• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2023


do I exist? Do you exist? Maybe neither of us exist, but instead simply are. crackers.


Foxy, one night, is teleported by an unknown force to Equestria.
Can these ponies help him?
Can he even help himself after... 1987?

(I don't care that it was Fredbear. I love Foxy and he fits this more than a bear)
Over-all inspired by five nights in equestria. Check it out, it`s an awesome story!
(edit- cancelled because this isn't just inspired, it's basically a completely stolen concept from said story and honestly I shouldn't have done that and hoooonestly there's no way I'd ever finish this story, my apologies <3)

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 89 )

Ok, You have my attention.

Hmm, seems really interesting so far. Keep it up!

I see you made this after you read my story....it's not that I wish you'd not written this, I'd like you to say that it was inspired by mine. :ajbemused:

6296569 there shall be more, soon I hope. I have about half of the next chapter done:twilightsmile:


Any who good story so far can't wait to see what happens next


6296718 yay, thank you~ next chapter is half way done~

6296689 true, it was, and I shall now go write that.
I *speaking truthfully* did have a story where foxy is sucked into equestria in mind for a while though. Before your story. Yours just kind of set off the idea farther into my thoughts, causing me to write this story.
(IF that makes ANY sense at all)

I shall write that now... *rushes off*

6296689 *cough cough*
Better? Heh, sorry, I had forgotten about that~:twilightsheepish:

This is real cool but you never make it too clear what foxy is at the time. Or Im just dumb.:applejackunsure:

6296768 hm... You can search up a picture of him if you want, but in the chapter i`m currently working on, I`ll make sure to give a clear description:twilightsmile:~


Much better, thank you. :twilightsmile: I've had two people write their own stories inspired by FNiE now! :pinkiehappy:

6296820 wow, another one too? Cool!~:pinkiecrazy:

May I ask, for later boredom moments, what is this other one called?:twilightblush:

6296780 I just wanted to know if he was a pony or an animotronic. You never said.:twilightsmile:

6296850 oh, right. Um, he`s a still a bipedal creature (humanoid):raritywink:

Okay thanks for clearig that up also your other fnaf story is awesome:yay:


It's called "These traps will spring you" by margopolo_fimfiction. :twilightsmile:

6296908 :rainbowderp:I`m actually reading that story right now. Soooo, that`s what it was based off of. Nice, two of my favorite stories are connected!:heart:

yes. we will see...
more please!

6297652 there shall be more, either today, tomorrow, or... Um, Yeah I don`t know.
Be prepared!:raritywink:

6297704 prepare for unexpected, consequences?

6297752 maybe. Or maybe not. I don`t know even what i`m doing in this story, really.

6297758 sounds like how I feel about most, if not all, of my stories.

6297801 moar shall come... Um, soon. I think. Or not. Um, um.... Soon?:twilightsheepish:

Technically I think Fredbear caused the "Bite of 83" Because somethings hint at that year. Could be part of the reason either the first location closed down or Fredbear Diner's which caused it to sell to Fazbear and all that. Especially since in the first game in the the recordings Phone Guy said the animatronics use to ROAM AROUND during the day before the Bite of 87 happened which heavily implies that the culprit was an animatronic walking around on stage or in the pizzeria at the time. Fredbear stood on the stage the entire time when we witnessed the bite in FNAF 4 so that rules him out plus the fact when the bite was supposedly to happen Springtrap (Spring Bonnie at the time I suppose) and Fredbear were already scrapped along with the originals in favor of the toy series so they couldn't have done anything. If we take all this into account then Foxy couldn't be the culprit because he was scrapped as well, leaving only Mangle as the possible culprit plus the jumpscare she has so that does hint at something. What does everyone think about this? It seems like the most logically thing to happen and Scott isn't one to simply make things easy to figure out without a plot twist. In regards to stories then that would mean Foxy became a scapegoat somehow.

6297869 it would make sense, yes, and in the game it did say 83 somewhere... Of course I have to worst suggestion in the world . An old TV?

But otherwise, I do see your point.
Then of course, it just makes the story more interesting for the main character here to face the problem that got the others` freedom taken away.
And plus, in five nights in equestria, Foxy was the culprit, so I kinda just went with that:scootangel:

6297885 Indeed. And it's also possible that the things that make the theory complicated like the plushies and masks could be explained as the animatronics of which they represent don't yet exist but in a few years time would. I.E. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and such only exist as merchandise at that point in time and eventually get their animatronic counterparts. Would also explain any Toy series that appeared as masks and the Mangle in the kid's sister's room since that room obviously looks like a girl's room. What do you think?

Agreed, having to deal with an issue that someone else caused and then blamed for it? Yeah that is what I call unfair and makes things very interesting.

I don't think this is as bad as you think it is. I've enjoyed it though this chapter did have a dip in quality that is probably do to the creativity poured into the craziness we were part of.

The Freddy gang don't seem to care much about the only one of them willing to run, and they still think he will help them! I say if they apear they get slapped seven ways to Sunday.

6304415 thank you!:twilightsmile:
Once I get my inspiration back, imma continue it!~

Why are you offering crackers? Oh and yes please! (To the cracker that is) more please!

6305026 I offer crackers because I have extra.
I was preparing for a hiatus, and then that hiatus never came. I now have a truck-load of crackers.:trollestia:
(which also happens to be Foxy`s signature food!):twilightsmile:

6305103 yay! there`s a truck full over there if ye want more!

6305109 hehehahahaaaa!
*fades away with the truck of crackers...*:moustache::trollestia:

6305139 No!! Fine, I have another truck full in- somewhere else.:ajbemused:

6305270 *half the truck re-appears, with 5 crackers* :twilightblush:

I like this story. Please continue it.

6307855 Oh, I am, it`s just whenever I actually get the urge to continue it.
Right now i`m focused on starting Purple Tears two~:twilightsmile:

Okay. Hope it's soon. :twilightsmile:
Purple Tears 2 is gonna be good too though~

6308276 thank you! I`m almost done with finishing the start of it, too!~ (er, the first chapter, I mean)

Great! Can't wait to see it :twilightsmile:!
By the way, have you heard about FNAF 4? Haven't played it, but I hear it's the hardest yet. And possibly scariest. I say possibly because FNAF Chica's jumpscare scares me more than extra fangs. Still though, it is set in a bedroom. THAT is nightmare inducing.

6308292 Yep, I`ve even studied each mini-game, attempted drawing Foxy (he`s so cute! even as a nightmare!) and... Haven`t played it.
I wish I could, even with... Golden Freddy...

So... The next chapter will not be out until I finish Purple Tears 2.
Yes, you heard me.
Until I finish a 30 something chapter story, this will not happen.
There. Will. Be. A. Hiatus.

Grab your crackers.

6339311 Ok (grabs butter crackers and spreading knife) hey Jeramay go get the butter from the fridge (the zombie pig man sighed and got up off the couch) "yes boss" ok I'm ready.:moustache:

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