• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 2,090 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship's Heart of Destiny - Shadow Master

Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Dark Curse and Alliance of Darkness. Can they trust the Human Twilight for the mission? Will their friendship prevail?

  • ...

Prologue: Prior to End

"Cybertron... Earth... And now Equestria...

What do we have in common? What do we possess that is similar, despite the difference we are? What fate had brought us to? Are we demons or even more human? But what actually questioned us the most - what are we fighting for?

I've always believed that fighting for freedom, justice and peace was the right thing and has always been the Autobots' Cause. But the journey I took on Earth, I slowly realized that there is more than just one battle or oath to uphold. It is not the battle against with the enemies but the battle against of my own beliefs and my identity especially the inner demon within. I often questioned myself of whether I did was right for mine and the world I tried to save from extinction...

There are more betrayals yet more struggles and sufferings for me and my Autobots to face. But I do know one thing at the end of our fight. There was a lesson yet a moral for us not to forget. 'No matter how hard the struggle we faced, we will unite as one to overcome it and triumph at the end of it. As long as the hope lives, we will not give up without the fight.'

But the most important lesson I cannot ignore nor forgotten of it - 'Friendship is Magic'. Such strange words has proven to be the most powerful yet truly heartwarming wisdom I ever heard. Because of it, our hope and cause cannot be destroyed.

Dear Twilight Sparkle, I truly thankful of your wisdom. I will fight till the end for the sake of my friendship with you and everyone I had entrusted.

But I feared... We have yet face the true extinction of our races. I feared that our fight is about to reach its conclusion of this chapter..."

Optimus Prime was standing on the moon as he was looking at the ruins of the Ark. The heroic Leader of all Autobots has returned to the Earth again from his space journey. But why? Why is he here and not dealing with the Creators?

He entered the ship at once as he looked around of his surroundings. He was searching and looking for something from his former mentor's old ship but what. He came across to the ship's command bridge. He placed the mysterious yet colorful rainbow Energon Capsule into it. The Ark surprisingly reactivated again with lights and system turned on at once.

Optimus Prime pressed some buttons of keyboard in seeking for something. He then came across Sentinel Prime's Journal Log.

Sentinel Prime's Recording spoke, This is Sentinel Prime. I have an urgent and grave warnings to all of my Autobot Brothers.

Optimus Prime remained firm and serious as he looked at his former mentor's recording hologram. He knew that his mentor knew something more than just a deal with his enemies, "Tell me everything you have learned, Sentinel. Tell me - What is 'Project End'?"

In the morning, Sunset was dressed in her pajamas brushing her teeth. She approached to her bedroom where she saw her boyfriend Flash sleeping on her bed. Ever since the Rainbow Rocks, both of them got back together and dated for almost a year. She had loved him since the very first day she came to Canterlot High.

Sunset smiled as she approached to the bed. She shook him gently in waking him up. Flash moaned and yawned softly as he slowly got up from his bed. He turned and looked at her. He smiled happily while looking at her.

"Hey babe," Flash greeted happily.

Sunset giggled a bit, "Hey yourself, handsome. So, how's your sleep at my home?"

"Feels great, especially sleeping with my very first girlfriend," Flash answered happily. He then looked at Sunset's happy smile, "Now... That's the smile I've always wanted to see. I knew you had kept it beneath you since the day we meet. I had the feeling that you weren't honest with yourself."

"Really? What makes you think of that?"

"Not easy to know how the girls feel or react. But I do know that you'd never smile before in your life."

"Which is true, Flash. All my life is that I wanted to become the best princess that the world ever has. But that changes when Twilight saved me from my inner demon."

"She sure did. I guess you got jealous of me when I stick with Twilight, didn't you?"

"Nope... Not at all. But I just had the feeling that she had someone else she liked. For me, I've always liked and loved you."


Sunset smiled while blushed, "Say... How about we could have a little long kiss? I like that a lot."

"I like that idea, Sunset... You are my girlfriend after all," Flash smiled.

