• Published 16th Nov 2015
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Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

  • ...

Chapter 15: Friendship Prevail Part III - FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC

Dragon Strike Force and Mane Seven made all the way to rooftop of Phoenix Fortress. They were standing on its edge where they witnessed two more Phoenix Cruisers slowly ascending to the sky. Mane Seven activated their Pony Transformation Gauntlet or Pony-Up Morphers, transforming them into their Pony Forms. Dragon Strike Force armed with their weapons and mutant powers.

Shadow Dragon received the call from Optimus Prime.

"Shadow Dragon, this is Optimus Prime," Optimus Prime called, "G.I. Joe and my team have destroyed most of the ships. It's up to you and your team now. The fate of the worlds are in your hands."

"Understood. We will take care of them once and for all." Shadow Dragon replied. He turned to his team and his girlfriend's, "Let's hope we can get out of here. We have to take down the command bridge and engines. If not enough, set the fail-safe chip on their system. Blazefist and Aquastroke take Terrorcreep, Shorty Thinking, Icy, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity to the second Phoenix Cruiser. The rest of us with me to the last one. Let's finish this."

"You heard him! Let's finish this!" Mystic Knight exclaimed proudly, "Don't expect me to go soft, boss."

"After all the times you have hated me a lot, you still call me 'boss'. Aw, you still care about me."

"Don't get pushy. It's an old habit for me to get rid, boss."

"I hope you're ready for this, Twilight," Sunset Shimmer said calmly, "This is gonna be very pain."

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "I've been a lot of worse than dealing with Principal Cinch. And to be honest, I really hate that woman a lot."

"For blackmailing you about denying your application to Everton Independence Studies?"

"For threatening my family and especially my decision of what I really wanted - friendship."

Sunset Shimmer smirked, "You've got spirit."

"Let's do this! Everyone, go!" Shadow Dragon ordered firmly.

Shadow Dragon and his team charged off at once. Shadow Dragon led his team of Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Mystic Knight, Flare Tiger, Flash Sentry, Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct on the first last Phoenix Cruisers. Blazefist and Aquastroke led their group of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Shorty Thinking, Terrorcreep, Tailtech and Icy to the second last Phoenix Cruiser. They all quickly jumped on two ships.

Two separated teams immediately engaged and battled against the enemies at once. Dragon Strike Force charged and attacked the Alliance of Darkness Troopers. Mane Seven covered them from their allies' back by firing and striking their magic powers and bladed weapons at the enemies.

Within the first Phoenix Cruiser's command bridge, Dark Curse was overseeing the Project End progressing. He wasn't alone. He has Crimson Skull, Swipestrike, Houndkiller, Grimdark and Lieutenant Cobar. He was smiling proudly and darkly. His darkest dream is coming true. Nothing can stop him now. Nothing will.

Suddenly, Dark Curse received a call. He activated it from his computer. An image of Dark Terrorist Trooper breathed heavily.

"What is it?" Dark Curse demanded.

"Lord Dark Curse, Dragon Strike Force and Mane Seven are on both of our ships! They're heading to the bridge!" Dark Terrorist Trooper exclaimed in concern, "What are your orders?!"

"Block them! Defend engines, command bridge and lower deck. Do not let them destroyed!"

"Yes, sir! We won't let them get near to them!"

With the image disappeared, Crimson Skull approached Dark Curse as he wondered what his leader is planning next.

"What is your next order, my liege?" Crimson Skull asked in concern.

Dark Curse huffed as he looked up while typed on holographic keyboards, "Are the Demonbolts ready, Crimson Skull?"

Crimson Skull nodded, "They are, my liege. Awaiting for your command."

Holographic screens appeared with five shadowy figures standing still on dark screens. Their eyes opened and revealed the dark crimson. MechaStahl and Kishin Akuma appeared in the screen as well.

"Go forth. Take care of them at once." Dark Curse said darkly, "Their usefulness has been used up. No mercy. No sparing alive. Project End must continue!"

"Yes, Lord Dark Curse," Dark Terrorist said darkly.

As the holographic screens disappeared; Crimson Skull turned and ordered his soldiers headed off at once. Swipestrike, Houndkiller, Grimdark and Lieutenant Cobar headed off at once to deal with the Dragon Strike Force and Mane Seven at once. Dark Curse continued overseeing the event.

On the second Phoenix Cruiser; MechaStahl, Kishin Akuma, Longblade, Warstrike, Skullcrusher, Blood-Eye Warlord and Terrorspike saw everything. Blazefist's team was heading straight to the bridge while battling with the enemies fiercely and determinedly. MechaStahl turned to Kishin Akuma.

"Do what you must! Prevent the enemies reach their targets! They must not succeed!" MechaStahl exclaimed in anger.

Kishin Akuma nodded, "It will be done. Move out!"

Kishin Akuma and his own personal army headed out at once to deal with Blazefist's team at once. They even brought three familiar guests to deal with the enemies.

Blazefist's team continued battling against the Dark Terrorist Troopers fiercely and determinedly on the second Phoenix Cruisers.

Rainbow Dash swung her Mystical Magic Spear at them hard while flying around in beating the flying Dark Terrorist Troopers. Rarity fired her Diamond Gatling Blaster from her wrists at her enemies. Fluttershy used her Animal Ruby in defeating the enemies. Terrorcreep protected her by swinging his twin axes. Shorty Thinking used his Flame Volley Blaster. Icy used her Ice Powers for defense and protection on her friends. Blazefist fired his Fire Fists and Phoenix Blaze while Aquastroke launched her Water Torpedo Blast.

Blazefist noticed heavy numbers of enemy troops guarding the engines. He groaned in concern of seeing the situation.

"We don't have time for this," Blazefist exclaimed in concern before turned to his friends, "We're gonna have to go to either command bridge or lower deck."

"He's right. Let's go now!" Shorty Thinking ordered firmly.

"Stay close with us!" Terrorcreep said firmly.

"Okay," Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy nodded firmly.

Blazefist's team continued running towards the Phoenix Cruiser's upper deck entrance. The ground got blasted, making them halted from moving. What was that?!

"Going somewhere?" The dark voice asked in amusement.

Blazefist's team looked up as they found a familiar character, along with Terrorspike and Blood Eye armed with their weapons. Demonic Unicorn-Anthro Sunny Flare dressed in her dark purple sleeveless spandex suit-like with demonic skull symbol and mini skirt, black heeled-jet boosters and electrical wrist as well as wearing transparent and advanced glasses.

