• Member Since 30th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 14th, 2015


Comments ( 57 )

2nd person is dangerous territory, it is a story that is about the reader after all. Although, given that "you" entails a female, rather than unisex, it might be a biiiit awkward for male readers, but I guess I know how female's feel when they read a second person story and "you" are a male. :rainbowlaugh:

Yep, I'm a bit of an oddity. I love 2nd person stories, but hate when they are nameless, faceless, characterless characters. And I generally say that e characters in my stories aren't 'you', so much as 'you' are them. I also mix in a bit of third person as well, to solidify that even thou you are seeing through their eyes. They are a character in a story, that you can hopefully relate with.

Hope that all made sense.


I like the way the story is told. While it's true a second person narrative should have a 'blank slate' as the main character, you seem to tell the story very well!

:rainbowderp: Hmm This is the best 2person fic i have ever read on this site

711651 Might wanna read "We are our Habits" then. I'm sure that'll change your opinion.

"...something to laugh at, but for a mare that spends..." *spit-take* WHAAAAAAAA?!
I totally didn't notice that before this part... I'm strangely OK with this. It took a bit to get "into the role" of a mare, but it seems to work pretty OK.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png

Sorry, not a lot of shipping, yet. Just more backstory and character building (or rather, bringing mental trauma levels up to a certain level :pinkiecrazy: (I mean, all of the mane cast have some pretty large demons in their past, why should any of my characters be different?). Short chapter this time, but that just means less wait! Also, still quite afraid this chapter is nothing more than a polished turd.

I really like writing badass pony scenes. Mysterious recruit, that's identity is pretty obvious needs more screen time being badass, just saiyin'


I roleplay female characters all the time, so basically, COME AT ME STORY!

856479 heh, sorry. Don't mean to leave people hanging. Still trying to finish up my other story, though, and work has been killer recently.

best night ever... knowing the show these words are cursed.

Best night ever...

Why am I getting a feeling of De javu? :applejackunsure:

I left my refrigerator running once...

Could've ran in the olympics, the dang appliance was so fast :C.


All's fair in love and war!

Well, there's also Lily from the original chapter, so, using my random equation of shipping, it's going to be a foursome AT LEAST , but who knows? Only the author (who needs to update soon, because patience isn't my strong suit D: ) :|.

>New chapter comes out.
>Instantly ask for more.

Isee for like the first half i thought the character was male, you should work in that more. but its good

she pissed herself? not gonna lie thats a rather apt reaction to such a terrifying moment.

well damn...............

1041304 I didn't think that was terribly necessary at first, since that's very bluntly stated in the synopsis, but it looks like I was wrong. When I start on the next chapter, I'll re-read and see where I can slip it in earlier.

Sorry for this being so damn short, I'm in the middle of an 11 day work-week that's followed by a single day off before another full work-week, and it's the best I could do in the time I've got. Even now, I'm trying to type this up before I have to head in and fix more stupid @#$%'s computers. *le sigh* At least the pay is good...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy where I'm taking this. (even though there are two lines of grimdark-ish content at the end)
hehe... Drama, drama everywhere.

IS this going to have any clop in it? ithink youd be great at it.

Huh, love triangle.

Don't see those often...

My Internet is making the animations go too fast.:derpyderp1:


Oh noes. Lily's going to overdose and possibly die! This is... this is... uh... EVIL! EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!

(I'm going to hell for this line) ...I guess you could say those seeds are... *puts on shades* 'growing' on her. YEAH~

Damn, unrequited love is a harsh mistress though. At least this isn't a Romeo & Juliet though, because I might just set myself ablaze and run around in circles screaming. You should just it a freaking theesome-- everyone/everypony's happy then. Granted, that probably won't happen, but now you're making me depressed, so I hope you're happy with yourself.

1116355 I will write those scenes for the advancement of the story only. I can say that there is one scene that I've been planning since the inception. It's actually on of the first things I thought up. I did write a bit of the scene in between last chapter and this one which is obviously a scene of that type, but I felt it was too grimdark in its delivery, so I axed it for the main story. Though, I may finish it and make it a bit of bonus content.

First thumbs down of this story. :(

Even with my track record (very low down to up ratio.)- or perhaps because of it - it makes me feel terrible every time.

Hmmm, the delicious sensualism found in the simple acts of being pampered. I haven't seen that in quite a while, and I must confess I enjoy some of how you do it.

I would say bad trip.
And the way the story is going, i kinda like it but i don't really know which way it is going.
Oh well you don't always know what's going to happen in life so its pretty realistic.

1117014 Will there be any actual clop? I would be ecstatic if you added one

:rainbowderp: No Lily, don't do it!

Ooooooooh, so much delicious draaaaaaaaaaama.

Loving this, want more, gimme gimme gimme.

1117189 Put bluntly, there will be a scene that depicts some VERY sensual activities. I can't do an outright and explicit sex scene because I didn't tick the little 'sex' box, but there will be some saucy and suggestive scenes. Think along the same lines as a Crowley fic. Kinda fitting, since he's sorta like the goal of any second person author in this community.

I dunno.... i'm interested in where this goes, so you get a thumbs up and a follow.

1040871 Maybe Lily was the intended love interest all along! Or maybe there are just two love interests?

The life of a socially impaired pony who's not a Mary Sue? Seems interesting. (Not being sarcastic)

Dram dra dra dra drama~ dra dra dra drama~


I'm only seeing one more chapter! Noes!
This story is pretty damn amazing. So, you know... :heart:

Sorry, I know this was one hell of a wait. :fluttercry:

If you can forgive me, and continue reading, then I hope that you enjoy it. I mentioned in one of my blog posts that I'm working on a project right now as well. I just wanted to reiterate that, and preemptively apologize for how slow it will make my writing. I promise to tell more about it when I can, but rest assured, it will be something that you'll see in the future.

Thanks again for those of you who read, follow, and comment. It does help me keep doing this. I can't say it enough. Thank you.

Haha thats cool this finally updated, now i have something to read tonight.

Oooh, baby, this I've gotta read. :twilightblush:

Sweet sexy Luna this was great!

Very nice. Faved and keepin tabs on it.

I can't wait to see what happens with Lily, actually. I find the other half interesting, don't get me wrong, but I find the first portion to be more intruguing to me. Don't ask me why.

Hmmm.... surprisingly, you have piqued my interests. Please, do go on with this.

Hnnnng filly Lotus and Aloe
Can't hold out against the cuteness much longer!


Yeah, it left me saddened...

(BECAUSE IT'S THE START OF THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE but I think we'll be surprised to learn what happens, as it'll be a curve ball)

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