• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 4,473 Views, 169 Comments

Celestia takes a vacation - Hydralisk

Princess Celestia has nearly 100 years of unused vacation, but that was about to change when a magic portal appears out of nowhere and whisks her away to a unknown world to be a familiar for a bratty noble.

  • ...

Where Celestia discovers

Louise really wanted to curse right now.

The fact that the only thing that was visible of the sun was a red tint in the sky, and that she was already fully awake and had finished all her morning rituals, really set her off.

The only thing that was stopping her, was the fact that enduring the pain meant magic lessons with her new Teacher.

And, while they where theoretical, it was still new things that she didn’t know before. So, for now, Louise decided that using words that would make her eldest sister come all the way to the academy just to punish her was out of the question.

“...and so, the problem with levitation is not the initially needed power, but the amount of power that is necessary to hold the object in the air and, depending on the weight of said object, the focus to direct the weight away from you. For example, most unicorns do it to the ground beneath them.” Celestia finished.

“So, when I am levitating something then the weight of the thing I am levitating is pressed onto me?” Louise asked.

“That is correct, but because you have been lifting such small objects until now, and using your whole arms, you haven't even realized it yet. Where you to lift something big, like a dragon, I’m sure that you would hurt yourself quite badly.” Celestia confirmed.

“How do I redirect the weight then?” Louise asked.

“That’s something we will focus on when you can levitate without my help.” And Louise spirit dropped again. “It’s getting time for your classes, so we should continue this later.”

Louise took her notes, placed them back on her nightstand, and picked her bag up.

It has been nearly a week since she summoned Celestia and, in that week, she had learned more about practical magic or the arcane, as Celestia sometimes called it, then in all her life. Beyond that, Louise really doubted that she would be able to read what she had learned somewhere else. No, what she was currently learning was Unicorn magic, Celestia made that pretty clear.

To think, that she would be learning a kind of magic that probably had never been studied by humans before! For her to even be capable of learning it!

It was so surreal, but at the same time it was happening. Louise was nearly able to ‘hold’ the magic on her own and that would mark her second ever successfully casted spell.

There was still that doubt in the back of her head, fearing that Celestia would leave here, but she silenced that under multiple metric tons of hope that was only been increasing since day one.

And so, she learned day in, day out, without rest. The normal classes where more of a break from her classes with her new teacher than actual learning.

Of course she didn’t tell Celestia that, she would probably get lectured about the importance of education.

It was strange to Louise. Celestia was the weirdest teacher she ever had, and she didn’t mean the fact that she was a giant pony with wings and a horn. No, it was her teaching methods and how she behaves. Normally teachers would just tell you what to do and then simply test if you can do it, or not, that was how it had been so far. With Celestia, there was no testing. So far she simply taught and it felt like she was holding her hand all the way.

It felt warm, in a way, to have someone care for you in that way.

It felt similar when she was with Princess Henrietta.


Louise could hardly wait to show Celestia to the prince...

“The familiar exhibition!” Louise screamed out on the way to morning class.

“Louise!” A startled Celestia cried out.”What is going on?”

Louise turned to her. “I completely forgot the familiar exhibition! It’s today!”

“Calm down Louise.” Celestia said to the now hyperventilating little girl. “Count to ten and then tell me exactly what’s going on.”

Louise did as instructed.”There’s this really important event where we show of the summoned familiars and it is really important because the princess will be there and we have to prepare something but I completely forgot that it is today, aaaaa what do I do, what do I do, what do I do!?” She said without taking a breath.

Celestia, after digesting the information, gave the most thought out and well formulated answers of all time.

“And?” Louise could only stare at her with an eye twitching.

She was about to start the rant of the century about prestige and the importance of standing but Celestia shushed her before she could start. “Think Louise, this contest is meant for animals and showing them off, am I right?” Louise nodded. “Then it’s no problem, I just do some flying and magic and everything will be fine.”

“You don’t understand Celestia, I HAVE to make a good impression on the princess, I haven’t seen her in such a long time.”Louise pleaded.

“Do you know her personally?” She asked back.

“Yes, I had the honor to be the royal playmate before a few years ago.” Louise said, making sure not to cross Celestia’s eyes.

“So, your childhood friend.” Celestia was not sure what to really think about that, after all, the memory of children like the young Blueblood was still in her mind, but the older version of him was also very... memorable. Well, if Louise wanted to impress her childhood friend, who was Celestia to not grant her that wish? “I will think of something, Louise, and make sure that it will be spectacular.” Louise felt relieved at that. “Anyways, let's go to class, you don’t want to be late, do you?” she said.

“Let’s go!” Louise was happy feeling as if nothing could go wrong.

Louise was so scared she had no idea why she was still present at the exhibition, heck she was wondering why she was still in Tristram and why she hadn’t already run away on shame into a far off country, changed her name and appearance, started a life as a farmer, got married to a good hearted husband, had many children and raised them with love. It would be a shameful life but she would still love them. Then a war would break out and claim her husband and children's lives, driving her to madness and forcing her to take vengeance upon the nobility, whereupon she would start a bloody revolution in revenge which would end in her facing Princess Henrietta on the battlefield in a fight for life and death to extract revenge on those who she thinks wronged her.