"Hello, Canterlot High Snorts," Sunny Flare said darkly, "Remember me, dearie?"

"Oh my goodness! Sunny Flare?!" Rarity exclaimed in shock, "What have they done to you?!"

"Power. That's what! And you know what I'm gonna do next? I'm gonna blow you to bits! Crystal Prep Academy will be the winner!"

"Sunny Flare, don't! This isn't you!"

"Watch me, mule!" Sunny Flare hissed, "Feel my taser! Thunderstroke!"

Sunny Flare armed and fired her electrical wrist straight at Rarity. Icy summoned the Frozen Walls for the protection.

"Time is running out! Rarity, me and Icy will hold her and her cohorts off," Shorty Thinking exclaimed in concern as he armed his Flame Volley Blaster, "Stop this ship!"

Rarity nodded, "Indeed. We have to rescue her! But how?!"

"The magic," Fluttershy answered in concern. Everyone looked at her. She shrugged, "I don't know I sense the dark magic in Sunny Flare. And she's scared and trapped by it."

"Yeah. I felt that too." Rainbow Dash said in agreement.

Rarity hummed, "If she's like our world's Twilight, we can use our magic to free Sunny Flare."

Aqaustroke gasped, "That's a great idea! I hope the rest don't get that problem!"

"Well, that settles it. We'd better get going now!" Terrorcreep exclaimed in concern, "We've got a world to save."

Blazefist nodded, "Alright. Let's move!"

"If you're done talking, I'm expecting some fighting, loser!" Sunny Flare demanded in annoyance.

Rarity grunted, "Just the moment, darling! You're about to get one!"

As Sunny Flare continued firing her Thunderstroke at the Ice Wall, she and her two generals approached as they ready to attack. But instead, the block of ice exploded and knocked them off hard. Rarity, Shorty Thinking and Icy engaged Sunny Flare and her generals (Blood Eye Warlord and Terrorspike). Blazefist and his team make a run towards the ship's upper deck entrance.

As Shorty Thinking continued firing his Flame Volley Blaster, Blood Eye deflected and blocked the attacks while shooting his Demon Crimson Shots at him for few times. As Shorty Thinking tried to fire, Blood Eye launched his Demon Claw on Shorty Thinking's neck tight to the walls. Blood Eye continued strangling Shorty Thinking to death, causing the latter struggled in getting his gun up. As his close to death, Shorty Thinking fired his gun at Blood Eye's chest once making the latter stopped strangling the former. Shorty Thinking quickly fired his gun at Blood Eye who struggled blocked and deflected, though received injuries. As Blood Eye readied to fire his Demon Crimson Shots, Shorty Thinking dodged the attack while rolled to the front. He fired his gun at Blood Eye's chest hard.

Terrorspike charged as he swung and thrust his twin spears at Icy. She dodged and avoided the attacks as quickly and slippery as she can while firing her Ice Beam in immobilizing and trapping him. As she was ready to defeat him, he broke free and thrust his spear at her. She quickly dodged and avoided the attack since she's not the fight, thought she got injured and wounded by the attacks he gave. As she was about to immobilize, he quickly gave a powerful swing on her chest hard. As Terrorspike readied to kill her, Icy dodged down before fired her Ice Shard Blast in killing him.

Rarity and Sunny Flare glared at each other while armed with their own wrist weapons. As the wind blew their hair, both fired their guns at each other while hiding on debris and dodging the attacks for few times. As Rarity took a peek, Sunny Flare appeared before her. Sunny Flare grabbed Rarity's neck, slowly strangling her while tasered her from the former's right hand.

"Seriously?" Sunny Flare asked in amusement. She giggled darkly, "I was expecting more. This should be very easy. Twilight Sparkle make a big mistake for sparing you and your friends!"

Rarity grunted as she powered herself and weapons up, "Sorry to disappoint you, darling. I disagree!"

With Element of Generosity powered on her weapons, Rarity tasered and shocked on Sunny Flare's head. It gave the Shadowbolt quite a painful magically yet electrically shock as Dark Magic slowly destroyed. Sunny Flare screamed in pain. As Rarity stopped, Sunny Flare stopped strangling and tasering before fell to the ground. Sunny Flare's Demon Form slowly transformed into her normal form.

Rarity approached Sunny Flare, "Darling? Are you alright?"

"Rarity..." Sunny Flare asked in surprise as she slowly get up while looking at Rarity. She sniffled tearfully in realization, "What have I done? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

Rarity hushed calmly as she hugged Sunny Flare, "It's okay, Sunny Flare. It's not your fault. It's okay. You're safe..."

Sunny Flare sniffled as she hugged Rarity, "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

"It was nothing," Rarity remarked calmly, "Can't believe that I actually hug a Shadowbolt..."

Shorty Thinking approached Rarity and Sunny Flare, "Come on! We'd better go and help others!"

Rarity nodded in agreement as she helped Sunny Flare up and running. She and her friends quickly entered the Phoenix Cruiser at once.

After they entered the ship while defeated the troopers, Blazefist's team ran have arrived at the forked hallway's road.

"We have to split up now!" Blazefist ordered firmly, "Aqua and Rainbow with me. We'll go to the bridge. Terrorcreep, you and Fluttershy handle with the chip."

Terrorcreep nodded, "Understood."

"Be careful," Fluttershy said, "I've got bad feeling about this."

"We will. You can count on us," Aquastroke and Rainbow Dash said confidently.

Blazefist, Aquastroke and Rainbow Dash took on left route while Fluttershy and Terrorcreep took on right one.

As Fluttershy and Terrorcreep arrived at the lower deck, they spotted up ahead was the sphere filled with several microchips. They found it. As they quickly make haste towards their objective, Terrorcreep spotted something in making him push her ahead. He wield and held his twin axes tightly against both sides of attacks from Warstrike and Skullcrusher.

Fluttershy gasped, "Terrorcreep!"

"Go! Go! Finish the mission!" Terrorcreep ordered firmly, "I'll be fine!"

Fluttershy hated to leave him behind but she has to stop the enemy's ship. Terrorcreep quickly engaged both Skullcrusher and Warstrike at once by deflecting and pushing their weapons off. Terrorcreep quickly gave a slash on Warstrike's left leg and Skullcrusher's right hand. They both roared in anger as they quickly attacked while he responded by blocking and deflecting the attacks for few times. As Terrorcreep quickly blocked and attacked two generals back, both Skullcrusher and Warstrike grabbed both his arms as they gave him some punches on chest and stomach for few times. As they continued punching him, he quickly bite on Skullcrusher's hand before slammed the skull general at Warstrike. Terrorcreep quickly kicked them both off. He quickly thew his boomerang axes in multiple slashes on both Skullcusher and Warstrike. They both were defeated.

