phoenix Army were on high alert. They were patrolling and protecting the area from any sign of the enemies. Ordered by Strikespell, he suspected the enemies may attack him from the outside ever since the latter were hidden and lay low.

The second event was about to start...

Both team got their sport uniforms and gears dressed. They all headed to their station and prepared themselves for the event. As both Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap were heading to motocross section, they were stopped and met up with their respective coaches.

"Coach?" Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap asked.

Aquastroke smirked as she had her arms crossed, "You ready for this, kid?"

"You bet I am!" Rainbow Dash smirked proudly as she turned and pointed at Indigo Zap, "You're going down, Zap! I'm gonna prove that I'm gonna win this for Canterlot Wondercolt!"

"In your dream, kid! I'm gonna win for mine, Dash!" Indigo Zap smirked proudly. She turned as she raised her right arm up, "I'm gonna do this for you, coach!"

Blazefist smiled as he held her right arm, "I know you can, kiddo. Just make sure you play fair and supportive to your team too."

Indigo Zap sighed as she departed her handshake from her coach, "Team, huh? I guess..."

"What's up?"

"Nothing... Do you... always got problem with the team when they can't even do it right, coach?"

"Sometimes especially my brother - he annoyed me... But it doesn't matter. What matters is that you were always be there and support for them. That's makes you and your team strong and win." Blazefist lowered himself down and patted, "Whether we win or lose, who cares - we're still a team. Got it?"

Indigo Zap hummed a bit as she realized her coach was right. She smiled back at her, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, coach."

"Good, now get out there and win the race!"

Indigo Zap smirked as she stood up and turned to Rainbow Dash, "Hey, Dash. You'd better be on the race or else I'll be coming for you!"

"Believe me," Rainbow Dash smirked, "I wouldn't dream of it, Zap. Come on! I'd race ya!"

Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap headed off to motocross event as they put the helmets on. Both Blazefist and Aquastroke smiled happily and proudly to see their proteges grown up and ready for the action.

Strikespell turned to Dean Cadance as he gave her a nod. She smiled as she stood up and make announcement through her mike, "Welcome, everyone to the Friendship Games Tricross Relay!"

The crowd cheered wildly and happily as they can't wait to get started.

Shining Armor smiled as he stood up and continued in using his mike, "In this event, our qualifying competitors will face off in archery, speed skating, and finally, motocross."

Both Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy's nine participants have gathered and readied themselves for three events. Shorty Thinking, Applejack, Fluttershy, Arthurt Warfate, Sour Sweet and Twilight Sparkle were on archery. Laxtinct, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Jason Striker, Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest on skating. Saber Dragoon, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Shadow Dragon, Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap were on the motocross. They were all ready for the events.

On the seats, Lance and his family were chatting with each other.

"Glad Twilight give that stupid amulet up," Lance said in annoyance as he took a glance at the bag, "The last thing I can't stand the most is it getting us into troubles."

Nyx nodded, "Hopefully, no more surprises. One day is enough."

Spike and Dragoking nodded in agreement with both Lance and Nyx. They prayed that nothing goes wrong in the second event.

Dean Cadance smiled, "So if the competitors are ready..."

Dean Cadance blown the airhorn out loud. Principal Cinch covered her ears in blocking the loud noise while Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna and Shining Armor looked excited and happy. Both Minister Virtue Dragon and Secretary Strikespell remained calm as they watched the event.

Both Fluttershy and Sour Sweet stood and started running off. Both Applejack and Twilight Sparkle positioned themselves in ready to run once their teammates achieved the first round of archery. The crowds went wild. The game has begun!

Shining Armor smirked as he takes over, "Each competitor must hit a bullseye before their teammates can start the next leg of the relay."

Both Sour Sweet and Fluttershy ran towards two bales of straws, the former quickly ran and jumped over them while the latter slowly in going over the bales.

Sour Sweet ran and grabbed arrows holder up from the stand. She took a hanging rope and swung over the mud. She rolled over on the platform while grabbing the bow up. She armed and aimed her bow with three arrows at her target. She released them all straight to the horizontal moving bullseye target. One hit the outer part, another hit on middle part and finally other arrow hit the crimson bullsye!

Twilight gasped in surprise as she quickly headed off at once. Arthur readied himself for the next turn.

From the judge's booth, Swordstruck smirked proudly, "Doesn't anyone know this? My daughter is always the champion of archery."

Everyone from the booth groaned and sighed in annoyance. They hated his arrogance and obnoxious attitude. It's no wonder he and Sour Sweet shared the same traits.

As Fluttershy struggled in firing her arrow at the bullseyes, Sour Sweet watched Twilight Sparkle jumped but tripped to the ground hard. Sour Sweet growled in anger while clenching her fists. As Twilight grabbed the arrow holder and swung over the mud, she was too shorten distance as her leg reached the platform's edge. Twilight struggled in getting up. It frustrated and infuriated Sour Sweet in wanting to pull her face down hard.

