• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 2,090 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Darkest Secrets

The Alliance of Darkness have kidnapped and taken both Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy captives for not only as their prisoners, but also their guinea pigs and slaves for Rainbow Energon and new kind of power source.

At the factory, Cobra were in-charge of not only manufacturing Rainbow Energon and creating new Dark Rainbow Energon, but also weaponized their new blasters, guns and armored vehicles. They used the machine that has three canisters of Rainbow Magic, Dark Magic and Energon in producing the effective and unlimited powerful energy supplies - Rainbow Energon and Dark Rainbow Energon. They used school staff, students, military officers and soldiers working and manufacturing their important works as their slaves. Destro and Scrap Iron are in-charge of manufacturing progress while Baroness is the warden in making sure the prisoners and slaves work and kept in-charge.

Dark Terrorists and Decepticons also helped them as well. Shockwave and MechaStahl were making sure the Rainbow Energon were in good shape before weaponize the vehicles and weapons. Dreadwing make sure that the enemies are kept in check.

Kishin Akuma and Crimson Skull were at the command center as they were in-charge of finding and capturing the fugitives while leading the army across the world to find them. Kishin Akuma's army (Longblade, Skullcrusher and Warstrike) were at the Asia. Crimson Skull's army (Houndkiller, Grimdark and Lieutenant Cobar were at Europe. Firefly's squadron was at Russia. Zartan and his Dreadnoks were at Australia. Combaticons were at Africa. Scourge and Cyclonus were flying across around the world, along with the Decepticon Jets. Tomax and Xamot were at Middle East. Swipestrike, Stinger and Shadow Strike were at United States and South America.

In his dark secret lab, Dr. Mindbender was looking at five Shadowbolts strapping on the patient beds, along with some scientific equipment, Dark Magic Canisters and computers like he was experimenting them. They all struggled in getting out from the bed. He was holding his injector of Dark Magic Aura-like while flipped it for three times in making sure it's working.

"It's almost time," Dr Mindbender said darkly as he turned and faced at Shadowbolts Five, "We're honored to have you five volunteered for my project."

Sugarcoat groaned as she bluntly answered, "We did not agree nor volunteered for your insane science project because you're evil, twisted, insane and lunatic scientist we ever met. And therefore, using magic on us could result us in becoming monsters. And in conclusion, you will not have the power to control us! So, I suggest that you let us go and return to the work!"

"Seriously?" Sunny Flare asked in annoyance. Sugarcoat gave her a glare while shook her in pointing at Dr Mindbender and the canister of Dark Magic. She yelped before cleared her throat, "Never mind! I rather die than becoming a monster!"

"Well, she has the point," Sour Sweet commented happily before growled in anger, "Who wants to be your science pet, you crazy moron?!"

Lemon Zest nodded in agreement, "Eeyup! She got you there, punk!"

"You'd think the world is yours and bosses' especially everyone is scared of you," Indigo Zap said calmly before shouted firmly, "But my coach and others will be back. And when they do, they gonna kick your freaking ass, you son of the bitch!"

Dr Mindbender smirked proudly, "We shall see. If they do returned here, they will have some worthy opponents to fight."

Indigo Zap gulped, "Who?"

"You will soon find out. Let the experimentation and mutation begin, Shadowbolts," Dr Mindbender said darkly.

Shadowbolts Five gasped in shock. As Dr Mindbender approached Indigo Zap, he injected his Dark Magic Injector on her shoulder. She gasped before screamed in pain and agony. Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest gasped in fear as they witnessed Indigo Zap struggling and screaming in pain.

As the young protege to Blazefist continued screamed in pain and agony, she opened her eyes as she revealed the crimson eyes with purple mists. She growled like a hungry wolf.

At the Prison Ward, several important people were trapped inside the prison cells such as Strikespell and his family including Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, Shining Armor, Dean Cadance and Virtue Dragon. Both Blood Eye and Terrorspike were their warden as they have to make sure their enemies weren't trying to escape from their prison.

Shining Armor took a glance at the window as he wondered if Twilight and her friends have made it out or not. Dean Cadance patted Shining Armor gently and calmly.

"Don't worry. She, Nyx, Lance and Spike will be fine. They're with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe now. They'll come and save us. I'm sure of it," Dean Cadance comforted Shining Armor.

Shining Armor sighed, "I hope so. Because if they don't, I have no one but myself to blame."

Principal Cinch screamed as she shaken the bars very hard, "Let me out! Let me out! Do you have any idea of who I am?! I demand to speak with the President now! I demand that Canterlot High are to be imprisoned, not me or my precious Crystal Prep! I will not be prisoner!"

Vice Principal Luna sighed in annoyance, "Can't she just shut up for once? She's getting on my nerve."

"Just ignore it," Principal Celestia said calmly. She turned and looked at Strikespell, "Are you alright?"

Strikespell nodded as he held and hugged his wife and son passionately, "I'll be fine. But I'm much more concern and worry of what the enemies are planning especially Project End."

Virtue Dragon patted Strikespell gently, "Don't worry, our friends will get the answer soon. They have overcome the obstacles"

"Oh please. Spare me of putting the faith on children," Principal Cinch remarked in annoyance while rolling her eyes, "In case you have forgotten, it was Canterlot High School's fault for this mess. If they hadn't use the magic in the first, we wouldn't be-!"

"SILENCE!" Strikespell exclaimed in annoyance. Principal Cinch yelped in shock and feared. He glared at her, "Say one more time about this nonsense, I will show you how angry I can be. You know too well about the phoenix."

Principal Cinch gulped before closing her mouth, "Yes, sir."

Strikespell sighed, "Honestly. She needs to shut up for once."

"I'm glad you did," Principal Celestia smiled, "But Virtue Dragon's right. Sunset and her friends, and even both Autobots and G.I. Joe have overcome the obstacles. They can do it. We just have to be patient."

"I hope so, mother. I hope you're right about this."

At the Phoenix Carrier Garage, Dark Curse was discussing with both Galvatron and Cobra Commander.

"All has gone according to our plan," Cobra Commander remarked proudly, "The world is under our control. And there is nothing our nemesis and their accomplices can do now."

Galvatron growled, "Do not underestimate them, Commander. Sooner or later, they will find and learn the truth behind our reasons and Project End. And when they do, they will unite as one. They will formulate the plan to defeat us and destroy our plans."

"Surely, you jest. We have billions of army, weapons and weaponized vehicles. It is impossible for our enemies to achieve."

"No. I've seen what they're capable of. We must find and captured them. And not only that, we must defeat and kill our nemesis for good! We have to ensure that we do not suffered heavy causalities and defeat! We will not repeat the mistakes."

"You exaggerated it, Galvatron. What could these mere children, a few Autobots and one squadron do?"

"You arrogant, incompetent and useless coward! It's no wonder you're easily defeated by G.I. Joe! You take no precautions at all! That is why you failed!"

"You incompetent and disrespectful Decepticon Lord! You will pay for your insolent!"

"Enough!" Dark Curse silenced both Cobra Commander and Galvatron. He continued, "You both are right. And therefore, we make use of our resources and army to find and destroy them for good. But above all, we need those girls alive if we were to reproduce more of Rainbow Energon and Dark Rainbow Energon for Project End. We must not suffered another defeat and causalities. Is that understood?"

Cobra Commander and Galvatron nodded, "Yes. We shall ensure our army will find them."

"Good enough..." Dark Curse said darkly. He slowly turned and looked at his southern direction where the shadowy figure stood before him. He continued, "Now I have a mission for you, Dragoclaw. Find and kill them for good, but spare the girls. I have some use of them. Do not show mercy."

"If you find them, signal the rest. They will assist you in the battle," Cobra Commander added.