As Fluttershy was close to the sphere, someone kicked her off on the stairs hard. She looked up and found demonic Anthro Sour Sweet dressed in her archery dark pinikish Shadowbolt uniform while armed with her bow and arrows.

"Ooh. Are you lost, little girl?" Sour Sweet asked innocently. She chuckled evilly and darkly, "Too bad for you! Prepare to die!"

Fluttershy squeaked fearfully, "Oh no! Not you too!"

Fluttershy quickly used her Cheetah Spirit in running and dodging the first wave of arrows by Sour Sweet. Shadowbolt Archer tried to aim and fired her arrows at Fluttershy, who managed to dodged and avoided them for few times. Sour Sweet fired the slippery oil on the floor as Fluttershy got slipped and fell on the ground. Sour Sweet charged and attacked Fluttershy by punching for few times. Using Bear Spirit, she pushed Sour Sweet up before knocked her to the ground. Sour Sweet kicked Fluttershy up hard before firing more arrows at her. Fluttershy summoned Elephant Spirit for protection from the attacks. And just before Fluttershy could do anything, Sour Sweet charged and punched on her for few times. Fluttershy summoned Bat Spirit as she screeched loudly in injuring Sour Sweet's ears.

At the same time, Fluttershy used her Porcupine Spirit while maximizing and powered up her Element of Kindness power. She jabbed Sour Sweet's body while destroying and removing her Dark Magic power. With it gone, Sour Sweet returned to normal.

"Wh-What?! What have I done?!" Sour Sweet asked in shock yet innocently. She screamed in pain and sour, "Curse me!"

Fluttershy hushed as she helped Sour Sweet up, "It's okay. There was nothing you could have done. But you're safe now."

"Thank you so much, Fluttershy! You're really kind. No one has ever shown that to me before," Sour Sweet thanks happily as she hugged Fluttershy.

"You're welcome." Fluttershy smiled before used her com-link, "This is Flutteshy! I'm done with mine!"

"You're done?" Terrorcreep asked upon meeting up with Fluttershy and Sour Sweet. He sighed, "Come! We must help others now!"

Terrorcreep and Fluttershy helped and carried Sour Sweet as they all exited the lower deck to find and meet up with others.

Blazefist, Aqaustroke and Rainbow Dash entered the bridge. And just before the Dark Terrorist Troopers could do anything, the married couple launched their Phoenix Blaze and Water Torpedo Blast at the troops off. MechaStahl groaned in anger as he armed with a pistol.

"We've got you now, MechaStahl!" Aquastroke said firmly.

Blazefist nodded, "Shut it down now!"

"I can't! Project End must continue! I'd never thought that you make this far," MechaStahl snarled, "How is it possible?!"

Rainbow Dash scoffed, "Clearly, you don't know the meaning of awesomeness!"

"And clearly, you don't know when to quit," The dark voice said darkly, making trio turned and found Kishin Akuma and Longblade stood before them. He continued, "It is time to end you once and for all."

"Akuma!" Blazefist exclaimed in anger.

"I have someone who is dying to see you. Step forth, Indigo Zap!" Kishin Akuma said darkly.

Indigo Zap emerged from Kishin Akuma's side. She is now a demonic Pegasus Anthro worn dark navy sportswoman sleeveless top tank with demonic skull behind the lightning shaped, shorts and boots with demonic armor while armed with axe. She smirked darkly with her dark crimson eyes. Rainbow Dash, Blazefist and Aquastroke gasped in shock of what they just saw.

"Indigo! Noooooo!" Blazefist exclaimed in shock. He turned to Kishin Akuma, "What have you done to her?!"

Rainbow Dash clenched her fists tightly, "You're all gonna be sorry for this! You hear me?!

"You won't get away with this!" Aquastroke exclaimed in anger.

Kishin Akuma smirked, "We shall see. Finish them off!"

"With pleasure," Indigo Zap said in amusement, "You're going down, Rainbow Crash!"

Just before Blazefist's team could do anything, Kishin Akuma's team charged and attacked them at once.

Longblade swung his blades at Aquastroke, who dodged and avoided the attacks for five times. She then quickly her Ice Punch in knocking him out. She charged in. As he swung his blades at her, she dodged and punched on him for five times on both cheeks. As Longblade was about to attack, Aquastroke gave a hard punch on him to the ground. As MechaStahl tried to escape, Aquastroke grabbed and threw Longblade at the mad scientist out of command bridge's window. Both of them screamed in fear as they struck out from window and fell straight down on midair. She then quickly helped Blazefist fight with Kishin Akuma.

Blazefist charged in as he was armed with Fire Fists while Kishin Akuma armed with his Long Demon Sword. Blazefist launched some punches on Kishin Akuma but missed it when the Demon General dodged and blocked the attacks for few times. As Blazefist was about to launch his attacks, Kishin Akuma swiftly swung his sword at the former off. Kishin Akuma was about to finish Blazefist but blocked by Aqaustroke's Water Claw. Both of them attacked at each other while blocked and dodged the attacks fiercely and swiftly for few times. As Aquastroke thrust her claws at Kishin Akuma, he grabbed her neck as he slowly chocked her to death. Blazefist charged and gave a kick on Kishin Akuma's stomach. Both of them attacked him fiercely and determinedly at once while dodging and avoiding the attacks accurately and swiftly.

Both Blazefist and Aquastroke launched their punches right at Kishin Akuma's face but blocked and grabbed by him. He then fired his Black Demon Shots in shooting them to the ground. Kishin Akuma armed and readied to unleash his powerful attack. Aquastroke quickly fired her Water Torpedo Blast at him off to the walls hard while Blazefist helped by unleashing Phoenix Flame for the moment. Kishin Akuma was burnt badly by the attacks. He growled in anger and fury.

"You will not defeat me so easily," Kishin Akuma said darkly.

Blazefist charged as he launched his Burning Blade straight into Kishin Akuma's chest, "Think again! This is for Indigo Zap, jerk!"

Kishin Akuma grunted and gasped in shock as he's dying. As Blazefist departed, Kishin Akuma fell to the ground hard. He was killed.

"Indigo Zap..." Rainbow Dash said in shock, "No way I'm gonna beat you. You're Blazefist's protege."