As Fluttershy pulled the bow's string down while holding her breath, she released it. The arrow flow straight to the bullseye! Canterlot High School students cheered wildly and happily while Sour Sweet was in shock and surprise of it.

Fluttershy gave the thumbs up to Applejack, the latter headed off to the front while Shorty readied himself. As Twilight reached and got up on the platform, Applejack reached to the platform in ease. She take the bow and aimed at her target. Twilight did the same thing. Both have missed the rotating targets. Fluttershy smiled and clapped in encouragement at Applejack but Sour Sweet growled at Twilight Sparkle.

Lance, Nyx, Spike and Dragoking from the bench looked worry for Twilight. They know when she missed the chance or target, Crystal Prep will blame her. Strikespell, his military officers and even staffs from Crystal Prep Academy remained silent. All watched Twilight Sparkle struggled in getting her shot at the bullseye.

Applejack noticed it but can't help Twilight now. She focused in aiming at the target. She took a deep breathe while pulling the string back. For the moment she took another deep breathe, she released it. The arrow flew straight to the front where it hit the bullseye moved at the exact moment. Bullseye hit!

Shorty Thinking smirked proudly as he took both bow and arrow up. He pulled it down tight in aiming at his vertical moving target. He released it as it hit straight at bullseye on the tower's top! Canterlot High take the lead!

As the crowd went wild; the green bean lighted for Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Laxtinct skated off at once. They're taking the lead.

Dean Cadance announced, "And Canterlot is off to an early lead!"

While the judges, politicians and military officers smiled in impressive and approve, Principal Cinch frowned in anger as she refused to lose.

Veteran Shot chuckled in amusement as he patted his friends' on their backs, "Now that's my lassies! That's the way you take the aim and shoot at your targets!" He turned to Sworstruck while smirked devilishly, "Don't you old fools train your students in firing the arrows? If so, they would have won the first round! Ha-ha!"

Justice Tackle, Old Man Pang and Warpath Temper laughed in amusement while the rest remained silent as they don't want to brag for the achievement. Imperial Phoenix Army were growling in anger while glaring at Swordstruck for being arrogant and overconfident.

Twilight struggled in getting a shot on rotating bullseye. Sour Sweet growled in annoyance as she spotted Laxtinct, Rarity and Pinkie were skating around the track for first score before going for the second.

She sourly remarked, "Well, that's just fantastic!"

Shorty Thinking regrouped with Applejack and Fluttershy. Three of them looked worry and concern for Twilight being mistreated and bullied by her own teammates as if she was the disease to them.

"I'm sure glad I don't go to Crystal Prep." Fluttershy remarked in concern.

Applejack nodded, "You said it."

Shorty Thinking sighed, "They're too proud and desperate in winning the Friendship Games. They expect no failures or disappointment. Because if they do, they will suffer some serious consequences." Both Fluttershy and Applejack turned and looked at him in shock. He shook his head, "I would say that was completely unnecessary..."

The Canterlot High Skating Team scored the second one while the Crystal Prep team growled in anger and annoyance about standing aside. Twilight noticed the board and her team's atmosphete.

"If CPA can't hit another bullseye soon, they'll be out of this race." Dean Cadance said in concern through her mike.

Twilight sniffed tearfully as she wiped and dry her tears off. She struggled and quivered in standing up while steadied her bow and arrows. She armed and aimed her bow and arrow in ready to fire but in shaky. She was being pressured again!

Shining Armor hissed in concern as he took the mike out, "Come on, Twiley! You can do it! Don't give up!"

While Shining Armor and his younger siblings continued cheering for Twilight Sparkle, everyone from Crystal Prep remained quiet and frown at her like she brought shame to them all while others feel sorry for her. Applejack groaned angrily at it.

"You're really bad at this!" Sugarcoat called from her motorcycle.

Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Shadow Dragon and even Indigo Zap turned and glared at Sugarcoat for being rude and not being supportive to Twilight Sparkle.

"Seriously? Do you really need to do it?" Indigo asked in annoyance, "She's doing her best, Sugarcoat. We should be supporting her, not bringing her down! We're the team. That's what my coach is teaching me about."

Sugarcoat huffed, "It is necessary to motivate her. If she doesn't, she is to be blamed for the mess she had made. She bring shame to both Crystal Prep and Imperial Phoenix Army." She turned to her right and found Shadow Dragon glaring at her. She asked, "What?"

Shadow Dragon glared at Sugarcoat, "If I were you, I learned to shut up. You do not want to test me..."

"I'm not the only one who thinks that..." Sugarcoat remarked.

Shadow Dragon looked around of his surroundings. He found no one, not even Imperial Phoenix Army is willing to support, cheered and encouraged her to be strong and win the game. Twilight's family was still cheering for her to win. Applejack noticed it. It make her angry and annoyed.

Applejack groaned, "Ugh! I can't take anymore!" She left her platform. She climbed on the Shadowbolt's platform. Sh approached to the struggling Twilight Sparkle, "Ya have to stop aimin' at the target."