Galvatron nodded, "And take a few special units as well. They will serve you well."

Galvatron turned and pointed on his western gate where it opened and revealed a group of huamnoid armored Cybertronian Soldiers, armed with their blasters and blades.

Dragoclaw growled darkly as he bowed down, "As you wish, my lord..."

In the afternoon, Mane Six and their allies have discussed and planned of what they have to do. They were packing their stuffs as well as preparing themselves for an important mission - to stop the enemies' Project End, defeat the enemies, clear their names and save their homes. They all quickly boarded up to the Legendary Knight's ship. They were now heading to one of Autobots' former base - N.E.S.T. Team from San Diego.

Mane Six and their allies have prepared necessary preparation for their mission. Thanks to both Cybertronian Technologies and the help of inventors and spymasters, their personal IDs, Driving License, cellphones, Ipods, and even jammed the satellites from searching, tracking and locating them. With Rarity's outfits and clothes, all of her friends were able to blend in with the crowds while not being recognized by their enemies or police enforcers. Autobots used their vehicular modes for cover from the enemies as well.

And so far so good, the enemies hasn't spotted or found Mane Six and their allies yet. They were heading straight to the location for answers now.

Around in the late evening, the Legendary Knight's ship was in invisible mode. It then slowly landed on the hill which is near to the large military garage base-like. Mane Six and their allies quickly emerged and marched down from the ship. They all sneaked and walked down the hill quietly and swiftly as they're heading straight to the former base.

Rarity noticed Twilight dressed in her gift dress, "Twilight, are you wearing one of my clothes?"

Twilight turned and nodded, "Yes, Rarity. I hate to admit it. I feel comfortable and relax with this on. But that wasn't it. I wore it because of you and others. You're all my friends."

"Oh, thank you, darling. It looks better on you than the ridiculous Crystal Prep's uniform. It doesn't suit you well. No offense, darling."

"None taken. And besides, I hate it anyway."

As they arrived to their destination, they stopped at once while hiding behind some rocks and trees. They were taking a peek if there were a sign of enemies or not. As they feared and worried, there were some of their enemies patrolling the area. Both Decepticons and Cobra Troopers were defending and protecting the former base from the intruders or fugitives.

Shane hissed, "I was hoping that no one knows about it."

"Well, no one said it's gonna be very easy," Tessa remarked, "they knew we would come and learn behind the truth about Project End."

Cade nodded, "Tessa's right. Just because they're busy in hunting us down, doesn't mean they're gonna let someone snopping around about their plans. And this is it."

"So, what's the plan? Go down and kick some asses?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously as she held her the cyan colored Pony Transformer Gauntlet up with her Cutie Mark, "Coz I really want to try my transformation without my guitar. It'd be so awesome!"

Pinkie Pie giggled happily, "Me too! I wanna play with my Party Canon!"

"Going in blaze?" Aquastroke asked curiously before smirked, "Sounds like my style. I'm in."

Laxtinct scoffed, "Count on me too."

Applejack grunted as she nudged Rainbow Dash's stomach, "Or sure... Let the bad guys know about us to get caught! That's a great plan!"

Rarity nodded, "Applejack's right. This is very reckless. We have to be very cautious! The enemies are one step ahead of us. So, we need to do the same thing as well."

"I agree with them about this," Fluttershy added, "It's too dangerous."

"This could be the problem," Flash said in concern.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "Anyone got any ideas about this, without attracting attention from enemies?"

Storm Shadow unsheathed his swords, "I suggest a sneak attack. Snake Eyes, Jinx, Tunnel Rat, Scarlet and I are fit for this mission, with their own abilities. Drift, Prowl and Breakaway can take care of their enemies. With this act, we can end the fight at ease and without attracting unwanted attention."

Drift hummed as he nodded, "It is wise tactic to defeat our enemies."

Snake Eyes nodded in agreement as he unsheathed his sword. Jinx, Tunnel Rat, Scarlet, Prowl and Breakaway joined as well.

"Forget it, I rather blast and blown them to pieces," Hound exclaimed proudly as he held his Gatling Gunner up, "Stealth is not my style."

Flint nodded, "Yeah, Tell me about it. I'm in it too. Who's with us?"

Lady Jaye, Spirit, Ripcord, Crosshairs, Smokescreen and four Dinobots raised their hands as they wanted to fight the enemies head on.

"Both are indeed effective tactics," Optimus Prime admitted, "But our objective is to get inside, without letting our enemies know our presence. They could set some ambush for us."

Roadblock nodded, "Yeah. The best way to ensure no one knows we're here is that we make them come to us or lessened the numbers as well."

Sideswipe cleared his throat, "But we should also look after our friends especially the girls. They may have their Gauntlets for transformation, but doesn't mean they can handle the fight."

"Hey, what's that supposed to be mean?" Four Cutie Mark Crusaders demanded in annoyance.

Lance sighed, "It means someone have to babysit you before you wandered off for some troubles. That would be us as usual."

Cutie Mark Crusaders groaned in annoyance as they gave Lance a kick on his knee, "That wasn't funny!"

"The only logic we can do is to lure the enemies to trap. We can finish them off for good," Shorty Thinking said calmly.

Blazefist nodded, "Yeah. But we need something to attract them. Something they need to hunt it. We need a bait."

Terrorcreep nodded, "Once they taken the bait, we set both our plans on the attack."

Bumblebee radioed, "What are your orders, Prime?"

Everyone thought carefully. They wondered of how they can lured and defeated the enemies without letting the latter alerted the reinforcement. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle took a glance at Spike, Agent Simmons, Wheelie and Brains. The girls looked at each other before smiling in please as they have the same thoughts.

Twilight and Sunset cleared their throats as they moved their heads up a bit in pointing at Agent Simmons, Wheelie, Brains and Spike.

Spike gulped, "Why are you looking at us like that?"

"Is there something on my face?" Wheelie asked in concern.

Agent Simmons hummed in concern yet pleasant, "I have the feeling we're gonna part of your plan. Am I right?"

Sunset nodded in agreement, "Guys! Keep them distracted!"

"What?!" Wheelie exclaimed in shock, along with Spike and Brains, "What are we supposed to do?! Do the Hula dance and make the dog as the bait?"

"Hey! I'm not a roasted chicken, mouse bot!" Spike exclaimed in annoyance.

Brains chuckled, "Like that's gonna happen."

For the moment later,

As Alliance of Darkness small units continued patrolling the area, they then heard the drums from being banged. They looked around in search of the source. They turned to the front and found three people standing before them. Agent Simmons, Wheelie and Brains dressed in their hula dresses while spike was biting and holding the apple on his mouth. They were all singing and dancing gracefully and happily in hula style.

BANG! Agent Simmons's guitar blown to smithereens. He and his teammates looked up as they found Cobra Soldiers, Dark Terrorist Troopers and Vehicons armed and aimed guns, weaponized vehicles, blasters and bladed weapons at four of them.

Agent Simmons gulped, "I think they take the bait."

Agent Simmons and his three friends screamed wildly and panicked. He quickly ran off while both Wheelie and Brains got on Spike's back as they were all running away from the enemies. Most of the troops chased after them. A few remained guarding the N.E.S.T. Base's gate.

As the troops were guarding the gate, two to four Vehicons and Cobra Troopers got shot by their heads and shoulders. It alerted them as they armed and readied with their weapons. Just before any of them could do anything, three ninjas charged in and gave the troops some slashes and cuts. Drift and Prowl joined in defeating their enemies as well. Rainbow Dash, in her Pony Form, charged down while swinging her Mystical Magic Spear in defeating them. Aquastroke and Laxtinct swung their Water Claws and Iron Fists in defeating them.