"Not anymore! I'm on my own! Die!" Indigo Zap exclaimed in anger.

Indigo Zap charged in as she swung her axe at Rainbow Dash, who quickly deflected the attacks. Both of them attacked and blocked each other's attacks fiercely and determinedly for few times. As they both clashed their weapons at each other, Indigo Zap punched on Rainbow Dash's stomach before kicked her off. Indigo Zap charged in as she swung her axe at Rainbow Dash, who quickly dodged and avoided the attacks for few times. As Indigo Zap slammed her axe to the ground, Rainbow Dash jumped and kicked her rival off. Rainbow Dash charged as she was about to kick Indigo Zap. But instead Rainbow Dash got caught, Indigo Zap slammed her to the ground. Indigo Zap aimed her axe at Rainbow Dash's throat as she was ready to finish her off.

"It's over..." Indigo Zap said darkly. Just before Indigo Zap could do anything, both Blazefist and Aquastroke grabbed and held her tightly. She screamed, "Damn you! Let me go! I demand you to let me go!"

"Rainbow Dash, now!" Blazefist and Aquastroke called.

Rainbow Dash powered her Element of Loyalty up through her Mystical Magic Spear. She charged straight at Indigo Zap while thrust her spear at her rival's chest. Indigo Zap screamed in pain as Dark Magic within her slowly destroyed. Indigo Zap returned to normal state while moaned in pain.

Blazefist grabbed and held Indigo Zap up, "Indigo? Indigo! Said something!"

Indigo Zap moaned, "Coach? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me! I'm here. I'm back!"

"Coach... I'm sorry! I really am!" Indigo Zap cried tearfully, "I didn't want this power! They forced me to do it! I'm so sorry!"

Rainbow Dash smiled, "Hey. Forget it. It's not you fault. Besides, you're back and with Blazefist. That's good enough."

Blazefist nodded, "That's right. You're back with me, my little sister."

"Big brother..." Indigo Zap said emotionally. She turned and held a grip on Rainbow Dash's hand, "Dash, thanks a lot. I owe you big time."

"Nah... You don't. Don't make me so emotional. You just owe me a race," Rainbow Dash joked.

Blazefist stood up while carrying Indigo Zap, "Come on, kid. Let's go home."

"Yeah. I alerted others where to meet," Aquastroke reported, "We should meet up at the hanger bay. After that, we're gonna head to the last and help the rest. Time to finish this mission."

"Let's move out," Blazefist said firmly.

Rainbow Dash smirked, "Yeah! We're so awesome!"

Blazefist's team exited the command bridge. They and the other two separated team have to meet up at the hanger bay. They have to assist their friends from the last Phoenix Cruiser...

On the last Phoenix Cruiser, the army of Dark Terrorist Troopers were engaging Shadow Dragon's team. Thus, they responded to fight back.

Using his Earthen Armor and summoning Earth Big Wall, Laxtinct pushed it towards the entrance for covering his friends from the attack. Mystic Knight and Flash Sentry fired the guns from left side while Pinkie and Tailtech fired theirs from right, and at the same time covered behind the walls. Shadow Dragon, Saber Dragoon and Flare Tiger used their Darkness Blade, Twin Dragon Sabers and Tiger Claws at the enemies. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer helped them as well. Dragoking slithered while struck his tail at them, and sometimes poisoned and bitten on the enemies' to wounded and death.

As Shadow Dragon and his team were closed to the entrance, a powerful blast destroyed Laxtinct's wall to pieces. The team fell to the ground. They grunted painfully as they slowly got up. They then found demonic Anthro Lemon Zest in her dark greenish sleeveless blouse with black jacket and black shorts and long black boots-like as she was riding a giant robot with boom boxes and guns-like. Lieutenant Cobar there as well to assist her.

"Lemon Zest?" Twilight Sparkle asked in shock.

Lemon Zest chuckled darkly and evilly, "Yeah! Rock on! Rock on! Rock on, dude! You're going down!"

Lemon Zest fired her Sonic Wave Attack on Shadow Dragon's team. Laxtinct summoned the walls for cover up. Pinkie Pie fired her Party Canon in knocking Lemon Zest down.

"Go! We'll hold them off!" Laxtinct exclaimed firmly.

Pinkie Pie nodded, "I'll help Lemon Zest out!"

"Saber, take Applejack to lower deck! The rest with me, we're gonna destroy the command bridge for good!" Shadow Dragon said firmly.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Sunset Shimmer turned to Pinkie Pie, "Watch yourself! With Dark Magic, Shadowbolts are now more powerful and dangerous."

"And not only that, they're not themselves," Twilight Sparkle said in concern.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Okie Dookie Lookie!"

As Lemon Zest and Lieutenant Cobar slowly recovered from their injuries, Pinkie Pie and Laxtinct attacked the enemies at once. Shadow Dragon and his team quickly headed off to the entrance at once.

Lieutenant Cobar continued firing his heavy machine gun at Laxtinct, who blocked and deflected the attacks for the moment. As Laxtint got close to Lieutenant Cobar, the latter attacked and punched on the former's face. The Earth Mutant punched back but the Dark Terrorist fought back as well. Both of them continued punching at each other fiercely and determinedly for few times. As they punched their fists at each other very hard, Lieutenant Cobar gave a headbutt on Laxtinct before the latter kicked him back. As Lieutenant Cobar armed and aimed his gun at Laxtinct, the hero shown his enemy of his grip - a grenade's holder. Lieutenant Cobar yelped in shock and fear as he was about to remove the grenade that Laxtinct had open. But instead, he got exploded by grenade.

Pinkie Pie keep running and bouncing as fast as she can from Lemon Zest's Sonic Wave Attacks foe few times. As Lemon Zest recharging and rebooting her attacks, Pinkie Pie fired her Party Canon while go around and around on the former. Lemon Zest struggled in catching and knocking Pinkie Pie down, but the random girl was too fast for the rocker to do it. As Pinkie Pie was about to launch her Party Canon blast, Lemon Zest grabbed and thrown her straight to the edge. Lemon Zest approached and aimed her gunner at Pinkie Pie.

Lemon Zest laughed in amusement, "Time for an encore! Gonna miss partnering and messing with you! You were pretty awesome rocker!"

Someone jumped on her suit's back, Lemon Zest took a peek on hers. She found Laxtinct was opening her suit's container. She screamed in anger as she tried to reach and get him off. As Lemon Zest struggled, Laxtinct opened the container's back opener. He found three weakened familiar girls wired up to the suit.

