• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen February 26th

Jed R

Is Closed For Business

Comments ( 18 )

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

Huh, reminds me of a line from a Dan Bull rap.

6239530 Or, you know, Shakespeare. ;-) Dan Bull works too.

A Henry V by Shakespeare reference? I approve:moustache:

T'was a blast working on the Umbrella Man's appearance. Here's to a successful run :)

So elements of the FEAR universe is showing up now in the spectrum verse now? Now that is...scary.

It must be utterly bizarre that the Doctor and time travel are legitimate concerns for those in power in this war.

6400017 God, it really must be. These things used to be so simple...

...road, who had rode the road to the road’s ending...

that seems like one too many roads.
The King and an iPad mini...why those that seem off?
You capture the proud nature of the royals while still giving them the air of age. For that I bow to you.

And we immediately start the next section with a lot of feels. I mean it, this right here is powerful and anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one will relate to Harry immensely. Words cannot express how much I feel for this scene.
All in all a good start to the story (well prologue). We get a nice feel for the Royals. My personal fav is your version of William who comes off as a quiet soul with a lot on his mind. I am left wondering what happened to Phillip part of me knows he probably died. Any faults in this are minor nitpicks at best.

The road thing is an arc word. :-) Otherwise, thanks for a lovely review :-)

David and Sam...what can I say about them. Well for one thing the two come off as two people you would find having a chat just about anywhere they pleased, from pubs to docks. If they are two of our mains then I look forward to their banter. It reminds me of Han and Chewy (if Chewy could talk), if that makes any sense.

Delicate Daisy was nicknamed for her neck.

Here's me, John Constantine, trying...

I find the way we learn his name to be a little forced. I don't think people would think like that.
It appears Harry has taken on the burden of the world's defence. I like this, it calls back to the days when the Royals did go to fight in wars with the soldiers and makes a lot of sense for someone who has repeatedly watched his Grandmother, the longest reigning Monarch, make such a sacrifice.
Harry's opinion is understandable as is Williams and the fact that that pony was behind Harry made me hope to God it went well. Back to reading.
Insulted and still bows...damn she is really professional. A lesser writer would have used that as excuse for snide remarks. The whole exchange is quite powerful. It's like Lyra knows that Harry isn't just a Royal who's people are being threatened, he's a man who's lost his Grandmother. First and foremost, she knows that he is a person and that this man deserves to hear something from the heart. Lyra comes off as having a lot of guilt and given her love of humans (I'm assuming you're going with that, most fanfics do) it makes sense that she feels to guilty about her own race's war on humans (well, Queenie's) and how hurt she is that the creatures she once loved to research now fear or hate her kind. That on top of the body language she has in this scene, and Harry's own actually, make this really heartfelt and strong.

Considering the fact that Harry must have felt a whole lot of guilt during the time he was sat on his own (he did just lose his cool and insult the pony as she overheard and Lyra's reaction seem to catch him waaaaaaaay off guard) and what I think Harry has planned for himself during the war, this was a really nice gesture and goes towards his character growth very well.
One thing I've learnt. Never trust strange men with umbrella who work for the government. I;ll be keeping my eye on this person through the story.
I shall also keep that envelope in the back of my mind during this.
To sum up, a great chapter. I did begin to wonder again about Kate and the children of William (and possibly Harry if he has any since this is still the future). Part of me doesn't want to know while the other half keeps thinking of terrible things happening to them. Nevertheless this was a great chapter 1.


The part in the battle on the Human Liberation Ship Purity make me want to see some more military combat in the Spectrumverse in the future from the PHL similar to this:

And cain's off. I wonder if mr Levy will breathe a proverbial sigh of relief now that's he's not in the same camp as he is?

Glad to see this update again, and it's a good one too! Lots of things are about to happen it seems.

"I'd call high treason high treason more than 'distasteful'," Munro said.

The second high treason is redundant and something that a spelling & grammar checker would not mark as an error.

"I'd call high treason more than 'distasteful'," Munro said.

Elsewhere on the deck of the HMS Illustrious, clad in a military uniform with two stripes on his upper arm, David Elliot was (sat staring out to sea.)

Elsewhere on the deck of the HMS Illustrious, clad in a military uniform with two stripes on his upper arm, David Elliot was sitting on a catwalk above the flight deck, while staring at the endless sea.

Oh man, things are getting intense. Good stuff!

As a side note will the docs be updated when the new chapters begin or have they been moved?

7338652 There are going to be separate chapter docs :-) I will be updating the thread on the Spectrum group as chapter docs become available for perusal :-)

7338706 Okay cool, I'll keep an eye out then

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