Shorty Thinking, Tailtech, Rarity, Scarlet, Tunnel Rat and Breakaway used their Flame Volley Blaster, Typhoon Blaster, Diamond Gatling Blaster bracelets and Snipers at the enemies.

The main army continued chasing after the baits. They too have fallen the traps as well. Pinkie Pie, Blazefist, Icy, Flint, Lady Jaye, Hound, Crosshairs and Smokescreen fired their Party Canon, Fire Shots, Ice Beam and blasters from some woods. A few got themselves trapped into holes where Dinobots charged and attacked them with their bare hands and mouths. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Roadblock, Spirit, Shadow Dragon, Terrorcreep, Saber Dragoon, Lance Justicestrike, Flash Sentry charged and battled against their enemies head on.

Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack and Fluttershy used their Star Sparkle Sword, Shimmer Fan, Mind Whiplash and Animal Ruby battling the surviving enemies from escaping as well as protecting Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike and two Minibots. As soon as Agent Simmons ran towards his hiding place; Cade Yeager, Shane and Tessa helped and fired their Cybertronian Blasters at the upcoming enemies to death.

As soon as the battle ended, everyone met up at the N.E.S.T.'s Base at once. Everyone is safe from harm and danger. Wheelie and Brains removed the hulas out.

Agent Simmons groaned in annoyance as he hid behind the rocks for changing, "We'd never talk about this! And don't even try, Rainbow Dash or another detention for you again!"

Everyone laughed in amusement while Rainbow Dash grunted in disappointment and annoyance. Agent Simmons has a way to ruin her fun.

"Thank you, Wheels. Nice use of him." Rainbow Dash thanked happily.

Sunset Shimmer smiled, "He's buddy of mine. Glad to have him with me."

Wheelie groaned, "We'd never go through that again. So, what's next?"

Everyone turned and looked at the N.E.S.T.'s Base. Shorty Thinking, Cade Yeager, Scarlet, Lady Jaye and Agent Simmons approached to the gate's control panel.

Cade hummed, "It's a very tight security system, no doubt."

Shorty Thinking nodded in agreement, "It could take some times to crack and hack it."

"Can't afford to risk the alarm as well," Agent Simmons added, "We don't want some unwanted guests."

Everyone groaned in upset and annoyance. They all hated waiting especially when they have the mission to perform.

Roadblock sighed in annoyance. He pushed everyone aside while approaching to the control panel. He tore it apart before pulling the wires out hard. Thus, shutting the base's door from opening or even alarming the siren. Grimlock approached to the gate as he kicked it very hard to open. Everyone yelped in concern. But they were surprise and shock as they were all looking at Grimlock.

Grimlock turned and looked at his allies, "What?"

"Or we can do that," Agent Simmons remarked.

"Let us go in and find the answers now," Optimus Prime ordered firmly, "Time is of the essence now. We must make haste. Dinobots remained here. Be alert of the enemies. They could be here soon."

Everyone nodded in agreement as most of the team entered the base while Dinobots remained outside as the guards in protecting and guarding the door against the enemies...

Mane Six and all of their friends journeyed through the long hallway of N.E.S.T.'s Base. They were looking at statues, trophies, medals, guns, Cybertronian Artifacts knockoffs and more from the Autobots' old times.

Most of Mane Six and their allies were amazed by the photos of how friendly and bonded the N.E.S.T. Team were with the Autobots especially Sam, Mikaela, Leo, their family and even Agent Simmons. The Autobots were touched and heartbroken upon looking at the photos as they all missed their time and trusted allies, friends and brothers. Some wished they preferred to spend with theirs during that times while others ignored it to forget the past. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Sideswipe missed that a lot.

Both Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer noticed it.

"You miss them, don't you?" Sunset Shimmer asked, "All of your friends and family?"

Sideswipe sighed, "Yeah, we all do. These people were the first and only Humans we ever trusted. And they trusted us too. But after The Battle of Chicago, things changed a lot. And... Well, you saw what has happened to me and my friends."

"They slaughtered RATCHET!" Bumblebee radioed in Optimus Prime's voice. He turned to Optimus Prime, "No offense."

Optimus Prime patted Bumblebee's shoulder, "It's alright. I tried to be calm and firm at all times. But my patience wears off when the corrupted officials turned against us while the Humans who believed in us as friends and innocents - executed, along with our comrades. I let my anger bested me. It makes me wanted to destroy them all. I'm becoming Megatron as I feared..."

"You're not Megatron! You aren't!" Twilight Sparkle protested. Optimus Prime turned to her as she continued, "You are who you really are, not the person you feared to become. Optimus Prime, when I read and heard your stories, I was inspired and amazed by it. Others may criticized you and others, but some believed and supported you. You shown how much you cared and worry for others especially your own friends and family. You will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety and win the war. You're an amazing and incredible leader and hero. I wish I could be like you."

Optimus Prime was surprised as he was silent while looking at Twilight Sparkle for the moment. He lowered to the ground while raising her chin up.

"Twilight, you are not me," Optimus Prime said firmly. Twilight sighed in defeat as she knew the answer well. He continued, "Do not misunderstand me, my friend. You can have faith in me as your iconic hero but you must have faith in yourself the most. And that way, you can be an amazing and incredible as me and others. You can help and ensure their safety as well."

"Optimus Prime..."

"Do not doubt yourself, Twilight Sparkle. Alone, it's impossible to achieve your goal and defeat the obstacle. But together and united with your friends, you can make it possible. You can even grow stronger to protect them as they did for you. Do not bear the burden alone, share it with your friends and family. I learned that from your counterpart. Remember this well, Friendship is Magic."

"Friendship is Magic..." Twilight said in surprise before gave in some thoughts while looking at Lance holding Nyx on his shoulders while chatting with Shadow Dragon. She smiled in understanding, "I understand. I will try."

Optimus Prime smiled, "I know you can. Let us go. We have a mission to accomplish."

Twilight nodded in understanding as she and Optimus Prime headed off.

"You know something," Sideswipe said as he turned to Sunset Shimmer. He continued, "You, Twilight Sparkle, Optimus Prime and even Roadblock shared same in common - bear the burden alone so much."

Bumblebee whistled, "He's got the point! ZAP! All of us do share the same common! ZAP! We're meant to be together."

Sunset Shimmer smiled, "I guess you're right. Humans, Transformers and even Ponies do share some common together. I guess we're meant to be together as friends. I finally know what's going on with me and my friends now..."

"You do?" Sideswipe and Bumblebee asked in surprise.

Sunset Shimmer turned and smiled, "I'll explain later. Come on. Let's get going."

Sunset, Bumblebee and Sideswipe headed off at once as they all meet up with the rest of their friends now...

Mane Six and their allies went through the door. They witnessed lots of computers, database container, book shelves and more of military stuffs. They have entered the military command center.

"What are we looking for?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

"Look for anything that is related to Project End and the enemies," Optimus Prime ordered, "There must be a clue and answer to the cause."

Roadblock nodded, "Guys with brains hack the computer. The guys with guns, guts, swords and speed look out for anything. The rest look for the clues, and of course watch your backs."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they split up. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Shorty Thinking, Tailtech, Icy, Cade, Agent Simmons, Drift, Prowl, Scarlet and Lady Jaye were hacking the computers in search for clues. Shadow Dragon, Flash Sentry, Flare Tiger, Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Roadblock, Flint and Tunnel Rat were watching over the hackers.

Hound, Crosshairs, Smokescreen and Breakaway were guarding the large gate. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Blazefist, Aquastroke, Laxtinct, Ripcord and Spirit were guarding the door for their size. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Saber Dragoon, Terrorcreep, Snake Eyes, Jinx and Storm Shadow were searching for some answers about Project End. Shane, Tessa and Lance looked after Spike, Wheelie, Brains and four Cutie Mark Crusaders who were playing rock-paper-scissors or chatting.