Laxtinct gasped, "Sonata! You're alive! How?!"

"Get off my battery container!" Lemon Zest exclaimed in anger, "I need them to power up my music, dude! Get off!"

"No one call my Sonata Dusk battery!" Laxtinct exclaimed in anger.

Laxtinct gave a few punches on Lemon Zest's face for ten times, but grabbed instead. She slammed him on the ground hard while aimed her Sound Blaster at him. As Lemon Zest was about to fire at Laxtinct, Pinkie Pie was in front of her while armed and aimed her Element of Laughter powered on her Party Canon. Pinkie Pie managed to get up on

"Sorry, LZ! Can't let you used my buddy's girl!" Pinkie Pie apologized.

Just before Lemon Zest could do, Pinkie Pie fired her canon in full powered beam-like. It caused her a lot of pain but also freed her from Dark Magic. The rocker moaned as she returned to normal while falling down. Party girl held and helped her down while Laxtinct helped and get former enemy - The Dazzlings down.

Lemon Zest moaned, "Pinkie Pie? Is that you? What happen? I had a nightmare. Dude, that was mess up..."

"You could say something like that..." Pinkie Pie said uneasily, "Most important of all - you're with us."

"So as others," Laxtinct said while looking at Sonata Dusk. She slowly opened her eyes. He gasped, "Sonata?! You're alright! Please, say 'yes, I love you'!"

"Laxtinct... It is you." Sonata Dusk said weakly yet surprised, "You-You saved me and my sisters..."

"You bet I am. I always come and visit you. Sorry for that long, babe."

"Laxtinct... Yes, I love you!"

Sonata Dusk sobbed and cried tearfully as she jumped and hugged while kissing Laxtinct's lips. he kissed her back. Both Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze groaned in annoyance and disgust while Pinkie Pie and Lemon Zest awed happily to see that.

"Honestly..." Adagio groaned in annoyance.

Aria sighed in annoyance, "I'd never understand why she likes that dummy."

Applejack and Saber Dragoon have arrived at the lower deck. They were heading straight to the sphere. They both got attacked and knocked out. As they slowly got up, they found the mysterious warrior in her silver motorcycle suit with demonic helmet-like and Grimdark. She opened her visor and revealed her face.

"Sugarcoat?! What the hay are you doing here?!" Applejack asked in shock.

Sugarcoat armed with her bladed gauntlets, "It's pretty obvious when one has gained power of Dark Magic will do anything to gain more. In order to do, I must defeat you once and for all!"

"I have to ask..." Applejack remarked bitterly.

Saber Dragoon armed with his Twin Dragon Sabers, "Applejack, go! I'll cover you!"

"I don't think so!" Sugarcoat exclaimed.

Applejack headed off at once while Saber Dragoon helped and protecting her from being attacked by both Sugarcoat and Grimdark. Both of them tried to bring her down but blocked and deflected by Saber Dragoon's attacks for few times. As the heroes almost reached to the sphere, Sugarcoat jumped on Applejack to the ground hard while Grimdark swung his scythe on Saber Dragoon's back.

Grimdark stomped Saber Dragoon to the ground as he prepared to attack. Saber Dragoon nudged the grim reaper off by his hand. Both Saber Dragoon and Grimdark swung their bladed weapons at each other fiercely while dodging and blocking the attacks accurately and swiftly for few times. Grimdark gave a kick on Saber Dragoon off, causing him to push back. Grimdark charged in as he swung his scythe at Saber Dragoon who deflected the attack while thrust his left sword at the reaper but missed. Grimdark grabbed Saber Dragoon before he swung his scythe at the latter. Saber Dragoon dodged down before thrust his right blade through his chest. Grimdark was defeated.

Applejack kicked Sugarcoat off while trying to reach the sphere but instead punched back hard. Applejack got up while charged straight at Sugarcoat. The cowgirl swung his Mind Whiplash at the prefect, who dodged and avoided the attacks quickly and accurately while struck and injured Applejack for few times. As Sugarcoat tried to stab on Applejack's back, the former grabbed and thrown the latter at the sphere hard. Applejack used her Mind Whiplash in grabbing Sugarcoat tight before electrocuted and shocked the latter for the moment. Sugarcoat grabbed the rope tight before pulling it hard, bring Applejack towards her. Sugarcoat jabbed and thrust her blade on Applejack's left guts while strangling the cowgirl's neck.

"It's over now, Applejack," Sugarcoat smirked.

Saber Dragoon grabbed and held Sugarcoat tight, "For you! Applejack, now!"

Applejack grunted as she powered her Mind Whiplash with her powered Element of Honest. She screamed wildly while wrapped and tightened on Sugarcoat's head. Her weapon gave a powerful magical shock on Sugarcoat to scream in pain and wild. The Dark Magic within her destroyed as Sugarcoat returned to normal. Applejack helped and checked on her while Saber Dragoon took the chip while headed to the sphere for installing it into the system.

"Sugarcoat? Are you alright?" Applejack asked.

Sugarcoat moaned, "Applejack... What happen? I had a terrible and worst dream ever. And remind me again - never 'Unleash the Magic'. That was bad attempt to win the Friendship Games."

"Sure... Not a problem."

Saber Dragoon regrouped with Applejack and Sugarcoat whole contacted Joshua Joyce, "It's done!"

"Alright! Get out of here now!" Joshua Joyce ordered firmly, "I'll start the attack soon. What the-?!"


"Damn it! I've been blocked! Dark Curse must have use some kind of firewall to prevent me activating the attack."

"Do you know where it comes from?"

"The firewall is mostly located from command bridge! You have to shut it down manually!"

Saber Dragoon nodded, "Alert the rest. Time to finish this once and for all! Let's go!"

Saber Dragoon and Applejack helped and carried Sugarcoat to meet up with others at command bridge. They have to defeat Dark Curse and his remote control for firewall in blocking Joshua Joyce activating the Phoenix Cruisers to fire at each other...

After receiving the report, Shadow Dragon and his remaining team made a rush hour in reaching the command bridge while battling with the enemies fiercely and determinedly. As they were almost reached to their destination, Swipestrike charged and attacked the team. Mystic Knight fired his gun at the assassin, who blocked and deflected the attacks. Houndkiller appeared as well form his invisible mode.

Shadow Dragon and his team were about to engage but blocked by Mystic Knight.

"No! You've gotta get Dark Curse and shut down the fire wall! I'll handle this clown by myself. Tailtech can stay with me if he wants."