"That makes perfect sense! Don't aim at the target! Thanks so much!" Sour Sweet sarcastically remarked kindly.

Applejack continued, "Ya have to stop aimin' at where the target is an' aim at where the target's gonna be."

Before Sour Sweet could continue, she heard the whistled. She turned to her back. She got her mouth slapped with the mud. She groaned in annoyance. She pulled it out hard. But she couldn't as it got stuck on her mouth. Sour Sweet growled in anger as she struggled in getting the sticky mud out from her mouth. She turned and glared at Arthur who whistled innocently.

Swordstruck noticed it. Before he could complained, he got his mouth slapped by the sticky mud. He too struggled getting it out. He turned and glared at Scar Brilliance who hummed calmly while watching the event.

Arthur smiled to Applejack, "You can teach Twilight now. She's still has my support. Besides, you're an honest person."

Applejack smiled at Arthur. She turned to Twilight Sparkle, "Shall we?"

Twilight sniffed a bit before giving a nod. Applejack smiled in relief to see Twilight's trusting and believing in her.

"Take a deep breath." Applejack instructed. Twilight took a deep breath while slowly pulled the arrow's string back. "And let the arrow go ...riiiiight-" Applejack narrowed her eyes as she looked closely at the rotated target. She smiled, "-....now!"

Twilight released her grip as the arrow flew straight out. Everyone watched the event in suspense. Can her arrow hit it?

STRUCK! Twilight's arrow hit the bullseye. Arthur took his arrow and shot it straight at the vertical tower's bullseye in time! Crystal Prep Students cheered wildly for their team to score. The green beacon lighted as Jason and his team are now on the move!

Both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep Skating Teams are now competing against each other in winning the second round of Tricross Relay.

Shining Armor cheered wildly, "That's my baby sister!"

Everyone glanced at Shining Armor for the moment. He yelped and noticed it. He smiled in embarrassment as he take his seat while Dean Cadance giggled in amusement. Lance, Nyx, Spike and Dragoking laughed in amusement while smiling and cheering for Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle dropped her bow. She turned and smiled at Applejack. The cowgirl was about to give high five to Twilight, but she was hugged by the latter. Applejack hugged Twilight back.

"See? I was tellin' ya the truth." Applejack commented.

As her body glowed in orange, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle departed from hugging. Applejack ponied up! Twilight gasped in surprise as it's her fourth time to see the magic.

As Twilight's siblings awed in amazement and joy, a sudden glow and movement within their older sister's bag. They noticed it. As they were about to check on the bag, it suddenly got rough in shaking and moving around hard. They yelped and quivered in shock as they accidentally dropped the bag down. The bag got unzipped and torn apart. The amulet flew straight at Applejack.

Shorty's Energon Tracker went wild and shaky. He took it out and checked on it. He wondered of why it's behaving strangely. As he turned to his back, he spotted the glowing amulet. He recognized it while gasped in concern. He turned to Applejack.

"Applejack, move!" Shorty exclaimed in concern.

Applejack turned to her back. Twilight looked at the front. They both gasped in worry. The amulet stopped and opened itself up. It started absorbing Applejack's glowing. The cowgirl groaned and screamed painfully.

"Nooooooo!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed in concern as she quickly approached and close the amulet, "Stupid amulet! Shut it down for once!" She turned and looked at Applejack, "AJ! Hang on!"

Applejack moaned painfully as last part of her aura got absorbed into the amulet. Twilight managed to close it. But it gave a powerful shockwave in knocking her and her friends off the platform. Lance, Nyx, Dragoking and Spike approached and helped her up. Arthur, Shorty Thinking and Fluttershy helped Applejack up.

Her amulet rolled over to the skating track. It opened itself as it revealed the dark purplish orb magic-like. It unleashed the powerful shockwave across the area. More portals were created across the Tricross Relay. Twilight, Lance, Nyx, Spike and Dragoking gasped in concern. Here they go again!

The crowd went wild in supporting their own team in winning the game. Laxtinct, Rarity and Pinkie continued speeding their skates in winning the second round. Jason Striker, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare were catching up now! Canterlot High scored 5 while Crystal Prep scored 3 only.

During their skating, they accidentally skated and kicked Twilight's amulet around before it wheeled over to the motocross's mountain prop. As it still opened, more smaller portals appeared across the area.

Dean Cadance announced, "Canterlot only two laps to go! But it looks like Crystal Prep is making up for lost time!"

"Alpha-Omega Formation! Then, engage Delta Strike Plan!" Jason Striker ordered firmly as he held his hands out.

Both Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare grabbed his. He then spun him and his team around for few times before launched them straight. Both Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare past the surprised and shocked Laxtinct, Rarity and Pinkie. Jason smirked as he skated to the front while ramming and knocking them aside.

"Beat it losers!" Jason taunted. He looked at the scoreboard. It revealed his team scored 7 while Canterlot High still scored 6 only. He laughed in amusement, "We'll see you at the finish line!"