Everyone spent for an hour in search for clues and answers about Project End but found nothing, so far...

Apple Bloom sighed in annoyance, "I'm bored."

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Me too! There's gotta be something we can do."

"But what can we do?" Scootaloo asked in concern, "It's not like we can put the drive on the computer and turned it on by itself."

Nyx gasped, "Scootaloo, you're genius! I know what we can do!"

Nyx took the drive Twilight entrusted her to keep. She approached it as she placed on the computer's USB. The command enter suddenly turned itself on like magic, making everyone yelped in surprise and concern. They all turned and looked at Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Nyx, what did you do?" Lance asked in concern.

Nyx answered, "Finding the answer. And we did it. Cade and Agent Simmons said that the drive originated from here, right?"

"We can activated the command center with it," Tessa answered, "And we can find the answer now."

Wheelie whistled as he approached and patted Nyx's hair, "For a little girl, you're smart."

"Hopefully, you don't mind our intrusion to your little privacy?" Brains asked in amusement.

Knowing what Brains was thinking, Nyx gave him a big slap, "Don't even think about it! I maybe 8-years-old but I'm smarter than I looked!"

Spike yelped as he pointed out, "I hate to ruin your parade. But look at that!"

"Enemy..." Dragoking hissed in anger.

Everyone turned to the front where several computer screens buzzed statically and loudly. They all slowly formed the digitalized form of skull monster-like with dark crimson eyes.

"Yikes! What the heck?" Ripcord asked.

"You see what I'm seeing?" Smokescreen asked in shock and feared.

Prowl hummed in concern, "I do now. I do not like this."

"What? The skull thingy came out from the blue screen," Crosshairs asked in annoyance. He snorted, "Yeah. Now, I'm afraid."

Spirit hissed in concern, "I sense... Pure foul and darkness with this one. It's not ordinary."

"Really? Coz it looks like a guy in the computer," Tunnel Rat remarked, "I'm pretty sure it's just recording film or something."

"I don't know. But something tells me otherwise," Scarlet commented.

Everyone chatted and remarked in agreement about the mysterious figure within thousands of computer screens. Twilight Sparkle, Shadow Dragon, Sunset Shimmer and even their teammates - Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Dragon Strike Force found it oddly familiar.

"Wait a minute," Sunset Shimmer said in concern, "Did we see him-?"

Twilight gasped, "I think we did. But that's not possible too!"

"It is, Twilight Sparkle..." The mysterious figure said darkly and sinisterly. He chuckled a bit before continued, "I am who you suspected correctly. You recall that encounter from the 'Incident at Willis Island'? Then you should know me well."

"What the..." Laxtinct said in shock.

Blazefist gasped, "No way. He couldn't be..."

Aquastroke nodded in shock, "That's impossible. This can't be him."

"Uh... What's he talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked in concern.

Fluttershy gulped, "I don't like where this is going..."

"No, you're not, Fluttershy," Icy said in concern.

"I know. But this is him, everyone. This is Guildenstern," Sunset Shimmer said firmly, "The very same mad scientist who tried to sucked our blood out for his insanely experiment and cyberforming our home."

Everyone gasped in surprise and concern of what they just heard. They commented with each other that the computer before them is actually Guildenstern inside of it?!

"That's Guildenstern?" Jinx asked in surprise and concern. Snake Eyes clenched his eyes while glaring at Guildenstern from computer's screen. She noticed, "You've seen him before, Sensei?"

Storm Shadow nodded, "Your sensei did when he and his team investigate at Baroness's home. It is him. I've seen him speaking with Destro, Zartan, her and me and even Cobra Commander from the shadows during the Nanotechnology Invasion."

Applejack nodded, "But how does he get inside the computer? The last we saw him is that he's alive."

Flare Tiger hissed, "I don't think it's the same person either. I sensed something different about him from the other one."

"I have the feeling we're about to get some answers," Shadow Dragon said in concern.

Guildenstern chuckled darkly, "You are correct, maggot. The one you met and encountered from Willis Island wasn't me but my counterpart from the realm of magic - Equestria."

Everyone was in confuse and concern of what he just said. They couldn't believe it.

"That's impossible," Fluttershy said in concern, "It can't be right!"

Applejack nodded in concern, "How could the ghoul of yours is alive? Our pony Twilight told us he was killed during the Third Mystic War."

Sunset Shimmer hummed, "If that is true, then what happen to you? Why are you like this?"

"And how did you get inside the computer? I wanna be inside too!" Pinkie complained in annoyance.

Everyone turned and glared at Pinkie Pie. Was she being random of something else than the important mission?!

Guildenstern chuckled in amusement, "That is very simple question. Twilight and her friends did defeat him and his master but that was just his body. In truth, he is a Dark Mystic Ghoul. And therefore, he cannot be killed. As for me, it's another story..."

Mane Six and their allies chatted in concern and worry about condition of Guildenstern's Mutant Counterpart. Shorty Thinking and Saber Dragoon looked at each other as they wondered if they should tell others about it.

Fluttershy gulped, "A ghost!"

Terrorcreep nodded in confirmation as he held Fluttershy with him, "He's telling the truth. Ghoul cannot be killed by physical sheer force but something they're scared and terrified can defeat them."

Breakaway hummed while looking at Guildenstern, "And something tells me that you're no ordinary human."

"We can explain," Saber Dragoon said calmly as he approached to the computer, "Guildenstern was one of the renowned mad scientist among the German Empire during Second World War. As soon as it ended, he and the survivors surrendered and cooperated with the Allied Force in making a better world against the threats and rebellion for decades. That happens during Operation: Paperclip."

"But during the Cold War, the United States learned Guildenstern's true intention. And so, they assault their labs to capture them," Shorty Thinking sighed, "Unfortunately, he disappeared. We assumed he's dead until last year and today. Our theory is correct."

"You're telling me that Guildenstern was actually an old geezer from the World War 2?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock.

"By my calculation, yes, he is," Tailtech confirmed.

Bumblebee radioed in shock, "Uh-oh..."

Hound hummed as he scratched his head, "I'm kinda surprised that he survived it for century. It's impossible. Only Autobots can since they have lived up to millions of years."

Drift nodded, "Hai. It is true. Humans can only live up to 100 years old only."

"And not to mention, download his own mind into computer," Crosshairs snorted, "That's so wreck."

"No, it isn't," Sideswipe remarked, "Lots of Humans do something reckless and stupid when it comes to survival or live for a long time."

Guildenstern chuckled, "Allow me to explain. In 1979, I received terminal diagnoses. Science could not save my body but my mind, however worth saving for 200,000 feet of Databank. And therefore, you all are standing in my brain."

Rarity, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Wheelie and Brains felt disgusted as they groaned, "Eew!"

"Yikes. I don't want to think about it," Ripcord commented.

"That's figurative speech, guys. He meant he's inside the computer," Rainbow Dash corrected her friends. She turned and glared at her enemy, "So, what's exactly your real goal, buddy?!"

Twilight nodded in concern, "Was it helping Dark Curse to achieve his goal?!"

"I've been helping Dark Curse since the Second World War when he approached the infamous Fuhrer of German Empire for weapons and control of the world." Guildenstern explained darkly. Everyone was in shock and surprise. He chuckled darkly, "And therefore, I've been serving to my true master and lord for many years till now. And I even assist Decepticons and Cobra to their cause as they assist us for ours."

Roadblock hissed, "I can't believe it. Let me guess you saved Cobra Commander's ass when he and Dr Mindbender almost got blown to bits from the captured M.A.R.S Base at Africa. You saved him but twisted his mind to against not only his comrades but the world. Cobra Commander told me that the freedom is the cause of the war since the begging, and he wants to destroy it."