"Are you sure?" Shadow Dragon asked in concern.

Mystic Knight chuckled, "You're kidding me? I've been through lots of worse than this."

"Don't worry. I'll keep him off from getting killed," Tailtech said firmly.

Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement. Both Swipestrike and Houndkiller were about to attack, Mystic Knight threw smoke bombs down. As the smoke emerged and blinded the enemies, Shadow Dragon and his team sneaked pass them and headed straight to the command bridge. As the smoke dispersed, Mystic Knight and Tailtech remained while armed with their guns.

"So, prefer to die?" Swipestrike asked in amusement.

Mystic Knight huffed while armed his twin pistols, "I'd prefer you die, psychopath moron."

"Watch yourself, these guys are not jokers," Tailtech warned Mystic Knight.

Mystic Knight smirked beneath his mask, "That's what make things interesting."

Just before Swipestrike and Houndkiller could do anything, Mystic Knight fired his twin pistols at the enemies. The enemies quickly hid behind the left pillar while Houndkiller fired his gun back at Mystic Knight and Tailtech. The heroes quickly moved back to the crates for cover.

"You just have to do that, didn't you," Tailtech asked in annoyance.

Mystic Knight smirked, "Hey, they're the bad guys. Shoot first, ask later. Besides, fate of the world is in our hand, remember?"

Tailtech groaned in annoyance as why he bothered to ask. Tailtech deal with Houndkiller while Mystic Knight deals with Swipestrike.

Tailtech fired his Typhoon Blaster at Houndkiller, who dodged and avoided the blasts while firing his heavy machine gun at the hero fiercely. As Houndkiller responded to attack, Tailtech ducked down while firing back at him. They both had been this for the moment. As Tailtech was reloading his gun and readied to attack, but instead Houndkiller appeared before him. The Dark Terrorist Colonel punched on fox mutant for 12 times before thrown to the ground. Houndkiller jabbed his knife on Tailtech's stomach hard. As the Dark Terrorist continued thrusting his knife on fox mutant's stomach, Tailtech struggled before fired at Houndkiller's chest for ten times. The colonel was defeated.

Swipestrike charged in as he blocked and deflected the blasts and shots from Mystic Knight, who relied his twin pistols in firing at him. As he closed by, Swipestrike gave a kick on Mystic Knight. The vigilante jumped over the assassin, who later nudged on face by the latter's shoulder. Swipestrike continued punching on Mystic Knight, who struggled in blocking and avoiding the attacks. And just before Mystic Knight could do anything, Swipestrike thrust his twin blades on stomach hard before kicked him off while taking his swords back. The assassin charged in while swinging his swords at the vigilante, who kept moving and dodging the attacks while firing his blasters back at him. As Swipestrike continued charging, though he received some small wounds on his shoulder. And as Swipestrike swung his swords over Mystic Knight's head, the vigilante thrust a punch on the assassin's stomach.

Swipestrike armed with his swords while Mystic Knight armed with his twin pistol. Both charged in while ready to make a strike. As they came close, they swiftly attacked while passing each other by. They stopped and stood still. Swipestrike fell to the ground while Mystic Knight stood still with one leg as he breathed heavily.

Tailtech approached and helped Mystic Knight, who brushed him off.

"I don't need your help," Mystic Knight snapped in annoyance.

Tailtech nudged on Mystic Knight's stomach, "Put a sock to it! You're wounded. And need help. Besides, we've gotta stay alive. We've got the mission to finish."

Mystic Knight sighed, "Fine..."

Tailtech continued helping and moved injured Mystic Knight to command center. Swipestrike still laid on the ground like he was killed before he made his left hand move...

Shadow Dragon, Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, Flare Tiger and Dragoking entered the command bridge, where Dark Curse standing still and looking at the sky. Crimson Skull had his troops armed and readied to attack the intruders.

"It's over, Dark Curse! You've lost!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed.

Dark Curse chuckled in amusement, "And prey to tell me why would you think that?"

"Your Project End is coming to its end," Twilight Sparkle explained, "Both Decepticons and Cobra have left and abandoned you after our friends beaten them. All of your army have fallen to their death. You lost most of the ships. These last two will be next."

Sunset Shimmer nodded, "Yeah. There is no way you can win this. It's over."

"You are right, Humans. It is over..." Dark Curse said in amusement as he slowly turned to his back, "FOR YOU!"

Just before Shadow Dragon and his team could do anything, Dark Curse repelled them off by his powerful dark psychic power. He chuckled darkly as he slowly transformed into the demonic version of himself with large demonic wings and long torn horn while worn dark black coat and ancient rove-like with deadly and demonic armor and gauntlets on him. Crimson Skull and his remaining troops armed and readied their guns at the team.

"What the heck?! He can do that?!" Flash Sentry asked in concern.

Sunset Shimmer groaned in concern, "Dark Curse must have combined with both Light and Dark Magic into his body! This makes him more dangerous, powerful and deadly than before."

"Thus, he's named as Dark Apocalypse!" Flare Tiger exclaimed. Everyone looked at her. She shrugged in amusement, "Well, he has to have a name since you two already have when you got into your higher forms."

"He's insane! That kind of magic could have kill and destroy him," Twilight Sparkle exclaimed in concern.

"I'd prefer to call it - improvising and improving, my dears. I couldn't succeeded it without you. All of you are the perfect pawns," Dark Curse said in amusement, "Even if you did set the chips to my two ships' system, it won't change anything about accomplishing my mission. I'm always ten steps ahead of everything. Project End has reached its final destination. The Humanity will be destroyed. The New Order for me and my loyalists will be born."

Shadow Dragon clenched his fists, "It doesn't matter. We're gonna stop it!"

"We shall see. Commence the Light and Darkness Canon Beam," Dark Curse ordered darkly, "As well as destroying the rest of humanity and its cities."

As if the ships understood him, both Phoenix Cruisers began preparing and energizing Light and Darkness Canon Beam as well as their tanks, turrets, guns and antiaircraft. The ships are ready to attack.

"Guys! You have to stop ships! It's starting!" Joshua Joyce exclaimed in concern through com-link.

"You're not gonna win!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed in anger.

Apocalypse Dark smirked, "I already am. Finish them off!"

Dark Terrorist Troopers armed and readied to fire their guns. And just before any of them, Flare Tiger disappeared from everyone's sights. Dark Terrorist Troopers got slashed and clawed as they screamed to death. She appeared behind of Crimson Skull while making funny face.