"Hey! That's cheating" Laxtinct complained. He and his team now scored 7 but he has to catch up and win the second round. He groaned, "Okay, no mister nice guy! Time to give 'Mr. High and Mighty is Going Down' Plan!"

"What's that even mean?!" Rarity asked in concern.

Pinkie shrugged, "I have no idea."

"Hold on tight!" Laxtinct exclaimed firmly as he quickly grabbed and held both the surprised Rarity and Pinkie on his shoulders, "When I say dance, you say how great your move is!"

"What's that supposed to be mean?!" Rarity and Pinkie demanded in concern.

Laxtinct screamed wildly as he skated swift and hard to the front. Rarity and Pinkie Pie screamed wildly. Jason and his team are almost closed to the final lap. He groaned in anger.

"Get ready to dance!" Laxtinct ordered firmly. As he held both Rarity's and Pinkie's legs tightly, he groaned determinedly as he closed to Shadowbolt's Team. He screamed wildly, "Move it and shake it, baby!"

Laxtinct pushed and thrown both Rarity and Pinkie off. Both of them screamed wildly and fearfully as they wondered of what was Laxtinct thinking. They gasped in realization as they looked at each other for the moment. They smiled together as they quickly spun and rotated themselves around like a twister for long moment.

As Jason's team was closed to the finish line, Pinkie and Rarity screamed wildly as they rolled over in midair. They then landed straight and touched the finish line down gently like a ballerina finished her finishing move. They then bowed down gently. Jason's team came in while Laxtinct came to the last.

Canterlot High School scored 8 while Crystal Prep scored the last.

Dragonspear screamed wildly from his booth as he stood up proudly, "Now that's the spirit of the teamwork! Well done!"

"WOW! What a finish!" Shining Armor exclaimed through announcement speaker.

Dean Cadance hummed in agreement through speaker, "You've said it, Shining Armor. Time for the finale of the game - motocross!"

Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Saber Dragoon, Shadow Dragon, Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap readied their motorcycles in ready to ride out. As the beacon lighted in green, they all rolled out. They all were riding across the dirt tracks.

As Twilight and her sibling were about to grab the amulet, the girl's leg got caught and grabbed. Lance and Nyx turned and found the large Venus Fly Trap Plant has its weeding tentacle grabbed Twilight. It came from the enlarged portal-like It's ready to feast upon her. The younger ones turned and grabbed Twilight's hands tightly. They were pulling her away from the monstrous plant.

SLASH! The monstrous plant screeched wildly and painfully as its weed tentacle. Nyx and Lance helped Twilight up but they all faced at the mysterious savior who is pointing his katana at them. They yelped in fear and concern.

Twilight gulped, "Storm Shadow?!"

Storm Shadow has his eyes narrowed in fury and determination, "Prepare yourself, Agent of Chaos..."

Twilight gasped in shock. Storm Shadow screamed wildly and angrily as he slammed his katana on her top!. She quickly moved away. He was about to swing his sword again but Lance kicked him off while Nyx helped Twilight up. The trio, Spike and Dragoking turned and ran off. Storm Shadow roared wildly and angrily as he held both his katana. He chased after them at once.

Snake Eyes spotted the situation. He grabbed and took his katana as he headed off at once. G.I. Joe and Autobots looked surprise and concern. They wondered where the black ninja heading off to.

Both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep Motorcyclist Team twisted their motorcycles' handlers in maximizing their speed. They all ran over the gap to the ramp. They ran over to the next track's edge via ramp. They then continued riding their motorcycles across the track. Both schools cheered wildly and happily for their teammates.

While the motorcyclist team from both sides continued riding, they came across the emerging and enlarging portal. It revealed the giant plants. They gasped in shock. Both Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap passed it through. The rest of their team quickly stopped by pulling their motorcycles hard before slammed straight to the plant creatures.

Everyone gasped in shock and worry upon witnessing the portals and plant creatures attacking. Strikespell and Virtue Dragon looked at each other while nodded their heads. They turned to their own military officers and army who stood up and armed with their armed weapons and blades. They charged out and defend the students from danger.

While the army fired their guns and machinery guns at the monsters, the military officers attacked and fought against the monsters. Blade Dragoon and Bladestrike swung their Blue Dragon Blade and Twin Tiger Axes in cutting them to pieces. Dragonspear and Scar Brilliance defended the children from the monster's attacks. Warpath and Drillmap used their fists in attacking and knocking their enemies down. Justice Tackle swung and whirling his spear at the attacking plants into pieces. Both Swordstruck and Arthur swung their blades at the monsters in defending the judges. Veteran Shot fired his arrows at the plants.

Autobots, G.I. Joe and Dragon Strike Force did the same thing as well. Optimus Prime used his Star Saber in cutting down the plants while firing his Shield Blaster at them from the sky. Hound, Crosshairs and Smokescreen fired their blasters at the plants. Siseswipe, Prowl, Drift and Bumblebee used their blades in cutting them down. Breakaway fired his blaster at them from the sky. Roadblock and his team fired their guns while covering the students to the entrance for their safety while both Spirit and Jinx swung their blades in cutting the plants and their weeds.