"And not only that," Optimus Prime said suspiciously while glaring at Guildenstern, "You helped Megatron and the rest of his Decepticons for not only sending all Humans to become their slaves at Cybertron for restore and rebuilt but making them to against us from their fear and concerns. Was this yours and Megatron's plan after the death of The Fallen?!"

"Correct and Wrong, Corporal Roadblock and Optimus Prime," Guildenstern said darkly, "As I said before, I assist them of what they required and needed for their objective. And therefore, they accomplished it very much. The most interesting of all, they assist us because we aimed the same goal - creating World's New Order for all the kinds as well as rule them with iron fist."

Shadow Dragon clenched his fists, "So, three of you worked together to achieve it? How?"

"Accessing the archives," Guildenstern ordered.

His face disappeared while videos and files appeared. They slowly shown from one to another like going through the history's or novel's chapters of its story from beginning till the end. Everything were old with black and white colored film. It shown not only Guildenstern talking with the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and young Dark Curse about their plans of humanity and freedom before showing their citizens about freedom and

"During the rise of Adolf Hitler, a stranger named Dark Curse approached both me and Fuhrer about the proposal which involved not only humanity and the world but also its freedom. He claimed that the humanity cannot be entrusted with it. And therefore, it needs to be destroyed. My Fuhrer agreed with him. And thus, it begins the Second World War."

The second video shown the Allied Force across the Europe and even America invaded, battled and attacked German Army at their homeland in both fierce and determined. And at the end of it, it shown German Army defeated and they have lost their leader after a powerful impact on them and their homeland by American's First Nuclear Bomb.

"However, we have underestimated them and their will in protecting their freedom at all cost. Despite the defeat by the hands of mere humanity, the war taught us much and even given Lord Dark Curse make a new plan. Instead of attacking head on, we make them lose their freedom."

During Operation: Paperclip video and old pictures, Guildenstern, some German Scientists and Soldiers signed the treaty about cooperating and working together with the world in making better world and defending it against the common threat. But during that time, he and others bribed, negotiated and manipulated politicians, military officers, civilians and even some war heroes to against their own country for glory, riches and power.

"In order to ensure his plan come to realize, all the surrendered Dark Curse's loyalists including myself submitted to United Nation willingly. While we willingly work with them for peace and protection, we secretly create the chaos, wars and crisis from the shadows for over 70 years. Our plan is becoming fruition."

The video revealed the files of war heroes, politicians, leaders, scientists and more. Some were claimed 'Killed in Action', 'Missing in Action', 'Deceased', 'Accident', 'Fugitive', 'Traitor' and more such as Azure Phoenix. Others were kept watched such as Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna, and even both Autobots and G.I. Joe.

"However, there are some suspect our motives. And in order to ensure our plans are kept in secret, we have to take a necessary precaution and risk to ensure none can stand in our way, including the former Secretary - Azure Phoenix. Our most feared and concern to deal with is finally dealt with. No one can stand in our way. Our plan continue as we speak."

Twilight was in shock and pained as she realized and understand why Azure Phoenix or even other have assassinated, accident or even went missing because of the enemies. She wept in tears of pain and despair. Shadow Dragon approached held and hugged Twilight Sparkle passionately as she hugged him back.

Guildenstern revealed videos of daily crisis and chaos from the whole world, Strikespell's Project: Avenging Ship, its details and the master plan of Project End.

"As the chaos and war rise, the freedom falls. The humanity is losing their faith and hope. Now they are willingly to surrender its freedom for security. We've won, my dear friends. All the effort, all the struggles and all the sacrifices you have made, all for nothing. We've won. You have lost. All you can is watch and let everyone you love to go in hell..."

"SHUT UP!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed in anger as he thrown his Dragon Shadow Strike at the screen to pieces. Everyone yelped in concern and worry of what they just saw but understand what he has been through. He panted, "I don't believe it. I won't! It's not over."

Agent Simmons nodded, "I'm with you. This fight just started..."

Suddenly, a computer's screen on the desk turned on as Guildenstern's skull head appeared before them.

"Was the violent necessary? I cannot be killed," Guildenstern mocked darkly.

Everyone glared at him as they all wanted to punch and kill him for not only insults to them, but also destroying the ones they loved so much.

Cade looked at the drive, "What's on the drive?!"

"Ordered by Dark Curse himself, Project Avenging Ship required special energy source to complete Project End. It initiated; not only the freedom and resistance will reduce to dust, the New Order we have envisioned will be fruition." Guildenstern answered, "And so, I wrote the code. And he give the items we required."

"Who give what?! What does it do?! What's the code?! What is Project End?!" Twilight demanded angrily.

Shadow Dragon nodded while holding Twilight's hand, "Better do it. I can't control my girlfriend anymore."

Guildenstern chuckled evilly and darkly, "As much as I want to have a great conversation, it has to end. Your lives ends today."

Everyone was confused and feared of what Guildenstern had said. Just before any of them could do anything, the doors behind the vanguards suddenly and quickly closed down. The vanguards tried to stop it from closing down.

"What the heck?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock.

"Aw Shit! It's a goddamn trap!" Agent Simmons exclaimed in anger.

Guildenstern chuckled, "It's true. I knew you will do whatever it takes to hack my system, so I lure you here. While you did get some information, you were distracted by it such as why do I appeared before? For information? Wrong..."

"He's here to stall us!" Scarlet exclaimed in shock and concern.

"Not just that," Prowl said in concern as he looked at his schematic map which shown crimson dot approached to the base where icons of most Autobots, G.I. Joe, Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force. He hissed in concern, "We've got incoming missile!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Crosshairs asked in shock.

Ripcord hissed in anger, "Son of the-! Damn him! We've been set up!"

"I hate cheats and tricks now!" Applejack exclaimed in annoyance.

"Pitiful. No one would care or share with nobility or honor," Guildenstern remarked in amusement, "Because in the end, it's all for nothing. We shall meet again if you survive..."

"What now?!" Laxctint exclaimed in shock.

Everyone but Optimus Prime, Roadblock and Shadow Dragon screamed and panicked in fear as they wondered of what they can do now. They're trapped inside the base!

Smokescreen hissed, "We've gotta open the gate now!"

"There's no time! Everyone take cover from the bottom! It's our only option!" Optimus Prime exclaimed firmly, "Autobots, cover them at all cost!"

"You heard him! Quickly!" Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement.

All of the Autobots used their fists and guns in blowing the ground as they were creating a giant hole-like. They and their Human Allies quickly jumped into it. Dragon Strike Force quickly held and hugged Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Lance, Spike and two Minicons. G.I. Joe held themselves against the wall or even squatted down for cover. Autobots covered them by holding each other's shoulders and hands for sheltering them.

As everyone hold tightly within the basement's large hole, Guildenstern continued laughed darkly and sinsiterly. The base exploded and engulfed with explosion of flames and destruction while walls began collapsing while dropping pile of bricks to the ground hard especially the group. Everyone screamed loudly and wildly while holding tight together.

For the moment has passed, the collapsing finally stopped. But Mane Six and their allies were trapped beneath the pile of rocks and bricks. They have no way out...

Suddenly, the pile of rocks and bricks moved and lifted up by someone. As soon as the pile of rocks were removed, the light shined upon them. Everyone found four familiar warriors standing before them. Dinobots held their hands out in helping and getting Mane Six and their allies out from the hole. They were relieved and saved from danger now.

Optimus Prime sighed in relief, "Thank you, my friend. You saved us."

"We go now!" Grimlock said in concern. Everyone was confused and worry. He turned and pointed at his back where the army of vehicles and soldiers shinning their lights across the darkness. He growled, "They're coming!"