"Peek-a-Boo!" Flare Tiger exclaimed before lunged her headbutt on Crimson Skull. She turned to her friends, "Time to finish this, guys! Flash and Sunset, deactivate the firewall! We'll hold this guys for long!"

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Flare Tiger's right. Go now!"

Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle engaged with Dark Curse or Dark Apocalypse in his powerful form while Flare Tiger and Dragoking engaged with Crimson Skull. Sunset Shimmer headed to the computer in finding a way to shut down the firewall while Flash Sentry covered her back.

Dragoking pounced and lunged at Crimson Skull, who grabbed and thrown to the ground. Flare Tiger punched on his face very hard, causing the General punched her back. She summoned her Tiger Claws as she tried to land them on him but missed as he continued dodging and avoiding the attacks quickly and swiftly. As she thrust her claws on his head, he dodged down and kicked her off. He grabbed and slammed her to the ground hard before stomped her head very hard for five times. As he gave another stomp, she dodged and rolled to left side before kick on his back hard. Dragoking pounced from the front as he wrapped tightly on Crimson Skull while trying to bite or poison the General. Flare Tiger got up as she charged and kicked him off. Dragoking slithered and jumped on Flare Tiger as he wrapped around her body. Flare Tiger and Crimson Skull continued attacking at each other fiercely and determinedly.

Apocalypse Dark armed with his Shadow Dark Balls while Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle armed with their Darkness Blade and Star Sparkle Sword.

"Are you prepared to meet the end?" Apocalypse Dark asked in amusement.

"Over my dead body," Shadow Dragon remarked firmly.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "We won't let you destroy our home!"

Apocalypse Dark chuckled in amusement, "We shall see... BEGONE!"

Apocalypse Dark fired his Shadow Dark Balls at Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle, who quickly blocked and deflected the shots. He appeared before them as he gave them a hard slap before fell to the ground hard. As he slowly approached to his victims, Shadow Dragon got up and attacked Apocalypse Dark, who blocked and deflected them at ease for few times. As Shadow Dragon launched the black aura dragon-like Dark Dragoon straight at Apocalypse Dark, the insane warlord responded by summoning the force field before fired his Black Thunder on the hero. Twilight Sparkle got up and ready to attack but instead Apocalypse Dark blew her off by using Storm Tornado. Apocalypse Dark summoned his Demon Warlord Blade as he charged and attacked Shadow Dragon who blocked and deflected before he fought back for few times. As Shadow Dragon gave a swung of his blade on left, Apocalypse Dark grabbed and strangled him tightly.

Twilight Sparkle got up as she fired her Unicorn Burst at Apocalypse Dark's hand in freeing Shadow Dragon. She helped her boyfriend as they both charged and engaged the Apocalypse Dark for few times.

Sunset Shimmer struggled in getting the ship's firewall down while Flash Sentry continued firing his gun at the enemies to cover her. All of the enemies were defeated and killed. But Sunset Shimmer unable to shut the firewall down.

"Damn it! I can't shut both firewall or the firepower down!" Sunset exclaimed in frustration, "I can't find it! I'm useless!"

Flash groaned in concern, "That can't be right! It has to be there!"

"Maybe..." Sunset Shimmer gasped in realization. She turned and found both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle were battling with Apocalypse Dark for few rounds. She noticed a reddish light on the enemy leader's chest, "It's with him. Flash, help Flare Tiger. I'll help Twilight and Shadow Dragon."

Flash Sentry hissed in concern about letting her go and fight monster. He sighed, "Be careful."

Sunset Shimmer headed to help her friends against Apocalypse Dark while Flash Sentry helped Flare Tiger and Dragoking to defeat Crimson Skull.

As Dragoking and Flare Tiger attacked their enemy, Crimson Skull defeated by stomping Dragoking to the ground while strangling Flare Tiger. Flash went to the Dark Terrorist's back as he used the gun of slamming him hard. Crimson Skull turned and gave some punches on Flash Sentry, who struggled in blocking and deflecting the punches for few times. And just before he could do anything, Crimson Skull fired his pistol on Flash's left shoulder. And just before Dark Terrorist could do anything, Dragoking pounced and wrapped the former up before poisoned by neck. Flash Sentry quickly gave a hard punch on face. Crimson Skull screamed in pain before punched Flash Sentry while pulled Dragoking out. Flare Tiger jabbed her Tiger Claw on Crimson Skull to death by back.

Both Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon struggled in defeating Apocalypse Dark, who managed to deflect the blasts and even blocked the attacks while punching, kicking, knocking and ramming them very hard. Twilight Sparkle thrust her Star Sparkle Sword at Apocalypse Dark but instead dodged down before gave a slash on her belly. Twilight Sparkle got injured. Apocalypse Dark approached her as he was ready to finish her off. Shadow Dragon jumped and slammed his archenemy to the ground before start punching on Apocalypse Dark for few times. As Shadow Dragon thrust both punches, he was stopped by Apocalypse Dark.

Apocalypse Dark opened his mouth in ready to unleash his Dark Terror Beam. Instead, his chest got struck by a powerful sunshine blast. His chest blinked for few times while in red. Shadow Dragon quickly kicked at his very hard. Apocalypse Dark looked up and found Sunset Shimmer healing Twilight Sparkle's wounds. Both girls got up while regrouped with the rest of the team.

Sunset Shimmer contacted Joshua Joyce, "The Firewall is down. Take them down now!"

"But what about-?!" Joshua Joyce asked in concern.

"No, Mr. Joyce! Sunset's right! The Phoenix Cruisers have to be destroyed! We can't let them destroy the world," Twilight Sparkle insisted.

Shadow Dragon nodded, "Don't worry about us. We'll find the way out. Blow the ships out!"

Joshua Joyce sighed through com-link, "Good luck! Commence the backfire attack!"

BOOM! Both Phoenix Cruisers fired their weaponry turrets at each other fiercely and determinedly. The ship even shaken both heroes and villain hard since they're inside. Apocalypse Dark hissed in anger upon looking at the event. Twilight and her friends did it. They have stopped Project End.

"So, you found my weak spot? How?" Apocalypse Dark asked in amusement.

Sunset Shimmer narrowed her anger eyes, "You're always ten steps ahead of everyone. And what better way to ensure nothing goes wrong, you absorbed Machine Dragoon's ability to connect everything including these ships. And that way, you can initiate both firewall and the attacks."

Twilight Sparkle smiled in understanding, "Now with your firewall is down, Joshua can used the ship to fire at each other. Without them, Project End is a failure."