Blazefist launched his Fire Shots and Fire Fists at the plants. Aquastroke swung her Water Claws at them. Both Tailtech and Icy fired their Typhoon Blaster and Ice Beam at them while defending Flash, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Minicons. Flare Tiger shredded them to pieces. Laxtinct and Shorty Thinking defended Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Laxtinct punched with his Rocky Fists while Shorty Thinking fired his Flame Volley Blaster at them.

Both Sugarcoat and Sunset Shimmer yelped in fear as they quickly ran away from the plants. Both Shadow Dragon and Saber Dragoon took their Darkness Blade and Twin Dragon Swords out as they swung their blades at the plants while defending the girls. As soon as they defeated the plants, the boys turned to the girls. Shadow Dragon helped Sunset up while Saber Dragoon helped Sugarcoat.

Instead of showing gratitude to Saber Dragoon, Sugarcoat quickly picked her motorcycle up and rode off. He huffed in annoyance as he muttered in annoyance, "You're welcome, jerk."

Sunset was in shock and surprise, "Shadow Dragon... You saved me..."

"Are you alright?" Shadow Dragon asked. She nodded calmly. He turned and put the motorcycle up. He turned to her again, "Better get on. Win this game for your team. You deserve it."

Sunset nodded in agreement as she quickly grabbed the motorcycle. She rode off at once as she was catching up with Rainbow Dash and rivals.

Rainbow Dash took a glance at her back. She sighed in relief to see Sunset safe from harm. She then turned to her left as she found Twilight and her siblings were running away from Storm Shadow. She groaned in anger. As much as she wanted to win the game, they needs help!

Rainbow Dash turned her motorcycle to her left. She headed straight at Storm Shadow who cornered Twilight and her siblings to the track's tall edge as he was ready to finish her off. She brought the motorcycle down before she jumped off. The motorcycle headed straight and rammed at him hard. Rainbow Dash approached and helped Twilight up.

"Twilight, you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight was in shock and surprised, "You-You saved me, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash smiled as she patted Twilight, "I wasn't about to let my friend become ninja food, even though you are our pony friend's."

As if the word hit her head, Rainbow Dash ponied up. She smirked proudly as she turned and faced at Storm Shadow. He pushed the motorcycle aside while struggled in getting up. He armed with his twin katana in ready to fight.

Principal Cinch noticed the event as she turned and glared at the nervous Principal Celestia who shrugged nervously. Strikespell sighed in concern as he suspected it from the start.

"Go! I'll take care of him!" Rainbow Dash ordered.

Twilight nodded as she and her siblings headed off at once. Rainbow Dash is ready to fight against Storm Shadow.

Storm Shadow charged in as he swung his first sword at Rainbow Dash. She dodged to her right. He swung his on left. She dodged down before swiped her leg at his. He jumped and kicked her face off. He swung his swords in striking her down but she rolled to left and right in avoiding the attack. He slammed his sword on right in blocking her escape. He armed with his second in ready to kill her. She kicked his gut hard. She got up and punched his chest hard.

Before Storm Shadow could do anything, he got rammed hard to the front. He turned and found Indigo Zap coming down from her motorcycle. She armed herself in ready to fight.

"Zap?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock and surprise.

Indigo Zap smirked, "Think I'm gonna let you have the fun? You and I have unfinished race to deal with!"

Rainbow Dash smirked back, "It's gonna have to wait."

Storm Shadow hissed, "Do not interfere my mission!"

Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap charged in as they were about to attack him. He jumped and kicked them both aside hard. Indigo got up and charged in as she tried to land a punch on him for six times before got her stomach kicked. Rainbow Dash charged in to attack him but grabbed thrown on Indigo Zap to the ground. Both of them got up as they readied to fight and so does he. The girls charged in and launched their punches at him but he dodged and avoided them while hitting them back for few times.

As both Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap gave their punches at Storm Shadow, he stopped theirs in time. He twisted their arms tight before jumped and kicked them hard to the ground. He took both of his katana as he was ready to finish his mission. But he was stopped as he spotted Snake Eyes before him. Snake Eyes held his katana in ready to fight, so does Storm Shadow.

Storm Shadow roared in anger as he charged straight at Snake Eyes. Both of them swung their katanas at each other hard and quick while dodging the attacks for few times. They then clashed theirs at each other for the moment. Snake Eyes gave Storm Shadow a headbutt before kicking him off. Snake Eyes launched his punch at Storm Shadow's head but the latter dodged down and punched on the former's chest for few times. Snake Eyes used his knee in jerking at Storm Shadow's face hard but the former got his face punched by the latter. Snake Eyes grabbed and thrown Storm Shadow on his back.

Both of them held their katanas as they charged and swung their blades at each other hard and quick for ten times. They have clashed for the moment before departed. They then charged in. Snake Eyes swung his blade on top while Storm Shadow dodged and slided down. Storm Shadow swung his left katana injuring Snake Eyes's left tight before injured on both of his arm. Storm Shadow held his twin katana on Snake Eyes's neck both sides. Storm Shadow is ready to finish Snake Eyes off.