"What now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack nodded, "We've got to find some hiding place to hide. Can't go back now."

Everyone hummed in concern as they were thinking of where to hide from the enemies and plan the next attacks.

"I think I know where and who we can find," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "And they can help us."

Somewhere in peaceful town but away from Chicago...

Within the Japanese Small House-like, Lightningblade was cutting the grasses. The photographer Han Zane was taking a photo of insects and animals at their own garden. The retired navy marine officer Captain Rexstrike - bald navy man in his age 35 dressed in his white singlet and short brown pants was sleeping on his beach chair.

"Well, any news lately?" Lightningblade asked.

Captain Rexstrike sighed, "Not much, Inspector. As much as I'm worry about the latest news, I don't believe it. Ir's gotta be a fake."

"How can you tell, captain?"

"For instance, Mr. Secretary never asked for right thing because when he targeted on criminal or fugitive. It means something bad happen to him and General."

Han sighed, "I just hope Luna is safe. If we can get the answer, it's to find the kids and learn of what really happens."

"Good for you, General Han Zane and Lightningblade," The voice said firmly and calmly. Three of former military officers yelped as they turned and found Mane Six and their allies standing before them. Shadow Dragon continued, "You'll have the answers, and we need some help also. We need to lay low now."

Han Zane, Lightningblade and Captain Rexstrike looked at each other as they wondered of what they should do with Mane Six and their allies.

At the barnyard...

Autobots remained in their vehicular forms and Dinobots assumed their Dinosaurs Mode while Mane Six and their Human allies worn different outfits.

"Everyone, you all know about my sensei," Shadow Dragon said calmly before turned to Han and Captain Rexstrike, "These two are once military officers. General Han Zane is Vice Principal Luna's boyfriend and the Vice Commander of Wild Tiger Army. Captain Rexstrike is Principal Celestia's former Second-in-Command. They're the best commanding and loyal officers to the United States."

"Thanks for the introduction, Shadow Dragon," Han said calmly, "But I have the feeling this isn't just some social visits."

Mane Six and their allies all explained of what really happen from Friendship Games at Canterlot High especially to military officers, school staffs and students. Han Zane, Captain Rexstrike and Lightningblade were in shock and concern of it.

"Damn it. Luna..." Han said in concern while clenching his fists.

"This isn't good," Captain Rexstrike remarked, "All this time, the enemies we've been looking for were right under our nose."

Lightningblade hummed in concern, "If what you say is true, then our world is in danger. We have to do something about it."

"Exactly," Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement, "Will you help us?"

Sunset Shimmer nodded, "Please. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna told us that you three can help us."

"We need all the help we can get to beat Dark Curse and his gain," Flash Sentry added.

Han, Lightningblade and Rexstrike hummed in concern as they weren't sure if they should get involved of the battles or not. Everyone pleaded and begged the three officers to help them. But no answers from retired officers.

Twilight Sparkle approached and squatted down in bowing, "Please. Help us. My brother and Dean Cadance are captured! And we don't even know if they're alright or not! If we can't save them or anyone else from high school, then the world will be destroyed. I know you all retired but we need you now. The world need you. Please, help us."

Han, Lightningblade and Rexstrike hummed calmly before looked at each other. They nodded in agreement as they have same idea now.

"Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle, you should know that I will always be there to help you because I'm you sensei," Lightningblade said calmly, "And therefore, we all agreed."

Han nodded, "Yeah. Luna entrusted and asked me to help her and you. And I'm gonna honor it. I have to save her."

"Yeah. If we're gonna pull this out, we need not only the army," Rexstrike explained firmly, "We need some intel from the inside."

"Yeah, I hate to break it to you. We don't have one because everyone is chasing after us!" Wheelie exclaimed in shock.

Sunset sighed, "Wheelie's right. Everyone we know are captured while others don't even know the enemies are within controlling them. Even we did tell them, they won't believe in us."

Flash Sentry nodded, "It's impossible."

"Don't think so," Lightningblade said calmly while smiling. Everyone was in confuse and shock of what they just heard. He continued, "We already have an intel."

Han nodded, "Not just him, his loyal colleagues are willing to help and support us to against our enemies. If something bad happen to his company, he's not gonna be happy for it."

"And best of all, he's just here. He heard it all," Rexstrike said calmly.

Everyone was confused as they wondered what were three retired military officers were talking about. They then pointed to their back. As they turned, they found Joshua Joyce holding the paper bags of grocery stuffs. He was filled with fear and worries like something bad happens to him. They were in shock and surprise.

"Joshua Joyce?!" Everyone asked in shock and surprise.

"You're the intel?" Cade asked in surprise.

Joshua Joyce nodded firmly, "And I know who's the right guy I can bring him to you. Just give the word, guys."

SCREAM! Tech was thrown straight on the ground hard. He was brought by Darcy, Su YueMing and Humphrey to Mane Six and their allies at the old and abandoned building's rooftop. It was directed by Joshua Joyce.

Captain Rexstrike smiled, "I told you we have lots of intel from inside."

Han nodded, "Yup, we do. We're taking advantage of battlefield now."

"Is this him?" Joshua asked with a bit of angry tone.

Darcy nodded, "Yeah, that's him. He keeps on babbling about how great the Project End is, and also believing that his bosses ruling the world with an iron fists."

"He's very arrogant and egotistical fool," Su said calmly, "The enemies have made a mistake to entrust secrets to him."

Joshua smiled a bit as he turned to Humphrey, who shook his head sadly, "Sorry. I tried to hack and learn more about Project End or anything related to both Rainbow Energon and Dark Rainbow Energon. They're almost on me."

"He'll be enough," Joshua said calmly before turned to Mane Six and their allies, "He's yours. And please give me some punches. He owe me a company's big repair reputation."

Shadow Dragon approached Tech while holding his collar, "I'm gonna nice for once, Tech. Tell us everything you know about Project End."

"Like hell you can make me. Besides, you're the hero. There's no way you can-!" Tech was interrupted by Shadow Dragon's headbutt. He screamed in pain, "Mother-! That hurts!"

"Gimme a break. That was nothing. Now tell us!"

"No can do! Really! My dad and uncle are gonna kill me if I tell you!"

"Too bad. I just lost my patient, you little bug head."

Shadow Dragon dragged the whinny Tech all the way to the rooftop's edge. The hero held the whinny scientist over the edge, which is 400 feet above the ground. It scared Tech a lot.

"You know that's not gonna change my mind." Tech insisted nervously.

Shadow Dragon scoffed, "I wasn't planning to drop you. Strafe haven't had his own breakfast."

Tech gulped as he slowly turned his head back. He found Strafe in his Pteranadon Mode. The Pteranadon screeched wildly while Tech screamed in fear. Everyone was in shock and surprised by it.

Agent Simmons whistled, "And I thought that Leo and you are whiner."

"Hey! I resent that, man!" Shane exclaimed in annoyance.

"Remind me not to get on his bad side," Rainbow Dash commented.

Pinkie nodded, "Glad that didn't happen from last year."

"OKAY! OKAY! Just don't drop me into that bird's mouth, please!" Tech screamed. Shadow Dragon thrown him back to others hard. Both Tunnel Rat and Ripcord grabbed and held him tightly. As Shadow Dragon approached, Tech screamed in explaining,

"Project End is the program to end everyone and everything that is threat to Alliance of Darkness! End the humanity! End the government! End the resistance! You named them! To do that, you required both Rainbow Energon and Dark Rainbow Energon in mixing and blown the Earth's core for not destruction but recreation for New Order! That works on Project: Avenging Ships! You only got one more day before it initiate!"

"So, that's why Dark Curse wanted the magic," Shorty Thinking said in fear and concern, "it's not just use for energy resources, but the cycle of life - creation and destruction."