"It's over now," Shadow Dragon snarled.

"For you all!" Apocalypse Dark shouted as he summoned Death Claws in grabbing and holding Shadow Dragon's team against the wall hard. He snarled as he slowly squeezed tightly on his hands on the heroes, making them screamed in pain. He chuckled evilly, "I've underestimated you. You, Humans, have proven yourself worthy adversary for me to challenge. I thankful of that. But it has to come to the end. Goodbye..."

And just before Apocalypse Dark could do anything, his Death Claws got exploded by Mystic Knight's sniper. Shadow Dragon and his team are freed from their prison. And just before he could do anything; Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Dragon Strike Force charged in and attacked him fiercely. Rarity and Fluttershy helped and healed Shadow Dragon's team to healthy state. Shadowbolts and the Dazzlings were there to look after wounded ones. They then joined and helped their team in defeating the enemy at once.

Both Mane Seven and Dragon Strike Force fought fiercely and determinedly at Apocalypse Dark. He roared in anger as he unleashed Ghostly Terror Wave in knocking both team out.

"It doesn't matter how many you have added. You cannot win the battle!" Apocalypse Dark said darkly, "With both Light and Dark Magic under my grasp, I am invincible and powerful that the world has ever seen! I cannot be defeated!"

"You're wrong," Sunset Shimmer protested firmly, "You may have our magic of Light and Dark, but we carry something more valuable and powerful magic of all."

Twilight Sparkle nodded in agreement, "To defeat you alone is impossible. But when you have friends like these girls, nothing can be impossible! I know that now! Magic doesn't come from power, it comes from within and everyone we loved and befriend!"

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle smiled, "We'll show you why!"

"[Applejack] Honesty! [Fluttershy] Kindness! [Pinkie Pie] Laughter! [Rarity] Generosity! [Rainbow Dash] Loyalty! [Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer] Magic!"

Mane Seven glowed brightly and colorfully in colored rainbow lights. They all entered their Rainbow Form. They were all holding each other's hands tightly and passionately. Dragon Strike Force armed themselves in defense position for the girls against Apocalypse Dark's attacks and power. The Dazzlings and Shadowbolts stayed behind of the girls for support.

Phoenix Cruiser continued shaken like it's breaking to pieces and falling down. It got hit badly as it fired at the second damaged one. Mane Seven and Dragon Strike Force need to defeat Apocalypse Dark at once.

Apocalypse Dark snarled, "Was that suppose to scare me?! It is still not enough to defeat me!"

"Maybe to you, but not to me," Twilight Sparkle admitted proudly, "After so many years of studying and not even having some friends, I finally realize what I really needed the most - friends. I've seen it. I've experienced it. And I'm proud to have them!"

Sunset Shimmer nodded in agreement, "You can threaten or scare us if you want. But we won't back down without the fight. We're gonna show you why! Feel our power! Our unity! Our determination Our faith! Our Hope! Our heart!"

Mane Seven held tightly as they magically glowed brightly and colorfully in rainbow colors. They were levitated in midair as they're ready to attack. Apocalypse Dark roared in anger as he immediately launched Death Claws and Shadow Dark Balls at once but all blocked and deflected by Dragon Strike Force.

"The Magic of Friendship! United Friendship Rainbow Power!"

Mane Seven fired their powerful attack United Friendship Rainbow Power out. Apocalypse Dark responded by firing his Dark Terror Beam. Both power beam clashed and pushed each other fiercely as both sides struggled in winning the fight. Apocalypse Dark gave maximum power push on his Dark Terror Beam against Mane Seven's United Friendship Rainbow Power.

Dragon Strike Force, Shadowbolts and the Dazzlings cried and cheered wildly and determinedly. But they weren't alone. Everyone at Phoenix Fortress cheered and cried for Mane Seven to win as well.

With powerful support and cheers, Mane Seven cried as they put a maximum power on their United Friendship Rainbow Power in pushing Dark Terror Beam straight back at Apocalypse Dark. Feeling a great impact, Apocalypse Dark felt some cracks on his body as he screamed in pain and agony. He got exploded.

With the explosion dispersed, Mane Seven and their allies stood still as they looked and found Apocalypse Dark returned to his normal state - Dark Curse, wounded and injured, lying on the ground. He's dying.

Mystic Knight whistled, "Wow... That's something..."

"That's my girl," Shadow Dragon and Flash Sentry said proudly.

"You've lost, Dark Curse," Sunset Shimmer said firmly.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "The New Order you desired is gone. Project End is a failure."

Dark Curse coughed heavily, "Perhaps... But do you think it's over... This is just the beginning... The humanity will fall..."

"If it does," Shadow Dragon said calmly and firmly, "We will be there to stop it."

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered.

Dark Curse chuckled painfully, "So be it... This battle is yours... But I have achieved my true objective... Project End is a success..."

Dark Curse gave a last breathe before fell to the ground hard. Shorty Thinking checked on Dark Curse's pulse for the moment. He turned to his team and nodded his head. Everyone sighed in relief. Dark Curse is defeated and dead.

Twilight Sparkle was in concern, "What does he mean by that?"

"I don't know..." Sunset Shimmer admitted. She yelped as she felt the ship lowered itself down and even heard some explosion. She realized something, "But we've gotta get out of here now!"

"HOW?!" Everyone asked in concern.

"HOLD ON!" Shadow Dragon ordered.

Everyone screamed wildly as they all fell their backs on the ground. As the Phoenix Cruiser diving down, it was heading straight to the ocean...

Both Phoenix Cruisers dived and made a great impact on the ocean hard. It then exploded. Everyone on Phoenix Fortress land gasped in shock and fear. They were all in great pain and despair as they all mourned of heroes' death and sacrifice. Some cried and sobbed tearfully. Others looked down in sorrow and pain. A few looked away and remained silent.

Suddenly, a light shined upon everyone. They looked up and found Mane Seven, Dragon Strike Force, Shadowbolts and even Daazlings were inside of Rainbow Sphere. It slowly descending to the ground. Everyone cheered wildly and happily to see the heroes safe from harm.

"Twilight, please don't do that again," Shadow Dragon remarked.

Twilight Sparkle giggled in amusement, "No promises..."

Sunset Shimmer sighed in relief, "At least, it's over now..."

Dark Curse is defeated. The Alliance of Darkness is disbanded, with most of Dark Terrorists were killed while Decepticons and Cobra escaped and disappeared. But the world is saved once again...

Prepare for the Conclusion...

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