Sunset and Flash leaned towards each other as they both gave a long and passionate kiss on each other's lips. They then hugged each other passionately. And before they could continue, they heard some knocking noise. They turned to the window which was covered by the shimmering sun curtain.

Flash groaned, "You've gotta be kidding me..."

Flash took the alarm clock. He threw it straight to the curtain in knocking something or someone behind it.

"OW! Hey, that hurt! That is so mean, yo!" Two voice exclaimed in pain.

Sunset groaned in annoyance, "Wheelie! Brains!"

Busted! Both Wheelie and Brains emerged from the curtain. They both met the glares from Sunset and Flash. They smiled innocently.

Sunset grunted angrily, "I thought I told you to sleep in your own room."

"Yeah... Didn't Sam teach your about giving privacy space for just two of us? That was kinda rude," Flash said in annoyance.

Wheelie glared at Flash, "Of course, I do! But not you around with my Goddess of Sun!"

"You've got that right!" Brains chuckled in amusement.

"Man..." Flash said in annoyance as he turned and looked at Sunset, "I still can't believe that you're still keeping these perverts at your home. Shouldn't they be with the Autobots?"

Sunset giggled a bit, "Can't help it. Wheelie and Brains are my first best friends before I make with others. And of course, Sideswipe comes too. Wow... He was in terrible shape."

"Yeah... But thanks to all of us, we fixed and saved him in time. And best of all, I like his new cool car mode. I hope you're ready for the car test."

Sunset blushed in embarrassment, "Yeah... I don't think that's a great idea. You saw how bad it was when I drive the car. I don't want to hurt Sideswipe."

"Chilax, Sunset. You've got a driver instructor. And of course, Sideswipe will turn the tide and make sure that you are safe from harm."

"Well... I guess so. I could try it."

Flash smiled as he leaned towards Sunset, "I'm sure you can. I've got faith in you. You can do it..."

As Flash and Sunset were about to kiss, Wheelie jumped up in-between them as he pushed them aside.

"Don't even think about it, lovebirds!" Wheelie exclaimed in annoyance. He took Sunset's Sunshine Cellphone up, "And by the way, we've got Rainbow Crash urgent now! She said it's emergency!"

Brains huffed in annoyance, "I wonder what kind of trouble she's into now. She sure cause lots of detention from Simmons."

Sunset sighed, "Hopefully, it's not serious." She took the cellphone as she read it carefully. She had the sudden shock and concern expression. Something bad has happen. She turned to her friends, "Quick! To Sideswipe! Rainbow needs some help!"

Sunset and Flash got dressed. Sunset's dress was in blue shirt with yellowish highlighted mini-skirt, a black tank jacket, a blue jean and black high-heeled boots than her usual dress. She, her boyfriend and Minicons got into the familiar advance yet cool-type silver Chevrolet Car-like from the garage.

Sunset opened the garage's gate by her remote. She started the engine in ready to drive the car.

"Hey, Sunset! Ready to ride?" Sideswipe asked curiously, "And hopefully, try not to cause some literally damages. Joyce sure got pissed of that for paying your bills."

Sunset smiled, "I am. Just be sure that I don't get carried away."

"I'll keep an eye on her," Flash smiled and winked at the car.

Both Wheelie and Brains sighed in annoyance from their backseats.

"This never gets old..." Brains remarked.

"Tell me something I don't know about. Let's just hope we come back in one-" Wheelie screamed wildly as Sunset drove the car at once. He screamed in fear, "PIECES!!!! MOMMY!!!"

Sunset drove the Chevrolet Car straight through the main road. She spotted some of cars blocking her way as well as the traffic. She smirked as she kicked the gas in speeding the car while the boys screamed in fear. She dodged, avoided and passed the cars from blocking her way.

She then came across the traffic light. She smirked as she kicked it very hard in speeding the car off. She was heading straight to the traffic which its post slowly turned the green into yellow. The boys screamed in fear as they shouted in fear and worry. The traffic slowly transformed yellow into red. The cars were about to pass but she passed the traffic light and turned to right at once before accident happens.