Scratch that, just failing the Exhibition was better, Louise thought while coming down from her overdrive mode.

Besides, maybe that day actually wouldn’t end int total tragedy. Yes she, should trust her teacher and familiar.

Then she witnesses Tabitha's spectacular show and starts hyperventilating again.
“What are you thinking about, Louise?” Came Celestia’s voice hoping to catch Louise off guard.

Louise, instead of being surprised, simply turned to Celestia and asked: “Do you think Romalia is nice this time of the year?”

“Why do you want to know that?” Celestia asked back.

“No reason at all.” Louise said while averting her eyes, something that, Celestia noticed, she had started to do more frequently since mentioning Henrietta that morning.

Celestia was confused for a second before realization dawned on her face. “Ok, first of all, panic doesn't suit you at all.” She explained, “And second, when you don’t want to be found, I suggest you go somewhere less obvious, preferably a place with no ties to Tristain.” Celestia explained with a smile.

Louise simply looked at her with one eye twitching and trying to comprehend what she had just said. “Since when are you able to read minds?!” She asked accusingly.

“I learned it about seven-hundred years ago, but I don’t like using it at all, it is such a gross invasion of privacy.” Celestia answered truthfully.

Now both of Louise eyes twitched in a dysfunctioning manner.

“O come on, what is the worst that could happen? Yea, She might banish you from Tristain. Or throw you into a dungeon. Or banish you and then throw you into a dungeon in the place that she banishes you to!” The Princess said humorously.

“Ehhhhhh…” Louise moaned like a dying puppy.

“Regardless, I hope I am not late, was I announced yet?”

“A spectacular performance from Tabitha and her familiar Sylphid.” The announcer said. “Next up is the familiar of Louise de La Vallière. The Alicorn Celestia!”

“Well that’s my mark.” Celestia said with a smile and teleported onto the stage.

It had been a while since she last participated in any activity like that. Mind you, not as ‘Celestia’, no, to put on a good show she had to be someone else. The last time she was a pegasus named Morning Sun and, if humans were anything like ponies, then a exclusive wonderbolt show would definitely be something impressive.

And with that, Celestia took to the air at a speed that made Sylphid jealous.

She did barrel rolls, aileron rolls, twists and sharp 90° turns at a speed that would break a human body in half. And she did it all while still looking graceful and elegant. She continued the show for a few minutes and then did a sharp upwards turn. Celestia continued to rise and, just when she reached the clouds, she stopped. For a short moment it looked like she was hovering in the sky like an angel, before she folded her wings and began to fall. The audience gasped sharply at that and got even more paiced when she opened her wings again and used all her might to increase her downwards speed.

Celestia was in a rush, going down at a speed that she hadn’t reached in more than millennia. The speed, the adrenalin, it was breathtaking and she loved it. White sparks slowly began to appear in front of her as the barrier appeared in front of her. She pushed and pushed with all her might against the forces that wished to bound her to the rules of the world.

But she was Celestia, and let it be known that much greater forces have tried, and with that thought the world around her gave in and the barrier shattered.

To the audience, all what they heard and saw was a explosion and a light so bright that they had to avert their eyes.

But once they looked up again they were greeted by a exploding rainbow that passed over the sky in a way so spectacular that the heaven itself seemed to make way for its glory.

Celestia landed back on the stage and shook her head once. It was so silent that you could have dropped a pin and someone in the capital would be able to hear it.

Then the second explosion was heard, this time it was the roaring cheer from the crowd.

Celestia would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. She had always been one for theatrics and right now she was in her element. She would have to ask Louise if there were more contests like these. She would love to comped.

The rest of the competition wasn’t nearly as impressive as Celestia and the only contestants who had made an even slightly comparable impression were Tabitha and Sylphid.

But in the end, the result was clear and Louise with Celestia by her side accepted the praise and trophy from the princess.

At that moment, she couldn’t have been more happy.

“That was great!” Louise screamed out when they reached the room in the eventing. “First you were like wush, and then, and then the whole sky blew up, and the colors were so pretty!”

“Calm down Louise, you might wake up the other students.” Celestia said after soaking up a bit of that praise, and Louise had the decency to blush a bit.

“How did you do all of that? You were faster than a wind dragon and-and so agile.” Louise still had stars in her eyes.

“In my youth I was in a group of flyers. Most of the things I did come from there.” Celestia explained. “Anyway, it’s time for you to go to bed as it’s getting late.” Louise was still not over the fact that her new teacher was turning around her sleeping schedule like that, but, with one look at the new trophy that was standing on the table the grudge was forgotten.

Louise was already changed on her nightgown and only needed to lay down.

But that was not to be as a knocking interrupted them.

“Who could this be at this hour?” Louise asked as she walked to the door to opened it. Before she could even ask, a hooded form slipped in and closed the door quickly behind her.