Saber Dragoon gasped, "Oh my god... Dark Curse wants to recreate the world under his, Galvatron and Cobra Commander's image."

"Oh no..." Fluttershy gasped in shock and concern. She turned and leaned against Terrorcreep's chest. She whined in fear, "I don't want that. I don't want the animals died for the New Order."

"I agreed. Yes, Humans aren't perfect but that doesn't mean we're aren't learning anything," Rarity remarked.

Applejack nodded, "You've said it. And there's no way we're gonna let your bosses do what he pleases with our home!"

Tech scoffed, "Good luck with that. Bosses of mine aren't gonna let you in so easily."

"Who say we have to be nice?" Sunset asked in amusement.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "We'll have to bust through everything they have. And we're gonna stop your Project End!"

"I'm in!" Lance exclaimed firmly.

Flash nodded, "No one's gonna mess with our home without the fight!"

"YEAH!" Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike and Minicons cheered wildly and happily.

Everyone chatted and nodded in agreement that they will do whatever they have to defeat their enemies and stop Project End.

"Let's put that aside first, just in case if the first plan doesn't work," Shorty Thinking said, "Since Tech here, we'll use him all the way to the command center. Not one of them would care or aware of it. We'll shut all of Phoenix Cruisers down from there."

Terrorcreep nodded in agreement, "Good plan."

"Bad plan! Please! There's no way you're gonna get there with meeee!" Tech was interrupted before screamed in fear, "Oh no! Don't shoot me! Don't shoot!"

Everyone turned to their back. They found a giant blackish ball-like was heading straight to them. They all quickly dodged and rolled aside. The rooftop got blown off while Tech screamed and fell. He quickly flew off by using his helicopter-pack. They turned and found Dragoclaw flew in midair as he was armed with his Dragon Claws.

Nyx gasped, "Is that-?!"

"It is! Dragoclaw!" Cutie Mark Crusaders exclaimed in shock and worry.

Spike whined, "That can't be good!"

"We've got some contacts!" Lady Jaye exclaimed in concern while looking at her tracker, "Multiple of them!"

Crosshairs groaned, "Just what we need!"

"Move down now! Prepare for battles!" Optimus Prime, Roadblock and Shadow Dragon ordered firmly.

Optimus Prime turned to Autobots and Dinobots, "Autobots, engage the Decepticons! Defend your lives and others. Do not inflict the human casualties!"

"Same here! Do your best," Roadblock ordered firmly.

Shadow Dragon turned to his team, "Protect the civilians at all cost! Do not let the enemies to our friends! Get ready!"

Everyone climbed down the building at once. Autobots carried their Human Allies down at once while Dragoclaw flew and chased after them. He rammed them straight to the ground hard.

Mane Six and their allies got up at once as they prepared themselves for the battle against their enemies.

Optimus Prime and his Autobots charged and battled against Dreadwing, mysterious slim black female Decepticon and the Decepticon Troopers. Drift swung his katana at them. Prowl threw his kunai stars at them off. Hound, Crosshairs and Smokescreen hid behind the building while firing their guns at the enemies. Breakaway remained on rooftop while sniping the Decepticon out one-by-one.

Bumblebee swung his leg on Dreadwing's legs in falling down. Sideswipe jumped while slammed his swords on Decepticon General, who rolled to his left before kicked the Autobot Commander off. Bumblebee fired his Buster Canon at Dreadwing for few times but the latter's armor was thick as he fired his Dread Gatling Blaster back at the former. Both of them continued firing their blast at each other while dodging and taking cover behind the building for ten times.

As Dreadwing armed and ready with his blasters, Sideswipe transformed into his car while charged and rammed on the latter off. Bumblebee fired his Buster Canon at the Decepticon General off for three times. Dreadwing responded the attacks by his right-armed missile launchers at Autobot Scout off. He then turned and swung his fist back on Autobot Commander's face. Dreadwing stomped his feet on Sideswipe for few times. Bumblebee jumped and rammed Dreadwing out. Both Autobots charged and punched at Decepticon General, who got hurt but fought back. As Dreadwing make his final punch, both Bumblebee and Sideswipe dodged down while slammed their fists against his face hard.

Optimus Prime tried to slammed his sword on the mysterious female Decepticon who dodged it and the swinging sword thrice. After jumped undercut, she then jumped and kicked him off for few times. As he tried to swung and struck at her, she continued dodging the attacks while striking back on his body. As she continued attacking, he managed to wreck his shield against her head hard. She slammed to the ground hard. He tried to slam his sword on her but she kicked his face before his chest off. They both charged and struck their own weapons at each other hard and fierce for few times. As the mysterious warrior jumped and swiped her attack on his head, he dodged down before swung his sword at her mask in cutting to two and slammed her to the ground.

As the mysterious female warrior slowly get up, she turned and faced at him. She revealed herself a familiar face that he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Arcee?!" Optimus Prime exclaimed in shock.

"Who the hell is Arcee? I am Slipstream - Decepticon General for Lord Galvatron," Arcee or Slipstream said darkly as she armed with her blades, "Prepare to die, Optimus Prime!"

Optimus Prime gasped as he quickly used his shield in ready to block. But instead she got snipped by her shoulder. She quickly hid behind the building as Breakaway continued sniped and cornered her to her hiding place. Optimus Prime hissed as he quickly speak with her.

"Arcee! It's me - Optimus Prime - your friend and your sister's mate! Do you remember Elita-One? Do you recall Chromia?! Can you not remember any of your family?!" Optimus Prime pleaded.

Arcee/Slipstream hissed, "I told you! I recall nothing! So, shut up and fight with me, coward!"

G.I. Joe took the fight against the enemies. Lady Jaye and Flint fired their guns at their enemies. Destro and Spirit battled with each other by fists and weapons. Tunnel Rat and Ripcord snipped Cobra Troopers from rooftop.

Scarlet and Baroness battled with each other fierce and determinedly. They both fired their guns at each other but dodged and avoided the blasts. And at the same time, they tried to punch and kick at each other but dodged the attacks as well. After some blasts and battles, Baroness jumped and swiped her kick on Scarlet but the latter dodged and kicked the former off.

Spirit wielded his long sword while Destro armed with his Mecha Lightning Punches. They both charged as they swung their attacks at each other while blocking and avoiding the attacks. As Spirit swung his blade at Destro, the Cobra Muscle Man dodged down and punched on the hunter for few times. Spirit gave Destro a headbutt and then thrown him to the walls hard.

Snake Eyes, Jinx and Storm Shadow armed with their katanas in ready to attack the armed Shadow Strike. Shadow Strike charged at once as he jumped and swung his swinging sword at them. They dodged it. Jinx charged at once as she swung her sword on top while Snake Eyes swung bottom. Shadow Strike stomped the sword while deflect the top blade before kicked Snake Eyes off and then kicked Jinx off. Storm Shadow and Shadow Strike charged in as they both attacked and blocked each other fierce and determinedly for few time. They then clashed at each other for the moment.

Jinx charged in at once. Shadow Strike pushed his blade against Storm Shadow off before turned and swung his blade at her off. Storm Shadow returned to the battle again as both him and Shadow Strike fought fiercely and wildly for few times. As Storm Shadow swung his twin katanas on Shadow Strike, the latter down and kicked off the former's chest. Shadow Strike jumped and kicked Storm Shadow off. Snake Eyes kicked Shadow Strike off from his back. Both of them swung their blades against each other hard and fierce for few times. As Shadow Strike thrust his swords at Snake Eyes, he leaned down at once while swiping the latter's leg off. Both Storm Shadow and Jinx jumped and kicked him off.