Sunset continued driving the car in passing all of the blocking and slowly cars. She spotted the Cnanterlot High up ahead. She quickly put a pedal to the break in stopping the car while rotated the wheel on right side. The boys screamed in fear and worry. The car spun around and around the area before stopped and parked straight in horizontal line. That was close...

Sunsets sighed in relief, "So, how do I do?"

Flash and the Minicons were in shock and freaked-out mode as they were too scared to think or commented of Sunset's driving.

"Next time... You drive, blue flare," Wheelie commented.

Brains nodded nervously, "No offense, of course. We're not use to action style now..."

Sunset looked down in upset. Flash noticed it as he cleared his throat, "Hey... At least, you got more improvement than before, Sunset." She turned and looked at him. He smiled, "That's my honest. At least, you didn't get us crash. That's important."

Sunset blushed while looking at him lovely and happily. Both Sunset and Flash leaned closely as they were about to kiss.

"Uh... Guys? Rainbow? Emergency?" Sideswipe's voice reminded the couples.

Sunset and Flash groaned in annoyance as they hated someone interrupted their kiss and moment. They quickly got down as once. Both Wheelie and Brains jumped into her bag at once. They then quickly headed off at once.

Sunset and Flash spotted Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Cutie Mark Crusaders at the Canterlot High's Entrance as they were both chatting. But they weren't the only ones come and meet up with Rainbow. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie and even some of Dragon Strike Force members had arrived.

"I got your text, Rainbow Dash!" Sunset called in concern at Rainbow Dash, "Did something come through the portal? Is Equestrian magic on the loose? Did Twilight come back with a problem that only we can solve?!"

"Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?!" Pinkie asked happily while holding her greenish cupcakes. She then ate them happily. Everyone looked at her oddly and concerned of what was she thinking. She smiled innocently, "What? I'm hungry..."

Rainbow Dash took her guitar out of her case before smiled innocently as she turned to her friends, "Um, not exactly."

Sunset asked in confuse and surprise, "Uh, I don't understand."

Applejack sighed, "Well, Sunset, I was just tellin' Rainbow Dash here that a broken guitar string doesn't really qualify as an emergency."

"It totally does!" Rainbow insisted.

"Seriously?!" Wheelie and Brains popped out and asked angrily.

"Really, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said in annoyance, "I was in the middle of sewing a very complex appliqué on my latest frock."

Shorty sighed as he turned his camera off, "And I was in the middle of shooting the film on Rarity's latest design. We're in short of time... Again..."

Fluttershy nodded as she held Angel like a mother holding and rocking a baby, "And I was just about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter. Now we'll have to start stories all over again."

"What a waste of time indeed," Terrorcreep remarked in annoyance. He held his coat tightly in covering his face, "I was lucky that my coat was strong enough to block heaven's light on me. It burns me..."

Fluttershy patted Terrorcreep gently, "It'll be alright. I promised."

"Rainbow Dash..." Aqaustroke gritted in annoyance.

Blazefist sighed, "You really picked the best athlete alright, Aqua..."

"Aw, come on, couches!" Rainbow exclaimed in annoyance, "At least, I didn't get another detention class from Mr. Simmons again. Boy, that old man really need some time out. At least, Cranky is better than him."

"Why would you send all of us an emergency text for a guitar string?" Flash asked in annoyance, "You wasted my moments with Sunset. That was the best part of my life! Thanks a lot."

Saber Dragoon looked at Flash, "Seriously? Did you do that with her?"

"No! I didn't!" Flash denied angrily while blushed in embarrassment.

"Chillax, Blue. I was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar licks," Rainbow said calmly as she waved her hands at the Crusaders who were sitting down and smiling happily. She smiled in embarrassment, "but I kinda need all six strings to do it. Got any extra?"