Celestia was instantly on the edge, but it proved to be unnecessary as the hood was pulled back revealing Princess Henrietta smiling fondly. “Louise, my dear, it has been so long.”

“Your highness!” Louise screamed out but instantly had her mouth covered by the princess’ hand.

“Shh, no one know I am here.” She said in partic. Louise could only nod numbly with her mouth still covered. “Oh Louise, it has been so long since I last see you! It has been awful not being able to even visit my best friend.”

“I haaa musss yoo too Pwinness.” Was all what Louise could say through her covered mouth. Henrietta's checks went beat red as she realized that she still had her hand there, and quickly moved it away. “I have missed you too, Princess. But why are you sneaking around like that?”

Henrietta sighted at that. “I love my guards, but they can get way too protective outside of the castle.” Celestia had to smirk at that. “And privacy is not something you can have with them around.” Henrietta got a smirk at that. “But now that we Do have our privacy, why don’t we use it?”

And with that, she pushed herself against Louise, locking her lips with her own as she forced her tongue through Louise’s lips.

For Celestia, multiple things just clicked. The nervousness, the dodging the topic of the relationship, and how relieved she was at the childhood friend part.

And, while she had nothing against that kind of show, she really didn’t want to watch her student getting intimate. The only problem was that the lovebirds were blocking the door.

And so, Celestia pulled attention to herself in the most tactful manner. “While I am really happy for you Louise, can that wait until I left the room?”

Both girls froze, wide eyed, at that. Louise because she forgot Celestia was in the room and Henrietta because she had no idea Celestia could even talk. Louise was the first to break out of the shock and broke the kiss to the disappointment of Henrietta.

“You can never tell anyone of this, you hear me?” Louise said in panic.

“My lips are sealed.” She stated with a smirk. “Well, at least until I get a reason to blackmail the princess.” She added jokingly

“Celestia!” Louise screamed out accusingly, lucky for hear Celestia had already placed an anti sound charm as she realized where this was going.

Henrietta, meanwhile, had fallen into as state of soul crushing depression. ”...we will be burned, and my country is going to hate me for this, mother will banish me. Or throw me into a dungeon. Or banish me and then throw me into a dungeon in the place that she banishes me to!”

“Snap out of it Princess!” Louise said while shaking Henrietta violently.

After everything calmed down a bit, Louise explained. ”It all started when my mother had to visit the palace about a year ago. Normally, I wouldn’t dare to approach my mother, but I was getting so lonely that I just had to ask her to take me with her.”

From there Henrietta took over. “At the start, everything was calm and happy, we drank tea and talked a lot. I, for one, was overjoyed to meet with Louise again after such a long time.” Henrietta again got a red face after that. “Then we went to my room as our mothers started talking about some important things.” Henrietta averted her face. “I usually don’t drink much wine but, for a change, no one was watching us and we thought it would be fun.”

“The next morning we woke up in the same bed with all our memories intact.” Louise finished. “From that moment onwards we decided to meet as much as possible.”

Celestia nodded at that. “Not the most interesting story, but I still wish you the best of luck and fun, however what I don’t understand is why you still call her ‘Princess’ or ‘Your Highness’.”

Louise flinched at that. “We-well, you see… it's because it’s the proper thing to do! Tha-that’s how you refer to those above-I mean In charge! I mean! The authority! Yes, that.”

“And I am the authority, am I right, Louise?” Henrietta asked her playfully poking into her side.

“Yes -yes.” Her friend answer her with a light blush in her cheeks.

“So, Louise,” The princess started whispering into her friend’s ear. “Do you still have that riding crop?”

And with that, Celestia silently left the room leaving the two lovebirds alone.

Luna was snoring.

Snoring very, I repeat, Very loudly.

Infact, Twilight had no idea how the castle was still standing because that snoring was so loud that an ursa major would make sure to keep a huge distance between itself and Luna's snoring.

But alas, Twilight didn’t care.

After three nights of non-stop gaming fuelled with energy drinks, doritos and a few other things that she may declare illegal later on, she really couldn’t get herself to care at all.

Was she regretting throwing Celestia out so she had no fixed bedtimes and could pull multiple all nighters with Luna?


Still, it was strange to not be woken up to Celestia's happy-talking-them-out-of-bed thingy.



Stern Eye was there. When had she returned from her vacation? She should have been gone for at least two more days. The secretary-shaped spawned from tartarus was currently the most powerful pony in all of Equestria simply because she didn’t give a buck about who she was dealing with, she would just do things in her own way.

“We are bucked aren’t we?” Luna asked next to her, the mares having already developed a sixth sense for that fury that was knocking at the door.


“Eyup” Twilight replied.

Old Osmond realized one thing. He was too old to deal with this kind of situation.

The vault was empty.

Completely cleaned of all and everything that was inside with only a note left that pinned the crime to no other then Fouquet of the Crumbling Earth.

Every protective spell that had been on the place was completely gone and no one had any idea how it happened or had any leads at all.

This was truly a troubling situation, but for now he decided to keep quiet and write to a few old friends who had connections to the black market. With luck he would be able to recover most of the things.

For now, it was time to wait.