• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen February 26th

Jed R

Is Closed For Business

Comments ( 11 )


5701637 Nice to see you again.

5701822 Well I couldn't resist looking up a story, still it's nice to find hidden surprises now and then.

I liked the F.E.A.R reference early on. Nowadays you only get references to games like Skyrim or Minecraft, written by children who have never played anything older than they are. :V

keep up the good work

Oh God, the things I would do with that reference if I could... but yeah, I thought that if everyone else could stick awesome stuff in, I could get away with a FEAR reference. Plus, I love that game: atmosphere, creepiness factor, and amazing gunplay. Seriously, I love the weapons from that game, especially the HV Penetrator and the VES advanced rifle from Perseus Mandate. Also the VK-12 Shotgun. Making things vaporise with a shotgun - unrealistic as heck, but it feels so awesome...


Shotguns? Pfft. Who needs shotguns when I can drop kick instakill people in slow motion?

5703840 But the cloud of red matter when you shotgun someone is so awesome... though you're right, drop kicks are cool.

This was a very nice read. A simple oneshot that's meant as a look in at the Universe TCB takes place in. Each story was gripping (though as a minor gripe, at times I had trouble understanding Kraber, but I suppose that's just a part of his character and he was getting drunk), and each one was a nice contribution to the war. I wonder if anypony ever did see the article, I hope so and maybe in the future we'll find out.
Anyway, thank you for writing this. :)

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