"You all shouldn't have interfered me! She must died!" Storm Shadow exclaimed in anger.

Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap gave the karate chop on Storm Shadow's. Storm Shadow fell to the ground. They both smiled and gave each other thumbs up. Snake Eyes slowly yet weakly stood up. He gave them a nod as he was glad they helped him. They both smiled.

As the rest of the military army and heroes were dealing and fighting off the plants, Shadow Dragon looked around in search of Twilight and her siblings as he prayed them to be safe.

Both Sunset and Sugarcoat continued racing across the motocross track. Sunset Shimmer is catching up to Sugarcoat. They're both on the same lead. They then spotted the finish line up ahead. They gave everything they have in reaching the line. As they almost reached the line, Sunset managed to move to the front and passed through the red sash line. Sunset won!

"Canterlot wins!" Dean Cadance announced happily. Canterlot High Students cheered wildly and happily while Crystal Prep Academy looked down in shame and upset. She noticed Strikespell's firm looks. He gave her a nod. She nodded seriously, "Attention, students, please proceed to the gym. This is not a drill! Military is now handling the situation!"

As the word was given, the students from both schools quickly entered the school. The politicians and school staffs followed and entered the school while leaving judges as well as Cunning Fury, Skysoar Intellect, Scar Brilliance and Arthur Warfate behind.

Spotted the amulet in front of her, Twilight quickly approached and grabbed it. She quickly closed it hard. But it was too hard. Both Nyx and Lance came and helped her closed it down hard.

With the amulet closed, both plant monsters and portals vanished from everyone's sight. Both heroes and military army stopped the attacks as they were all surprised and shocked of it. They were all relieved that everything is fine.

Twilight sighed in relief. As she looked up, she yelped in worry and her siblings were. Shadow Dragon was glaring at Twilight Sparkle. She has lots of explaining to do.

As the military officers and army gathered and protected the judges, Sunset and all of her friends have at the finish line. Snake Eyes, Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap pushed captured Storm Shadow to others at once.

Roadblock hummed, "So this is why you left, Snake Eyes. I wonder what our friend is doing here."

"Is everyone alright?" Cade asked in concern.

Everyone answered calmly, fearfully and worriedly, "Yeah..."

"Better than all right! We won!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed happily.

Indigo Zap huffed in disappointment, "Too bad that we didn't finish our race. I was so looking forward for this." She looked at her wings and ears. She whistled, "So this is what Pony Up looks like. This is so awesome!"

Everyone was in surprise and shock of what they just heard but they also know who told her. They turned and glared at Blazefist who looked away and whistled innocently.

Sunset Shimmer grunted as she clenched her fists tightly, "Yeah, we won, but somebody could've been seriously hurt. The magic is going haywire and I have no idea how to fix it!"

"Sunset..." Flash said in concern as he held her shoulder gently, "It's okay. It's over now..."

"I can't believe you did this!" The firm and angry voice shouted. Everyone turned to their back. They found Shadow Dragon was scolding Twilight Sparkle while her siblings and pets remained silent and quiet. He continued, "You promised me that this amulet won't cause the problem!"

"I did! I really did!" Twilight exclaimed in concern while holding her amulet. She turned to the back as she turned it off. She sighed, "See? I did! And then, I passed it to Lance to look after it."

Lance nodded, "Ever since Applejack pony up, this thing turned itself on, moved by itself and absorbed her aura! And the next, portals came out!"

Nyx nodded, "Please, you have to believe in us!"

Shadow Dragon huffed as he looked away. Twilight continued, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the magic or... how it works."

Before Shadow Dragon could continue, Rainbow Dash came in between, "Hey! What gives? No need to get so dramatic about the magic. We didn't know how it works too."

The amulet glowed and opened itself again! It's now absorbing Rainbow Dash's magic!

"Oh, no! Oh, no no no! Not again!" Twilight exclaimed in fear.

As Rainbow Dash moaned and groaned in struggling as she's losing her magic, everyone gasped in worry as they came to her aid. Shadow Dragon turned and glared at Twilight.

"Twilight, stop it!" Shadow Dragon demanded in anger.

"I can't!" Twilight struggled in closing the amulet, "I'm sorry! It just started absorbing energy on its own! But I'm not sure how!"

"What do you mean you don't know how?!" Sunset demanded angrily.

Before anyone could do anything, the amulet launched the dark powerful energy to the sky. It opened the large portal of night time atmosphere. Principal Cinch noticed and overheard the event when she was at the back entrance. She stayed close to judge's booth.

"What the hell?!" Flash, Wheelie and Brains asked in concern.

Optimus Prime hissed, "Space Bridge Portal?"

"This can't be good," Roadblock said in concern.

Twilight hissed in concern, "No, it's not. It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear! I don't know how that works either."