Everyone groaned in annoyance. They really hated it whenever Rainbow Dash got fused off about her awesomeness and coolest stuffs to do.

Flash took a string out from his bag. He passed it to Rainbow Dash as she fixed it.

"But everyone finished practicing for the day." Tailtech said in concern while crossed his hands, "I'm pretty sure all the music rooms are locked."

Icy nodded, "Tail's right. How on earth are you gonna play the guitar?"

Rainbow Dash smirked, "No problem. The acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power chords." She then gave a stroke on her guitar's strings for the moment. She smirked, "C'mon! Let's go!"

"Yeah! RAINBOW ROCKS! RAINBOW ROCKS!" Crusaders cheered happily and wildly.

Blazefist sighed, "I can never understand that girl."

"Well, at least she's loyal and good friend. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have gotten our married in time-" Aqua joked in amusement as she held Blazefist's scarf in bringing him towards her. She smirked, "-now wouldn't we?"

Blazefist smirked as he chuckled a bit, "Boy... You sure know how to make a guy like me to fall for you, even you cut your hair short."

Both Aquastroke and Blazefist kissed for the moment before they departed and headed into the school. Everyone followed and entered it. Applejack and Saber Dragoon stopped as they both noticed Sunset, Flash and Minicons stayed behind.

"You comin', Sunset?" Applejack asked in concern.

Sunset replied, "I'll catch up in a bit."

Saber Dragoon nodded his head, "Okay... But don't be late again. And keep the Minicons from making a fuss from the girls lockers. We don't want the Autobots get blamed for this again."

The four rolled their eyes while smiled in amusement. With Saber and Applejack entered the school, Sunset sat down as she took her magical book out. Flash, Wheelie and Brains sat closed to her. She began writing down on the book.

"Dear Princess Twilight, how's life treating you in Equestria? Any cool new magic spells? It's been pretty quiet here at CHS since the Battle of the Bands. And not to mention, the world is still having some kind of problems and especially when it comes to Strikespell. Since Lord Azure's retired, he's now the Secretary of United States. And now he's trying to unite the world as one. He almost complete that. I'm worried that power will consume him. But never mind of that jerk, We still pony up when we play music, which Rainbow Dash just loves to show off. But I still can't quite grasp what it's all about. I would love to hear what you think about it when you get a sec. And hopefully, his counterpart could provide some advice to deal with the Human. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

Flash smiled, "Wow... You sure loved to make some reports of your findings, don't you?"

"Yeah... It helps me not to forget of what I've learned," Sunset answered, "That's what Twilight had taught me of what to do with it. I had to admit it. It does help me. It does make me feel more comfortable and happy. Writing about Friendship is the greatest assignment I've always wanted to do..."

Flash pushed the book down while looking at Sunset. She looked at him back.

"Not greatest as you are..."

Both Flash and Sunset leaned and kissed each other's lips passionately and happily. Both Wheelie and Brains groaned in annoyance before making disgusted noise about it.

As the couples and their friends were busy for their own business, the bus was stopped at the bus stop. The cyanish hooded figure with blue jean climbed down the bus's stairs. She took an electromagnetic tracker-like. She turned it on as it began making noise while the arrow was locating and pointing at the energy's signature. It pointed at the Horse Statue.

The mysterious girl hummed in concern as she followed it and observed her tracker carefully. It does pointed at the statue. She placed her hand on it as she was checking.

Wheelie and Brains spotted the strangers.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! We've got contact!" Wheelie called, "Stranger from the city!"

Brains turned and glared at the couple, "Hey! Stop making love! We've got situation to deal with!"

Both Flash and Sunset stopped as they turned and found the girl was touching on the statue.

Flash called, "Hey! What are you doing?!"

The mysterious girl turned and found the couple glancing at her. She quickly turned off her tracker as she headed off at once before she get caught. She headed straight to the bus stop. Sunset and her three friends chased after her.

"Wait! Stop!" Sunset called at the girl. But she was stopped as some cars passing her by. And by the time the cars left, she found the girl entered the bus. It left. Sunset hummed, "Who was that?"