Roadblock and Dragoclaw attacked at each other fierce and wild. Each time Dragoclaw strike his dragon claws, Roadblock dodged and punched back at the former frequently. Cybertronian Dragon Warrior growled in anger as he slammed his claws on Commanding Officer of Joe hard to the ground. Dragoclaw was about to stomp on Roadblock, who quickly rolled away from his repeatedly attacks. The Joe quickly punched the dragon warrior hard. Roadblock then attacked Dragoclaw fiercely while the latter fight back more fierce while dodging the attacks.

As they both continued punching and attacking at each other, Dragoclaw swung at Roadblock hard to the ground. As Dragoclaw was about to finish Roadblock, the latter charged up with his powerful energy-like punches. He turned and punched at the black Cybertronian Dragon Warrior's mask very hard. As Dragoclaw growled a bit in recovery, Roadblock got up and ready to attack but stopped as he found something fishy about him.

"Duke?" Roadblock asked in shock.

Duke/Dragoclaw armed his claws, "Who the hell is Duke?"

"Shit! Duke, No!" Roadblock exclaimed in shock as Dragoclaw charged and attacked him. He held the attack off, "Duke, stop! Come on, man! Knock it off!"

Joshua and his KSI Executives hid behind the pillars while firing their guns at the Cobra and Dark Terrorist Troopers off. Su combated them through her fists and kicks at them off.

"Can't believe I'm becoming a fugitive again!" Joshua exclaimed in anger, "Why do I always get involved of this mess?!"

"Do you always complain, Joyce? You're so annoying!" Su said in annoyance.

"Can we talk later?!" Darcy asked in annoyance, "We've got some enemies to deal with!"

Han Zane swung his pole at the enemies for few times while dodging and deflecting the shots at them. Lightningblade unleashed his Lightning Speed Blade while charging and attacking his enemies. Captain Rexstrike fired his twin minor machine pistols at them off while dodging the attacks as well as fighting back.

"Go to be back on the game," Han exclaimed proudly, "I miss this a lot."

Captain Rexstrike chuckled, "You know what I missed the most? Working together with Commander Celestia. The best of the best."

"Agreed. We shall rescue them together!" Lightningblade said proudly.

Cade Yeager and Agent Simmons were firing their Cybertronian Blasters at some of Cobra Troopers while dodging and avoiding the blasts. They managed to hit them. They turned and found a crimson armored warrior with masks while armed with spears. Both Cade and Agent Simmons were about to fire but instead got whacked by their heads. Thus, both sides fought through fists and bladed weapon for few times. Just before the Crimson Guard were about to attack, both Cade and Agent Simmons swing their swords against the masks off.

Tessa and Shane encountered the same Crimson Guards as well. Luckily for them both, they were well prepared by Su YueMing. Both battled against two Crimson Guards. Thought not strong and fast as the adults, they're still able to handle it but Crimson Guards proved otherwise. At the very end, both sides gave a powerful punches on each other's faces hard. They both fell to the ground very hard as well as Crimson Guards and their masks.

As Cade and Agent Simmons reunited with Tessa and Shane, they turned and ready to face with Crimson Guards. As the enemies slowly stood up, they turned and faced at Cade and his friends. It shocked them even more.

"What the-?!" Shane asked in shock.

Tessa shook her head in concern, "That's impossible. You can't be them!"

"I don't believe it..." Cade said in surprise.

Agent Simmons was speechless in looking at four Human Allies. As Bumblebee and Sideswipe arrived to aid their new Human Allies. They stopped as they have same reaction as Agent Simmons. Joshua and his KSI Executives have that as well.

"Is that-?!" Darcy asked in concern.

Joshua shook his head in denial, "It can't be. The reports. Something's not right."

"Lennox? Epps? Mikaela? Sam?" Bumblebee asked in shock.

Instead of friendly replied, four former Human Allies gave the blank yet glaring looks at Bumblebee, Sideswipe and their Human Allies. The Crimson Guards approached while armed with their pole in ready to attack.

"Oh my god, what have Galvatron done to you?" Agent Simmons asked in shock and concern, "Watch out!"

Sam, Mikaela, Lennox and Epps as the Crimson Guards charged straight at Cade Yeager and his friends. The heroes armed and readied with their weapons in against the enemies.

Mane Seven transformed into their pony forms as they readied to fight together with Dragon Strike Force. Rainbow Dash flew and charged straight while swinging her Mystic Magical Spear against them. Rarity fired her wrists - Diamond Gatling Blaster at the enemies from top. Fluttershy used her Animal Ruby to attack them. Pinkie Pie fired her Party Canon at the vehicles and building from letting enemy shooting. Lance Justicestrike, Wheelie and Brains used their guns in firing the enemies while defending the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike.

Dragon Strike Force helped as well. Shorty Thinking, Tailtech and Icy sniped from rooftop at the Dark Terrorist Troopers. Blazefist and Aquastroke used Fire Fists and Water Blades as they both charged and battled against Warstrike and Skullcrusher fierce and determined. Terrorcreep used his axes, Laxtinct armed with his Earthen Armor and Flare Tiger wielded his Tiger Claws in helping four of Mane Seven against the enemies.

Shadow Dragon, Saber Dragoon and Flash Sentry worked with Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer against Grimdark and Lieutenant Cobar.

Grimdark charged as he swung his scythe at Applejack but blocked by Saber Dragoon. Applejack jumped over and kicked him off before giving a powerful whip on him for few times. Grimdark grabbed the rope while pulling her towards him. He gave her a hard punch. Saber Dragoon charged in as he and Grimdark swung their blades at each other for few times. Saber Dragoon swiped at Grimdark's legs before Applejack charged and kicked him off. Grimdark grabbed and thrown Applejack to the ground hard. He stomped her off for five times. As he turned, Saber Dragoon charged in before giving a powerful punch on Grimdark hard while Applejack swiped at the grim reaper-like to the ground hard.

Flash Sentry fired his Cybertronian Blaster at Lieutenant Cobar, who fired back at him. Sunset Shimmer used her Blazing Fan in deflecting herself and her boyfriend from the attacks. He then used his Shotgun in firing back at them. Flash Sentry jumped and grabbed Sunset Shimmer to the ground while rolling away from the attacks. Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle jumped in punching and kicking at Lieutenant Cobar quickly and swiftly for few times. Lieutenant Cobar unleashed his lightning Mecha Punches in knocking both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle out. Flash Sentry fired his Shotgun at Lieutenant Cobar's shoulder. Dark Terrorist Liuutnant fired his gun but Sunset Shimmer deflect back at him. Both Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon charged before kicked him off.

"It's over now!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed.

"For you..." Swipestrike said darkly. Mane Six and their allies stopped at once as they encountered Swipestrike and the army of Alliance of Darkness surrounded and aimed the weapons at them. He smirked darkly, "We've got you now. And don't try to fight."

Onslaught nodded while turned to his troops, "Don't shoot at them now. We're in the public. They're the public enemies now."

"Got it, boss," Vortex nodded.

"Stand down now," Swipestrike ordered, "You're fugitives."

Mane Six and their allies looked at each other in fear, shock and concern. They then looked at Duke/Dragoclaw, Arcee/Slipstream, Sam, Mikaela, Lennox and Epps as the Crimson Guards who took and worn their masks on at once. Their former friends unable to recognize them well like they actually never met before. Not much of choices, Mane Seven and their allies dropped their weapons to the ground now.

Swipestrike waved his fingers at Mane Seven and their allies. Alliance of Darkness approached and arrested all of the heroes now. The battle was lost. Mission failed now...

To be Continued...

Review and Suggest...

Author's Note:

1. The idea was also supposed to appear on JusSonic's MLP Friendship Games Remake, but usual - didn't make it. And of course, adding twists about Arcee and four main Human Allies never meant to appear in here except Duke because he's part of it.