"Is there anything you do know?! Like how to get our magic back?! Or how to fix the portal to Equestria?!" Sunset demanded angrily as she helped and closed the amulet down. She continued, "You're supposed to be so smart, but did you ever think you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand?!"

With the amulet closed, the portal sealed off.

"But I wanna understand!"

"But you don't! And worst of all, you put the lives of my friends in danger!"

Shadow Dragon nodded as he glared at Twilight, "I told you it's dangerous! If you have listened to me from the start, none of this could have happened! Why won't you listen to me?! Iris Crystal will never do such a thing. She always knows what is best for the world!"

Twilight growled in anger, "Would you just shut up about Iris Crystal?! I'm getting sick of hearing her!"

Everyone gasped in shock and surprise of what they just heard, and even Shadow Dragon.

"Awkward..." Indigo Zap whispered to her coach.

Blazefist nodded, "This isn't good..."

"Tell me about it..." Aquastroke said in concern.

"Iris Crystal this! Iris Crystal that! Iris Crystal everywhere! Isn't there anything else that you're not referring to her?!" Twilight demanded in upset, "I'm sick in hearing of that name! I'm definitely sick of her!"

Heartbroken and shocked of what he just heard, Shadow Dragon growled in anger, "How dare you?! How dare you insulted her?! She was like a sister to you! She's has always been there for you! She has been trying to help you! And this is how you repay her?!"

"Repay her?! How could she do that to me?! She stole you away from me!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I actually love you first before you and her start dating. I want to tell you that three years ago. But I was too late..." Twilight broke tears out as she sobbed tearfully in despair and pain. Everyone looked at her in shock. She continued, "She took you away from me. I'd never get the chance. Every time I saw you and her together; I got angry, upset and frustrated! I-I-I..."

"Jealous? You were jealous of Iris Crystal?" Lance asked in concern. Nyx nudged at his stomach. He yelped, "Ow! What was that for?!"

Nyx hissed, "Now's not the time!"

"Jealous... You?!" Shadow Dragon asked in disbelief. He shook his head, "No way! You're lying! You were-!"

"I pretended! Okay?! I pretended to be happy to see you and her being together! But I'm not! I pretended because I'm doing this for you!" Twilight explained angrily. Shadow Dragon was in shock. She sobbed tearfully, "When I heard Iris was killed, I felt so ashamed and responsible for wanting her to go away but I didn't mean it. When you're so alone, I wanted to help ease your pain. You allowed me. You've accepted me. I thought you finally love me. But it was a lie..."

"No, it isn't. I did love you, Twilight. I really did!"

"No, you didn't! What you did for me from last four dates, it was a lie. You'd never love me from the start. You'd never care for me. You'd never even say goodbye to me before you left for the mission. You didn't even say 'I love you, Twily'. You never did. You saw me as replacement for Iris Crystal."

"Twilight... It's not true! I'd never think-!"

"You saw me as replacement for Iris Crystal! You'd never see me as your girlfriend. The more you mentioned about Iris Crystal, the more I realized the truth of why you considered me as your girlfriend. I was so stupid..."

Shadow Dragon was speechless and saddened of what he just learnt. Everyone was in shock and even Sunset was. Seeing Human Twilight crying and arguing with her boyfriend, it reminded her of her sinful past - she and Flash have broke up because of her.

Shadow Dragon said painfully while looking at Twilight, "Twiley... I'd never do that. I didn't."

"Stop lying!" Twilight exclaimed in anger as she gave Shadow Dragon a big slap across his right cheek. Everyone gasped in shock and worry. She snarled as her amulet glowed darkly, "I should have know you'd be selfish..."

"Selfish? SELFISH?!" Shadow Dragon demanded in anger as he exclaimed, "Do you have any idea of what I've been through?! Ever since I lost Iris, I was emotionally hurt and broken! I experienced the death for the first time! I blamed myself for not only saving her but saved my friends from being mutated into monsters! I vowed that I would never ever bring harm to anyone I loved and befriend. I sacrificed my life to protect them! I will do whatever it takes to end the war for good! So, I can finally be in peace."

"If that is true, I want you to tell me truthfully. Do you love me because of your feelings or I'm just replacement?" Twilight asked angrily and firmly. Everyone remained silent as they wondered how Shadow Dragon answered it. All he give is a silent treatment. As tears flown down, she sniffed tearfully, "That's what I've thought... I'm sorry that I couldn't be like her!"

Twilight sobbed tearfully and painfully as she turned and ran off at once. Twilight was heading to the entrance but bumped into Strikespell who also heard everything too. He sighed as he hugged her while gently patted her head.

Everyone was in shock and concern as they turned and glanced at the quiet Shadow Dragon who turned and looked away from them. Sunset was staring at Twilight Sparkle as she felt sorry for the latter.

Flare Tiger looked at Shadow Dragon, "I knew this would happen... I wish you have listened to me."

He ignored her advice, Shadow Dragon walked away in shame while Dragoking followed his master. Flare Tiger sighed while shaking her head. Poor Shadow Dragon...