"Whoever that was..." Wheelie hummed as well, "I don't like it. Not one bit..."

Within the bus, the mysterious girl took a seat at the back. She lowered her hood as she revealed her face. She was none other than Twilight Sparkle with her hair tied up and wore a glasses. She sighed in relief. But what was she doing at Canterlot High? And what purpose she was searching for?

No one knows it. The bus headed straight to the city.

At the G.I. Joe's base, Roadblock was alone at his office. He was excising and training himself to be more fit and ready for the battle through punching the bags, push-ups, lifting the dumbbell and riding the upright bike and now he was pulling his Dual Adjustment Pulley.

Roadblock panted and breathed heavily as he looked up and glared at the billboard. It consisted of not only Cobras, but their connection to both Decepticons and Dark Terrorists as well as the mysterious 'Project End' and the artificial 'Rainbow Energon' that he and his team came across. Something's bound to happen but what.

Roadblock glared at Cobra Commander's Wanted Picture, "I'll find you. I'll find you, Lewis. When I do, I'm gonna make you suffered for everything you had to the Joes and Duke. The Joes are gonna finish your Cobras off for good, Cobra Commander..."

Roadblock hasn't forgiven or forgotten of what Cobra Commander had done to all of G.I. Joes and his best friends as well as destroying nearly millions of lives. He will do what he can to put an end of his enemies once and for all...

Within the dark room, Dark Curse was sitting down on his seat as he was looking at some holographic screens which included Galvatron and Cobra Commander. The meeting was about to happen...

"Gentlemen, Decepticons and Mutants," Dark Curse greeted calmly before he smirked darkly, "Thank you for coming to the first meeting. Have you all wondered why we have gathered here?" They all looked at him. He smirked darkly, "The end of Humanity is near... And the world can finally be ours."

The leaders of terrorists, criminals and thieves muttered in surprise and concern. They knew what Dark Curse was talking about now. So, it is here at last...

"And so it begins?" Galvatron asked in amusement. He chuckled a bit, "I've been waiting of this for a long time."

Cobra Commander nodded, "Indeed. After a long struggle with our enemies and especially archenemies, the project is done and ready to attack."

"Yes, it will," Dark Curse nodded in agreement. He chuckled in amusement, "The world will fall. The age of Humanity will be no more. Let the Project End begins..."

Dark Curse smirked darkly and proudly as everything he had dreamed and waiting for years had finally come true. His final war with Humanity draws near...

Twilight Sparkle reached to the crystallized yet modern and civilized school. She had arrived at her private office. She looked at the billboard which filled with mysteries and cases of Canterlot High including the 'Battle at Ellis Island' from last year's event. She then placed the picture of Horse statue on the billboard.

Twilight hummed, "I will find that source. And I'll find and meet you in person, my counterpart. I have to. I want to know more about you and the world you lived. I want to know more about the energy you possessed..."

Twilight turned to her personal computer as she began her work and researched on Canterlot High's mysteries and cases, including building and fixing the amulet device-like. But for what purpose is she planning to meet her counterpart and learning about the other world?

Chorus: Ahhh-ahhh...
Na, na, na-na-na, oh


Chorus: Ahhh-ahhh...
The Friendship Games!


Sunset and her Main Five stood on the stage, along with both Dragon Strike Force and Autobots on pure white light side. Followed by black dark side, it comes with Twilight Sparkle and her new and mysterious team, along with Shadow Dragon and G.I. Joe.

Applejack and Sugarcoat flipped their rodeo hat and glasses up. Bumblebee and Smokescreen armed with his Buster Canon and Megaton Blaster while Snake-Eyes and Jinx armed with their katanas. Saber Dragoon took his twin swords out in ready to fight with his enemies.

Chorus: We've come this far
And we're not goin' back (No way!)
Prepare yourself
Cause we're on the attack (Attack!)

Fluttershy and Sour Sweet gave each other a glare yet different expression. Fluttershy's was concern and afraid while Sour Sweet's was pure confidence. Hound armed with his blasters and grenades while Prowl armed with his shuriken as they both had their backs touched in ready to battle. Both Flint and Lady Jaye were armed with their pistols in ready to fight. In upside down position, Terrorcreep has his glaring and glowing red eyes in ready to attack.

Chorus: Won't have to find us
We'll be trackin' you down (Right now!)
And when we're finished
We'll be takin' the crown

Both Sunny Flare and Rarity gave each other a flip of their hair. Drift was meditating peacefully while Sideswipe armed with his Dual Blades in ready to fight. Scarlett armed with her crossbow in ready to fight and Tunnel Rat was digging out a hole from the ground. Shorty Thinking, Tailtech and Icy were making the devices.

Chorus: All the way (all the way)
All the way to the Friendship Games

Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap gave each other a punch-gesture in ready to fight. Breakaway transformed into his robot mode while flying in midair. Ripcord was armed with his mecha-suit in punching and battling his enemies. Aquastroke and Blazefist were both armed with their Water Claws and Blazing Phoenix Fists in ready to fight.

Chorus: Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!
All the way (all the way)
All the way to the Friendship Games

Both Sunset and Twilight faced at each other off. Optimus Prime armed with his sword and shield in ready to fight while Roadblock armed with Gatling Blaster in ready to fight with his enemies. Shadow Dragon and Mystic Knight were glaring at each other while clenching their fists tightly.

Chorus: Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!
Hey! Ho!
Hey! Let's go!

Pinkie Pie was eating her cupcakes while Lemon Zest took her earphone while glaring at her. Crosshairs walked on the smoking area while holding his guns. Spirit was meditating with his animal comrades and especially an eagle on his shoulder. Laxtinct was showing off his muscles in ready to challenge.


Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Matt Lanter as Shadow Dragon

Troy Baker as Mystic Knight

Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson as Roadblock

Rainbow Dash: We studied hard
And we're here to win

Chorus: Whoa-oh

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack & Rainbow Dash

Mark Ryan as Bumblebee

Nolan North as Smokescreen

Andrew Kishino as Breakaway

Will Friedle as Saber Dragoon

Janet Verney as Aqaustroke

David Faustino as Blazefist

Michael B. Jordon as Ripcord

Koyuki Kato as Jinx

Applejack: We're only tellin' you once

Andrea Libman as Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie

John Goodman as Hound

John DiMaggio as Crosshairs

Jeff Bennett as Prowl

DJ Cotrona as Flint

Adrianne Palicki as Lady Jaye

Slyvester Stallone as Spirit

Matthew Mercer as Terrorcreep

P.J. Bryce as Laxtinct

Sunset Shimmer: Our magic comes from the inside out

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity

Skip Stellrecht as Shorty Thinking

Ken Watanabe as Drift

James Remar as Sideswipe

Jet Li as Tunnel Rat

Evangeline Lily as Scarlett

Main Six: What you see's what you get
Don't you ever forget

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Vincent Tong as Flash Sentry

Jesse McCartney as Lance Justicestrike

Kira Tozer as Nyx

Tom Kenny as Wheelie

Reno Wilson as Brains

Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager

Bruce Willis as Joe

Chorus: All the way (all the way)
All the way to the Friendship Games
Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!

Doug Ertholtz as Strikespell

Kyle Hubert as Cunning Fury

Lee Byung-hun as Storm Shadow

Frank Welker as Galvatron

Robert Baker as Cobra Commander

Steven Blum as Dragoclaw

Lathan Gaines as Dark Curse

Chorus: All the way (all the way)
All the way to the Friendship Games
Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!


Chorus: Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!
(Softer) Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!
(More Softer) Na, na, na-na-na, oh
Na, na, let's go!

Twilight has completed her work on making the amulet. She's ready to find and learn more about the magic. She won't stop until she got what she needed to know...

To be Continued...

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