Lance, Nyx and Spike glared at him for the moment but ignored him. The siblings and their dog turned and headed to find Twilight. They have their older sister to take care of.

"I did not expect that... I always thought Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle are always perfect couples," Indigo Zap said in shock.

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Me too..."

"That's rough..." Shane remarked in concern.

Ripcord sighed, "Nasty rough..."

Optimus Prime sighed, "This isn't the first time we saw humans being broke up from their relationship..."

The Autobots nodded their heads in agreement while Dragon Strike Force and G.I. Joe remained silent. Mane Five and Cutie Mark Crusaders looked down in pain and pitiful. Everything has gone worst lately...

"Poor Twilight... Poor Shadow Dragon..." Fluttershy commented in concern.

"What have I done..." Sunset asked in shame as she slapped her own forehead. Flash patted her. She turned and hugged Flash as she remarked, "I shouldn't have done. I shouldn't have..."

Flash shushed softly, "It's okay. It's okay..."

Roadblock turned and glared at Storm Shadow, "You've got some explaining to do, Storm Shadow."

Storm Shadow huffed, "You have no idea of what you have done, fools. The end will come..."

As Sunset and her friends were chatting and wondering of what Storm Shadow was talking about, Principal Cinch overheard everything. She smirked darkly as she sees it a perfect opportunity to win the Friendship Games. Upon hearing a throat clearing, she turned and found the rest of judges stood near to her. Strikespell and Twilight Sparkle were there as well. They all wondered what was she doing.

Principal Cinch huffed, "You can't possibly call that a fair race."

Principal Celestia sighed, "Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened. You can't think CHS had some kind of advantage."

"Can't I? Even without your trained attack plants, your students have wings!"

"Well, the race certainly had some...extenuating circumstances. Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie."

"A tie? Was this your strategy all along? To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not. The games will continue and Crystal Prep will-!"

"ENOUGH!" Strikespell exclaimed in anger. Everyone turned and found angry Strikespell glaring at Principal Cinch. He continued, "Canterlot Wondercolt won fairly. We'll proceed to the final round. Prepare for it!"

"But sir! They cheated! They used this whatever performance-enhancing regimen her students are on" Principal Cinch insisted, "I demand the rematch! Crystal Prep deserved it! Our school is-!"

Strikespell gave Principal Cinch a glare, "I said... Prepare for it!"

Principal Cinch gulped as she nodded head in understanding. She turned and headed off at once. The last thing she want is making the Secretary angry. Sunset and her friends heard of what happen as they approached to the judges.

Principal Celestia sighed, "My son... You do not need to-!"

"I saw it with my own eyes. And I know my own judgment. You've won fair and square," Strikespell said darkly. He turned and looked at the weakened Twilight, "I have to go now. I have someone to look after. Lance, Nyx and Spike may follow me. But I don't want anyone else follow me. I'm not in mood..."

"But sir-!" Shining Armor interrupted. Strikespell gave him a glare. He sighed in defeat, "Yes sir. Please take care of her."

Strikespell nodded as he and Twilight turned to the entrance. He was about to move out. Lance, Nyx and Spike followed them both.

"Strikespell! I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this from happening." Sunset explained in shame. Strikespell remained silent. She continued, "I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don't. I let everyone down. And now Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating."

Principal Celestia patted Sunset gently, "It's not your fault, Sunset. It doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks."

Sunset Shimmer departed while shaking her head, "But it does. The students here at CHS don't just wanna win. They wanna beat Crystal Prep. It isn't gonna count if the other side doesn't really think they lost. Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around. And that magic is only around... because of me."

Strikespell narrowed his angry yet annoyed eyes. He sighed, "I'm in no mood to talk about your best or magic now. I'm leaving..."

Strikespell take Twilight Sparkle into the school hallway. Lance, Nyx and Spike followed them at once. Everyone remained silent for the moment as they all feel sorry for her. She really did her best to control and contained the magic during the Friendship Games. Things have gotten out of hand lately.

Shadow Dragon stared at the bright sun as it slowly covered by more fluffy clouds. He sighed in defeat and shame, "What have I done?"

As everyone neared to the back entrance chatted in concern of what they can do next, Cunning Fury smirked darkly as it he was expecting it to happen. Cunning Fury turned to his sons.

"Scar, Arthur; handle with the securities. We don't want anything bad happen during the Friendship Games finale," Cunning Fury ordered firmly. Scar Brilliance and Arthur nodded firmly as they turned and headed off in dealing with securities. He took his phone up while walking behind the judge's booth. He spoke darkly, "Phase II is complete, sir."

The sinister voice said darkly and slyly, "Excellent... The Final Phase is now on stage. Inform the doctors to finish the job. It is time..."

"Indeed... All has falling to our pieces..." The robotic sinister and brutally voice spoke.

Cunning Fury smirked darkly., "Indeed, it is. Indeed, it is..."

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

The ideas are inspired by Sonic Archie Comic Issue #134 about Sonic and Sally breaking up from their relationship.